Kitchen Nightmares Uncensored - Season 2 Episode 8 - Full Episode

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tonight on Kitchen Nightmares Chef Ramsay heads to Manhattan Beach California where he must contend with the youngest restaurant owner he's ever encountered culinary field around 28 she may be an ambitious Business School graduate I didn't really connect it to be this hard but she may have picked the wrong business to get into Lisa I am not serving food like this she's clueless in the kitchen last time we looked in this fridge she doesn't eat the food I'm actually vegetarians and she has no control of her restaurant tonight Chef Ramsay tries to educate this young owner with seared tuna on a Monday for fuzzy night but when class begins will this owners immaturity be her downfall finger will the kitchen staff stick around for graduation day get ready for a crash course in restaurant 101 you may have bowled the rest of the 23 but you're not running it girl Lisa will you [Music] just south of Los Angeles is the picturesque beach town of Manhattan Beach five years ago Lisa Hemet an ambitious 23 year old fresh out of USC business school bought a restaurant called Lido D Manhattan surprised a lot of people based on first impression and seeing someone as young as I am and female I think they are surprised thanks for joining us most people still think that my parents gave it to me or I married somebody that gave it to me it was just frustrating but at the same time I know the truth I went to USC and study business entrepreneurship so after I graduated college I was bound and determined to only work for myself but instead of starting from scratch I started looking at existing businesses with staff with customer base and lead-out just seemed like a real great fit I don't think it looks good what one big table Lisa did not at that time have the experience to run a full restaurant in my opinion I think we should separate them the only thing at that point in time that I believe really helped this restaurant be success was that she did have a staff that had been here forever where's our oneness face this is married smart person but she doesn't have a lot of experience I don't wanna [ __ ] I just wanna hang out we see a wine key I'm Priscilla a lot of times she gets things mixed up like she considers me as a friend not as employee phone number why are your maracas they've been there you put them there on your I didn't I can't reach that Damien is bar manager and someone that I have been kind of dating in the last six months thank you I don't think that I have a title if she sees something that needs to be done it will ask me to do it I'll do it are you okay no he's just relax I kind of crossed this fuzzy line where I'm having him work here it's probably a bad idea but I'm gonna do it anyways [Music] it's heartbreaking to me to see other people choosing other restaurants around here and struggle with why it's not busier than it is if the Lido doesn't change things here I don't think we'll be open into the beginning of the next year I've just been so frustrated I'm barely making it by and I can't continue on like this [Music] parking lot is jammed so my big question is what's the problem with the restaurant I'm about to find out how are you how are you good and then we stir honey Lisa nice to see do these you're the owner yeah I'm so just very quickly kube own business for how long I've been here for five years you don't look back hold hold on if you don't round 28 28 so you got it when you were 23 23 I was just determined when I graduated college when you graduated from where USC School Business yeah what was that a graduation present no dad didn't buy me restaurant dad cosign on a loan for me okay thank you [Music] come over these colors the previous owners came up with the colors I kind of have kept it the way it was right what's changed since you took over from the old restaurant I haven't changed too much I really what in five years yeah and five years so this is the same menu that was off the previous owners a la carte mm-hmm right the HS name is Luis Martinez and the Luis has been here for 18 years and the sous-chef is his brother Arturo okay good I would recommend this fillet wrapped in pancetta topped with the homemade balsamic reduction sauce but I'm actually vegetarian just an again sorry you yes vegetarian your vegetto yeah char gold fillet behold the fillet yeah that dish is awesome thank you Wow bizarre hello hello how are you Priscilla Priscilla Tyson beautiful no server license Thank You Priscilla I think I'm ready as soon as the owners vegetarian the baked eggplant roll and then the spicy ahi Tom please and then the totally past the sellers young man how are you Damien I'm a the bar manager the catering director is a big title of catering director and bar manager all at once well done is Lisa good boss Lisa is a lovely boss yes lovely boss sometimes when they refer to the bosses been lovely it sounds like it's an intimate lovely oh she's nothing wrong with it no who's that no I am dating Lisa yes okay dad right that's why she's lovely got you now okay Claire oh yeah thank you um and these are stuffed with mozzarella cheese mozzarella thank you dear and it doesn't very uptight with it [Music] [Music] crunchy eggplant undercooked the eggplants rule that's why it's gonna say black tether back cause it's like Paulding grease but no power eggplant shouldn't be conscious oh damn oh yeah yeah because of the Eggman is not cooked properly this is the tower appetizer thank you ah yeah I feel like as a firework display taking place on my plate man it's so compressed it feels like he's been done two days ago now just I see eye to eye tuna doesn't taste fresh it's grainy and it's furry yeah you'll be sat there watching me come on come on that's just gross why did you like no I didn't is it frozen tuna no it's fresh tuna yeah I'll bypass go to the next one thank you funny how an owner's not even in the kitchen he said one must take two mistakes she's just standing there hanging out chilling hammer stir crazy he said anything's like frozen tuna dispersant tuna I told he was fresh he's the bad news so far not a slim ray of sunshine not even a glimmer of hope anywhere on the food she can totally mean pasta salad excellent good now is that home-cooked homey thanks Santa it tastes like rubber but is hideous long yeah not very pleasant no I mean that's just stone cold it asked Lisa to taste the saltiness it's a vegetarian part all right I still think it tastes good everything vegetarian at least I've tried I love so I think our food tastes great to me it really does vegetarian owner lisa has relied on the Martinez brothers hi guys come round and a menu she inherited from the previous owner and Chef Ramsay was not impressed so what hurts more than anything was how bad the food was I can't think of a worse vegetable to serve raw and a slice crunchy eggplant why is your restaurant that's on his ass cooking frozen pasta with a ship filling and frozen tuna - the biggest insults well I have to cook it are you powerless to talk with toggle you know how to power into the legalization Wynnum gala last war Jesus Christ Lisa come on who runs this restaurant who's in charge I'm in charge so you're given them the permission to cook like this yeah I guess [ __ ] me I've had a [ __ ] lunch yeah I'm embarrassed and you tell me you run the place but you don't have the initiative to identify that [ __ ] why I didn't know you didn't know no you don't need a degree to [ __ ] identify that crab trust me I think he's being a little overdramatic we do overall have customers they do enjoy this dude and you tell me you run the place I guess I didn't think of it as that horrible or bad you're dreaming sweetheart coming up that is disgusting Chef Ramsay makes a frightening find customers to serve right now it has to make a dramatic decision you serve those customers right now your choice this time excuse me he involves the customers are you interested in being served dinner with that filth then a vicious fight in the kitchen erupts as Chef Ramsay attempts to teach let's clean it but this young owner refuses to learn on Kitchen Nightmares after an uninspiring lunch Chef Ramsay is looking for some good news in tonight's dinner service my name is Damien I'll be taking care of you tonight [Music] the computers have been an issue for me from day one it's really outdated the keyboards not even working properly so you keep pressing pressing pressing doesn't work it's ridiculous how old is this thing it's I think about thirty years old everything's coded like numbers for each of you oh that's great sometimes all the buttons don't work you have a ticket for 108 they don't have double check if you have my ticket 104 you want to fight hopefully four systems a [ __ ] nightmare I hate that computer whenever we kind of is alike you really put us behind the computer just sex while an antiquated ordering system creates habit for the front of the house and the kitchen chef Lewis pushes on and manages to get entrees out to the dining room [Music] coolly off I think it's really gummy why would somebody wanna be's right gummy and she's been for life I think that Lisa doesn't know you know what's going on with the kitchen what's this here Louie when was the list on Monday so a Serie tuna on a Monday for Thursday there what you do look at the color of it get me Lisa please I'm getting really nervous now this is feared on Monday to Thursday we can't stay a tuna to order that's why it doesn't taste good make fizzes sent upstairs off I was last time you looked in this fridge oh dear Lisa how long ago did you think that was sliced couple of days it's like pastrami but that is scary oh yeah like I don't know these things are going on unless someone tells me and they have it told me dinner service is off to a rough start customers are unhappy the food is far from fresh and Lisa the owner is unaware of many of the problems in her own kitchen but as bad as it is it's about to get worse oh my god [Music] stop stop everybody stop Lisa come here two seconds come here when was the last time this place was please they should be cleaning everyday but look just here just everywhere disgusting look at it this is above food are we come on Luisa I am NOT serving food like this okay that is disgusting I don't think it really has affected or gone in the fifth like how'd you know B of customers to serve right now right now you serve those customers right now I'm out of there your [ __ ] choice cuz you think I'm gonna stand there what do I want okay I'll do it this way then [Music] excuse me all these tables here can I borrow it for two seconds please follow me [Music] Circle three madam come true I just stopped serving food in here because the [ __ ] and the dust are you interested in being served dinner with that filth dripping in your food does anyone who eat now that's your customer do you need me to tell you that I'm not laughing and think you're a jerk you should be embarrassed excuse me it's a little bit gross like that but it wasn't really affecting their food tonight no like did he need to make a huge spectacle and embarrassed me in front of all my customers no Lisa Lisa what do you mean you come out make us look like [ __ ] in front of Lisa first thing I said Joey stop serving food feel totally oblivious to what's happening in your business you may have bored the rest of the 23 my darling but you're not [ __ ] running it grow up Lisa Williams [Music] it's an hour into dinner service Chef Ramsay has uncovered an unsanitary situation in the kitchen good Lisa we do and Lisa has escaped to the bathroom as for the kitchen they're about to get some much-needed direction not from the owner but from Gordon start cleaning the kitchen is disgusting and we're talking about inches of dirt it's gross I mean look at this he's right it's [ __ ] filthy dinner service is full force right now I've got 93 people in the restaurant they need their food and dinner service is stopped I don't know what else to do where's Lisa God says to the restroom she's in the restroom for the restrooms in this [ __ ] so Steve's precious princess [Music] we need to face and fix it yeah I have never seen Lisa like that or upset like that ever she's a very tough person you're really strong like been an expression was going to react to like this okay that's fine yeah that's clean there yeah it's the queer as I've ever seen it I care we stopped firing [Music] [Music] okay you want the bathroom go check it out I can do would you mind nothing we're trying really dizzy given up come on Berta a dismal dinner service comes to an end not even an appetizer with disappointed customers leaving unsatisfied as for Lisa she finishes off the service still sequestered in the bathroom [Music] I didn't really expect it to be this hard I try my best I really want the best for this restaurant feel true ya know I feel pretty helpless right so that was a [ __ ] night you got upset and you disappeared yeah most all the way to face problems what was I supposed to do like wait do you want me to go back and dust like I don't get what you don't say okay right now is that the kind of trick that they teach you in an honours degree to disappear in a toilet like a precious princess I don't think of myself there's like Oh princess I really don't like just think I am an average person working hard bill my dress you pulled the rest - yeah yeah that was the easy part purchasing the hardest part is the following day running the [ __ ] thing yes I yeah no one's ever told you the truth but more importantly I think you're in denial why am I here because we need help and I'm missing a key ingredient obviously because we have a good location I have a great staff I have a good energy I I love the place something's missing okay I'm gonna give you business assignment tonight back to the good old days USC I need five real clear changes that you want to make tomorrow to be implemented okay tomorrow new start those five issues may start to really help convince me while you did this five years ago okay goodnight goodnight thank you [Music] [Applause] last night Lisa failed her test as a restaurant owner but today Chef Ramsay is hoping she will do a better job with her homework assignment where's Lisa right here good morning I trust you to be in the bathroom when I came in this morning so last night we had a little chat and I asked Lisa to come up with five instrumental changes that she wants to put into this place to make a significant difference I want to hear what those are I'll give you one thank you okay five things that I would like to change about Ledo today be proud of the food we're serving keep a clean and sanitary environment everywhere the customers should be impressed by the ambience and decor not disgusted we need to tighten up the menu and stay with one theme that works okay truth it's more for me to learn how the kitchen operates yeah good job a plus you've clearly shown me that you know the problems the hardest thing now is following it through yes last night was rock bottom but I think you know I'm gonna have to embrace these changes and make sure they happy there's one issue that I'm concerned about that you haven't managed to tackle in fact let me show you it would be easy doing this way POS piece of [ __ ] that is the biggest headache inside this restaurant they press less buttons at NASA launching astronauts in space I swear to God yes [Music] oh and he start to just break the computer I couldn't believe it I was in shock now is my dream come true [Music] [Music] because this where all the hard time I had with this coming up there's mayhem at beetle demon hat in the kitchen there's a war of words and then the cooks resign forcing Gordon to make a desperate call for help that listens need you right now the tide is rolling in and this Beach restaurant may be too far underwater to say well professor Ramsey is impressed with Lisa's homework and her intentions for the restaurant class now continues in the kitchen where Gordon is ready to educate Lisa and her chefs so two changes tonight yes okay very simple we'll do a linguine of crab and we'll do a tuna salad nicoise okay that's good okay so first thing we're gonna see the tuna nice and gently done there the lease it needs cooking I don't know much about food so I thought it was extremely exciting and what an opportunity to watch someone like Gordon Ramsay's to go with the Tuna Nicoise we've got a couple of potatoes on there just look so fresh fresh vibrant okay right linguini yeah Dungeness crab in fresh lime juice right at the very end absolutely after a rough first day Lisa now has a positive attitude and Chef Ramsay is hoping Riley through a quicker briefing she is ready for another assignment Lisa the boss you're gonna do something you haven't done in five years tonight you yeah yeah on the line a little nervous about hurting myself I hate knives I cut myself when I was like three years old so I never would have expected to put me on the line like that I'll see you in a minute what I mean five minutes you mean you just say ladies no in addition to our menu we have huge special Chef Ramsay has put Lisa in charge of tonight's specials he wants her to begin to understand the inner workings of her kitchen something she has avoided in the past oh I didn't understand what we were doing I was I was really confused come with it Lisa was like touching little feels like oh oh oh they said you can move fast [Music] that's getting the microwave yeah going there I think it's a very valid point why is it going to microwave why can't I go view the ovens on yeah yeah son you see what I'm trying to say yeah it's pretty importantly to see this to see a dish go directly to the microwave I was just I was really shocked yeah spending all this money on microwave food why would we do that we're so [ __ ] used to microwaving [ __ ] how do we play the [ __ ] microwave so could free to see this I cannot tell you it's an hour into dinner service and while Chef Ramsay specials prepare capably by Lisa R a hit did you like it the old menu cooked by the kitchen staff is a flop this is not $24 tonight was crazy I probably had a like seven items send it back.i already around which is in general the plates going back to the kitchen was frustrating for me medium rare please that's rare it seemed like something went wrong with every one of my tables to medium well this is overcooked now I realized that Arturo and Louise like to shift blame all the time like no one can take responsibility they take it okay so medium please and we just refire it first I love your altar service please everyone is yelling and being angry it just tears it apart like you can't do that it's overcooked take that aside from the successful dinner specials tonight's dinner service has been a disaster and Chef Ramsay is looking for someone to take control okay right now 30 guys thank you [Music] Lisa you're in control yeah yeah good that's good passes in the window yes I feel like once I kind of learned my dishes I was like on what's next let's get it together 127 what's going on now it's vital to know what's going on in the kitchen as a owner operator I should have done it years ago maybe they're coming out and hopefully we see you again soon [Music] okay tonight you were good but here's the bad news I can't think of a worse scenario than having lazy chefs it is the quickest way of closing down a business willing to work with Arturo and Luis but just everything has to change [Music] Lisa's ability to change has inspired Chef Ramsay to implement a change of his own a drastic remodel of Lido that he and his team work through the night to complete [Music] good morning good morning today big day Leto is relaunching ready yes yes time to see the new leader let's go come in come in come in come in come on Oh beautiful first thing that horrendous rule that was dividing your restaurant has gone now the whole thing just feels open easier to get round new city brand new bonkers check out the new China no more hideous colors all the plates and all the little small bits of China work from web store store I was totally speechless I love what they did with the curtains with the lighting with the pictures one thing this area hasn't got and one thing you've got every chance is exceeding in is becoming Mahan's yeah local cooled wine bar serving great food great wines by the glasses more importantly a very cool place to hang out I think a wine bar is exactly what Manhattan Beach needed there's no place out there around here that has that one more little surprise you've gotta see these assistant before was useless this is phenomenal [Music] I was still surprised when I saw the new system way I couldn't believe it I was in shock this is designed by halo this is the most advanced restaurants POS system anywhere in the world I believe in you I believe in the staff you've got to pull this off not only will the new decor be on display tonight Chef Ramsay's overhauled the food and designed an exciting wine friendly menu for what he is hoping will be the new hot spot in Manhattan Beach they started from the top the homemade chicken sausage grill baby artichokes been shown delight one of my favorites flat breads they are fantastic you've got a charge with Dana's serious reputation right entre le your burger grill minute steak I think it's gonna be a huge hit here I love the new menu it's so tasty it's easy and I think it's perfect [Music] despite a poor performance last evening Lisa's hoping her kitchen staff are motivated by the changes and that they will rise to the occasion for the most important night in Leto's history welcome to the new lead oh joy some wine tonight this is our new menu we have some new appetizers also okay how'd you like that too because I'm so happy we just come here okay we go you guys yes yes concentrate guys [Music] Louie I need some stuff coming out hey guys tickets piled in the kitchen are cute in spite of a new ordering system 30 minutes into service no entrees have left the kitchen and there appears to be a communication breakdown no one's even working together it starts off on the chef calling out the order so away now once the little bit of chili want a late one grilled steak nobody answers me the [ __ ] menu can put up together at the same time I was a little nervous right then because with my relaunch I really wanted to run smooth unfortunately there's no communication it's awful unbelievable dining room looks absolutely beautiful fine great granted but the kitchen an absolute [ __ ] disaster five headless chickens with not an ounce of leadership qualities right now I'm depending on a 20 year old lady to save her restaurant the biggest tests have been Korea so far sixty minutes into service the kitchen staff is finally communicating and sending out entrees however they are not being well received by the dining room listen to me wait a minute state is killed it's gonna be searched right away you can't hold him in its take three states on the fly at Scrooge attack when people are getting their food they're getting undercooked overcooked still sending it back do you want a whole new state [ __ ] you know there's more food getting the [ __ ] trash that is going on the [ __ ] tables we either need our food like five minutes gone check ninety minutes into relaunch diners are fed up with not being fed and Lisa is desperate for a kitchen to bounce back [Music] they don't know what the [ __ ] they're doing are you kidding me right now this is ridiculous like I just couldn't believe the the ignorance back there what are you doing you're just looking at tickets make some [ __ ] food I don't understand all damming there they're not doing anything [Music] we're this [ __ ] they're leaving Toro yeah why is this really do Fleury all right on my biggest night they're leaving who's leaving what are you giving up we're giving up by its relaunch night at Leto's and the only thing that's taken off is the kitchen staff please guys for them to walk out like that with all those tickets like I wasn't sure what to dear what to expect that set off 18 years fails out that's [ __ ] spineless [Music] hello Scottish Gordon listen I need you right now jump in the car and get down here quickly will you please Lisa now this phone Scott I thought he would jump in his car and he's getting down here Chef Scott be my right-hand man for last five years okay I've asked him to be here as your consultants the next month so I'll just see this [ __ ] place he's gonna jump on the service and get this place up to speed we cannot afford to let this place go down no charge with an empty kitchen and a full dining room relaunch night at Leto is heading towards disaster even though chef Scott is on his way it all running away like cowards Gordon makes one more attempt to get the disgruntled kitchen staff back yeah we need you thank you I told her [Music] here look at these to help I need a prosciutto pizza in the oven I need one more garita barbecued chicken I need a lamb sandwich up top right now to see Scott in the kitchen like take me man the way he did and it shows what a head chef should be doing is that prosciutto pizza in the oven okay three minutes four minutes three minute I saw a communication I'd never seen in that kitchen before with Scott at the Rings it's okay let's pick up our follow rosemary chicken steak medium-rare going with the prosciutto pizza thank you Jeff Scott helped the kitchen make a massive comeback to tartare and the evening and it's successful in WoW [Music] I think tonight overall was a good learning experience near my last table third tonight so I'm looking forward to talking with Gordon about what I should do and moving forward with this restaurant because we really really need a solid kitchen staff okay Lisa honestly you have seriously grown up this week more than I ever expected to do is show such commitments you do your homework you show up on time and more importantly you are a very fast learner however it's not the same with a team your kitchen staff in a normal situation would have been expelled then walking out like that in the middle of service was disgusting a hundred percent agree that was horrible your dream effectively is in their hands I'm so disappointed tonight I can't put up with that [ __ ] I'm not sure whether Luisa and Arturo are gonna be part of the new Lido but now that I have a much better understanding from Gordon I am going to really embrace these changes and make this place successful I am so impressed with the way you've handled what you've had to do in this short period of time you stay in control and you hold the reins firmly I seriously believe in you thank you I can't wait to come back can't wait to have you back I'll be your honor student when Gordon walks back in here whenever he comes back in months from now and sees this restaurant buzzing that's gonna be my proudest moment good night what am i good luck spend time in that kitchen yeah okay kiss [Music] when I was actually the first night this place felt like Lisa's restaurant sadly they were still leftovers from the past they keep on dragging her down and for her to move on and be a success she has to drop her excess baggage and move on what the [ __ ] was on in that bathroom [Music] after Gordon left in the days that followed Scott took the next few weeks to train a newly motivated Luis and Arturo that's for the clams and mussels okay no problem welcome to the new lead oh and with Lisa's newfound kitchen expertise I can listen and make changes Manhattan Beach's newest wine bar has seen a boost in revenue I learned so much from Gordon Ramsay the whole experience has been amazing like it's it it's life-changing really this man has given us everything all the tools in the world like a dream come true now let's do it I really feel like I do own the role of being the restaurant owner now next time on Kitchen Nightmares Gordon heads to South Florida to save a bistro that is being destroyed by a stubborn dictator the owner refuses to listen to anybody Oh clearly Gordon is in for the match of the year it's like a competition between you and I don't intimidate me get ready as Chef Ramsay tries to get through the man so resistant to change is one person cooking that's me that his restaurant may be impossible to say [Music]
Channel: Kitchen Nightmares - Full Episodes
Views: 6,504,751
Rating: 4.891295 out of 5
Keywords: Kitchen Nightmares, Gordon Ramsay, Hell's Kitchen, Food and Cooking, Dining, Food, Cooking, FilmRIse, Free TV, Full Episodes, Free, Full Episode, Uncensored, Restaurants, Television, Lido di Manhattan
Id: sLm1iZaj32s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 38sec (2618 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 19 2019
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