Kenshi Savage Lands - EP32 - THE HUNTED GREENHORNS

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what's going on clan ad here welcome back to more kimchi savage lands a highly modded series to make the game as difficult as possible if you didn't see the previous episode we kind of went back to blüdhaven to honor our fallen comrades who have died in previous episodes so we built some gravestones for them so that we can kind of just like keep track of everybody that we've lost through the course of the series so Ovidius went back and did that and also gathered some research items that we needed for Creswell and to keep researching some new things and we've got we just kind of like defended our base and built it out a little bit more and unfortunately our escaped prisoners or our prisoners escaped captivity so we weren't able to recruit any of them so in this episode I think what I want to do is I want to focus on getting all these crafting stations up I want to build tier three walls outside so we'll probably expand our walls a little bit so that we can get a little bit more room but also I get those higher walls for the exterior and we'll probably leave these as little two walls for the interior I don't know we'll see how that looks I want to go on do a recruiting mission and get some more people on board and maybe a skeleton maybe a scorch lander a couple other people and then when we get back we can get everybody some jobs do some training we're gonna be leading out in the expedition soon I want to take some take a trip over to cannibal territory and screeching bandit territory at some point and try to gather more research items from those guys so that we can make their armor at a later point to think that'd be kind of cool so if you guys want to see more kimchi in the future don't forget to subscribe so you don't miss any new episodes okay so first things first let's go ahead and just start building out these walls really fast I just want to get these up on the exterior we have plenty of building materials so it shouldn't be a problem all right so I finished building up the walls here I'm not able to put two gets here because for some reason the pathfinding breaks like as soon as I put up the second gate and connect it to the walls nobody can go outside anymore like they just won't listen to my commands so it's really weird so I think what I do is I just built a building here and what we can do is just put some turrets up here and that gives them a nice view of anybody entering the entering the base so we'll go in here and put in some some turrets you see let's see if we can just get something up right now that doesn't require yeah we could just put some mounted crossbows right now and 75 damage it's not bad yeah we'll go without the harpoon turret so mk2 mounted crossbows at the top here for now and we can replace them later that way we can just get some people up here I can fire down upon the enemies as they get through the gates yeah I think that'll work okay so let's confirm that and here else we'll be able to build those let's see the ones with the lights yeah we don't want those because they take electrical components which we don't really have right now all right that's fine go off my job here no I don't want to be don't be an engineer just that character what's it just like go and do everything okay let's get everybody out of here and get going get off your job Jebus let's get everybody outside we've got a prayer day on the way over here but uh that'll be fine I'm gonna take an exploration squad over and try to recruit some more people because we just need more more men to be able to do all the jobs and crafting and everything else the other thing I want to do is get a couple of people training here we've got force and glitch let's get where's Cosmo vet scoot you over here Matt wherever you are let's get yeah we have these dummies up let's go ahead and assign you guys to a job here there we go and Karl Rove get up here there we go alright so now if you take a look at their stats which has nine melee attack for us is nine and cause Rove is that ten so they can get up to fifteen skill level now we can build advanced attack training dummies but these are not going to be used for patreon or YouTube subscribers the advanced training dummies that I have which is a mod is basically gonna be for when we train militia to take down world bosses because literally they're insane I'm you're gonna send in a bunch of like militia troops first to like kind of see how things go and maybe soften up the targets a bit before we send in like our main squad so some of these bosses are gonna take a ton of people and I'm not about to spend 200 episodes trying to train everybody individually as far as militia goes so we're gonna train everybody like patreon and YouTube subscribers and normally but we're gonna kind of use some advanced training companies for some of the militia troops later which are kind of like no-name guys that are just gonna be in there seeing how strong these enemies are without really like sacrificing people just for the sake of testing alright so anyway I think we got every what the hell's going on here oh all right Tec all here I'm gonna leave coral and toast the outside just so that they can kind of weak in any enemies that try to attack I have a feeling that as soon as I take the squad out on an exploration or an adventure rather we're just gonna get attacked by something so let me move this squad up to the top here and do I have med kits I'm all out of med kits jazzy there we go Jersey's got some med kits and splints nice okay all right we're gonna head up to head across the black desert city first and then we will go to probably the smugglers bar to the south yeah down here and check that out and see what we have there's also a weigh station to the east so I guess we're not gonna really wait well we could get a couple hungry bandits hold on a second let's heal this person let's get some prisoners might be able to recruit some of these guys this guy's dying its first aid a couple of them got the prayer day coming in all right pick these guys up got some prisoners I'd be able to recruit a few that way if we need to throw them in jail okay I've got my holy flame book out there si si Rose once you go talk to these paladin's really quick alright see you later until next time holy nation gotta make use of this prison okay we'll take all their weapons I don't think the dialog works unless you take all their weapons with the recruit prisoners mod so just throw those weapons in these chests for now we'll come back to them later talk to them there might be a couple more we can get there you go good see Rose get those mounted crossbows up we're gonna get war up there come here war there we go so now if we take a look at war he's got a nice vantage point anybody coming in that's good let's go outside and see if we can get anybody else unless they all died yeah looks like they all died okay that's fine you got three prisoners and other good news I'm gonna be finishing up my kimchi awakening series so for those of you guys that don't know kimchi awakening is basically a cinematic series so before I started doing this this series savage lands I did a series called iron man kimchi iron man and halfway through that series it turned into more of like a cinematics story and it was kind of like it started out with all gameplay then it started going into some cinematics with gameplay and then it was basically like 30 minutes of cinematics with gameplay and eventually just all cinematics so like we really got attached to a lot of these characters in the kimchi Iron Man series and I really wanted to continue it and so after kimchi iron man ended at season 1 ended at episode 40 the the new season season 2 which is just basically a cinematic series was called kimchi awakening and if you saw the end of Kim the ironman you know why it's called awakening and basically what happened was though my saves were broken I wasn't able to load the saves anymore because I I could only load them if I had buildings if I imported without buildings rather and that was a problem because I spent like hundreds of hours like setting up scenes and building stuff all throughout the the map for various things and so there's just no way I was going to be able to continue it without those buildings and basically I don't know what the developers did but they somehow fixed something in one of the recent patches and I tried loading my save just randomly a couple days ago and basically everything started working again so I'm gonna continue on with that series I'm gonna continue trying to produce more of the awakening and see if I can finish this because I really wanted I really had a lot of cool stuff cool ideas and I know a lot of you guys got attached to the story so you can look forward to kin Chi awakening episode 5 probably next month if everything goes well oh this is one of the butcher spiders this is a pretty cool mod if you don't have this one you add some unique spiders Wow let's see these guys are super instrument oh oh yeah hold on a second this thing is wrecking them whoa holy [ __ ] these guys have 75 attacks 71 defense since they have really fast attack though those spiders I want to see so maybe we can loot these guys come on man I'd rather fight the butcher spider than this guy Wow okay let's come back down here we are taking some acid damage so we have to be careful of that oh it's gonna go right in there isn't he might be able to loot this area how many are in here yeah there's still like four guys [Music] oh this guy's rebooting well he should be dying any second he's critical there we go he's down let's loot him take his kit get out of here luteal both okay nice I'm not about to try and fight these guys no way oh hey what's going on up here now got o iron spiders halt this is great get up here guys these iron spiders carry CPU units which are super expensive we can sell them make more money not really sure with the iron spider arms or for if that's for like some sort of crafting you guys can let me know I think that yeah I don't know what those are for maybe you need them for making crafting skeleton arms or something but these cpu units are great we need these make some money we're gonna buy some ancient science books out here too let's go into the bar and see who we can recruits I want to try to get a skeleton maybe we can recruit a skeleton in here oh yeah I think there's a skeleton right here aw he's one of those cool-looking skeletons - I'm available for 7,500 cats if you need me Romer one of the best fighters you'll find around here welcome old iron cruiser to the Dragon Clan another patreon member of mine he can follow his character around and it's cool that we got some different type of skeletons - this is a p4 unit skeleton and he also has negative 20% - katanas which is interesting so that's cool I've also recruited another skeleton called Skinner we're gonna rename him to somebody else this is the kinshi character exactly sure on this guy what skeleton type he is but he's got you know basic stats old iron cruiser has six strengths eight melee attack it's got negative to some of these other things heavy weapons though as seven will probably give him a heavy weapon yeah I definitely want to get some people with hackers - I like those weapons oh this guy's got Skinner has eight and heavy weapons - and polearms is eight awesome getting some new recruits okay we'll let these guys hang out there let's run over to the other building here and see if we can buy and sell some things okay we're up here black desert city I got some really cool stuff wow these security spider tubes of 83 attack 101 strength this would take this would be really hard to take over with our group right now we'd need to get trained up a bit okay let's see what they have what's sell the price markup isn't as good but I'm just gonna sell these CP units because we got them for free who cares [Music] here's if we lose money at this point wow there's so many cool weapons especially when you install a bunch of mods look at this cracked saber this thing is wild okay what do we got here lots of blueprints got exotic weapons we could buy that you see first I want to get as much research as possible we need these ancient science books these are five thousand a piece I'm gonna buy all of them we also need the engineering research yeah we need AI course damn do I want to buy them and money is easy to come by in this game though just sell these arms for right now we don't need oh we need for to get that six shot turrets so okay that's good then we still have enough money left over to recruit some more guys we've got 28,000 we can also sell some stuff I think well we'll find we'll find some guys to kill in here some skeletons or something make some more money before we leave oh yeah here we go right here you just kill these iron spiders and get 5,000 I am super overloaded right now I'm 78% encumbered except I don't have any room to pick this up so let's see Jebus should come over here and grab this oh no I fell down oh wait hold on there we go wow that was close almost lost it okay nice let's get inside actually let me trade with drazzey he can hold on to all this think we're gonna need to get into some of these beds your wounded are new recruits are still training over here we're up to 13 melee attack with everyone nice everything looks quiet over here in the home front it's actually run up here talked to some of these recruits come here Jude I'm gonna be smart this time let's bring some food because I think they need food or each one they need something to join you so let me grab a couple things of food here and run up maybe we can entice a couple to join us couple hungry bandits see with this person SSA what do you want if I let you go will you join our cause alright what's your story they made my they made me fight work fight work I didn't want to do any of those things and now you think I'm a criminal I just want to be free where's the food at yeah you'll get some grub we've got plans for you oh you got any rumble never mind I'll take anything what have you got what I got food in my inventory what happened oh crap let me talk to him again you're going to kill me get just get it over with what do you just have to keep talking to him okay here we go here pal a nice little morsel from yours truly just a hint of all the delicious food you'll be getting with us okay welcome frosty to the clan we're gonna pretend that frosty is our martial arts lady from the white eyebrow clan considering she like escaped or something yeah I mean I know that when you import your game that people disappear but I didn't import so I don't know how they disappeared but yeah let's um let's let frosty out of the cage and actually she Scotty said Wachtel arts whoa whoa whoa not bad look at that it's pretty good it's not like ten and everything and she's got decent martial arts 12 it was better than anybody here right now so we'll get her let's see her Millie its X 14 yeah we'll get her over here training for right now okay wait a minute what are you shooting that arrow what the heck are you looking at I don't know what you're tracking over there yeah anyway yeah let's get frosty over here training yeah we'll get her doing I don't know assassinations maybe see we can go up to what nine skill level and we need raw meat to get higher oh we can get people doing trade turret training to will get Watson over here too Oh Watson's actually got 15 melee attack already we can upgrade our wells to the next level it's going to upgrade these two level three get the work zeros see what those actually did they give us more water output or I don't know I guess we'll find out I got kale over here doing some farming too might as well have him farming as a backup job when he's just standing around because I feel like we waste a lot of far a lot of wheat see look at this this is still waiting to be harvested kill actually doesn't have any farming experience so and he's got a does his racial XP bonus isn't very good for that okay so we've got well 3 done I don't really know exactly due to low power oh yeah we need more power yeah that's a problem right we got to get yet another building for our generator building and although let me put a small wind generator up here see if that actually does anything see if it gets any wind put one here - damn it'll take electrical components which we don't have however our other group exploration squad is gonna be coming back with a bunch I think drazzey Rd has like ten and giba says she just doesn't have any okay that's fine we'll get more so we do need another building this will just put a storm house we'll put a storm house I think probably up here because we use I don't know eight we use him I believe for the two Jenner two to use it so actually I'll just put it right down here in the middle where I was planning on putting a building right in between those rocks okay these wells are getting a really low power but once we get this building done we'll be able to get get some generators going oh we're getting attacked over here by oh Jesus what Oh get out of there guys get out of there what the hell old iron cruisers Skinner get out of there before you get killed with no armor on damn it Taylor drazzey all these guys are getting he can attacked come on guys get over here all right hold on Skinner go on hold you guys go hold eat you guys die in yet just recruited you [Music] yeah I can't this stupid thing is in the way can't camera keeps like jumping all over the place oh nice okay crestfallen took a beating again Jebus is hurting pretty bad first of all I'm get to Jebus you just almost died his stuffing this is 45 though that's gonna go up I think Olivia's fine drowsies okay just get everybody healed oh damn there you go R & R Oh R & R with the protection oh man we're gonna make so much money over here this is the best I don't know why these things keep attacking though they I don't remember in like vanilla kimchi that these things would like come in this far but this is great because we're gonna come back with all this stuff that we need like electrical components you need a lot of those should probably give old iron cruiser and Skinner a weapon Lithia why don't you give them give them a heavy weapon here and yeah we'll give them each a med kit there we go that way these guys can heal themselves or heal others rather we'll have to give them a think drazzey has a couple yeah a couple of these skeleton repair kits okay now we've got to get Jebus out of here before he dies so let's pick him up get him in bed it's a freakin acid rain man there's a lot of damage alright back to the bed everybody get back to bed meanwhile Soros's finished the building over here so let's get some stuff placed okay I put two small wind generators up here I also put a bunch of battery banks we got five four right now and I also put a biofuel distillery and I did actually hemp because hemp is the best for as it says here because you can produce hemp a lot faster than you can reach straw so I'll place that down and also we got a generator two down here so confirm and we're gonna need electrical components but now that I think about it don't we have or is the electrical components thing over here and just take a look we could probably make them we see oh we need copper yeah so we could make our own let me get somebody over here these guys are pretty much done with the training let's get Forrest off of this and we'll put him on this that way he can run back and forth and get his strength though because he's got 61 incumbrance so running back and forth he'll be making this stuff really slow but the electrical components but he'll get his strength up just running back and forth it's already at 12 I mean you could see it going up really quickly okay so let's get in here and we'll assign you to the electrical work bench and he's gonna run back and get some copper so just run back and forth and have him doing that the other thing is we're gonna get ya see this needs to be harvested soon oh we need to train toxic he's got one melee attack alright so toxic go off your G let's see go on yeah let's just get toxic in here kill is just gonna have to do the farming for now so we'll have him over here drop that training dummy job at the front and we'll get toxic in here working cuz yeah he needs really good and so does kill honestly kill needs to get is mainly attack up higher actually just we got enough food right now let's just get off that cause Rove I think is good get him off of this job will sign him to the assassination dummy and we'll get Cal in here training I can't be having anybody with one attack we got to get that higher that's just not gonna work so got our guys training that's great war is up here just kinda maintaining visual on everything okay we need to get out of here we need to get moving with the group so everybody should be rested if not well tough [ __ ] we got to go all right we're gonna head south towards the smugglers bar see if we can get out of this area quickly we've made it out of the black desert we'll need to run into some bandits I think we can take them okay let's get both Skinner and old iron Cruiser in this battle I know they're gonna take a beating but training straining oh yeah nice a lot old iron swing take this guy out take it from behind well done well we got some legs all right anyway we got a camp up here what's this little nomad camp okay let's head to the smugglers bar to the southwest we got an unknown tower to the south I kind of want to check that out to be honest let's go into the bar for us see who we can recruit I wanna see what's in that tower damn there's a party going on in here I can't wait until they stop growing because I'm tired of them running around trying to heal the guerrillas we could hire some mercenaries and see what's in that tower wait what the hell Oh beat things okay a lot of big things Skinner get out of there guys get out of there can't have you guys getting rekt stay back stay inside for now Oh Rando is in trouble Taylor go help him Oh with you he'll Rand are quick geez these things are super strong Pete thinks gee this is down negative 71 to the chest again yeah I knew yourself crestfallen Chris well we'll get out of there it's just up to me now I'm a no wait Lydia's still up healing Rand are jeebus is gonna need help oh wait I'm down Chris won't heal yourself man [ __ ] where they run into now whoa look how much health they have like we didn't do any damage to them all right with you kill this thing all right kill myself first of all and heal yourself Lydia's got a polearm which does good damage to it there we go there we go okay heal up heal up [Music] I'm sure everybody's healed we did Jesus yeah Jebus is healed up okay yeah that's why I didn't want the our new recruits in there could use the animal skins though okay now we have hungry bandits all over the place all right to find' defend let them skinned Taylor or r-and-r oh they knocked me down again come on crestfallen how do they how are these guys alright Jesus alright get our new recruits out here damnit I want to get out of here like ASAP I don't like this area at all with these beak things Oh dust bandits now great so many enemies everywhere ok loot this dust bandit and get some get some protection some basic protection would be handy right about now ok good crestfallen in a bed and let's get the heck out of here I think I saw a recruit though so we'll try and get him before we leave just gonna pick up Rand R and hold on to him welcome Gabriel's staff a tribe member to the clan good another scorch lander which is great these guys are really good at crafting among other things ok I think that's probably good oh wait here's a guy we've added one more character on into the clan named Vlad so welcome aboard Vlad you can follow your character around I think we're gonna go ahead and get out of here and we're gonna try to make it back - probably gonna go to the hub really quick so that we can rename skinner to another subscriber but we'll probably just head straight west to the weigh station maybe we can get into some battles with some bandits and steal some of their gear for our new guys let's go ahead and just like pick up Rand are here and yeah there we go I can move a little bit faster here well the other thing is now that we're other we're here let's let's have our new guys pick up a bandit come here Vlad let's get everybody picking up a bandit here and get their strength up if we can it's probably not a good idea since where we are but we're gonna try it anyway all right everybody's got a body gotta get that strength up this is pretty much the best way to get strength up really is just taking up a body and carrying it I mean eventually you need to like be a little bit more overloaded but in the long run just walking overloaded is the best way to gain strength because I think it's like for every 10 steps you gain like one percentage so it's it's kind of like the best way like long-term if you really want to like max it out especially early on in the beginning cuz if we take a look at like old iron cruiser for instance look at that this is going up like super fast just by taking a couple steps alright anyway let's just keep going hopefully we don't run into any big things we're gonna head west towards the hub I think our base is fine for now I see a little camp in the distance let's go pay a little visit to them maybe we can do a little surprise attack at night we'll probably leave our new guys out of this because I don't want them getting too wounded but we'll probably send in our our mains like high-level guys me Jebus crestfallen and Lithia and see if we can crush them let these guys just hang out here for now but that way we can get them some armor I think these are whomp ruffians interesting this is a different group of bandits okay I think we can crush these guys though all right let's put everybody on hold and passive and we'll get our main guys let's see Jebus is hurt and already damn actually we could probably get our skeletons I think they'll be okay wait a minute who are we getting seen by oh oh [ __ ] okay these guys are no joke all right everybody put down what you're carrying ah crap okay attack all guys this is gonna suck crap up when everybody everybody get off passive hold there you go yeah these guys just snuck up on us it's funny cuz you're trying to sneak up on another group and these guys snuck up on us instead who our new recruits are gonna get hurt bad Gabriel though going toe-to-toe okay Gabriel's down we have got to win this we're gonna be in trouble come on drazzey come on Taylor freakin Averill's yeah see the lad is gonna die I think come on drazi help me out here all right hold on I'm go on a boat I'm going to Vlad I got a heel Vlad before he dies Jebus is fine he's just unconscious got a heal Gabriel [Music] just keep them busy with you keep them busy busy just gotta make sure we heal our guys here right yo Gabriel and flat is mostly okay let's see who else old iron cruiser is going to need help Skinner is still fighting see crestfallen - you okay yeah he's fine drowsy and Rand are fine well we're gonna loot these guys - these guys are just passing out oh yeah nice okay hold on he'll old iron Cruiser come back here kill this guy let him get away come on get up Jesus there you go Oh Oh nicely done alright Jesus let him go let him go let's just heal up here heal up medic up let's get to Vlad who else is dying here come here Jesus kill this guy there you go double-team oh nice Jebus all right we survived that oh wait [ __ ] we got any old iron cruiser oh [ __ ] we need everybody over here on this guy Jebus get over here I don't have a repair kit oh [ __ ] Jesus I need to you need to get it roof Harrogate ASAP get one from Lithia and get over here and heal old errant Cruiser quick quick quick and here we go there we go wow that was close I was super close we almost lost him and OH Skinner we got to get Skinner oh okay hold on hold on everybody gets Skinner there we go nice okay he's rebooting well done okay old iron cruiser is up hell yeah okay now we can loot these guys actually we could no these guys are too strong we're probably not gonna take them for well I don't know we'll see we might have to damn I don't think I brought any and bring any sleeping bags I always forget to do that to be honest these guys have ninja rags oh it's a faction uniform though all right well let's just take all of their let's see iron hat yeah it's faction uniform okay let's just take all their weapons for now I want these guys getting up with weapons Daniels one hell of a fight can you imagine if these guys attacked as we were attacking these bandits that would have been insane the bad thing is like if you attack a camp and then you get knocked out while you're in the camp sometimes it can be really hard to leave and that's how you can get yourself killed so you have to be careful like trying to draw all the enemies out away from their camp if possible especially if you're not sure if you can take the camp out that way you don't get in that position where you're stuck and these guys have literally junk probably gonna change these fragment axes out with everyone just because they need they need higher decks one decks is not going to work with these freakin fragment axes actually let me do that now and just give this drazzey they need to have something that's a little bit better we get a dust bandit attack I think headed towards dragons den there we go give these guys a couple better weapons that way they can build their decks up okay we got a raid headed towards Dragon's Den okay we might have to head back since we've got everybody wounded here and it's a long ass way to the oh wait we're uh we're pretty close to this we could actually intercept these guys that are going to Dragons Den if we wanted to but we're all freaking wounded so yeah crap okay let's see Taylor is down for a minute he's gonna be walking slow so we need to have let's get Jebus over here carrying Taylor press falling she pick up Rand are all right everybody pick up somebody and let's get moving here let's get out of here it's definitely gonna be a minute with this group let's head over the Dragons then see what they're doing hopefully this group doesn't get attacked I'm actually gonna move Astin outside of dragons den and Oh what the hell Caravan get out of here let's trade yeah I don't really need anything get out of here damn it now they're like break it down my gate I locked him inside okay so I'm gonna get a stand out here because he's like heavily armored and I'm just gonna put him with coral and toasty and yeah I think we'll try that strategy out and see like just want to put like heavily armored dudes outside and and see how long they last we got the bandit raid literally coming it right in now so it's good that we have Siros here he can repair the gate hey wait come back here okay that's fine yeah toasty and coral are gonna rip rip these guys up let's just watch acid crush them wait a minute is arrow firing you better be watch your aim jeez towstee and quarrel taking a little beating but they're still man they're just gonna get stronger and stronger if I keep on fighting like this like eventually they're just gonna be they're gonna have like a hundred attack probably I don't think there's a limit to like how high they can go I think they can get as high as anyone else can get eventually nicely done oh man astín toasty and choral just like wipe the floor with them god Scheck's are really strong like they have so much HP and Scheck is basically the strongest character in the game they have the most hit points and they can wear all the armor types so the second strongest would be skeletons because they they have more they have a lot of health as well but when you add up all the defensive properties and everything and all the armor and stuff it turns out that Scheck is just better they're stronger since they can add the extra helmet piece they're actually skeletons can only wear what three pieces of armor yeah so if you add the boots in the shirt to the Scheck that makes them basically stronger even though they have less HP however skeletons can actually get in the fight get back into the fight a lot sooner and like repair themselves back up so skeletons can actually fight longer I would say then then check so it's it kind of depends on the battle like if you're in like going to assault like a city or something like skeletons are probably better if it's like a long siege like or like you're going after the bug master or something like that skeletons really make a good a good person to take because they can kind of like heal themselves fully while they're there whereas other people have to like wait to get healed and so forth this guy's dying he'll also leg I think we should probably take a couple prisoners you see who do we got here these guys are dead damn all right hold on this guy's dying somewhere war leaders dead Jesus toasty and coral don't take any prisoners Oh [Music] like I died okay this one's dying how about him he's about to lose his arm I think oh he's a Scheck you know he might survive yep perfect let's take him damn only one prisoner out of that it's actually a hiver here he's not dead him he's got a negative one negative 150 on his chest oh because he's a hive soldier oh we need to recruit that guy I don't think we have a high of soldier on our team yeah we're gonna come out and get him okay we got two new prisoners in here a couple dust bandits damn it'll span at Bowman has really good martial arts I think we'll definitely recruit the dust bandit Bowman though just that we can get a high soldier on our squad that'd be cool all right hacen once you just hang outside and I should probably put a defensive guard post out here for I just put like yeah I'll just put a couple well done we got our new recruits back in one piece luckily we didn't lose our recruits because that would have sucked let's go ahead and get these guys outfitted we're gonna have to get them training right away get them some melee attack and stuff first of all let's outfit them with some gear so that they at least have something got zeros over here still building up our batteries getting ourselves a battery charge looks like Forrest is making us some electrical components so that's good Zero's can actually grab the electrical components from drazzey and they'll probably be able to build a bunch of things with all these we have plenty of CPU units so that we can sell for later and we'll take all the research books that he has and we'll drop those up here crestfallen can get back to work researching while you're here why don't you just build this small generator let's just take a look in here and see does it you can tell us oh yeah there is some wind here perfect oh nice okay we got two small wind generators going all right I've outfitted our new recruits with some gear that we have just some dust bandits stuff for right now nothing too fancy one thing I want to do is get all of these guys off of training now since they've basically been over here I think they are pretty good doing like finished doing what they're doing here oh wait we can get them back on their jobs right now we're gonna get our newer recruits in here and get them assigned to the training dummies so let's get Skinner in here I think glitch is done there we're gonna rename Skinner at some point but for right now we'll just put him assign them to a job let's see cosgrove you can go ahead and work on assassination I don't think you yeah that's not good Oh actually you do already have that finished Cosgrove let's put you on a turret then we'll put everybody else on a turret get them some training and turrets ok so now we got our new recruits in here hanging out getting some training done and yeah this will be good then we can kind of switch them off a little bit so now we've got our newer like forest toxic they all have like 14 a melee attack which is pretty good glitch as 15 so he maxed himself out so yeah we'll get everybody kind of like cross-training here with assassination skill training dummies and turret shooting and turrets can go all the way up to level 20 so you can keep them up here for a little bit and yeah I do want to get Kel and toxic up there getting some training on some of these other things so actually we'll probably just get let's get crestfallen back to operating the research bench and let's get killed doing it see Cal doesn't have assassination so let's get him some assassins assassination skill so let's get him up here sign him a job there we go and toxic doesn't have assassination or turret shooting so we got to get him as well as put him I think we're good on food for a second so we can we can afford to do some training for right now just for a little bit and then we'll once they have decent skill we'll get them back on the farms but yeah we got plenty of two sticks that'll last a bit and I guess in the meantime I can I got assigned myself to doing some farming me and cannon will do some farming then cannon has 16 in farming and I have 25 so we'll be okay at that okay awesome we have our battery banks done and zeros is finalizing the generator so that's good not really we're actually using I think more power yeah we still need more freaking wind generators yeah we need a lot of those small ones so we'll have to keep building more yeah we can also put a couple up here too because we're not going to need turrets on all this right anyway I think we're doing okay here we got some new recruits get them training and I will go out and hopefully see if we can get some more research items I know Ciro's and Allen are gonna be leaving at some point to go and try and find some more research books and stuff so they'll probably lead a group out at some point soon so I hope you guys enjoyed the episode you want to see more kimchi in the future don't forget to subscribe I'll see you guys again in the next one take care
Channel: Aviticus Dragon
Views: 3,510
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: kenshi, kenshi gameplay, kenshi pc gameplay, kenshi sandbox gameplay, kenshi sandbox game, kenshi combat, kenshi episodes, kenshi indie game, kenshi rpg, kenshi aviticus dragon, kenshi game, kenshi pc, kenshi pc game, kenshi factions, kenshi hd, kenshi 1080p, kenshi base building, party based rpg, squad based rpg, kenshi lets play, kenshi slavers, kenshi research, lets play kenshi, kenshi survival, kenshi ironman, kenshi end game, kenshi cinematics, kenshi martial arts
Id: pJXca91RSqQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 13sec (3553 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 25 2020
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