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good-evening good-evening good-evening good-evening hope everybody's doing good I think this light is way too bright on me but there's little I can do about it now what everybody's doing good I'm sitting here in my church new home Family Worship Center in Houston Texas I'm trying to this light is bothering me let me see if I can back up a little of something I can improve this I came on the day not really to rush I just I have some time like all of us do I suppose now we have time on our hands and I wanted to spend this time just kind of revisiting the father-daughter talk a lot of you have come in recently and it's a little better it's a little better and so the father-daughter talk is kind of its kind of you you you don't know anything about it you know you've heard about it most of what people are talking about now is queen ology but queen ology is really the follow-up message hello everybody thank you for coming in if you can share this or invite people I'm in a rush today if you can share or invite people to come into this I'd appreciate it because a lot of people need it and when people read the title father/daughter talk they think that we're talking about you know little girls and it does you know it can be inclusive at a Mayra thank you it can be what it is inclusive of little girls young girls that can understand it's also inclusive of men that have daughters who need to understand the importance of that relationship but it it really resonates this message really resonates with hope my connection is good I've never tried to call live on YouTube from from the church here but this message resonates with with older women and and the thing that has really almost mesmerized me is that you know it resonates with middle-aged women and even older all over the country all over the world actually and the way I got this message the father-daughter talk you know if you say well the connection is good thank you that's great the way I got this message is that I was many years ago I was sitting in my house and I just started engaging social media Facebook to be specific and I was watching this this young lady's reading this young lady's post and she was encouraging all the ladies and she was saying you know something like real talk with Kizzy Rock Thank You you always support me thank you so much thank you so much she was talking to the ladies about using your brains using your your career using your education so forth and so on and I was saying oh what a positive post you know and then she ends it up with if all else fails fall back on your booty your derriere your behind in other words she was promoting to her audience of women to use your sexuality as a success strategy and for the first time I was really shaken you know what I mean I was just really shaken because it was like all of a sudden sudden I realized how at that time I didn't have language for it but all of a sudden I realized how the consciousness of the modern woman and I say modern but generations of women has been broken and how very few men worked to repair it not even in the lives of their own daughters you know what I mean it's like the machismo thing it's like the the male chauvinism runs so deep that men can't rise above this egocentric perspective of manhood to see the damage that we have done as fathers as as sons as lovers as husband so forth zone it's like we can't rise above that egocentric perspective of manhood enough to see the damage that we are doing to even the women that we love the most meaning our daughters you know specifically our wives our mothers and it was like I got a revelation that night and the Holy Spirit said to me you have to do and it was no brainstorming it was just a pure revelation from the Holy Spirit he said you're gonna have to do a series of teachings entitled the father-daughter talk where you as as a spiritual father that's what a pastor is basically a dopant at least is he sees the views himself as a spiritual father and that's not a title that's a responsibility that's a commitment you know to love and to Shepherd and to care and to provide wisdom says you're gonna have to do a series of teachings on the father-daughter talk where you deal with everything a woman should have learned from her father and so that's how this started you know and and I did that series and so we're gonna talk about today the father-daughter talk I don't know how long we'll be here made until my battery dies but I did that series and that series led to the book that book led to a conference that conference led to a whole movement that is now evolved into queen ology which is the it's the it's the next message after the father-daughter talk but in the father-daughter talk which is what we're going to deal with today I'd love for you to invite call somebody and tell them to chime in you can go back of course you can go back on YouTube and you can see the original messages I did on YouTube but actually did them for periscope and I transferred them to youtube where I actually went through every chapter you know I went through every chapter but I was just sitting here today and I was led to just go back and revisit the father-daughter talk because some of you have not heard it and so that's where the famous question arose from you know it's the question that people like to hear me it almost feel like a like a singer I almost feel like a singer when I travel you know it's like a singer that has a very popular song and it's like the singer can start the song and then hold a mic out in the audience finishes the words well with this particular question I almost feel like a singer because I can start the question and it's like the audience can just about 99% of the time finish it and that this is where this question stem from yr until yr intelligent women so susceptible to the trickery in the seats of less intelligent men yr PhD women manipulated by GED men King ology yeah and thank you thank you for asking King ology is of course there's a whole lot of issues with shipping with Amazon you know Amazon has gone through a whole lot of issues and just waiting for Lisa to give me the thumbs up on the the electronic version you know the you know Kindle version and once that happens I promise you I've just not talked about it because we've had so much other stuff going on but the physical book all of its done which is waiting on Amazon say you know thumbs up on the electronic version and I'll put it out there and as soon as I get my hand as soon as they get the physical product we'll release that as well so yes it is done and I'll be talking about it moving forward but why a PhD women manipulated by GED men and I think this is the reason I choose to revisit this is because I get and if I have not gotten back to you relative to your email trust me it's not that I'm ignoring you it's just that I have a lot you know right now with this crisis and in the world being a pastor I have members that are dying some have died one has died and many are in hospital struggling and so on I'm torn between a lot of responsibilities and my first responsibilities costing my family and then to my church as a pastor and so I'll answer those emails as soon as I possibly can if I don't just be patient with me and rescind it but I get a lot of emails and I'm realizing that there are still a lot of you who are extremely brilliant extremely brilliant ladies and somehow somehow you're constantly attracting or are attracted to men that should never even have a conversation with you and these men these less intelligent men many times deceive you into many different things that you should not be involved in and the question was back in the day why don't women know better than to fall for every line in the and the response was this was the response to that question nobody is teaching the woman nobody is teaching the woman you know nobody's teaching the woman it's it's in it you know it's it's if you flip the tables it's the same thing if you have if you have a deceptive woman that is committed to manipulating a gullible man he's easily manipulated unless there's a woman around that can say boy she playing you this is how the game goes well mother's mothers will do that mothers and sisters would do that for sons and brothers but for some strange reason fathers and brothers may be brothers but fathers don't really spend a lot of in fact I don't think fathers are brothers really spend a lot of time educating the women in their lives we just kind of break in and say well you ain't seeing so-and-so no more with no explanation no education and rather than you know rather than teaching the young girl the young woman the game we just break in like we're gonna save the day and we just you just gonna do what we say do which breathes what rebellion when the reality is you didn't need to break in and save that you needed to sit her down and educate her and the reason this goes on is because there are very few men that really sit there that their daughters down the women in their lives and really teach them the game because I think in some way we don't want the game exposed as men we don't want the game exposed yeah did you say don't talk to them they give you no information to back up as to why and that's not the way a healthy adult individual functions if you don't want me to do something you need to sit me down and explain to me why this is not good because there's a part of me that feels attracted to this you see and so if I can get more men to educate the women in their lives I think we can eliminate a lot of this this trauma and this drama that many women are experiencing now let me move forward look what the Bible says in second Timothy three and six and what we're going to get in today into today is the things every woman should hear from a father in second Timothy three and six says for this order they which creep in the houses and lead captives silly women laden with sins led away with divers lust and the term silly literally translates as one who displays immaturity or a lack of dignity a lack of complete development and an inability to recognize her own worth when it says that you know and it speaks of a lack of dignity that mean that she's you know that she's immoral she may behave in morally because she's she has a lack of development and she has an inability to recognize her own worth it doesn't it doesn't degrade the woman per se as much as it highlights the lack of development within the woman's soul she doesn't know who she is and she's not conscious of the world that she's living in so the education and the empowerment of the daughters has to be intentional now this another thing that plays into this and this is I'm just laying some foundation is that women often get trapped into destructive cycles with men because of the father wound in other words fathers who are absent physically or emotionally and what I've come to learn is that a man can be present financially physically and if he's absent emotionally it's ease absent emotionally it's almost as bad as if he were not present physically there's there's a wound that takes place when a man is not emotionally connected to his children and in this case specifically when he's not connected emotionally to his daughters and so there's this void and see we're trained as men what do we train which rained that sons are the you know that is job daughters are mama's job so we were trained I have three daughters and one son we trained that okay the girls are mom's job the boys are my job and the reality is in a lot of cases the girls need the the girls need the affirmation of the father even more so than the Sun the sun's aim is to measure up to his father stand that he just wants his father to be proud the girls on the other hand look to their father to fill their self-esteem bank the girls need the verbal affirmation the girls need the affirming embrace of a father the girls need to hear from their father you're beautiful you're loved you're protected and these are the things that we rarely give our daughters we think that just bring the money and put the money on on the table and makes your mama have what it takes to take care of it that's love and we mean well because we're ignorant nobody really taught us better and so we parented to the extent we were educated but I've come to learn that when we're not connected to our daughters when we're emotionally when we keep our daughters emotionally at bay there's this thing developed called the father one which is this void on the inside happens when a father's absent or disconnected and the young girl grows up she grows in womanhood and she's seeking to fill this void she's seeking to fill this void and so what is the tendency the tendency is to fill the void if I can't fill the void with the person that created the void I fill the vault with somebody that looks like or reminds me of the person that fills the void so what does this turn into this turns into a dysfunctional relationship with men because it was the first man that the girl loved that left the void created the wound so now she seeks to fill the void with other men and most of the men that the young girl will will meet in life only serve to pervert her desire they're not going to bring healing they're gonna bring even deeper pain in a deeper wound and if you want to explore that even the more you can go to my website RC Blake's calm I did a whole entire online program entitled transcending the father won't how do you get beyond it now when father's out of place daughters always suffer much of the sexually extroverted behavior that young women display today is the futile attempt to fill a void that daddy should have filled yesterday the need for affirmation identity and self-love the child's sense of pride and self-worth are established in the relationship with the father so when I see when I see women that behave and carry on sexually I don't judge them I pray for them because I realized that that's pain manifesting itself you see a woman that will take social media to get naked on and make all kinds of sexual gestures and inferring certain things that's that's pain that's not that's not the behavior of a normal well-adjusted Queen that's the that's the behavior of a broken princess who's hurting on the inside and is struggling trying to process the pain that she doesn't know what to do with the Bible says in proverbs 17 and 6 children's children of a crown of old men and the glory of children are their father's so practically every intimate relationship women develop with men is either an attempt to distance herself from a negative father to perpetuate the security of what was a good father or she is fishing for the father she never had now let me see it there's a lot here let me just jump down to the meat of it things every daughter should hear from her father okay let's let's get into it number one first principle of the father-daughter talk your dress code is your personal commercial is my signal still good your dress code is your personal commercial nobody's talking to me hopefully I'm here okay good thank you your dress code is your personal commercial sometimes you know I'm judged and people say well you you hard on hard on sisters I'm not hard on sisters I just love I love women I love ladies I love I love I love you so much that I don't want to see you taking advantage of I love my mother I love my daughters I love my wife I love the daughters in my ministry I love the daughters that God has given me all around the world I love all of the women that attracted to my message I love you enough to tell you the truth you're just not supposed to go out in these streets half naked and I know that doesn't win me friends a lot of times I know that doesn't sell books that does not fill seats at conferences but I love you too much not to tell you you you your dress code is your personal commercial we're not supposed to see you we're not supposed to see you on Instagram with all the cheeks of your anatomy hanging out there's some things that just have to be too tight too revealing you know all all of this is not supposed to be exposed to the world you're misrepresenting yourself that's not who you are that's not who you are on people you know there's a reason you don't see me dressed a certain kind of way because I'm a man I'm a man of God I'm a preacher you know anybody listen to me long enough you know that I would have looked I would love to be a jazz musician it hit me a nice little stud silk shirt with my gold chain hanging around my neck right now man I'd be I'd be chilling cold but I can't dress like that because that's not who I am I would be misrepresenting most of the time you will be prejudged based on your impression cast you don't want to tell a lie on yourself by the way you present yourself somebody they please though Muhammad Ali said to his daughter one of his daughters on an occasion when they came to visit him she had had on something that he wasn't pleased with I understand it was a little short a little revealing and he sat on his knee and he said to her every valuable thing is covered up he said diamonds are covered up for the most part you got to drill for oil all of precious metals you got to dig for them and the most precious thing God made is you you are the most precious thing God made there's nothing that God created that is more precious than woman she's the she's the life giver there's nothing more precious than you how is it that we got to dig for all of this other stuff and you spread out over Instagram how's that the Bible says in 1st Timothy 2:9 and 10 it says in like manner also that the women adorn themselves in modest apparel with shamefacedness and sobriety not with broided hair or gold or pearls or costly array but which becometh women professing godliness with good works now of course you know religious folk at text there and they'll put you in a corner they'll say oh you can't win on makeup you take them heels off you know and you know be down all way down in the south where it's 105 degrees you got to wear sleeves down there then you got to win dress on all the way down you got to have your head mm-hmm any what is talking about the text is really talking about watch this this is what the text is really emphasizing that certain values that your values should be evident in your dress code and their watch this no generation because this changes from generation to generation no generation of women should ever use their attire to attract sexual attention if you dress in if you sitting in that mirror you getting dressed to attract to intentionally attract the sexual attention of men you don't know you know that you need some work something wrong there's something broken never let your image cast impressions your character won't fulfill if you don't want a man to talk sex you don't dress like you are easy now I'm a pastor and sometimes I have to just keep it real you know women come to church and they just you know it's just wearing it like that this is just you know this is 2020 they come into church and they weigh in it like that it ain't a whole lot of difference sometime between church wedding and club well and then you come up in here with club clothes on with all of this you got to pull all of this down you know to walk around for fren or whatever and then you you want to have a meeting with me and you want to say well pastor all the men around here only thinking about is sex and then I got to bring you as your pastor I got to bring you to the mirror and I look in that mirror see if if don't advertise chicken if you don't want to line outside your house for wings don't advertise chicken if you don't wanna line outside your house for wings you got a big old chicken sign flashing outside and you see all these people stopping at my house for wings baby your dress code is your personal commercial sometimes the way you dressed is the reason your husband can't find you never dress to attract attention dress to project conviction if you want to be respected for your mind as a woman don't promote you behind that's a t-shirt right there I won't print it but that's a t-shirt take one of y'all to print that if you want to be respected for your mind don't promote your behind number to your identity in value are never hinged to another person or relationship many of you have been deceived to believe that you're only as valuable as you are in a relationship this is the father-daughter talk this is where all of the Queen islet only all of this this is the foundation of that you can find a book at Amazon you can find the book in the workbook at RC Blake's the workbook is not on Amazon but you can find you can find the book on Amazon and you can find the book in the workbook at RC Blake's store calm but number two your identity and value and never hinge to another person or relationship you don't like you you you're not less than you don't lack value because you don't have a relationship right now and and I have to be honest you know I'm careful to be so harsh when it comes down to this relationship thing because I am married and I recognize that I'm not I'm not single I am married and some of you all are and I suppose if I were single I would want to be married you know but the thing I don't relate to is just the total desperation over not having a relationship and feeling like somehow because you don't have our relationship that that cancels out your your value I just don't I don't get that part I think because I'm so married to purpose you know that if I didn't have a wife I think I'd be so married to purpose that I would not really have enough room or mental space to be able to panic over not having a relationship God made Adam and Eve separately because their sense of purpose and value are never to be linked to any relationship other than that relationship they had with God individuality preceded marriage that's a statement right there individuality predated preceded marriage God created individuality before he created marriage he created Adam as an individual he created he put out on the sleep he created Eve as an individual and then at some other time God brings them together and God crease this thing called marriage but you can't really create marriage until you have two whole in healthy individuals and as a woman you have to understand this clearly number two your identity and value and never hinge to another personal relationship you're not valuable because of who you married to fact about it the Bible says they're made more valuable because of you the man finds a woman finds a wife he obtains a good thing and obtains favor from the Lord you had you you make the man better quite honestly I know my wife has made my life better I would think I did something fall but I know she's vast league you know tremendously improved my my life so watch this so your your identity and value are never hinge to another person or a relationship just because you got married it and make you better it just makes you responsible marriage is not an is really not an accomplishment it's a responsibility yeah but oh by marriage like it's an accomplishment like our company is really not an accomplishment it's a massive responsibility massive and honestly if you can't be happy single you're not gonna be able to be happy married if you're going to your house by yourself spending your money the way you want to spend it doing what you want to do when you want to do it and you miserable under those circumstances I don't know what makes you think that you're gonna be happy having to cook for somebody haven't have sex when somebody want to have sex having to share the money having somebody else mess your credit rating up or your credit score up I don't know what makes you think you're gonna be happier and you can't be happy as a single individual you and you you believe that somehow are you gonna be happier when you're married doesn't make you no no okay look what the Bible says in 1st Corinthians 7 32 they're not coming in here too much for this conversation today 1st Corinthians 7 32 says but I would have you without carefulness he that is unmarried care for the things that belong to the Lord how he may please the Lord women are being emotionally and psychologically incarcerated by the idea that a man absent from her life is a handicap whatever God put in you will bring you to greatness with all without a co-pilot Bible says he that's unmarried meaning single cares for the things that belong to the Lord how he may please the Lord how are you miserable when your responsibility is to care for the things that please God he's going and you read the further context it talks about how the married people have to care for the things that please that other individual like you know for the last three weeks going on a month I've been locked in the house with Lisa because of the quarantine zyv been stuck here in Houston with Lisa haven't been on the airplane and get no car driving down a road just stuck in a house and Lisa that mean Lisa been having to cook breakfast lunch then she got to be tired of me all day long besides all the other work I got it whatever she want if she want me put the trash out whatever she want me change the filters in the air condition it won't change life I got to do whatever that woman asked me to do okay a real queen does not necessarily need a king to reign now I want you to listen to that statement a real queen does not necessarily need a king to reign now real Queen desires one should desire one but until one shows up the kingdom is not gonna go unmanaged because real queens do not necessarily need Kings to reign real queens know how to dig in as individuals and make it happen you're not did not help listen City though I'm helpless I can't do nothing I need my knight in shining armor to come in done done save the day dudes ain't ride no more them dudes ain't riding no mo and when they show up a lot of times they're looking for the same thing you're looking for they only stopped by you to ask you do you know what man that you better try to get up off of it and understand that your value and your destiny is not locked into cuz if you sitting there with that mindset that I you know as a woman you said if it a toll myself on getting man from getting married oh no what I won't do I don't know what you won't do Bible I read says in Psalm 139 14 I will praise thee for I am fearfully and wonderfully made marvelous are thy works and that my soul Lord write well and the term marvelous refers to something that is one-of-a-kind number three never these are the principles of the father-daughter talk number three never leave your body down for a man that will not lay his life down for you get out of the bed dear heart all of this sex all of this all of this sex and you all trivializing sex all of this sex you have in with these people that you're not married to you don't even have you don't even have a promise ring and you're in the bed giving your body to this man that doesn't even deserve a conversation with you and you want me to sit up here and you want me to act like that's right I know you may unsubscribe but that's all right you need to come up out the bed never lay your body down for a man that will not lay his life down for you thank you Gwendolyn somebody told me I'm preaching you got to get out the bed y'all y'all y'all emailing me and all of this kind of stuff but you'd almost stay off the bed how do you think you gonna ever break a soul time you can't break a soul tie between the sheets you got to get from between the sheets if you're gonna break a soul tie and you just given your body to these dudes man it got you all karat or we got your mind all blown got you all on a sexual frequency and you just given your body away to these dudes and they just running through you laughing at you ain't nobody stopped you to tell you you got to stop getting in and out the bed with all of these people you not married to and you let in society blow your mind with all of this foolish stuff that is cool you listening to all of this music no more values normal principles no more self-respect as a woman come on now you got to get out to bed people all up in your damn telling you all kind of crazy stuff got your mind blown if you just come on oh and if I get you to just come on over tonight and there you are as a box of rocks Thank You Lacroix no you in the car in the bed with these people you know what these people got you should be working on another business or something you'd end up in the middle of the bed with somebody that you shouldn't even be on the phone with okay but when I read my Bible the original dude Adam gave up his rib God demanded that he would give up his rib for his woman before he ever even met her God says you need a woman but you can't happen until you sacrifice put him to sleep cut him open took that rear about I'd like to put it this way Adam bled for Eve before he ever touched her y'all allowing people to touch you that have not even made a verbal commitment to you because as I said the most valued the most precious thing on the planet to a heterosexual man is a woman and I don't know what other kinds of men looking at let me leave that alone but to a heterosexual man the most valued thing on the planet is a woman the woman is more valuable than gold cars houses money the woman and then when the man gets to the woman and discovers that she doesn't know her own value and he got to pay for the car to impress the woman he got to buy the house to impress the woman he got to buy the clothes impress the woman then he gets to the woman realizes the woman is free because she doesn't know who she is this is why the Bible says fusions 5:25 husband's love your wives even as Christ also loved the church and gave himself for it for man back to my point never lay your body down for men that will not lay his life down for you how you no man lay his life down for you covenant covenant I'm sitting I'm sitting by an altar right here right here meet me at all - meet me at autozone yeah meet me at altar covenant number four I mean I ain't gonna keep you how long is 41 minutes never allow yourself to live with a man that makes you afraid these are the principles of the father-daughter talk never allow yourself to live with a man that makes you afraid the day you wake up and you feel the slightest bit intimidated by a man's presence you supposed to go because energy doesn't lie you and a man's presence and that man makes you feel nervous gives you some apprehension it's time to go Bay Energy done live your spirit discerns your spirit discern stuff long before your brain kicks in when your spirit disagrees when you feel when you feel you know you feel that that that that that negative energy coming from a man that you afraid of him the reality of abuse is more prevalent than the church wants to accept no woman was created to be abused at the hands of a sick man a man that will put his hands on you does not deserve you and the duck it should not go as far as a man putting his hands on you if a man speaks too harshly see because when a man really loves and respects a woman he's gonna control his tone and he's gonna control his words if a man Yin call you all out your name B's and HS and all of this kind of stuff and scream and yell at you like he ready to kill you you supposed to put as much distance between he and you as there is between the East and the West you must never allow yourself to live with a man that makes you afraid never tolerate Thank You Canada never tolerate a man that makes you afraid and it's the sooner you realize this and get out of this the better because the longer you stay in it the more your soul is broken and the heart is gonna be to break those ties but when you start feeling mm-hmm call your daddy get your brothers whatever you got to get if you feel like you got to get somebody and you need to call us this needs to come to an end and end thank you Karen this needs to come to an end Oh watch this let's see okay let me read this sometimes women are afraid of change and they allow financial security to trap them in an abusive relationship but you have to understand this God will take care of you Hebrews 13 and 6s that we may boldly say the Lord is my help and I will not fear what man shall do unto me a man that hurts you does not love you first John 4 and 18 says there is no fear in love but perfect love casteth out fear because fear hath torment he that feareth is not made perfect in love now somebody put something up there trying to remember exactly what it said tomaten emotional spiritual abuse and I guess what I would say to that in the context of this never allow yourself to live with a man it makes you afraid is that you'll find many times so-called Christian men well that's not even just limited to Christian men religious men spiritual men from all different kinds of faith that will incarcerate you emotionally and will use whatever that particular faiths Dogma is to bring you into us a place of Terror as though your lack of submission to their manipulation is somehow putting you on the wrong side of God God did not create you to be manipulated and managed and controlled and abused okay number five never compromise your values and principles because you won't like yourself see a lot of times you think you Quinn if I missed any of y'all's names I apologize thank you so much I appreciate you all and I love you never compromise your values and principles because you won't like yourself see a lot of times you when you when you when you lack when your self-esteem bank is empty as a woman what happens is I can't believe we don't have more people in here for this maybe I don't know maybe something else is going on maybe they got a party some of them start on the party's up you'll find yourself compromising your values in your principles to be liked to be accepted you know by man and nobody can nobody will push your limits like an ungodly man a man to push you into stuff man and you just compromise and and you compromise some more and you compromise some more on you you keep compromising until you came you can't even recognize yourself you doing stuff that you never dream you would do you sitting around here doing stuff that you used to rake your girlfriends over the coals about doing you got men sliding in and out your house and your children and now that's how much you compromising because somewhere down the line you feel like if I don't get a man I'm less than a woman and society's made you feel that way and religion has made you feel that way first question they won't ask a woman that in church or when you get married and then once you get married I mean people even know what your physical situation is they're crazy enough that you when y'all having a baby why would you ask somebody that what if there's a medical problem this is how twisted these people are and the people that's asking about when you get married they aren't happy and the thing they got they ain't got no marriage they just got wedlock but you'll find yourself compromising just to say I got a man now let's see something a man knows what a woman wants to hear and we'll say anything to make you drop your guard a man if a man ain't nothing else a man is very proficient at lying very few men that can't lie very few men in the cane line I don't trust a man that would see he don't lie how he doesn't lie he's never lied I don't trust that dude I don't trust that dude because the way we are raised in the United States of America well I think the world actually we are raised to lie we are taught how to lie in the barber shop the same daddy and uncles that teach the the daughters and the nieces on the front porch keep your dress down take the boys in the backyard and teach them how to get the other little girls in the neighborhood to raise their dresses up we are trained liars when a man knows what to say a man knows what to say to get a woman to drop her guard he can make you feel like it's perfect and before you know it you're carried away with no consideration for your values or your principles and it's after you have thrown everything that's valuable to you to the dogs you wake up and realize I've been tricked by a bum look what the Bible says see because when you when you caught up in the midst all of this here and he got you all got your mind blown got the candles got the music playing he talking all that stuff in your ears or are you just compromising you just caught you compromising number one you compromise by letting us do come to your house that was a massive compromise the Bible says in proverbs 14:12 there's a way which seemeth right unto a man but the end thereof are the ways of death and there's always a danger in being carried away when you carry the way you usually end up in unfamiliar places and James 1:14 and 15 says I haven't taught this is so long Thank You Beverly and James 1:14 and 15 says but every man is tempted when he is drawn away of his own lust and enticed then when lust hath conceived it bringeth forth sin and sin when it is finished bringeth forth death all right number six number seven and now be I'll be done with when I get to number seven number six y'all gonna like this one I got in trouble with this one what was that at was that Philadelphia Pittsburgh Pittsburgh man man a man raped me over the coals about this I was on a live radio show man rig me over the coals about this told me that I was destroying the black community sure did I was I was a false prophet and now we can't use those strong turn but he did say I was I was destroying helping to destroy the black community and the bond that supposed to be the black P would be between the black man and the black woman that's what he told me all because of number six he said all that number six is this always be ready to make your own money so I said well all I'm telling women is be ready to make their own money sometimes the brothers look like they don't want make none o you destroy in the black community well this is not just a black thing I think this is the white thing a Chinese thing and a Japanese thing Indian thing a woman in in a day like today needs to be prepared to make her own money you're destroying the black community the black woman should be submitted to the black man meaning the black man is supposed to have the financial power to control the black woman is what you're really saying brother Thank You Melissa that's what you're really saying I said Kings don't need to control Queens they all got their means they just bring that stuff together and they create what you call a kingdom so a real man is not intimidated by a woman having her own money man thiis thank you so much only a clown is afraid of a woman that has our own resources Kings expect a woman to have own whoa I got mad again about that that was years ago thank you Jesus let me drink some water whoo oh that mercy we quarantined I ain't got nowhere else to go Thank You Dana you owe me well just sit down and hang in here with me it's gonna be just look like it's gonna be the longest one I've ever done I ain't got nowhere else to go Lisa call him for me I will go home in a minute Thank You Melissa always be ready to make your own money father/daughter talk always be ready do not sit around here depending on an unpredictable generation of men don't do it don't do it I've raised three young women all three of them can take care of themselves I said to them the last you supposed to have to half the need financially should be your daddy god bless you what a great husband praise God for him but don't ever be in a position where you're dependent and beholden to a man for money always be in a position where you can rock and roll and do your own thing I was telling you all the other day man we got this crisis going on and the wife as a registered nurse and you know I'm a pastor and if I turn this camera around y'all realize I mean you could call homie unemployed ain't nobody up in here I'm up in there by myself I'm hanging around I'm out there putting trash out around the church putting trash out shouldn't be on the stage talking to y'all right now y'all made one call homie unemployed right now and my wife said to me the other day she said you know then the nurses are running slim and they may be calling nurses out of retirement and now you know that selfish part of me all you can't go and my wife said to me she said you can't tell me that I said my thoughts you know you're right I can't tell this girl that this is her that's her purpose that's her prerogative you know what I mean but Kings can appreciate that see a clown couldn't handle that I said I can't tell this girl can can go and make our own money anytime she choose to do so she can depend on me and I've proven to be dependable but she ain't got to see that's why I want to get you at so I'm gonna get you to because you said near wasting this time moaning and groaning when the reality is you should be researching by the time this crisis is over you should have you two or three at least two businesses launching but you gonna waste this time and go go right back to dependent on somebody that's been proven that you last ten years they are they're not dependable you charge to put plug this thing up now to be financially dependent on people who are unstable and unpredictable is slavery to be financially dependent on people who are under unstable and unpredictable is slavery the Bible says in proverbs 22 and 7 the rich rule is over the poor and the borrower is servant to the lender so in other words whoever got the money of the balls proverbs 31 23 and 24 says her husband is known in the gates when he sitteth among the elders of the land she make it fine linen and selleth it and deliver it girdles unto the merchant that's the that's the the the virtuous woman and the thing I love to bring out about her is that she had a man that you know was well established but she still had our own enterprises she still had her own enterprises even though she had a man I was balling in shock all and she still had her own enterprises and you sitting there and you're not concerning yourself with financial stability financial independence as a woman something wrong with you and maybe the Lord had me to just City in this church maybe Lord is that me bored and I just said well that mean you know I had nothing new I want to talk about the days the Lord said go back and revisit father-daughter talk maybe that maybe you the reason why I'm sitting there doing this right now I've been talking for an hour here this is the wrong day for a woman to be sitting around here just just cute oh you kill you master cute but you broke a nun Q power broke actually you cute you fine yeah you fine you can pull them you walk through the club they all they're all checking for you but you're broke and then you then you find yourself in these or illicit relationships you're developing all these soul ties with these dudes and not in making babies which you know you're dependent on them financially so you're all on social media fussing about he ain't paying his child support you should have discerned this do character before you got in a bed with him you bro Joe taught his daughter something about finances in job 42 and 15 it says and in all the land where no women found so fair as the daughters of Jobe and their daughter and their father rather gave them inheritance among their brethren he treated them as equals with their brothers he made certain that they were straight financially and the Bible says there were not women found in the land as pretty as the daughters of Joel but what was job teaching his daughters baby you gonna need more than cute you're gonna need money you're gonna need more than cute you're gonna need coins you're gonna need more than fine you're gonna need finance and some of y'all mastering cute but you ain't doing nothing in terms of the money thing yeah you're not educating yourself you're not working on low businesses all these all of these online businesses that people got I mean people out here making money selling hair now just selling hair online as much as you wear that wear that weave and all that stuff you should be the number one you should be amongst the best of them out here selling that stuff but you ain't thinking about that all you think about is being cute you ain't thinking about coins but see when baby needs some some milk and you got you even had a baby for you know an irresponsible man who praise the Lord number seven love God above all else that's the 7 principle love God above all else you know you boil it down or whatever you want man you didn't make make all of this stuff important the bottom line is you got to love God above all else in in proverbs 31 30 and 31 favors the sequined beauty is vain but a woman that feared the Lord she shall be praised giver of the fruit of our hands and their own works raise her in the gates now that's those of those are the seven principles of the father-daughter talk you know y'all right cuz I'm think I'm eight let me go on till me going to the second half of this year then I think I'll quit if all of this is in the book by the way how good okay y'all good you good all right thank y'all for entertaining me okay here's a is the next phase of it for things of fathers should tell his daughter about men for things that a father should tell his daughter about men if you have teenage daughters you probably would want to or nieces you probably would want to bring them into this I'm just thinking about this bring them into this live because this is the kind of stuff that they somebody needs to teach them and again second Timothy 3 & 6 is for this saw today which creep in the houses and lead captive silly women laden with sins led away with divers lust and again that speaks of immaturity and a lack of dignity and it talks about the silly woman now we as as human beings we mature in one of two ways by by instruction or experience as as human beings we mature in one of two ways either by instruction or by experience when a woman is not exposed to instruction early in her life it leaves her to a lifetime of experience which then leaves the woman broken used and bitter see if a young woman is not exposed to instruction like this early she then has to mature by way of personal experience and those experiences 99.9% at a time are going to leave her broken used and bitter she didn't becomes an angry woman and she has a testimony like all men are dogs nobody is good the world is just bad it's the bitterness but there are four things that I want to share with you then the father should teach his daughters about men number one is this listen to this Bay listen to this right here listen to it and that's New Orleans coming in coming out of me listen to this right here listen to this right yeah most men will say anything for sex there are very few men that you go meet that don't do not have sex on their minds because most men are grown boys they've not developed themselves they're broken little boys and a man will tell you anything for sex anything you if a Lisa thank you so much if if he got to tell you I love you with all of my heart and I will marry you he'll tell you anything for sex you know in Worcester what's the main line that they run on you in the church you know I'm I don't know what that is loving life I'm so loving life okay thank you help me to put that together what's that main line I run on you in church oh we engage we engage we have made that covenant we do in the eyes of the Lord that other stuff just ceremony let's sleep together and then they find a way to break up with you for you they'll tell you anything for sex you want to hear anything find you a man is trying to get him some sex him tell you anything now and there's no secret that women are moved by words and men have figured this phenomenon out and have mastered the art of wooing a man can put some words together and it's like Calgon take me away he just brings a woman into and you can't tell her nothing I passed Akane telangana Daddy Kane telling none our friends can tell her nothing now that sees something here let's see man's base nature is derived from his original makeup he was created and I don't mean that I'm not bashing my brother I'm not bashing my brother's I'm not because I'm a bro I'm not and all of the bros ain't bad all of us are not bad but a man's based nature is derived from his original makeup and he was according to Genesis he was created from dirt Genesis 2 in services and a Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life and man became a living soul Adam was physically all physical before he was mental or spiritual his coming from the dirt speaks of his base attraction to things that are natural and tangible this is why man is moved by what he sees and you bring him into club and you put a woman on a pole with a with a nice figure and he said now he take all his house no money all his car no money all his tithes and offerings [Music] and he slides it up on that stage because he is his base nature is that he's moved by things tangible invisible the dominant physical attraction of most men is a woman and he will say or do anything to experience a woman's body physically no matter what the cost he doesn't care if it's gonna wreck this woman emotionally he doesn't care if it's going to break her psychologically if if if all I got to do is tell a lie to get into her bed I will tell that lion I'll sacrifice anything to do it because most men will say anything for sex see now when you take the flipside watch this and you look at Genesis and you see how Adam was created from the dirt I know you've some of y'all gonna take that and bring that in a whole different direction man we'll create it from the dirt that's why he's all dirty you know Eve was created from things internal Adam was created from things external so he comes out visual intangible and he wants to see and feel he was created from things internal God reached into Adam and import Eve out so now women are internal women are move by words and emotion in things immaterial spiritual and emotional you see this is why you can see a gorgeous woman hmm what an ugly dude it's because she's attracted to something internal but a man will say anything for sex cuz he's he's like he's like an addict number two once she wants you give a man your body he has your mind now I get in trouble with that one a lot it's called a soul time when a woman gives us so physically to a man she is tied to that man it's called a soul tied that man occupies a part of that woman's soul her mind will emotions she can't get him out of a head in other words a SOTA is an emotional bondage to another person it may even be a physical bondage 1st Corinthians 6 and 16 what know ye not that he which is joined to an harlot is one body for to saith he shall be one flesh mansae makes a decision in two years if he'll move forward that's a joke man don't take that long make no decision by law okay let me get back to my thing ever whenever man engages a woman he occupies a part of her soul when the relationship fails the man marks it off as another notch on the belt while the woman is scarred for life in this true men move on while women are still hung up trying to figure it out trying to process why did it happen Thank You Rhonda why did it happen how can I get over this can't even embrace a new relationship because you're still tied to that one when relationships in men move on while women are often ostracized in society and even the church there's a biblical example of the stigma and social outcasts that women experience when they have been manipulated sexually John 8 3 and 3 enforces in the scribes and Pharisees brought unto him a woman taken in adultery and when they had set her in the midst they say unto Him master this woman was taken in adultery in the very air in the very act here's the question that a lot of preachers asked whenever we read this text where is the man if they caught the woman in the act the man was there too but they did not bring the man where was the man when a man has a woman outside of covenant he Templars with her self-respect her reputation her self-esteem and her sense of honor y'all can't play with this man these are things that every father should teach his daughters about men most men will say anything for sex once you give a man your body he has he has your mind he's in your head and in number three a man will always return to the woman he respects when he grows up he's gonna return to a woman that he respects if she's available when he finally grows up and becomes a man he going back to the woman he respects and I'm not telling y'all that out of theory see so what is my point it's better for you to respect yourself and let a brother move on down the road than to compromise yourself to try to win this brother because that never works when I came to leasing I said hey I don't think I want to be married I mean you need to move on she said okay see you when brother got himself together and grew up got my mind right I went back and found homegirl I had a whole lot of people I could have went cold but I went I wasn't thinking about nobody but Lisa first woman to tell me he's on down the road not only did she tell me to ease on down the road she went got her another man that broke my heart I got talked to about that stacked up that broke my heart when she did that to me he's gonna go get another man on the brother like that you don't do that to no brother you just don't do that but she did it bet you got my mind right and when I got myself together and I finally grew up and realized what I wanted I went back and got my warmer you need doing yourself no favor by okay let me need that loan Oh proverbs 31:10 in the level who can find a virtuous woman for a price is far above rubies the heart of a husband taught safely trust in her so that he shall have no need of spoil a man will never respect a woman beyond the respect she has for herself when that woman told me okay thank you bail that woman told me okay and moved on I say wow I never had a woman like this no Jesus sure felt like I felt like she had dumped me now let me give you some keys they're respecting yourself with a man this is under number three a man will always return to the woman he respects he's respecting yourself with the man never initiate a relationship don't don't initiate no relationship now when I say don't initiate that I have to be careful with that put yourself in a position where if you're interested in a guy he knows that you have interest in him as an individual I was sharing some of this with some somebody the other day and you simply do that as a woman by asking them do questions you know you're getting the presence of a guy that you you like just ask him some questions about who you know who are you wait wait wait were you from mmm where do you work okay yeah she's asking questions then you move on see a man is always gonna be interested in a woman that's interested in him you give him you ask him a couple of questions about himself you you be nice and polite just to make him understand that is safe to approach you're not gonna get shot down and then you let him be man enough to take it from there but never initiate a relationship don't just come on out I like you you like me let's make it happen no no you know you know you don't all rock like that you don't want rock like that never initiate a relationship number two never take a man's word that you don't know always ask questions ask questions number three never stand for disrespect now before always enforced limits always have limits and boundaries and I guess it's number five ask questions to uncover motives like Sheba proved Solomon with hard questions so should you prove any man all right number four this is all over the second part hope y'all understanding how this is flowing I gave you the first seven principles of the father-daughter talk now this is the next section things a father should teach his daughter we said number one under this section most men will say anything for sex number two once you give a man your body has your mind number three man will always return to the woman he respects number four wait on a man that loves God that speaks for itself we don't a man that loves God wait on a man that loves God because they're two basic types of men a carnal man and a godly man or spiritual man and the Bible says in Galatians 5:19 now the works of the flesh are manifest which of these a daughter a fornication that's gonna get out the flesh a man cannot love a woman completely without a relationship with God man got to love God to know how to love a woman right he got to love God to have the patience to love a woman properly how Lord I'm working hard yeah alright now look I got I got I'm gonna come back into this this is too much right now I'll be only two hours I hope you all got something out of my little marathon on the day y'all got something out of my little marathon I guess this is a call cabin this what you call cabin fever cabin fever you sit up here and just go wild on on YouTube but ain't nobody come in from animal I don't know what I did wrong today we'll see you tomorrow all right I got to go I love y'all man I love you now listen I'm gonna put I'm gonna put the link in the bio for those of you that may have never gotten the father-daughter tour I'll put the put the link in the bio in the description for you and for those of you that have never tapped into into queen ology the online course that is that is on sale for $49 that's ten sessions where I'm sitting in front of a camera ten sessions where I'm sitting in front of a camera similar to this and we're discussing the subjects and then we then we create it though the study guide or the workbook for the queen ology course that you find in what is called I think program notes or something like that and you can download the PDF of the entire study guide it gives you all the work to do the principles to remember scriptures key scriptures confessions to make after every session you'd be able to do the work in the study guide specifically for the online course it's like we created the book and the the study guide for the book or we created the online program and the study guide for the online program and it's like a hundred and thirteen pages so I'm really proud of that because it's a tremendous value and I just you know so it's there and it's it's its own sail now I'll put that link in the description as well also those of you that may be in a place where you you know may be feeling a little anxious and you need someone to talk to recently I came into this I guess Alliance a partnership with a group called better help and they are an online counseling agency they will they provide licensed counselors for you over the phone oh I've had a few occasions with in recent weeks that I almost called them myself you know just trying to deal with the anxiety and the pressure of all of this so if that's a need you have that link will be in the description as well and I love you all thank you for you know this is the longest I've ever sat and done a lot I've appreciate you all for just tolerating me and helping me get through this and hopefully something I said is helping you to get through it as well let me pray for you before I let you go father I I ask you to now just breathe upon your people and let peace come to them father wherever they are in the world as we are all dealing with something God that we've never seen before in our lifetime God give us peace give us rest those of us that are struggling with family members and friends that are physically impacted by this God give us strength and give us wisdom and now God we thank you for bringing us through this in Jesus's name Amen all right my babies thank all of you that that just sowed into my life today I never asked for this and it's always amazing to me when you all do it and I just need you to know I am so so so grateful I don't take it lightly and I appreciate you so much all right I guess I'll pack up and go home for Lisa lock me out I love y'all man yeah I love you talk to you soon
Channel: RC Blakes, Jr
Views: 47,168
Rating: 4.9673524 out of 5
Keywords: Dating Advice, Relationships, Christian, Narcissist, RC BLAKES
Id: qjHWbXDhB1U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 83min 43sec (5023 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 30 2020
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