Kitchen Nightmares Uncensored - Season 6 Episode 3 - Full Episode

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tonight on Kitchen Nightmares the places glistened with shits Chef Ramsay makes his first visit to Colorado and his face with a restaurant that hasn't changed anything in 33 years this place feels like it's been closed the last 10 years so looked at the restaurant hence the owner who runs the front of house Wow is an out-of-control hoarder does it work no and to make matters worse the owner who runs the kitchen is completely clueless jus cross-contaminated had three hours of ingredients in this kitchen it's one of the most shocking and filthiest restaurants Chef Ramsay has ever seen this dusting deplorable mess and you will not believe what he uncovers stinks in the dining room Wow in the office was in the kitchen you are kidding me and in the entranceway careful she's slippery well the decor is horrid this is a horror show the food is wretched and we feed that to the [ __ ] mannequin and unbelievably the husband and wife owners have no idea why their business is failing a lot of people enjoy the things that we cook the food is hideous get ready to witness I'm actually too sure what to do one of the most difficult challenges of Chef Ramsay's career maybe we should just close it down lose everything we have you wake up Arvada Colorado 15 minutes from Denver is home to the old neighborhood restaurant owners Alexa and Randy met when they were servers during their college years they fulfilled the dream when they bought the eatery in 1988 my wife and I have owned the restaurant for 25 years and we're here all the time together Thank You Randy thank you very much just trying to do my job the business has been declining for probably about 13 years what else is coming back you have all the tickets that you're gonna have I believe just go I don't need to hear go please off July but the last three months have been really really hard we don't know really why how are we all doing this evening I don't know what to put this date but it D be a terrible after cake I don't think there is a menu in the country that is even close to ours we have things like a Sedona chicken we have teriyaki stick we have beef wontons we also have trout parmesan burritos Cajun catfish duction Etzel it's really weird and it's not only the menu that's out of control it's the decor welcome to grandma's house it's definitely about 40 years out of date my father doesn't throw anything away he's definitely the epitome of a hoarder everything in here is decrepit wallpaper is falling off the wall half of the chairs are broken so it's like sometimes when people sit down they just go down I think raining likes are just kind of stuck in their old ways I don't think that they're willing to really change a whole lot of things they haven't done much in the past 30 years my wife and I are in debt to the tool of about three hundred and twenty thousand dollars if the stress doesn't subside somewhere something drastic is gonna give us our relationship this restaurant we can't keep going on history [Music] Wow old neighborhood restaurants even the sign looks all right good afternoon hi sir Randy Randy Gordon good to see chef nice to meet you my wife sanity here what is this this thing yeah Fiona who is this Fiona it has a name she has a name yes come on sir she changes outfits regularly careful she's slippery I no disrespect but you walk interesting you don't expect to see a mannequin there it's kind of my wife's thing and these well you know somebody stole her head oh she's delicate so this is no joke this is something your wife looks after her mannequin she does okay we have pictures of people with Fiona okay right well why don't you get your dear wife and then we have a catch up together and I'll put this thing back sure yeah ready man this is weird my god chef ROC Fiona he wants you to come out here Oh No hello I'm Alexa Alexa nice to see you nice to meet you likewise let's sit down at the bar shall we should I catch up I thought Randy was wanting me up because he said that that doll in the window is it like a friend of yours yeah she has had a couple of rides in the convertible when I've tried to take her home and put her at peace in the garage and I had to go run an errand first so [Music] oK you've had this place for how long 25 years that we went oh yes we both work here as servers when we were college students at the University of Colorado yes my oldest one Wiley works here part-time ok great so in a nutshell describe the food for me traditional American ok how often does it change the menu it has antennae for two year time when was last time you changed the lunch menu the lunch menus several years when does the menu change every three months every six months no more like eight months to a year eight months to a year once a year once a year and when was the last big change two and a half years ago [ __ ] around have you any idea how bad this sounds okay so in 33 years the menu has changed not many times but it has okay right more importantly what's wrong with the place it's been a real struggle to even stay open but I don't think we'd survive 33 years especially without too much change unless the food was good good I'm dying to eat worse this is really like [Music] what's all that stuff up there Antiques antiques Wow Randy's hoarding well he's got some serious two core issues the antique stuff and everything it needs to come down it's like a pot of junk right next I'm gonna eat I'm have a good look at the menu and I look for to catch me later thank you both thank you hello hello how are you I'm good how are you name is Kristen Kristen courtesy I'll be your server today okay grace I mean has anything changed no it's I don't think anything has changed since they took over Wow I walked in there's a trifle smell musty stinky it's musty and where's that smell coming is it these antiques I don't know if it's antiques if it's the old upholstery if you sit in one of these booths um it smells like someone that hasn't showered in a while seriously yeah what like someone else it's not someone's like like like B oh yeah oh yeah you're right Jesus yeah it's pretty bad when I have to set the tables I smell it all the times I stink it smells really bad they've been reupholstered no I think this is the original upholstery from 1980 that's a lot of thoughts in these chairs almost with the wheels on the chairs um because it's carpet I think they think it's convenience they turn it and I had to pick you out the best one that's the best one that's the best one I could find Wow this is the this is the dinner menu the dinner menu yep Wow Breann croute Virginia soup Wow New Orleans barbecue shrimp Cajun catfish Washington pora beef wontons we've gone from French to New Orleans to Asia in Wow Italian flies everywhere they can reform that's I won't leave you alone anyway shy order okay let's go for the New Orleans barbecue shrimp thank you okay the Yucatan sea scallops okay and is there a someone special today no salmon special today is baked with a dill Dijon cream sauce okay yeah let's go for that as well [ __ ] it I I think we're done for now what's her nose under Alexa thank you [Music] how are you my name is Wylie why do you sit out of the Sun the Sun yes great how many been here I've been here about 10 years what do you think the big problem Direction is I think the big problem is the decor I've even tried to take some of this junk down well I'm afraid to I'm afraid of what my father might feel if I tried to take someone down he's kept it up here for 30 years now but is it worth anything I doubt it it's like a garage sale but you're staying out eating it oh yeah well good to me but definitely it's craziness what I was gonna say to you to my dishes are excellent and if Chef Ramsay doesn't like any of my cooking it will piss me off Oh shrimp barbecued shrimp mm-hmm there's a very strange little bubbly sauce it's a cream the barbecue cream sauce barbecue cream sauce the color of that is that is the business shrimp barbecues at the source is barbecue it's a barbecue sauce oh I see why would you sort of coat the lemon in cream it's a collateral damage yeah I'll say thank you doing you're welcome [Music] [ __ ] make it wouldn't feed that to the [ __ ] mannequin even she'd managed to throw that up that sauce is hideous and the shrimp was tough as old boots and the flies landing on me as a post on the shrimp the look on your face doesn't look good no a really weird texture but a flight bypasses the [ __ ] this you know is bad trust me I'm done with that anyway thanks them geez [Music] so what do you say about those um has a weird texture to the sauce he doesn't know why would be called barbecue people have been coming here for 33 years the food cannot be that bad oh this is your salmon this is a special yes the dill Dijon cream sauce still Dijon cream sauce somebody likes cream in the kitchen is that all these cream sauces come from I don't know who originally started them but Alexa cooks with a lot of cream Wow everything is made with heavy cream are you yeah we have oh there's some another it's a cream sauce mm-hmm thank you someone tastes frozen some taste fresh at all it's dry and very dry Wow I mean it's very old-school cream on cream on cream but thank you darling yeah yeah that wasn't Pleasant no that was hideous salmon tastes dry what come on really he's dead cream again yeah well everything he ordered has cream but I know wow I would think I would know what they're ordering before they did it but that's whatever I think everything is delicious I wouldn't serve it if I didn't think it was delicious what a mess Randy woman's last time we had a coat of paint or I changed the wallpaper one was our style wallpaper five years ago this this full papers five years ago no not this one I'll show you something sure please what's all this here for and this here disrepair and you pull that table out and just seal that mark in there across the wall like that this place looks and feels like it's been closed the last 10 years - look that the restaurant has Wow hopefully before the week is finished I'll get a straight answer here's your Yucatan scallops our view here is wilee there you go check the back and where are the scallops [Music] excellent thank you Wow it is absolutely gross Wow trap no season whatsoever mr. scallops are just hideous I gotta find out why this is called Jack Attack because I don't insult those people in Mexico Randy um I'd like to find out why it's called the Yucatan sea scallop dish well what's the relation the spiced with the chipotle peppers so why is it called yogurt an cuz it's got spice in it just the name you just picked the name out the hand it bears no relevance the actual if it does or doesn't they're not actually 100% sure are you kidding me okay I'm done with that thank you Thomas Krause scallops are overdone in the sauces gland that's the way I'd been cooking them they look beautiful they were cooked perfectly I know they were getting irritated I like it it's an absolute matter of taste this is just that's the way we cook that's that's it wasn't often after sampling some unusual and disgusting food authority we're texture while sitting in a musty bug filled dining room floors everywhere where they coming from Chef Ramsay wants to have a little chat with head chef and owner Alexa and her kitchen staff I'll get straight to the point I'm seriously concerned um the New Orleans barbecued shrimp I've never known a barbecue cream sauce anywhere yucca turns sea scallops no seasoning the scallops were of Miki bland and actually whiter than the actual cream sauce do you taste anything you're cooking I didn't see anything seasoned I'm sorry I have a lot of pride in I cooked everything there and I really you know a lot of people enjoy the things that we cook right I'm not asking about your prize the question I asked was does anyone taste as they cook so all my food I don't taste your food you didn't taste my food no but I cook that food all the time I don't know oh so it's just automatic push the button and we're cooking that so you don't think anything needs seasoning I thought I was making good food I don't know why the food is dated the deck hole is hideous and these sick customers in front of a [ __ ] war with the laughing wallpaper peeling off you better take a good look at yourself and maybe dust yourself down shake it off a [ __ ] freak in the corner there man stop let's go get ready for dinner were just spread that Chef Ramsay is in town and the restaurant that is normally not very busy is booked for you sir chicken quarterly okay tonight Chef Ramsay will continue to examine the dysfunctional workings of this restaurant jeez hello chefs today I actually sit down here they do yes we do you and when you when they sit on this do you not think this looks drab I don't have a better one sheet I have a better one how about nothing what is that Wow Merry Christmas I mean honestly when was this cleaned not for a long time sir you are in charge it from the house right I am normally goes there yeah where's your car the Joker how fitting is that how old is this chair 20 years 20 years 20 years what kind of message does it send when you have this in the middle of the dining room I mean that does look like it's gone past his sell-by date right yes what was last time it's cleaned I would say a couple years ago oh my god have you seen down there yes and that's acceptable for you that's not clean sir milk euros you are kidding me was that looks like a comb looks like a comb oh come on Mandy - this is funny in front of customers not at all - comes and the [ __ ] down there you're not putting it back there I know I'll take it out there it's a [ __ ] [ __ ] you I wasn't totally flabbergasted the trash fell out of somebody's pocket somebody didn't see it was there you know I don't feel that bad about that well what a mess so I rat droppings everywhere this is shocking you keep your dirty shoes under the von cap there are not mine did the customer die to his holes in the sole dirty crusty shoes wash my hands again man okay onion rings should we fix us are they already out what's that it's from the steam table looks like it's river running through here don't look the state of this stove how old of that stone three years old Wow I mean I know the restaurants called the old neighborhood but the kitchens an old dilapidated neighborhood yeah what is that is that your Wow you are kidding me he sticks it in the phone room he sticks it back in there what's that right hand coating so it doesn't stick I can totally yes Wow my mother's definitely lost her high standards over the last 15-20 years granny I know she cares for this place but the passion and the fire that I've seen in her before is no longer there [Applause] I'm chopped stop damn it I probably burned them son of a [ __ ] what is this in half the office wow I could even work in this mess Joey it doesn't make sense what Hauk where is this junk old equipment just ahead full parts once it well pops so what parts you take from a 1950's ice machine legs next what's this it's a microwave does it work no so what can you take from that then Wow it's like you're holding stuff Chef Ramsay must think I'm a lunatic for having that stuff sitting back there but I don't really think that I'm a hoarder it's just hard for me to throw things away [Music] [Music] Rustom I sit next to cleaning equipment comes up in there was 19 million so it died oh yes this morning that dry regularly that that died a lot longer than 24 hours ago much take over from Alexa for one minute please I got it have you seen out here I know he has problem with throwing [ __ ] away clearly I know you a carry they say no you know no it needs to go this is ridiculous I'm trying to get him slowly to get rid of it and to change his ways but he doesn't listen it's problems it's a big issue you're enabling a holder you're right it is problem it's a hoarder I agree matt has an office in there it's a it's a travesty absolutely horrendous I still wash my hands it's all I've done without 20 minutes watched one [ __ ] mad while it is clear to Chef Ramsay that Randy is a hoarder well someone that Kristen the big potato is foaming because there's so much butter on it with sour cream yes it's also becoming evident that customers are is disappointed with their food as he was earlier today at lunch the split-top came back he says it was tough that's ridiculous I know he didn't like potato cake either now he decides to see what is lurking in the walk-in fridge [Music] what is that my EOS stinks as well [Music] your chicken and cooked meat I am NOT impressed they have broken every cardinal rule it's barely an hour into dinner service at the old neighborhood the restaurants is already full of unhappy customers baked potato is foaming because there's so much butter on it with the sour cream of course and Chef Ramsay has not only made some shocking discoveries in the dining room but back in the kitchen he has made some frightening discoveries as well that stinks as well [Music] my god that's disgusting that is off as well I know some dirty [ __ ] picked all the bones out and just left them on the side what a way to go for it stinks so the hoarding isn't just wash machines and microwaves is an old food dirty dirty [ __ ] Oh wonderful we've survived it what in the [ __ ] is this Mud Pie on top of scallops man this fridges listen to [ __ ] this is a horror show Renzi is gonna be Lexus please two minutes she's extremely miserable I'm extremely understand later why did you stay with me to second sis flex chef has to have you for a minute right now when was the last time this walk-in fridge was clean Monday Monday thank you step over here two seconds this is the dessert start preparation stop lights it's disgusting and these lamb chops and what's this setting what is that and this here what's that clutch from the Mud Pie best sat on top of a leg of lamb that's dripping with blood you with me the place is littered with [ __ ] everywhere you turn and for me it was bad enough to see the crap in the dining room I didn't expect that walking to be festering the way it is don't ever look in there now mostly walk in there molds crap that was cleaned last week was not clean and this here can you see that although I can see them let's get out of it seriously just smell that look at the color of it and the congealed blood and this blood from the lab I've never ever seen practice this bad I mean some dirty [ __ ] take bones from the salmon and dumps them on the side I did it I was did you put the back on there and you thought no and I didn't put him all right just touch the temperature of that just touch that the big shot for me hold the bar this sat with this raw chicken and cooked [ __ ] meat as a theme here this place is littered with junk the chairs are Katyn [ __ ] and the refrigeration walk-in is in disarray I stepped one foot into your kitchen and there was a [ __ ] hole in the wall for the meat thermometers gets taken out and stuck inside there's a freezer there that's not even up to the tent of a fridge let alone a freezer and you've got cook meats raw meat and [ __ ] desserts placed in half cooked or leg of lamb blood this is criminal you have cross-contaminated at three hours of ingredients in this kitchen and you you see that who is hoarding all this [ __ ] we serve that [ __ ] you use that [ __ ] why don't you get in there and stop any other [ __ ] entree leaving and shut it [ __ ] down after witnessing one of the worst kitchens he has ever seen my gosh this is a horror show and stop any other [ __ ] entree leaving and shut it down Chef Ramsay knows he has to put an end to the madness no more entrees Hey take their food away why because we're not serving anymore we're about as dirty as a kitchen could be and it's absolutely disgusting we will not be serving any more food this evening I'm extremely sorry I mean this is so [ __ ] up is so ridiculous the kitchen's infested the office is a mess and on your chairs that you tell me got clean beers ago comb a candy cane I mean old Kleenex use people wiping the nose stick it down the side you can get the party in there because you're so festering in [ __ ] crap everywhere both of you should be shamed what did you say to me today that I take pride in what I do all right I'm not proud right now we got overwhelmed and it's a [ __ ] this [ __ ] and it's a mess and maybe we should just close it down and lose everything we have cuz that's probably what we're gonna do how can I help two individuals but don't even care about what they're doing we do care we care tremendously so why didn't you do anything before I go ahead we did I can't tell you how many hours we cleaned do you clean before I got here I threw out my clothes on Monday I was so encased with grease hello how many hours how many days five what [ __ ] you just need to start I love you sorry it's gonna get better I never thought my restaurant would be shut down can I have a quick word please outside it's the worst moment of my life undoubtedly for the first time a long time I'm not actually too sure what to do right now I want to get out of here please don't we could really use your help the mistakes are so basic we perhaps should not even be in the business that's what I'm scared about I think we can do this we desperately need your help you told me in there that you clean for five days before I got here didn't do any good how do I know that you really get it and you really will commit to get in this place turn around I can do whatever I show me please I'll do whatever you want we're not gonna let you down now it's your chance to prove it to yourselves and me show me okay well we will [Music] it was the most mortifying thing I've ever lived through and I have no excuses it's my fault if something isn't right chair this is my restaurant I have a lot of pride in I was showing too many things that I did not want to see the problem is I'm the guy who was supposed to see him we're not good at what we do we're not even remotely good at what we do we'll get better better spent 24 years here I don't want to close this place down filthy and dirty and not operating in a coffin I don't want it to be a coffin I want it to exist I love you [Music] after one of the worst days that Chef Ramsay has ever experienced on Kitchen Nightmares he is pleased with the overnight cleaning done in the kitchen now it looks and smells like a proper kitchen good but he has decided to take matters literally into his own hands in the dining room okay like see how you feeling very nervous when I first came to the restaurant I was overwhelmed with the clutter Randy your inability to get rid of junk sent a message to everyone that cleaning out was not necessary and that has to end today come with me please let's go that's a lot of trash today it's a groundbreaking day Randy because you I'm gonna get rid of this [ __ ] my husband has a hard time letting go of face and it's easier to just store them and think about getting rid of them later but that later time never came you're ready to do this I want to keep the accordion and dr. Wily's scalp treatment that's got wise name on it what Randy whether you like or not right now we're moving forward I bought in this truck either store or destroyed majority this stuff you know damn well it's junk let's go alright excellent follow-up take something for destruction everybody join in Randy no I love it let's go I've had that stuff for 30 years and some stuff in there look pretty good didn't really want to part with it Randy come around money where's the button I want you to do this one I'm throwing it away I'm not gonna get a dime for it it's probably the greatest feeling in the entire world having Randy actually throw things away honestly I think he enjoyed it I really think he did should I save the leg chef's you can all save the legs I think he turned a corner [Music] right that's one more Oh Fiona - no chef I know you guys are close we're not that close are you sure now I'm sure I'm a hundred and fifty percent sure it's time go where you belong maybe you have changed I think so I didn't think there's gonna be any light at the end of the tunnel but in the end I feel like the world's off my shoulders with all that stuff being crushed in the truck that is gonna dive in the truck okay I'll be working on something in the kitchen I want to show you right now follow me please let's go so first of all who notice how declutter the kitchen is I've never ever overwrought a kitchen to this extent $65,000 worth of equipment I don't know how you ever lasted a week working in this kitchen with such dreadful equipment Wow there's more than knobs I made a very urgent call to our friends at colleague Rick and they came through last minute we're brand-new kitchen equipment take a look at this stunning range a stunning rapid sixth ring gas burner from thermo Texas amazing two full-size ovens I just wanted something yeah now Street my hand side is the roaster pressure fryer just the fryer roast the chicken comes out great and is a unique fast healthy way of cooking the whole system seals in the tenderness and the flavor is retained Steve we also replace that dreadful old fryer with a brand new Imperial dual basket fryer look you can see through the grease it's clean you have a brand new prepare now that's chilled everything's working it's all in one piece it's all in one piece put your hands in there feel that that's what you call a refrigeration unit it's the most amazing equipment I've ever seen it's also new and compact and clean the river neighborhood is gone it's absolutely the most incredible day of my life right now she's gonna cry again I'm trying not to it's okay those are good tears you can let those out it's beautiful it's is I believe you have no way you had anything new in this kitchen for how long 33 years that's way too long let me tell you that's way too long with a clear indication that Randy and Alexa have seen the error of their ways Chef Ramsay continues to push forward with his massive transformation including a new sign good morning please take off your blindfolds [Music] there's something that was completely datus was that hideous sign now are you ready for more change yes come on in to your new restaurant how useful is this let's just start off with the boobs first reupholstered with a stain resistance stunning material does anybody notice the wheels have gone and the new chairs are here I'm really glad they got rid of all the nasty chairs I think it's gonna be a great fresh start for us one we really needed John is that antiquated POS system and we have replaced it with a state-of-the-art brand new unique POS given to us by Dyna where it's fabulous it's incredible yeah thank you so much Oh Neighborhoods menu was cluttered much like the restaurant taking money please so Chef Ramsay not only revamped the food but also cut down the menu size dramatically from 95 items to 20 stunning dishes right visually keeping with the deco modern classic fresh and fun I want you to jump in and start eating so delicious the menu just went from four pages down to one and the new food is amazing it's not going back to four pages very good now that this landmark restaurant has gone through massive changes in all areas welcome to the new old neighborhood the doors open for the grand reopening how are we doing this evening and with a new system in place okay an energized Randy and Alexa work to get borders out to the hey one cheese dip get it started three poutine one right away by itself singled out guys why am i coming down here making mac and cheese I can't do everything only 30 minutes into service Chef Ramsay realizes that although Alexa complains about the staff doing little watch out here it's a Mack can plate this up she's doing almost no delegating next time yes come around 30 seconds I'll show you some very poor cooking them plating everything yeah sweet guys done by cycle use mine okay okay you're in charge right here all right let's play some of these things up [Music] keep it going Lexi with Chef Ramsay's advice still ringing in her ears I'll figure Alexa quickly finds her groove and now is running the kitchen even impressing Chef Ramsay well done Tepig are yes and the relaunch is a success cheese dip [Music] it's incredible well done that's why I want to say to you this restaurant is back it's beautiful has a great menu and overall you should be proud of yourselves don't underestimate her and I like so for the first time in a long time you were not only the voice but you held the reins in that kitchen I kept it together and I couldn't have gotten here without the help that I've gotten thanks very much appreciate it okay thanks cleaning that kitchen I can't don't burn less good job thank you well done in the last 25 years this restaurant went from being a town landmark to a filthy disaster and our seriously worried of these two owners would never change Randy started impressed me when he let go of the past but tonight Alexa really stepped up and showed not only can she cook but she can run a kitchen and I don't think we've ever made a restaurant transformation as big as this one now this may be called the old neighborhood but trust me it's a new restaurant back on the road to success who is a mannequin as a friend rest in peace Fiona the new old neighborhood may help you after Chef Ramsay left business and the old neighborhood immediately went on the rise I want to see fish and chips first plate Alexa has embraced the new menu and has done a great job managing the kitchen as well one rack worth goes down we need another whole rack worth in there and we're happy to report she's also done a great job managing Randy who no longer brings any of his junk into the restaurant next time on Kitchen Nightmares Chef Ramsay meets a husband-and-wife team on the brink of divorce you point your finger what a mess their daughter is caught in the middle I don't understand you don't get it daddy I'm up here again and the restaurant has completely lost its way is this Dustin can he save this fourteen-year-old restaurant or are they just too far gone look the [ __ ] door and close it down [Music]
Channel: Kitchen Nightmares - Full Episodes
Views: 4,483,357
Rating: 4.9070635 out of 5
Keywords: FilmRise, Kitchen Nightmares, Gordon Ramsay, Dining, Cooking, Restaurants, Food, Full Episodes, Free TV, Classic TV, Teleivision, Unscripted
Id: fe8MDoUJQxQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 41sec (2621 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 24 2019
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