Yeti Plays RIMWORLD | RimWorld Royalty DLC Gameplay part 1 - No Mods

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/CrunchyStorm 📅︎︎ Feb 26 2020 🗫︎ replies
ladies and gentlemen it actually happened Rimmer adopt its first DLC Rimmer old royalty came out of kind of an awkward time though we're old 1.1 came out on the early access type thing and I wouldn't I hadn't started a series on it but as per usual I started a series a bit too soon because this happened so my one point one save is it's still there we're going to just leave it on hold though I think we'll try out this royalty DLC if people really aren't a fan of it we can go back to that save then and just continue the one point one series without the DLC the DLC is somewhat safe compatible but one of the changes is mechanoid towns that can grow and stuff well I don't know about grow but they can certainly exist and I don't think that those work on pre generated worlds also the new faction kind of sorts of works they sort of spawn in a settlement but worlds tend to have more than just the one settlement when I generator rolled with the DLC so it kind of works but not hugely so I think yeah I think we'll we'll keep that safe if people really aren't defended the royalty DLC let me know your thoughts I'm very curious we all will go back to that safe if we need to if people would rather I do that then instead of the royalty stuff but this brings in a whole lot of things just a couple in a nutshell again the mechanoid sort of have towns that just kind of exist and they're dormant by default so you have to attack them to really initiate it but you get time to plan a bow and I assume they got some really cool things and stuff in there um to make it like usually worth her while and obviously a royalty system so there are higher royalty people than others but the fancier they are the more they demand and require like they could just refuse to eat simple meals and such and they they have to have things like milk and berries and you have to hand feed them grapes on their throne room and all sorts of crazy stuff like that to be a bit of a pain but if it's anything like the war fortress when they start to get too annoying we just well an accident happens and well she said I'd man I have no idea I don't know why that caved in behind them and locked him in there with a bunch of mechanoids she's what bad luck so I don't we'll see well check it out let me know but we'll fly into this well we'll get caught up pretty quickly the 1.1 series wasn't very far along so we can quite quickly with a bit of editing get really caught up fast so I'm going to go ahead and do that and let me know what you guys think if you'd really rather I do the 1.1 series without the royalty dlc let me know because that save still exists I'm starting out my custom a crash-landed 5 type thing but because I think the games a little bit better when you start with just more than three people three people is a various little start a five I believe kitchen became quite a lot faster and it's just the same thing as crash-landed but just scaled up a little bit we have a mace than just a bit more of the rest of the stuff to compensate for the fact that we've got more people around I think it just helps you get into it a lot more I think removes a lot more interesting with more people so we're gonna go ahead and do that Kassandra class again medium reload anytime as per usual though I will be abiding by the rules of commitment note for recording reasons I have to have the reloaded anytime boat on though if I forget to record or I accidentally wrote some raw footage that I shouldn't have removed because it wasn't edited yet and a whole plethora of things can't happen they shouldn't they usually won't but sometimes they can sometimes they do and they need to be able to do reload anytime to be able to like you know fix continuity and all that so that's that but whatever happens happens if everybody dies and stuff and and everybody dies and stuff and we're going medium difficulty because I really don't want to do kill zones I really don't I don't want a wall in the whole colony the game kind of demands it though but I feel like an medium it's a little more forgiving if you don't do that straightaway so we're going for that the seat is Yeti how are you we're going with a 100% globe coverage overall rainfall temperature population all that stuff normal because it doesn't really need to be too fancy the globe coverage 100 because I like having a full world there is a new ending to the game though so while the hundred-percent globe coverage makes the ship escape a little more difficult the new ending might not care I don't know though for certain I haven't looked into the details of it we get a quest at some point that teaches us how to do all that so we'll go from there and you can already see the new faction with a sort of Roman looking pillar type deal we've got the refugee Dominion it's a shattered Empire I don't really know the story behind them but from what I can tell there are a lot of nobles and people with like really super fancy equipment I don't know if they all have super fancy equipment or officious like the king of Queen's Guard basically that has that but they're very much a classical monarchy type deal going on the higher rank people have more strict requirements and demand more of you and they've got like a cool thing where you can basically pay tribute to people that come by regularly just offloading effectively slaves and prisoners and all that depending on the quality of them gives you more or less reputation with these guys and the higher rep you have I think that better chances of maybe getting somebody of cool ranking a royal title I don't know they also refuse to tribute anyone who lacks the appropriate royal title so like trading care requires a knight / Dame night / day night / day my I don't know if they're all night / James seems like they're all night / Dame okay so that's the thing we have to be a knight or a dame to be able to trade with them well is she quests and we can get the get the stuff with that and if we get somebody really fancy we can call them support and reinforcements and they come in with crash pots and their gear is insane really significantly good stuff like they're kind of there they're pretty much endgame so I don't know how much will actually do early on with these guys but we'll see we will see it's not the most interesting terrains but there's not a whole lot of to choose from while still being geared by other people so we're gonna go ahead and hit this temperate forest it's mountainous it's got marble and granite which is quite good the growing period is quite long the temperatures pretty okay it's really not that terrible of a spot I'm generally happy with it and things aren't nearby so we've got these guys that are just point seven five days away these dudes - ray just one point eleven days away them - ray two point four six days away another group of these dudes one point six five days away one point six nine but it's not terrible and I think we're far enough it wants to meet you like four tiles away from people so I think that'll be okay we will go with a 275 by 275 just a larger medium and let's go yep it's happy with that nice got a dude who can come in with a mine screw in flex continuous paint on the user used by some authorities as a long-term punishment some even install them voluntarily as a demonstration of ideological or religious devotion yes plus twenty percent pain all the time and it's pretty flammable what the hell she's unreal you're all so frail yeah yeah yuck no no times this one's got a drill arm mining speed plus 180 percent plus a hundred eighty percent you're almost then three times faster at mining but only 50% efficiency so you kind of break a lot of stuff that you're mine but holy [ __ ] that that's pretty good can I like take this off and sell it maybe market value only for twenty five make it out of the machining table may have you got to take a look at the machining table at some point can also just reel into dudes great awesome you've got a venom talent on your left middle finger I want the story on this a retractable fingered salan I'd like that imagine somebody's like flipping you the bird in the middle just slowly Rises out from a socket inside the palm grate a retractable finger talent connected to a venom pump in the lower arm the user can scratch an enemy at while squirting venom into the wound the town is designed to be installed on the middle finger it belongs there interesting ok sure it's another machining civil thing only 210 all right vadym talent toxic scratch 8.2 damage 2 seconds per attack okay Wow interesting really interesting I kind of want to make a whole a whole village of just savage cannibalistic people who use venom talents to cut down and bring down their prey considering 1.1 never really made it very far I'm just bringing you the names from before if you're interested in your name in-game it is a patron reward $5 or more per month gives you a chance for a name in-game so these are all patreon supporters that I'm using here so if you're leaving a comment wondering how to get your name in game if that's how but these are just the people from 1.1 because we had a very short run and while that runs not necessarily over I feel it unfair just to leave them behind in the dust as we move on but we have da six you do not do intellectual or artistic things you're into drugs you were a body fairs and you're saying Green which is quite good I really like sanguine it is just a constant 12 mood plus so very low expectations to the initial optimism you are sky high with mood that's really nice you're generally just like a shootie buildi crafty guy I don't know daddy Lauder you are also chemical interest character shooter but a night owl so you're kind of a strange night hunter type deal it's a bit odd you do also have a scratch scar on your arm that reduces efficiency a bit so your shooting is a bit reduced from that but it doesn't cause pain and comfrey there kind of offsets I your accuracy is actually pretty phenomenal but considering you'd be doing the hunting at night when things are laying down there quote-unquote prone so they're really hard to hit I don't know how that'll work at all we'll see we've got Lu you don't do violence you were a nudist jogger who's also interested in drugs I don't know they're really into drugs bored of the general a colony herbalist he do the plant work the cooking and the medical stuff well that was quite ok Xion transhumanists jealous annoyingly and gay you do moles I think I've got you mostly set for mining now construction then mining a little bit research if there's not a whole lot else you're interested in just about everything which is quite good typically you don't have that with the older people and rocket the Vash bear we've got set for also kind of sort of mining a little bit and a decent amount of social chemical fascination yet again under grounder and super immune which is always a nice one you gain the immunity super quickly so I don't really have to worry about you being sick at all which is really nice I've got a lot of stuff set up and queued up I changed the the restrictions you allow zones we've got a really nasty cave system up here with the game set of the said caves it was not lying there are three dormant hives so I've got this whole area on lockdown like don't go up there at all whatsoever we all just build off to the side here a little bit a nice storage area for everything a line of bedrooms a dining kitchen a freezer area type thing set up which I need to still a couple more doors here we are just for easier access and all that that'll all be done later on though for the moment you can work on the table and a few chairs so we have somewhere to eat after we sleep which is also queued up doing this out of largely steel because there's a massive lump of steel here also cutting up some of the power growing we've got to going outside coid strawberries rice we got cotton we got a little bit of hops and a little bit of hay grass so I could I might need to expand a little bit I'm not sure but hopefully strawberries strawberries always a nice cool thing strawberries themselves also are okay for some nobility and rice just to get something up quick and fast and we'll do a little bit of hunting and clearing out we do have a bear more steel more meals up here next to some compacted machinery like it's not a bad map it's just this massive cave systems really do me there is a very slight chance that somebody could come in from the north and maybe help clear some of it out I don't know this one's this one's a pain there's this one I have to do and there's not a really cool sniping angle at all but I don't know how that goes maybe just like get grenades and just frag out I don't know yeah let's get on with it gown some cool vases here steel urns they've got a little bit of beauty to them just five it's not great but I've cleaned them I've uninstalled them we're gonna haul them up and we'll see it could be something that is just sell because it is cool furniture it could be something I just put in two bedrooms also just spice it up a little bit now thanks you Wilde and I don't know if we can generally make these ourselves there we'll send a build copy type thing maybe Ida crafting bench we can do errands nowadays no I do work to build line look at the colony working together getting the storage area built oh my god so good couple supports I don't really need this one but just for symmetry I'm building it steel columns just to help hold up the roof because otherwise it's a little bit too big I think I never know for certain if the tree is out of there to finish up the roof then we can finish hauling in the stuff because there's a whole lot of it I think we'll just have the colony just everybody working together doing that a wood floor already going in we've got some concrete queued up to go in as well that'll be forbidden though for now waiting for more steel being - I could do vosch bears very quickly doing quite good farms everything looks done they're looking good cut some of the wall here just because the it makes really good like defense and stuff like that against attackers will have to clear out a lot of the trees and get the trunks out of here still I have a chunk stockpile going on up here [Music] we'll see when the time comes we still have a little while for that there's other stuff I'd rather get done first using these sorry trim as a makeshift workshop as well so we can get a little bit of research going on currently researching batteries since I'm going with wind power and then also the wooden stonecutter staple so we can start getting some stone blocks going and we will probably turn this into a little battery room because it looks like it's turning into a fairly nice shape for that could also maybe be a prison I don't have a prison yet Xion your rooms looking pretty okay you're the jealous one so I gave you an urn and I've actually gettin the dresser and end table in there too because your beds comfort was actually didn't really need it that's a good bet well she it aren't she was special so you didn't really need that at all but your room is absolutely better than everybody else is just one awful 12 awful 25 dull awesome the wooden dresser and then tables nice to get it up over a threshold I don't know if 9 5 is another comfort threshold or not it looks like it could be maybe just 0.9 actually so one of these you didn't really need but out well actually quite a few good beds - that's really nice good work when seven five comfort I think we'll reinstall the end table and then build a dresser here for you get you both up and over a threshold for comfort because the comfort bonus that you get lost for a pretty good while throughout the day I'd like to do that we're starting work a little bit on the road and the walls for the eating area and everything because we've caught up with everything else but a stone cuttings happening research ought to be happening that is after a construction and mining I see so you'll do it after mining you'll also do it after mining you're actually a much better miner let's switch that around construct that mine and then research and rock hit the bus bear we'll have just do research than mine if there's nothing so - wish there will always be something so so go do that pulling some steel along the way perfect I love it thank you oh that's so good because the sooner you get that that done the sooner we can do batteries awesome going pretty smoothly so far I think rest the chunks out of here quick bias hell was that oh it's just music generally okay I thought it was the sound effect for a fancy letter an archer from the pact of Mara raha is visiting the colony his named kebab uh scam and Abu otros is in tight if you items of trade shirt cab a cab a bus come what the [ __ ] name is this what I said what are you alright welcome like I guess a few items to trade and ever even got the silver hauled there's still some stuff out here I got a hall I forgot to keep up a bunch of hauling with a colony after the stir chair was actually done so let me do that real fast the sky has come by with for her Bob Edison 45 pemmican and 176 silver I don't hugely care like at all actually so canceled feel free to stay maybe even gift me something that'd be kind of cool but I'm not interested in trading at all cuz I can deconstruct that stuff sure what ground we got there marble flagstone I'll rip that out marbles cool what's available these soft prate or well here we are news Rose Passos a pray to her from the refugee Dominion is calling from nearby being followed by an angry snow hair Oh No he says he only wanted to see the landscape on a quick walk and never expected such a deadly threat oh no I suppose it is basically a white rabbit I suppose wants me to keep him safe at colony for a few hours until his shuttle can come pick him up promises not to be offended by her body odors or lack of manners Oh boost ow eight royal favor on whoever accepts this quest this is enough favor to receive the royal title of yeoman and all the benefits that come with it including a psychic amplifier that gives psychic abilities be warned these soils tend to become haughty and needy so I think you always get a quest like this at the start I'm kind of curious what happens if I give a nudists the title because eventually they want like royal clothing and everything like that but if your are noticed I don't think you'd need the Royal clothing so I think I do that we'll accept it with Lu why mo a news Roast joints however we can't do anything with them at all well okay I can control them I guess I am stunned blinding pulse back in and smoke pop okay sky-high expectations I should be made very comfortable here zero underground er outdoors minus three you got a psychic amplifier Forex psychic entropy limit times sixty percent sand should be recovery rate plus times five hundred fifty percent I don't know anything about that I can't attack you but every time we attack them and hurt them the these dudes hate us a lot more and I really don't want to be rated by them right now because they're very scary but cool so you you've got that these are your abilities in everything nice nice you aren't you're not like super fancy and stuff though like you don't refuse to do a bunch of work which is quite cool it Deportes on a shuttle in three hours so it won't be a very long while that you're here but okay come on in I guess you're out of psychic entropy so the can cause serious health consequences including a long term psychic breakdown and even brain damage for significant overages the higher over-limit the entropy is the more dangerous the effects okay I guess we'll turn that off there's the angry snow hair which I'm pretty sure you would have been able to handle but okay but that's fine it's whatever well I don't ah sings and Betty loader I'll take care of it for you coming up this left way I feel like it'll go after can bust a cam though and maybe they can take care of it for me and can you do that and yeah handle it he's he totally unaware got right out from behind the bush come on man just take it out it's it's a rabbit stunt locked it you destroyed a paw you got it it's dead all done well we'll go I think that's that thank you don't don't die oh your self tenting well good Anya I'm glad they can self tent that's awesome like you did a really terrible job with the pillars you're not gonna bleed out it's a nipped torso I think you'll manage no acceptable food ah okay so you do have some fancy requirement hey you're helping me build awesome food requirements no food available satisfies these requirements right so yeah you would only want lavish or fine meals alternatively instruct gently milk berries and chocolate but I'm planting berries so down the road that'll be an okay thing for them if they can get some book producing animals that'd be nice too but they eventually get to be like needing the really fancy clothing and everything like that Royall vest royal robe just general cloth pants a sigh focus shirt increases the entropy recovery rate so like what you toggle this on and you grow entropy then and then you can you can then use these things I guess or no these these okay these these are what create the entropy I see so you can't just like spam these things constantly gotcha okay got it I understand uh it'd go down for that hair but man it's so far away I think we will start hunting some Buffalo subtle living in 18 hours shuttle arrived well the following people are items onto the shuttle before it leaves oh there it is nice yeah yeah go go go go get in there thankfully you didn't land like right next to the the insects and stuff like that that'd be awful what a nice little thing bang and and there we are a psychic amplifier was completed Lou is a yeoman and a freeholder title of freeholder and also the title of The Omen you're allowed to use a psychic amplifier you receive it if she dies his title will be inherited by Debbie Lauder then a new heir can be chosen by contacting the refugee Dominion through a comms Council all right well grats Lou congratulations yeah yeoman nice next title as Esquire costs six sure yeah so freeholder is just having any favor at all whatsoever got it okay nice you don't really have anything fancy so that's cool I guess we can give you this psychic manipulator thing install it is it is it easy to install do you put it in the air yeah okay reached psychic amplifier level one it has automatically learned the sigh cast stun can you do that if you're incapable of violence yeah yeah you can ah and you've gained a little bit of entropy alright okay did an aggro nice well it's like really [ __ ] is basically magic which is kind of weird it's a bit strange it doesn't melt very well with rimworld but it is certainly a cool thing because I know that remotes that added spells and everything like that and they got really overpowered I think there's a Star Wars mod type thing that added some Star Wars powers to it but those were so hugely exploitable like all my god I'm okay with it though I think yeah get rid of get rid of these plants so we can finish doing the kind of a place we have so much to do still I got the coolers off in the corner because it'll be a little harder to attack I remember attackers always going for coolers and stuff first so we'll surround it with some bread a wall I've already told them not to have the roof here so the exhaust can still do its thing and they're decently protected so I don't have to worry about his hackers just like hugging this mountain wall and [ __ ] those up all the time trying to think ahead trying to be a little bit better about all this again I don't remember everything it's been so long but I I am it does coming back to me [Music] so apparently donkeys are a really cool thing to have people were telling me about like you don't have to worry about them eventually not being yeah it tamed or whatever because their wildness is so low and everything like that like they're really easy to tame they they don't really require a whole whole lot like they're pretty simple just basic hauling animals I got four of them here so I guess we can I don't I don't yet have hay grass but I imagine they're okay I'll just eating like standard grass and stuff like that so we'll go for a bit of taming and see if we can scrounge up something to try to tame them with I think there were some berries around somewhere there is a lot more stuff to research also like a bunch of it I'm not sure what the zero of one is here they're available via trade and costs I can like they teach me how to do that stuff I guess okay okay sure I mean there's there's a bunch of stuff over there like holy [ __ ] it gets pretty wild I'm gonna go ahead and go for a quickly cycloid brewing so we can get that done and then we'll go ahead and do probably the microelectronics basics to get that going I don't really care about the name that'll work so batteries are done I got Zion set to mine and then constructed out just so we catch up with that a little bit faster because otherwise we were doing we were not really mining very much at all and so we were out of materials and then you go in mine a little bit and then you do a little bit of construction and heatwave I feel like you always get these things like within a week that's at the start okay well we all do [Music] a bit of mining [Music] something like that just a wood door vents into these rooms I'd like to have one there but then we'll build a couple passive coolers in here will vent into the bedrooms that'll be that build a passive cooler just the one I guess convince you guys and have a passive cooler and then a probably too passive coolers in here it's a very large area but I think I'll just go with the one and we'll see about just doing the wood wall make that simple see how that goes and built copy now six we need these vents done like basically right away we need Zion building a roof get the walls and door done and then we're kind of passive cooler Lou deliver to a passive killer get it ready we're out of wood no we're not it's all just reserved right yeah okay was always it was all reserved Zion Zion crapped it all up I guess I needed to chop some wood anyway a lot of the thing with the chop wood is it marks a lot of trees that really aren't very well grown like 40% grow and I'm not gonna get a lot of wood out of that but I won't they need to go anyway they're they're kind of in the way maybe cancel those will chop the ones down here a bit more cuz attackers of be using that will get it Bostick's doing some event work work on these first please because we got a passive killer up it's currently doing nothing I wasn't intending on doing this right away I left a bit of room on the mound wall specifically for this just to be safe event Alex sleeping okay gesso doesn't really need to be vented either we could just leave it open well no because then it's a word dorm thing in it yeah go ahead and finish these up there is that Oh is that okay 39c out holy [ __ ] keeping these rooms below 30 C so that's good I need another pass of color those the thing the constructing slate columns can you can you plant cut it all I'll lose the plant cutter it's the plant cutter who's got weird priorities with a what's the price you'd actually plant it all those I completely figure out to do that cook then plant cut then grow how about I you're awake enough call me it will be alright thirty see up here with Rekha at the wash bay you don't have heat stroke so that's good what are all these needs eight without table had to rebuff da sakes awful bedroom unsightly environment rebuffed by da six chemical desire Cossacks what's going on going on with this we started that [ __ ] tease at damnit not the best hunting in the world with a revolver I might give da six the rifle and then have Betty old or use the rifle and I don't even know if that e letter is okay for hunting like the nighttime things gonna be terrible the right awaits is packed it's attacking still working on the heatwave stuff we're managing though what's Huntsman with the club coming in completely naked cool melees not great alright for you wedding then attacking I think so all right enjoy the heatwave then I guess it's annoying that you try to max range it changing he's bleeding them all out now maybe you're not waiting then attacking maybe you're just straight up coming up here daddy let her come on out no no you are waiting all right where are you what are you what are you doing you're not going after anything in particular just moving around alright take the shot 47 percent snot fantastic that's axle Qaeda bit there you go and the left arm nice changing target going after dedi loader thati loader can't hit don't I have who has the mace yes ions got the mace an arcade the flash birth knife who actually wants you I didn't even look I kind of just assumed I didn't you don't do mining plants crafting medical Elise hauling clean and stuff no no maybe maybe I could somebody get the scandal like he's so quick get him get him get him ah well done that last second bullet with the club destroyed the arm okay well I definitely don't want to no good going guys dagnabbit we'll take him prisoner I suppose working in the battery room as well I got got a lot of stuff going on well trying to get going with all this but at least the heat wave stuff like the two up here it seems to be doing okay ish I need a third one really just the one in this room I really need a second one like all my rooms are so big they're way too big for the passive cooler the passive coolers ridiculous but this is uh it's not that ridiculous we'll take the club I guess we can turn we can turn this into a prison I suppose I don't know this may be like people come by for a tribute and stuff you know I could have stunned him with Lou I got to remember I've got that give him yeah just the basic medicine please nothing too fancy please and thanks and yeah the muffle oh I'm that one that's already down please I think I will have you switch weapons with Daddy let her so you can actually hunt with a rifle killing blow so whenever you're up we'll go ahead and do the switch because I don't think you hunting a night it's gonna be cool there's no matter what weapon you've got and the careful shooter with an got might be all right you ever shoot her with the rifles a little bit too long of an aiming time I think and yeah freezer freezers holding in there I got two of these guys I'm minus one and then this guy and minus 2 just to help push it a bit more below the threshold this guy to pound out a lot of temp to really get it going if it wasn't for this 42 degrees C outside heat wave these two would be on low power all the time I could probably maybe even you on low power so they only use 1/10 of what they normally use while those guys just maintaining the extra cold environments for the doors opening everything because I don't really want to do an airlock it's too big it's too far too ugly I don't want it I don't wanna cut the steel pocket just keeps going this this whole thing and not complaining I need this steel we're actually like out of Steel basically that's all we've got up here just still trying to get like everything cooled off enough the heat away seems to be dying down yeah he weighs over so we can [Music] if you have high enough you old as you can start can do anything I feel like no I feel like no wheel yeah get rid of that wall just get rid of the wall this area we can eventually clean up it's like mind these out to open them up so I can get the the vents moved over cuz that's driving me a little bit nuts and get the granite wall then over here actually yeah mine up all that will build the vent basically just move it over then deconstruct it yeah we got nothing for that I'm pretty sure okay fair enough the the evaporative coolers may as well just stay then they're alpaca alpaca is they're not they're not hurting anything right now I'd like to tame those how's that hay grass doing probably not great from all the [ __ ] donkeys that are coming over huh damned things hanging out eating all my crops but maybe we can try to tame them with rice okay at the posh bear yeah you can well okay yeah handling one for both you and also da six do what oh okay ah you are trying 38% chance with da six our kid the Vash bear 42% chance pretty ok I mean it's a bit of a rice applied that we're using for that but that's ok we hunted the Buffalo we got a bunch of meals side I've got the times for meals being made until we maintain 40 simple meals seems to be going okay the Buffalo I think three Buffalo was enough to do all that and power outage I can probably go for the second turbine I think I will in fact second turbine it's a hundred seal two components we got the steel now the rest of the stuffs looking generally finished up can you please real fast do that vent and then with that steel thank you huntsmen are you doing yield up okay left arm still destroyed what destroyed that anyway Huntsman's liver and torso damaged by die six bullets ion slammed Huntsman with her mace shattering the left arm and wounding the left shoulder well that'd be it zanya [ __ ] it Sion you're too good you're too good sion air van from eastern the Hat barrel is a exotic goods trader oh yeah oh yeah I'll get those exotic animal they've got a cassowary whoa and a boom elope and a way to make everybody turn around Clements you suck at this but my Buffalo's gone mad Oh I can't control it anymore I'm so bad at my job uh we'll just follow him then I guess there's another donkey who are the rest of the donkeys oh we had ganda donkey oh yeah we are both of these donkeys oh I completely missed that two donkeys wheel manager is a new area or animals good job with the donkeys the animals can hang out generally in the middle of everything and out and about near the farm but not on the farm you can also hang out pretty much everywhere out there if you'd like just watch out for the insects they're no bueno
Channel: Yeti AKA ClosetYeti
Views: 125,391
Rating: 4.9064503 out of 5
Keywords: rimworld, rimworld royalty, royalty dlc, rimworld dlc, rimworld new, rimworld gameplay, rimworld royalty gameplay, rimworld mods, rimworld no mods, yeti rimworld, closetyeti, yeti
Id: HxyWiEgGfX4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 37sec (2677 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 25 2020
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