Kenshi - The TORSO Experience #1

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for a challenge I'm going to see how long I can survive in Kanchi as a pair of characters won a quad amputee names torso and one faithful man servant named hand who will take care of me and carry me around to various destinations as well as raise funds for the many expensive prosthetics I'll need on my journey to independence I just started learning catchy so I think it will be a good way to learn about how prosthetics work how I can upgrade my original character to a better one and eventually command a larger army of characters to go on raids and take on larger settlements but it's gonna have to start out with baby steps rome wasn't built in a day and i certainly won't be getting much stronger for a long time if you want to follow along with this challenge i'm using a mod on the Steam Workshop called tor so start where you start out broke and in the middle of the desert as a torso character with only a starving hayver servant and a pair of sandals to your name welcome to the desert welcome to kenchi our two brave heroes the torso in the hand you can tell them apart the torso being held right now not uh not much to do and the end who is pretty much just gonna be our lifeline for the first couple days of this adventure but hopefully no more we want to gain the torso of some independence there are there are wombocombo of these two I think they're like Batman and Robin or I don't know like Darth Sidious and Darth Vader or no Don Quixote and Sancho Panza I really like that one to be honest because we are gonna we're gonna have that kind of relationship for a while it's good be it's gonna be you and me it's gonna be you and me all the way across the desert now whether you think this is cute or not it is or challenging or terrifying or not at all I think they do have some chance at survival because as long as we manage to avoid any massive skimmers killing us on the first ten minutes of this we should be able to get over to the town of heft which is actually not that far away and once there we're gonna try to well we're gonna try to keep the torso alive that's going to be the whole that's gonna be the whole just alt of this playthrough that's gonna be the goal I'm gonna try to keep this man alive we're gonna make him powerful again from I don't know it seems like they fell out of a spaceship or something I can't really explain how a paraplegic and his manservant got dumped off in the middle of the desert but they did so we're gonna try to get to we're gonna try to get to heft without getting murdered brutally by outlaws skimmers or anyone else you okay there come look at those physics there go who's the skimmer now I that might be alive or dead I've seen those things just get right back up after getting tossed all the way across the map like that but we got to avoid anything dangerous and the most pressing immediate needs are hunger and well just our lack of speed I'm just gonna do like are we in relative safety right now there's no one around so I'm just gonna pause for one second because I want to show you something so if we just quickly just put down the hand or if we have the hand put down the torso that's gonna get really confusing all right now the hand why don't you run over to that thing little race and the torso you run over there - will you crawl over there we started right there and now okay so I would say that the tourists the torso can't get around on his own not very quickly but he does get around and he can train his athletic skill and is sneaking it at the same time - but we won't we won't we won't [ __ ] with that for now hand you pick him up alright there we go okay let's get back on track get a long way ahead of us not too long but we got a ways ahead of us and there are bandits out there - now once we get to town we're gonna put down the whole torso and then we're going to we're going to have the hand basically just become a massive labor we need copper ASAP we need meals we need food we need whatever we can get because we are starving and then we need to get some limbs for this man once we get him some limbs which shouldn't actually take all that long because there should be a robotics shop in two then we're gonna try to recruit as many people as we can because we need some meat shields because the torso is very weak and he's going to require a lot of help if he wants to survive other than that I honestly I think I think it's gonna be a bit of drudgery at the beginning but I'm gonna skip through a lot of that for you guys I want them to I want them to make that okay watch watch out for that watch out for that whatever that - we really just want to avoid every one right here alright let's go to town okay so perhaps surprisingly close was the town of heft so now we're uh we're gonna go in try to be quiet on our way and now there is an iron deposit right there and we could use that but I'm gonna save it for the copper deposit that's a little bit closer to town because that should be a little bit more lucrative I'm gonna start there we're gonna enter the mining business well half halfway we're gonna enter the mining business well let's get into town sometimes there's skimmers at the gates no we should be safe alright and stop right there why are you angry at me this city is with fur the wealthy not the down-and-out have pity I need food I won't send a man to die in the alleys just came alright great so they did let me in go eat something you look like death I've actually never gotten that message before coming into the city but I guess if you look too hungry they don't want you in there alright at this point tor so I guess they want to keep out the riffraff you will quickly just realize how inhuman this game is okay let's put down the torso now the hand is gonna be really hungry so we got to get some food right away so that we don't look so angry so that they don't not let us into town so the hands gonna go outside mind some copper and the torso well right now he's down in the dumps but we're just gonna go on a little walk got a little ways to go but uh hopefully if he stays in town they won't give me that message again with the hand because the hand is gonna be out here mining while the tour so he's gonna need some athletics experience and he is gaining it he is gaining it as he walks and that will all pay off for once we do get limbs but we're gonna need to do some crawling I'm thinking maybe one lap around town while the hand mines out okay there is some [ __ ] here no none of that's gonna kill us but yeah the torso is gonna go on laps while the hand makes the money okay the torsos making progress he's about halfway through town and now he's got athletics to going on three at the same time I'm just keeping an eye out because there is some bull [ __ ] going down in the wastes and I really I mean we could loot some of this because it's just about as good as the copper that we're getting but for the life of me right now I'm too scared I'm just gonna stay here and finish off this copper okay we did get a bit let's get maybe three of these things that we give you get a bite to eat and then tomorrow we'll start saving up for some limbs or I don't know another companion maybe it looks like the town guards just found some bandits so hopefully we can strip them of whatever they have because we shouldn't get in trouble for taking bandit gear as long as they don't as long as they don't mistake me for one of the bandits and I think we're just gonna try to get back into town right at this time because I don't know if I'm getting too hungry if they'll even let me back in let's just grab the rest of this copper get a bite to eat and then get it back out and loot these things yep they are making everybody into slaves out here oK we've entered a nearby shop we're gonna go to Baker Baker my man or woman what are you a woman I think because she's got boobs could maybe maybe it's a woman alright we're gonna do that and now at this point we got to get them some food I want to get enough for both of us so I'm gonna gret okay that's eat it right away that's great well we want to feed both of them and then so that the torso has enough energy to crawl back the other way through town and then I think we'll start looting we'll get the rest of what's in that copper deposit and then hopefully start saving up for some arms there should be a robotic shop right here and I think like what maybe one arm and two economy legs like we gotta go coach class for a while until we can get the real the real like the really valuable stuff alright let's trade give him some have some good cactus chew sticks and I forgot yeah you do start out with sandals I will give those to the hand so that he can actually sell those to somebody because the torso is not gonna be using any sandals anytime soon but his hunger is rising now so now we've lost our immediate danger let's go make some money yeah I am being really careful dude it looks like the town guards are pretty much just killing everybody who comes near by and making them all into slaves so I don't want to join that group but I think that the torso has has gained citizenship like he's he's a town familiar at this point you know he's like he's a character ever except everybody walks over him I still can't figure out quite how you would do this thing as just a torso but it's got to be awesome and we did manage to get the hands some clothes so he he's looking I don't know he's looking quite gangster now I think okay this is what I'm keeping an eye out for man hunting packs of insect bugs alright the torso just finally made it to the other side of town now we're gonna go back and his skills are at athletics 9 alright so he's already making his way up in the world and the hand we got to keep an eye on the hand cuz there's all these bugs everywhere it's finally at better labouring so you should start to do that I don't know maybe a little bit more quickly but it's still it's the quite a long ways to go don't mind me just a torso just a torso roaming through town at one time speed now alright we got some bull [ __ ] going on on the other side of town I don't know if we're really gonna have time to pick up all this stuff because it seems it seems like the town guards do a pretty good no these are just two separate bands of Raiders actually I think it seems like the town guards pick up most of these people though and just make them into slaves so we're gonna try to avoid joining them at all costs by keeping an eye out day 2 this is horrible so we still can't find anything we just need we just need to keep subsisting off of cactus chew sticks and dust witches until until we finally have enough money to buy some limbs for this man goat or so man go to the bar see if you can find anyone in there there should be there should be someone who will join us on our sorry quest and take pity on us alright somehow a skimmer just got frozen in midair I'm gonna loot it because it's pretty much just as valuable as anything that we mined I'm not even gonna take the rotten meat we'll just like that's all that's why I love this game I will the torso find oil don't do that the torso finally just made it to the bar so we could see if we could get any companions or hopefully just a little bit better food because right now it's not looking too it's not it's looking a bit grim but there is hope there is hope at the end of it all hello bartender salutations show me what you've got it doesn't look like much else I don't I do not know which food is the best i we did manage to find somebody who would join us for 6000 cats which would pretty much be the total cost of all the limbs that I could get so we're more or less just as well off getting this person named ray I don't think we I don't think we really have enough to sustain slaves with us right now maybe another time alright torso you know what you just take a sneak across town we'll switch you over to sneaking gained some skills in that while the hand continues to mind day in and day out trying to make a note you don't sneak let's have the tour so sneak holy [ __ ] holy [ __ ] holy [ __ ] holy [ __ ] holy [ __ ] holy [ __ ] holy [ __ ] holy [ __ ] save me save me guards guards there he goes now the guards should pretty much win 100% of that I've never seen anything kill them so I think we are pretty much safe with that alright and more loot for us making my way downtown okay and after all of his good crawling the torso is actually going up in stealth so he's gaining skills slowly it may seem but when I speed the game up to three times he's way better and he's already got athletics 20 just from all the laps that he's taken around town he's even better than the hand at it because he's just been doing it for longer meanwhile the hand is at laboring 13 so he should be he should be getting a little bit better at getting more copper out of these deposits faster so hopefully we can use that to speed up our getting rich and then once we're rich I I don't know just recruit a lot mold there's two moons recruit more companions because we need them badly we're gonna go into the robotics shop just to see if we can find any uh any good economy priced limbs all right so this guy can he can repair skeletons but you can also sell us limbs that we can use on humans so we're gonna we're just gonna sell him everything that we have except for our food and at this point yup just everything now how many cats is that we've got 25 we've got almost 3000 cats and at this point we're looking for some economy legs so 2119 left leg okay two left legs we're gonna need a left in or right ideally I mean I think I'm just gonna start at like all economy all shout a year or something well because obviously we can't afford 14,000 or we'll be here forever so let's let's get some economy legs you know I'll see what he imports tomorrow because I want to know if it will be more worth it to just get another companion and continue to train the torso man by crawling all right some travelers just had about with a skimmer oh wait no they want to fight me too okay we are getting out of who we are getting out of here they think they think I am evil oh but hopefully the town guards will fight them off too cuz I did nothing wrong I did nothing wrong guards guards protect me they should they should okay there they go good now he's got a run through town insanely took a little hit to my right leg but that shouldn't be anything too bad okay we are safe Thank You guards yes thank you guards take out all of the outlaws in all of the nearby areas whoo I will totally not use them to profit from death okay right when I was stealing one of the guys who I thought was dead is getting up so I'm just gonna run way now because the guards should further beat him up I don't understand why people in this game don't have common sense oh wait no he's just limping a window he we still probably don't stand much of a folk a grape the guards thank you goodbye you made a mistake getting back up oh we stole off of his body and he was angry okay so then that makes slightly more sense but still nonetheless I would just play dead if I were him well we are progressing flawlessly looks like the hand is now at laboring 17 his athletics has gone up so he can run away from anything that might want to kill him like those skimmers out there and the torso well the torso is okay it looks like we got another I'm just walking up to the gates with these skimmers like this skimmers like come at me bro to the guys Jesus oh [ __ ] he's standing between me and the gate I just probably not let that Aven anyway though the torso is now at athletics 26 and health 15 so he's honest already no stealth 15 so he is making his way up oh come on hand all right let's see if we can a grow this skimmer and then okay all right run the [ __ ] away okay great guards guards come help it looks like there's been a little bit of a spat outside so we're just gonna loot as many of these corpses as we can grab everything we can because I want to minimize the time for us to get come on grab that nope it looks like this okay more slaves trying to escape meanwhile the torso is not doing much better there was a spat in town and now just grab it grab everything you can hand before they take that all of it all right we're gonna purchase one leg we want to get these one at a time because he tends to come in and out of stock of some of these things head good job now go back over to torso we're gonna install this leg on him and I think you know depending upon what he gets in stock I may or may not end up getting another companion first but let's trade I'm gonna throw that on him let's give that to him in his limbs and now torso should be rolling with a left leg now yeah all right he's got a little bit more style to his crawl all right let's go Jesus Christ ah this is horrible okay well we do have one economy leg on the bright side it's not really making us isn't making us any faster I don't think it makes us any faster yep no faster but ah I don't give up never give up all right we're gonna go go back we're gonna we're gonna position him in place so that he can recruit this other companion in a second because I'm thinking hands about to make enough money that we're gonna have one more laborer on our hands and we might even get this guy up right soon all right the guards in front of the city of discontent Saenz so we hardly even need to mine anymore we could just take everything off of the people that have come out here and at this point we're pretty much set I've grabbed everything else we can off of these Raiders and I obviously think hand looks pretty good right now but I'm gonna take everything off of him because it'll be plenty of more where that came from and we're gonna see if we can get one more person with us that guy at the bar I think named ray well get him and then torch well torso is gonna have to go there to hire him I think that would be the most appropriate way to do it and then at that point we'll see if we can find him a couple more limbs when they get in stock all right the hands gonna go out to buy some sandwiches well the torso crawls over to the bar this one leg now to see if he can recruit one more person to help carry him around and bring him to the stuff to be mined soon we'll have a team of miners on our hands and making some money all right together the hand in the torso have come to the bar seeking the help of Ray a little talk right it sounds like the beginning of a joke a hand in the torso walk into a bar 6,000 cats if you're still interested in taking on again I will grab her because at this point pretty much anybody will help I don't really care who Scorch lenders all right so raises courts Linder she's gonna she's pretty much it's gonna be another laborer for a little while until we actually manage to get a few more people and get some more manpower on this but let's check her out her stats cuz she's probably world's better than us torso you just continue to slowly make your way across town okay he's still getting out of the bar ray and hand we're actually gonna have to separate them because we've got only a small copper deposit so now we're gonna have three people to watch I think we're gonna set ray now what is ray good at very good with turrets and crossbows athletics not really a labor but you know I didn't really want to grab slaves yet we will we will now that we have a few more people hopefully they'll get a little bit better at catching slaves that want to leave us but slaves are pretty much just cheap labor in this game and we do have one shop for slaves over there Wow I thought the town was on fire isn't okay so torso you say that oh I almost forgot something I need to bring them all back together sandwich exchange time it's time to have a sandwich party after all that work well the torso has been crawling through town all day and all night and he's now at athletics 33 ray is better than everybody clearly but she's doing a task that she's really not suited to until we get more warriors which we can't really do anything until then hand is probably the most productive of the three because he's still just mining copper and he's very good at that so I think we're just gonna glint them continue this grind because it doesn't look like there's any more economy limbs coming in and we're gonna be stuck here for a while okay we're gonna talk to Gil's now and it looks like we have enough to get another companion so we have another scorch lander we'll grab them and they're very good at dexterity athletics stealth so pretty much like any kind of like thievery types of tasks I suppose all right so now we have another person but I'm still just gonna use them for tasks that they're probably not suited to at this point we have four companions so I think I'm just gonna grab them all bring them all together and have another sandwich party after that we should probably start to think of scaling up our operation because I do not see the point of just having everybody stay here in mining copper I think we'd probably be better off grabbing I don't know maybe more hives if we want to do I think they're very good at laboring but oh let's go let's accommodate torso he's having a harder time getting over the problem is that I just haven't had found any limbs and oh there is another guy it's become a town trend that is just on foot it looks like that guy broke everything that we could problem what is wrong with him city hero we probably don't want to attack a city hero but we could I mean he's like me so let's all right let's let's gather everybody up gather up the team where is Ray she's on her way all right well we've got off we've got all four of them now they're all a bunch no we I need to check yourself before you enter town spot okay that's fine nothing wrong there all right weird that they did that but here comes ray we get the Justice League back together okay we've now got three really inefficient tasks going on hand is probably the best mining copper Ray is going over to mine a little bit more and Gil's is over here mining the iron not the best pick but we got small deposits so what can we do with that at this point we basically just want to get to a better part of the world because I don't think there's many better deposits here and I want to see another city at this point so I'm going to have everybody band together to try but it to buy a little bit of food and an extra leg for torso so that he can run with them so that he won't slow them down because if we're gonna make a big trek across the wilds we don't want to be carrying a guy again we've done our job for the day we got a little bit of extra iron we got some copper we're gonna bring them back into town and now it looks like hand managed to find some spoils from a pack beast there's something like that so he's got an extra backpack we could sell that we could sell pretty much everything that we got and it looks like we found a left leg this thing should be cheap enough - oh wait an economy leg okay great so we have two economy legs not gonna do us a lot of good right now but I figure a better than nothing better than nothing right now so we'll wait as soon as we whoops whatever we'll buy more food all right let's uh let's get that left leg all right so now everybody's got legs so we can at least do that well get him an R somewhere maybe when we go to the hive but gills I'll bring back torso or we'll go to him and then let's bring the team together Justice League assemble all right hand has an extra leg for torsos and our torsos going to let's see his limbs and he should have oh wait we already haha [ __ ] we are we already bottle left like we need a right leg instead Jesus all right everybody just came together like a good old team and now we're actually gonna get the torso back up to speed everybody took off all their clothes and sold them all just to wait they were both girls all right I did not know that okay well whatever we're all going to have legs now that's something to celebrate about let's trade with torso gills do you have anything for torso all right it looks like we have an economy leg for tort well torso got that leg ray do you have anything for okay you have a left arm for him and at this point we're gonna need some food and torso should be up right now let's get his limbs back on all right so great soon now he's a standing man he can do anything alright great so now you have four people he is incredibly much slower than them so we need to get him some bet wow he's still really slow he might be better off carrying him on our back still until we get better limbs but you know what he can do labour so I think maybe we'll stick around the city a little bit longer but let's just see how far we've come so we're a bunch of nude people with one really slow guy without any limbs but this is further than we were before this looks kind of weird like you know we're an unlikely team but I think it's no less heroic than it was before Tim tomorrow let's let's get them some some actual goddamn speed what does his goddamn speed he's still got a negative ten run multiplier so he's still very slow but he can do labour now so I don't know we'll have somebody run back and forth and we'll see if we can find one more deposit get a little bit more money get him some decent limbs and then get the hell out of here because we gotta find somewhere where we can actually get a business going alright thanks for watching and as always I will see you guys in the next video obviously it's my first time playing Kenshi I have like 3 hours in the game so I'm gonna be doing a lot of things wrong or if there's any tips or strategies you think I should know about please leave them down below because I am still very much a noob and I need your help alright anyway thanks for watching and bye bye
Channel: ambiguousamphibian
Views: 590,226
Rating: 4.9418154 out of 5
Keywords: kenshi, kenshi gameplay, kenshi game, kenshi let's play, kenshi lets play, kenshi no arms no legs, kenshi torso, kenshi the torso experience, kenshi prosthetics, beginner kenshi, kenshi 2020, kenshi game 2020, kenshi amputee, lets play kenshi torso, kenshi no arms, kenshi no legs, kenshi torso start, kenshi game part 1, kenshi part 1, kenshi ep 1, kenshi gameplay part 1, kenshi gameplay ep 1, kenshi walkthrough, kenshi beginner
Id: Zpa1RL_-2dU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 11sec (1631 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 08 2020
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