Kitchen Nightmares Uncensored - Season 6 Episode 10 - Full Episode

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tonight on Kitchen Nightmares revisited Chef Ramsay checks up on some of the most challenging owners he's ever met they were clueless sold to you about food it's like talking to a brick wall out of control first Chef Ramsay visits the Galleria 33 in Boston's North End we're sisters Rita and Lisa had lost a grip on their restaurant he just dropped the chicken on the floor but in fact in this half and release ax was ready to walk out the door you walk out I'm out next Chef Ramsay visits the Olde hitching posts in Hanson Massachusetts to check on whether hard-headed owner tom has fulfilled his promise to handle to the restaurant to his daughter Andrea I said roll under or something um I'm different and lastly he travels to Everett Washington to get an update on Prohibition gastropub where owner Rishi Brown seemed more focused on her belly dancing than running for restaurant you are kidding me get ready for surprising updates on our as we find out which owners have stayed on the path to success great news and which owners are back on the road to disaster thank you so much on the first second I leave a restaurant kitchen nightmares I'm always wondering how they'll fare tonight we will see how the restrooms I visited last year are doing and trust me you won't believe what I found first up the Galleria 33 in Boston Boston's North End home to the Galleria 33 and these two crazy sisters Rita from the very beginning they were trouble I'm pretty sure this is what a nervous breakdown feels like they didn't have a clue on how to run a restaurant I mean you should have seen how the staff behaved could you brought my sister some that I hate you once I met these two sisters reason I could tell they were going to be a handful never too early Lisa loves wine she likes it when I smoke and she drinks I mean since we're airing my dirty laundry or I let her everyone cut that out don't say that she drinks this is great they told me their parents owned a restaurant as well Oh your mum to have a restaurant right across the street diagonally you're kidding me same menu I didn't get it and read his ex-husband is the chef sounds like a soap opera yes oh boy okay it was time to try the food so nice very nice to meet you my server she didn't hold back and she certainly wasn't a fan of Rita and Lisa there is no organization at all not here not in the kitchen room nowhere Wow that's not good whose issues her she's an imbecile skank frozen yaki frozen meatball veal Paradiso oh come on well like someone's throwing up on my plate gross they call this Italian food and then when the wife business is down it's a Michelin chef in here with a knife water pot you guys giggling away about the throw-up resource freaking house Oh God what you have every reason to let's just pray that he is raised oh yeah I just wanted somebody to kill me this is too much when it came time for dinner I couldn't believe what I seen when I walked through the door Rita was arguing with customers are you kidding me when they came back I was in absolute disbelief she was really arguing with them they're all hot so I'm just wondering oh my god just when I thought it couldn't get any worse I saw chef Doug drop a piece of chicken on the floor then pick it up and cooked it you just dropped that on the floor yeah cookie you just dropped it on the floor but when I brought it to their attention Rita Lisa hello what he just dropped the chicken on the floor and put it back in the pan this one here these sisters just wanted to make excuses - exhaust retreat is a restaurant which serves chicken that's our charge of stopping from doing it wait next thing on you Lisa didn't want to be bothered with any of the problems that I was pointing out you go I'm going none of you give a [ __ ] here then you turn up I'm going as well you go I go Lisa finally came to her senses and realized she needed my help I don't give a [ __ ] so if you give a [ __ ] then you'd stay and actually show some willing I came to help I'm showing a glass of wine we can fix it it's not good to help and at time do you think I'm not but I'm not gonna put a bandaid on it band-aids not to keep this business open no no the next day I decided first order of business was a staff meeting first time ever for this restaurant today it's all about moving forward and changing boy well Lisa and Rita ready they weren't holding back Rosa your will sloth Joe when I ask you to do something like wash a window you know that ha me gayly you scratch your balls in the dining room but doesn't make me a bed wetters catch my balls come on wow they had a lot to say this is what I see when I walk in you're sitting there Sara chitchat and drinking coffee and looking miserable of you tonight that is why you need to listen to what I say finally Rita and Lisa were standing up to their staff and taking control back to day these two sisters were now committed to moving forward next I have to tackle the food just have a little gather over there I deduce small plates modernized their dining room right I feel like we have our own identity as a restaurant now I feel like it's us I'm excited to work here and be here and it's beautiful it was time for the relaunch and Lisa Morini and Rita really stepped up two specials a large marquee and a veal ossobuco they showed such great enthusiasm by taking control of their staff but now we already sends it out really take this one making sure customers were happy and their food was executed properly these sisters are truly and I mean truly unique I had such a hard time saying goodbye Gordon Chef Ramsay Chef Ramsay you can't go I can't stay you can coming up Chef Ramsay is back in Boston Lisa Rita to find out how Rita and Lisa are doing moonshine your moonshine have they embraced the changes Wow or have they gone back to their sloppy old ways [Music] where is where is agent astok thinking sweat like a pig I can't wait to see Gordon I'm so excited I I'm not gonna be able to contain myself I'm gonna try [Music] place it's amazing since being on the show most of the response has been positive there's been a little backlash because I call Chef Ramsay douchebag why are you here everything I'm like me integer / are you the manager Rize yes general manager he is the busboy I just assumed their role you never know what you're gonna get with Pat you need like seven scientists to figure him out well good to see you you guys back together that's amazing oh you're not by okay good let's bend down together just to get any chicken on the floor round to conquer you just dropped on the floor no bullshitting so he never forgot that the fiasco Douglas caused that whole [ __ ] fiasco when he did that whole spiel with the chicken I was really mad so I put a picture up on the wall of me dressed as a chicken thrown on the floor so he never forgets what he did I think it's nice that Rita can make light of a shitty situation I'm not you know I don't know I wouldn't I don't dress tapas things I'll leave the dressing up to Rita concealer Jackson Hadas Ketchum the two girls time things have been really good since Chef Ramsay left I think everybody's attitude has changed doubles is being much more creative I'm more motivated me to still Rita but that's okay all right losing challenge we are yeah I was better relationship with the staff because it's more like before they really respect us or what we said and don't feel like we're leaders you know the riff raff yeah tell me how you go rid of the fireman things [Music] don't drink anymore about 15 running greet customers are you chewing gum retuned oh I was chewing gum I know you just swallowed it yes [Music] sorry Gordon for sticking my tongue go I promise on my cavities how are you two working together are you on the same page yes we Sykes gelatos shadow creative after you left all these juices SIA and I cried I soft like a baby I missed the cameras I miss you so I got in trouble because I installed a surveillance system [Music] I wanted eight bars I settled for four cuz I want them to share I had the surveillance thing on my phone I could I could flip on my phone and look to see what was going on but I used to do it while I was driving and so I you know you can't text and I'm pretty sure you can't watch the surveillance cameras either so you've got the cameras in so when you know hey you can we maintain well sometimes I walk around and then I go downstairs and I play it back and I watch my song for somebody Falls i yeah i think the surveillance cameras are useless she goes and replays stupid [ __ ] like I fell one time the kitchen she'll go downstairs and like watch me fall over and over again such as huge in prison that you know that in prison India isn't we does a stalker seriously he's coming out of 26 years you would like to take me for coffee yeah I've gone a guy who wants to buy my shoes cuz he was a foot fetish marriage proposals but I'm already married so I mean unfortunately I have to say no sorry welcome I have a quick bite to eat I'm stronger than stairs gotta check something out first floor go to the bathroom I'm dying to find out Wow seriously are you kidding me well this one's just packed with frozen pasta what the [ __ ] are they these are for teeny ravioli oh my god just gelato that's it you're allowed to have sorbet in the freezer yeah we I'm so excited that you're aimed to solve Isis been tasting my moonshine your moonshine yeah where is it over here haha we're gonna make an ice cream at this squad and it's gonna be so good watching osseous Jesus how long's that been brewing in there well it's got a date on there my date label everything cuz you taught me yeah are you drinking that man hell no I don't drink I don't even drink that I drink yeah yeah it's gonna be say again it's gonna be so much blood see how this is how we're gonna do it when my moonshine is done I'm gonna give a shot to pass and we're gonna wait two days if nothing happens to him like death or serious illness Lisa will then take it and work it into a gelato because I don't think I can legally give anybody moonshine I don't want to go to jail no I was gonna say again wow this is delicious miles apart it's really good indeed in terms of glasses how many different flavors what are you working on I don't eat 80% of Lisa's flavored gelato I don't like that one with the flowers in it that's another one with honey don't like that although her gelato is really good the text is perfect but those flavors just I'm so busy in there ain't an Essene why would somebody order something called engine see you Josh ow anus all by anybody I'm humiliated because she says anus to Chef Ramsay it's disgusting to think of an ass and where he's ice cream that's gross that's blackberry lavender she sometimes Gibson made me to eat less then my mouth goes on fire cuz she comes up with all these flavors instead of chocolate she's a very immature Gallants she smokes her tail on my quad what is this beat-up way to sail this one that's [Music] anis Senate anise it still sounds like anus that is delicious great job seriously I'm so impressed it's so Amaro you're not leaving are you no no together now every time Gordon leaves I get so sad we need him here in Boston cuz let me tell you there's a lot of nightmares here I am certainly not the only one I have to admit that both Lisa and Rita are too much favored owners over the pleasure working with on Kitchen Nightmares and now due to all their efforts the Galleria 33 is a strong independent brilliant restaurant in the North End and finally something worthy of their parents legacy ah obviously she's gonna check up on us again you can't leave us for too long without checking up on us because then things he'll be back coming up Chef Ramsay heads back to the old hitching post shellfish it's something you never fries we're a father had a hard time giving up control to his daughter you know that the dead Paul one find out what startled Chef Ramsay I wanna do the cookie this time as Suzy walks through the door come back [Music] handsome Massachusetts home to one of the most stubborn owners I've ever met Tom casseras this man purchased the restaurant called the Olde hitching post for his daughter Andrea good afternoon North hitching posts but had no intention of ever giving it to her you better make sure water flow you from the beginning I could already tell that Tom and Andrea were on two completely different pages or what I'm saying to you Andrea you're not ready to detect all one that's not true definitely not a nice situation and sitting in that drab dining room didn't make it any better no in the area of cranberry but my god from napkins to the walls is Henry Oh Dean then I met my server Carla Oh Carla when was this for mate this was me today she lied to me she told me the food was fresh Troy horrible texture you sure that was made today Johnny it was not chef frozen frozen frozen why do this to me sorry about that but I wasn't gonna get mad at her look at it it was Tom who was living in a fantasy world he thought there's nothing wrong and on top of that he thought I was gonna love his food I thought you're gonna love my mid look we gather as if he was frozen you thought like that I really did it's an insult to America in this area that's what they love tom was refusing to see the problems even though they were staring him in the face and on top of that he wouldn't listen to me or his staff in telephone or 10 that the foods not that good did you telling the judge you don't let him change things because shits so new dinner service would be a challenge but I didn't expect Tom to tell me that he's frozen scallops smelled ocean fresh this smell it's like they're large and fresh I've never heard or seen that advertised before rule number one when studying to be a chef rich food doesn't smell taste [ __ ] better once it's frozen me you are lecturing me that [ __ ] thing it was just me Tom's daughter Andrea couldn't believe what you've seen either and she knew how dad needed to change I want this business but I want it I wanted to function correctly and my fear is that by the time it comes to me what am I gonna do with it there's nothing to have after Tom realized they shouldn't serve frozen food he then came to me open with the idea of changing you'll get most up 100% of world beer a national we have to change immediately and they trust you yeah I need your help let's get together it was a shocking turn around from such a stubborn man no one I was blind all this time now that Tom had realized what he was doing wrong it was time to get to work remember those dreadful Cranberry walls I got rid of them immediately and finally Tom and Andrea were on the same page about something it was time to relaunch the restaurant I put Andrea in charge table 23 to clam chowder's Caesar in a wedge salad it was an absolute success honey Tom could see how Andrea was ready to run the Olde hitching post on her own I said no luggage or something you have it I want you to be successful and you know I'm always feed next to you whatever you need I know so go out there girl and get him okay all right to be honest I never thought we would get here getting the okay from my dad to step up and be in charge it's amazing welcome to old thanks [Music] I'm back at the Olde hitching post where I met a very stubborn owner Tom who bought a restaurant for his daughter even after seven years he wasn't ready to hand her control but I was able to convince him though she was more capable and definitely ready to run the restaurant on her own I'm just hoping he's stuck to his word last year when I came to the old hitching post Tom the owner was running his restaurant like a tyrant and running the business and his daughter into the ground after much convincing he finally handed over the control to his daughter Andrea I'm hoping that's still the case [Music] you see the great yeah the color of this building is so inviting it's called showstopper red is my idea and where is Tom you're not gonna find it in here tom has never left the building he's not here anyway wow that's great news my dad has left he's definitely out of the building took a long time but my father finally trust that I know what I'm doing and dad is officially gone that moment when that transition took place when war starts it took him a long time to realize that it's been we're on month four now of completely being on our own and running the show on most parts my hands are tied just he's having a hard time backing down are you running the business we run everything well financials everything everything got turned over into my name so when I first arrived the business losing money I'm where we now we pay all of our bills everything is taken care of that's fantastic where is Tom Tom is actually next door with my daughter he's next door yes babysitting what do you bring that over yeah thanks accent it's Gordon left my dad has moved about an hour and a half away now when I see my dad once a week it's family time instead of like kill each other time Tom sever MZ yeah yeah good to see you too have you missed me very much this young lady has finally got the reins I was livid nervous on the way in I was thinking that you were gonna pull back control I will never do that thank you for standing true to your word what are we gonna have a ketchup maybe a bite to eat yeah Gordon II thought I was very stubborn first he didn't believe me I was gonna give the restaurant to my daughter but I left an Andrea she loves every bit of it I thought I walk in the door you'd be running around screaming and shouting it doesn't matter if it's frozen or not no but your daughter has the range she has a hundred percent control now before he said that Andrea wouldn't last any longer than three months on her own but what I'm saying to you Andrea you're not ready to take over that's not sure I feeling now I think it's gonna last for a very long time yeah yes he loves the business yeah when you love what you do absolutely you cannot go wrong you in general yeah I mean you know less stress than you did last time I'm looking forward to go back to business very very soon you know yeah I'm gonna do the cookie this time so are you gonna be opening new restaurants yeah you're gonna be in the kitchen yeah bout me I know we'll be using fresh scallops or frozen shellfish it's something you never freeze and now here you are lecturing me that [ __ ] thing is fresh kind of a scent fresh as always I know unis upset with us I'll say it quietly just don't think that frozen scallops tastes better than fresh absolutely always good to see you Todd let's catch up later okay good to see you my wife's thank you for coming thank you XS sit down yes so good to see you I'm sorry back darling sit down there's a quick ketchup yeah first of all ladies good to see Tom has left the building tom is gone great news it really is fantastic and I'm tell me about her performance I'm so proud of her she stepped up seriously well big difference that I see is she's managing the business yes in the past the whole business was in Tom's head Ron runs a business his way and he's not open to alternative ideas we look for which coming to work and the meatloaf is flying out the window it's fresh as fresh delicious I would mean less when was this homemade this was me kidding you sure that was made today darling it was not chef frozen frozen frozen ha why do you do this to me sorry about that now hipster - today he was fresh promise me hi Karla swear the food here the old Hitchin post restaurant is fresh fresh the feedback is excellent food everything right I said I Sasebo policy I lie a lot to my customers everything was fresh I was told to say now he could be honest the meatloaf here is fresh it's not like those Greek maracas I want you to stuff my need notes yeah here the little maracas was beautiful so me like wow I mean presentation looks beautiful so how ironic is that that's going to change the diaper you're wearing the business that is absolute delicious I mean something that definitely makes you want to get out of your house how was that meatloaf pretty amazing my biggest thing is just give people really good person they come back all the time well you brought great food yeah we do in a great building right thank you I'm so happy that you came back with him having Chef Ramsay come in here again and give us his approval was like a breath of fresh air and it it just gave me the power and the will to want to do more first of all congratulations yeah keep it up good luck the new restaurant gets on my chest and it was my pleasure meeting okay yes [Music] I always knew that Andrea had in her to run the old hitching post but I'm more thrilled that Tom actually let her take over and run the business now she's proven she's a great owner by making a big success for this amazing restaurant and she's even made a father so proud too so good on her [Music] coming up Chef Ramsay heads back to check in on Prohibition gastropub a reservation and to see what owner Rishi has been up to honor but what he sees may have him wishing he had never gone back Oh No I'm Jerry [Music] Everett Washington home to the prohibition grille and belly dancer Rishi Brown who is very keen to show us all her moves unfortunately not in a good way have you just been to a party or no I just got all dressed up just for you today obviously just you don't dress like that normally no I do dress like this no you do just enormous yeah Wow I was hoping she paid as much attention to her food as she did her outfit what's the soup of the day the soup of the day is jalapeno corn chowder yes Lee jalapeno corn chowder soup every two days and last week so super the way it's super the week I quickly learned that she didn't know the definition of soup of the day soup of the day these are David's agency I didn't even know what that is with only damn mm-hmm I thought that just met what simply were serving that day Wow yeah that was lame soup of the day a new soup every day okay I'm going to talk to him about that Wow at that point I could have left there and then I didn't realize how clueless he was the frightening thing was that Bree she didn't think there was anything wrong I liked it I thought it looked nice and that's kind of unique and different then again she's even know what soup of the day was I don't know what to say I like the food I think the food is great here I didn't know why she wasn't listening to me I wanted to see dinner service in action I knew I was in for a show but trust me not that kind of show you are kidding are you okay sir I'm not joking you [Music] close the doors putting off my dinner it wasn't just a belly flop in the dining room oh my god it was in the kitchen as well color drives anything their meats cooked and raw on the same shelf rule number one cross-contamination explain to reaching never sure I'll cook fried next to a raw product what is this guy's Mike Trout what is no trout altro that there it's the fresh one that leads right oh I couldn't let it go on any younger I'm sorry I'm so disappointed but whatever you're eating now just stop [Music] Bree she finally started to see that this place was in serious trouble I actually feel sorry for you do you know why you're being used step up yeah get a grip yeah cuz time right now is not your friend so the next day Rishi stepped up and decided to make some big changes I don't want to beat around the bush about it unfortunately I'm letting you go I'm sorry after seeing that Rishi was serious about veena no no I was ready to turn pro bish and grill into Everett's first-ever gastropub so I transform the deck or propecia Grill is no longer a grill welcome to your new gastric band designed a stunning menu oh my god I was amazing and yet Rishi and you look wow you look amazing either a lot Rishi proved that she could take charge of our restaurants right and the salmon for you my dear okay thank you I'm here in Everett Washington to check in on the prohibition gastropub and its owner Rishi now last time I was here gastropub were fairly new to this part of town so we've interested to find out how the locals took to the new prohibition but more importantly did Rishi stick to a promise with no more belly dancing time to check-in [Music] last year prohibition grille owner rishi had to be one of the most clueless restaurateurs I've ever met and it took a lot of convincing to get her to step out at that belly dancing costume and into the role of running her a restaurant but we did it and I'm back and very anxious to see how she's doing fingers crossed just kidding Chef Ramsay she was so bad I was so excited and then I got really nervous in general how's business little by little it's catching on fire let's go and catch up shall we someone else you want I'm really so excited today because I really want to show Chef Ramsay what I've done I'm not this clueless you know belly dancer turned restaurateur first of all congratulations place looks amazing yeah no more belly dancing right no more belly dancing Isis yes how are you doing personally oh my gosh well I'm gonna tell you I've been working around the clock here since you now I'm totally an owner here right involved in what's going on in my kitchen I'm involved in the ordering I mean in my consulting chef market is track she's spectacular it's changed my life it's awesome I'm subjects to here because you were so distant I have no idea what's going in there is almost like yeah closer to the business than ever before right I'm gonna quiz you oh gosh okay first question what's the soup of the day I didn't even know what made fresh daily now what does the word fresh mean fresh means I got fresh means that it's not frozen food at the peak of its life that's what it means to be food that is beautiful vibrant how do you grow oysters oh you don't make an oyster just open yes in the show we crawl in the shell in the ocean I wants the secret of good Betty dolls to have a great shimmy and annulation that worked well together that's an amazing where does belly dancing belong in appropriate venues really not you're keeping your belly separate from your business I'm so pleased to hear that before I may have been that naive owner not so much anymore he includes me how he wants I got the answers is this lady been demanding on enforcing high standards with her team belly dance that was a belly flop [Music] I'm gonna go to the kitchen and prepare a meal for you would that be okay especially that I'm cooking myself for you last time Chef Ramsay was here he didn't like anything on our menu and today I'm a little nervous but I feel confident he's going to love his lunch I'm a barbecue chef with spicy sausage on creamy yellow grits amazing braised pork shoulder with this bat salt and the wild mushrooms so you save on please one of my specialties I make them every day what do you think grits are lazy oh thank you wow that is delicious I think of this and it really does stand out as a true gastropub dish thank you little nightmare and that little flashback to the oh my god it's [ __ ] disgusting I will never forget that dish I'll never forget when you rolled it out and I was like blood lines on there as well nasty you have really embraced the change haven't you oh my gosh Chef Ramsay I love it and to see that you've got one foot in the kitchen and you're running the business from the engine room yeah in control I'm so encouraged to hear you say that come with me I've got little surprise for you Chef Ramsay really helped me to quickly understand that change needed to occur is my mega bus mayor are you sure that's amazing ladies and gentlemen I'm so sorry for interrupting but I'm so exciting back here because this place is amazing thanks this lady here great job I would like to just introduce you to a very special guest please give a warm welcome for the NER of Everett ray stepheson I know ray has a few words to say to know you do and your team so to everyone who is here hi ray Steffensen mayor of the city of Everett do hereby proclaim July 31st 2013 as prohibition gastropub appreciation day [Music] [Applause] oh my god it's the most amazing moment of my life good job you guys okay bye guys bye bye Wow what a success Rishi has really impressed me and it is so nice to see her go from a completely oblivious owner to someone who's now in control of a restaurant big time and it's so nice to see the town of ever embracing a true gastropub long may continue thank God no more dancing I want to know where the [ __ ] you were eating cat food I want to remember this moment Jesus Christ did you ever do any work thanks for making me look short hello hello a dumbwaiter [ __ ] me what's his name help me canned food no no he's [ __ ] food Mayday Mayday all that from the price please sit back dream up you little soup [Music]
Channel: Kitchen Nightmares - Full Episodes
Views: 1,619,103
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: FilmRise, Kitchen Nightmares, Gordon Ramsay, Dining, Cooking, Restaurants, Food, Full Episodes, Free TV, Classic TV, Teleivision, Unscripted
Id: OxB3sn3OKZg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 41sec (2621 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 24 2019
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