Let's Roleplay Kenshi | S2 EP 1 "The Breakers"

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[Music] it's been days we have heard no sign from sand he was to recruit others bring them here so that we might be able to fight back i think we have already proven that we are more than capable of fighting that we have but we are also skilled sand wants those skills used here but i am beginning to disagree there are others here that can learn the young ones that have been shadowing us yes they will step into our shoes creating the weapons and armors we need what of us then are we not still the unbroken that we are but the unbroken needs breakers that will be us those of you sitting here with me now excluding you herkle no problem we will hone our skills become a force that the flame will fear i do like the sounds of this as do i it's been too long since our last flurry so then ruka saru hanbu arden reign obama chad yeah we will endeavor to make the lands around sand city safer and in so doing we shall become stronger strong enough to break the back of the holy nation so that if i think you mean when when sand returns we will have a fighting force ready all in agreement i yes you are bro yes it shall be done shoulder legioneers rykon here and welcome to season two of kimchi we are here with our hero sand who is still alive and breathing even if the others might not think that's the case he is injured he is probably a little hungry and he's most certainly damp running through the swamps back to sand city he has just reached the border zone though and we can actually see sand city slowly starting to load in just in the distance and what better way to see our city for the first time in a long while than with sand cresting that ridge and seeing home there on the horizon now sand is carrying some very useful resources for us namely some advanced science books and this engineering research as well but as you'll tell from the kind of introduction that we had we have a new group the breakers which are going to be led by park and well they're going to be purely for combat so even though park is a legendary weaponsmith we are gonna be using his skills as a martial artist above all else that means that we're gonna have to develop another weaponsmith and we do have one in the making jarich unfortunately isn't very good at whitman smithing yet we weren't able to train up and time someone underneath park but he is going to learn eventually we do have a few others that are armorsmiths and actually not too bad we're gonna have to see how they do all right well it's a bit of a homecoming and it seems that sand might be bringing someone home with him a swamp ninja who has just been chasing after us this entire time and you know what i think sand even though you're a little injured i think you might be able to hold your own hair still and it looks like we actually did get hit then we'll see if we can charge in against you sand does seem to be having a little bit of trouble running that's because block is turned on but with block turned off let's see how he is going to fare in this one-on-one fight let's see if we can close that distance there and yep the first strike is going to do quite a lot and well you should be able to do the rest it looks like gary and some of the others are very happy to see sand and are running to his defense gary being rather formidable in his own right thank you gary we really appreciate you uh sticking your neck out for us here quite literally that is and even our pack bulls are getting in on the fun well sand welcome to home you can go ahead and train up your friends there it looks like park was actually going to run out there as well i'm sure that everyone is happy to see sand one way or the other now sand is going to be joining up with the breakers as well but first and foremost sand does actually need to rest because he is injured still it's gonna take him a moment or two to get uh mended once he is we're gonna head out with our breakers who are hopefully going to be able to patrol the nearby area and find some fights yes we need to train them and the best way to train them is going to be in the field of battle and so that's exactly what we're going to do let's let some time advance and with a beautiful sunset making its way over sand city sand is having that nice rest i think by the time morning rolls around he'll be ready to move on up and we can see at night time things are looking pretty bright in sand city here we still have a lot of hydroponics going on in this building and is kind of all over there and i think well you know before we do go into combat it might be worth seeing what we actually have on most of our folks here now park is kind of he is a he differs from everyone else because he's a martial artist so his equipment is going to be rather different but for the most part we do have a mixture of these white plate jackets and the proper big samurai armor we have a mixture of starves and spiked clubs saru doesn't have the best equipment there but most of them will have these edge type 1 weapons that have been developed by park and they do a lot they are very very good weapons for us so you'll see that most of them are like that there are rare occasions oren for example is a big heavy weapon user and so we're going to have a fragment axe on her and rain is the same and rain's actually using a yeah a me too as in like i think that's i think it might be one above what park is able to create but it is a very very good combat cleaver it's a hacker so we hope that there's going to be some fantastic hacking there um oberlim is a little bit more skilled with katanas that's why we are sticking with that for now but we are trying to change others to be using these blunt weapons these spiked clubs because they're going to be more useful against armor and then finally chad is looking pretty much the same there as well but we we can't get rid of his bandana we tried he wants it it's not going to happen we also have all of our other animals here with us as well we're not gonna take all of them like gary and the other um pack bulls that we have we're gonna have the pack beast and uh bone dog yep creative names i know we also obviously have dog meet bonnie and barker who are going to be very useful uh we did get a notification that i think a farm trader is either on the way or is here let's have a quick look at our map here see if we can see anyone it looks like there might possibly be someone close by just looking for movement here we're not seeing anything in particular so what we can do is just have a look at our faction section here and see what we got yeah there is a farm trader making their way here from the western hive generally they're not going to have amazing things so yeah i guess we'll see if they arrive by morning let's advance that time well it didn't even take until morning sand is looking pretty good we're at 1am and i think you know what better time to uh group on up and look at moving on out of here now sand unfortunately i think well someone's malnourished in here and i think oh it's it's the animals yeah so we're gonna have to watch out for that let's see if we can go ahead and grab some extra food on the way out of here obviously it would be good if our pack beast was carrying that so let's just have a look at grabbing some of these sandwiches before we rock out out of here so let's go grab a whole heap because we don't know how long we're going to be away for here and we're going to go and head out none of them should have any specific jobs other than sand it would seem we still need to get rid of all of those for you there my friend and we'll let them have the rest of their regular jobs on and we want to be sure that they are actually running the same speed as all the rest here so there are going to be some that are a little bit slower we'll get them grouped up outside and we'll just see what our team is looking like i believe we have a team of 15 here yes we do including the animals and yeah we can get all nice and grouped up here maybe a little bit too grouped and that's because the animals are actually acting as body guards it might be worth us just taking them off bodyguard and just have them follow us like normal just because i found that bodyguarding can cause some strange issues with them kind of standing too close to each other i think this way they'll just kind of move amongst us okay and yeah that's a pretty formidable looking group so where do we want to go first you know what it might actually be worth us grabbing some trade resources there are some things that i do want to sell and those things are actually on gary at the moment it seems that bargain might be able to see something currently what do we have looks like the others might as well or maybe they're just going to get food no they're going to sit around yeah that's very helpful well gary if you could make your way out this way and we'll get you to do a little bit of a trade with our pack beast here oh it's not going to be that easy is it no i think we're going to have to do a little bit of a stranger transfer here because we can't open up both of these at the same time yeah well i guess i'm gonna have to trade someone else here and see if we can get these things to them it'll take me a moment but i'll be back once we are done well we are all set and ready to go now so let's look at heading up and towards the way station for now we have just sold things there recently so i doubt we're going to be able to sell anything else unfortunately there's no one at the exile camp at the moment i'm hoping to be able to find some bandits between here and squin once we've been to squint we're actually going to double back and we're going to try and make our way down to this berserker village because we have encountered berserkers around here in the past and then i think we're probably going to be roaming in and around new cralia because we have had issues with them in the past and there might be a good way for us to train ourselves up well we have made it to the lovely weigh station here might be a good chance for us to see if there is anything that we're actually going to be able to sell off and that certainly seems to be the case so we do have a few just random bits and pieces we're going to be dropping off there but the skeleton repair kits are what we are going to be selling primarily which are going to net us a decent amount of cats we've kind of been falling back on cats recently so it's good to have some more flowing in and while we're here it might be worth us just getting some extra food for the road sand so let's see what the bar has on offer for us and then we'll go and get it stacked up and put away safely doesn't look like they have anything interesting here and they don't really have any cats to sell us just realize now that sand actually still has all of those goods on him which we don't desperately need to use them right now but it would be good to put them to use so i tell you what sand you are very fast so we're going to allow you to run back as quickly as possible and drop those books off too to azumi so that she might be able to get started on some research and even with negatives sand is a very fast boy with 91 athletics yeah he's not bad well looking at our research that's available to us edge walkers would be fantastic for blades but unfortunately it's a little bit far beyond us we do have two ai cores but we need to have four what i'm really interested in is crossbow crafting if we could get an entirely crossbow based unit i think that would be rather nice so i'm definitely tempted by that but you know what we are going to do first we are going to use those two ai cores to make a fully automatic or drill what this is going to allow us to do is just bring a lot of our workers off of those drills and into the work room so that they can actually practice crafting rather than just laboring i feel like that's going to be a better use of their lives so one engineering research on crossbow crafting sure we'll make that happen and finally i think we are going to look at this here iron plates 4 which is going to allow us to just produce iron plates much much faster and iron plates are really the backbone of everything that goes on here so azumi i think you're going to be rather busy for a good long while back in the lab back where you like to be and it's a lot quieter here without hobbs he's still being missed well sand is back with the others and it's time to do some bandit hunting out through this region we have run into a number of dust bandits before it looks like there's a train of yeah traders of some kind and they quite possibly could be running from something or even running to somewhere they seem to be doing okay though however ah check scouts nope all seems to be well for now let's keep our eyes peeled folks i'm sure there's someone up in these hills oh and there we go in the distance it looks like we have spotted someone wondering here that isn't a check scout so let's start to move in and try and make out exactly who that is there i think we might have some dust bandits on our hands looks like there's a little bit of trouble back home it's nothing that our gate guard won't be able to take care of though i'm confident let's see can we spot them out here ah they are dust bandits and it's actually a decent number of them as well so we might have a decent tussle on our hands here so we're going to try and group up following behind them and then we're going to do our best to systematically take them apart that looks like a rather interesting structure that we have here i thought it was a giant crab for a second then but no unless it is not well park sand let's get this unit into action and this is going to be our first time seeing them working as a unit so let's hope that we're actually going to be able to do a decent uh bit of damage here keep on moving up a little bit further a little bit further they don't seem to care about us that much at the moment and the reasons probably because our group is rather large so now that we're close enough i think we might be able to do attack or let's see no seems to be that we still need to just attack one to begin with and as we start to run in we can go ahead and tell them to attack all and everyone should get engaged chad is deciding to stay back because chad of course has decided that he's better than the rest of us chad get involved so a lot of red to start off there but we should start to see some green flowing through and that we are that we are we're seeing people dropping left right and center our animals are doing a rather large amount of damage here [Laughter] big mick well i'm sorry big mick yeah you didn't stand much of a chance did you i think that was maybe saru there or it could have been barca that did like 102. park seems to have grabbed a weapon from somewhere he's very good at doing that you did create that didn't you well go ahead and just chuck that in your pack for now buddy we need you doing things like you usually do we've got a fair bit of healing that's just going to happen here but it looks like it's mostly just grazers that we got from that nothing too severe and that's thanks to the armor that we have oh you want to try and run away do you well let's see if we can do something about that we'll go ahead and stop you and then i think we're going to try and just roam up along this path and then just try and find our way in towards new corralia and to where we might be able to find some of those berserkers a bit of bandit bludgeoning really hits the spot it does park it really does well we're trudging on through sandstorms and dust storms and a whole lot of mess but the breakers remain unbroken for now well we have a few things to contend with first of all we have some traders out the front here so let's go ahead and send a representative we'll send serenae out the front here to have a little bit of a chat just to see what they have to offer us and number two we have finished our research already on the automatic or drill so we're gonna see about getting those changed one by one hoping that we're gonna be able to get to work for us serenae is making her way over now hopefully before these uh friends of ours decide to roam on out of here what do you have hopefully um really nothing that we're currently interested in we have access to wheat straw we have access to him we have access to all of this so yeah you can keep your stuff we don't really have that much to sell you how about you just carry along your way and we'll carry along ours for us though we are going to have a look at upgrading these and it looks like it is just going to be an upgrade here and we're looking at 10 electrical components and 10 iron plates so hopefully this is going to be something that happens right away i'm not 100 confident that it will but look at that our iron plate production has actually been going really really well i'm going to be intrigued to see who we actually still have selected as engineers just because it's uh you know it's been a little while here we've got jurich and ridley who are just kind of hanging out here for the time being you know what i think we might actually get you to jump in here and attempt to build this thing if you'd be so kind and it looks like we got herkia assisting us at the moment much appreciated thank you thank you yeah ridley i guess you haven't had as much bread to make at the moment unfortunate as it is well once that's upgraded we're gonna make sure that we go through to the next upgrade that and we'll have to contemplate perhaps storing some more power as for our breakers we are here by new coralia we haven't found any roaming bands of berserkers out here yet but we do have something up here an encampment of some kind it could just be an animal nest but even if it is that's still a chance for us to test our metal and test we shall let's see how much closer are we to this thing it looks like it's going to be down here just across the way yeah perhaps just down here well we'll be there before too long right well here we are oh and it's a bone dog encampment okay are you all asleep at the moment i think you are this could be potentially deadly for us so we're gonna have to be a little cautious approaching here and oh boy yup yup looks like we might have quite the time ahead of us that's a lot of bone dogs okay well we're going to go ahead and say attack and then once we get close we're going to change that to attack all so that they'll just start going for everyone they can saru you are the only other person wearing a backpack we'll make sure that we take that off obviously sand and park have theirs on but they are just little ninja backpacks so they're not gonna cause us any trouble even though these are bone dogs we seem to be getting a lot of green here dog meat's just strolling through doing 155 each hit as you do yeah if only we could recruit these bad boys would be in for a win so with that i yeah we just completely wiped out that wolf den there are some animal skins here and it might be worth us actually collecting them yeah it's gonna be a little bit of effort for us to do that i think we might be able to get yeah forage animals now it might not be best for park to do that let's see saru we'll go ahead and chuck her backpack back on you and we'll let you forage animals here we'll make that your top priority and we'll just see how well you do there saru are you going to do that doesn't seem like you're going to and it might be because we don't have anywhere to actually put those things so i think i'm going to have to go through here manually just pick up all of the meat and the leather which is going to be useful to us eventually so yeah i'll do that and i'll be back once we are all said and done all right after that that's how we're looking fair amount of animal skins and a fair amount of raw meat crossbow crafting is complete well that's fantastic um we do have a unconscious bone dog here so we're gonna let this poor little papa wake up before we carry along our way yeah this stomach is gonna heal up before too long but um that's gonna help get their toughness a little bit higher having them rise back up like that so with everyone still carrying on together where are we going to head to from here well i think there's still a good chance that we could find either animals and or berserkers out here so we're just going to continue to do a little bit more roaming and i'm just going to have to stay with them and keep my eyes peeled as they make their way through these hills well we do have some crawls chosen out here but i'm pretty sure they aren't going to give us much trouble we'll go ahead and just walk past them ah no you do actually want to fight well look i'm more than happy to provide you a little bit of a fight oh yeah you're not even gonna talk huh well we'll go ahead and attack all and we'll just get stuck straight into this fight here against kral's chosen they're not bad fighters oberlin let's make sure that we actually get you off of hold there and into the fight looks like you're going to be using your s yeah your staff that's the word i was looking for there's sand trying to fight this one who was trying to be sneaky up there on that uh stump i suppose chad good swinging my friend good swinging chad's swinging pretty slowly because he doesn't have much experience with pole arms but you know we'll get there same thing with hanbu as well but this does give them some pretty good attack bonuses so yeah they actually have a choice as well they can either use that or they can use just the one-handed weapons that they have as well so let's see how we're looking after that who got the most injured it looks like it might be saru yeah and it no unconscious animals that's fantastic looks like our pack beast did get a little bit of damage to their right four leg so we'll just stay here for a moment to see if any of them want to wake up we're not going to look at taking any of their planks because they're not going to be great weapons yeah i think we're just going to pack up and move along and yeah with that being the case part of me is wanting to go after neucralia because that's where the crow's chosen are but i suppose we could just roam around get a little bit more skill by taking out those that we can find along the way the fallen tower i'm supposing we have actually been there actually i do remember it and there wasn't really anything in it so yeah we'll just carry on maybe towards that next rise see if we can find some more chosen out here among the hills that want to try and practice their own skill against us even if it is to their own detriment well we've encountered a lost drone here who's just kind of wandering by themselves hungry with no food i'd like to be able to offer them something we don't really have much to give them we don't seem to be able to communicate with them either so yeah i suppose we'll just let them carry along their way for now as we carry on our own well from this higher elevation in the distance we can see a single spider just completely by its lonesome it does make me think maybe going to the spider planes might be a good call for us it'll give us a lot of things to fight some things that are rather deadly it does seem that dog needs having a little bit of trouble there so we'll see if we can go back and help them out there you go dog meat you're doing fine you're doing fine and yeah it's looking awfully barren we could head down here perhaps encounter some gorillas and you know what we might even be able to find a big thing or two and that'll be a good test of our skills yes i think we'll head out and down towards the coast well well more research is complete as well i'm going to have to head back in a moment to look at sand city to double check that uh that we are actually building uh automated drills and well we're gonna have to upgrade some other things as well aren't we i think for now we will just try and get to a safe position maybe just over here and we'll have a look at chucking down a campfire so let's go to camping we are gonna go for a campfire and we'll plop that down there for the time being so let's just sit ourselves around here for the time and all of that meat that we have on our pack beast here it might be worth us getting that cooked up just that we have more food to eat on the road because surely we'll go through those sandwiches before long looking at our group here hanbu is undoubtedly the best cook so hanbu you're going to be whipping up some steaks for us tonight and there we go just like that we have hanbu cooking us up with some meat we'll be sure to check in occasionally to grab that meat on out of there but yes let's have a look at home first well i am happy to see all of our armorsmiths at work here that's really really good to see yeah and unfortunately this isn't complete just yet it looks like we are missing electrical components which is interesting we might have a little bit of a stoppage here somewhere how are we looking we don't actually have any electrical components there so it would seem that someone isn't making them beep what are you up to my friend let me see you are sitting around why can you not make it to the electronics workbench here i wonder hergle you're doing some crafting there that's very good of you uh but beep get your ass back here my boy make us some oh are we out of copper there is definitely something amiss here we have copper copper alloy plates and it might be that our copper is just going to that right now let's see oh yeah you know what i know what it is we took folks away that we're mining the copper and we have no one there now so we are going to have to try and pull some others to be a part of the copper making process so who is that going to be well i suppose we could grab someone like makani for example although no you are going to be one of our crafters so it's gonna have to be someone in the iron district here's the good thing though because we do have folks getting replaced here we should just be taking ones from here so we're gonna take muto you're gonna be one of the first we're gonna take you off all of these other responsibilities for now and that is your sole responsibility my friend let's go ahead and grab whelp as well we'll take you off all of the ore drills that are over there because i think we have enough to actually get the other stuff up and running i think we can have two workers on here so yeah they're gonna be our guys well in muto you need to get us some copper my friends because well we're in desperate need for it at the moment and i am wondering because this is an ore we might be able to use the drill here but obviously we need the copper first before any of that i'm going to make sure that we turn off any uh copper alloy plate production which i think is happening here yes we're gonna go ahead and just uh turn that off for now so that no one will work on that there we go and well now it would seem we can do some upgrading here and we just need iron plates to upgrade them so i feel like we should be able to do this without too much trouble i am going to take the iron out of here just to be safe we'll go ahead and upgrade and hopefully we'll have one of our constructors make their way over here and start working on that making the iron refinery for which i don't know if they are going to i think it just might be able to produce iron plates faster that's probably it i would have to guess and we do need quite a few iron plates to be able to get up and running but cacao thank you very much you're doing a brilliant job there get this thing built my friend and finally we could look at getting our crossbow making up and running but i think first and foremost we want to try and get our backbone set before we do any of that again and our last piece of meat is cooked just like that lovely we're gonna go and take that along with us and we'll go and dismantle this campfire just so that we can't be tracked and we'll have a look at moving on down towards the river in vain to see if we can't find any interesting creatures that might want to uh you know do their thing and you know we have one of those lanterns so i think we should be safe not that it's really going to make much of a difference at all the radians yeah sure to the coast i think gotta buy a lantern yeah well look at that in the distance there we do have some big things more than just a few which will make for an interesting fight especially if we are grouped together where they are very dangerous is uh well when they are when we're attacking with groups because um they can just attack a whole heap of us at the same time i'm trying to get this one's attention here but it really doesn't seem to be that interested however all these ones over here seem to be a lot more interested in us oh boy oh boy is this a good idea i suppose we'll find out won't we we're gonna go ahead and attack this young one first and then we're gonna switch and change to attack all let's see how we fear here some really good strikes to begin with but some very good strikes against us as well sand buddy i feel like maybe we don't want to do one-on-ones okay well you're doing your thing over there sand oh wow wow wow you know what sand i'm actually gonna get you to pull back because that's too many for you to be fighting by yourself let's see if we can't just yeah even those odds a little bit we are taking them down there's a big one that's just dropped here it is dying so that's fine we're gonna leave that we need to check you yeah also dying as long as they're dying that's okay we just don't want them getting back up on their feet again some very strong hits against the pak beast here sand is taking an awfully big strike as well but overall we are taking these boys down we can see them just lulling around on the floor there we're actually going to take our pack beast and we're going to have a look at trying to take something from the big things here it might be too far away yeah well looks like we've got at least a minute before they back up on their feet so there should be enough time for this fight to finish i suppose we'll see still lots of green the occasional you know burst of red but overall we're going to be able to attack faster than them and it looks like right now it is just our animals that have gone down dog meat has actually dropped which is surprising and dog meat's actually dying yeah we need to stop that so sand i'm gonna see if you can break away for a second to do some first aid to dog meat because that is important our pack beast is also dying yeah these are some very rough hits that these adults can do the elders are yeah very very tough we can see that it takes a long time to take them down they have 342 health on those kind of vital parts and it looks like they have fallen that's good our pack beast is down now as well we are going to need to try our best to save them everyone else is running around we should be looking okay here yes we're looking good fantastic now see that it gets back up onto its feet that's actually okay i think because oh boy here comes another a slightly injured one that ran off earlier um we should jump straight back into action but just in case we don't we're gonna say attack all oh boy yup they're getting back up come on team park just absolutely punching that one in the head with a loud [ __ ] you do what you got to do my friend all right everyone heal up again oh you see look it's right back up onto its feet again oh that's a mighty big hit we aren't actually taking that much damage us because of our armor it's really just our animals that seem to be taking a bit of a beating at the moment which you know this is going to improve their toughness and all that so i suppose that's good huh who was that calling them an ass wipe i think it was um i think it must have been hamburg yeah harbour and you're actually still wearing that backpack let's take that off my apologies my friend there we go it looks like everyone is healed up we are gonna have some of our friends that are conscious we should be looking at most of them dying by now but it doesn't seem to 100 seem to be the case oh look it we just kind of looked at it weird and it dropped oh and that looks like a nice fresh one there certainly is a lot there's even more of them over there well we don't want to get into one of those kind of long-winded battles of attrition here so i might actually want to try and take some of the things off yeah so chad just dropped he is the first of us to actually hit the deck so i think now is probably the time for us to start you know actually killing them and the way that we do that is by taking some of their meat from them so it doesn't matter who it is that does it hambu we could go grab you really quick to just uh see if you can grab some of that meat and there is actually good meat for us to grab in here so you know what let's see if we can get you to no room for that i highly doubt that my friend because you can stack meat here as well so let's just go ahead and do that because it was being weird and the second that we take meat from one of them once they've gone down like that it means that they are dead rain we're going to do the same thing over here as well we'll go ahead and grab that we'll just take the meat thank you all right let's have a look at the other big ones recovery coma recovery coma dying recovery comb is going to take a long time for them to wake up from yeah you know i suppose our friends are kind of in a similar boat though so i want to be a little bit cautious gosh that vain rain is always a bit of a trouble there we go tear through them just like that i i bet it does sting sand let's go ahead and take some meat and we'll do the same thing over here as well there we go just like that once our uh our pack dog or rather of the pack beast is back up on their feet we'll make sure that they get them loaded with all of that delicious meat but i think we did make some progress here i haven't had a look at actual numbers to see whether or not that's the case but um yeah looking at uh ruka here oh iron refinery number four construction complete isn't that brilliant i suppose we could allow our folks just to stay here for a moment to rest and recover chad back up go on get back up buddy you can do it yeah look at him you're doing fine yes your stomach's pretty injured but you will recover before long i suppose we could take one of the uh sleeping bags and chuck that down on the ground for you to rest and recover because you probably are worse off than some of the others here let's go ahead and put a camp bed down uh or two actually let's go ahead and put two down we will confirm and we're gonna have to do a little bit of trading here saru i want you to trade with the pak beast who is unconscious grab those two and we'll get you to just construct those if you'd be so kind add those materials chuck them on down and just like that we have ourselves two camp beds chad go and take a bit of a breather lay down there for now and let's just have a look and see if there's anyone else that's kind of in that zone hanbu isn't too great stubs similar scenario for you so stubs you will actually be the one that rests there yeah let the rest of our animals rest up and we're gonna go and check back in on sand city and ooh we might have some fun down there in the ruins oh boy you know what no we're not going to sand city yet looks like we're still going to be fighting here so we don't want to grab a chad and stubs we kind of want them just to be resting for now so i'm actually going to put them on passive and we'll grab the rest of our troop here okay that big thing is just kind of minding its own business for now let's have a look at having ourselves under the fight attack there big thing please now i don't know if it's worth us all attacking just the one so i think going attack all because there is still a limit to how many we can actually attack park fantastic work there bud okay everyone get those attacks in fantastic we knock that one down that one's gotten back up as you might imagine but the nice fresh one drops right away and we've got some more healing to do here yeah they'll all get tougher with time we just don't want to get too worn down here all right i think we need to do some more killing here so we'll go ahead and grab sand i think you might still have a little bit of space that you do and oh boy is that another fresh one i think it is there can only be so many of these big things in the area so we might just end up killing them all ruka you're looking really good there with your strikes your attack is fine your defense is fine you're very good at wielding that thing whereas some of the others like uh oren for example does seem to be struggling with the weight of this thing it is 36 kgs uh your strength is 46 not quite sure exactly what the math is for being able to wield it efficiently but i think we'll catch up before long because wielding a heavier blade does in turn make you stronger berserk should be a lesson to all of us alright so that's our first one done this is now level four and i think it is just yeah it's the efficiency that goes up it's an extra 20 which that's a good amount of efficiency if you ask me let's drop those plates on the ground there we'll drop the raw iron out and we'll get upgrading you thank you we should be able to do that again i don't think we want to try and um do all of them at once i think doing them one at a time is reasonable although in saying that we actually do have a hundred plates just on standby there so i'm gonna go completely against what i just said and we're gonna go and upgrade this one at the same time i'm hoping we're gonna get this going we do have some electrical components that have been completed that's some good news let's see okay five copper not bad it's gonna take them a little while before they become very very good copper miners but we'll have that copper in before too long we'll have those components made beep is quite good when it comes to making those electronic components and it looks like it's kind of going between him and hergle as to who is working on either one of these things here so yeah they're gonna be nice and capable look at that jumping back on there and beep will now go ahead and swap and jump in on that yeah it keeps a little bit of variety for them doesn't it and so with our squad here in vain we're actually going to wrap the episode up here i have to say i'm very happy to have kimchi back and i know this is a little different from what i was saying i was going to try and do i did want to tell another story with kimchi and i think we'll do that eventually but i did also feel really bad kind of abandoning sand city in the middle of it so season two is here and i hope you've enjoyed the first look back at it and going off that if you did enjoy please consider leaving a comment or a like to let me know if you enjoyed the show for now i have been rikon you have all been awesome and until next time stay tuned you
Channel: Rycon Roleplays
Views: 17,350
Rating: 4.9796748 out of 5
Keywords: rycon, rycon roleplays, kenshi, let's play, let's roleplay, kenshi roleplay, machinima, movie, full release, modded, mods, pc, gameplay, walkthrough, slave, start, hardcore, permadeath, ironman, one life, 2019, playthrough, apocalypse, survival, sandbox, let's play kenshi 1.0, cinematic
Id: xv7QNBCpigU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 44sec (2564 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 27 2020
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