Kitchen Nightmares Uncensored - Season 1 Episode 2 - Full Episode

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tonight on Kitchen Nightmares Gordon journeys to Pomona California and finds a fine-dining restaurant that is anything but fine diners I think we've hit rock bottom the chef is fresh from the hood and doesn't take criticism from anybody you should notice it not even Gordon I hear not one person can play the bottom tonight is ooh what the owner has run out of money I'm just surviving the restaurant has run out of food we don't have the salmon today we'll see bass we don't have that came in the head waitress and the chef are at war don't blame it on us and the prep cook has sticky fingers as you ask anyone for know so many problems so few days this could be Gordon's biggest challenge yet tonight on Kitchen Nightmares you are not an executive chef let's get that right [Music] Pomona California a small middle-class town populated by aspiring artists college students and car enthusiasts it's home to Leila's restaurant a fine-dining restaurant only 8 months old yet it's days away from closing its doors a fine-dining restaurant Villa shouldn't be in the downtown Pomona Center there's a lot of homeless people I don't believe that Lila's fit sperm owning a restaurant here is crazy I mean Ricci is he's always loud oh that's what it comes down to since it's my kitchen my menu you know I can do that do we clown each other we have fun while we're in here like to stand in the kitchen and eat like to pick out the food all the time like one big happy family I need my [ __ ] order now all we do is read the ticket to put the food out tabatha man I just have to tell her chill out no you're right back.that her ass I'm having to take this guy's order and telling them oh we don't have this and we don't have that don't blame that [ __ ] on us because they're not fault Ricky I can't stand him [Music] the problem with Tabitha is how she talks to people I'm on the [ __ ] that orders the [ __ ] and shut up already everybody can hear Ricky and Tabitha yelling when they yell at each other it's really embarrassing cuz your guests are like what is going on back there like I just wanted to sell it like it was slow and then just getting slower and slower and slower I'm definitely losing money right now I took all my retirement money everything I had saved everything and decided toka this restaurant and I have nothing left I think we've hit rock bottom I mean we're like really going down down him I just wanted to see if you have some money to lend me for the rent oh I owe my sister sixty thousand how much thirty-seven hundred I owe sixty-four thousand for the line of credit I'm stressing like how I'm gonna pay my bills in my reign what I'm gonna do cuz I don't want to leave her but I have bills I have to pay can't sleep at night only because it's going through my mind how can I fix it I don't know what to do [Applause] [Music] so downtown Pomona is quiet ghost town around here this is supposed to be fine dining but it's very very cool Hart and the place looks absolutely derelicts inside oh my god I'm excited I want to hear his accent [Music] all I know about Chef Ramsay is he likes to yell a lot I don't take anybody yelling at me nobody I'm soon as a is what please tomato-basil profession yeah lovely thank you you're welcome menu spelled incorrectly all over the place is that there shivers what is ch IVAs shivers shaves ogives Chinese belch I've properly okay chimes let's go with a small bowl of the tomato basil okay and I'd like to see the natural so we actually don't have the shrimp not just today we have a chicken nacho so no shrimps today no chance so no shrimp cocktail either okay I like the sign of the salmon we don't have the salmon today you don't have a Sonia yeah what do you have - no no I'm not sure okay okay we don't have anything and it's really just it's irritating the [ __ ] out of me cuz I hate to tell customers that we don't have anything they'll go for the speciality of the house the roasted rack of lamb Tara : in a chocolate mint sauce please thank you very welcome very disappointing when you sit down and start ordering and then half the food's not available on the menu one in the shrimp cocktail we don't have trim for us and stuff don't have to tell customers oh we don't have this and we don't have that it gets frustrating for me because we should have everything I'm not nervous I don't what are they doing over sport you know he's like me I was just like I am interesting how is everything it tastes like it's canned yeah so he says homemade soup on the menu and it's brought in tell the chef make tomato soup probably I thought this is fine dining so today I'll waive the next course spoon well that was quick our executive chef Ricky diamonds on that salmon's on my fish good time is on my fish diamonds on my fish diamonds on my fish you have an executive chef in the house and he buys in processed food so much we got time is on the thick I'm bidding my job I love my recipe I let my work speak for itself [Music] fine darling that sauce something's not quite right how is everything yeah of a fresh natural soil they bought him the chef makes them fresh in the morning I don't think they're made fresh this morning my daughter Ricky when did you make the tortilla chips Oh yesterday I'm about to walk home right now but nachos like it was the cheapest thing he's ever seen what can you do with nachos you know what I mean well they call them nachos why it's an appetizer you know Oh God the rack of lamb with the chocolate mint sauce there's fresh mint chocolate syrup I like it I got to be really creative with it yeah that looks good cause it's so quick okay where's the lab oh no not that where's the lap ah my nice bigger than my left we're about to eat may the Lord make us truly not vomit it's gonna be a long day could you ask the chef is it frozen yes Oh lamb is frozen yes he's just taking bites of stuff is this frozen and I'm like yeah is there any main course that's on the fine dining menu that's not frozen sad to say but now everything is frozen okay Jim I'll skip any further frozen food and maybe have a nice fresh dessert please okay I'm hungry I'm starving I'm forgetting you anything that you know you shut everything down pretty much you know but that's one person's opinion you know and he's entitled to it so how's that I would recommend for dessert for the dessert I would recommend the brownie alamode brownie the brownie on another boat yes I put your hand up and swear to God that it's a brownie that's made homemade from here okay let's go with a Bernie okay Wow oh sure when you first arrived in you're excited about coming to eat somewhere and then half the menu missing 90% of its frozen and chocolate mint sauce with bones of lamb it was a big pan in here full of [ __ ] brownies I go in there and there's no more homemade brownies I'm to the brownies I didn't do it don't actually buzz it I don't know does anybody know I asked them to that big thing of brownies that were in there when couple days ago they were just sitting there like three days ago it irritates the living daylights out of me we should have everything that is on our menu at all times and we don't talk about you coming back here asking me what's in this what's in there you should know what's going on coming up Buzzard confuses fine dining as you ask anyone for it no for take-out this is the zids snow picnic and when Gordon steps in to Ricky's space I just tasted this it tastes like powdered mashed potato they are Ricky goes on the attack I don't hear not one person to play the bottom tonight is you watch that's coming up on Kitchen Nightmares you coming back here asking me what's in this what's in that he should notice your [ __ ] we all got [ __ ] now shut the [ __ ] up what's going on she all you want to blame people for other ships she should know them in you don't come back there asking me you know what's in the [ __ ] kitchen you know what's frozen was not what a [ __ ] you got asked me for right what was fine dining about my lunch there what you mean okay let's put it this way then I thought it was a pile of [ __ ] I was embarrassed for you okay you can't serve [ __ ] lamb with chocolate sauce I mean are you mad there's no meat on the lamb you won't blame me for no mean on on lamb that's just what we buy here that's what we serve Ricky it's on the menu of $27 nobody else complain about it what's nobody else in the restaurant was bitching about the chocolate mint sauce on the lamb people like that believe it or not they come in here ordered all the time so I'm not gonna pull it from our menu just because you don't like it what was fresh on the menu as far as not being frozen as far as not being frozen not being bought in everything has to be frozen we just can't let stuff go bad you know have you any Bulls got big nuts just because you come here and criticize my place you think I'm a giver nah whose balls I think are bigger here's our mind put it like this well we're gonna bump heads I'm standing in front of a man that I fail let's go he's name was Jackie all the big showbiz embroidery and yet we're serving frozen vegetables as a chef don't you feel embarrassed about what you're serving no I don't otherwise I wouldn't serve it are you lazy technicians no more [Music] after yesterday's Fiasco at lunch day two begins with Gordon inspecting Executive Chef Ricky's kitchen got a fridge that's not even cold this is not a refrigeration unit this is almost like an oven all this meat is as virtually rotting dried warm congealed blood at the bottom there the smell is just pile what is that god what a smell Jesus Christ I'm slowly but surely discovering my lunch the bought in tomato basil soup that's finished with chili flakes there's nothing freshly made in this fridge but here now nice paper [ __ ] here stage the lack of cleanliness represents a lack of discipline and Gordon knows he needs to send a strong message to the staff we're gonna clean Ricky on the fridge will scrub the floor done yeah Bucky's behind you yeah tabatha take the other dining room Gordon had us clean the dining room freakin sweep like three times mop do all the windows everything with a concern that fine dining might not be right for this part of Pomona while the staff cleans Gordon hits the streets to check out the neighborhood how are you good good good what's the vibe like here young vibrant diverse Lila the rest of Lina's have you been there I have not been there what kind of food you eat pizza joint what about fine dining usually not too fancy come on a budget no you keep the fancy stuff for your arms right yeah and where'd you got to eat there's like some pretty good Mexican restaurants but like besides that there isn't really anywhere that's like in our price range with a better sense of what will work in this community Gordon heads back to Lila's to check on the staffs assignment nice nice nice nice looks fantastic Wow yes clean while Gordon is now happy with the cleanliness of the restaurant he is still not comfortable with the relaxed atmosphere that's not what you told me [Laughter] this is kind of like home you know just kind of hang out talk to everybody on the phone I just lounge [Music] [Applause] we have fun while we're in here I mean what's the use to having a job that you're not happy with we have met you have we like to stand in the kitchen and eat you know you'd always catch him with something in his hand I can get at a point the evening started out slowly but a local theater has let out and a wave of customers has now arrived at the restaurant follow me and I'll go ahead and seat you all right Ricky where's my salmon that's supposed to be split it quickly becomes obvious to Gordon that this restaurant does not have a leader just two major opponents Ricky in the kitchen and tabatha in the front of the house I'm like really frustrated with breaky us not having everything dude sitting in for 15-20 minutes when their fruits should be coming out any minute I just found out that we have no seed bets Ricky doesn't have many of the food items that are on the menu and what they do have is prepackaged and overpriced for the town of Pomona I just tasted this it tastes like powdered mashed potato they are they taste alright you put a little butter and I'm whatever put the sauce over and they taste okay nobody's ever complained about him I didn't even know that he was using instant potatoes I think Ricky's a little lazy holy mackerel yeah it's out of date yeah look at the day February 16th what's the day today do not serve that [ __ ] cake and the [ __ ] story yes then in a dinner service that's not exactly smooth sailing some of the staffs start abandoning ship where's Buzzard until gone he's walking down an alley right now with his bag of goodies that's the Buzzard though you know it's all he's always waiting and perhaps someone is damn Claus Buzzard and one of the cooks have walked off but they are not empty-handed got a sandwich from earlier some pasta then somebody ordered an n1 Jesus lamb in there as well yeah about it did you ask anyone for we wonder why there's things missing after he's gone this is buzzards little picnic nice little sandwich there and cheese mustard Oh nice big salad and main course we're gonna tackle some New Zealand lamb oh no that came from top laughing here we are with the restaurant that's financially [ __ ] screwed and you're just helping yourself to wine and a four-course dinner he takes a little things every now and then but I haven't seen him do something like that in a while [Applause] [Music] Gordon can't buzzard taking food and wine from the restaurant and Gordon is not happy unbelievable we were thinking that he was doing that but I hadn't caught him in the act and today well there it is [Music] christ almighty guys what we doing here just that basics isn't even together as a team I can't take responsibility for the whole restaurant failing its you know this is the team effort here why did you become a chef because I have a passion for food that's why a passion for what food you make him powder mashed potato you talk about the mashed potato I don't hear not one person complained about him tonight is you what did you when Ricky and Gordon were going at it I really wanted to just like tell Ricky to shut up where's your respect what do you mean where's my respect for your professionalism you are not an executive chef let's get that right don't look at me like that you back a dog into a corner eventually you know I'm saying it he's gonna bite you no I'd rather change my career and make it have powdered mash anything you'd like to say before we go home I just hope everybody's attitude changes tomorrow so we can turn this restaurant around if you still have attitudes then it's gonna have to be some changes [Music] [Applause] [Music] it's day three and Gordon is about to put his plan into action but one of last night's problems has returned buzz is here where is he in the back I hate to have to fire anybody but then you get to the point where you know if I can't get them to change what they're doing or whatever then I have to get rid of them can't see your eyes glasses off and buzz of anything that's inside this restaurant belongs to Lena yeah yeah understood nothing gets taken off this premises if it was up to me I'd fire buzzards ass I get lots of people stealing from me and I just have one discipline anyone steals from me is out end of story because the message you sent they will see you doing it they all do it anyway Lena you're the ones got made a decision is your question yeah so you know I'm sorry but this is gonna be all right this is it [Music] Buzzard ain't gonna be back here he ain't gonna be buzzing around here and he's truly a buzzard my bag now that Buzzard has been let go Gordon turns his attention back to the Shep's okay okay let's go okay little taste-test yeah last night for me there wasn't enough tasting going on there wasn't enough identification so I'm gonna pass you a little bit of food and I want you to taste it okay and then and I'll show you what it is okay are you ready yeah yeah good I didn't know what to expect when he blindfolded us for the most part I do taste my food okay good so one of my favorite meats Ricky what was that whose beef legs taste like chicken you're right Ricky you're wrong that was chicken what are you no mistake chicken for beef that just blew me out of the water [Music] Ricky what was that that was pork pork legs what was that just like New York yeah Lex it's New York Strip Jesus we already knew that Lex was gonna get more because Ricky doesn't taste his food did you brush your teeth this morning holy mackerel right why falls off I [Music] expected you to get all of these rights and you didn't out of both of you who is the better cook I'm the better cook looking at we certainly proved it on the taste test thank you I am the better chef definitely you know without having to think about it Ricky happy with that no not necessarily next and he's a better chef than me I know where my skills are I know what I can do I know what I do in here on the daily basis you know let me have a speech round yes Lina I just found your new head chef don't expect you to just bark at me and I expect me to say nothing back cuz that - it ain't gonna happen I don't want to hear [ __ ] from you coming up at Leela's grand reopening service gets derailed train wreck don't blame it on us and when one chef can't stand the heat he gets out of the kitchen the hell am I doing here it's a dinner service that will surprise you that's coming up on Kitchen Nightmares [Music] day four and to get ready for tonight's relaunch Gordon moves to the next phase of his plan but first a surprise for the owner you my dear yeah the last eight months okay I've been taking care of everybody yes yeah you're not doing that any longer I've arranged for you to go off somewhere really luxurious and to be taken care of you're going off this afternoon for a bit of a makeover pampering looking forward to the day off and not having to worry about this place and kind of relax a little bit while Lila gets her makeover Gordon begins to change the menu from fine dining to contemporary casual starting with a signature salad I want you to think both you of a Pomona salad Pomona yeah it's got a nice ring to it just over the next hour put together Pomona salad I want you to think of something exciting and I'm telling you this is how Caesar salad started if bloody Caesar can do it Oh Mona can do it use your imagination go through the fridge look at the peppers whether you grill them so - well the Pomona style he basically said you know try to get the feel of Pomona here it was salting down here away absolute chip top yet the black beans onto there and the chicken onto that I just opened up a three million dollar restaurant of course I'm gonna try and get all the pointers I can for me you know I felt like I was right back in the classroom you know scurrying around in the walk-in looking for it is looking gonna reach him what can I put in this you know what I mean right wash your hands clear the bench top legs please I want to see what you've done both yeah we have a new homeowner salad a salad that is in keeping with the area it's fresh is new is vibrant the Pomona salad is wonderful I don't know how to describe the taste to it but it just it tastes really really good I've walked him down the streets so Chinese food Mexican food Pizza era and what no one has out there is it bloody good burger and I'm going to show you how to make a stunning delicious burger you know I could have made a burger but a burger to me is basic chopped beef salt pepper Dijon mustard Worcester sauce ketchup funny chopped onions three egg yolks to bind it together really important to mix all that through you yes really important tonight we're gonna do a special Lena's famous burger yes we the best burger in Pomona I definitely feel like our Leila's famous burger is really gonna help us attract more people nicely this is perfect have a little taste season wise that's fine let's put the burger on as a special tonight chef Gordon he was right when he said that we needed a burger you can't get a burger around here nowhere omona needs a great burger and tonight he's gonna get one the recipe to the leaders burger is top secret I can tell you but then I have to kill you armed with Leela's new hamburgers a catering truck and enthusiasm Gordon and the staff hit the streets to promote the restaurant the word will get out on the street that we have a really juicy burger welcome thank you nice you like another one I'm gonna get another one it's awesome get on the street that chef Gordon made it surprising how happy everybody is on the back of a really good delicious simple burger the grub urges while the staff promotes the new burgers Gordon's design team makes over the restaurant in anticipation of tonight's relaunch I got a new plan a new menu and new interior Leila's was be given a new look yeah I knew unintimidating yeah warm place yes yes speaking of new looks Lila [Applause] [Music] when I see Lila come around the corner and made me cry because she looks so much happier how'd you feel what darling let me say you look great thank you yes you don't look like a ladies carrying the world on the shoulders anymore when they saw me they said oh my god you look so different I said yes you have a new boss are you ready to see the hot spot in downtown Pomona when they opened up the doors I was really shocked and surprised it looks so much nicer you know it's warm yes what first caught my eye was the red couch the candles like why didn't we think of that you know it's in keeping with downtown Pomona I think that Gordon did the right thing for our restaurants just more positive energy from all of us it's one hour before the opening and Gordon has mainstream the menu gone are the fine dining efforts like chocolate lamb chops and soggy chicken nachos and in their place our popular fare like Lila's famous burgers and the new Pomona salad all that's left to do is get the personnel in order we need a leader we need a manager and we need to install some form of discipline tabatha manage the place yes it means a lot to me that Gordon went with the whole idea of me becoming manager that just shows me that he knows that I can do it Lex can I have you running the kitchen tonight it's like the biggest compliment I've had all my life so far Ricky support it properly yes I think is fair I've been here since day one busted my butt you know what I mean let's get some identity and work together as a team I'd rather have somebody like Lex who's passionate about what he does I really don't think that Ricky's attitude will change this restaurant needs to turn tables tonight to stay open tomorrow its relaunch night and Gordon has invited local artists students and car clubs to experience the new Leela's and now regardless of the rain the restaurant is packed open the new Leela let's go good luck guys yes yeah [Music] there's no better doors right now we got a house full of people man when I looked outside and I saw this long line I said oh my god are they gonna be able to handle it I'm pretty nervous about tonight because I know that it's gonna be brand new Lila's this is our new menu the restaurants menu has been totally revamped by Gordon to better suit the casual neighborhood and tonight for the first time the man in charge of the kitchen is sous chef Lex yes I don't [ __ ] care oh you know I'm not gonna I'm not gonna cry about it I take responsibility take it like a man pretty much Lex yes I want you calling out the orders tonight yeah yeah don't forget okay I'm feeling really anxious a little nervous because I know it's a big night for us two specials bacon and cheese some food Thank You Monterey just coming straight in there yes and to further endear this restaurant to the community Gordon has arranged for the mayor of Pomona to be here tonight we have a special table beneath you what table is in there satsang don't [ __ ] off outside on the phone keep it going yes me legs Ricky we you know we we don't want to mess up what you eating now every time I look at you always eating this is work now yes I want able to get in work mode yes the evening has started off well with customers responding favorably to the new casual menu they said let's first table absolute critical but the real hard work is about to hit the staff and a little stage fright has set in where's the tickets for the chef Lex where's the ticket goes it's Martin Buzzard society can take you [ __ ] you now thirty thirty minutes into service and Leila's is off to a rocky start no food has left the kitchen and this grand reopening is off course hey guys we're falling behind a little bit yeah yeah what's going next is that the Pomona salad there where's a chicken listen flex yes well together and send one table at time there's a lot of pressure I'm working in a kitchen and so I thought we're gonna go screw it all up this is well I don't know what's gonna work be honest the worst thing that could happen probably let's run in the kitchen tonight they started to become clear now I don't think any of them are used to be busy so that's why this iPhone is [ __ ] and when food finally does come out of the kitchen not everyone at the table is getting their food at the same time [Music] moriki don't panic I'm just I said send it at the same [ __ ] time that's all the fake is not even [ __ ] cop yo it's stone cold oh you crispy got it well at least put it back on the grill now 30 seconds come on guys [ __ ] meltdown you had anything what's better seems to be taking a little too long to get our salad chicken sandwiches going with the earth they just took they just took the salad they just took the salad the waitstaff begins to panic grabbing whatever food is up on the counter regardless of which table it belongs to I don't know what was going on in the kitchen I don't even know where my order is like I'm I don't care table 11 what did you order oh man they put the wrong order in its supposed to go up with table 10 Caroline you put in table you living for this and there they're saying it's not theirs it's a salmon and a baked in a cheeseburger it's like like a train wreck did you have the chicken soup no okay tonight once Oh overwhelming sorry though he doesn't if I said it's coming it's coming soldiers coming right now don't ask you because he don't know one hour into dinner service and Lex's inexperience begins to show they're taking different food from different orders and that's not helping us at all I've been telling them a challenge I told Ricky Iranian we're trying to talk to that dirty towers of police yes like I was trying to say that the whole confusion was because of the front of the house freakin want to try to claim that everything's messed up right now because of the front it out [ __ ] II don't blame that [ __ ] on us cuz it ain't our fault all we do is read the ticket to put the food out trying to stay on track with the orders and they just keep yelling out they need to go 55 lady disabled they need that table you know people were trying to ask me 50 million things at one time so it's a lot of chaos it's it's a lot of pressure come on you gotta be fast buddy he freezes he doesn't know what to do I have to go back there and actually help them okay look at this is what we need to do Lex frustrated and completely overwhelmed Lex leaves the kitchen to go cool off outside thanks come back Lex is panicky honest meanwhile Leela is in the middle of the dining room fielding complaints now waiting on there for two hours everybody else thought there was two here that you put up here I don't know what happened the point is they're not there and I need the two salmon where's no one how critical tonight's dinner service is Leela finally becomes a boss get in there there's two Salmons people waiting for the sounds way yeah don't talk to me like that don't be out of here all right there was something going on with Lex in the boss Leela some words were exchanged because he wanted a break and she yelled at him you guys are over here I can't get great for five minutes I've been working for the past four hours straight everybody has yeah it's the same thing you're not any harder than artists you're not working in the heat like I am well if you can't handle it then leap she totally stabbed and I I thought she was kidding no she was she was serious no I'm tired of these people not doing what they're supposed to do they just get up and walk home whenever they feel like it and I'm not gonna deal with that anymore like what school she's just really getting on my nerves like I'm trying to take a five-minute break at least you know that's when I got upset like what the hell I've been working all night we got Chris enjoy what the hell am I doing here yeah okay I can understand dr. Phil in frustration yeah tonight was a tough night hey legs get your ass back here yes he's really upset right now getting cooling down here I'm trying trying to I'm trying to [Music] damn [Music] [Applause] [Music] with Lex out of the kitchen all the pressure is on Ricky to get Leela's back under control where's my cream where's my cream Rickey yes sir keep it going yes I can still do it when it's time you know it's crunch time you know just kick it out hey blue fifty five is for the mayor how long for that table VVIP five minutes please many people are still waiting for food including the mayor of Pomona and the pressure in the kitchen is at its peak burger where's it at so we're just you know pretty much long enough to step our game up right there give me the pot roast it's moving it's moving it's moving give me two tickets to get this ticket out of here BAM with Ricky back in control food is flying out of the kitchen some people will complain to me when are we gonna get our food man when they got their food were like oh we don't mind the wait that's the table finish yes [Music] customers are thrilled with the food and the mayor is proud to have this restaurant in Pomona come on a salad I think we will declare that officially the meal for any Ramona day $700 you had to pay the [ __ ] electricity bill and $1,000 to [ __ ] break even you got to go yeah keep going gotta go you gotta go you gotta go the menu is great I mean people they really like the food after taking a little time to cool off Lex returns to Leela's not as head chef but as Ricky's number two burger right here dude do this Lex took off and then he came back just a couple us you know it and we did make a great turnaround give me a Pomona salad and give me a pot rope I was proud to see Frankie really stepping foot in taking care you know situation you definitely acted as the head chef it looks like it's a whole new beginning really for the restaurant riki two seconds after a dramatic comeback gordon was truly impressed with ricky we good officer rocky start yeah yeah and within 24 hours of being in this freshman I thought you're gonna [ __ ] Bowl seriously though you're gonna throw in the towel I just wanted to say you did well tonight huh thank you sure we butted heads at first you know but I was just you know ego pride pretty much you know I'm saying arrogance on my part I just want to say tonight you proved me wrong and I thought you did a [ __ ] good job and in amongst all the commotion in the dining room you really held it together you were solid you were straight and you didn't blow it and I just wanted to say [ __ ] well done because it meant a lot so seriously back though it feels good to be back it does for him to pull me aside look at me man a man and say you know you did a great job you know I made me feel really good but now that you've opened the door don't [ __ ] close it keep it cool you know what the score is now yeah don't stop yeah yes during the rest of Gordon stay Ricky continues to improve Tabitha settled into her new role as manager Lila continues to be more of a boss and more assertive with her staff customers raved about the food and Leela's finally for the first time in eight months made some money never seen that before but I'm excited I'm excited come back again right let's confirm one thing shall we you won your first battle chef Gordon is amazing dude you fought to keep your jobs it proved a point thank God he came and he helped us you know he turned it around and you look of the restaurant the new menu everything's like way better it was a bus a nice loud buzz the changes that he made here they're great okay good night I'm glad that he was here yeah out of hand you know what helping change the restaurant around you know I thank him for that from this day forward I'm gonna remember everything he said in spite of business picking up at the restaurant Leela's debts were too large to overcome and she was forced to close her doors next on Kitchen Nightmares a Hollywood pizzeria is on its last leg you've got straight-to-dvd the boss is in la-la land my pizza so be in supermarkets what the menu is spaced out what we have is 20 different combinations that gyne fair and when the owner flips out Gordon gives him a cold review I've never ever ever met someone I believe in as little as you next time on Kitchen Nightmares [Music]
Channel: Kitchen Nightmares - Full Episodes
Views: 4,039,143
Rating: 4.8796744 out of 5
Keywords: Kitchen Nightmares, Hell's Kitchen, Gordon Ramsay, Cooking, Dining, Restaurants, Food, Television, Classic Television, Free TV, Free, Full Episodes, Uncensored, Gordon Ramsay Uncensored, Kitchen Nightmares Uncensored, Ramsay, FilmRise, Complete Series, Complete Season, Competitive Cooking, Cooking Competition
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 41sec (2621 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 17 2019
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