Kitchen Nightmares Uncensored - Season 4 Episode 14 - Full Episode

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/ll1__1ll 📅︎︎ Aug 11 2020 🗫︎ replies

Lol it certainly sounds like it 🤣 But no I don't think so. I love this episode and never noticed it before. Lol

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/N0wheregirl 📅︎︎ Aug 11 2020 🗫︎ replies

So this is an effect of quarentine

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Newriot4ever 📅︎︎ Aug 12 2020 🗫︎ replies

It absolutely sounds like it

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Bossboy745 📅︎︎ Aug 12 2020 🗫︎ replies

That sounds like the Jeopardy theme.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/CagedPhoenix55 📅︎︎ Aug 12 2020 🗫︎ replies

I think he is and I absolutely love it

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/AnimeJesus8 📅︎︎ Aug 12 2020 🗫︎ replies
tonight on Kitchen Nightmares Chef Ramsay travels to an Italian bistro in Southern California what time is that where one woman's drain has become her family's worst nightmare all right steak here this former waitress is in way over her head what are you gonna do I don't know Gordon and she doesn't even realize it the rules Oh Dan not only is she a bad manager I don't even know what to do the chef is completely clueless he can't make a meatball what a mess tonight it's the saga of Charlie's a restaurant that is destroying not only the life of the owner none restaurant anywhere in this country functions like that but the family as well not how you feel is what's gonna happen to them if this doesn't work failure [Music] is that disgusting amazing [Music] laverne California just 30 miles from Los Angeles this suburb is home to a neighborhood Italian bistro called Charlotte's and in 2010 it was bought by the Leyva family would you like a booth I started working here ten years ago I was a waitress here and then I had the opportunity to take it over but I didn't have the money or the collateral so I had to go to my mom and my sister Pat and Val both full-time school teachers finance the restaurant and put their houses up as collateral to help Tatiana fulfill her dream my mom and I don't know about the restaurant business and so we put a lot of trust in my sister's experience to run the restaurant that B are we gonna have enough bread for tonight of course when I took over the restaurant I didn't want to change the menu or the chef I just wanted to keep it as is because I love this restaurant but didn't pan out the way I wanted it to I mean I could stay here all day and have maybe four tables at the most how many tables did you have Jen I only had one that doesn't even pay for the costs of just running electricity I was gonna bring the people in I don't know the problem with their restaurant is tatiana the fact that she feels like she doesn't have to change things it's ridiculous if they don't like this it's disgusting Casa Muriel is our head chef he's been here for 14 years and he's pretty awful basically the restaurant sufferings we're talking on the manages the restaurant usually that consists of standing around with a glass of wine in her hand she's very disrespectful talking about your ass stop it I told you most people in them crying don't you dare I need a drink Tatiana doesn't know how to handle a man owner my sister already resent me for asking them to put their houses on the line I don't know how we're gonna make it this month they play the blame game this is talk to you on his fault we wouldn't be in this mess if it wasn't for Tatiana but I didn't put a gun to their head what are we going to do if we don't get more customers we would lose our houses it is very serious I really need Chef Ramsay's help I'm scared what's going to happen I just don't understand like what else I could do [Music] rare rainy day in California what better way to pick you up than a nice lunch right Charlie's Italian food [Music] when chef walked in I just laughed because that's what I don't know what to do with this nervous energy in this anxiety how are you and this is yeah is that Jolyon no he's not okay the Russians called charlie who is he Charlie was the original owner Charlie on Dez Charlie Oakton so there's no Charlie no no I used to work here as a waitress when Charlie owned it and then he sell it to another person Simon okay great and then when Simon ran this into the ground he dumped it Simon bought it off Charlie and then dumped it on you just dumped it in general and then I would took it over because I loved this restaurant we took it over my mom and my sisters yeah cellar nice ceiling and when he came over about a month be nice to catch up and if the characters food was happening why can we go somewhere else Tatiana needs to learn effective ways of doing things around here so and festival it's so important that I catch up with what's been happening whose idea was this to run arrested her dream I've loved this restaurant I've worked here since I was 20 years old whenever working in a business to running a business completely different okay how much money do you need to get on the table before you took over mom put all her retirement money into it house so the Russian goes your houses go Wow and how much money did you put it um okay financially where are we the restaurants in debt honestly that's not good and who makes the decisions here Shannon well they have other jobs as well so you have a full time job and you come in here to run the restaurant thank you well so what's gone wrong there you don't know Wow so then what's the changes you made when you bought it nothing too okay so Simon ran it in a bad way didn't give a [ __ ] about the customers and it was appalling li lead we don't change anything that's been a major issue help me understand cuz I'm confused the risk is little on your side yeah mama for you and yet you're not even in control of the business well I just don't know what I've done so wrong like I don't know I think we've seen a much clearer uglier side of her do another thing I don't think they trust me I hope you pull them into a mess what it comes down to is that she does not treat us as equals don't even start you talk down to me you bulldoze me you do not treat me like an equal you don't treat me like one third of this restaurant well I have the burden of the money and I'm making $2 an hour if it's paid that much but she also gets a card she gets her cell phone paid for her gas okay so if you could get out of this would you do it looking back it is make it very you know we scan through the system my sister doesn't have that burden of losing her house so she's never been really responsible it's not back to wait nice to meet you enslave you and I'm gonna see what I've got to work with right you it's emotionally draining and it's a scary situation [Music] here we go [Music] thank you very much my name is Genevieve and I'm gonna be your server with anything let's go right I start off with the toasted ravioli the flip to the maja me the lasagna it's not your typical is on it so be pay for something different [Music] would you mean something different you don't say it's a saver absolutely alright we're in California so why not Sam chicken it sir and who makes the best custom in our head chef yeah thank you [Music] red stressful doble wet soggy horrible dough dad do it guess he never toasted ravioli but a Chef Ramsay hmm I don't like any of the food so I really don't think that he will either again thank you very much well well well well well we spits the toasted bit yeah I've never had recommended the ravioli I mean their rule yeah a lot of people don't like that they're either really raw or they're just like cardboard I mean to have dangerous she Tatyana does she in addition we asked him to taste one for me and then that means you'll 86 them toasted ravioli raining yeah sounds like the owners are toast then taste it and agree with them in 86 don't say anything on deception but then we call [Music] I can't take food back there none of us can take three about there this will help us to go you supposed to go straight to the chef and say this is wrong what was the present about it bizarre looking for dear Mari okay great thank you are dying [Music] passive must spy overcooked strands of mantra is that mozzarella underfoot that about it and in the pasta it's just mush so it's almost like his camp and be muscles to taste a facial muscles and the shrimps this one's own way over Colton this great strange yeah this is been going on for like a month or two now he's just been sitting our bad trip and we don't know why Genevieve doesn't shut up don't you know tells us sure well I can't take complaints to the chef seriously really listen anyone Wow not good was on in the lasagna is vile it's embarrassing to serve that Chef Ramsay what's in the souls why is it that color it pink that shears that no one ever pink sauce Willis onion is it his own recipe yes it is the sauce taste Assad and the mouthful I had was an stone cold it's hot one side cold the other is that microwave it might be don't don't answer a question you don't know Oh Wow right is it pond with these microwave it feels like that microwaves on the blink yes it is Wow when a restaurant can get food microwaved properly by all time now let me answer these questions still there's always hope for the pizza you look nothing like that alright we're gonna win him over with the deep though [Music] my pizza garlic chicken god I hope you like something sorry so bready so don't call this raw pastry underneath the pizza it resembles nothing homemade oh my god they've got a pizza that's come out of the oven that feels like something that's been frozen [Music] oh is it that bad yeah it's not funny I don't know what the giggles are the laughing about but the dishes have been dreadful trying not to cry but you doesn't come after me I can feel it oh my god coming up Phil if you thought lunch was bad you haven't seen anything yet what are you gonna do I don't know Gordon as Charlie's Italian bistro goes from bad I'm just that failure too ridiculous if his house was on the line you will be cooking like a [ __ ] idiot after a lunch in which every dish had a failing grade it's hot one side cold the other dreadful owner Tatiana refused to pass on any of Chef Ramsay's criticism but the uninformed kitchen crew is about to be enlightened so just explain who's the head chef please do you speak a little English this minute I I'm upset I mean you have a really bad depressing restaurants but this place is a mess and you know what it's not even mediocre the food is hideous you don't need me to tell you that the breads that's the kind of bread that you're serving touch it it's soaking wet it's bland and it's a thousand miles away from anything called for catcher let me tell you it's embarrassing pink lasagna stone cold in the center piping hot on the right hand side and disgusting I trust them so much I trust him I let you do it i disrupt her I just trusted him to to know what he was doing because he's been doing it for so long no the problem is he's got away with it for so long trip to the moon with the overcooked linguine in a seafood dish no salt the shrimp's solid like a bullet and muscles that didn't even taste fresh where the muscles problem chummy I mean come on what a mess I mean Wow what whilst you freeze my canteen yeah yeah well if you don't know let's find out what is it that you freeze meatballs when were these made we buy you pine meatballs he can't make a meatball he said yeah they can't make it me boy he doesn't want to get me local rubbish oh wow can you make a meat boom my hands are tied in this kitchen I don't have any input on what goes on Tatiana should step up to the plate and she should know what's going on in the kitchen that's her job what is that dude what's the chef expecting a rush on pastured Wow how much pasta does one chef need he's obsessed with it it's all all overcooked what's in this one pizza dough holy crap this is just for the pizza not the breasts let's go here small small and large okay this one then my god what the [ __ ] this is what goes on daily all that bread like this and all that pastor Wow what's he doing with all this stuff mrs. - brother there's not enough time to prepare everything with everything he has to preparing the game the weapons but he doesn't sell this well where does it go he throws it away there are times where we've thrown away a lot of pasta because people aren't ordering it patty aunt Val this is your house this is you it's your life right here in the trash that's yeah what I'm more concerned about is the fact that you're oblivious you're like an airhead that's got a head in the clouds this is business it was a unsuccessful business before you picked it up and maintained that unsuccessful menu in a unsuccessful business you come in change nothing you can't direct any form of criticism or standards to your chef's I don't know why you bought the place and I certainly wouldn't pull my sister down and bring my parents into it to facilitate your ego dream don't you understand like I look at my mother and I feel horrible don't start looking for sympathy now who wanted this place I'm sorry it wasn't your mother's dream it said it wasn't Belle's dream Oh am I wrong no it's Tati's dreaming Tottie's dream which is now come back to bite you on the ass what hurts me is not how you feel it's what's gonna happen to them if this doesn't work house gone house gone what are you gonna do I don't know Gordon I don't know but boy did you do it because I I thought I could make it successful because I believed it myself why not make changes what the hell we thinking where you going Wow what a joke I'd resent my sister for putting me in this position she needs to be knocked off her high horse and now Chef Ramsay's making her really see that she does not know at all [Music] like I just feel completely alone and worthless and I don't know what to do [Music] night one is usually an observation night for Chef Ramsay but things are so bad here at Charlie's drop in two seconds okay he decides to make one change right away customary Daniela okay we're gonna make homemade meatballs I want you to make me a meatball and I want you to make me a meatball I'd like to say it's yours I'd like to taste yours I'll be bad later yeah [Music] Kathir Merrill shouldn't have a problem since he's worked in an Italian restaurant for 15 years then watching as marrow in like I cringe because he doesn't know what he's a chilly all right so what did you do didn't fire them off he's not even find them off it is boiling on this sauce that's Jana when you make a meatball you have a pound fine pan you associate the meat and you finish it off in sauce you don't know that what season you put in there nothing in there just like white with meatballs look at them and thank cat food how you cooking yours okay good I mean a little taste tampering out oh it's nice nothing soft yeah comlinks delicious only losing tonight they're gonna make you smile your sous-chef a [ __ ] head chef Tatiana I got nervous when a chef Connie make a meatball I mean honestly and this young lady's flavor of her meat both ten times greater kashmira couldn't make a meatball correctly but I don't think he is a bad cook necesitamos in Sinaloa and this who at his window passing her all your bueno be strong as dinner service begins hi guys welcome to charli's table first our specialty Tomatoes spaghetti meatball Chef Ramsay is giving a tutorial on meatballs in an Italian restaurant we gonna have a color on there as richness and I speak flavor [Music] yeah [Music] [Music] slowly why so focus on one ticket at a time I think the customers want to pay the chef's that I want to work slowly say something casimiro about ticket times he will just ignore me okay what trick is he working on now are you kidding me [Music] with chasm arrow working at his own pace well carotid uphill the dining rooms patients so hungry it's being tested almost lettuce as food finally makes its way into the dining room customers find out it was definitely not worth the wait what are you doing [Music] [Music] put that down I've got a [ __ ] finger no I did say fairway come on sweetheart I showed him how to cook one off my back to turn to two minutes and that's why I've got burn [ __ ] stuck to a parentless he turned out to Danielle hold on I said to Danielle I've got I'm busy I can't watch my meatballs that's why I'm gonna work for what y'all can play on the meatballs you said it was like toasted on one side but not done yet ready how about telling you [ __ ] chef here now it's gonna upset with me because I'd call him out when a guy can't make a meatball or even season one I'm sorry I'm really sorry and then when I watch a chef that cooks and sticks food up there holds it and we're like talking homemade food we're talking bought in store balls my god it hurts okay you boogie we're sinking aptitude look at that a disgusting aptitude asked him to put his house in the [ __ ] mix if his house was on the line it wouldn't be cooking like a [ __ ] idiot now things it's funny you think it's funny yeah it's a joke I said well what does one today you'd want to cook get your head out of your ass do we have any more spaghetti and meatballs do we have any more can you have any more spaghetti bowl [ __ ] I feel like I don't know what I'm doing here maybe I have no idea how to run a restaurant maybe I don't [Music] Tatiana you're not just responsible for the dining Montanaro heroes pose with a whole fake hey come outside [Music] what are you doing I've never seen anything so ridiculous understand there where these arms folded and give me [ __ ] on the back of spoon of something that I went out and bought half an hour before we open to trying to install a little bit time be Cooke's one dash at a time a sick stop another dish you just sit there and you're scared of that matter [ __ ] do we go I've been this friend for 10 years I know I'm sorry ok right your kids so does your sister it's your [ __ ] business honestly Italian cafe Wow after Cozumel ruined the meatballs what the funk of Utah and is now refused to cook possibly nada Chef Ramsay is frustrated not only by the chef but also by Tatiana's lack of management sister business honestly Italian cafe Wow what a joke please I don't know what to do I just it's just insane no restaurant anywhere in this country functions like that when a chef outlasts to donors already trust me there's something not quite right because if the owner previously I eat Charlie was that [ __ ] invested in his chef trust me he would have gone with him he would have gone with him it's not rocket science Tatiana are you a smart girl are you scared to upset somebody yeah you're happy to see all three family members homeless but they rely on you to manage the restaurant they depend on you to give them that security I feel not some chef that won't even take on board what you're trying to say standing there for five moons just watch what they do that's if he's you know happy to cook again so I need a fire I'm not asking to fire him I'm asking to take responsibility I'm so embarrassed by the restaurant in general and it's all my fault and I'm the only one to blame because I'm the owner and I'm doing such a horrible job [Music] let all your orders immer first put them in I want to close I guess I just have been walking around with like a sheet over my face and not seeing these little things that are so easy to see how mama needs to talk to you now you go outside I'm mad at myself I need to be the owner of this restaurant all the mistakes that he's made tonight she doesn't take any direction he's giving chef attitude he's he's the problem can't even make any phone [Music] that's the only thing that I think is right [Music] this heart okay and I need time to mouth and you need time I need to do it I'm one have a good night member get out of the kitchen rusty metal Josie Thomas alive swim the Bassanio yo pienso que was lost has suspended estimate while a mucho okay [Music] - mucho oh yes idea yes I mean you [Music] [Music] after finally understanding what her chef was really doing to her restaurant those lost testers that I need [Music] Tatyana makes her first big change since becoming an owner [Music] where's Ellen I think she's crying about chocolate customers oh okay okay listen I know it's hard yeah but yeah I'm here I'm here to support you okay I got to second there's no quick word please [Music] honestly I think the light went on for you I think you sort of woke up and started making some tough decisions I don't you ever done that since you bought this place tomorrow's a new day and you know I've got ideas let me tell you okay good nice [Music] after one of the most difficult days he has ever had on Kitchen Nightmares Chef Ramsay is now completely focused on rebuilding Charlie's today's event moving forward what we haven't got is somebody at the helm when your leader like any good kitchen I'd like to introduce you to someone there's pretty unique Jonathan come through please Oh ro 1 D thank you now this man knows how to the restaurant on the map more importantly he's been working with me for the last three years he's open for restaurants in the last five years you've got him for the month I am thrilled we have a chef it's like Christmas morning I'm so excited Jonathan also comes with a system not only will League in this place consistent you'll help find a young chef trained a young chef and Tatiana if there's one person you need to get close to right now is this man [Music] I'm really happy everything set up for you guys to get you guys off the racism this is definitely the beginning of a new Charley's hair up grab an apron let's go now with the new chefs in place that's gonna Gordon knows it's critical that Tatiana is familiar with the inner workings of the kitchen so I just go was last time I made a lasagna never meander Sonia ever that's crazy let's start off with mixing take the white sauce nice and thing with your Isis paper good get close to it nothing to be intimidated by I need to learn what needs to happen to a kitchen and how it functions listen I can't take your time more faster there's nothing complicated I'm going to learn this restaurant from scratch I want to take the baby steps and get better pretty much making that well done okay and the other 25 minutes I don't know I couldn't do it is not difficult I'm telling you so you guys just made pizzas doesn't that look amazing yeah I feel like I can do anything dig it I just can't wait to get to work and prove to my mom and my sister that I can do this I think the message is clear nobody's scared to walk through that door and get their hands dirty in that kitchen tomorrow is a big day let me tell you I need everyone on their game can i guys get some sleep oh my god [Music] [Applause] last night Tatiana and her team eagerly learned a few of the new recipes good morning now Chef Ramsay is ready to unveil an entirely revamped menu first of all we have a dynamic simple clean menu right now they start off with a homemade focaccia bread yeah seasoned with rosemary garlic drizzled in olive oil shallots we have the chopped salad in there got garbanzo beans provolone cheese salami finishes from fresh a mouthful mmm so it's got that really nice punch to it as well entrees pan-seared salmon so with a white bean ragout phenomenal absolutely delicious next to that we got something it's a staple spaghetti meatballs absolutely delicious and then finally pizzas for them margherita procedure zucchini done with the shrimp and the meat lovers again we have a massive asset there in that pizza oven and we're gonna take advantage of that yeah dig in oh I am thrilled this is amazing this is like the menu of my dreams oh my god the beet sauce are incredible oh my god love that I know I'm excited for the new menu I mean it's beautiful it's delicious Chef Ramsay you're my boy dude it's relaunch night as Charlie's opens its doors for dinner and the town of Laverne is anxious to give it another try and with chef Jonathan and chef Peter running the kitchen we got you fried calamari coming right now it's up to Tatiana to make sure the rest of the team are up to the task my name is Tatiana I'm the owner if you need anything please let me know tomorrow if the tomato soup is Caesar salad order with the kitchen staff working together food quickly makes its way to the diners but not all the customers are receiving their meals yes that was my entree my dinner yes I know tasted great I'm done eating no I'm gonna ask the kitchen right now yes sorry thank you Pizza came out dontre's having to remember did they come all in his on chest trying not to cry but this is really bad why are you guys not talking to each other why are you not talking to the chef's you guys it's a nightmare good job yes how many pieces we got on there so you got two margaritas and we love us on there you're three pizzas on yeah yeah I already did that already got a [ __ ] plane and it soon becomes apparent that there's a detrimental lack of communication between the waitstaff and the pizza station who you send the pizza you got to check in with Jonathan you're sending your pizzas your own little world we've got to stick together guys yes they need to communicate I don't know what to do now [Music] it's relaunch night at Charlie's and with some of the tables receiving incomplete orders a night that started off with so much promise is on the brink of disaster I need to communicate I need to communicate I don't know what to do now I feel overwhelmed I'm having a moment like maybe I'm not cut out for this we're gonna go down in history as the biggest [ __ ] [ __ ] on the verge you need to step up I am only one person nobody listens to me tomorrow we're gonna be [ __ ] close at this right get them together and wake them up come on please this is ultimately my restaurant I'm the captain of the ship just come over here now and I'm not gonna give up Audrey over here now come here why are you guys not talking to each other why are you not talking to his chest you guys these Hawks he's not casting here I'll talk to him if you don't know what's going on talk to me if you need help ask somebody okay all right get it yeah get back to your tables I can't do this alone okay you too Keith before Audrey on County o7s I know okay I'm leaving them here baby with Tatiana stepping up and organizing her staff talks with each other Gen Yers you're walking around everyone is now insane is it almost ready for the prosciutto the prosciutto is ready meat lovers and entrees are quickly making their way out to the tables together customers are totally loving everything they're happy they're enjoying and I'm proud of this restaurant now I didn't proud of it thank you so much all tickets are gone tadhana has finally stepped up and I'm so proud to say that she's my boss thank you for coming come back oh gosh thank you [Music] listen tough night it wasn't expecting to be a perfect night let me tell you but trust me overall it was successful customers love the food and what you did get an insight tonight - was the potential of this place we can't give up the foundations here run with it good well done - you'll have a little word with you please good night ladies I definitely believe in my sister she's learned what it takes to run a restaurant and she's got the tools to bring this restaurant to greatness well done well done well done you're courageous you're bloody hard working and you're young see what the energy now to set this place even further I know what needs to change I know would have a lot of work shoes but mark this has a significant day this is no longer Charlie's restaurant no longer assignments it's yours this restaurant now is Tatyana's restaurant continue it okay I mean you so proud I can't wait to come back here yeah you change lives Gordon hello this has not just been about the restaurant this has been about everything in my life I loved him he's literally saved me like a dream come true Wow when I first arrived here Tatiana's priorities were all in the wrong order she was fighting with a family arguing with the staff I'm all morning like no attention to a kitchen we made a massive turn around here and now Tatiana has her priorities all the right place but more importantly she's in control of a business over every confidence that this little Bistro will be a huge success after Gordon left I've got the two states going okay so I won't be the salad chef Jonathan maintain the high standards in the kitchen and immediately help tatianna launch the search for a new chef and thanks to her transformation not only is her business back on track it's the first charlie's staff meeting but so is her relationship with her family I owe Chef Ramsay like everything he has molded me into the business owner I need to be and he comes back he's gonna be like you've got it tatianna yes [Music] next time on Kitchen Nightmares there's so much hate in my direction boarding the space with an owner who is at war with the city of Baltimore which is not in the right but our huge public relations issues are just part of the problem there's one way to do it here my way there was trouble everywhere and the staff is ready to rebel your roux [ __ ] can Gordon save this restaurant for the city that would prefer that it didn't exist the restrooms gone [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Kitchen Nightmares - Full Episodes
Views: 3,814,747
Rating: 4.8934994 out of 5
Keywords: Kitchen Nightmares, Gordon Ramsay, Food, Dining, Cuisine, Restaurants, Cooking, Unscripted, FilmRise, Free TV, Free Teleivision, Television, Classic Television, Classic TV, TV, Full Episodes, Full Episode
Id: mcrSnT4daUM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 47sec (2627 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 24 2019
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