Kenshi Savage Lands - EP1 - THE THREATS OF THE WILD

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what's up clan ad here and welcome to a new series in kimchi as you guys know I decided to quit kimchi and take a break from the game for a while I honestly never thought that I would come back and do another series in this game but after being away from the game for a few months I started to miss playing it again so I told myself if I was going to do another series in this game it would have to be something crazy something I've never done before so basically what I've done is I've made the game incredibly difficult this might even be an impossible playthrough of the game but I've wanted the game to be super super insane basically instead of vanilla kimchi where one person can attack you at a time five people can now attack you at a time the bleed rate has been increased two times four so people are going to bleed out and die really quickly we're gonna have to be on point with our heels maybe keep a medic in the back because things are gonna get really crazy not only that but I've also installed a couple mods that increase the difficulty like stronger group combat mod which basically changes around all of the enemies in the game it adds more enemies it makes them stronger gives some better equipment and so forth so I have that mod installed but I also went in went into the game and made my own tweaks on top of that I've also edited all of the animals in the game and made them stronger but not only that I'm calling these world bosses because I've increased animals and bosses like the mega Raptor and the mega crab I've given them an insane amount of hit points like 50,000 plus hit points and also made them super large so they are literally like towering over you as you look at them and you try to fight them it's pretty insane and it's gonna take an army to basically take down some of these tougher creatures in the game and I think it's gonna be pretty epic to see if we can survive and see if we can actually just win the game completely by dominating the entire map over the course of the series so you're gonna expect the same kind of quality that I've released in the past with you know a lot of edits a lot of high paced action and had music and we're just gonna have some fun with it hope you guys are excited you want to see more kimchi in the future now is the time to subscribe so you don't miss any new episodes with all that said this series will be known as savage Lance I started here with five characters I thought just because this this is going to be an insane playthrough I think 5 would be a good number considering that the attack slots are 5 so I've added a couple people in my discord server into the game so we've got celestial paladin Jebus arrow cannon and myself got one check and hive and three green Landers we started over here envelope Waystation ruins out in the middle and nowhere we're gonna have to run back towards like the hub area and see if we can just pick a fight with some hungry bandits or something and and get some more people on board that's really gonna be the biggest priority right now we need more numbers ASAP it looks like we got some stuff around here though oh look at that skeleton repair kit skeleton muscles let's go grab some of these things I'm gonna need to grab oh [ __ ] balls all right boys you're gonna have to hide here [Music] well we got week thralls rolling our routes [Music] all right cool they didn't see us let's try to grab what we can here and get the hell out of here fast got some steel bars we don't want to be overloaded though because we got no running speed that's really crucial at the beginning of the game if you're new to this game and you're starting out running speed is like the most important thing you got to get your athletics higher which increases your run speed so athletics is essentially the most important thing trying to get that up to like 25 at least will allow you to outrun like dust bandits and stuff let's see what else we got in here there's a book grab that book Jebus alright everything else I think we're gonna leave I think we just need to get out of here and try not to get hit by those Sun beams of death in the process let's see which way are we running here yeah we got to go gotta go Northwest I've got a lot of different mods installed in this game if you want to see all the different types of mods I have in this series just click the description below and you'll be able to see all the ones I'm using we'll be able to make some really cool armor and stuff later on when we build a base and so forth I'm gonna be adding a lot of characters into the game like I've done in the past so if you want to be added into the game just make a make a comment and the more I see your name the more I see you participating in the community the better your chances are of getting into one of my series I like to add people into the game that really help other players help new players answer questions that sort of thing so the more I see your name pop and around on my channel the better your chances are gonna be before I get before I forget I should probably change our faction name from nameless over to Dragon Clan [Music] but dragon Clanny dragon clan there we go and like all of my series this is an Ironman play so there is no reloading whatever happens happens it's gonna be I mean that's definitely how I planned on doing this series for sure and just like the one I've done in the past called iron men that was kind of the same thing for those of you looking forward to kaanchi awaking that is my cinematic story that I'm still working on I am working on Episode four and it is coming very soon I'm still working on it almost done so I still got that going as well and yeah I'm looking forward to continuing on with that story on the side looks like we got a group of dust bandits down here it looks like there's two four six eight ten twelve of them and they're all in about the 20s and some stats some of these weaker enemies are gonna be you know some still in the teens to low 20s they're not gonna be you know like straight up into the 30s because it's gonna be like really hard to increase your stats if you can't really fight like if you can't win any battles so some of these easier troops like hungry bandits and dust bandits are still gonna be a little bit increased skill wise but they're not gonna be like completely insane like some of the the later enemy types we've made it to Shem so so far so good we haven't really run into anything yet gonna have to be careful of be Kings though because they like to frequent this territory and also dust bandits are in this area too but I want to try to get over to the hub and then we can kind of like try and get into some more battles if we can make our way you're gonna run speed run speed high enough or athletics we could be able to rock we could run over to add mag and get some training in as well we might not have to go all the way to add mag though we could probably go to squint and do some training and get get our stats up a little bit combat wise it looks like some friendly nomads up here oh I discovered the smugglers bar there's that that's to the north of us [Music] I don't think we need to go there yet we don't really have anything we need from them at the moment [Music] I'm gonna have to figure out a different spot to put my base you guys know that I like building a base out here in Shem it's a really cool spot especially right on the border between the swamp right right around here is I really like that's where I placed moonshine you guys are for the guys that are familiar with that base from one of my other series and works without really well but I'm gonna try to every series I try to build in a different spot if possible all right this might be a situation here where we can take advantage of let me see here dose bandits are badass so let me see here might be able to take advantage of this and get some equipment oh wait nope there's more there's more of them okay it's f that no that's not happening let's just keep moving if we get caught by beak things we're never getting out of this these guys are dead look at that dying that guy's dying with the bleed rate it just like literally it's the closest thing to having death in this game or being able to kill somebody when they're down without the actual mod that adds it so if you want to be able to you know if you're tired of enemies in this game getting up after beating them down all the time then increase the bleed rate because it really does make things more difficult but it also will kill people more frequent they won't get up as often some of the more tougher enemies will get up maybe once or twice but that's it they won't get up like 14 times like they do with the bleed rate at one okay so here's what you can you can see the this new series at work already look at this band of Bones guy level he's got 9 five attack look at these guys insane ninety-four attack 78 defense like over 50 strength yeah we don't want to mess with those guys they would literally just kill us let's try to avoid them if we can't normally at the beginning of the game these guys don't charge at you right away but eventually they're just gonna attack us on sight I'm gonna name my squad dragon for right now until I can come up with some better squad names will eventually break up into squads that have different squads going out and doing different things like I like to do [Music] but in this series we're probably not going to have as many squads roaming around in different parts of the world I mean we will but they're gonna be big squads because the amount of sheer enemies in this game that are difficult and with the five attack slots it's this is gonna be awesome [Music] there's a little tiny settlement over here to the north we'll check it out and see there might be something new here but usually there's just like building materials and stuff but let's check it out let's see you never know could be something worth selling maybe because we also need to make some money and also we're gonna starve to death too if we don't get some food at some point we've got a research book let me see here let's grab that iron plates we'll take we can sell those tools I don't think really sell for much in reality iron plates ownself for that much either but we'll take a couple yeah we'll make enough cash to at least maybe get some gear or something so have everybody come in here and just grab grab some gear grab whatever they can iron plates alright so we went ahead and grabbed let's see we got a little couple iron plates and stuff fuel we got some fuel that we can sell for 192 cats it's good enough it's actually lowering our run speed a little bit but hey that's fine well we'll gain some strength from it maybe at least can invite cuz his encumbrance is 14 alright we're not too far away from the hub it's like over in this area so we just got to go west a little bit more here and the hub is basically the newbie zone I would like to call it four Kenshi it's kind of like where you want to start out in the game especially if you're doing something like this where the world is gonna be really dangerous definitely try to make your way to the hub and if you don't really have a map for kimchi and know where things are there's a really good map out there online just just type kimchi map into Google and you'll find it it's pretty well detailed and it shows you all the waypoints on the map in the game so there is some kind of like spoiler alert there for you but if you if you want to know where I'm talking about you can you can pull up that map if you don't already know all right looks like we found some more dust bandits we're gonna sneak by these guys though definitely not in any shape to beat them up oh look at the disbanded bulb and as 20:27 attack oh yeah this guy's got 30 so it looks like there's a a big variety of stats for a lot of the enemy troops as well so not everybody's the same who almost forgot about this spot here this is the holy military base it's usually not occupied but there's a few weapons in here we can grab and we need weapons of course so ruined holy outpost right over here it's a really good good spot to check out we want to get some basic weapons at the beginning of the game we've got a flesh cleaver let's drop our iron sticks and pick up all this see what else we have here oh yeah horse chopper oh hold on there's a better flesh cleaver over here there you go all right you just got a cleaver will give cannon a mercenary Club I think I'll go with a cleaver as well well you got a ninja blade take that too let's see what else let's steal paladin this might we might be all rockin oh wait blade let's give arrow the ninja blade and solicit paladin we'll give him a give him a cleaver - I really like cleavers cuz it like hacks off their limbs makes people crawl around on the ground it's it's fun to watch okay good enough everybody's got a new weapon now all we got to do is make it to the hub in one piece we've made it to the hub and we are here at one piece think thankfully I've got a pacifier from the hounds roaming around let's see where's the bar at this time here it is look at that ninja guard a 74 attack well this guy's a hundred attack whoa mercenaries are around 40 to 70 Oh 40 to 80 okay nice it was a guy we could probably recruit to all right so I think what we're gonna do here is sell what we have to the barb and see how much money we have if you can we can join the shinobi thieves and get us a little training but let's just see how much money we make we also need to get some food that's gonna be a priority here for us but we did pick up a skeleton muscle the price markup is 91% not very good but I'm gonna sell it anyway because we really just need as much money as possible at this time so let's get rid of all these steel bars iron plates cannon you can get rid of the iron stick armor plating we don't need will keep the fabrics those are always handy and let's see that puts us up to 6.6 thousand okay so we're definitely gonna need some more cash but we're pretty close I mean we'll be able to join the shinobi thieves very soon we are gonna have to buy some food let me just grab some dried meat and should I get some bread hey let me get some bread let's get everybody fed if we can't okay got everybody fed here so let's see we're down to fifty four hundred that's all right I think the first order of business then will be to just do some mining I guess so that we can join the shinobi thieves that way we can get some training but also they'll help us out too but it really won't take long to mine we could bind this stone this rock right here yeah we got to get some equipment cuz we're just gonna get destroyed by uh some of the enemies in this game so we're gonna have to play this a little bit smarter than I've done in the past where we've kind of like just rushed right in started charging at everybody and it doesn't matter if you got beat up cuz you you'd eventually get up this time we definitely aren't going to get up with the bleed rate of four so let's just get everybody mining over here let's see if we can put three on this one and I think there's another one down here probably oh here's one over here so we combined this four iron all right well well everybody's mining I'll just grab all of the ore and sell it and I'll be the guy that runs back and forth we've got some slave mongers over here a lot of them we're gonna have to be careful there's no way we're gonna beat these guys early on look at these 45 attack 13:36 and even the bone dogs are stronger so yeah we're gonna have to be careful we definitely don't want to get knocked out in front of those guys okay hold on somebody's attacking GBS over here hungry bandits okay we got to move [Music] Ron Jebus oh [ __ ] run man okay they're coming in let's get them inside and we'll see if we can beat them up here yet just lead them in come on Jesus keep going man oh [ __ ] there's a lot of them holy crap okay yeah we're gonna need the ninja guards over here helping us out we're gonna get our asses kicked oh no is that a oh that's a mercenary okay watch Jebus all right everybody get in the bar are you guys walking slow alright who's attacking here okay that's a mercenary heavy wanted to get a little bit further in just keep going keep going all right let's attack and hopefully we survive this oh nice strike ok Jebus is down already look at that oh my god all right we got the ninja the ninja cars helping to achieve is fighting from the ground oh come on pluck that arrows down cannons still up though ok there we go arrows fighting from the grounds going after this chick get her oh nice straight from behind oh nice that was a swing and a miss okay now you stop bad guys all right hold on let's go medic hopefully we have come here cannon heal up celestial [Music] well they kill this guy oh he bleed it out okay one thing we could do is sell all of their their stuff though alright cannon is gonna need some help look at that so that's what the bleed rate look at that everybody's dying you could see like I just would fly it good job all right era wants you loot all the weapons here yeah these these weapons sell for a decent amount so it's good to take the iron clubs if you can not even gonna take the yeah actually we will take their armor at least their rag shirts it's better than nothing all right everybody's healed up good Jebus pick up celestial before somebody gets a bad eye it's the wrong idea and strides to enslave him it always got to be mindful of the man hunters who always seemed to like just appear out of nowhere and take your guys to jail or to work in the mines hell yeah we got to make enough money here [Music] grab a shirt Jebus and it's less still needs a shirt too [Music] there we go all right everybody's got a shirt look at all these weapons well this was a giant bloodbath but we made some money we're up to 6700 I got a couple weapons I could sell still [Music] we should probably not go with cleavers though these are nice against humans though yeah the weight isn't that bad on them I think we'll keep everybody with those cleavers instead of going the traditional route of a horse chopper let's get rid of it all right so we've taken care of our food problem for the beat for the time being we are low losing a couple of our stats though so we definitely want to keep fed what I think now what we're gonna have to do is gonna have to heal up yeah everybody's wounded see did we get any gaining these stats on that let's see we got some a couple strengths couple decks nothing not even that good of a toughness all right I'll have to just put these guys to rest here it's only 50 at the hub costs of 50 so everybody can just take a nap won't cost us too much to heal I've added a new person on to the clan dude pilgrim welcome aboard man another person from my discord server we need as many people as we can get I really like hives now that you can actually get a chest piece for them they're not as bad as they used to be so I definitely want to get all the races though we'll get some skeletons a little bit later but high vers are really good for if you want to do like some speed you know traveling some stealth action they're definitely really good for that the fastest runners in the game so if you give them what robotic limbs they're just like insanely fast so I really like having all the races check especially two because they're just more beastly and they last longer in a fight the same with skeletons skeletons last the longest all right we're all healed up here and one thing I forgot is that we have a skeleton repair kit that we can use and sell it for 4,800 and that'll get us close to most of 10,000 let's just see how much we'll be at is it's gonna be close ah shopkeeper can't afford it okay damn oh shoot okay we're gonna have to go south a little bit here to the next town and sell this thing maybe get into a couple more battles and we'll have enough to join the shinobi thieves so we can come back here a little bit later so we are six strong now really don't have any protection armor wise but we'll just have to oh dude pilgrim come here man sorry bad I forgot you I was gonna leave him there we go alright now we can continue on all right we're gonna head south to just Quinn see what's going on down there if we get really lucky maybe we can lead some bandits into the town so that way we can sell some of their gear and just make a quick buck so if you're new to this game the shinobi thieves are basically a guild of Thieves that are in different talents that you visit throughout the the game and though they will help you out if they see you knocked out they'll come to your aid if you're allied with them it costs ten thousand gold to join the guild and then you can use their services in their towers like their training dummies you can practice lick pick locking or lock-picking rather and they're really just a good Ally to have in the game and they don't really require you to do anything some of the other allies you know they want you to you know take out a you know swear fealty to them and then you kind of like have repercussions with other factions so the shinobi thieves are good because you don't really lose any faction reputation with other I'll with other groups just for being their ally dan look at this hundred garden has a hundred and ten attack Hill [ __ ] well Wow look at that these guys are insane [Music] all right let's see here we just go in here see if I could sell the lot a skeleton repair kit how much Danny doesn't even have enough to afford it all right let me go into the shop over here weapons shop all right that puts us up to 8300 I'm gonna sell the book - I don't need that right now we'll buy a bunch of those later of course we're not gonna find really good weapons here to buy we're gonna find well they have good weapons but they're mostly heavy weapons the Scheck race they're a fan of two handers and two handers are definitely not a weapon that we want to use at the beginning of the game they're really slow to swing you've got to have a lot of strength and decks to wield a two-handed weapon very good so gonna avoid that for now [Music] I wonder if anybody will know I'm gonna break in not skilled enough that's why we got to join the shinobi thieves so we can get our lock-picking higher so that we can try to attempt to block fake stuff I'm gonna buy a couple med kits here just make sure everybody's got a decent one on them and we'll probably need a splint kit - which doesn't go there there's a couple you buy a couple splint kits you're gonna lose some cash here but we got to be able to repair ourselves and heal oh there's some dust bandits right here hopefully they're they're not stupid enough to attack us in town where are they we should wait until they leave town and attack them and lead them back to the gates but I don't know the it doesn't look like the Scheck are at war with these guys right now Oh keep an eye on them let's let's see I think we can go into this building this is the police station yeah we could go up here and train and I don't think they minds oh you touch my equipment you die outsider yeah I guess you can't anymore huh you used to be able to what it looks like they might have changed that in the final release well we might be able to do it an ad mag if we can make it down there there's a really good spot we can get some loot but you know what I want to try and get fight these bandits so let's go up here oh there's more of them Wow they're everywhere let's see if we could pick a fight with these guys and lead them back into the gates and see if the see if the sheykh helpless this might not be a good idea we'll see all right we're gonna attack a couple if maybe we could fight like a couple of them without the entire group you might have a [ __ ] oh here they come alright let's go get in there oh [ __ ] they just killed that guy in one hit Wow I love the enthusiasm arrow but come back a little bit wait wait oh I want to loot that guy okay hold on Jesus they are just destroying these bandits let's take all their gear don't need these rags anymore not gonna take actually I will take the boots Silla Wow look at that we're getting some free stuff can and grab the crossbow alright let's just get in this go fight him that guy is beaten candid up from the ground oh gee be swerved behind Oh chop his legs off oh there it is nice there we go free hits on him nice alright Ludum first salute him real quick alright we looted all of these bandits we've got ourselves all of their equipment which really isn't that good but at the same time it's gonna get our strength up while we use it and kind of run around with it looks like we took a little beating here with dude pilgrim but we're gonna head back to town yeah oh wait hold on dust bandit he's back wait a minute everybody on this guy I can't take him alone oh this guy might beat us all single handedly naked with martial arts oh nice it okay oh yes to fight them all there you go stay on him so five people can attack at one time which makes things super difficult for like one verse five fighting there's a lot of stuff going on over here see if we can work on our stealth oh we're at it this is the best I really liked the spot to stealth because it's you can look at like look through the whole town and you can just click from one point to another so you can just literally just have them stealth through town and they'll get skill pretty much the entire way look at that we're already at nine we go fast you can see it going up and then you just keep clicking back and the cool thing is the developers looks like they've added real-time stats on this page because before you had to actually click off and click back on to see the stats update but now you can see it in real time like how fast are gaining the skill and our high vers gain a bonus to stealth so they'll gain it really fast compared to our compared to human or check we're definitely gonna need some high stealth well it's now morning I've been doing some stealth action around town for a little while and trying to get our stealth up just kind of going back and forth this isn't the best way to get your stealth up but it will get it up pretty quickly at the very beginning of the game just kind of running through town the way stealth works or the way any skill works pretty much is that what whatever you're doing if you're doing it in front of an enemy an enemy to you that then you're gonna gain your skill faster so instead of since we're these guys aren't our enemy our stealth is going at a slowly pace but if these guys were read to us and we are trying to stealth through them as you can see there's a battle going on here well the people that were fighting in this town while we were trying to stell through that battle through the town our stats were going up really quickly so you can see right like 28 stealth now and it's going up fairly quickly at the very beginning up until you get to like you know 40 and skilled and it starts to slow down but uh not bad I mean we're gonna have a couple of thief's and stealth is just overall good for everybody to kind of avoid you know avoid attacks and avoid people that you don't want to fight we also got our strength up by doing that so we're up to like seven four and and stealth and strength just by running around with this heavier gear which is good because we definitely want to keep our run speed as high as possible a run speed right now is like ten eight yeah it's definitely not good to outrun anything now that the shops are open we can go in here and sell whatever we have and maybe we can get ourselves some new equipment I don't know it's the mercenary leather armors like 2,800 shoddy played jacket though is only a thousand and I've got a bunch of different mods too so we've got some different looking gear that we can get [Music] Canon also has a skeleton repair kit so we can sell that and now we're up to 14,000 if we just need 10 to join the shinobi thieves perfect [Music] I'm not going to spend any money on gear yet I think we should join the shinobi thieves first of all and they also probably have better gear that we can buy because the shinobi thieves one good thing about them is that they have a offense where you can buy gear from and sometimes you can get a really good gear for half the price that it normally costs cuz it's like a 50% reduction so we'll check that out and see you maybe outfit maybe one or two guys with some better gear there's a really good spot to the West that I like to go in every playthrough at the very beginning of the game is it's kind of like right over here to the west of Swing but there's usually a bunch of loot that you can find like some heavy weapons and there's a chainmail chest there that you can get some really decent gear starting out that you can sell and make some money that way so I like to frequently or at least once at the beginning of the game hit this little ruin up and then head west to ad mag and sell it but we want to get a run speed up a little bit higher before we attempt that in this playthrough otherwise we are gonna get destroyed got a dust bandit over here who is a slave he's an ex-slave now well let's let's take him out take out the dust bandit this guy has 21 martial arts Oh beating up arrow well guys you get this this guy's in Chains there you go there we go got it [Music] well like the dust bandits we're gonna be at the very beginning of the game their relation to you is is they're not enemies to you but eventually they just start attacking you anyway and you'll end up going negative with relations to them so I just start attacking them whenever I see an advantage I want to join the shinobi theuse all right sign me up boom all right and now these guys are green to us Wow look at these guys 96 attack thief boss has 75 it's insane okay so we don't want to steal from these guys but we can go in here and train on their dummies fortunately they have really weak training dummies for weapons they do have a decent one for assassination which is good let's get let's get arrow over here with this lock-picking though [Music] oh I guess you can't I'll get them over here on this one all right we get Jebus we get myself over here doing some training and we'll switch out get everybody else some training dude pilgrim want you to do some assassination training Kanan won't you do some lock-picking I actually traded with arrow arrow is gonna be our high vers are gonna be our steal our thieves I'm gonna try to just keep high vers as thieves and then and Archer kind of like Archer thief class kind of setup for a lot of them since they're a little bit a little bit weaker you know they can lose their legs really quickly in this game if you're not careful so we kinda have to keep them in the back until they kind of get more toughness and get kind of hardened up a bit a little bit meanwhile well everybody's training let me go down to the trader down here and see if he has anything for sale that we can buy it's got a small thieves backpack so here's our bird rags right here for 15 hunt for 1800 rusty changed shirt drifters boots as well take the drifters boots a dingy rags blueprint should I take the small thieves backpack we really need better one we need the medium-sized I will take the Drifters other pants though for sure oh that's oh they changed the heart protector I'd only have 50% chest protection well I better get the armored rags then I better take those all right not bad but you can get some decent gear in there for 50% off all right Jebus is done let's see he's got five melee attack so when it says max skill level is five that means you can only go up to that limits you I mean you could actually get it higher maybe to six or seven but it's gonna take a really long time not really worth the time to wait all right let's get dude pilgrim over here get him some training he's at two melee attack all right I think we finished training here for the most part I kind of like got everybody a little bit of training and everything so let's just take a quick look here so everybody's up to basically five melee attack four and five melee attack we got some training everybody's got a little bit training and block picking but I spent the most time with Aero getting his lock picking up to 15 so he's got fifteen lock picking stealth is thirty assassination eight and dude pilgrim has a little eleven lock picking ten assassination and then everybody else has a little bit of assassination training except for celestial paladin get him a little training in that but for the most part yeah I mean I think we'll be a little bit better off than we were and this is a good spot you can come in here and rest if you need to you don't have to pay anything since you're allied to the shinobi thieves so I think what we're gonna do now is head out and we're gonna head west like I planned and see if we can make a little bit more money and find some better gear and see if we can actually win a battle I don't think we can win anything at this point we're just with the five attack slots it gets it it's just insane we have to really pick our battles and choose who we want to fight because if we just go and try to charge in a group of hungry bandits I don't think we'll win we could try it though and see we might have to keep somebody in the back just in case we we lose which we probably will one of the best ways to get your strength of at the very beginning of the game is also to not feed yourself because basically if you take a look here at my character he's got incumbrance effective 1.25 so he's getting more encumbered the weaker he gets from from fasting basically starving himself and it does lower your stats of course it makes you weaker in combat but the same time your encumbrance gets higher so you actually gain more strength while you travel a lot faster than you normally would so the more encumbered you are the more strength you'll gain as you travel and that's gonna be important gotta get that strength as high as possible it is risky though trying to do that as we head into more dangerous territory so we're gonna have to like really keep an eye out make sure we don't get caught but with our pants down as you can see though if you hold down alt you can then see items on the ground we've got some rusty chain mail here there's stuff all over the place there's more stuff over here some fragment axes we can sell so there's a little bit of gear oh another reason rusty chain maille usually there's no enemies up here I have seen some skin spiders before all right we got that Oh fabrics take those not sure if I want to take the the two-handed swords I really need to get a different cleaver though or at least get a a backpack so we can carry this stuff the problem with cleavers is that the they don't fit in your inventory and you need to have a backpack too not all the cleavers but some of the longer cleavers they don't fit like the two-handed weapon fragment axis you gotta have the space or use them as a weapon otherwise they won't fit in your normal inventory I am gonna get everybody with one of these to carry i wouldn't recommend trying this though every time i do this i've been lucky but you don't really want to overload yourself like this these weapons are definitely gonna encumber us and it's gonna make things difficult to escape so only do this if you plan on like really keeping an eye out for enemies you can see ad mag isn't that far from this ruin so all we have to do is just kind of run down the hill and walk down the road a little bit but sometimes you run into enemies that just wipe you out hell yeah we got three rusty chain males now that's pretty good three chain males for coming here is there another one no just just some regular alright so yeah we pretty much looted everything we need here okay right now let's just get out of here in one piece got a battle going on over here with some skin spiders Kraus Chozen and they just took out this tech hunter guy damn we're gonna have to try and rescue him that's one way to get your reputation up with other factions is you can heal them and you'll eventually over time get your reputation up with different groups we could try and loop this guy though and take his stuff which I probably will do you got to get to this guy before he before he gets up he's got 43 seconds your arrow everybody else get over here this guy has some really good stuff look at this I'm taking all his gear and look at katana I don't even with the first aid kit though and I'll give him I'll give him the ninja blade I'll take the katana from it that way he has at least something he has a little bit of gear and he can kind of repair himself a little bit I'm thinking the rest of his [ __ ] and then we're gonna we're gonna first aid him there we go got him first dated and he's he's back up and he's none the wiser because he was unconscious so he basically looted him so if you are if you find a guy that's unconscious and you loot him you won't be detected as long as you're committing crime on the left-hand side of the screen goes away before they wake up so yeah we basically just looted that stuff from him really good gear so that's another way to acquire really good stuff in the game without really having to do much and you know I like to give these guys at least a little protection instead of just like looting them dry because you never know when they could heal you later you know they could help you out if you get knocked out at some point so well at least allow him to defend himself we finally made it to advic we're right outside the gates let's go in I think we've earned ourselves a rest so we got to get some food to starving [Music] Oh show them your gear at least the the sheykh aren't they don't try to like scam you you go to United cities they scam you as you enter the gates a lot of the time we might also be able to use the stuff in the police station up here to get her skill higher and do some training we'll have to see if they fixed it [Music] well yeah we've got some weapons we can sell we're at three thousand eight we can get another person on board I want to get at least our numbers up to ten I feel good about our survivability then right now we're just kind of like taking things slow and being really stealthy so we've managed to kind of avoid a lot of patrols and enemies so far and we're doing pretty good so if you guys want to see more kimchi in the future and you want to see more of this series don't forget to subscribe so you don't miss any new episodes and I'll see you guys again next time take care
Channel: Aviticus Dragon
Views: 79,317
Rating: 4.9496717 out of 5
Keywords: kenshi, kenshi gameplay, kenshi pc gameplay, kenshi sandbox gameplay, kenshi sandbox game, kenshi combat, kenshi episodes, kenshi indie game, kenshi rpg, kenshi aviticus dragon, kenshi game, kenshi pc, kenshi pc game, kenshi thieves, kenshi factions, kenshi hd, kenshi 1080p, kenshi base building, party based rpg, squad based rpg, kenshi lets play, kenshi slavers, kenshi research, lets play kenshi, kenshi survival, kenshi ironman, kenshi end game, kenshi cinematics
Id: gbd18QQqnsY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 54sec (3534 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 03 2019
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