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[Music] good evening good evening good evening I know you're not accustomed to me coming in this time of night but that's something I want to talk about tonight for a few minutes yeah something I wanted to want to talk about tonight I cannot see my phone is at a distance from me so I really can't see anything so forgive me for real tonight if I don't recognize you but there's something that I wanted to deal with tonight understanding and this is this is not even a complete thought to be quite honest with you this is something that just started stirring in my head and I hadn't really have not really developed it fully but I just started seeing this progressive climb to a place you know called trauma that breaks a person I call it broken consciousness and then I started seeing this descent or maybe it's a maybe it's a decline into a place of trauma and then it's a climb out of that place into the place of healing and I just want to kind of think out loud with you tonight if I may I know it's late but I was thinking about this you know thinking about trauma I was thinking about dysfunction and then I was thinking about healing and I love having these conversations because you know I'm I come from two cultural backgrounds that don't necessarily celebrate I think that's Tammy thank you so much I took I come from two cultural backgrounds that don't necessarily celebrate transparent conversation I believe that healing is in the conversation I believe we have to talk about it and I think that people that never talk about it they make that Swift decline but they never you know reverse that trauma in and return to a place of wholeness or healing and when I say I come from you know a background of two I have two cultural backgrounds that play into that number one would be African American we typically hold things in we don't talk about it lot of us don't even talk about it to our families we internalize it and this is why many times you you walk up on us so you see this it looks like we're in deep thought or it looks like we're angry and the reality is that 90% of time we're not angry we're just in deep thought because we keep all of our thoughts in our heads at least most of us or some of us or at least me let me just speak for me I used to and then I'm a preacher coming from the religious background and you know in the church they don't want to talk about nothing real they just you know you just we just kind of want to tell all of these stories and and wish the devil away and unfortunately you can't wish him away you can't wish trauma away you have to you have to do some things so as I was thinking this through okay if your writing is is the time to start as I was thinking this through this is something number one in life there's for all of us there's what we experience right there down if you're writing what you experienced in life there's give me for that noise there's what you experience and what all of us have what experiences now the unfortunate thing is that though all of us have had experiences most of us have never talked about our real experiences we've just kind of you know put lipstick on the pig and you know went on with life and we've kept all of this stuff inside relative to what we've experienced so in a lot of our families what we're dealing with is we're dealing with people's present behavior we're not understanding where it's stemming from and the reality is that what you see of them presently as an adult as a full-grown adult is stemming from their traumatised childhood let me see something I think this light is too bright okay if that's not good enough we're just gonna leave it alone it'll just be what it is still from that trauma Ty's childhood and while we're judging what a person is presently doing we're just we're judging their present behavior without understanding their past their past history and I always say you should never judge a person who's history you don't have a clue about you don't you don't judge a person that you're not willing to help and you cannot help a person that you don't understand where they came from and so with all of us there's what we've experienced and and and a lot of us you know gotten stuck there we keep that stuff inside it's what I've gone through and unfortunately in a lot of cases you even marry people that are not deep enough to process your truth and you have to live with a person that you really can't be fully intimate with because to be able to be fully intimate mean Bishop TD jakes puts it best he says intimacy is just as it sounds into me see if a person is incapable of handling the truth that is within you they can't help you you know you may love them and they may love you but there's only so far they can go in terms of helping you because all of us have had what experiences if you sit then you think about it right now you have experiences and a great deal of you have experiences that you've never shared with anybody and this is what trauma it's not what the Bible says it says in job 14 and one man that is born of a woman is of a few days and full of trouble so that's life that's life you know life is traumatic life is traumatic you know so don't think that you're the only one you know when you go and you look the Instagram thing and you see everybody on the yacht and everybody's happy everybody got a man everybody got a woman you know everybody's flawless that's airbrushed all of that stage you know they were just walking down down the but appear and there's nothing on the people you out took the pictures and put it on there for you and you're sitting there trying to figure out why is my life so bad what wife why have I had to go through as much as I've had to go through the reality is that all of us have experiences he says man is born of a woman all of us are born of a woman is of a few days meaning you'd only have long in those days that you are here are full of trouble so you have you experiences I have mine doesn't matter what we look like now because most of us don't look like what we've gone through this is why the Bible even I believe admonishes parents to train up children in the way they should go and the Bible says and when they get old they won't depart from it but I think a greater principle is train up the children and the way they should go to create a lifelong rhythm in other words we should train our children in a healthy fashion you know with children which is sad but most of us have to do this children should not have to recover from their childhood grown folks should not have to recover from their childhood grown people should not have to be in therapy because of their childhood we should we should raise them up train them up in the way they should go which is what primarily a healthy direction and when they get old they'll maintain that rhythm most of us have not had we don't we don't even know what what a healthy life looks like so number one there's what you experience here's this is the second here's the second step understanding trauma dysfunction and healing number one there's what you experience what impacts you traumatized is you what impact you negatively number two there's how you how your experience made you feel see ya Thank You Ella thank you so much found you a channel four months ago and all your videos have thank you so much that means the world to me oh I cannot see is that helene thank you for your wisdom and leadership your teachings have enriched my life that means the world to me thank you oh okay I'm a long ways away so okay I love you all so number one there's what you experienced number two there's how you experience made you feel okay now let me relate that to my life let me relate that to my life I tell you all if you know you know my testimony okay I can see you all right here on the computer I'm reaching way over there Wow I was a fifteen yo kid and I had a child out of wedlock and I was a preacher's son and I lost my childhood I know nothing about you know I know nothing about just being like a carefree is that Marian thank you so much Marian I know nothing about being a carefree teenager I don't have a class ring from high school I don't I didn't go to my graduation I didn't go to prom I know none of that I was I was I was a father you know I had grown up too too too quickly too early I was sexualized too early in life and I was living like a full grown pervert as a kid and so I lost my childhood that was my experience now in the process of going through that the religious people the church people vilified me and basically put horns on me and called me Lucifer and that made me feel listen to this very carefully see this kind of just kind of talk I'm doing right now this is this is the expression of a healthy soul most of you have never been able to articulate what it was that you went through much less how it made you feel when people rejected me and people vilified me thank you as me Eve thank you so much it made me feel unworthy it made me feel ashamed I felt like I was a disgrace I felt worthless and at a certain point I had thoughts of suicide because of what I had what I had gone through and how it made me feel trauma leaves listen to this very carefully trauma leaves an impression on your soul it leaves in him now I was able to process that and move beyond all of that but most people are never able to move beyond the traumatic event and how the traumatic event made them feel it leaves an impression on the soul the Bible says in Proverbs 17:22 thank you Keisha thank you so much the Bible says in Proverbs 17:22 a merry heart doeth good like a medicine watch this but a broken spirit driveth the bones when your spirit has been broken it leaves an impression it becomes like watch this is scratched record you can't move beyond it or beyond that point and it runs deeper you get stuck there you know it's it's what you go through it's how the experience makes our mage you are is yet making you feel and then number three I'm not gonna be on here long night number three okay now here's where the dysfunction begins to kick in here's what a dysfunction is what I go through and sometimes now you know in my case being a teenage father clearly I participated in that event you know what I mean yeah yeah I participated in that event but that will started years many years prior when I was a very young child and older women brought me into a sexualized position and that perversion just brought me to a place where I made certain decisions but you have what you go through what you experience then you have the reality of how it makes or how it made you feel and most of us kind of sit in the how it makes me feel mold so if you feel worthless thank you Tony trauma does remove your memory it really does trauma and and I mean I know I know mental health professional no psychologist no therapist no counsel I'm just the past in a man but a lot of my psychologist friends tell me that trauma breaks the brain Thank You P Rodrigue rodri guez my tongue gets messed up with that one thank you for your wisdom I appreciate you so now number three see all that you know what what I experienced number two how how what I experienced made me feel all of that is the trauma part but now we're getting ready to in number three we're getting ready to get into the dysfunction part because trauma unattended properly always produces massive dysfunction so number three is okay what I went through how I made me feel here's number three what I do to make myself feel better now number three is where most people are stuck promise you number three is where most people are stuck everybody's had some kind of traumatic event everybody in a mama has had some kind of traumatic event everybody has certain feelings if they show them or not everybody has certain feelings about what they've had to go through or what they've had to come through in life and everybody unless you've gone through some process of healing is out of place or stuck in a place where you're doing certain things to feel better about the trauma and this is what I was getting ready to say earlier most of the trauma or a lot of the trauma in our lives from early on especially was not something we brought up on ourselves Thank You Marie pastor thank God for you your video on roots of perfectionism hit like a ton of bricks and it all makes sense now that's why I do it that's why I do it most people what you've gone through and how it makes you feel is the consequence of what somebody else did to you and so that breaks you in a different kind of way you know when you've been traumatized no fault of your own people have done this to you what happens is you kind of you kind of shrink into a cocoon of sorts and you live your life you may you may pretend to be an extrovert but you're really an introvert because you keep you really you really have you behind the extrovert persona and you have these things that you do to make yourself feel better because you know if you're trauma produced it made you feel worthless or used or shame or afraid you have these things that you do that you're not necessarily proud of but they make you feel better about your brokenness and what you've gone through and you're and it becomes what a dysfunction it becomes pathological okay it's kind of like cause and effect you know the trauma did all of this to me and the effect is this is the way I behave to try to make sense of the trauma because nobody's really offering me help nobody's nobody's trying to listen to me and quite honestly I ain't trying to even be talking my stuff to nobody no way so I'm just gonna deal with this on my own and I'm not qualified to deal with this on my own so I developed these things that I do to feel better about myself about life it's it's it's a coping thing you know that I I can wake up in the morning and I can face the day I can I can face myself with all of these thoughts of inferiority all of these thoughts of deficiency you know for instance a person that's been rejected might develop a life of over overly pursuing overly pursuing others and they may feel good in the pursuit of others even though other for even though others don't love them no long they just develop that you know that makes them feel better they then pursuit they just feel like you know they're connected or you know for instance pain when a person is feeling a lot of pain pain produces a behavior that requires a numbing agent so you start finding yourself drugs alcohol you know what I mean all kinds of perverted sex when you've been deprived of love you know you read you what you do is you you you diminish the value of love and you redefine it and you call it lust and so you kind of develop this because what these are the things that you would do to feel better because nobody's ever brought you face to face with your truth so all you're doing is you're just kind of you're you're appeasing the external because the internal now listen know what the Bible says in proverbs 14 and 12 says there's a way which seemeth right there's a way which seemeth right unto a man but the end thereof other ways of death there's a way that seems right that really is leading you to pits of death and this is what's going on when you're doing these things when you when you're carrying on you're having you know you're projecting all of these big years to deal with how you feel about what you went through but now number four okay let the healing begin so we see the trauma we see the dysfunction lobby y'all are dealing with people right now that you're judging and the reality is that they're doing the stuff that they do because that's their way of on the surface making themselves feel better psychologically about a life that they feel is worthless so you know for me for instance I may not agree with you I may be vehemently you know against whatever it is you do in your lifestyle or whatever but I'm not going to be found in a posture where I'm just over Tinley judging you because I understand that you don't need judgment you need healing and I can heal you I can't be an agent of healing in your life if I'm overly judgmental about your life that's why most Christians can't do ministry Christians most Christians can only do Church you know not do ministry because ministry is about really getting to the heart of the matter relative to people you can't you can't help to heal people that you're judging all the time and if your ears are so holy that you can't stand here you know but I'm understanding that you're behaving the way you're behaving because you're broken and this brings me to number four you need an awakening Thank You Jamie asking for prayers to heal from all this trauma I'm dealing with I'm gonna pray for you tonight Jamie in Jesus's name yes I am number four awakening so let's let's go through them again number one there's what I experienced stuff I try to hide from everybody I don't want nobody to know what I've gone through I want everybody to think my life has always just been the flowery bed of ease I don't want anybody to know that I've come through what I've come through number two it's how it's how what you experienced made you feel number three it's what you do in your life to feel better Thank You Jessica your videos have helped me so much the past two months I recently went through a domestic violence situation and filed for divorce from a narcissist god bless you and Lisa not many are passing this knowledge Wow thank you so much but then watch this number four you've got to have an awakening and see people get an awakening I believe in either one or two ways you either have to hit rock bottom where your life just completely crashes and crumbles into a million pieces and you left there crying out for God and somebody else to help you or you can have a head-on collision with truth you can be up at late at night on a what is this on a Sunday night and a preacher can be on on the YouTube talking and truth punch you right in the face thank you mu P thank you Pastor Blake asking for prayer for healing after leaving a narcissistic abusive relationship Jesus's name I more pray for you all tonight I believe that awakening happens that way you know either either God allows your life to completely crash boom and blow up or God allows you to have a head-on collision with truth that reaches down into your soul and shake something and that's my prayer tonight that the Spirit of God who will cause some things to shake up in you so now watch this number four awakening and here's one of my favorite texts here's one of my favorite texts and it's where Jesus meets again this woman at the well this woman had had well let me bring you in on their conversation they had a healing conversation Jesus conducted a healing conversation with this woman and in John chapter 4 verses 16 through 19 it says jesus saith unto her Kristen thank you so much god bless you thank you so much jesus saith unto her go call thy husband and come back the woman answered and said I have no husband jesus said unto her die as well said I have no husband for thou has had five husbands and he whom thou now hast is not thy husband and that says thou truly the woman said unto him sir I perceive that thou art a prophet now here's the thing I want you to get from this and when you read the whole story it's a lot of lot more verses to it but Jesus meets this woman at this worldly having his private conversation and Jesus reveals the truth to this woman he says go call your husband he was really just setting her up and woman said I ain't you know I think I know him jesus said you said well you've had five and the one you would not judge and the woman said I perceived that you are prophet well that was her weakening moment and what do you think what do you think happened when this woman had a head-on collision with the truth about the life she had been trying to hide the stuff she had been ashamed of Jesus just pushed it right out there in the middle of the tables that we're gonna deal with this and it was what and awakening it was an awakening it's when it's when an awakening is when you become conscious of what you went through who you really are Queen awakened thank you for all you do walked away from being engaged to narcissus back in the narcissus back in December and I'm never looking back thank you for being my spiritual dad oh that's such an honor when you all call me that that means the world to me I appreciate it I don't take it lightly so that was no awakening no wife says it's not enough to awaken the Bible says the Bible says when you keep reading his story the Bible says the woman was coming there with her water pots to get water and the Bible says blessed bintang thank you so much the Bible says that when Jesus got through with a woman watch this she dropped her water pods and ran into the city and she told the men come see a man what was the woman's problem she had a problem with men but when Jesus got through with her and she was awakened she had the boldness and the courage to go and lead men and they followed her men didn't listen to the woman back then she went into the city told the men come see a man and they came and followed her back to Jesus so he is number five once you awaken now you have to listen to this very carefully now because you have to understand this all the way one through four Thank You caref I appreciate you I was still waiting on you to email middle thank you your words have helped me tremendously these past few weeks and I appreciate your transparency as you minister to us it ain't no all the way to be but transparent man we all up in this situation trying to get it right anybody anybody that say otherwise is a liar but here's my back to my point her issue was men Jesus got through with the woman she had the boulders and the courage to go and get the men and lead him back to Jesus brings me to point number five once you're awakened you have to decide what you deserve Michel I have not heard from you yes pass for me it was many moments of truth you were God's voice in my ear shining the light of truth through the darkness god bless you in your ministry love to you and Lisa you send me a update updated email so I can know what's going on now you got to decide once you awaken now you got to decide what you deserve because watch this this is what I was gonna say points one through four you know what you experienced how I made you feel what you started doing to feel better those three things and even number four the awakening none of those things were your doing somebody else traumatized you some kind of way God use somebody else to awaken you or God Himself awakened you now once you're woke now you got to make some decisions so you can't control you cannot control what they did to you you can't control what happened back then with him or with her come on now but you have full control over where you go from this point and so now you move from watch this if you continue along the lines Thank You Manny thank you so much you continue along the lines that you're presently on you change status you move from a victim to volunteer because now you have to to decide with your what you deserve see now okay let me go back to my let me go back to my let me go back to my testimony so I'm a young preacher God calls me to preach in the midst of all of this all among in and just Wilin out I was doing I don't know how in the world God would call somebody like me to preach I just don't know I have no clue what God was thinking when he decided okay we're gonna use him oh I already been is already a teenage father he not only their teenage father he's sleeping around with everybody you know everybody need mama if he can find them you don't why would you deal with him and so I'm preaching and I'm really you know I'm really cold but I got all of these hang-ups you know I got all these issues relative to sex and women you know because my self-esteem was broken I used sex to subsidize my empty self-esteem so the more women I slept with the better I felt about myself you know that's that's how I dealt with you know how I felt about you know the situation's that I had come through and so man I'm sitting there I'm called to preach and I'm preaching the Bible but I'm sleeping around at the same time yes that's a bad look that's a very bad look he had a preacher sleeping around no girl is this man I felt I just got to a point where I think I just hit rock bottom and I felt like a hypocrite and I really wasn't I was behaving hypocritically but I really wasn't hypocrite I really loved God I really was called to preach to minister because I never I never wanted to do this and I wanted to do it right and so man one day long story short I just sat there and I thought about what I actually deserve and I came to the conclusion with the help of the holy spirit that I deserved to be a man of God whose life was consistent from my private life into my public I decided that I deserved to be the same man in the closet as I am on the stage I decided that I needed to be probably one a few Thank You Pamela please pray for me and my family that God restores and bring healing thank you Pastor I see in first lady Lisa we're gonna pray tonight I decided that I deserve to be maybe one a few preachers whose life could actually stand the test not that I'm perfect but I'm in the process of perfecting and boy when I decided that once I made that decision that's what I wanted the Holy Spirit arrested me and the Holy Spirit took all of those weaknesses out of me come on I'm preaching better than y'all shout in the night all of those weaknesses all of those issues that I had all of those soul ties that I developed the Holy Spirit took about two and a half days and pulled all of that stuff out of me but watch this there's some things that God's not gonna help you do until you make a decision you can sit there and you can choose to continue to be a victim to you know the the demons of your past things you could not control or you can decide is it eita thank you so much hope I'm saying your name right you can decide that God has better for me because you got to decide that you deserve better look what the Bible says see it all happens right here Oh Lord I got to hurry up in proverbs 4:23 through 27 it says keep their heart with with with all diligence for out of it are the issues of life put away from the afore word mouth and perverse lips put far from thee that then eyes look right on and let that eyelids look straight before thee ponder the path of thy feet and that all that ways be established turn that to the right hand nor to the left remove that foot from evil but notice he says keep your heart with all diligence for out of your heart are the issues of life thank you Lisa Lisa let me see God led me to your channel you have helped me get out of my soul ties I bought all your books I am forever grateful wait a minute how do I make this thing okay I am okay I bought about all of your and favor grateful for your truth and wisdom surely the father I never had and the only reason no man will ever use or abuse me again Wow that makes my heart happy thank you so much and you have a wonderful name - I like your name's Lisa god bless you thank you so much he says keep your heart with all diligence for out of it are the issues of life watch this you got to get certain you got to get clear on certain things in here before certain things will consistently manifest out here Brenda thank you pastor RC for your loving fatherly advice I didn't receive I also suffered extreme trauma from a narcissist physical physically mentally emotionally sexually financially and spiritually for 17 years I need the liver ins from bipolar we're gonna believe God tonight then I believe God tonight now watch this you got to decide what you deserve and then you got to keep your heart with all diligence why is that it's because you're gonna have constantly in your life you're gonna have distractions and things that are gonna try to drag you back into your unproductive past you're gonna have to maintain JC is king pastor your teachings have helped to heal my soul thank you god bless you and your family Stephanie be thank you so much Stephanie it means the world to me to hear that so you got to decide what you deserve you know and you got to make up your mind that certain stuff is just beneath you gotta make up your mind certain things are just beneath me I'm just not doing it I deserve better and I'm going to wait until I get what I deserve I'm not settling that's probably one of the first marks of a healthy soul is when you get to a point where you refuse to settle you're always settling you know that something is broken in your soul number six now watch this after you decide what you deserve so we've taken that plunge from what we've experienced how I've made us feel the things we did to feel better holding on with somebody just because you familiar with them but knowing all the while they don't deserve you they need you but they don't deserve you now you're making that climb out of that pit of trauma you decide what you deserve now watch this after you make a decision now you have to begin to behave for a change bringing you back to my testimony so I'm this young preacher and I'm like God I'm not I deserve better than this I got I got to be I've got to be an authentic man of God I'm not gonna be none at all I'm not gonna be one of these preachers that they catching jumping out the hotel window and wife shooting at him and all I'm just not gonna be that I'm gonna be real I'm just not gonna be not gonna be at all I made that decision now watch this the Holy Spirit brought me into two and a half day consecration where the Holy Spirit just kind of purged me spiritually when I got a man I came out of that little apartment when I tell you I was I was freed from strongholds I mean I was free from strongholds watch this first thing I did know that it behaved for change cuz I made a decision the Holy Spirit he's backing me up but now I gotta behave for a change first thing I did was I took my little at that time we had phone books you could buy at the drugstore a little black books that was a real thing at one time with all the numbers in there well no one no smart phones to keep all the numbers in I took my little black book and I forget I burned it up but I obliterated it took my beep I had a beeper you could beep you and you could see the number they could put a code and then you could know exactly who that was where they act through it in what we call the canal took the phone got rid of my phone in some kind of way there was no way for anybody to get in touch with me because now watch this I made certain decisions and now my behavior had to immediately back up the decisions on me because I'm working my way out of this pit that trauma has put me in I have to I have to establish my soul and then I have to establish the direction of my life is this making sense you got to behave for a change you have to behave for a change the Bible says in John one is 7 but if we walk in the light as he is in the light we have fellowship one with another and the blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanseth us from all sin if we walk if we walk in the light you gotta choose which direction you're gonna walk in you gotta behave for a change see you can sit in and say oh I want to brick I need to get rid of the narcissist and you all know the social media all day long searching out what this person is doing you're giving this person constant access to you you're not behaving for change you saying one thing your mouth is saying the right stuff but your behavior and then listen to what the Bible says in James 4 7 through 10 submit yourselves therefore to God resist the devil and he will flee from you draw nigh to God and He will draw nigh to you you're behaving for change cleanse your hands you sinners and purify your hearts you double-minded be afflicted and mourn and weep and let your laughter be turned to mourning and your joy to heaviness humble yourselves in the sight of the Lord and he shall lift you up so you got to get grieved over some of this stuff that I might be afflicted and mourn and weep and let your laughter be turned in the morning and you enjoy to heaven and some of the stuff you take him lightly he's got to be caught it's got its got to hurt because now you gotta work behave for change and then and finally watch this and I'm done I've been on here all this time oh my god and it's a distant ok number 7 I apologize watch this number six was behave for change in number 7 and finally you gotta think yourself happy not happy healthy you have to think yourself healthy you have to you have to think yourself healthy you move from the trauma to the dysfunction to the healing the healing is watch this a lifelong ongoing process where you have to manage your mind you're gonna have to manage your mind and you're gonna have to think yourself healthy Romans 12 and 2 says and be not conformed to this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind be not conformed to this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind you don't have to think yourself healthy because you're never gonna have a day when the wrong thoughts don't try to resurface in your mind you got to learn how the Apostle Paul put put it you have to learn how to pull those thoughts down anything that comes against the knowledge of God you got to pull it down and you have to think yourself healthy see I work with this a lot you know be quite honest with you this pandemic and all of this has been very taxing Kaleigh I hope I'm saying it right forgive me if I'm not I've been trying to get down to the heart of the matter but not will gets weak and my thoughts seemed to shatter but I think it's about forgiveness thank you all yeah that's deep right there and that's see you just add it to my lesson actually how do you really get all procedures attitude part of that thinking yourself healthy is in your mind and in your heart releasing the person or persons that create it the original trauma see as long as you as long as you hold on to them and you you require that some punishment happened to them you you're married you're married to them and in the past you married to your history but now you need to be introduced to yourself and you need to be engaged to your destiny and that's what forgiveness does for for you forgiveness releases you from a negative past that you need to forget and it opens up a brand new world called destiny for you that you need to be introduced to you got a you got to think yourself healthy and then finally in Psalms 1 1 through 3 it says blessed is the man that walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly nor standeth in the way of sinners nor sitteth in the seat of the scornful but his delight is in the law of the Lord and in his law that he watched this word meditate day and night and he shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water that bringeth forth his fruit in his season his leaf also shall not wither and whatsoever he doeth shall prosper he has to what meditate she has to what meditate day and night that means what I have to always think about what I'm thinking about is this making sense to you all so these are just some thoughts I had man I hope you soap you can see what I was trying to communicate starts with what you experience what you've gone through how you experience made you feel it goes deeper into what you do to make yourself feel better about the situation then there's prayerfully this time of awakening where all of that is interrupted and then there's this point where you have to decide what you deserve then you have to behave for a change and then you have to think yourself healthy so that's it that's it I wanted to just share this with you tonight I started to wait until tomorrow but I just wanted to share tonight and as I said it's not even really developed but I wanted some reason I just wanted to share it tonight I don't know why I want to get on it is late but thank you for hanging out with me now father Heavenly Father I thank you I thank you because I know that when I pray you hear me and now God there are any number of prayer requests that I've seen and many that I've not seen most I've not seen tonight and now father as I speak over the lives of your people tonight I thank you for the supernatural power of the Holy Spirit every person on this line tonight on this live tonight God has something some need in their lives that only you can fulfill father I ask you now those that need to see their families restored I thank you for doing it I've seen you do it before those that need toxic relationships broken God I thank you for doing it I've seen you do it god I thank you for those that need supernatural healing I thank you for healing tonight I thank you dear God those that are struggling in their minds with even issues with bipolar father I thank you tonight for regulating and stabilizing them emotionally Holy Spirit do what only you can do I thank you that they will testify of your goodness and of your power and father I give you praise glory and honor now for all that you're doing in their lives I speak blessings over them now in Jesus's name Amen amen amen well I love you all thank you for hanging out with me tonight don't forget so many things going on go to my website there's a something I'm excited about actually this Friday I forget what time it is Taj the great one this word was meant for me god bless you I appreciate you go to my website my wife puts something up there just now I don't know what that's for but go to my website and it should be there now under events there's this some kind of digital meeting that I'm doing Friday with a dear heart out of London you know we at least and I was supposed to be in London last March but coronavirus prevented us while I'm doing this I'm doing this this event I think I think it's a zoom event but you have to go through Eventbrite to register for it Friday and I'm gonna have an hour to be able to pour into the women of that particular group I'm trying to remember the name I should have these things before me but I never do and Lisa's not here to help me so but if you go to my if you go to my website Ric Blake's calm look under my live events I'm supposing that's where it's at you'll see and you'll be able to register for it women from all over the world will be on this call also you'll see very soon if you look on the website you'll see this week about a swim an online swim conference that I am conducting sometime in July this is for women I'm conducting it it'll be on a Saturday afternoon unless I'm assuming that it's gonna probably be about three hours you'll be able to register for that very soon too once we get the graphic it'll be up on the website and don't forget it those of you that have not gone to my website RC Blake's calm look into my programs so ties queen ology transcending the father wound wisdom for women in ministry those are the four and also king ology prayerfully should be physically present this week and I'll be signing and staff will be shipping those of you that desire to have a signed copy it's not too late to go to RC Blake's store comm that'll bring you directly to the store RC Blake's store calm and you can purchase it there once I sign this initial batch it's going to be on Amazon and I won't be able to sign those because everything bought through RC Blake's store comes through my office in my office fills those orders so that's why I'll be able to sign them for you so if you if you desire to have that and I think my I think my next online program is going to be king ology I was thinking about it for the young men and for even the single mothers who have have sons who may not have fathers present to train them I think me you know without any interruptions being able to speak into them which we have the book King ology we also have the study guide to go along with it and then I'm going to put the online program for the young men for men you know and so with that said I love you all don't forget to stop by Amazon pick up my books all that kind of stuff I love you all want you to have a great one and thank you so much for all the love tonight thank you for hanging out with me tonight I think I got still that 726 y'all still in here listening to me ramble thank you so much I love you have a great night talk to you soon bye bye
Channel: RC Blakes, Jr
Views: 30,817
Rating: 4.9636531 out of 5
Keywords: Dating Advice, Relationships, Christian, Narcissist, RC BLAKES
Id: BanzQdMRUR4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 1sec (3481 seconds)
Published: Sun May 31 2020
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