KINGS and QUEENS- Understanding The Dynamics Of A Power Couple. PLEASE LIKE AND SHARE

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[Music] [Music] good-evening good-evening good-evening and right some people to come in and as you come in share this wherever you can you know mine I have a little discussion I'd like to have with you today if you watching me for the first time I'm ROC blades I'm a pastor yes I'm a pastor I'm not a therapist I'm not I'm not a counselor I'm not a psychologist some called me a relationship expert I'm not really that I'm a pastor and I'm a father and I have some thoughts about life and things that matter to people and so when you when you're tuned in here you know these are just my thoughts some people agree with me a lot of people agree with me actually and a lot of people don't and that's cool you know because I I appreciate individuality and I appreciate individual thought so with all that being said I thank you for tuning in today if you're watching live right now if I don't recognize your messages they're moving a little too fast and then for some it seems to be a distraction for me to entertain my my audience in the middle of my messages and I don't want people to miss the message because of you know whatever particular quantum they might have with my social media interaction but I want to look tonight at kings and queens the dynamics of a power couple how does a how does a how does an alpha male and an alpha female how do they coincide you know I love to look I love to look at nature shows especially like you know the jungle the wild Africa and I love to look at lions and it's amazing to see the interaction between the the male lion and the lioness it's amazing to see that you can see the respect they have for one another you can see that the female lioness or the the female lion the lioness is everything the male lion is just in female form and if he's getting on her nerves if she's doing something that she doesn't like particularly with her children she raises up and he backs off he has respect for because he realizes that she is everything he is just in a female package and the reality is that every woman every man is created by God the Creator to be alpha now to be alpha means that you know you you you take authority you step to the plate you operate in dominion in whatever capacity we put you in you take the lead that's what alphas do alphas take the lead you know alphas will take control if there's no vision our office will give you one and when you look in Genesis 1:27 and 28 the Bible says because some argue that there's no such thing as an alpha female I disagree I think the only woman in fact what I won't get to that because I'll get ahead of my lesson but if you look in Genesis 1:27 28 it says so God created man in his own image in the image of God created he him male and female created he them and God blessed them male and female and God said unto them if you don't mind share and like as we go I need you to help me with this and God bless them and God said unto them be fruitful and multiply and replenish the earth and subdue it and have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the fowl of the air and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth God gave God assigned Dominion to Adam and Eve male and female now what is a king what is a king because there is the spirit of Dominion inside of the man some exercise that some actualize it some don't some men cower down and they they fall back from their true state or their true divine the divine order that God has really assigned them to and there's Dominion inside of the woman there's miss pinky girl I was thinking about you let me not get off-track for my people that get distracted watch this God has put the spirit of Dominion inside of the woman now how do you bring these two alphas together this king and this queen what is a king first of all past what is a king you've been using this terminology clean King clean ology what is the king a king is a man that is complete and secure enough in his own powers watch this to empower others kings and that small little Terrence Kings are not power grabbers they possess their possessors of power to the point that they empower others Kings make other Kings complete and secure enough within himself in his own powers to empower others watch this especially his woman or his wife for you religious people who need such specificity he empowers others especially his wife he's not he's not a man that is that is intimidated by his wife he's not intimidated by others because he's king he knows who he is he knows what he possesses and he uses his powers to empower others that's a king that's a king now what is a queen a queen is a woman who knows her Worth does her work and demands her price a queen is a woman who knows her Worth does her work understands her purpose does her work is busy doing her work and then demands her price from life she's not a woman that settles for half of her worth half of her price she's a woman that knows her Worth does her work and demands her price now when you born these two together Wow now you have what the world terms as a power couple and we think that that's some new concept that's no new concept Barack and Michelle didn't invent that mister Kennedy and jackieo didn't invent that God invented the power couple when he brought Adam and Eve together he brought two alphas together he brought a man and a woman who were assigned to dominion he brought them together now let me say this before I get into my my points it is a horrible mistake in fact about it let me make point one and then I'll make my statements within point one point number one kings and queens are the only ones that can satisfy each other let me say that again kings and queens are the only ones that can satisfy each other can you all share this for me can you share this for me in other words quite often you have Queens that are trying to settle for the court jester that's the clown that's the comedian in the court and she wants to take her little clown her little jester and she wants to put him on the throne and put a crown on her little clown and call him a king but he's only a clown in a crown and the whole court knows it and quite often queens are trying to settle for men that are less than kingly and trying to be trying to convince yourselves that you're fulfilled and you're satisfied with this and you're really not and you can't be you are not designed to be God created alpha male alpha female to coincide now all men are created with this potential but very few realize it and very few maximize it or actualize it see I can be I can be I can be ordained King but until I come into a kingly state of mind I cannot walk in that and so though God created all men to walk in Dominion very few do because very few have an awakened consciousness you have very few men who understand who they really are that's why you have men that become physically abusive that's why you have even when you start talking about the personality type that everybody likes to talk about and again I'm no psychologist I'm a pastor the narcissist that's really that's really just an outgrowth of an insecure man who feels like he has to put himself above everybody else to make himself feel big because he really feels small very few men really have a kingly consciousness but it takes a kingly man and a kingly woman to come together to really fulfill each other and how often do you see brothers who are taking women who are less than who have less than a queen consciousness and you have a king trying to turn a woman who has no clue into a queen and he ends up disappointed every time it's because the reality is that only a queen can satisfy a king and only only a king can satisfy a queen anything less than a king or queen you're going to be left desiring you're gonna be left unfulfilled frustrated this is why it's so hard let me talk to the sisters this is why it is so hard for a woman who has a queen consciousness a woman who knows her Worth does her work knows to purpose is busy about you know accomplishing her goals and demands a price this is why it is so hard for this woman to find or for a man to find her it's because a man that is less than a king is intimidated by the presence of a queen and so when when the average woman who does not have a queen consciousness has you know a man HoloNet are here man hi Lynette are there three from over there four from over there the Queen walks through the room and nobody says anything because the average man knows he does not measure up and she leaves out of there thinking that something's wrong with me I'm the only woman that nobody's reaching for it's because you're the only woman who really has a consciousness that makes brothers no I can't hug it huh that's out of mine that's above my pay grade so when you start thinking about it like that it helps you it helps you to understand an area in your psychology as a queen conscious woman that you struggle with why don't men holler at me why don't why that this woman here you know who who doesn't seem to have anything together she got five different men pulling for her and I can't get nobody it's because men don't holler at queens on the king's call for queens now watch this if you go to any Kingdom if you go to any Kingdom you you have pitting on sides of the kingdom you'll have hundreds of thousands of men or millions of men but only one King Kings don't come around every day but Queens are so busy knowing their worth doing their work that they don't have time to trip about I don't have a date I don't have a man I don't you know where yet she's so busy running her kingdom that she's just doing her thing and by the time the King shows up it's like she turns around and he's there but she wasn't tripping about it because she was busy maximizing and actualizing her protect maximizing a life in actualizing her potential but only kings and queens can satisfy each other you're not gonna be satisfied I hate to hate to disappoint you but you tried to you're trying to force this there's no relationship with this person who's not on the same frequencies you you trying to make this work you think you're gonna dress this little person up you know you know you think you go and you gonna turn them into something no no no no you may dress the outside up but you're not changing the inside it takes a king to satisfy Queen it takes a queen to fulfill a king this is why the Bible says don't be unequally yoked together and Deuteronomy 22 10 he says thou shall not plow with an oxen and ask together you can't tie these two unlike uncommon beasts together and think that you're gonna have a product productive union you're fooling yourself you might as well settle down brother and wait for Queen and stop running around here with all of these people you know always careful how I describe women I don't hold backward brothers but I respect women somebody to date said called woman of thought I said Oh call women thoughts I don't go to him I don't call women thoughts they're queens they just don't know it and they need somebody like me to tell them they're not thoughts they're just unconscious but you fooling yourself brother if you think you're gonna get you a woman who's less than a queen conscious woman and pull her into your kingdom and think that she's gonna really be able to function as a queen she's gonna embarrass you she's gonna frustrate you she's going to disappoint you you weren't proud to find out she's not lawyer she's not going to be able to help you she may look good popping gum fine but no it's just no no perspective on your vision not able to help you're not gonna sharpen you're not gonna help you to get better it takes a Queen's sharp on a king it takes a queen to challenge your king you get a little woman that you're okay kings and queens are the only ones that can satisfy each other no substance all style no substance you get your little man you know he built he in the gym all day and that's cold I should be in the gym be honest with you I should really be in the gym but you know that's cool but you don't just want a man that's a gym rat no knows nothing about a book knows nothing about finances knows nothing about a job you need a king so kings and queens are the only ones that can satisfy each other and you don't run a car you don't run across Kings every day and brothers you don't run up on Queens every day just cuz a woman fine and she know how to dress and all of that that don't mean she's a queen brother it doesn't number two Kings are you all sharing this are you all sharing this and make sure you like this and if you're not if you're not subscribed to my channel subscribe number 2 Kings acknowledge the Queen's power Kings acknowledge the Queen's power why is this it's because Kings are so secure in their own power they never view their Queens as competition Kings view their Queens as their partners Kings view their Queens as their team mate that's why he wants a strong queen a king does not need a weak queen because the King needs a queen that if he has to go off to battle or if he's down for a minute he has to have a queen that he knows is strong enough to run the kingdom because she runs her own so he's not he acknowledges his Queens power he's not trying to blow out her candle he's not intimidated by her strength he doesn't care that she makes even more money than him because he knows who he is I'm the man if you I said I submit to you if you're a woman and you have a man that's already shook up about you making ten thousand dollars more a year than him you may need to rethink that you have merit that men you may need to rethink that that's a bad sign because Kings don't get intimidated by women in fact about the Kings are not intimidated by anybody King aim concern when an eligible dude is in his woman's presence because the King knows who he is Kings acknowledge their Queens power how many brothers do you see today that take their women and break them literally intentionally plate them just break them down take beautiful women and tell them that they're ugly you're not you're not attractive I'm the only one that will ever want you and just empty their self-esteem it's not a king man a king acknowledges his Queens power he acknowledges her beauty he respects her brains he respects her opinions he even he will even ask for her opinions and and he'll follow her advice if he deems it best he'll follow her advice and watch this he'll benefit from it and he'll even tell the world my woman gave me that advice because Kings acknowledge their Queens power Kings are never intimidated by the Queen's power somebody said my husband did that to me passed away you had a great one if your reference to the positive things I mentioned with other things well proverbs 31 11 and 12 says the heart of a husband does safely trust in her so that he shall have no need of spoil she were doing good and not evil all the days of her life see when a king has a queen the Bible says his heart safely trust in her because he knows that she's a powerful woman it destroyed me okay I'll get it he knows that she's a powerful woman and he acknowledges her power you know there's so many things that my wife brings into into my life that the world sees in the world you know world gives me credit for it but really it's my queen behind the scene that's pulling that stuff together you know like I was sharing this lesson the other day on Facebook thus far I've built two buildings two buildings yeah I think two buildings I've built from from the ground up and if you took me right now and asked me to read some plans I've got to read no plans I don't even know the first step to take the building mobility everybody gave me credit for building buildings my wife was the one that built those buildings my wife was the one that built those building when when I met my wife I was making a whole lot of money but I was making enough that my credit shouldn't have been bad my credit was bad when I met moe when I met my wife my wife stepped into my life even before I married and took control of my finances and got my credit right got all my bills on it got my stuff paid on time got me with a one-credit my wife did that now what if I married a woman just popping gum and fine huh Kings acknowledged their Queens power because of King man he rejoices in the power of his queen gives me joy to be able to say to y'all my wife did that my wife did that yard well say that my wife did that my wife did that because the quality of a man's wife is an indication of his intelligence let that soak in the quality of a man's wife is an indication of his own intelligence if you got a woman that's fine and can't even hold a conversation that's a reflection on you number three Kings are decisive we're talking about how did this how does this alpha male and this alpha female how do they blend there's my baby Keisha I love you honey how do they blend how do you how do you how do you create the chemistry between a king and a queen well kings have to be decisive this is number three Kings have to be decisive and assertive Kings have to be listened to my wording now Kings have to be decisive and assertive you cannot you cannot have a queen on your arm and be less than decisive and assertive now now Kings are not Kings are not overbearing and Kings are not controlling but Kings are decisive and assertive Kings don't even have to always be right but Kings always have a position and will take action there's nothing that frustrates a queen more than being tired to man that won't make a decision and won't assert himself just laying back in the cut just just can't make a decision always nervous nerves always bad always scared you know almost look like he got more estrogen running in his system than she does just Timm it and you know no no Queen K a queen can't a queen a queen cannot a queen cannot be satisfied with a man that's not decisive and assertive I didn't say aggressive Kings are not aggressive not with their Queens Kings can get aggressive with other kings and with you know situations in the world I don't get aggressive with their Queens and at home they are decisive and assertive they're gonna take action they're gonna make a decision even if they're not sure about it a king his soul is so bent on being decisive that if he's not sure he will consult his Queen Bey what you think how do you think what do you think about this how do you think we should have on this and if she doesn't have a response then he's gonna put his finger on his head and he's gonna make us he's gonna pull the trigger make a call and pull the trigger let's do this and his queen won't get behind him and follow him if it doesn't work then they come back to the drawing board but he ain't gonna be sitting around indecisive timid and you you do it to him you do it you do it no no no no no the Bible says in James 1 & 8 a double minded man is unstable in all his ways Kings know what they want and one of the first things about a king is that when he sees his queen he don't spend a whole lot of time you know if in and pound her in and you know you wanna date four five and six she is no no no if he over 30 years old and he see what he won't know what he won't he go get what he wants because Kings are decisive and assertive don't take a king all day to go and take a woman that he knows as his queen and take off for the market a queen cannot possess more testosterone than her man I try to get these dudes to understand this a lot of these little dudes are too passive and they think it's a good look and it's not a good look a woman does not want a man and I've never been a woman so y'all tell me if I'm wrong but I've observed them and I don't believe that a woman wants a man that's passive and timid and soft and and a pushover I think a woman wants a man that's gonna respect her pick her position her opinion gonna seek her counsel well he listened to her position but at the end of the day if he has if he has a hard position on something she want a man that's man enough to take his position and stand by I believe that ain't never been no woman clearly I'm 1,000% man so y'all tell me if I'm wrong I don't believe no one want no man that's just weak and scared and you know you don't think so baby wanna know that huh you sure my wife said I'm right praise the Lord no monkey man a monkey man is a little dude that a woman can take and put a little red velvet suit on him and put some little patent leather shoes on with it with some little bells on it and play the music and tell him dance he go to dance stop jump he's he how high he jumped mama no Walter now she may think she won't back she may think she wants that but if she get that they don't keep I'm let me read this a man's prolonged passivity is poisonous to the chemistry in a relationship with a queen Kings get weak but they never lie down and they never give up a man with a whoop along passivity just always weak always crying always whine and can't make a decision complaining about everything in life but you won't make no decisions and you won't take no action he not gonna be able to hold on to a woman's respect not a queen not a queen and see some of y'all got no dudes like that you trying to date you trying to convince yourself that this is your husband but be honest with you if you can just run over your little man right now I ain't gonna speak nothing on your little relationship but if you're just running over this man right now you can just tell it to talk to this man in the counterweight talk to him like he's a child and he'll check you and put you in your place oh no I'm not like no King puts his hands on a woman no King has to use vulgar language to get his woman straight all the King godred's in a hey he talking to a man here you talking to man you know you're not talking to your son you tell them to man here now you know and you know what a king does here just exit the premises till you get your mind right but anyway let you disrespect him because he's decisive and he's assertive I normally get a whole lot of people gonna eat me up with Dustin but you gonna eat me up cuz I believe is true number four queens are never disrespectful and kings are never condescending the chemistry between kings and queens queens are never disrespectful not a queen you can't pay a queen to disrespect a man and kings are never condescending Kings don't talk down to their woman and a woman don't the woman does not disrespect her king there's a very respectful relationship you know my wife and I see sitting sitting in the room here with me right now we have disagreements all the time but my wife can come on this camera right now until you I've never acted like I was gonna raise my hands to my wife I've never called my wife out of her name there's a certain tone we use with one another and you know it gets loud for a second and if it gets too loud by me Abajo we checked up and we bring it on down back to a respectful place my wife and I have such respect for one another that we've had full-blown arguments in church in the middle of service and people didn't even know what was going on that's not respectful it is full-blown arguments in church and people didn't even know what was going on that's how respectful it is because Queens never disrespect their kings and kings never condescend to speak condescendingly to them to the Queen's any man that has to speak down to his woman is suffering with empty self-esteem just the truth any woman that that disrespects her man verbally is struggling with something on the inside of her soul there's no space for the disrespect of one another the Bible says in Philippians two three and four let nothing be done through strife or vainglory but in lowliness of mind in lowliness of mind let each esteem the other better than themselves I have to view my queen as being better than me and my queen has to view me as being better than her I treat her as though she's better than me she treats me as though I'm better than her verse four says look not every man on his own things but every man also on the things of others Queens never disrespect the Kings and the Kings never condescend or speak condescendingly now watch this a true Queen let me read this a true queen would never disrespect her man because number one he won't allow it and secondly she understands that she cannot help him once she's disrespected him once you disrespect you can disrespect the court jester and he'll keep dancing and laughing for you but once you disrespect the King you can't help anymore you you you can disrespect a king one time and you may never be able to win him again the Bible says in Proverbs 1819 a brother offended is harder to be won than a strong City and their contentions are like the bars of a castle when you've turned a good man off see now it takes a lot to turn them all but when you've turned a good man off when you've turned a king of sometimes it's impossible to turn him back on and see if sometimes you've been dealing with these these these clowns so long you don't really know how to deal with the king and now maybe you have a queen a king that's showing up in your life and you trying to handle him like you handle those clowns and you don't look around and you ain't gonna hear from him the more he out of that you are wonder what happened to me disappeared because Kings are not going to be disrespected and queens are not going to accept any man speaking condescendingly you're not gonna just talk to no Queen no in a kind of way Bible says in Colossians three eighteen and nineteen wives submit yourselves unto your own husband's as it is fitting as long as it is fit in the Lord husbands love your wives and be not bitter against them yeah now watch this invite some more people to come in if you all don't mind yeah once once you lose the Queen you you know God bless you that as a man God blesses you two to really have a queen of a woman in your life and you do all kind of stupid stuff and thinking you gonna just come in and talk that slick talk and you go get this woman back man once you lost the Queen she gone I'm telling you when the Queen pack our bags and leave out she ain't coming back when the King goes he done returned number five kings and queens are a team to themselves against the world kings and queens are a team to themselves against the world it's an exclusive relationship that a king and the Queen has nobody can come between a king and the Queen children don't get in the middle of no king and queen no man no sir mommy and daddy don't get in the middle of no king and queen siblings don't get in the middle of kings and queens friends don't get in the middle of kings and queens BFFs don't get in the middle of kings and queens it is me and her against the world we are teamed to ourselves period we have plans and strategies that nobody else knows anything about because she and I are team Genesis 2:24 and 25 it says therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother and shall cleave unto his wife and they too shall be one flesh you join and you become see marriages watch this marriage as always say it's not the death of you or me it's the birth of we and we become something in our union together that we could have never been as individuals and we are a team to ourselves against the world watch this kings and queens defend each other the king can be wrong the Queen going defend him and she gonna get him straight when they get back into the palace Queen can be wrong the king gone defender and he gonna correct her when they get back in the palace she may throw a few pleats at him but she gonna get corrected when they get back in the palace but they always stay and together they always have one another's back it ain't never situation where the Queen feels like well if I get out here the King gone he gonna be alone man he gone he go you know tuck his tail and run and leave me out here on the frontline by myself never never it's not a situation where man say well man I would take the risk but I'm scared to go because I don't know if my woman gonna back me up we are a team to ourselves against the world if you don't have a relationship where you feel like this is your team mate good god money you don't have much first Peter 3 & 7 says likewise G husband's dwell with them the wives according to knowledge giving honor unto the wife as unto the weaker vessel and as watch this being a heirs together of the grace of life that your prayers be not hindered what does that mean that means that me and me and this woman my wife we have to be in sync for the things that the visions that I have in my heart and the dreams we have for our lives we have to be in sync and view each other as team mates not competition the team mates now y'all hear what I'm saying oh alright number 6 only have seven and then I'm done I'll let you go number six don't forget to like this so y'all liking this I'm not seeing much on the screen I need y'all to like this I understand that that's important and shared this and if you've not subscribed to my channel please do so number six kings and queens push each other kings and queens push each other a king okay let me read this kings and queens are equals and don't allow the other to slack a king takes pride in the advancement of his queen in queens glory and the growth of their kings see a queen is not going to allow her king to lie around on her couch in a wife-beater eating cereal out of a cake mixing bowl all date without a job a queen is going to push his behind off of that couch and push him to the front door and push him down to those people's office to fill out that application and if he can't be pushed to fill out an application she's going to push him out of that door and lock it behind him that's why I thought lifetime brothers tell me uh you know I see brothers they be reaching for they be reaching for queens you know in the church I watch it maybe they go they go to reach it for Queen now you know he ain't got his he ain't got his stuff together he got his mind right you know he he not on he not on that frequency yet but he reached and reaching over his head and they messed around and grabbed a queen and then six months later they come in they come in and start another man she the one she the one she the one than six months late I'm just I'm saying what's happening I don't see y'all you know y'all not sitting about one another and Bible study no more what's going on Oh bastard she she just a little too pushy queens are pushing because queens don't have time to waste in queens love prop Queens are not going to settle for man sitting on his behind doing nothing kings and queens push each other Kings don't let their Queen sit around full of potential and just sitting around doing nothing with it putting on lipstick on Instagram all day and you you have all of this potential in you you mean Timmy you ain't you not getting up off of it reaching forward and doing everything a king gonna push his woman to reach our full potential and he ain't intimidated by because kings and queens push each other see the man are the same stuff proverbs 27:17 says iron sharpens iron so a man chuckles the countenance of his friend kings and queens sharpen each other and when you when you see the image of iron sharpening iron what do you see sparks flying so the relationship between a king and a queen sometimes is contentious and sometimes is volatile but it's always progressive they get in one another's face and they get on one another's nerves because they're constantly sharpening one another they challenge one another when the world is applause oh you're the best you come home you're Queens all right I know you got better in you because they push push each other and they push each other because they are made of the same stuff and they have the same vision what is the stuff they're made of Dominion Dominion you got to have a woman man that's made out of the same stuff the stuff of Dominion you got to have a man that's made out of the same stuff the stuff of Dominion and what is the stuff of Dominion it's to be fruitful it's to multiply replenish subdue it's the stuff of Dominion and when you start falling short of Dominion I've got to push you into your potential that's how Kings and Queens function the relationship between Kings and Queens is not all about saying some romance and smiling and drinking wine and lighting candles no no it's it's sometimes its friction cuz we sharpen in one another y'all wit me see you don't want a man that's not gonna push you you want a man that's gonna push you into your potential you don't want a man that's just gonna let you sit there and you know you just puttin out 50% you know you got a hundred in you and he don't push you need a man that's gonna push you you don't want a woman that's not gonna push you into your potential here you sit around here just bumming and bumming through life and you got a woman just letting you do it in fact she gone to work the job to pay for you to be a bum no you own the woman that's gonna push you about it at bum status and push you into your full potential kings and queens push each other number seven and I gotta let y'all go whoo kings and queens discuss personal matters privately kings and queens don't bring everybody into their personal affairs kings and queens have counselors they have pastors the kings and queens don't usually involve their families in their fans unless it's something life-threatening but if it's just our stuff kings and queens keep their communication private they don't cleans the home run out sharing all the personal matters with her friends and her friends got all your business all over the church all around the job all through the club altar does you know the exercise place or whatever you call it you know Kent Queens keep their business between me and my husband number one in a key and a clean relationship they really are one another's BFFs you know brother you know King little my little best friend outside his wife you know may have friends but my best friend is my woman my wife period period my best friend is my wife the one that sits next to me on throne that's that's the one that's my kingdom that's my best friend right there and so there are things that we gonna talk about ain't nobody else in the world or gonna know about and we keep our business our business and some of y'all have squandered great relationships because you've taken and brought other people into the inner chambers of the palace you made them privet to business that they had no business here in enough to get their heads cut off safe and sacred that's exactly the right Bible says in psalm left 1 12 and 5 a good man Psalm 112 and 5 a good man showed favor and Linda 'they will guide his affairs with discretion kings and queens nautic shut their mouths and keep their business where it supposed to be and they don't allow family or friends into their personal business so that's my little thoughts on those are my little thoughts on the understanding the dynamics of a true power couple and of course we can go further I may do some other installments on this but I just had those thoughts and I shared them on Facebook the other day so I thought to share them with my youtube family and I love coming live I really do and so with that said I'm done I'm done and I hope that you've gotten something out of this yeah I pray that you got something out of this hope that this helps you share this with your friends and you know again don't forget to like it don't forget to share it and if you've not subscribed to my channel if this your kind of thing hey you know subscribe to my channel and we're gonna keep coming at you don't forget to go and pick up my newest book my latest book queen ology there's a queen inside of you I got another book idea I haven't written a book this year and I have another book I did think I'm gonna work on the next year I'm not gonna tell you what it is because somebody else may take my idea I'm not gonna do that but it's I think it's gonna be powerful it's gonna be centered around what I'm thinking is gonna be centered around relationships yeah I think it's gonna be a great tool for husbands and wives engaged couples even boyfriends and girlfriends to sit down and discuss relationship and how it's supposed to work reach out to to Lisa and/or I at pastor RC Blake's at that's our email address pastor RSC Blake's at go to my website RC Blake's that come pick up my books when you buy my books you just help me to do the things that I need to do and find me on instagram you can find me on instagram @ RC Blake's yeah I think I think that's it RC Blake's and Twitter are se underscore Blake's periscope RFC underscore Blake's I love you guys thank you so much for hanging out with me this evening I'll talk to you real soon and I love you god bless you now have a great evening
Channel: RC Blakes, Jr
Views: 55,216
Rating: 4.9498725 out of 5
Id: pRD5fQw3XRo
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Length: 48min 59sec (2939 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 15 2018
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