Kenshi Apocalypse - EP1 - THE FIGHT FOR SURVIVAL

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what's going on clan ad here and welcome to a new series in kimchi called kimchi apocalypse this is hopefully going to be the main series i've been on the lookout for a new main series and trying all these different mods i was doing a new series in kimchi chaos war but unfortunately that mod is just too crazy too much stuff going on and i've been running into some crashes crying trying to record new episodes so i'm on the lookout for a new main series hopefully this will be it this is a mod based on the zombie apocalypse it's pretty cool it adds all these new enemy types into the game and there's basically these zombies that are kind of taking over the world and you're tasked with basically trying to find a cure and surviving in the world so i think this could be a really fun main series as long as nothing crazy goes on with the mod and i don't run into a lot of issues trying to record episodes so we'll see how it goes I apologize for creating all these new episodes but I'm on the lookout for something that we can that will last a while so that we can really get into it and and have fun with it so I'm starting out again here with the nobody start with just 5 characters right now and I'll be adding more patrons and subscribers into the series as we progress and this could be quite interesting we've got zombie hunters over here which are the town militia added into the hub area so we will just have to play it by ear and see if we could survive in this world the death rate is increased a lot so we're gonna have to be careful here we also have a couple new characters we've got a hive print South hive prints so a pretty weak character but it's pretty cool we'll I like a little variety I've also got the screamer mk1 skeleton which is pretty boss this guy is amazing so really happy to have a few new characters in maybe we can find some of these other guys roaming around - let's see let's go ahead and see if we can get into some battles here and try to avoid any zombies that might be spawning in you guys want to see more kimchi in the future don't forget to subscribe so you don't miss any new episodes if all goes well this series the apocalypse series and kimchi lone wolf will be the only series that I'm doing but again just really got a play in a by ear and try out some of these mods some of them are really unfinished and untested and I don't know we'll see this one looks pretty awesome though so we'll see how it goes well I think the first order of business here is to get us some food we are pretty starving so I'm gonna have everybody just start working in the mining some copper around the area and we'll just see if we can maybe make some quick money here there's quite a few nodes just gotta look for them let's see you've got a copper over there get two people on that and that one only takes one okay and I don't think there's any more up here oh wait a minute yeah there's one right there all right we could jag over there on that one hopefully we can make just a little bit of money here to get us some fed without getting attacked all right we've got a large group of bone dogs headed our way so let's get out of here with alpha and Yeager you got to get him out of there all right everybody else grab your stuff we're getting we're getting out of here got enough copper now all right come on cat and jag he's got some iron alright everybody get over here we regroup and then head back into the hub you got enough copper for us to get some food initially that'll keep us fed and keep us from starving here alright nice we made it back to the hub let's go back into the bar now and sell this stuff our initial goal is basically survival right now so just kind of make some money at the beginning so that you can feed yourself jag doesn't have to worry about getting fed lucky for him we're up to 3,600 already that's pretty good let's see Gohan is a pretty good let's see rice bowl is nice take the rice bowl and we'll take the dried meat and go on take some bread all right that should keep us fed initially down to 2600 okay oh they got some weapons here we could buy if we wanted but we might get some better ones here shortly yes 1200 what the hell I'm gonna buy that okay nice let's go out and see if I'm getting into some battles here we have med kits don't we okay the only thing is we don't have any skeleton repair kit so I have to keep an eye on that I don't know what happened to the zombie militia it's like they disappeared or something what do we got over here we found some enemies okay zombified humans you got zombified humans these guys have decent attack and defense but they're slow it looks like they have a kind of permanent leg damage interesting okay see oh we got more more of them down here who's this escaped servants gotten into a battle with them Oh zombified human runner this guy is super fast he's got like really high run speed probably damn I don't know wow that holy serpent actually stood his ground a little bit all right where are these guys going I want to know we shouldn't be fighting these guys at the beginning because that's just gonna get us killed you gonna find some hungry bandits or something oh wait hold on what's going on over here now okay we got foam dogs oh great oh they just knocked out a shinobi feet oh how did they win how did they beat him out probably rescue that guy alright where's these phone dogs going we take them out you got a ninja guard now fighting alright let's take him out let's go all right he are you did the word for us great okay let's just loot them then we'll loot them and sell their stuff but now we like the thieves we'll keep them all around we'll keep him with the weapon otherwise he's gonna be useless hold on a minute here's a zombified humne let's see if we can take this guy out I wonder if you can get infected I'm not really sure how this works if like you could actually contract the disease or something I'm pretty curious about it alright there's five of us against this guy I think we can take them even if we have no attack there you go those hits in Wow he's got one attack and he's still doing a lot of damage to us like are you still landing hits with one attack oh wow there you go nice nicely done okay this guy's got coins zombie organs which is some sort of Oregon it's for research for a cure blood of a human zombie for your cure research okay so these things are for researching the cure so I'm not really sure what we can do with these yet I'm guessing there's probably like some guy that we can talk to that knows more about it I'm gonna take the zombie organs cuz we can we can sell those all right nice we are up to 1,700 I bought Jaeger a horse chopper just something a little bit better than these clubs right now all right let's take a look here oh we got to get you got to get Jaggi some sort of repair kit which I don't think they're gonna have them here we're probably oh wait they got one here okay there we go well that's interesting all the zombie hunters are in bed literally oh they've got another skeleton here to pick it up all the bits [Music] all right you guys got to get out of the way I gotta sleep alright I guess we'll have to just try to get into some more battles here let's see it looks like there's who is this over here shinobi citizen is attacking all of these guys oh this is gonna be risky I don't know if we can if we can do much against this guy all right let's see if we can take out this solo person um oh we got more coming in now Wow all right just do it you can't oh nice okay hold on this guy let's get some rags or something some sort of protection it's got a short cleaver well whatever it is it's gonna be better than what we're using let's take a zombie organs okay alright everybody get back to the town quickly Oh alpha is not run invest all right keep going keep going alright take this guy out alpha just get back get in town are we going Oh nicely done guys holy crap bleep this guy take his stuff well done all right let's get out of here there's too many of them haha to video we're coming a thousand cats added Wow alright zombie hunters I hope you guys are out here that shinobi citizen though I want to actually try and loop from him is he down oh he's playing dead okay that's fine go get backup we need the zombie hunters to help us out here it looks like they're attacking the town now oh we got a zombie hunter out here now fighting there we go okay all right fine let's go let's do it let's help them out we got to defend the town here all right attack all guys where are you guys going come here get over here hopefully the town militia survives this this is the best way for us to get into some combat and get our skills up these guys were martial artists they don't really have that high skill so these are like the regular zombies they're not too strong they're still strong enough for beginning players it looks like but there we go alpha and cat trying to take out this zombie here Oh their night they leave like a different color of blood that's pretty cool all right I'm the only one knocked out over here all right all that let's loot these guys oh wow this zombie has animal claws animal teeth all kinds of stuff zombie bones zombie meat or definitely not taking that alright guys let's get back over here loot all this stuff wanna make some money all right nice Jaeger is fully loaded here with all kinds of zombie organs and animal teeth and skins and stuff so we're gonna be able to make some money here with that maybe acquire some better weapons so that's pretty cool that we can make some money just from fighting these guys I'm in recovery coma for a while somebody better just pick me up get me out of here I think this is pretty intense I like it cuz the towns are just getting attacked constantly that's great I really like this bod so far it's pretty cool you got zombies just all over the place so there's gonna be a lot more enemies to fight and I think there's also like some zombie hordes that are going around like some really large hoards of zombies and we can probably encounter those later on too and I think they're pretty massive so it's gonna be quite interesting when we encounter one of those groups all right sweet we're up to 10,500 so we can join the shinobi thieves and they can help us out as well and we'll be able to do some training with them too we can probably head over to add meg and get our skills up or melee attack and such I think that'll probably be a good idea and recruit people along the way first we're gonna have to rest up though we're pretty wounded but then we can leave the hub area and see if we can maybe make it to add Meg alright I think I'm gonna go ahead and get another skeleton on board I'm not gonna join the shinobi thieves just yet I'm gonna see if we can get a couple more characters on our team and then by the time we get to ad mag hopefully we'll have enough money to join the shinobi thieves over there so let's go ahead and talk to this skeleton and he's available for three thousand cats alright welcome aboard toxic iron toxic iron is gonna be a martial arts skeleton I think that'll be pretty cool it's somebody doing martial arts and I think we got another skeleton over here we can get and welcome Watson all right so we have toxic iron and also Watson here two more skeletons that'll be good for now we'll probably get a couple more Scheck as we head into shek territory so now we've got three skeletons and a couple green Landers Scorch lander and hives so that's cool get a variety of people on our team we're on our way west towards ad mag we'll see if we can get there without running into any enemies but we got a bone dog here it looks like we can attack and it looks like it's just a solo one so yeah why not let's just try and take it out Oh get in there guys there you go I've got toxic iron using a weapon first of all because we got to get his decks up but he'll he'll switch into being a martial artist at some point oh Yeager's arm is totally bleeding Wow we got to get him a med kit or Heelys heal his arm before it falls off oh jeez oh wow okay heal healed now Oh everybody heal heal Yeager before he loses his limb oh you lost it no oh Jager HUS is armed ha ha oh crap okay [Music] now I gotta sign these guys jobs all right there we go damn it we got to get Jaeger an arm now apparently he lost his left arm all right we're gonna have to take a detour over here at the high village we'll see if we can get in there and by by jäger I left the harbor and then we'll head towards a head Meg okay this isn't good it looks like the Huibers are being overrun by the zombies already [Music] yeah worker drones are getting overrun we've got a soldier drone over here okay that's not good all right we might have to abandon this idea there's not enough of them interesting what happened to all of the and they got to be fighting by the robotics place dude right where I need to go all right we're gonna have to go to another high village I don't know about this one they're like running inside trying to kill everybody Wow we've got zombie hunters over here we got a new faction it looks like or a different type of zombie hunter I haven't seen these guys before oK we've run into the infected oh oh run back oh crap okay run back the other way we got zombie runners coming after us okay I think we got away wow there's quite a lot of them okay let's go down here towards the river maybe we can get to the high village this way it's like every route that I picked to go to the high village is overrun by my zombies got got to keep a lookout for them because they're everywhere all right we made it to the high village in one piece doesn't look like it's getting attacked so let's get a left arm for Jager really quickly and get out of here all right we got a limb for Jager so he'll be able to swing his sword again and pick people up all right so anyway I also acquired another repair kit which is good because we've got a couple people wounded already watson and toxic iron see if toxic iron can repair everything nice okay all right let's keep heading west southwest actually with our group we got to get to ad mag do some training that'll help with our survivability but also I want to check out these ruins over here and see if we can find some some loot to sell all right we're coming in on the ruins we've got a lot of stuff here we can pick up like steel bars armor plating fabrics this is a really good spot for you guys to come it's just east of ad mag and west of squid this really cool spot to get some free stuff and we'll just run around here and see what we can pick up get a couple fragment axes and planks we can sell got some rusty chain mail all right I think we've overstayed our welcome here we've got everything that we could get that we really need so we can we've got some two-hander weapons that we can sell some fragment axes and planks but they're pretty heavy so they're gonna make everybody walk really slow but we need to get our strength up anyway I haven't seen any there's a few more things over here but I haven't seen any zombies so I don't think we really have to worry about them I think we'll be able to get to ad meg walking slow so we'll see how it goes for us all right we made it to add meg safe and sound we're gonna have to go to the bar and sell what we can here and maybe wait until morning but we're gonna do some training anyway we'll do some training and sell what we can all right we're up to 6700 so not enough to join the shinobi thieves but we can't go into the police Tower here and do some training on there dummies which allow us to train up to 15 skill so this is a really good spot to come at the very beginning when you're new to combat you can train four people at once here so we'll probably train everybody up to like I don't know maybe twelve skill and melee attack and then then we'll see if and get into some battles around the area to make some more money so you join the shinobi thieves all right we're done training for now let's get into some combat and see if we can make some more money you have got a lot of enemies outside the gates here holy crap look at that the zombie horde is attacking oh they're actually making it inside too oh we got people down hey this guy's got a backpack hold on a second let me grab this guy's stuff it's got a nice little backpack on them secondary weapon and boots nice we'll take it gonna take their stuff when we can uh I guess we'll attack this zombie go for it oh we got him okay all right Jaeger has a backpack so Jaeger is gonna be the guy that Lutz everything at the beginning here and I also have a backpack so I can loot stuff as well all right why are we walking so slow let's see who is overloaded probably Jaeger yeah damn it we got to get his strength up he's eight what the he's got 80% incumbrance what weighs so much Xabi organs they weigh freakin 32 kilograms four four four of them wow that's insane that's that's really heavy what's the weight word encumbrance reduction is 50% damn well you guys are gonna build your strength really quickly alright hold on let's let's heal this guy first aid okay guess we can't first state of all right I'm just kind of in looting mode right now see if we can we've got a caravan drone guy kicking zombie ass over here alright we got another guy down oh let's take this guy out there we go [Music] put them in the corner there we go the little dodge out of the way well done oh nice whoa you would fly it wait a minute guys where you going alright yeah that's fine just take them out do it you can't come back Jager loot all this stuff need the money [Music] all right we got battles going on all over the place and we've got ya the caravan drones are fighting ok this is good we can we can work with this we got a lot of caravan drones and sheykh warriors so actually oh my goodness what's going on over here now we got a large group of zombies coming our way all right just do what you can guys stick out this guy just do what you can all right loot all this stuff we got a infected zombie here and we also have Oh alphas over there fighting all right I think it's time we get it we've got to get out of here we're getting overrun we're getting over run everybody run back to base jag and let's see yeah talk yeah jag all three of our skeletons will help protect you guys got to get out of here while we're getting beat up all right hold on everybody just attack all here you're gonna have to take them out we're getting overrun this is the problem I just do what you can guys oh my god this guy is killing us Alfe was fighting from the grounds oh boy I think we got overrun dang it we got overloaded and then we couldn't run all right alpha Trion gila Smith [Music] you got to get up and get out of here everybody's in a recovery coma though we've got Czech warriors protecting us but things suddenly good they're kind of ignoring alpha hold on man you better heal your own leg before you lose it [Music] all right luckily they're ignoring us for right now thank goodness we got Czech warriors out here fighting these things cuz otherwise we'd be in trouble wow we are lucky we nobody's eating us yet all right anything can happen though everybody's in a recovery coma you got our toughness up just a tad though up to 10 points for some people I'm gonna have alpha crawl over to toxic iron and grab the skeleton kit see if he can repair jag actually alpha once you repair jag as he is hurting go sneak mode hopefully they don't try and eat us [Music] yeah it looks like they're trying to go after the Scheck Warriors over here wow there's so many of them Oh No if this guy comes after us we're in trouble zombie fruit all right we got four check over there fighting and we got more check over here which is good all right alright jag is currently playing dead he's got to get over here and pick up somebody who's gonna be out for a while let's have him pick up a toxic iron because he's never getting up anytime soon alright pick up toxic iron and get out of here jag I think alpha yeah he's still got his leg okay he's not getting up though can I pick up Watson no I can't pick up anyone I don't think no all right elf was in trouble all right so let's just get alpha out of here everybody else is just gonna have to sit and wait all right jag has put toxic iron down he's in a recovery coma hopefully he doesn't die we're gonna have to keep an eye on his chest make sure that doesn't get worse but we'll send Jag back out here to pick somebody else up alpha is just gonna crawl in side ad mag because he's kind of you can't really do much more for us at this point I'm gonna have jag come over and pick up me since I'm gonna be the last one getting up and cash should be getting up soon Watson should be right up so we'll be able to pick up Jager then we'll just have to go back and get cat OH Oh oh no this guy is attacking us all right take them out jag or just go block just block as much as you can keep going alpha just get up there [Music] all right get off Watson get up man pick up Jaeger all right get inside quickly jag has just got to hold them off for a little bit so we can get these guys out of here yeah he's getting beat up hang tight man all right he's down [ __ ] all right Watson put down Jaeger and come back out here you kind of get everyone out of this place all right jag is getting back up so let's get calf and jag can pick me up and yeah let's go let's get out of here let's loot some stuff along the way if we can we got to get everyone's strength up because that's really hurting us right now you have really low strength with everybody all right we're gonna have to heal toxic iron really quickly we got to get some sort of med kit for them all right Jaeger run into the bar man gonna get a skeleton repair kit quickly well unfortunately I'm gonna have to buy a really expensive skeleton repair kit damn you want to have to spend that much but oh well you got to keep them alive come on don't die on me well toxic iron is in critical condition that was very close he almost died all right what about jag jag is good Watson's good okay Wow that was super close well we're alive but barely holy crap man that's insane we're gonna have to just keep fighting these guys and making some money out here trying to we got to get better armor to that's really crucial we're kind of like bare-bones right now we have literally nothing but scraps all right we're up to 11,000 to 500 so we could join the shinobi thieves at least that'll really be good we can then train and also buy some backpacks because we're gonna need those we have a couple backpacks already well one of them anyway yeah actually though we do have more Jaeger has one and I have one okay we're not gonna join the shinobi thieves yet we're gonna just keep fighting let's go ahead and heal up and get back out there all right we're all healed up let's go out there and try to make some more money so we can equip ourselves with some better armor and weapons and gear pretty bare-bones like we don't really have any protection at all but whatever we'll have to do with what we can but really we could just loot all these guys out here since they're just like cleaned house apparently geez all right let me lose everything this mod is insane for weight look at that 94% incumbrance Wow just kind of have these guys walk around have this guy sneak and sneak is gonna go up really as stealth will go up really fast too all right we're pretty much fully loaded here with two people so we can sell all this and make even more money I bought a wooden traders backpack for jag so he can pick up some stuff as well so I can come down here and loot the rest of these guys and jag is full up okay I think we got enough money to join the shinobi thieves and maybe buy some new equipment all right let's see if we can talk to the thief's boss here want to join the shinobi thieves please nice all right okay we're back up to 12,000 from selling all that loot I think we can go in here now and do some training might be handy actually though let's see what the shinobi thieves will do some training later honestly let's actually go and talk to the shinobi guy here and see if he has me equipment we can buy for cheap what do we got here black and change shirts wow that's pretty expensive high-grade ninja mask we can't buy a thief's backpack but uh it doesn't allow well actually I think they've they've added stacking into this mud so that's kind of cool oh let's see we got some weapons here they really cost a lot though nothing too good it's gonna be armor shop alright a but some gear for some people we got so drifters leather jackets nothing too fancy some drifters leather pants plated drifters leather pants and leather jackets samurai cloth dance nothing too good here armored rag shoddy great but just a little something for protection we're gonna have to outfit a few more people like Watson toxic iron and alpha with stuff but at least we have half of our people with gear for right now and that might increase our survivability just a little bit let's go back outside and see if we get into some more battles we've got this guy just eating his own zombie I wonder if they like regenerate health or something if they do that it's pretty cool alright let's take him out free hits on this guy oh nice all right see if we can find some more people to fight there's got to be some stragglers left behind from that horde that we that we saw earlier there's another guy by himself get in there guys Wow he's got good defense 44 defense no wonder we can't get any attacks through there we go Wow thousand cats well done alright let's see if we can find some more guys that's one thing I like about this mod is that the the hordes actually travel like they go around to different places so they're in one spot and then there they're gone so you got to like hunt them down but they can appear in different areas which is great um all right I think we see something nasty what is that bloated zombie holy crap okay this guy's got 17 attack though he's got a lot of hit points see that mm probably hit points uh-huh for each limb Wow all right let's see what we can do hopefully doesn't hit too hard [Music] Oh Jack get over here men oh boy oh nice got him Jack take this guy up oh yeah you were on block forget about that get some free hits on him there you go well done we're gonna head back towards the hub and see if we can get into some better battles over there not finding any enemies around this area so we'll see if we can go get some more enemies that way finally after travelling around the hub and looking for enemies to fight we stumbled upon some hungry bandits that we can engage which is great because they're kind of on par with us and it looks like there's about as many as we have in our party so I think this will be a fair fight let's take these guys out go for it men there we go nice you've seen a lot of green a lot of hits being landed nicely done ooh Jags stumbling a little bit Oh Kath tried to block that kind of stumbling Oh a nice little Dodge there jag all right how we doing here Jager is halfway health-wise alpha hasn't even gotten touched it Wow well done oh nice oh this guy's getting creamed oh geez she better just run just run you're in trouble wait all those attacks she's got a wow she is taking a beating okay Oh everybody's flying every time yeah that's great I like those rag dolls and we're gonna run out of skeleton repair kits fairly soon we're gonna have to get more all right everybody's attack is going up here we're up to ten melee attack for everybody pretty much I got to keep fighting some hungry bandits though because they're pretty much all we can really take right now Kath is taking a beating in the stomach but everybody else seems to be okay well I got some more enemies over here is this okay more hungry bandits perfect just what we need I don't see any sign of the zombies which is good I don't want to be fighting those guys right now this guy's limping it looks like they got into a skirmish somewhere along the way [Music] all right take them out Oh Kath stumbling in block that Oh got to work on your defense kath is still up though alfalfa now taking some some beatings get up cath you can do it I'll take that from [Music] got the hungry bandit leader left Oh cath is down [Music] there you go get him in the back [Music] there you go [Music] he'll be down any second now there we are nice all right gasps isn't a recovery coma let's pick him up and get out of here oh I think about it though let's have everybody pick up someone and work on their strength there we go everybody pick up somebody and oh what is this what do we have here more hungry bandits wow this is like hungry bandit territory I got to remember this spot right up here [Music] okay let's see if we get to the weigh station it's not too far away and then we can rest all right we finally made it to the weigh station we can rest and resupply here which is good and we're slowly getting our skills up and we got to work on our toughness because that's really killing us jag has the most toughness at 21 so out of everybody jag is probably going to be the one that survives if we get into a really bad battle because toughness is crucial well guys hope you enjoyed this episode if you want to see more kimchi don't forget to subscribe and I will see you guys again in the next episode of zombie apocalypse take care
Channel: Aviticus Dragon
Views: 41,642
Rating: 4.9390864 out of 5
Keywords: kenshi, kenshi gameplay, kenshi pc gameplay, kenshi sandbox gameplay, kenshi sandbox game, kenshi combat, kenshi episodes, kenshi indie game, kenshi rpg, kenshi aviticus dragon, kenshi game, kenshi pc, kenshi pc game, kenshi thieves, kenshi factions, kenshi experimental, kenshi hd, kenshi 1080p, kenshi base building, kenshi prospecting, party based rpg, squad based rpg, kenshi lets play, kenshi slavers, kenshi research, lets play kenshi, kenshi survival, kenshi mods
Id: p3YDjncLrAc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 19sec (3019 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 27 2018
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