Kenshi Stories | LEGEND OF THE DARK KING - Ep. 1 | Let's Play Kenshi Gameplay

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imprisoned four thousand years betrayed by my own generals left to rust away into nothing now you dare forget about my cage you dare let me go free you might have forgotten but I remember countless armies marched the beat of my drum whole kingdoms turned to dust under my iron fist the continent shook under my heel and in my finest hour when my conquest were to be complete I was betrayed stepped in the back by the what a trust the most you lock me up you away the key I raised my name from the history have not forgot your betrayal war is coming back to these lands war what the world has not seen in the millennia and everyone shall travel to here the dark King has returned you nextly ashes he rises he looks around wherever is he in person for 1,000 genes three captors will pay that you it's time boys armies to go and to lead them to slay all these bars per column finally you [Music] hey guys I'm Coco welcome back to kenchi and welcome to a new candy series as we title it legend of the Dark Lord so we are in the Ashland's right now playing as mr. Dark Lord whatever his name is right away and right away we have been spotted by Legion definitely not something you want to see over here cuz these guys are gonna just wreck us right away and as you can see their stats are in the eighties while our stats are not quite there yet so stealth could be our best option right now to get out of this hellhole as you can might imagine you know out of the Ashland's we have to get if we even want to have a slightest chance of survival in this series so before we do that how about we talk about a couple of ground rules when it comes to this series now if you've been following what I've been posting on my community channel and on this chord and such things then you will know and that you guys can post your backgrounds your stories your character submissions whatever you want to name it and I will be doing a proper cinematic introduction area to your character for every person that joins us in the squad so there's gonna be a template in the description there's gonna be a pin message with that as well just follow that template and submit it on the first episode of the series not anywhere else like some of you already did even though I said it a couple of times don't do it you still did it so just do that and you will be put on the list so of course if you're a patreon supporter you get to be in faster than the rest that's okay so let me talk about a couple of the mods that I'm using over here there's gonna be full model is that will be in the description you guys can download it all from Steam and you'll see old over there but I just want to talk about a couple of special ones so again I do have the realistic body weight mod that makes every character like sixty kilos instead of thirty so it's gonna be much harder for us to escape from tough positions you know just carrying our wounded people out of there and that's one thing of course we are using the stronger group combat that makes every enemy basically in the game much much tougher and stronger and of course harder to deal with there's more people in the squads and I did boost up the amount of squads and global people on the map as well and we'll continue boosting that as we grow as well and also I am using something special this time around it's called kenshi kaizo mod so you might be from the reactive world and living world and all such that I've used before and those mods basically make the world you know quite different react quite differently as some of the major NPCs get often such in case you guys it works in kind of the same way just enriches the whole thing makes it tougher and adds a whole lot of changes there's gonna be you know it's gotta be in the description so go check it out it's really really cool mod am very excited to play with it that's a couple of these and oh yeah I did wanted to say I hope you enjoyed a cinematic intro that we have and I hope you enjoyed the theme song that has been written and performed by fountain shrimp Ella you guys probably seen her play rimworld with me before and you can go and check out her twitch page as well so I think that's mostly it for the introduction airy stuff now let's go into our dark King over here of course if you follow the story he has risen again after a thousand years of imprisonment and he has no idea about all this new world that has changed significantly since you know he was a thing back in the day nobody remembers him even though he is like this evil dark King Lord person nobody knows who he is except of course for Catelyn who has been the one that imprison him so our story is the one of revenge and conquest like he almost conquered the whole world a thousand years ago and nothing is gonna stop him this time around and conquering the whole world as he wanted Baghdad so that's our story as some of you guys said is this just Scouts and only story no no it's not a skeleton only playthrough you guys can submit as any character you wanna be will take Inhumans timers all that kind of stuff of course this guy this main man of course over here has his priorities and he prefers skeleton to other races because he thinks you know the lesser racers races are of course lesser but we'll take them all because the army needs to grow and we need to you know a big army if you want to conquer this dark and terrible world we've been spotted by somebody or something you might seem that our stealth has gone quite way up I don't know where the armored equipment thing is coming from because we don't have anything equipped but it's like plus 20 percent no idea where that is coming from we just have this rusty blade katana and first aid kit that's not gonna help us in the slightest you know this man hits a scallop Roe he doesn't he doesn't need that but our stels has definitely gone way up due to the fact that there's dangerous enemies around and if you're just stealth around he's gonna get up there even though his stats are like - 20 % of his racial xp for stealth but hey we're getting there look at that 18 step ready it's kind of crazy just need to just need to follow some of these Legion guys out here and we gotta bump up there and it's gonna be great now of course he's also very slow we can check out his athletics he's also like at 0.8 when you comes to X berate he is good at fighting he's good at melee combat he's good at all weapon skills he's good at strength and toughness and I believe he's bad at dodge he's bad at any crossbow stuff and he's a good engineer and a good laborer and that's about it the rest is just not so very good oh you know why this is going up so fast because there are these guys sovereign over here as you can see he's a very strong enemy with 80 ATK bounty and a really cool badass katana and he's bodyguard cog who only has a hundred and sixty nine strenght you know nothing major there so we could just dance around here a bit speed it up dance around here and our stealth should go up maybe no okay yeah it's it's going up slowly better thing following the Legion because there were so you know so many of them was actually the better thing but you know what how about we just get out of the Ashland's as we probably should cuz this thing in this this world anything that touches us over here those men he's dead the dark King his story it just ends he has no chance of getting out of here so we probably should try to ensure his survival by doing something stupid like maybe going into one of these domes have been spotted by somebody again who is that that bad boy treasures don't really want to be seen by those if you've not seen this mod these guys can shoot you from a mile away and are very very good at shooting stuff but you get into their melee range and they conquered do much to you so for now we'll just be stuffing around out of here as soon as we can our stealth is going up pretty crazy fast 45 right now I don't know what seizes but I'm getting like constant red arrows from this side oh it might be these guys back here that's really far away if we're getting XP from that stuff let's actually pop in here into into this thing I think there's an amis in here but maybe we can benefit from it that could be potentially good at least if you can get stealth going up it could be kind of sweet but let's uh pause quickly yeah there's there's definitely enemies in here it's a screamer unit they can definitely outrun us and they already see us so maybe not the best idea to be in here although look there's power course CPU units skeletal muscle that's a lot of money if you could stealth pass these guys we could make a bunch of money of course if you can get all the stuff out out of this place which is not gonna be that easy but I wonder if I just stealth around here for a bit something like that and we wait for the night which is gonna be darker who sees us down here somebody probably that trasher again yeah I think we fee do the stealth part over here I'm just gonna just gonna train ourselves a bit then we're gonna see if we can go rob these guys that would be perfect although there's a giant battle going on what do we have Legion are they fighting dogs they're fighting bone walls it seems so Wow I wonder if any of the legion boys are gonna go down we could potentially lude them for some gear although of course it's pretty dangerous actually getting over here no it does look like only doggers went down they are chasing something oh no they're just gonna follow their leader the legion man I like your sword there's no way we could carry out that sword but hey Oh more dogs coming back it doesn't look like any Legion boys went down yeah the wolf then has been wiped out I don't think there's a chance for us to be what I would like to do is grab one of these bodies train some strength like we grab one of those bodies our stealth of course drops to zero pretty much but we might be able to do some training maybe if he steal this does this does Wolfie as you can see our strength right now is a minus one that's just one of the most awful things ever let's see if you can stealth out of here yeah you can see our stealth is crappy right now but our strength should be going up - to actually Jebus that's horrible we do get 50% strength XP right now so I'm just gonna speed us up and we're gonna we're gonna make it back there I would just like to get the strength okay it's saying zero over here - one over here I don't know why it's different I don't know why it might be something because this skeleton this is a moderate skeleton it's IL a m i believe is the model one really really cool-looking skeleton as you can see his head is very special like that so I've really enjoyed that and there's a whole set of mods a whole mod basically that I have with four different moderate skeleton races than I have in there that you can also download them all each you know just separately so if you want to do that as I said they're gonna be in the description you're gonna be able to see them that's gonna be it just need to train our strength a bit so maybe we can actually carry something out of here if we manage to stealth pass these guys and steal something look at that our strength is at one amazing okay I left my trusty wolf back here and I think it's time to go in here we have 65 stealth over here with this bonus don't know where it's coming from of course we have no chance to assassinate these guys these guys have 89 toughness there's nothing we can do but I think since this since it is darkness we do have a chance of getting past them unseen now there's a question there's something in here we need lock-picking for that let's go upstairs because I've seen some stuff there I am Not Afraid of you spotting me I believe in our stealth skills they shall prevail look at that he's definitely prevailing right now and look at that there's a bunch of power course CPU units we can take it we can if you can take this out we can get a lot of money and that'd be perfect alright and of course we are constantly working our stealth skills well stupid unit skeleton muscles we can't carry too much but whatever you can carry it's gonna do great for us let's see we're on 12 out of 17 we don't need the meat we don't need the first aid kit for sure let's see nothing really worth is in here we could take this and maybe unlock something this is three kilos there's something to unlock now there's gonna be anything the research bench alright this is this is like a make or break thing do I don't want to go for that Power Core uh I'm not sure I'm not quite sure I'll definitely like to unlock this metal box but that would mean getting past these three guys which I don't think we're capable of is there anything else upstairs there are some boxes let's actually make it upstairs let's go upstairs there's a bunch of boxes in fact and let's protect it so if you can steal some stuff from here it'd be great CPU unit is can't pick that up huh can't you buddy you could if I drop some stuff but let's let's first go over here and check the sound we can't pick that lock eventually we can't stay here for too long because we don't want to be spotted by anybody or anything because when daylight hits all nice second time it's the charm of books it's not really what I want that's like curtain three reinforce Sabre definitely better than this but much heavier I don't think we can carry it out yeah this already puts us in over encumbered oh a foreign saber now that's a beauty and a mark three triangle beak I would like to have a proper weapon a foreign saber is definitely a beautiful weapon I certainly love that one and it fits on a skeleton playthrough extremely well I will drop this we'll take the CPU unit that brings us to 17 out of 17 and that definitely gives us plenty of money if you want to go out there now there's no CPU and and for that we got to need to drop something so this for Power Core we can get 1500 for this woman we can get 1000 but we either drop off you drop one of these we can get to CPU units in here if you can find another one so I think those are that now we can get one CPU unit in still this is not so bad look at these guys screamer units I would like to stealth past you if that's allowed I want to see if there's something cool in here Oh for that one we would need the tools but you know what that's that's okay yeah for that one as well for this one as well huh well these are well very well locked and we can't carry out any moon cleavers anything you know what this is gonna give us enough money to start recruiting people and at least survive if we can get out of here and we definitely want to get out of here we have to go all the way down stealthy stealthy like you know nobody remembers the dark King but he definitely remembers how to steal stuff from people clearly the humanity has not learned enough to stop him quite yet he is carrying 17 out of 17 so he's not over encumbered right now he can't really run fast because he stealthy but we are not too far away from just getting out of the Ashland's now of course when we get out of the accidents we're not safe yet look at all those iron spiders there we're definitely not safe yet because there's a thousand enemies between us and safety our goal first goal would be going to flat lagoon maybe stopping over here at the anti-slavery as well that could be a potential and then we go for long onwards from there well being out here is not safe either there's huge groups of skin bandits and of course with stronger group combos these guys are very very strong you can see the hair texture would be 90 but yeah or over 90 I guess this point is not so strong that guy is over 90 so crazy crazy tough I've been stuffing around there's been a bunch of Legion Scouts going around here we are out of ass lens but of course we're not safe nowhere near but at least our stealth is going up we're at 78 right now we're not boost so that's a 65 saws right there which is which is great which is really really great as long as we could outrun people that would be amazing but this this character is extremely slow I guess you can run at 16 right now which would be too bad but 16 doesn't really let you out front anything so I wouldn't try a assassination in these guys like if you were a hybrid a very strong a very fast hayver oh there's one of these bad boys than one team to see me if you're a very strong hayver or very fast hiver I will just go try to assassinate there fail oh Jesus these guys might catch up to me fail and then just run away and repeat and our assassination would go up crazy like but for of course in this guy on low lowest M as we named the darking that's that's the name he has given to himself recently because he doesn't really remember his real dark name he was just you know the dark King and that's about it now he's Lou of them nobody knows him but he's gonna start recruiting his army soon just need to get into populated lands it doesn't know where that is it doesn't know anything about this world I mean everything has changed in the last thousands of years but he's gonna learn and when he learns you should be afraid we have finally discovered this thing up here that's the anti-slavery base believe it's called spring but I have seen some solder and drone hiver stuff out here and I am kind of afraid of running into them because those guys those guys will outrun us they will they will destroy us and then ain't nobody here to save us so I just want to sneak around that sneak skill is definitely a very beneficial thing out here if you're just trying to survive trying to get into a more hospitable answer you know maybe something like grey desert go fight some hungry bandits or starving vagrants or whatever they're called there even though in stronger group combat even those guys are much stronger than you when you start but well you gotta get beaten to get stronger am i right that's that's gonna be our tactics soon but first some clothing hopefully so this is gonna be a naked robe and running around anymore and then some allies Annalise would be great finally made it up top we're up here still says unknown oh that's okay but we still have anti slavers over here it's a ranger shop I don't think we want to go ranged ready hopefully these guys will pay well for the stuff I'm bringing them well let's take a look over here I'm guessing these guys gonna have something hello show me what you've got these plans this is all modded stuff this is apparently stolen excuse me give you stolen hey God gives us 15k not exactly amazing but at least it gives us something - I don't know bike loading or something that would that will do and maybe recruit a person or two we gotta have to steal some more stuff or you know kill some enemies sell their skins anything will go anything that we can do Oh also these guys are the dark hive dark Ivor's are just rarer than normal high vers but they are they're cool people like the rest all dude they have they have gear thus code feels appropriate it's cheap for dust coat or ninja racks they actually have the same price but we'll buy a like a standard great thing yeah that's 3k for one of these which one do we want a half like of course this one gives you more bonuses this one gives you more protection in in general man the attack is pretty cool but we have mana defense over here that that would boost our I ran a defense and of course this coat like this fits a scaly boy look at that we're up to 14 Mele defend that's pretty good do you have pants why do you know what half pants I would love to have backpack like that as well but yes right now concrete up for that I think I'll buy it one of the cheaper skin repair kits just because we can um the man in need of help also dark King a lot of good stuff where is everybody today on this fine day hey guys there you go there you go Harvick he's gonna find them beautiful Harvick I don't think I want to fight them cuz like one big hit is gonna send me going somewhere and there's ain't gonna be nobody to heal me so how about we include more guards into this shenanigan and then then I can go find potentially there's a tag that's guy maybe that we can do much to did you just kick him ahead for 53 I'll fight as much as we can all right our toughness should go up and also our attack should go up just as long as La Femme doesn't drop I'm fine with us yeah he's toughness is definitely going up and these guys are gonna get chopped now good stuff good stuff even got some melee attack skill a belief a bunch of men punch him good job is there more there is more hell yeah but these guys these guys are very strong nobody of these tech hunters is probably gonna go down so we come exactly loot them and take their stuff but I mean this is good look at that six melee attack she's pretty good I think they all went down and now we can sell all these clothing and buy clothing you know what I mean how did you lock already to him that's the slight problem I don't want them taking these guys and burning them you know after a long night it is time for lieu of them to move on I still want to get out here too last look good summer out there is there city I did some more training who sees us goats that's okay I did summer training and we got up to nine strength now and our melee attack and defense stayed the same stealth isn't doing that well due to injuries but hey that's okay and we can't carry up to 23 kilos right now so we're at least not over encumbered anymore so whenever we are not injured anymore things should be fine now this is gonna be a tough walk getting out through these ravines cuz anything that comes through here is probably gonna spot us even though we're good and stealthy but it's daytime and even if you hide up there will probably be seen so our best hope is just to get through here nice and easy nice and safe and we do have 20k right now after selling all those skins from the black gorillas so that gives us some money for some potential recruits even though we won't have any gear and any weapons for those potential crews to outfit them but hey that's uh that's a good start I kind of have an idea where I want to go to get my recruits and I will talk more about that when we get there it's not a short or not an easy road to walk but a lot of times gonna get there eventually I believe in him there's a big group of skeleton bandits way ahead of us these guys are in their 60s and 70s when it comes to stats sixties let's say they would of course outrun me as well they can run it 20 but you know I'm just following them hoping that maybe something else is gonna take them out and then maybe we can grab the spoils of war there's the dark King should but looks like these guys are gonna pause these black carrillo so I'm just gonna you know go follow them we are getting closer to the flat Saguna and our next goal but it would be nice if you could bring something with us just you know to sell if nothing else that'd be great stealth isn't really going up any more hazards just following these guys we are up there now so does it really work dad anymore that's well at least I don't think these guys are our enemies quite yet what is more black burritos so those guys might fight each other that'd be great oh yes here we go that's a big fight I'm pretty sure the bandits are gonna win because there's more of them but if there were any of them dropping we could potentially take their gear being seen that's not good potentially taking their gear maybe their swords or something like that I think taking their gear would quite overwhelm us and wouldn't be able to carry anything out of here but looks like they're just gonna destroy the burritos they have the strength numbers unfortunately this is the way it is now yeah my friends we made it to flats that goon nothing's really too dangerous block our path so at least we can hopefully buy some pants over here because they do have a proper armor shop over here so that would be amazing of course lo of him coming over here he's like what is this place when I was I don't know a dark King and I'm making a thousand years ago this was a C or something like that so it's it's all kind of new to him now let's see what we could potentially buy oh look at that they do have hunter jackets this is a modern musing for the first time right now hunter gear actually not seen the stats before okay arm protection is good but the stomach and chest is not so good otherwise pretty solid try that this letter medium armored letter jacket mental plates covering important regions it offers high protection and low e making it ideal for hunt school I've seen mercenaries awareness on my try out attempts now I think we're just gonna buy some standard grade letter pants we do have Nomad pens over here but the the triggers letters are just you know the cheapest and they will offer us some protection you might require and also they fit nicely underneath this this this thing so you know now we have pants we've got those boys we've got pants all right there's Joseph II not a skeleton totally not a skeleton you know talk to him hello I'm Josephine not a skeleton what is it that I human can help you with honest finding your skeleton buddy oh no no no I'm no skeleton you can clearly tell by my name that I am in fact nos health I should be going is he selling something there's rumors sure sell meat oh nice he's caught raw and dried meat good thing those guys not eating oh look at that there's more special boys out here you see you see this robot I like him we're gonna recruit some of those like that if you can get our hands on and I believe we could use more tech hunters over here I'm not gonna hire protection right now I don't think that's exactly what would be in our best interest to spend money on you kind of do need to save that money to get some proper recruits and as I said I do have an idea where I can get proper troops now the model adds this isla em robots and the one with funny bunny ears and some more they do they add recruitable or well recruits recruitable characters in three certain cities that one Ono's is World's End the other one is black there's a city and the third one is more and morn is pretty close to where I am right now so that would be our first destination those characters are like 6k each so not cheap but since that usually they start with like 1820 skills and stats even more but since I don't want to be recruiting tough enemies in fact that is one of the rules that we have in this series is we don't recruit people with like 50 stance even though I do have recruit prisoners will be only accepting people in like maybe up to 10 in skill the rest can go right we are gonna be the ones training them up to high stats high value stats and if they die in the process well so be it this is not gonna be an easy series kind of like our world on fire series this is definitely not made to be easy and I like that I like a challenge so that's what we're doing so those guys I went into the mod details and I changed them to be in stats like 3 - I think highest and it can have like 5 so that has been changed and while we will be paying 6k for each when we recruit them I think this is acceptable I did not change the price I just changed their stance so if you can make it there you'll be able to get ourselves recruits that I want well the whole world is our oyster good thing Morgan isn't far from flat so good in fact it's right there what do we have over here just a bunch of tech hunters going out there all right let them be loo FM has made it out here to born and we'll see if you can get those recruits that I've been talking about potentially now it's important we get here fast because more can get wiped out by big things pretty fast although I believe the mod that we're using can cheat kaizo I think that one adds a bunch more guards over here tomorrow so it doesn't quite happen and I already see our first pitcher could about the top over here oh that's cool yeah you can see oh he's defensive seven the rest are kind of like that so he's Eila em but he's mark three well our character do with them is mark - so I'll be great you guys don't have lights out here huh it's slightly unfortunate hey who are you - hunter guard yes I think he's trying to go sit there Oh guy some twin twin blades diplomatic status ready that's surprising to see over here okay that is indeed surprising to see well done let's go and grab our first recruit out here hello son may I speak to you I am available for hire for six thousand cats deal my son guys I would like you all to welcome Lucy who is stuck right now well good thing we have Lou 'litham to pick you up don't you worry about that Lucy welcome to squad Lucy is one of my good old patreon supporters welcome buddy this squad and let's see gonna make you medic of course bought exposed he actually has discovered for market that's cool and he has a falling son damn son it's not a very good one said another defend Zira attack he does have racial bonuses for a lot of stuff and some malice as well a lot of a lot of stuff ready probably some Alice's over here this is all red stealth is alright okay five strength what's so terrible do see notes with their well your slow of course fifty miles per hour nothing very good there but I think you might see our next recruit there yeah potentially potentially this is another big boy over here as you can see he is a big boy so this one's have been modded to be like actually huge like out of the world actually huge so you should talk to this guy I should see if he can grab him hey son you're also six thousand cats aren't you well buddy you're hired everybody welcome Panzer he is insanely huge and he's Sandy fast I don't know how gears gonna work on him if gear is gonna look extremely weird and bad on this guy we're gonna go and are we gonna fix that and we're gonna make him smaller and less bulky but for now I'm gonna let him be huge so Panzer they're one of my patreon supporters Walters a squad buddy you are Daphne a giant monster let's make you a robotic person now we still have some money left and he actually does have a scanner repair kit as well and he has a heavy JIT a blunt weapon gives you plus eight defense okay that's why you're so good all these guys are good on defense you all have defensive options out here interesting a Panzer I'm guessing is good at attacking defense and then bad at everything he's good at blunt so he's definitely our blood boy good at strength and toughness bad at dexterity yeah field medic and stuff is also kind of bad for him good laboring okay crossbows don't work for him we don't really have stealthy boys out here doing no not ready Panzer let's make you faster yeah we are gonna be so extremely slow with these characters like if you've been watching my last Genesis series well we're pretty much trying to discount out the world there in the Genesis mod that definitely changes a lot of stuff around so we just went in very fast characters very stealthy characters you could just infiltrate everything but that ain't gonna happen around here Oh potential garu are fighting out here what is going on [Music] while guru have apparently tank Kara boys what's wrong with you there's some big things as well well that's money maker for us and if we can keep these tech hunters down we might be able to stealthily infiltrate in this place and stealthily relieve some of these tech hunters of their gear blossom be stealthy dude he's being seen Das Boot I'd be so good well looks like this guy's waking up yeah he's just waking up oh holy just got shot with his friend oh boy he just got shot by his friend did we need to we need to grab the proper thing let's pick up this just got guru you know pick up this Gaara he's like in the wrong place at the wrong time I'm down he's gonna go out a phone consciousness fast enough probably these guys see us there are more people at the wind-down no I was like the only person when how does guy went down who are you all I'm going to take Huntress Oh beakers are back up Lucy you know what fans are Lucy find us good somebody Dell 25 damage drip nice we're gonna take its stuff and sell it for sure we're gonna basically steal all the stuff from these gurus the old eluting and just sell the skins that's gonna make us money enough for more recruits potentially look at that guy's he's actually asking his friend finding and putting in bed all right so nice that's actually cool I mean it's way harder for us to steal stuff from them but I mean they're doing the rescuing part so what can I say that they're actually doing their job looks like there's big thing trouble again that drops more people I think deck hunters might have an issue over here shall we go help them boys let's go let's go help them I said go go go let's thank all the big things let's be useful sad attack oh come on well maybe not maybe not but the big things are Daphne are coming elude them and then we'll hope these guys might forget about one of their friends so we can take him guys say hello to Ray he's got some special here's just well very special boy and all I like him ray is Austin they're one of my patreon supporters so welcome to squad a buddy I didn't noticed that there was a big thing coming way in here well so ray is actually a fast person so for once we have first night that and he has a very crappy repair kit let's make you problematic I guess he also doesn't have a weapon cuz he's a solid martial arts I think you see his men attack and such is bad he strength he's not good but he's Xterra t is higher and I think he's no no he stone but his ratio is higher he's like a bunny guy and he's also a good medic so hopefully he might become our medic maybe our researcher as well potentially look there's more beakers out here there's chillin yeah it looks like they don't have guards out here so that's that's more potential for us what do you say it right let's see if we can get Luis them in here let's see if Lou of them can actually still oh you're right in the edge are you the thing could steal something from it cuz I believe this thing's got some good loot ain't what on a box is potentially upstairs get out of here I don't think he can get out of here now so this is you know spoilers if you haven't even been here but yeah great white gorilla look at these stats now that we have a stronger group common it's pretty crazy pretty freakin crazy we wouldn't really want to find that not look like the edge maybe with a huge-ass Archer squad that might do something for us there's some skeleton muscles out here so that's money that's certainly money I mean everything over here is money just are we getting all of it out be nice if you got something worth selling you know you can't actually sell this stuff here because it was stolen from the great white gorilla and they're like yeah nope I'm taking that this is from our boy great white gorillas don't want that stuff that's that's a big surprise to be honest that is a big surprise now wonder how good is this up to 15 a wonder if they would let us train over here this is like a tech hunter barracks see though of them go swag this thing oh they're actually letting us do this I'll be great oh no they're not there right this guy over here definitely buy buys the stolen stuff so at least we can offload our goods over here at the barkeep that's good I think though I have seen the last Skelly I wanted to recruit he's out here this one is another special one as you can clearly see now oh he's good at martial arts actually nice I don't have a name for him yet cuz only three of my patrons wanted to be in the series and so we'll be grabbing this one but I'll be naming him after we get through all this and wow he is tanned Xterra t really good racial xp4 that not very good at strength though he's bad at hey whupping some blunt but he is definitely very good at martial arts cool the think ray over here is gonna be our healer or doctor well as DMC is gonna be our medic no the other way around race our medic s DMC is gonna be martial artists good stuff but now we do have a squad hell yeah we do have five boys ready to rock and roll out here we've done some overnight training with these guys just carrying the corpses around and everybody got their strength up lue FM is now the highest with 18 strength and we have Lucy at 16 Panzer 13 then ray and are not yet named person our attack so pretty solid but I was hoping these guys any of these guys will get attacked over here no such luck they just you know no nothing came around here and they they are just very nice and healed up in having fun on their own unfortunately that's just the way it is in any case I think we are gonna be done with mourn for a bit all right we have gear for everyone now I bought some pretty much the same pants for everybody everybody's got the same pens but not all them are standard standard great unfortunately we do have Panzer look at this big boy over here he's got the standard grade play jacket I mean he's probably kind of our tanks probably gonna put him on Tong duty he's huge boy ray over here's got shoddy drifters pants and drifters jackets same here for SD MC these guys are both the same I want to keep them fast while Panzer I want to keep him tough now really these two guys can run at 16 little thing can run at 17 and SDM can run at 17 and then Ray is at 20 so ray at least is fast if we need to try outrunning something you know so we're gonna go look around out here and see if there's some blood Raiders or anything like that that we could potentially do some fighting against would be nice getting a range weapon in one of those and in fact I might give it to Ray even though I think he might yeah he's he's not very good at it but still since he's gonna be probably our doctor just you know sitting in the back it might be a good thing to give to him well we found dogs we didn't found Raiders and these dogs gonna eat us alive so definitely don't wanna don't want to play with him at all what are we gonna do was we're gonna jump into water as quickly as we can there's gonna be a lot of hurt over here ray actually went it down raise back up could Panzer just keep on walking dude okay you guys gonna have to stop attacking us there you go we're in the water you can't do anything to us from woke me and you die Wow this man this man okay I think we're going back into the water because they are Daphne coming the augers are definitely coming just just get inside start swimming ray you cross the border over there are you still following me get out of here you can't even attacked me down here in the water just stop it just to stop the dogs go play with somebody else Ray's being chased by land bats now but the land bats are also dealing with these drone guards and that's our opportunity to get some gear I saw they were playing with some up top as well over here and Ray is fast enough to just run away from everything good good yeah there you go it's a katana model or one or model I nice sudden hi of manufacturers Tier one basic weapons okay I'll take it I will take it you can you can carry some or that stuff and there's some I don't think you can wear that you actually can interesting how I've lack plates you can learn that nice I'll still all of your stuff that is gonna make him very over encumbered so what we're gonna do is we're gonna throw down the biggest thing is that as long as it's down on the floor you know we can still come back and pick it up and that's the goal good ray now has a weapon there you go boys come on in yeah you're very slow but also very strong so if you could come down here reduce land bats I'd appreciate that wow man I wish we had a range weapon right now that would be so good that'd be so freakin good you could do a lot raised is being attacked by dogs and every okay good that drone guard is fighting right now perfect perfect success oh [ __ ] I sent him into water again that's not good I didn't even notice that but things that drone guard should go down now I don't think he should stay up for too long because there's just too many enemies and when you're using the stronger group combat do you have the times three attack so I think this should be fine just need to get ray out of here and get back to loot this guy it's gonna be unconscious for a while I think we can swing around here and just outrun all these very slow swimmers we're definitely training these guys in swimming so that's for sure come on ray run around here just swing around where is that guy let's go lure them perfect okay throw this away I know this is all shoddy grade but well that's standard grade that's pretty nice it's pretty neat we're all patched up now but we're almost out of repair kits Panzer is the only one still with some so this ain't gonna be good but hopefully we can sell some of these armor drags potentially that that might give us something Lucy you're gonna be the one carrying does that thing it's like 15 kilos yeah how slow is that gonna make you okay you can you can still run normally good good good still have some more out there that we want to pick up and then I'm gonna go sell and I think we're just gonna have to buy some repair kits we can get almost no money for these things unfortunately we can get yeah I mean that one Elise is 670 that one 700 we could get we can sell one of the katanas they're not exactly amazing you know neither is what we are carrying right now they are better than what we are carrying right now but I don't know any case let's go back well we didn't really make a lot of money but we have stealth in lure them and I was thinking maybe of trying to picking some of these locks see what we can find in there probably he can't steal anything here to find kiss he would be caught right away he's these theories probably I'd like to I don't think we have anybody at that's better than actually s TMC is at 11:00 yeah he has racial bonus for that so maybe maybe uh yeah if you can get Skelton repair cuts that'd be great all nice there is no guard up here right now the guy just went down so definitely gonna be taking all those good stuff and might as well map of the United cities sure I've been training on the ceramic bowels we got up to 29th year right now I would definitely love to take any of these backpacks but they don't really sell well I want to see if we can potentially sell the stuff to that not skeleton guy let's see if you can find him show me is he here is he around does not appear to be around okay let's go find mr. Naro Skelton he's gotta be somewhere in town but he's nice about it oh there's fights going on that's an opportunity for us just River Raptors we're small practice oh they're finding blood Raiders oh yeah we definitely want to get in on that I just need to see if I can unload so my stolen goods somewhere because if you can't well what's really the point right Oh worse than not there's not a skeleton he might he might be okay with buying this stuff do you have meat no he doesn't buy it damn it damn it all right well let's let's still make her way down there down here let's see if you can get into a fight with blood Raiders or something like that that'd be great these guys hold Tech hunters just coming up here yeah they are yeah they are let's see that's that's obliterator in the ground maybe we can piece skinned them or something take their to get paid their stuff would you guys please stop picking up all the blood Raiders and one up I want to steal their stuff right you're probably the fastest get in here get in here right load these guys before everything is taken or before that guy is eaten by that's that's rusted junk is it this is shoddy great I mean we can still make some money on a bat but I guess where's the junk is what it is I can't okay what's this on the ground taught us in the ground maybe we can come pick it up or something rusting blade okay shoddy grade that's also shoddy grade resting blade is far from great anybody can pick up these pants come over here steal their pants there you go throw them on the ground there's a leg over there probably don't want that oh well this this isn't exactly great we can't you can't even take that back and sell it I guess we are all carrying so much garbage that's unfortunate so you know what I'm gonna go sell this they're gonna sell whatever I can you can pick up the hard protector yeah I'm gonna sell what I can not really make much money come back for these backpacks and then with these backpacks we're gonna go I don't know towards the great desert maybe blank desert city I think black doesn't City might be our next stop cuz I know we can find some more recruits there some more robotic recruits actually plenty of them and that would be cool but the fact is we can't really afford them because we'd have to pay final offer each and every one of them so we'll see so we can sell ADIZ but we can sell you that yeah let's sell all of that but sell Duss this rusting blade as well it's a rusting blade okay we don't really want it so yeah I think our Negus goal will be going towards the black desert city finding whatever we can find over there it's gonna help us cuz we can easily just go through venge and then into Deadman's you know well easily as long as we avoid all those murderous robots are inherited then it's easy but till they're not quite so tech hunters they're probably gonna win out here they're not gonna get down so probably no way we should be getting out there and trying to steal their stuff cos so much we can do well there's not a bladder Raider over here hello friend what you got on you yeah nothing good that's just shoddy great you know oh not much we can do with that the thing that makes you slow huh carrying all of this stuff is anybody else slow down not really Borrego picked us up can't race fine we can we can probably give some more stuff to gray and yes and then in the next episode next episode we're gonna go we're here out towards black desert city I think that's gonna be our next goal and I think that's gonna be pretty cool all right well I do hope you enjoyed this first episode as I mentioned before if you want to be part of the series just put a comment down below using the template with your character name and profession and weapons and Baxter and all that kind of stuff and I'm gonna get you in there's gonna be one backstory per episode and eventually we're gonna get you all in because we are building an army to conquer this world so just fall that and just make sure it's on the first episode not on the second that it's coming or the third or so on and so forth just on the first and yeah hope you guys enjoyed it of course as I said before if you're a patreon supporter you do get a priority but everybody else can get in there's no restriction to what kind of character can have you know it can be a hive or Scalia wien lender whatever you want to be you can be so no worries there in any case I just want to say that we're gonna need farmers and researchers and all that kind of stuff as well so if you want to be any of that or weaponsmith or armorsmith or a town guard or a caravan guards we're gonna need you know right not everybody can be just a pure fighter it going out there so tell me what you want in any case for now thank you buddy for watching and do hope you enjoyed this first episode I hope you enjoy the start of the series there's gonna be plenty coming out as well plenty of cool stuff that we can check out so yeah hope you'll be there the episodes are not gonna be daily they're gonna be like every other day ish or pretty much four times a week roughly so we'll see how that goes from now thanks for watching and I'll see you guys next time go around [Music]
Channel: Kokoplays MB
Views: 127,759
Rating: 4.897706 out of 5
Keywords: Kenshi, kenshi gameplay, kenshi lets play, kenshi game, Let's Play Kenshi, Kenshi Legend of the Dark King, Kenshi stories, kenshi 2, kenshi lore, kenshi mods, kenshi base building, kenshi base locations, kenshi martial arts, kenshi rock bottom, kenshi review, kenshi ironman, kenshi best mods, best kenshi mods, kenshi skeleton, kenshi skeleton only, Kenshi Part 1, Kenshi episode 1, Kenshi Endgame, Best of Kenshi 2019, Kenshi Kokoplays, Kokoplays MB Kenshi, Kokoplays MB
Id: t_Lk_c2A5Sg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 26sec (3566 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 23 2019
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