Kitchen Nightmares Uncensored - Season 4 Episode 13 - Full Episode

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I forgot the fresh frozen out of a can lmao

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tonight on Kitchen Nightmares Gordon heads to Northern California G to help a husband-and-wife team who's struggling restaurant is tearing their marriage apart just to his safe sake the longtime owner is focused on all the wrong things Ron shut gibbehhhhh and his wife Jen is on the verge of a breakdown the restaurants food is all over the place seafood Steakhouse pasta continental and the chef has lost all of his power I really feared my hand that tight and to make matters worse the conditions are so bad congealed blood this restaurant may have to close its doors for good and Chef Ramsay helped this unhappy couple I just don't feed it though their marriage and the restaurant be impossible to say what is that amazing [Music] Fremont California an affluent suburb located just outside of San Francisco and home to spin a yarn a landmark restaurant that was taken over by a Greek immigrant sake Cavan Aris after khloé 1995 was gonna die at the time and gradually I brought it back to life with spin a yarn booming it seemed as if nothing could come between sake and his dream that is until a new addition came into the restaurant I took the bar to new job it's the new yarn because I was desperate doctor whatever you do he asked me if I had an experience and I said yes but I lied if you would have told me I would have been married to him with the baby two years later I would have ran suzdal away for the straw gems just a mess when she tries to hop out of the restaurant they go sweetie she doesn't know what she's doing [Music] she is Huggies trophy wife I'm not as stupid as everyone thinks and the caviar who Susan caviar I'm not book-smart I'm street smart when business started to slow down Jennifer convinced sake that a remodel might help bring the people back I was given no budget they don't put price tags on the things I was just told to go pick out what you like and now I'm realizing I have expensive tastes I was planning on spending three hundred fifty thousand at the most Jennifer wound up spending almost nine hundred fifty thousand dollars and after I remodel this place everything just went down the pastas overcooked the food isn't consistently good it's not fresh have a good night things just kind of went like this [Music] I'm Savin my dream all the restaurants will be really hard so that the [ __ ] I'm fired you to pay the insurance it's been kind of no listen what you don't do stuff dude my parents will go days stop by it's always a fight irritate me then I put my heart on my sleeve I have no anymore to play with you you know that my parents are on the verge of divorce the main reason is because of this restaurant we're gonna bounce back from I feel like things are out of control and I feel like we need [Music] after receiving an emotional letter from the owners Chef Ramsay has decided to meet Jennifer at her home hi Jen come on before heading over to the restaurant Wow who's that Saki Saki and I will just picture how long ago was that five years ready oh my goodness me right now I I'm nervous you nervous why you know because when I asked you over I didn't think he'd actually come can't believe why Oprah's sitting in my living room how did all this start it started because I was bartending at the restaurant is that how you first met that's how we listen okay actually I lied to get the job how do you manage that he just asked if I had experience I said yes but he realized when I poured in my first beer out of the tap that I didn't know what I was doing cuz it was foaming everywhere so he was the owner you were obviously shaking his cocktails clearly he had a soft spot incidentally people responsible for him ya know why he's not someone I would typically go for her or physical appearances the age difference between both you is like 15 years people think I'm a trophy wife or I'm gold-digging it was never like that and when you wooed me for eight months we went everywhere we went to Hawaii we went to shows we went to concerts and then I realized I loved him they say a beauty is in the eye of the beholder it really is true he's my beast I'm possible your relationship is sucking out how's that changed it's not doing good so just help me understand that it's very strained because we remodeled we took a risk and the remodel was you know a million bucks damn I can you damn ass such a large amount did you have the budget to go pick out what I like that's like sending a lady into a designer shoe store with no price tags on the shoes so it wasn't until after I found out that the bar was $40,000 Wow and the little glitter tiles and the women's bathroom I picked those out but I didn't know they were hundred bucks each so we can't really blame him that's where I beat myself up when I get mad at myself because we don't own that building we don't own that property socking has a 10-year lease we've got ten years to make it or break it it sounds like the restaurants under immense pressure how do you guys talk to each other now we don't really that's what's the hardest part like no I don't get to work with him every day side by side so I'm trying to find my place in the restaurant what conditions here I mean the restaurant just really stresses him out because he wants to work more because he's trying to pull us out of this hole he is almost like ignoring the most important thing in his life the family grateful for the insights let me tell you thank you thank you okay I'd feel like my marriage is out of breaking point that scares me [Music] you're outside what is that a big capital s let's hope that doesn't stand for [ __ ] how are you okay thank you how are you penguin I know I am god bless you holy crap you look more like few Undertaker's that you do waiters everybody hate the work bowtie and and that [ __ ] assures you look like a penguin let's go alright John to that coffee no you don't dance up and down there you go together together and we'll drop the body together together oh thank you John Stehr I'd love to meet him please thank you the restaurants like old-style can you come out here sake doesn't need someone to push him because sake is really old school hey hey how are you how you doing Farrell thank you I met your lovely wife sir Oh wonderful yeah now I understand they went through a major renovation maybe she'll be around let's go out this way I remodel this place at the wrong time and before I knew it it was big price tag it was saying that it was too late to stop reduce our restrooms oh wow let's see how yes honestly you still here as well this is very posh chandelier have these do tiles here is $50 with $50 each so you get very stunning tiles they put the shitty butterflies on that yes my wife's favorite favor so she a designer no but she likes the good things I let her do whatever she wanted to do it she blames me for it but that's how the husband and wife is right the husband takes the plane whatever the wife does the major stuff was probably right here a new fireplace look at that marble on the bar that's plush run its predecessor Wow so tell me about the budget so oh he was supposed to be like $350,000 nice we go from 300 50 grand to 600 grand over four doesn't make sense we go way out of hand and the identity the rest of why are we is see food pasta seafood pasta says remember presume continental cuisine working with seafood pasta well those incisions so it's the Continental c0 Street house seafood Steakhouse seafood Steak House passed a continental restaurant right let me eat I'm the one that makes the decision what's course in the menu Victor is a chef and I'm the boss are you scared [ __ ] scared boy bye so that's you are sweating look at your shirt I don't sweetie question of this way that's embarrassing or change your shirt [Music] hi Gordon how are you buddy how are you I'm okay thank you yes I say miss my name is Mary Mary then your mind wants all my lessons I believe the food updated Oh Chef Ramsay's gonna go look would you recommend the lamb shank is very good well from what I hear I haven't had it myself the baked Petrolia with crab and based shrimp is very good on for the seafood side is longer than what I hear what was that question Samuel they've always had Greek owners so we kind of throw their Greek twists into it well I'm right let's start off I have a wonderful Greek sound play capillary please and let's give this Filipino thank you the judgment sake you wanna share the dinner you ready honey yes please would you order fish creek sampling used to do everything from scratch now they're fully sack over here sake tie my hands the way it is supposed to be done chef Russ you're gonna see the truth yeah thank you welcome this is the Greek sampler [Music] that is ghastly they got mashed potatoes in there it is cam salmon caviar mixed with cement potato can't they mix it with the mashed potatoes mhm so can't can't can't the Greek tragedy [Music] it's like a can of sampler whereas increasingly from I don't know but I'll find out if he said that in the Greek art that travel aboard he said if you served in the Greek islands they throw you overboard and sake where are you from in Greece [Music] kalamata yeah okay and where's this crab Louie he's coming yeah Saki is from Kalamata okay so what this is these this is the crab it's all soaked and disgusting crab Louie was invented in the city you think anyone serving it within a 50-mile radius with higher respect with fresh crab how much down menu for 1795 and that's the same with special Kent Wow oh good night thank you [Music] Wow crap I'm shocked the next dish ready what do you think of that one down there grab the crab smells like fish like it shouldn't expect it comes from the face seat Pelham fresh frozen fresh frozen our weekend hot back here [Music] filet mignon okay looks like a mudslide teriyaki sauce is ghastly it's like cough medicine that's their way of teriyaki sauce I'm sorry oMG it's gross then you take it back everybody loves it there is for it it's neither shoes suffice we need Chef Ramsay - it's not something in my stepdad - wake up because right now you're at rock-bottom don't comment about the food they give you no advice just go inside that I had enough pretty I got enough critics just go and say a beer it's another stuff gone wrong that everybody's been going bottom of the totem pole okay follow your mob with you he is freaking out coming up Jennifer and sakis troubles are just beginning well it's bad when Chef Ramsay uncovers what's really festering behind closed doors that's not bad enough there's more than just the restaurant that's on the line after being thoroughly disappointed with less than fresh food at spin a yarn Kent Kent can damn Chef Ramsay heads to the kitchen to have a little chat with the people responsible okay nice to see you okay great I'll go for the catch up with you later kitchen that way thank you hey chef can you introduce me to the team please hallo yes come over here please chef Victor chef Victor so you're the head chef yes okay how long we've been head chef by years okay first off I'm shocked my lunch was horrific the first thing arrived was the the sample platter why did you get salmon caviar mix it with cold mashed potatoes and serve it that were the original recipe we have full through here that's the old recipe yeah okay move on crab Larry salad why are you serving can crab the first crabbers had to get the first row oh come on we're in San Francisco willing to pay this filet mignon the sauce was ghastly it's just it was worse than [ __ ] medicine like you say as follow the recipe was here already oh come on you're the chef hey what you wanted to do why don't you stand up for yourself he cannot see you are you holding it back I don't think so is he holding you back yes what how did I wholly die I don't do much things about no one's pushing for standards you just go through the motions like a dead man walking where's the passion it's something man [Music] tonight I want to see how this place functions okay you guys yeah set up I see shortly yes down well the lunch was horrific the meeting with Chef Victor and Saki was even scarier and so Chef Ramsay is hoping to get more clarity on the workings of the restaurant tonight at dinner service but just minutes before the doors open Gordon squeezes in a meeting with Jennifer's daughter to get a better insight on the fragile situation here at spin a yarn so Michaela how old are you 14 how many nights a week you work in the restaurant I try to help as much as I can if I need to be here I'll be here are you aware of all the sort of here and they have fights I try to say hey guys let's do this somewhere else well you intervene in terms of being the referee I have to act like the adult crazy they will go five or four days without talking and it scares me that my parents on the verge of divorce and you'll call in the middle it's kind of like living almost like in a nightmare that you really just can't get out of we're at rock bottom right now it's just it's a scary situation okay I'm here to help so where I'm gonna watch and be in the kitchen you need me come and get me okay okay okay thank you we're not really a family anymore so I pray and hope that Chef Ramsay can bring my family back together [Music] come right this way please I'm good mill you guys [Music] with straw sowho expedites no one extra day so keep an eye in there under the station keep an eye on the guys they'll run bucket water what does Victor do Victor is stays on your back Victor's washing dishes yeah yes fun things your head chef you have no sous chef what can I say yeah yeah I don't know how we'd be sauce or hands and we can do so much sake you know we need to spend the money while the head chef washes dishes and the owner watches from the sidelines entrees are making their way out to hungry diners want a potato but they're not exactly receiving a warm welcome from the customers would you like me to take it back and get you another cut yeah okay sure definitely to read for him it's like really frizzy what's wrong with Tyler ladies in this pack because the oil is like a stoop but she's wrong already the end process of a coach it's chaos right now and the blame isn't even all on the chef's no not no longer more fun my stepfather too because he's not doing the job that he needs to be doing Oh what's wrong with us honestly guys how much food is coming back doesn't it bother you a little bit I don't say that sir days meanwhile the HS position I don't know how I got myself into this or how we ended up here but I blame Misaki [Music] Jenny is anyone camera prime rib killer back hold in the middle white anemic smash so we were known for our prime rib I don't need anything I'm just trying to figure out what's going on you guys go inside the diner everybody get free stuff our lack of communication it's the death of us what's that smell I smell it so just from yesterday but they're not even holes where the coolant in the cooler yeah now what's in here Romy cooked me oh dear where would a cooked oh gosh what's that chicken or turkey whoever is it's pink and lethal cooked raw chicken no date and that's next to a [ __ ] bowl of strawberries with more in there Oh scummy [ __ ] you you and you come with me say that look look at this explain that idly I can't I'm just million are you chuck coming on Estate don't only gets worse Oh what in the [ __ ] is that it looks like the padding from my bra that's our chickens this what is pink just just smell that me just smell it please God for the love of God can you open your eyes hold on that's the cook mate look at this here's the raw meat but it gets worse than that just have a look tooji old blood here hole in there just don't sign that so sad oh just all sat in there Jen Jen look at that I mean honestly [Music] after discovering that spinning yarns Walken has spun out of control geo floods pea Gordon's inspection has Jennifer on the run turn turn where's Jen gone I'm right here you're responsible 50% of this we're talking about losing money staring at it do you have to take responsibility for this first trick the food all the guys treat the food but you've gotta be checking spittle sake come on I hope you have a plan because I don't know where to start right now I've got a plan get the [ __ ] out there unbelievable you can point the blame but there's no excuse for what happened tonight in the end for me it falls back on sake he's the boss his name is on everything Jennifer I bring the produce I expected to take care of it okay you knew chef was coming to our [ __ ] refrigerator and no one [ __ ] looked in there the way their story that's [ __ ] it love to stop no one's ever gonna wanna [ __ ] to come back here [Music] guys have a word with you both please yes sir I've discussed it I've been wishing to serve and just I mean I didn't expect to be this bad Oh guys I don't know what to say sake I'm right if I'd seen that before series I wouldn't let you cook anything tonight where do I start when everyone's given up I'm not giving up chef I have a lot to lose over here Jen if you're gonna be involved then get involved if there's going to be a successful business with a successful marriage you've got to be united I try try harder get back in there and get that place clean make them respect what you bought [Music] [ __ ] let's cut it out right now let's do it nobody goes home unbelievable the last reviews on the site of the cheats implant I need to start fresh in between spending more time inside the kitchen whatever happened happened now who's got a story the right way Victor no excuses anymore let's get this edge on let's start fresh all right you're nice and blame these two I can't blame anybody but the buyer - me [Music] it's clear to Gordon that spinning yarn is destroying a marriage John how are you we're lucky but ironically this restaurant cannot be saved unless the couple is united are you yeah get you nice and clean really I find it hard to gauge your best because I haven't seen it so far there are some big issues here clearly not just in the kitchen but I think there's issues between both of you there's no communication between you two and look all as I see it I just feel like I've had it though cuz he's not gonna change I have no authority if you don't let me make a decision it's just as [ __ ] you have to start Manning up and understanding that you're destroying not just yourself but your family at the same time you're gonna have to change buddy you're gonna have to change rapidly I will love nothing more then to have my wife next to me over here and then work together so why isn't it happen because it's not ignorance is it no I think I need to change it's not good do tough things in life and I have nobody wrong with you to share it with I wanna tell yourself what changed me okay they're all my support [Music] once your next device ID okay it's a lot of your pair meet you now that Saki and Jennifer have committed to being a team Chef Ramsay has made some changes for tonight's dinner service okay first of all tonight this business is gonna be run by the owners how weird is that you sucky I'm gonna fall back in love with your kitchen tonight because you're expediting okay and tonight we're gonna do the most amazing prime rib and we will carve tableside tonight this cart is gonna be handled by you was forget about think of your business you've been ignoring this business when you want to be involved there's only one way to get involved and that's jumping in the deep end okay I've got every confidence that you can do it I'm feeling very nervous right now I don't even know how to cut prime rib okay sirs hold the knife no no no I watched too much CSI I can't open you eyes when you dead Recordings don't like you all right please let me do this and please don't let me gag for tonight's dinner service Chef Ramsay has added a tableside prime rib new specials this evening we got tableside that prime rib he wants to not only create excitement in what has been a morbid dining room but he hopes to take some of the pressure off the kitchen come on guys however this plan relies on Jennifer overcoming her fears okay Jen big deep breath let's go you're right you look a bit nervous you want to swap place in Mackay no no I'll get her to spice it no come on get it going I love you oh my god she's freaking out because she can't handle serving fatty meat she's gonna have to deal with it you're not doing what table what am i doing hundreds home let's go let's go Jen as I say Vegas Showtime is gonna be an interesting night [Music] sorry no come on Jen you never cut meat before a chef stop and that's forget that now that's gone okay we start again you served my best nothing but her best he thinks I was being stupid but I really didn't know how to cut the meat or how to handle it or what the rules were the likes of rambha there's no one [ __ ] home [Music] another brother every table own it and smile go oh my god I used to like him I know anymore how is everything support to that guy's good all right oh jesus christ almighty nice thing not like you're about to stab sake there you go [Music] [Music] [Applause] do the cartwheel smile Jen turn around that walk backwards into a door Jen what do you serve down there I can't let you do that don't get [ __ ] in see with me my name's Gord not [ __ ] suck it I'm not yelling at you okay okay give him the best then don't do it we're getting worked up over nothing this how you work I'm saying learn if you don't want to learn there's no point you doing this thank you I'm not gonna fail mocking cry running here we go I'm definitely on board I want to do whatever it takes I took a one second timeout' I sucked it up got my head back in the game and went back out there guys ready would you like the horseradish on the side or on the meat you have a preference on the side is just by side you got it okay sir there we go enjoy good welcome good job I learned a lot tonight I learned how to cut meat good coming up it may be spinning yarns biggest night please don't order the prime rib what was success resting in the hands of Jennifer and sake it could turn out to be its biggest disaster now that Saki and Jennifer approved they are committed to this restaurant complete place Chef Ramsay has given them a new and more focused identity spitting on steak house don't take a menu pass them along please thank you okay when I first arrived just under 200 dishes insane this menu is in accordance to what you've got to work with easy effective and glamorous and play to your strengths let's start off down the end you've got a delicious sweet corn chowder next up the carpaccio sir with onions parmesan arugula and an aged balsamic vinegar that's to come to the focal point of the most amazing steakhouse start off with a grilled New York Strip next to that you got the filet mignon stunning delicious lamb chops will cook them on the rack we won't open them up a delicious prime rib which was that big hit last night the seafood a wonderful pan-seared salmon halibut installers love it and this menu is big enough for you to hit perfection of the great now we can finally lift off of rock bottom and it's all because of chef Jen how you feeling excellent now dig in have a taste yeah this is good guys shai God people are gonna die to come back to eat this food I think my customers are gonna brave about it to everybody have you seen the new menu Anthony earn mention are way too low for the dinner and see the reactions of the people I've been working in I think he's gonna be shocked it's only minutes before relaunch night and Chef Ramsay has an important announcement to make and listen I just being told you've got half of the San Jose Sharks in for dinner time awesome they're coming well you see big names like that in their local restaurant it spreads rapidly that's the place to be in look after them yeah have fun and sell yes and we gotta push the specials especially the prime mover I want my wife to work tonight Lisa so she gets a lot of pride it's relaunch night at spin a yarn and with the restaurant packed the customers are finding one particular menu item irresistible the calamari another it's coming okay excellent now we're moving thank you we've been together so long in sake like these days it made you motivated to do better yeah right there behind the life let's move it with sake expediting and supporting his head chef the first appetizers are making their way to the dining here's the dolly with the trolley okay cats arriving look at that prime rib everybody to die for he was having the prime rib hold on tight that knife we're slicing his ear off [Music] enjoy the size of a door little bit thinner next time we're here to make money not lose it I'm gonna give you a great piece of the music Wow today's your lucky day primary poll Jen you don't have to give a wake up a [ __ ] hundred with Jennifer continuing to carve big portions and the San Jose Sharks arriving the prime rib is running dangerously low as you see the Sharks the shots are swimming closer let's go hello sharks I'm doing it took me a long time to come over and build up the courage to come over here and ask you please don't order the prime rib I'm totally kidding me messed up s always a big ticket if you run out now I'm gonna flip my lid it's relaunch night at spin a yarn and with Jennifer carving massive portions the kitchen is running out of prime rib back bone to this side and with the dining room full of hungry sharks the kitchen is at a complete standstill if you run out now I'm gonna flip my list make that yes you have enough of a oh my god I got one more he had won a piece late Victor well done I cook another one of my own so we're an emergency what's America beautiful okay let's go here we go sharks now yes work in harmony are you coming behind me with 12 I've got it right behind you with head chef coming through to save the day Jennifer and Saki now work as a team to serve the San Jose Sharks Jennifer had a lot of conditioning gave up that's for sure even though we had all these photos of primates yeah little nervous but kill not to be good enough I'm really proud of Saki to have a successful restaurant feels surreal it's so great to have the support of the community and it feels good to be back on top like that the grace is enough it's been a crazy week let me tell you the difference in the start of the week to the end of the week to be night and day the most important thing is the three youth like that one little unit all actively involved in the business hands on Jen it felt tonight that you were handling that trolley for the last five years thank you I feel like I finally have a role in this restaurant and I never thought it would be the queen of God well done thank you obviously you've got one bright future let me tell you thank you Zacky yes sir to see you falling back in love with your business is exemplary you must not stop you made us proud for a place sefalosha giving you confidence to keep you on again I was kind of burned out we're financially and everything but now I think the future looks good well done well look out you family stay together you got it yes you I'm telling you 14 wow I'm so grateful of first Chef Ramsay he saved our lives he changed our lives and you know being so nervous were they okay I'm just so grateful for the opportunity to turn things around and start a new future for my family good job great job good night chef thank you and he's off like a ship in the night Wow let me spin a yarn for you tonight Jen proved that she's not a trophy wife and she has gone from a spectator to a force with a trolley but tonight she's not the only one because all about a team effort and that's exactly what this resham needs to succeed teamwork Wow 80 grand on a bathroom holy crap [Music] in the weeks that followed the new menu featuring the amazing prime rib okay who are the lucky recipients continue to attract new customers from the Bay Area and while Jennifer and sakis relationship still has its quirks [Music] they're both actually enjoying working together to make spinning yarn the place to be once again I love working sake and communicating and it feels good to do things right it feels great [Music] next time on Kitchen Nightmares our house our lives are at stake here one woman's dream has become her family's worst nightmare what are you gonna do I don't know Gordon not only is she a bad manager I don't even know what to do but her chef is completely clueless he can't make a meatball what a mess can Chef Ramsay saved this sinking ship now restaurant anywhere in this country functions like that or are there just too many leaks to keep it afloat [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Kitchen Nightmares - Full Episodes
Views: 1,398,137
Rating: 4.8704848 out of 5
Keywords: Kitchen Nightmares, Gordon Ramsay, Food, Dining, Cuisine, Restaurants, Cooking, Unscripted, FilmRise, Free TV, Free Teleivision, Television, Classic Television, Classic TV, TV, Full Episodes, Full Episode
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 48sec (2628 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 24 2019
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