Kitchen Nightmares Uncensored - Season 3 Episode 2 - Full Episode

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tonight on Kitchen Nightmares Gordon Ramsay heads to West Babylon New York to help to former waitresses I can't do this cry about what we've to come here who bought a restaurant called classic American hoping to achieve that classic American dream fighting a losing battle every day but with almost a million dollars in debt feel like I've failed what are we gonna do these owners are in for the fight of their life the kitchen has no stock the dining room has no supplies we have no Kapital menu and everyone is on edge in one of the most emotional Kitchen Nightmares ever we flew in stowaway chef ramsay pulls out all the stops cannot give up but he may be forced to do the unthinkable close your business [Music] West Babylon New York a close-knit suburban community located on Long Island an hour away from Manhattan best friends Colleen and Naomi started as waitresses at a small quaint restaurant called classic American then in the year 2000 they seized an opportunity and bought the business from their boss classic American was like my home I grew up here I figured I knew everything there was to know about the restaurant and why not knew the business we knew the customers and it was good this would be the beginning of something great soon after buying the restaurant Colleen made her son Kevin the head chef and her boyfriend DOM the unofficial manager give me two bags of raw shrimp thanks they started hooking up with Colleen and as she said well I could use you at the restaurant so she's using me I enjoyed my job a classic American question it's like a big family here big whoa it was good in the beginning the first couple years place was packed you didn't have to worry a wonder if you were gonna be busy now you get maybe six or eight tables it's scary you have to ask yourself what did I do wrong so tonight's out every leg sucks yet we've run out of things on the menu all the time we don't have clear chips today you don't why we run out of everything got a boiler we haven't been busy damas job here at the restaurant is just order the food which is never done it's always kind of a problem Tom I need something that chicken I hear you have you don't have to tell me eight times we can compass on the line you know yes yes no which one is it Oh nobody leads this restaurant you got a bunch of followers and no leaders the problem with Colleen and Naomi is the too easygoing it's more of a friendly relationship with the work is rather than business it's ridiculous I don't know you know the waitresses they're texting him between work and somebody's got to put these kids in order how many tables with it not that many nobody's making money we're not successful and you're wondering how are you gonna keep doors open oh I was forced to move back home I love my parents because I couldn't afford I cry on the way to work on the way home from cry about what we've become here and what are we gonna do it gets to a point where you just tried being here it kills me it really kills me we can't afford to close we need someone to show us the way [Music] hey I'm the manager hey you don't very well thank you come on in have a seat my goodness is this in the day when we said smooth this is it obviously not much to manage today is it normally this quiet oh it's Saturday yeah damn damn damn now you look like you've been in this business for 30 years I haven't already is what we doing before that Lane breakfast it's you and who coming email me OK on the place and okay Britt I'm actually going out we're coming you're gonna Colleen yeah I see good out one of the owners yeah ex customer Yeah right come on me but you owners don't demean them okay yeah bring them out please you know this is Colleen a Naomi's last resort if Ramsey can't get this place on the map we might just lock the doors chef going Ram is he coming kill me thank you Kelly nice seat know me nicely would I help me get up to speed with classic American how do you get to own it first off we work for the previous owner you were working as a chef before no actually I was a waitress waitress Wow and what were you doing waitress incredible and you bought it from the owner yes how much two hundred and forty thousand dollars really yeah quarter-million dollars for this just the business not the property how much is that that was for 40 Wow so in four seven mcgrann so far how long were your own director for ten years it straight up what do you think the worst thing is wrong with restaurant problem number one would be what what would you say I don't think it's just one thing I think it's a lot of things give me one are you always normally this quiet no I must Chef Ramsay makes me nervous because I'm out of answers maybe my eyes are closed you know maybe they had so stuff that it's just not saying what it needs to say okay well listen I don't have a good look at the menu taste the food and catch up later okay [Music] enter a stranger's leave us friends enter the stranger start dating the owner actually service okay great I am freaking out having Chef Ramsay come is very nerve-wracking I could throw up right now so I don't you've been here I ten years ten years my god everyone's been here for a substantial length of time mmm-hmm why do you mean so loyal it's like it's a little family great Wow huge menu about a hundred options they help me out you could you fried calamari oh it's very good is it mm-hmm it's one of my favorite let's go for the here fried calamari over Caesar salad and then I'd be stupid not to have the bomb bomb the bomb burger does he look like that yeah how'd you know what my big love of mac and cheese don't mean I can choose yes brilliant you got it thank you thank you water running throwing a macaroni and cheese one fifth day water up - that's mine that's very fast so much cheese my god probably pre-made [Music] some athletic ooh that's gross that doesn't even taste like he's been compared if we don't make the mac and cheese no it tastes fine something here no it's what the kids eat it pretty yeah that's dreadful poor kids damn you think I'm any word classic American you Denise make your mac and cheese like yeah I don't really know what to say because I'm not the one making the food I'm just serving it what do you say said it was gross I just hope he doesn't run to the bathroom Oh fried calamari overseas yourselves that's let's taste not good it's calamari is really soft and sort of chewy different I don't think I'm really sure we touching food yeah don't worry one bite yeah is this fresh for this frozen because it takes frozen the air is frozen at restful anyway definitely not for me I finished thank you okay they were gross soft and chewy what's walking surely the carmine it's not crispy I wasn't a great feeling when he's been sitting back while the food you know that's what we do every day we think we do a pretty good job he wants the bomb next everyone loves the bomb that's one of our houses specialty was definitely gonna enjoy that one Bob they're gay well nice to see bun where's the burger oh there she is there's the back like that evil how is everything that is it what seafood of it seasoned it so we don't have anything to it wouldn't let me it's really chewy as chewy is how we ask the chef what it takes that okay damn thank you you said the burgers really chewy he said try it it says on the menu the white mummies to make there has to be the biggest insult to every mother in America it's embarrassing because those are our most popular dishes I was really shocked kitchen here right can I meet the chefs who introduced me to the team Kevin my son doing how are you pitcher likewise so you're the pitcher yes this is your son right on a scale of one to ten rate the food in the restaurant between six and seven six or seven half it and take two away and you you want my mark personally I like the food but what the do I know I was a bricklayer you know what I'm saying let me tell you straight and honest okay the menus hideous in a dining room that's miserable the food's depressing then you've got the audacity to call it classic American you can't even get a burger right we eat the burgers here most nights for prize that's really seriously yes yeah I'm really sorry food I couldn't believe that he sent that you're a young chef standing by your mother totally respect that but you're pulling it down and to think the rating was seven out of ten mate you've got issues and as owners with a huge responsibility on your shoulders it's like you guys have disappeared you're screwed it's not that I don't try and I have not given up I [Music] don't care and it's not that I'm good trying to take shortcuts but we've cut back on the payroll and she's got a baby she can't be you he's got a baby and I can't afford to pay him and I need to pick my people it's not a comfortable position to pain I can say that doesn't stop me from trying so who's on the payroll here we don't win I know if they wanna survive the owners again page got paid over a year and you're back home my parents I knew you had your problems but I didn't think it was gonna be that bad The Situation's actually worst I thought it would be I'll go for a walk I was some thinking and I'll say tonight is depressing his first impression was that we didn't care it made me realize we love a stowaway come on he's right you know it's gotten to the point where you say no joke there's a lot at stake you need a fresh set eyes that's what you do I'm scared maybe we were a lost cause [Music] [Music] after a luncheon which classic American dishes were more disgusting than classic Chef Ramsay looks to observe how the restaurant functions in a dinner service [Music] sure you know buddy sure I I'm good with the customers right and yet you've worked behind the scenes you don't fund a custom well I what you doing are you anyway I do whatever they told our cover Chef Ramsay said hi to me I just looked up at him because I was scared his hair is a little crazy even though it looks soft it's like [Music] some of the tickets come up with tough-girl originally coming out of here this broke so now they handwrite the seconds pretty we just have a computer somebody spilled coffee all over the register and burnt it out we can't afford I need to fix it actually what does this say super catches Ashley right two tickets better so do the tickets take a look longer term well if the writing is sloppy and a little confusing how long's it been dipping down six months movie even with handwritten tickets Naomi and Kevin managed to push out the food at a rapid pace got the free classes pretty fast unfortunately the fast food is not exactly pleasing to many of the customers just kind of soggy what's wrong with it hey so this shrimp is no good where's that fall of white wine Wow used to upset me more but it's happened so often that I just become numb to it does anyone ever get bothered about coming back loss for words I don't know what to do you want it all in likewise another finish Colleen hey listen I know you're stressed and you got a lot on your mind but I take the reins and run your restaurant what can I get for you can I have spicy gender appetizer and burger there is no more Teresa no burger out with owner Colleen completely shutting down a leaderless classic American runs into problem table three ones we look we don't have meatloaf after problem we have no cops ray I need these clean immediately after problem leaving the customers unhappy it just doesn't make any sense to me and the staff frustrated waiting 18 minutes for something to drink cause I have no [ __ ] I know Colleen really stressed out how could you run a business when you don't have enough self weight or have enough you know who would want to come to a restaurant like that that's so unorganized I wouldn't grace I need soup can you wash this you wash this I can't I got oh I can't do this I can't you gotta go work the line fix up most of my mind [Music] it's two hours into dinner service the kitchen has run out of everything from burgers Theresa no burgers yeah to coffee and owner Colleen has just run out of patience I can't I got oh I can't do this time I really what's the matter I've been fighting a losing battle every day you're standing here and you're not getting anywhere and I just keep going and coming and going I do understand I can see how painful it is I feel disappointed in myself I feel like I've failed and I've tried hard you know at the end of the day it's your family and it's your friends and it's not malicious and nobody's out to hurt but I'm frustrated and I'm angry and I'm scared I'm really really scared I feel I had more loose than anybody else in this place excuse here's the honest truth the the standards have been accepted too low and in amongst those standards there's a big friendship friendship look all to do with it cuz there's no friends when that place is closed they get the next job six months three months two weeks they move on and you'll spending the rest your life reducing that debt you're right you're absolutely right I need this to stay but it's not gonna get better if you keep on doing the same thing right and I know that you cannot give up okay no let's go finish your service yeah I've never met a woman was as much on their shoulders as Colleen and today he's been a bad day but tomorrow I'll have to pick her up and get those standards up there and she's got a second example in his first 24 hours Chef Ramsay realized that there are many problems at classic American and high on his priority list is fixing the lack of communication he's an exercise this morning that I need everybody to be open to I want to find out the problems you have with each other I want each of you to write down two questions two issues ask anything you want open house this is not gonna go well people don't like to be confronted here thank you okay so other questions Corrine why do you always seem frustrated at the waitresses here we go because when these customers walk through that door you're the first person that they see then they're not getting the service if they're sitting there and you text it on your phone they're paying customers they deserve your attention not the person on the phone Ashley truth you don't text in the middle of service when customers are waiting for stuff oh gee you text when customers earth Wow no me why are you such a pushover because they're my family they're not that the family's at home and this is your business and the difference is night and day you have to change okay um Dom why we're always running out of product I don't close every night at the end of the day everything's got to be stocked and written down where we need but I'm right you're not right before you make an order okay you need to go through everything who's not feeding you the right information he doesn't wait for information he just goes I just got through telling you I don't close every night you're always so defensive you always got an answer you always gotta come back try it I got a comment about everything think four smile for my mouth everybody shrug their shoulders and get something once I see something wrong and I say something and she don't want to be bothered she spent is it you is it him is it me is it her boo at everybody yeah it is everybody it don't take one person to run a business you need a team you need a team but you need achieve exactly an ain't no G fear who signs the checks your us okay you're right I was ready to kill somebody you don't disrespect me like that this ain't no joke these girls are in debt up it up heads they gotta get it we gotta stay in business Philippe you an army you need to lead this business I need to be tough by me because if you're not never just does as they please Tech's serve both home and if you cannot lead you shouldn't have bought this place shouldn't have done it coming up people through been waiting a really long time that walk Colleen can't take the heat Chef Ramsay can't take the food look at that and the owners are faced with a frightening reality if we are going to continue serving that close your business closing on Kitchen Nightmares [Music] after an explosive age everybody yeah it is everybody yet revealing you need to lead this business staff meeting know me I clearly two seconds Chef Ramsay knows he needs to help Colleen and Naomi take charge of the restaurant I need to make sure this service starts to go the way we want it and he begins by assigning the owners new rules for tonight's dinner service I want you expediting and I want you working with these two boss of the kitchen and boss in the front of the house I'm very anxious right now it was a long time ago since I spent the night in the dining room you got to show me quickly while you own this place and what it means to you we're opening half an hour yeah let's go promising changes yes Chef Ramsay has also added a special to tonight's menu giving a modern spin to an American classic they start off with some two sliders fun and bite-sized yeah that is a thousand miles away from the bomb burger yeah have a taste how's that perfect try and chew it before you swallow yes easy we have a slider special which I think they're gonna sell out the door starting to feel like this restaurant is taking a turn for the better not sexy all right no no no no no no who eat exid salon hair nails [Music] run your business tonight and let's make one big step in the right direction okay let's go how are you how many you're welcome how are you - as word of Chef Ramsay's visit spreads have a seat here I'll bring you menus right over this once quiet restaurant is even busier than the previous night I just I really need menus for 15 we want to take no wonder on 11 so I hear of those menus you have to wait for menu do anything why is it so slow well you have 13 can I uh see right here you my news I'll be right out fifty seats and thirteen million with just us to run out on number 13 I just wanted to hide there was people standing at the door and I was under so much pressure we didn't have enough money to print any more money so we had what we had 13 million you're kidding me so Joe was healthier yeah you're right it's not far from hell an army set those customers down while they sit down with no menu I'm spending the corridors staring at me since I've finished as many possible the next step after a slow start caused by the menu shortage orders are finally taken I'm gonna need many of which include Chef Ramsay sliders which gets the evening off on a positive note okay yes start get the team together here and now we're into dinner service the kitchen led by Colleen and her son Kevin are having a hard time keeping up with the orders table eight need their food they've been waiting so long everyone and the mood in the dining room is starting to turn I don't even remember what I work food will be out like everything just saw old I was doing the best that I could do history has been waiting a really long time what I yeah they're not waiting any longer than HP but these tables came back for please understand it stopped as Colleen begins to get a grip of the kitchen once again that's the table one food slowly makes its way out to the dining room but the customers are far from impressed oh my god how gross is that just send it back it's terrible they didn't like the column like a little less awesome she really expired it was crazy he was like this sauce definitely just want to bury your head and sin how much Souls you know we bought that Kevin about that much you take a bite of that tell me that's normal [Music] Keaveney that's normal your and/or to Caesar salads only Table twelve back to mother and son team are finally pushing food out where's that going hold on stop stop stop some say but a disturbing dish catches Chef Ramsay's watchful eye look at that just touch it a plate of vegetables fingers going right through it this is the sorry state that we've got ourselves into if we are going to continue serving that close your business closing oh that's my dog I wouldn't sell that's my dog tonight's dinner service has been plagued with problems they didn't like the calamari but this last broccoli dish look at that was the last straw for Chef Ramsay if we are gonna continue serving that close your business closing [Music] stop stop don't send anything else close it we're closed these are clones not give away to Sofia I'm sorry we're not tearing anymore tonight was terrible tonight was I don't want to face Chef Ramsay I don't want to face my employees I just wanted everybody to go away because it was horrendous okay tonight was ridiculous instead of making progress we went backwards more than I ever thought was possible tonight I realized there's no way this restaurant can survive unless as a dramatic change tomorrow from the minute you arrive to be change after change after change get ready for that agreed yes good night we just lost our way I'm hoping Chef Ramsay can put us back on track Chef Ramsay knows that this dysfunctional restaurant needs a massive overhaul in order for it to have any chance of surviving so he goes to work immediately after the staff leaves working through the night to give classic American a dramatic makeover [Music] good morning new restaurant okay guys let's go the new classic America come in [Applause] beautiful come in come in come in come in ganas the old country style whatever it was and welcome to the new classic American beautiful night - what do you think Colleen told to me darling are you happy I'm dropping out of my skin this is more than I could imagine and what's nice to have tears of happiness instead of Salus beautiful know me what do you think looks great we got rid of those horrendous tablecloths now we've got some vibes some lightness and excitement this place is gonna be so busy you won't have time to start handwriting tickets you're gonna need to work with something that is from the 21st century and in here this is the state-of-the-art POS system installed by pelo [Music] stop control price check Dom those arguments of our I'm going for prayer don't go for potato and eat chicken eat ground beef it's all in there good Gordon got us this awesome computer does everything but wake up I'm afraid to touch it I'm gonna break it okay there's one more thing I need to come outside [Music] yeah there we are look at that beautiful color nice Wow beautiful what are you gonna sign that's great it stands out it stands out first time I don't pastor I could even see that I'll go we can see it now now it stands out what do you think I love this color I love it good thing I haven't felt this good in a long time this is the fresh start we've been waiting for there's more good news we have a menu for every freaking table yes now John are the 75 items yeah seriously I love this menu it's nice clear we needed it menus really bad I'm really happy now let's have a look at the new menu classic American dishes done brilliantly well but a wedge salad vibrance slider trio turkey beef and chicken delicious yeah yeah sure turkey Swiss club wonderful the classic American burger your burger the bomb has gone yeah hallelujah I swear to God who needs a pig in about God we got dog big deep breath okay dog save something the staff will you please yeah okay digging it's all good but a buccal Gaulish like this no problem my name is cool it's exciters a lot of new stuff i looked awesome and they tasted even better I love the new menu it was easy it was fresh it was a lot of new things I'm excited I just bit my tongue oh man I just want to say somehow can't know the last couple days it's something really rough but we pull through it and I know you have to leave bikes here and somewhere along the line we got lost and I just want to apologize for that and say you know I've gotten a lot of clarity over the last couple days and in order for anything to work you have to have believer and you have to strong leader because if if you don't have leadership yet you can't function we're family but you have a business to run okay and so those two things need to be separated and we will I promise you show you the leadership that you need to do your job okay it's the moment I've been waiting for it that's a new beginning for myself as an owner of a business first and foremost I love everybody here so I'm just pulling on we're good I never saw coming with that kind energy that was a shock and it's a good feeling I think I'm done yelling of people it's time for me to change though Chef Ramsay handed this to us and it's on our shoulders to make this work we're both going to take the reins and we're going to be in control this place again coming up they may have all the right tools diners are standing in the dining room white we sat down but will the staff are you smoking cigarettes out there and the owners club all over the place before guys make this relaunch a success gonna keep on driving in a disappointing disaster out there that's next kitchens nightmares inspired by the new decor and the upgraded menu the staff is eager to get ready for the grand reopening the owners have decided to split responsibilities with Naomi taking control of the kitchen you want to cut your rolls I guess I could cut some right yeah and Colleen leading the staff in a dining room you need something take deep breath ask for help okay everybody good yeah all right let's go opening five minutes guys yes coming you ready ready good man come on wait that first order that comes through on that machine dude you got a lighter yeah hey guys there's people at the front door there's nobody to greet the clock both the girls yes are you smoking cigarettes out there look at me now it's not are you smoking cigarettes we were weeding okay well let me tell you something let me tell you something really important diners are standing in the dying around waiting to be sat down I look at the time we have been up five minutes ago come on guys I didn't ask anybody if they could take a smoke break they know that service is about to begin they should have been ready with the restaurant quickly filling up the waitress is rushed to redeem themselves did we see anything everyone we're gonna get you something to drink to start and Chef Ramsay looks to the owners to finally provide the much needed leadership at classic American norming yes I need a leader cooking a talk at the same time the hardest thing in the world to do when you get it right is harmony yeah I want to hear it tonight okay Colleen and I had always just blended in but it's fine and stand out now and it's on our shoulders to make this work Ruby you're up I need a mac and cheese bite and a corn dog I mean you got a classic burger okay sure waters or wings all day got the wings yeah Texas nice keep it going guys yes yes Naomi's newfound confidence has the kitchen humming yeah by Ken orders are flying out of the kitchen mean wall welcome my name is Colleen I'm one of the owners Colleen has stepped up in her role as floor manager Table six is having a shrimp appetizer other ladies my table yes like their food is already in so you have to let the kitchen know okay it was really good to see Colleen actually step up and tell us what to do and be the leaders take the meatloaf out pull walk right away let's go [Music] surprisingly we got off to a good start I mean really good start but based on the pause of this kitchen are the last 10 years I'm not holding out not yet all right Kevin turkey very much onion rings just put it up guys guys I'm not gonna set up underneath there you bust your ass like that - Craig fantastic food you want several plates of crap from beneath No all over the place come on I cannot afford for you to take your eye off the ball now please yeah see that I was nervous and I was trying to get in the zone that's where all the mistakes thought to happen you got to keep on driving yeah come on keep it going but I'm all pull together and we're all step up and we'll get past it just watch the bottom of the plate since there's nowhere else to move before there you go excellent after looking after a small hiccup this kitchen led by Naomi is back in its groove how is everything okay you like it good choice and delivering high-quality dishes that are striking a chord with customers how do we like everything as dinner winds down and happy customers leave the restaurant thank you it is clear that these two owners under the guidance of Chef Ramsay have just made the greatest comeback in Kitchen Nightmares history divorce Kelly thank you spoke the boss clear because was happening yes come on keep it going yeah bye everybody all the way watching the customers enjoying what they were eating that's what you give for that's why you pushed your ass you know from this point on it's a new beginning thank you very much okay let's be honest this has been a very difficult turnaround yeah but you all pulled off a fantastic service great I'm proud of each and every one everybody worked hard yes and no me hearing your voice calling commanding assertive it is really important because it just puts that discipline across the line and more importantly you're good at it Kaleem know me this freshman has every potential to really seriously become a huge success do not start dropping your standard it means too much well done I want to thank Chef Ramsay for giving us this opportunity to start all over again it's a dream come true y'all your way good night [Music] there's only one word to describe what happened here tonight that's a miracle I only hope that these two former waitresses can finally achieve their classic American dream she's 50 seats 13 menus [Music] after Chef Ramsay left Colleen and Iommi continued to run classic American like a well-oiled machine Kevin you need two chickens on maybe you should jump on dish it's a little bit the owners also implemented a loyalty system to reward repeat customers these are French carts okay and then you get your meal free since then the staff is happy I love this computer I love it business is booming and classic American looks poised to become a classic success I feel a wife and feels good to finally be able to smile again that's a new beginning [Music] next time on Kitchen Nightmares [Music] Gordon returns to the scene of his greatest confrontations yet ready for a night of surprises as chef ramsay finds out what happened to disgusting the restaurants he tried to save is this is gonna still haters is there any possibility that you may get back together we will see it all who is living the dream and who turned her kitchen back into a nightmare [Music]
Channel: Kitchen Nightmares - Full Episodes
Views: 3,636,351
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Kitchen Nightmares, Gordon Ramsay, FilmRise, Free TV, Full Episodes, Unscripted, Cooking, Dining, Restaurants, Food
Id: 7qV9ZgDtKXo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 41sec (2621 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 24 2019
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