Kitchen Nightmares Uncensored - Season 1 Episode 7 - Full Episode

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tonight on Kitchen Nightmares Gordon hits for an Italian restaurant that's headed for disaster why did you decide to become a chef owner if you haven't got a clue how to run a business but you couldn't tell that by watching the stairs Campania a business Sudeten in Campania or a high school cooking class the owner is the big man on campus people love my food no seriously in denial and the employees you seem to be here for the party couponing is like high school it's everybody like really gets a lot feel like I'm in the middle of a rehearsal for friends it takes forever for the food to get out of the kitchen on top of that there's not only fighting in the restaurant there's fighting in the parking lot and because the enormous portions are ensuring no one leaves without a party favor David always go selling there's the bone trim as well the food costs are out of control I can go in there and just give you 500 dollars of waste but now the party's over have to cut these portions down if Gordon can't get this cast of friends to grow up to get serious this restaurants going to be grounded for life tonight on Kitchen Nightmares it's not a lot of time this is serious time we're doing it okay [Music] Fair Lawn New Jersey a predominantly Italian community about 20 minutes from New York City for years Campania was a successful business but since Joe surnicc Lea took ownership 18 months ago the business has dramatically declined and it's only a few months away from closing good afternoon Campania I didn't go to culinary school what's this chicken for we don't have recipes we don't use measuring cups or spoons because I'm the best we have a lot of fun here sometimes I guess a bad thing because we don't take everything too seriously sometimes no job the kitchen's always playing practical jokes on each other sorry it's like a big romper room back there great we're all like little kids we're all very silly I'm still a kid I still have a tongue ring I still have a tattoo you know I don't really plan on changing the way I think anytime soon I am serious but I'm gonna have fun with it while I'm you know in the process compani definitely has its its its share of problems big problems our oven is broken completely broken these are not working ovens so they've now become storage for us we have to walk-ins the handles are broke first this latch broke so this door just kind of swings open it doesn't lock shut the men back here they should be able to fix it I think I'm a pretty Democratic boss open your freezer get me some punch Atta Joe gets very easily flustered and frustrated which a lot of times wines I'm making everybody break down it's frustrating yeah because who needs to come out quicker should have been done last night I worry about Joe I worry about stress level I worry about Melissa I worry about the boys it's not easy I'm financially in trouble the debt of the restaurant alone is overwhelming my personal debt wife kids mortgage that's a lot of debt you put everything into one venture it takes a lot of courage you know I owe my purveyors about $80,000 right now in cold hard cash I get something out to you on a Monday some of the purveyors will show up and ask for a check but I don't know if it's the economy or what I can't see us going out another year and and that's a really scary thought and I'm gonna do everything in my power to avoid that [Music] I'm looking for a restaurant and Italian restaurants on the main strip here Vanya thank you Campania hardly a perfect location for a restaurant on a strip mall but let's be honest is the food accounts and I've heard they've got problems on my own yes follow me most times I'm always on my own how are you today good are you doing heat well thank you you're welcome sorry thank you you welcome mr. Ramsay how are you man I'm Joe sandy glia good to see welcome to New Jersey is this uh you always pointing or is that just I don't know what I use my hands you know I'm southern Italian so there's a lot of that right that's the way I am it's the way I operate I don't know what he was looking at okay what would you like today may I start please I've tried the tortellini yes and then I'll try the ravioli came finish with four there with pistachio cranberry crusted breasts of chicken thank you thank you okay ready to go Joseph lamb white tortellini soup I mean I was smiling but my heart was racing I can head up to the tortellini soup I had tortellini soup work and I got my half Rav working at at all you my friend sound like a very very busy kitchen back there waiting for I hope Gore didn't satisfy if he's not sure he's gonna let us know I just bland and tasteless that one was definitely worth the wait how is everything they made here these or they bought him it filled with veal oh no I know it son that wasn't the question I asked him they'll hold me yes they bought in from a place that makes them home it thank you is it popular um somewhat I love the way you skip over it Darley popular cannot so many people order it as much no so no thank you you're welcome hmm I think Gordon's gonna drive me crazy by the end of the hall it's gonna drive us all crazy how made me made on site in the story cut the crap [Music] alright let's take them out thank you so this is a grilled sausage in there yes Bobby garlic everywhere big big big chunks of it everywhere oh yeah you won't want to go back to the office with that breath would you Gordon found that we a two inch bar look at our sauce cheese I tend to like garlic so I never really noticed it okay thank you thank you much I would like a toothbrush now please you want to know too much bollocks [ __ ] I think it was just fine personally for me if I was eating that I wouldn't have a problem [Music] there you go access show chicken what is that on top zucchini okay holy mackerel looks like your Bisons tongue it's dry it's sweet and it's oh dear he didn't like the chicken wouldn't like the sauce didn't like the crust thought it was well done eating it [Music] one thing I'm fascinated me throughout the whole lunch all I could hear is laughing a joking and lots of screaming coming out the kitchen I was pissed off waiting you don't expect to hear all that laughing giggling when you stand there waiting on all your food the tortellini of veal was just bland and watery then my grilled sausage I've never seen so much garlic in additional my life Gordon called me out of my food and the [ __ ] happy Italian food is about Russ Ignace phenomenal ingredients and something that's relaxed and casual but in a delicious way and I just found it you know somewhat boring to be honest you'll see us bracket out y'all my food I think is is pure and honest and good I think it was a mistake that I did this [Music] up next why did you decide to become a chef owner if you haven't got a clue how to run a business Gordon serves up the truth I've never seen such humongous courses he would need that which can Joe swallow it no all right you know what while we make it a public issue in this now this customers here this customers here I'd rather have this conversation downstairs how about that which order fine and when the staff monkeys around you Gordon goes bananas that's coming up on Kitchen Nightmares day two and with this restaurant in financial hell Gordon knows that he needs to increase business but he also needs to find ways to cut costs I mean thinking about this overnight and what's bugging me now is what's he wasting in his fridges that's my concern now this must be a pain in the ass the minute and muscle opens then along with fresh they're gone that's dangerous that's his death muscles dead this menu is far too big for his own good I'd understand what's going through his mind to have this fridge stocked with all these ingredients and no customers to cook for look bag after bag after bag there's nearly two months worth of chopped garlic there this is ways $80,000 delis in all this ingredients this fridge is stopped now like a restaurant that would be fully booked for three four weeks in advance and we haven't got those customers so why the [ __ ] that we got all this it's Julie I'm city crazy with a young head chef and an inexperienced owner gordon decides it's time for restaurant management 101 you're in charge of the purchasing yeah those fridges are stocked up for a busy restaurant we haven't got money to waste there's endless ingredients in there that are not being used properly everything we buy is costing money I can point fingers in every direction for the the walkins being crowded and it's a catch-22 because we run out of something Joel throws a fit or his last time we had a budget per week is $4,200 today I don't think with scrutinizing what we're purchasing I could go in there and just give you 500 dollars a waste I saw that [ __ ] walk in a completely different light I went holy [ __ ] hopefully Gordon's economics lesson has sunk in now it's time to see how this jovial Bunch handles a dinner service which given the lack of customers shouldn't be that difficult you're gonna get in trouble even so Gordon has to make sure these kids stay focused again right you you you know someone's going on it's not party time this is serious time nothing new with friends take it [ __ ] serious I will like a boss let's go but old habits die hard [Music] Campania is like high school because it's like really close to social environments everybody like really gets along how like the biggest flirt here we just all feel very comfortable around each other while Campania restaurant is really more like Campania high Gordon wants Joe to start treating it more like a business and less like a party everybody yes here we go right 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 you never members of staff staff costs right who's going home that was there was pretty blatant in a big move real big move Gordon definite means business business sorry guys thanks for coming but thanks for no thanks little scare you and Gordon all of a sudden I Balaji [Music] trucks see you buddy play guitar good take care buddy give Steph a haircut next I need three on the floor three waiters on the floor let's go who's next Katie Casey thank you thanks any questions I cut a few people they were clearly upset you know Katie was definitely upset I had a you know how to make a tough call tonight and I really wanted to have people tonight that were you know on their game I'm good enough when he needs me when his ass is on the line but not for that I came in tonight and canceled dinner plans all my friends this good luck that's good with the staff now trimmed down playtime is over good evening madam how are you good to say and it's time to focus on the customers those wine order or Chewbacca's - so - oh it is okay order in please appetizers walking in salad risotto mussels what's an ala entrees our fork wrote that dough cod and the chicken house get the chicken as orders hit the kitchen the staff is quickly overwhelmed and everything is moving at a snail's pace [Music] [Music] that's what Campania is known for is waiting three hours for your food and not surprisingly problems in the kitchen have customers totally frustrated [Music] [ __ ] is 13 that [ __ ] never went out come on crazy [Music] holy [ __ ] anybody came to 30 minutes for salad I have people pointing at me and they're going like this and I don't understand I can't tell them you know how hard it is to put lettuce in a bowl with some dressing come on guys come on come on we're getting backed up now I'll wait on a cold one and when the food finally arrives at the tables it's met with mediocre reviews Joe yes guys I'm sorry but I'm not [ __ ] serving that yeah so when you please stop what you're doing and do something about it guys another observation by Gordon of this restaurants inefficiency is its portion size almost every customer leaves with a doggy bag [Music] unbelievable right and huge portions mean unnecessary inflated food costs I've made the decision bite the ball on the portion sizes I think that's what the people like they're taking it away oh my don't even the [ __ ] dolls go serving there's the bone room as well who's in business big time as companies' customers leave with their massive leftovers Gordon knows it's not just the food they're taking but Joe's profits as well sit down sit down did you want all this food now are your friends with you yeah and right now you're my guest okay yeah let me just point to three things out this is two appetizers two entrees mix salad and your prosthetic I'm trying to show you what you give your customers every day lunch and dinner I've never seen such [ __ ] humongous portions every customer left in this evening Chuck food together it's what the customers are used if the customers love this they like the big portions from and that's [ __ ] financially in the shits and throw money literally down the drain for every dish you put in here and then on top of that you can't even [ __ ] grill a piece of bruschetta there see that be there you will need that would you Oh No talk to me now you're getting upset now yeah I'm get real upset Thank You funk for that hopefully I'll get through to you now you have thrown thousands of dollars down the drain why did you decide to go into business if you haven't got a clue how to run a business alright you know what why are we making a [ __ ] public issue with this now this customers here this customers here I'd rather have this conversation downstairs how about that are you scared again am I scared yeah you're embarrassing me in front of my customers [Music] [Music] the kind of aggression is a family and when the restaurants in trouble is the family that suffers so I want to get to Joe's wife Melissa and just actually find out what's really going on in Joe's mind ever nice to see you girlfriend's name this is a nice house oh thank you for years for years loudly so um three boys three ways big responsibility yeah yeah a lot of pressure on Joe's shoulders um how do you think he's doing he's very positive and you know it's his dream and I know he's giving it as all to you know try and succeed but you know it's not just all about being passionate in the kitchen that's what I'm trying to tell him and whilst I love is enthusiasm I ran the food it's a business it's not just the food I agree with you I do and I don't know I mean I'm glad you're here I mean I think he needs to see the black and white morning hardest thing for me is that people like us put everything on the line for a dream and I just want to see him that Patong you know to succeed please don't get upset I don't need to get upset please he needs to know the Jeopardy like I can't be a levels here like Joey's months behind on us being paid I mean it's as bad as it probably kept you know this restaurant Phil knew would lose everything I mean I lose my house mice business can be turned around and I've pointed out to free things yes it can yes it definitely can even help yes now having given Melissa his word Gordon now knows that to turn this business around he must spend time in the kitchen retraining the chefs from food prep to presentation I've watched the way we serve food no one really gives any [ __ ] care and attention to a little bit of presentation I know it's rustic but at least make sure that we got a little bit pride in what we're doing that looks like a [ __ ] you can do better having Gordon Ramsay in the kitchen that was pretty cool he's on top of his game and that's why he is where he is let's keep it flat yeah it's just raking apart yeah well you salt it like you do like a Bren dad or like a mower you salty so it gets nice and firm that these one sharp cookie I can tell you that much basically he's teaching us that we have to step up okay chicken cough the drum and the thigh and they're sitting on top of one other so it just looks a little bit neater yeah now that Gordon has given Joe and the chef several pointers it's time for Gordon to introduce a signature dish they can handle meatballs why should become famous for meatball I go to my restaurant is this Lee for me goals as well one just give you meatballs Gordon showed us an equal Haas I think it's a great idea that's good he'll be a cheese on that good I think us being known for the balls isn't so bad because I'm usually known for raw food never really coming out ever with the aid of Gordon's recipe Joe and his staff are now armed without standing meatballs now it's time to conquer New Jersey [Music] okay give a latisha out came the meatballs and the flashy t-shirts and the hats and we pretty much shouted her message loud and clear come find he's got the best meatballs in New Jersey give these meatballs away and get the reputation out there on the street yes [Music] have some dinner one of these days if we can start getting people into our restaurant for our meatballs just a great step in the right direction something that's wonderful we got some meatball fans your darling no yes everyone loved me for those like meatballs I think he does Campania restaurant confine your restaurant he gave us some food we spread the good word about the restaurant we had some fun now that the meatball marketing has spread the word about Campania it's time for Gordon to have a serious one-on-one talk with Joe those 18 months ago over a period of 18 months how much have you lost yeah it's about 120,000 sure I'm in trouble how serious is this restaurant for you it's everything to me you think you could continue like this for what six more months about that yeah I think I was pushing it your business is about the [ __ ] swim down the Hudson I heard Gordon's point loud and clear I mean this is it this is this is this is crunch time stand strong don't take it personally just take you seriously tomorrow it's the biggest day coming up it's companies' reopening and everyone is feeling the pressure Gordon has some quiet time with an unruly customer token area and while some people welcome the changes to the menu totally unbelievable others aren't so sure filled with emotion a dinner service you don't want to miss next on Kitchen Nightmares it's day four and time for companies' relaunch Gordon's design team has come up with a contemporary new look to match the new direction of the restaurant I've created a new look for the new companion I was just absolutely blown away absolutely blown away and it was just high time for it to be changed well the canapes lit this looks really innovating now it's awesome we definitely needed this it looks like a yes Lauren has created so many great new things here like the sign and everything shows that it is making it better [Music] yes let's do it the one thing you noticed ma'am when we get in here is garlic hey I opened those doors and it was just a lie the restaurant was alive the whole place just metamorphosize with some great simple little changes the dining room looks unbelievable those candles are gonna be awesome paedon I eat yes I am a little overwhelmed right now I haven't really no words to say he knows a little shock [Music] less clutter them this place is lovely you guys have transmitted my restaurant only through to the kitchen let's get eases just stressed out a lot so when you seem smile like that it makes you feel good I'm overwhelmed with this big beautiful stove you know boys with toys this is my new toy right here baby Geno must have tears in his eyes big Mean Gene I don't have to like the pilots every time I turn it on and she it's just phenomenal happy I'm just so happy to see him getting a little help he deserves to succeed and it just I know he's gonna Gordon also provided smaller plates to coincide with the smaller portions plates were just way too big and therefore we had to use a lot more food to fill them up and that's also losing money right there you guys have done so much for us in one day next step in getting ready for the big night Gordon sits down with the young chefs to introduce a brand new menu I can see here on the menu is to keep it tight we have to start making money I had some ministry concern about what my customers to think about coming in and not seeing my big diverse menu but this menu includes the new pasta and risotto section the fettuccine and something expect to see in any you know nice Russian but do it with a little bit more various you know pesto tomato alfredo I like the new menu a lot Goren's that's he's one sharp [ __ ] cookie I can tell you that much the braised pork has a great dish the creamy polenta coats the port the play was lovely and then the bistecca you know a really nice grilled New York strip steak with roasted potatoes and spinach beautifully done the meatballs we've done in both appetizer an entree as well we've now focused on our meatball has becoming a bit of a hallmark if people start bitching the meatballs are gonna come out of the kitchen and hopefully that'll appease and while they're waiting I really like the new menu and the way we're doing it in the concept of having a smaller menu everything was good an hour before the opening Gordon comes up with a clever way to motivate the young waitstaff I've devised a plan the same plan I have with my waiters and waitresses that every item on this menu will be sold every item here we go come with me let's go here is the menu okay and on these boards are your names each and every one of you yeah I've got to sell every item on this list the first person finishes a complete menu you shout bingo and there you've got $100 the whole idea of having a contest to motivate servers I think it's a great idea a hundred dollars to sell the whole menu I have a six o'clock booking 4005 per pack ready we got to talk together tonight we're gonna work as a team I'm gonna step up as much as I can and hopefully it works out you're expediting you're delegating everybody off the kitchen right I'm excited for tonight's dinner service I think everyone's gonna be on a good positive note tonight I look at that of it it's do or die for us failure is not an option I'm not gonna let Gordon down I have to show that we can do this it's got to happen tonight is the reopening of Campania Valley could you open the doors please and Gordon Ramsay's new menu has packed the restaurant this is the night Joe has been waiting for but if it doesn't go well it could destroy his dream this is a big night for us the pressures on I want Gordon to leave on a high note I want to be able to pull this off I'll be right back in just a moment take your order so you can look over the menu listen everything sells together tonight if somebody says their foods ready in two minutes two minutes the first orders are in and Gordon's waiter competition is under way you're off meatballs gone what else chicken chicken chicken the first customers of the night are responding well to the new menu but even good food can't impress everybody [Music] everyone at the table doesn't like any of the food which I do here I am now in this pinnacle moment and I start hearing the complaints it was almost too bad to be true I need you need to get feedback from me okay mistake was to talk after Gordon sees nothing is wrong with the food he decides it's time to stick up for his young Chefs why don't you take a seat and just sit down and try to enjoy a cup of coffee okay good bye madam unfortunately you're talking out your rear the trouble why don't you just sit down stop trying to cause trouble an hour into dinner service and menu bingo is achieving its goal of customers ordering a wide variety of items on the menu just that's 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 now the pressure of the big night is taking its toll on Joe it's too much saffron that it's too much Jesus when anything goes wrong Joe gets in that really stressed out panicky mode I worry about Joe I worry about stress level because those chickens just got cooked are you [ __ ] serious I'm very reactionary I get stressed out for like five minutes but you know I just try to find that comfort zone I can tune things out if I want to Jamie I'm leaving you guys be now out there okay looking for a little relief from the intensity of the kitchen Joe takes a stroll into the dining room how's it going we got a like to talk how's it going guys you guys have a horrible habit of dropping every [ __ ] table on the restaurant at the same [ __ ] time [Music] good talking you guys he's like Houdini he's not around and you have to pick up the slack with Jean left alone in the kitchen orders are backed up and customers are now experiencing what Campania used to be known for slow service we just had to do a lot of things differently tonight everything would just took a while to come out I'm saying that they know it's coming right now I'm so busy right now I can't even breathe right out everyone's waiting for two hours for their food [Music] they don't understand what's taking so long this is the [ __ ] [ __ ] guys what's going on I don't I was out at the table they had a complaint they waited a long time they weren't happy with the food I'm sorry no I do at that point you know I really didn't want to be in that position and I was really just trying to back away from the table the [ __ ] past is going in while gene puts out fires in the kitchen the angry customer is making her way to the front of the restaurant and is now complaining in front of Joe's mom [Music] well somebody else had been fishing it tasted like pond water listen to this which I want to go strangle I was so aggravated I was so upset you know that somebody would do that to my son well Joe could not defuse the situation with the unhappy customer shockingly less than sober but satisfied customer comes to the defense of Campania [Music] another bottle but why you [ __ ] Italian honey a police car on neighborhood Patrol extinguishes the fiery argument outside the restaurant just two seconds please let's go back in the kitchen Gordon asks to talk to Joe privately to get him focused and back on track when you're pissed straight to the point even done with and move on you understand don't hide behind there step out into the dining room two or three times in with the customers thirty Seconds back out if anyone's disgruntled put an end to it immediately don't stand there bargaining with them yeah just and back in but I want to see you run it yeah yeah I have to get series it takes me a long [ __ ] time to get something through my thick skull but when it when it does happen I'm steadfast I was gonna do it I believed in it and when I believe in something I [ __ ] do it here we go come on let's tell these let's tell these you guys finish I want to make sure there were nice and vibrant yes right now two steaks two Veals and a chicken okay every steak that comes in now right skirt so we can tell the difference okay and now that Joe has taken his mission seriously it rubs off on his staff who are now working professionally and efficiently it's something special now I think Joe it has motivation to do what he can to make it better and he has just inspired us all so I think just work work as a team communicate be a little more serious honey in the strawberries so good yeah there goes one more you better go to that yeah one hundred dollars I won tonight just for playing bingo but you know I busted my butt and I sold everything I needed to sell I knew I was gonna win I knew it so everything that was definitely fun the whole idea of having a contest to motivate servers I think it's a great idea Ari and I just one server bingo it was a really novel idea and it worked we were all talking about afterwards hey we want to keep doing that we like the contest that was fun really nothing was gonna stop me Gord really forced the issue on me and I really believed at that point that these changes were good okay Joe was I definitely more focused especially behind the line there was no practical jokes going on I was making sure that everybody was on top of their game and if they weren't out I'd be there to help them out tonight's a nice weekend now that the last tables have been served Gordon gathers the team together the difference in tonight's service as opposed to last night's service was night and day and we done double the amount of people tonight that we did last night 203 were in for dinner we were consistent the food was good the service was good and everybody had an appetizer an entree and dessert what would be the take come what midnight so we took in about $7,500 we made three times we made last night I think I've ever made the money that it that I made tonight tonight was a really successful night really was there's no words no words to tell you how I feel about what Gordon's does Joey I am thrilled to death for him let me tell you I saw you tonight showed me that yes you were a head chef don't stop don't stop I think there's good things in our future I mean we're gonna dig our heels in it we got a good ground work now after Gordon came in here in the days that followed customers were thrilled with the new menu with sensible portions less waste in the fridge and more customers profits increased dramatically you know I'm happy I like the food that's going out the window happy customers great food good bottom line Joe finally started behaving like a boss and not everyone's friend gonna sell to chickens for me okay successfully taking control of both the front of the house pleasure to meet you guys and the kitchen okay good we're gonna sell two steaks chicken somebody called that door foods going cold and now Campania is known for its quality rather than its quantity with the staff now ready to run a restaurant properly there was one more thing Gordon wanted to take care of before he said goodbye the food looked great on there yes well going back to stupid big steering wheels that's what we're serving look at them [Music] that's how you break in this place was just like you know the wait you know coming off my shoulders [Music] when Gordon broke the plates we were like rock on that's [ __ ] awesome goodbye to the big place hello profits one two three the breaking of the place how symbolic was that wasn't it awesome out with the old and you know into the new yes you know you hate to see him go when it was a good time we got to break all the [ __ ] plates he uh he's proud of us I think oh I think that Campania is going to be everything that Joey wants it to be guys first day I met cord and I couldn't wait until that guys said goodbye but once I got beyond my pride being hurt my ego being hurt and started listening to what he had to say he was like a true mentor to me customers have to come back for the good food not a portion size have to remember that yes good luck thanks your [ __ ] meatball during the calendar gang were a fun group to hang out with but the lack of discipline was killing the business it feels like they've changed I only hope it continues [Music] next on Kitchen Nightmares Gordon faces the most stubborn chef he's ever met I thought your food was crap that's a matter of opinion then unearths the restaurants dirty little secrets maggots but this French chef fights back is everything perfect in your kitchen Gordon saved the secret garden this is the lowest day of this restaurant fly or will this stubborn chef be his own worst enemy the [ __ ] are you to turn now to tell me when you were like a pig your face pay get ready for the most explosive kitchen nightmares yet [Music]
Channel: Kitchen Nightmares - Full Episodes
Views: 1,663,665
Rating: 4.8904762 out of 5
Keywords: Kitchen Nightmares, Hell's Kitchen, Gordon Ramsay, Cooking, Dining, Restaurants, Food, Television, Classic Television, Free TV, Free, Full Episodes, Uncensored, Gordon Ramsay Uncensored, Kitchen Nightmares Uncensored, Ramsay, FilmRise, Complete Series, Complete Season, Competitive Cooking, Cooking Competition
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 39sec (2619 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 17 2019
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