Kitchen Nightmares Uncensored - Season 6 Episode 8 - Full Episode

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previously on Kitchen Nightmares Chef Ramsay was back in Southern California starting a frat but it was far from a day at the beach what they're doing is so wrong seen a flaming grill may have been a dream of faith and her partner niece Brenda but this Mediterranean restaurant in Redondo Beach has become a true nightmare [Music] right from the beginning this partnership was troubled with many issues they claims that not only will the restaurant not function without her but that she is the only one putting in a real effort Brenda claims to say is a martyr you don't let anybody help you now willing to let anyone help but not be showing the rest of his yeah and that is why she has given up both owners did agree that their food was excellent Chef Ramsay is no way he would dislike my food but it didn't take long for Chef Ramsay to realize its price that it was anything but was that someone's puked up on my plate when Gordon gave them a wake-up call on the food all you're doing is damaging your business I know they refuse to take any of the blame so who's not pulling their weight no no that's not true which led to the staff playing the blame game boys are putting fingers Brenda after you sweat this vendor you server amel pointed out face stubbornness and I was told that I was and fate disagreed wholeheartedly that's not true at dinner service on that chicken is done the fighting in the kitchen continued whatever and customers were disappointed with what they were receiving including a Mediterranean staple the hummus Chef Ramsay set out to prove how substandard their food really is played in scenarios and fresh from us by giving customers store-bought hummus as good which temporarily pleased many of the diners but unfortunately the hummus was just one of many problems when Chef Ramsay did an investigation he uncovered terrible practices in the refrigerator and freezer missiles please events he also found countless containers filled with frozen food when it was time to confront Fay get real I know you're not at first she remained in denial then suddenly she realized how deep a hole she is dug for herself now with fade completely overwhelmed Chef Ramsay has serious doubts about whether a turnaround is even possible tonight crazy it's the explosive conclusion of zayna flaming grill the fighting actually escalates nobody wants to help her because she's so critical and no one is backing down go Chef Ramsay is stuck in the middle of a seemingly hopeless restaurant fight fight she won't change and there's no question about it will he be able to help fate and Brenda resolve their differences Fay has shut down over one of them you be forced to leave the business I'm going home rotten fruit wake up you wake up thank you so much don't you understand how far you've slipped get real oh yeah no you're not why aren't your customers coming back to arrest ins hey I don't know tonight was the talk to me like wow why everything is coming back there is certain blades I were I'm very proud of and it came back but it's not good enough what you're doing is so wrong flaming grill it's not extinguished grill it is and the problems say are inside do you want this business to continue I feel like I'm doing it by a step there's no randomness [Music] we prayed and the motor would be a better day better things [Music] [Music] I've never seen the bell whenever I can see the service [Music] [Music] please don't be overwhelmed but just answer this for me do you want to continue you 100% sure that you want to continue in this business [Music] I love what they do tonight that didn't show because they really didn't love the way things were going I'm getting out of there I want you to change your attitude because you can't change what you're doing we have no chance in trying to change this restaurant yes I hope said tomorrow I honestly have nothing left for us here this is it this is my life and if it doesn't work I didn't know what to do your dissonance yeah that was rough and I'm gonna call as I said you guys are just go through the motions and when something goes wrong fill out your auntie she falls out with you and all of a sudden you then just go back into your own corners and many people suffering the customers all night long the problems are on the outside problems are the customers it's never inside and we never ever look objectively and understand how bad we are everyone's walking around in denial it was hard to hear I'm not upset because I'm in denial I'm just upset because it's the first time we've won we've encountered them not trying to rub your face in it but tonight three tables started complaining about the hummus I ran a hundred meters up the road I still bought it I came back through the kitchen presented it they loved it I'm trying to get that message through to your art but when customers think they're a stalwart horse is better than what you've just served them a charge and three times the money that's how far we've slipped and you know what is sad in there so sad I got a question for you deep down inside from the bottom of your heart do you want to seriously continue running this business do you yes they do 100% okay see them on good night okay everything for the best we need to look at you know he's right when it comes to certain words instead of pointing the finger can we come up with a list of things that you could do to improve in say his mind she thinks that we're the problem and that we make mistakes and that were the issue but she's a chef she's the prep she does everything and I believe 100% that she won't change and there's no question about it okay everybody clock out I'm going I'd love to fix all these problems about my hands are tied fame has to trust me as a business partner and ordered her things to change [Music] coming up crazy the fighting intensifies as the staff reaches a breaking point Wow and faith continues to hold her ground and later now you have a [ __ ] mouth on you that's unbelievable Chef Ramsay makes a drastic decision you are going home [Music] Chef Ramsay knows the only way he can move forward with fixing the restaurant has come on over here is that he first must find a way to get Brenda and Fay on the same page he begins the date with a staff meeting with the goal of clearing the air last night I saw you Fay burnt out feeling alone isolated and you shall no light at the end of the tunnel I understand after you telling me how hard it is and you're on your own and get all that I got that yesterday but last night I've watched everything and you work talk and perform like someone has given up last night I went into the kitchen and just took a few notes there must be three to four weeks worth of prep frozen solid in their freezer birds Joe in that freezer as containers stacked this high full of prep you've prepped so far in advance its freezer burns then I look at the refrigeration unit in there and it is bedlam the fresh stuff is at the front and the old stuff is at the back I don't this is so difficult I'm not going to embarrass you and bring out the yellow and the rotten parsley okay so you know what's in the back in the fridge yes why I want to talk about this morning is why is it like that lack of how black of freezing it for the lack of help yes Fay if I can go any further fort let me ask you this do you think that you're the only one that's actually working and prepping in this restaurant yes they can call me a liar if they want to they come here through the shaft I feel like they're here to make the steps and leave right that's that's my honest truth oh that's how I feel about them so who is the first person that literally gave up your son Denise Brenda is that true [Music] you sit there in silence I sit here in silence because I know the truth I know that I've stepped up so many times I do but she has other people who offered to do it I try to help but I didn't like and now to be in the kitchen because she cries about everything and little thing and she all day yes she burned herself was hot water booked himself was nice she's denying this right now because she going let me finish I feel responsible for her asking for bandage all the time and I don't want blood in the food I don't want the drama itself and my complains about being here after nine o'clock she gave me an art to it face it was such as well there time to go out with her boyfriend waiting for her outside she's this only talk not not dude and I say that for her she does I mean I'm my biggest be that she ever seen do you trust her I I do she's amazing I'm confused I trust her I don't trust her does she not welcome help oh not for me whatsoever I think what she's drained she accepts the help but she has to reach that level can I say why why I do that go ahead I hear complaint from Brenda all the time because she wants off she needs her time that's not what Brenda say look at Brenda hey I tell you when I have a family event to go to and I slip out of here for an extra day I feel guilty I mean I've expressed that to you so many times I feel guilty what I did I don't like taking time off and it's because I tell you why and I wanted you to have fun and enjoy family when you're out exactly you don't come with that burden and that look again like you don't want to be and I don't want you to have that same look either fanny then you have that you know wait a minute have I asked you please take an extra time I do I do because unless I ask you to please let me do something let me help you out unless I do you don't tell me [Music] it's not done it's because I was busy on the line that's the only time stuff doesn't get done I have many times walked in the back that I have a lot of preparation what can I help with I'll put freaking gloves on and I'll pull out a cutting board and a knife tell me how to do it show me how did you did we get a phone call and we leave the kitchen never come back I'm so confused I mean I'm not sitting here freaking leg over leg doing nothing so why does fight have to prep for you when it's her day off because she feels that she needs to season things that she needs to cut things and it has to be no no I cook her you're cooking them it's like you can't trust your family who can you trust it's not a point of to us it's the point of everyone they want their time ours so they don't want to be here as much as you do it's even your physics end partner yes Wow that's not Wow that is so not true that's true maybe everybody's assuming assuming that I don't want to be here or she doesn't want to be here nobody wants to be here it's not voiced right nothing's voice poor communication I can see does this is crazy any of you any of you showed up an hour earlier just to get you even your own thing going I show up early a lot actually I'm Eric I'm Clark okay you have my timecard than you no one leaves 420 minutes there anybody here 23:41 holler because I need to take care of my diner and that is the job that you have given me so why do you feel so comfortable that the night before you take your day off you have to control them with everything that you do why is it got that bad nobody's dipped in she won't teach anybody because she wants to do it when she completes your paper don't ever use that word with me ever I mean it do not ever use this language with me it's all about my language but you're not listening to what I'm trying to say behind I'm trying for the last four five seven years you ever ask me when you ask me for the second time forever I've offered so many times we have been here four years if you were so smart why you didn't come next to me one day and said you know what can you tell me to shut up no that's not what started out as a staff meeting to clear the air I go through the same stuff you do has erupted into a screaming match between Fay and the staff with faith holding onto her belief that no one is committed so they don't want to be here as much as you do yes Wow and the staff holding on to their belief that fate is actually unwilling to accept help from anyone okay stop stop stop stop stop stop do you want to be consistent yeah of course in naturally but what is it that you struggle with to teach them I try no I don't she doesn't have the patience to train somebody if she does she'll show you and then she'll say do it and then if you do it and it's not perfect the way she wants she'll get so frustrated and so yell at you so the point where it's just okay feel overwhelmed herself and I ever do that was you yes that's not true Wow is that true she has a hard time trusting people they told me yesterday if you were not family one two three four of you would be [ __ ] fired now yes why can't you trust them to run this business I can [Music] prove it no you need to prove that you have the trust okay I can agree to something I gonna leave everything not done the night before and you walk here and you ask to be served food and see what you're gonna get stop there do you know what [ __ ] it we're gonna open for lunch I'd like to see you and you behind the line I'd like to see you and you in the dining room and you are going home okay okay and I will give you feedback on how it weds you've got 15 minutes let's go fifteen minutes you happy with that yes let's go I know I could do this without fake and I would love for her to see that I am capable of doing this and I can run the show okay sure yes this is hard for you Mary yeah today is gonna be disaster I don't feel like it goes the way it's supposed to go when I'm not here no way to jump in here yeah they're gonna struggle with ugly I have a confession for you you're not going home ready I'd like to just sit in here and watch carefully cuz I don't think you really know what goes on in your restaurant when you're not there listen carefully hey both attention to everything you see okay I kick it yes I see like thank you so much right all right Annelle or Vanessa does someone might have put the rice cooker on cook No welcome to Zenith lemon grill look at these things what do the lamb kebab plate [Music] I'm a double appetizer okay if you can get the sights for me Martin you got it the first orders are in how we doing on the meat this is done Kostas done a salami should be coming out any minute and without the face micromanagement Brenda working alongside mark seems to have the kitchen under control and the lunch service is off to a solid start I need chicken shawarma started Brenda because there is Seamus sitting there for a buck let me know what's ready so we start dishing chickens almost ready [ __ ] so almost almost ready beats maybe two more minutes before the beef shawarma you have a whole balanced cooked already come on you guys use the cooked one make sure that shawarma have no oil in it when you dish it a little bit more God just seems like everything in here it's a bit of oil just seems like Table five does want the kebabs but they don't want to wait 20 minutes for it it's gonna be a ten-minute wait okay I'll tell them as the busy lunch service continues without Fay okay we're getting back that pressure in the kitchen is clearly mounting face unmarked an outspoken server AM L are beginning to butt heads go do something else don't worry I'll get a dirty Randy oh thank you me here you know you have a [ __ ] mouth on you that's unbelievable [Music] [Music] without the staffs knowledge Chef Ramsay is attempting to show Fay that the restaurant can run without her I don't think you really know what goes on in your restaurant when you're not bad he has set up a stakeout vehicle for her to observe know you have a [ __ ] mouth on you that's unbelievable and although Brenda seems to have a firm grip on running the kitchen mark and amnell have started to bicker at each other I swear to God I shove my foot straight up his goddamn ass mark cause communications Brenda's getting straight to the point with them getting very frustrated someone trying to correct look away Brenda's to torment situation tough he asked you what table so we can go out hot and fresh that's Brenda showing that she's capable being a boss charge now do you want to continue to argue all right I'm gonna start dishing mark let me know [Music] that have your order all set good job you ready I'll have a little fun with them now okay sure then you can tell them how far that last table gone yes yes hello guys please so why don't you just give Bay a little insight to how it went all right but the heat was on for quite a few minutes just because we got slammed with orders but with the communication with me and Mark tag-teaming on the grill and just communicating across the board one or two please come back we put it back out completely I have a confession to make they did not go home she was with you because she was sat behind the restaurant in the carpark watching everything you did listening to everything you said on a monitor and I think she has something she'd like to say to you all I'm really proud of you are there is a few mistakes that we can work on and what do you think of Brenda's performance amazing and I feel like I don't tell you enough it's an eye-opener for me what I saw today to see how hard you work and how you can land you for taking the charge I did this little exercise for fighter watch to understand how good you are and let me tell you something you clearly passed the test we do have to improve the food rights granted yes I thought for me the relationship was far more important than the food first today is a new beginning ok give me 15 minutes and I'd like to get into the kitchen and start cooking something exciting with the two owners well done all of you I'm really excited that Faye got to watch how we run the place I really do hope they starts treating me on the partner and not her niece it's gone on definitely too long and we're ready to move forward I really hope in the future we can't agree about the staff meeting and we have to address what's bothering us I know now we have to work as a team and I hope that we could move from my obsession with everything being perfect we need to act like a team and we need to strive as a team and I realize it's about time to treat Brenda as my business partner you know I know that we need to fix a lot of things we definitely proved it to Fay that we can do our jobs we are capable of helping her out when she needs and she just needs to allow us to do it so we'll see what happen you did a good job I'm let's go you two what is that fresh fish always definitely fresh fish how does it feel piece of thing fine fresh something up message out to your customers is the only message to go ahead some of you to vegetable dishes will do a nice yellow tell do a nice little shrimp kabob it's out of this world experience to be taught by Chef Ramsay find the grill and start to market I am learning that when you set fresh it means really fresh it doesn't mean it's frozen I've poured my heart and soul into this place in the last five years and this is the first time I feel like it equal partnering with Fay I'm just gonna show you how we plate this up if we cook just delicious and fresh if Brenda will continue to change her work ethics yeah business owner I think will make us very strong team amazing something very important you should both know yesterday after my lunch I went around town but I asked just people walking towards me tell me about Xena's flaming grill zinnias flaming grill never heard of it no never really stop I mean I have not nobody's heard of this place man over three quarters of people I spoke to they have never heard of zayna's flaming grill so I've arranged for a small exclusive spot at the Redondo pier we're gonna tell Redondo are you here to stay and we're here to relaunch okay I'm gonna take a little sample us get the word out there and most importantly I want them leaving with zayna's flaming grills flavor get all the team together and we're gonna head to the Redondo pier okay yeah [Music] well guys I hope so we're relaunching tomorrow night yeah Xena's flaming girl is now flaming hot why don't you and I work behind and you three can market the hell out of the new same as flaming grill yeah yes okay let's go let's go let's go let's go hungry shrimp kabob with tzatziki sauce this is definitely what we need right now people that actually live really close or just a few minutes away I've never heard about it love to have you in we're by the beach we should let the community know that we are here and we're serving the best of the best anyone for sure would you like some we've never done anything like this so I think this is really big to come out here and come together and be a team we'd love to see you guys it's a new beginning you guys gotta come check us out Danis blamin girl is gonna be flaming awesome it's gonna be awesome what's going on now it just it's a whole new Zana and everything is just finally falling in place the way should be your motivation the drive that was lacking because back [Music] the flame is back coming up it could be Xena's biggest night ever hey did you get that faith but on a night when success rests in the hands of Brenda and faith play shut down you can turn out to be its biggest disaster with the word out to the community about the changes at Xena Chef Ramsay and his team of just 12 hours to turn a Mediterranean restaurant into a beachside hangout good morning how we feeling are you ready for the new Xena no fainting allowed on is that dreary cream color we have given it a fun beachy vibe the boos were hideous we have completely opened this place up which has given you another 12 seats this is a completely different restaurant and then we got storms we're gonna take advantage of that bar amazing at the tables you have these stunning pewter chairs beautiful dinner and flatware donated by Oneida plates bowls Knight and forks you name you got it you can't imagine how thankful I am for this amazing cool pop art working colorful and cool a dream come true it is definitely in it couldn't be more perfect it's very hip very beachy and we're ready to unite and get this party going thank you okay I only never dreamed about own a place like this my restaurant was really old-fashioned before now it's a beautiful place for people to come in after a day at the beach and enjoy beautiful Beach restaurants now the Chef Ramsay has brought the beach vibe to Zana pull on over that he reveals the new tasty fresh menu to the staff first off the dips roasted red pepper hummus not liquid but a nice texture hummus delicious tabbouleh parsley scallions tomatoes lemon juice and a classic bulgur wheat and then the lamb meatball jog seven the pitcher scallions and tahini as well shrimp kabob finish with lemon and beautifully served with a bit of it last night we cooked together that wonderful yellowtail again Saudi potatoes red onions and we serve grilled fish and scent excited states have a really good taste because tonight we're gonna relaunch this stunning Mediterranean grill with a big bang jump in mmm this is a party in my mouth right now you're gonna love this if I start liking that we might run low before the customers get here delicious good discipline but this new menu is a dream a little bit of a changes makes a big difference I am ready to launch my restaurant tonight I have everything I need now to really set her down the beach and it will be just a wonderful feeling to happen and then I working together as it [Music] having spread the word in Redondo Beach about the new look and menu at zayna flaming grill the restaurant is fully booked for relaunch like the beach ready for relaunch Chef Ramsay has set up a new system in the kitchen that has Faye and Brendon working side by side and so far the plan is working that's yummy but as the orders start to fly in the kini fritter coming up okay Fei Fei has stopped communicating are we good on rice do we need rice me Brenda and that's slowing down the delivery of the food you know look at me stop talking we talked about the same time we are please go the status on Table nine thank you so used to having her mindset where she has to do everything Bert come on she just needs to understand that it's not just her in the kitchen anymore that it's her and Brenda let's go to next week right Nik his face turned off we got a lamb kabob medium-rare in the yellowtail she don't even say anything she just said all phased us not communicating and I just truly hope that we can make it through this dinner without totally falling apart how are we doing it's relaunch night at zayna flaming grill and Chef Ramsay has implemented a to chef system in the kitchen where communication is the key but shortly after dinner started fea shut down and is no longer communicating with Brenda play has shut down she still used to work on her own she refused to talk to get out so you get something just completely flat it's silent and slamming yeah your partner don't forget your drive you see now ya gotta go please please how we doing talk to me hey doesn't know how to work with a team talk together yeah let's go she's used to doing everything by herself tell Brenda what you're doing that okay talk to Brenda but I am an owner and I am a boss and I need to take control and bring this place back to life okay we just need you to respond just because we had a few minutes of downfall we all we do is get right back up and keep great we don't dwell on it we pick up a new one Table three the other two meatballs are in the other good news is you're talking over here with Brenda taking control and encouraging Faye she is responsive again and this dual are now pushing out orders at a much faster rate sanku saved me we got each other's back we're a team I am very proud of Brenda tonight she was my backbone and it was really nice working as a team I hope you enjoyed everything ladies thank you so much thank you [Music] [Music] first of all night one we achieved a lot it wasn't to be perfect but let me tell you it's pretty good feedback from the customers what was it I didn't get one bad complaint right I talked to a few the tables and they were really happy they loved the new decor and they said this is what a beach restaurant should look like the look of this restaurant is completely different do you know what else is completely different the way you treat each other I am very proud very proud of all of you Brenda you are a natural-born leader tonight you confirmed your apartment thank you today chip pulled their weight and she holds my back up she's amazing Chef Ramsay gave me my family back and my restaurant back I finally have the partner I always wish for thank you best of luck Chef Ramsay has changed our lives and I am worried about fate going back to our old ways well done my darling good job but we'll see what happens what a first arrives I didn't think a relaunch of this restaurant was even possible Brenda and Fay were completely awed to the staff behind them they had no direction but unbelievably tonight Brenda and Fay were working side by side in their kitchen my only hope now is that faith really understands that she's not in this alone beat by a store-bought hummus unbelievable after Chef Ramsay left I'm gonna come cross out what I just took out okay baby Xena became a popular spot in Redondo Beach but unfortunately that chicken is not done Fay has taken a step back and her stubbornness has resulted in Vanessa and amel leaving the restaurant on the positive side Brenda has taken on a more active role and the two owners continue to work on their relationship as well as maintain their newfound success [Music] next time on Kitchen Nightmares what in the [ __ ] is going on Chef Ramsay finds an owner who is completely clueless I don't know why we don't have people coming through the door as she is no idea why her restaurant is failing I'm amazed you've stayed open for three [ __ ] years the food is hideous that's a baby vomit and the standards are repulsive you dirty bastards Chef Ramsay tries his best here are big issues here to save a restaurant that might just be impossible to save [Music]
Channel: Kitchen Nightmares - Full Episodes
Views: 986,818
Rating: 4.8911953 out of 5
Keywords: FilmRise, Kitchen Nightmares, Gordon Ramsay, Dining, Cooking, Restaurants, Food, Full Episodes, Free TV, Classic TV, Teleivision, Unscripted
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 43sec (2623 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 24 2019
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