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evening good evening uh what you know about that Kelly Price I know a lot about Kelly Price praise the Lord just getting back from church as you can see I'm still in my church attire whoo and I just ran in here now I need to do something for me tonight invite some people to come in tonight invite them to come in and and give me some hearts tonight this is my first time on periscope Wow thank you for thank you for tuning in tonight it was a powerful service tonight if you all those of you who who maybe didn't didn't see the broadcast that I did out of the church tonight with dr. Roberts dr. Henry Roberts from Mobile Alabama go back into the replays and look at it if you are part of church I think you need to look at it it is going to be so so educational well we came up with an official name this is our official name came up with an official name Wednesday night last night actually periscope worship center this is periscope worship center and so you are you are officially part of Paris officially a part of periscope worship center amen PwC that's us that's what we all about that's how we roll in PwC all right I'm not going to be long tonight but let's look at something quickly tonight that I think would be relative to to anybody to all of us and here's the question why are you so lonely and what can you do about it why are you so lonely and what can you do about it you know I I deal with a lot of people obviously and it is alarming how many people are struggling with the spirit of loneliness the spirit of loneliness and I call it a spirit because God didn't give it to you and it's not a natural part of your makeup as as a human being not to be lonely thank you Pastor Howard it's a state of mind it is a state of mind you know when you when we look at Adam in the beginning though God says of him it's not good for him to be alone not good for you to be alone Adam didn't know that it wasn't good for him to be alone Adam was having a ball alone see to be alone is to be the only person within a certain space Adam never had a concept of loneliness and he never viewed being alone as a handicap or as a disadvantage so Adam was busy naming animals tending to the garden running around worshipping God talking to God getting straight down those from God and then God said boy you know it ain't good for you to be alone but nots interesting it's interesting now watch this it's interesting that God takes and he makes all of the rest of creation and he makes male and female at the same time but when it comes down to man he makes man at a specific time and he has an unspecified amount of time along with that man he puts that man to sleep in he makes woman and he has an unspecified amount of time along with that woman it's interesting that all of the other animals were made male and female together but man was made separately from woman man learned how to walk with God and to be content with God and Eve learned how to walk with God and to be content with God alone it is because the man has a soul and God has to be the sole possessor of the man's soul God didn't want Adam starting out with the concept of you know needing being needy of another person in his space other than God the original man was created and he was perfectly content in the presence of God God said it's not good for you to be alone watch this watch this now that doesn't things I want to just share with you tonight just practical wisdom number one if you're going to break out of if you're going to break the spirit of loneliness off of your life number one you have to this isn't this is point number one nurture your fellowship with God see those of you that are sitting there in your home own your job or wherever you are and you are you are feeling lonely you're longing for you know someone it means that you in a position now where you have to really focus on nurturing your fellowship with God you can't be in God's presence listen to this carefully you can't be in God's presence and lonely you can't be in God's presence how can you be in the presence of the Almighty God and then have a concept of loneliness you may be alone but there's no sense of deficiency when you are firmly affixed in the presence of God you'd be just like and those of you who are worshipers you can attest to this you can attest to this when you get in the presence of God you not even you know even concern you you're not even concerned with who's around you much less who's not here whenever you get into the presence of God all of this other stuff it just fades away the presence of God washes all of this other stuff away from the front of your mind the Bible says in Psalm 16 and 11 thou will show me the path of life in that presence is fullness of joy and that thy right hand there are pleasures evermore how can one really be in the presence of God and depressed about the absence of someone else you know I spend most of my time alone that's my wife on there but I spend most of my time alone we have a we have a we live a sacrificial life because I don't spend a lot of time these days with my wife I'm gone most of the time I'm in and out in and out in and out and I'm perfectly content because wherever I go I have the presence of God now watch this when I begin to sink into that flesh and get begin to have a pity party begin to think about you know the sacrifices I got to make other people get a chance to stay in the house with their family every night I don't I can't do this and I got to go here and I got to go there and people need this for me and and I got to do that and all you everybody ought to feel sorry for me then that spirit begins to take over my mind but when I get back into my place of worship and I begin to nurture my fellowship with God it's amazing how all of that dissipates Isaiah 26 and 3 says thou would keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on thee because he trusted in thee so number one you must nurture your fellowship with God do you really have or do you really have a a fellowship with God do you pray do you do you have do you have worship time do you really press into the presence of God on a regular basis you always saying I'm lonely I'm lonely I'm lonely but again I ask you how can one really be in the presence of God and feel the deficiency of any kind number two focus on your vision I'm tired of hearing you whining about you lonely I'm tired of hearing you whining about you're lonely you know I've known them long I want to need somebody I need somebody sometimes you feel like you want somebody you need somebody but you're not ready for anybody because if you don't if you don't learn how to master yourself and your relationship with God see with this loneliness thing let me let me just talk to you like a father with this loneliness piece if you don't learn how to be content by yourself you're not qualified to be hooked up with nobody else marriage is not going to care loneliness it's not it's not you can be surrounded you can be surrounded by thousands of people if you don't have contentment on the inside you'll be lonely and they can all be screaming your name why do you think Superstars or we call them superstars why do you think they commit suicide drug overdosing and all of this kind of stuff there's some of the loneliest people in the world it's because they're empty inside if you don't learn how to master your own spirit focus on your vision listen to this carefully busy people do not obsess over the presence or absence of others you should become so busy focusing on your vision and where you're going that by the time you stop to think about it it's time to go to bed and you put your on the pillow saying Lord I don't really handle bat around here but I'm not you know you use you should be so in tune to where you're going and your vision it's amazing how how goals become the antidote of loneliness when you have goals and you waking up every day and you living on purpose and you're not just sitting around you know whining about who you don't have with you and who's not you know in your corner and how you have to live this life this way and all that focus on your vision the Bible says in Proverbs 29 and 18 where there's no vision the people perish and that term perish can literally be translated as they live without restraint and that they live without restraint they live without any sense of control when you live your life without vision your life is like a ship without a rudder it just kind of drifts in whatever direction the current is taking it busy people don't have time to be sitting around whining about who they don't have they got too much they're in pursuit of the pursuit of vision eradicate thoughts of loneliness you need to marry your vision you're single you don't have a husband you don't have a wife marry your vision right now marry your vision lay down with your vision wake up with your vision wake up with your vision and it's amazing how when you marry your vision then the the right spouse for you will be able to recognize you because you're in your purpose as long as you're sitting around griping and whining about who you don't have and you're lonely you're not functioning in your purpose so the right spouse for you can't even recognize you marry your vision to productive to be lonely that's right now watch this we get lonely when we are not fully engaged in self-discovery to pursue yourself is a full-time job leaving no room for lonliness so number one nurture your fellowship with God number two focus on your vision number three manage your thoughts how do you overcome loneliness manage your thoughts marry your vision nurture your fellowship with God manage your thoughts manage your thoughts we must learn to be watch this we must learn to think about what we're thinking about because have you ever been heavier every other awakened and he was having you know having a tremendous day great day great day and then some reason you just started thinking about who you don't have what's not in place how horrible your life is now you ride in a Mercedes with red-bottom shoes on and Louis Vuitton Louie Vuitton purse sitting on the seat of your Mercedes and and talking about how horrible life is with God in your heart and then you just go to thinking about and then all of a sudden your thoughts bring you down into depression that God did not ordained for your life it's because you're not managing your thoughts you have to think about what you're thinking about your thoughts bring you into this dark deep place we must learn to be fine watch this you got it you got to manage your thoughts we must learn to be fine in whatever position life puts us in you know right now again I'm in a position over the last decade I'm not accustomed to living like this flying all over the place away from home and all of this kind of stuff but this is the calling of God on my life in this season and you know what I'm perfectly contented I'm perfectly contented because it is the call of God on my life and I don't I don't look at the call of God on my life from the perspective of what my flesh thinks about it I manage my thoughts Philippians 4 and 11 says not that I speak in respect to what if I've learned and I have learned and whatsoever state I am therewith to be content you can learn to be content in whatever state you in in in second Corinthians 10:4 and five four and five he talks about pulling down casting down imaginations and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God and bringing every thought into captivity you got to learn to manage your thoughts because loneliness is the consequence of thoughts Philippians 4:7 3 tells us what we should think about think on these things whatever is true honest just pure lovely good report virtue any praising it think on these things manage your thoughts y'all get anything out of this tonight watch this number 4 make laughter a must when you spend a lot of time alone to avoid being lonely make laughter must you know I like funny movies I like I like funny movies I look for comedies I like to be around people that make me laugh I don't I don't like to hang out with people that's always so deep and always so you know melancholy and you know I like to be around people that make me laugh I like people that are light my life is filled with a lot of weight I need people around me that you know that's just chilling just just chilling funny man you know I like people to make me laugh and sometime I make myself laugh sometimes I make myself laugh I just start laughing and then for some reason the fake laugh that turns into genuine authentic laughter I guess I'm laughing at myself trying to laugh but I've tried to feel my life with laughter I choose not to be the press and I've had my bouts with that and this is one of the things I used to come out of it I just made laughter a priority in my life I made laughter priority in my life and they're too many y'all that have too many sad samba you know people with these horror stories in your life and that's all they want to talk about every day I mean every day you got to listen to this stuff I got to have left in my life you need some left in your life proverbs 17:22 says a merry heart doeth good like I'm like a medicine but a broken spirit dried the bones when you begin to feel the pressure of that thing breaking your spirit man you got to get you some left in then I know it's hard to find you know for Christians it's hard to find movies or stuff like that that don't have a whole lot of vulgarity and cussing in it and everything but trust miss out there I watch Fred Sanford reruns all the time i watch i watch our Archie Bunker I love Archie Bunker man I love Martin you know I just love I love to laugh I got a laugh I need to laugh I mean I have to I take in too much stuff on a daily basis I got two funerals tomorrow you know I got you know I got I got members as calling me tell me about they just been diagnosed with cancer I got marriages falling apart I got members that can't pay the bills I don't have enough money to take care of all of them I got so much stuff going on how do I maintain it I pull away from all of that stuff I put it in the hands of God and I find reasons to laugh I hold like when I see crazy stuff on Facebook I saved those videos cuz I need to go back to them every now and then I gotta go back to her I don't like people that can't laugh you're too uptight you're too uptight you you're an emotional liability when you can't laugh you can't laugh learn the lab by yourself watch this number five let me go over them again number one you're just tuning in I'm RC Blake's pastor of new home Family Worship Center and now periscope Worship Center and we're talking tonight about overcoming loneliness number one we said you need to nurture your fellowship with God number two focus on your vision number three manage your thoughts number four make laughter a must number five create intentional social encounters create intentional social encounters see a lot of y'all you don't want to admit it but you you're alone by choice and you choose to be alone because you have some kind of what's the word I'm looking for you have some kind of issue for lack of a better term a little tag that you you you you're fearful of social encounters so you keep yourself like like a hermit you know tucked away and rather than stepping into social encounters you back away even at church you kind of rush in and you rush out you don't want to interact you don't want to have too many conversations you don't want to get to know anybody because you're intimidated by social encounters but you see you got to break that you got to create intentional social encounters stop sitting around your house complaining about how you have no friends well friends are not just gonna pop up at your door and say knock on the door say hello hello hello hello we heard you need friends you got to get out there man you don't have to do that don't have no don't have a girlfriend you know and he ain't said nothing nobody man you can't be sitting off and upside the wall in the corner staring at people you got to say something you know learn how to said respectfully so you don't turn turn a good woman off but learn you gotta say something you gotta holler man you gotta holla you go always go home by yourself until you say something ain't no woman gonna just run up to you this ain't the movies you don't get friends just sit around with your mouth closed won't smile what's wrong with you put yourself out there you know but nobody's better than you you you you suck in that position because in your mind you believe that people are better than you that you don't deserve this that you don't equal to the circle man you God is sending you into the circle to bring the circle to another level some of y'all by yourself unnecessarily oh no maybe I'm tired Minard bad tonight huh watch this the Bible says in Proverbs 18:24 a man that hath friends no don't bring nobody in your house I said don't bring nobody in your house don't bring nobody in your house and say bring nobody in your house no no go out of your house to meet no don't bring nobody in your house oh Jesus don't y'all get the wrong message in that don't bring nobody in your house don't bring nobody in your house don't go tell me about that I told y'all to bring don't bring nobody in your house go to church go to the mall go to work go to the concert don't bring nobody to you out who proverbs 18:24 says a man that hath friends must show himself friendly you know a man that had friends must show himself friendly y'all y'all sharing this y'all give him in my heart you know like okay let me let me let you in to look let's get a little transparent here I am by nature a very withdrawn person by nature I can you know I can literally sit in a house by myself for weeks with without necessarily having any human interaction and then one day I woke up and I realized that the calling of God on my life required that I would be a bridge builder between me and people so my father my father was my spiritual my natural father said to me boy you you got to get a different kind of personality if you're going to be successful in ministry the people are not going to come to you until you go to them and right now your personality says stay away stay away don't come in don't come into my space stay away he says that stoic look you have on your face all the time rushing out of the church you don't want to shake nobody's hand you don't want to converse with people he says you turning people off and I went home and I thought about that and I changed my personality on purpose I changed my personality on purpose and and I begin to create intentional social encounters there was a time there's no way in the world I've done that like this on the periscope there's no way in the world I've done this but I realize I gotta create I have to create social encounters and what's happened as a consequence now I've taken in a whole different family from all over the nation that in many instances you all from all over the country are pouring into my life in ways that I've never even experienced before because I went out of my way to hit the button like that a lot of y'all is watching me right now when you hit the button I I'd do it for ministry but there lot of yo this can this come become your business you won't make money when you hit the button you haven't hit the button yet you got all that knowledge in your head and you haven't hit the button you haven't you haven't created an intentional encounter I'm shy shy will always be broke shy will always be broke I ain't got time to time I know shy I got I got another decade that I got to make certain things happen and to make it happen means I have to create intentional social encounter some of y'all are lonely because you are alone and you're alone this says to your little mind that because I'm alone nobody loves me nobody wants me and the reality is that you have in within your within your personality within your heart within your spirit within you the individual you have the value of a bag full of think about a grocery bag full of flawless diamonds that's the value of you as an individual in that doesn't even amount to it watch this a grocery bag full of diamonds but your personality that contains that value is like a brown paper bag it's colorless it has no no appeal at all it easily blends into the background people walk over it you have to intentionally work on your personality good place to start is smiling yeah yeah good place started while I have no teeth you really become a life of the party if you smile they ain't got no teeth they don't really remember you Alleluia and shake somebody's hand and hello my name is smile shake a hand hello my name is and what is yours what do you do for a living Wow what's your interests people are always interested in people that are interested in them you got to be by yourself all the time you can have friends and some of you let is that you say but no no man no man no man ever says anything to me well not if you're walking around you're looking like you know you got a gun in your person you're gonna shoot the first person that speak to you they're probably not gonna say nothing to you and see that's the way a lot of y'all walk and you you feel like you don't you can't find the balance between you know being a respectable woman you know versus being considered a loose woman so in your mind you think you can't even smile you can't say hello you can't say good morning good afternoon no no you can't you can't go way over that way people can't speak to you without you chewing the hero always trying to flirt always trying to flirt and then called on the phone to my that I ain't got no man there's a balance you gotta find you're not gonna be a loose woman but you're not gonna be a woman that's you know imprison behind you know all of this all of that you know them time up a brother gonna deal with that no no I'm not dealing with up bro she looks dangerous all right watch this number six and I'm out of here let me go home one more time if you're just tuning in I'm ROC Blake's we're talking tonight about loneliness and just some practical wisdom that I think one can apply to overcome it or defeat it nurture your fellowship with God number two focus on your vision if you really focus on your vision you're not going time to be lonely number three manage your thoughts think about what you're thinking about number four make laughter must number five create intentional social encounters and number six and finally live to serve others live to serve others you know this right here you know I was sharing with some friends of mine this is literally like literally like having another church this is literally when I get through with this I feel no different than I feel when I come out of the pulpit at new home Family Worship Center but this is a service to others this is an opportunity for me to pour out of myself what God has deposited in me for the world watch this now when I do this you know there's a there's a there's a dimension as a level of fulfillment when you begin to live to serve others there's a dimension of fulfillment that's going to come that any concept of loneliness can even penetrate live to serve others make serving others a lifestyle make serving others a lifestyle and you know what when you get the complaining about your life just go to the hospital go to the hospital just walk the walk the aisles of the hospital look in the rooms you get to complaining about your life and oh me oh my or only your mind all this kind of stuff go sit in one of those funeral homes and watch those families and see how many people your age and younger whose bodies are being rolled through there you're here for a reason and it's not to be sitting around whining about I'm lonely I don't have a man I don't have a woman you're here to serve others and the Bible says in Ephesians six seven and eight with with good will doing service as to the Lord and not to men knowing that whatsoever good thing any man doeth the same shall he receive of the Lord whether he be bond of free watch this so if you if you're feeling lonely if you're feeling lonely why don't you go out of your way to identify somebody in your church on your job in your neighborhood that's lonely and why don't you go out of your way to befriend them and become their solution and the Bible says whatever you make happen for another man God or make it happen for you
Channel: RC Blakes, Jr
Views: 98,371
Rating: 4.8970556 out of 5
Id: x29u3n2DmwI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 29sec (1949 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 29 2015
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