Let's Roleplay Kenshi | Ep 1 "Blood & Stone"

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Rycon LPs are pretty enjoyable by my standards, just found his kenshi LP the other day, was a fan of his cataclysm and project zomboid LPs prior

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/MacGowansTeeth 📅︎︎ Jan 26 2019 🗫︎ replies

If you like rycons kenshi series then also check out Mathasgames' kenshi series

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/kinguvmars 📅︎︎ Jan 26 2019 🗫︎ replies

I can't remember the name of the channel but they had a really good cinematic roleplay that they started and then stopped. I think it was better than this, but this is easily right next to it.

I watch BiscuitDog most of the time for Kenshi videos. He's by far my favorite of the few that make videos of the game. I've got a few but I don't talk in them. Just showcase mindless antics.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/RequiemArrow 📅︎︎ Jan 27 2019 🗫︎ replies

This is an awesome playthrough.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/TaylorSpokeApe 📅︎︎ Jan 27 2019 🗫︎ replies
world has eroded faded away once great Empire stretched across the whole land [Music] glimmering the building's shining in the Sun great mechanical machines and factories that needed no workers and then the calamities came thousands of years ago it all chain no descendant there's a true tile but many have the allegiance an age of chaos disasters plagues then they stop land began to settle great tribes of humanity turned eating up one another fighting over the scraps for civilizations attempted to rise back up the high verse the chic the ash and reminders swore towns cities formed to fight back the great wastes with food toys as Cassetti the land on which it grew would always be a point of contention battles skirmishes and their Wars will be fought of this land from a fertile valley grew the holy nation led by one called the Phoenix the possessor of the everlasting sacred flame champion more crew they work their fields they drew in number taking settlement after settlement until they were a dominant force in this world the United cities rose to fight back wanted to remain free separate from them not all agreed with the obligation [Music] every other race of green that wasn't trade was Lisa to them and even their own been slaved all the same within there's others legends tales stories monsters in animals that'll tear you from Bob Dylan but the world is against you doesn't care if you live [Music] you do what you can everything in your moment is they count some kind of existence fight steal kill that's all the same out here some places have laws others have none if you're lucky and strong he he'll fight the beasts that we bear at plains but none of that will matter if you go down one small mistake or not turn and you're done for or maybe just maybe you pick a side you choose to fightin and die if the unit cities the whole nation one of the many battles that soak the sands rate there's never been a clear winner when one makes ground another takes it back somewhere else hundreds give themselves the scores hundreds dying because of it [Music] I was born outside of that outside of all of it a small farm a settlement remember the ones who came the ones who took my own path I he'd state the stay quiet when I was out they were gone a whole village ghosts from the stories of what I heard later what those tribes do I can only own the fate that befell my elders was one date ended quickly great numbers they crawled across a surface as hands collecting all they can for those taken when he won the fake remains fate that ended the earth but not before the suffering I left the remains of my home search of another walk the hills then the endless desert search of sanctuary safety the United cities they're out here among these dunes the finally collapsed the Sun too hard for a child then they found me bear hunters freelancers it's Elliots of eyes bitter [Music] some of them soared as a charity if they didn't come past the desert would have claimed you they've given you a second chance at life not much of one but a chance all the same even the most skilled most able navigator of the sins could store become lost among the endless rolling dunes finally we crossed the border and a holy nation land this would be my own twenty years working stone in a hole called rebirth [Music] [Music] but I I was just one of many here among the other slaves were all of this lands paper the Shaykh hires Greenlanders match we're all here held under the whole nation each day out worked to become stronger strong enough to leave he strong enough to escape for those that tried came many lashings and consequences from all of us if I was to leave if I was to escape it couldn't just be me they'd have to be others and I would return the whole nation would learn this to suffer note the hate we would Harvard [Music] but in truth oh we wanted was a fresh start the chance to plant seeds grow food of our own to have peace but I knew that there piece of no come not without blood first [Music] and so I'd work I continue to get stronger for I knew the day would come the day these shackles be broken the day [Music] [Music] kyouda guys gals and Legionnaires rikon here at welcome to a brand new series this is literally kimchi and here is our character the one from the introduction his name is sand reason his name is sand is purely because he has no name it was taken from where he was found where he was taken in sand is the only name that he has the only name that he has ever known for he has not been able to earn himself a name not yet he is a resident of this great big mine in a section of the world called rebirth he is a slave of the holy nation probably one of the more advanced of the nations in terms of their civics what they're capable of but well of their theology is one of exclusion and I think we will learn a little bit more about the holy nation as time goes on but for the past 20 years send has been a slave forced to work here forced to work on this giant structure alongside all of these are other slaves of all different creeds and races of qingcheng we have six here there are high vers and there's also both Greenlanders and ash now what is kenji you might ask well it's a little bit like a real-time strategy mode blended in with a kind of adventure RPG style thing yeah there are many different starts that you can have in this game many just regular ones with you wandering and the desert lost but I've decided to start off for something a little bit more difficult with our man sand here so let's get started let's get to know what this game is so we can pause we can go on regular time we can go to in three times and you can see down here it's actually think we're being an obedient slave and this you can kind of give AI programs to different units you can tell them to do different things you can actually program them in orders it's not super complex it might sound like it is but it's a pretty easy system to understand once you get going because this game can be played as a roaming adventure game or you can build great settlements in cities it is an entire sandbox world and it's full of a lot of sand as well as well come to find out together this isn't gonna be a full comprehensive tutorial but I'm gonna try and teach you some things along the way things that I have been able to learn over time so right now we are locked up in here we are hungry because unfortunately we do not get feed very much as a slave they don't want us getting nice and strong and the issue but this is that when we're hungry we actually start to suffer from malnutrition so Sens body has withered away he is a big guy he is much larger than your average human in this world however his muscles his you know body mass has just withered away as he's gotten hungrier and hungrier and sand has been breaking out not running away entirely but breaking out enough so that he can try and train himself during the evenings the reason I'm pausing occasionally here is because we are actually wanted to make use of this evening now if I hit C that takes us into our character menu here we can see we have strength toughness and dexterity perception and then a whole heap of other skills you can see that our stealth and our lock picking is actually kind of high because those are things that I've been working on now this isn't a straight start you start with everything pretty much at zero but because sand has been here for 20 years I figured I would try and do a little bit of work off-camera to get us started now a strength of 22 might seem really good that's not very good at all now if I am able to select any of these warriors out here from the holy nation we can see that he has an attack in a defense of 33 and 40 in a strength of 41 the toughness of 38 so The Sentinel this holy Sentinel here is a lot tougher than sand but then again he eats very well he's nicely armored me you could see all these other negative effects that are kind of hitting him as well that's because of the equipment that he's using it doesn't cover him it does slow him down a little bit here we can see that our toughness is 19 the way you get toughness up in this game is by getting beaten up going down essentially it is your pain threshold the more damage you take the more you can take in the future so that's good to know and our strengths well our strength is increased by us carrying heavier loads were working and what we're kind of like walking around here if we actually have a look in our inventory at the moment you can see that we are carrying multiple prisoner shackles that are uncovering us a fair amount so this is what's been increasing our strength slowly over time as we've been wandering around here doing work we've been carrying all these extra shackles with us however we can go ahead and remove these because tonight is the night that we are going to break out of here now it might be the best idea to break out while we're this hungry but the send well things are only getting worse here and we have to take some kind of action and then action is gonna start today this is where it's gonna get really tricky and it might go completely pear-shaped now we are bright by a gate here the question is is this the right gate for us to try and leave through we don't know there are a number of guards there our athletics isn't bad which means that we can run pretty quickly but are we going to be able to run quicker than five of these well-trained soldiers we won't know until we try so the first thing we have to do is break out of here so if we right-click we can see that we can pick the lock on the prisoner Pole so we're gonna go ahead and start doing that now we have a 90% chance to succeed at this so there's a pretty high chance that we're going to be able to pull this off and that we do so what I want to start doing is sneaking immediately and we're to go ahead and get rid of that job because we will no longer be obedient today is the day that we leave but we won't be leaving alone we're gonna try and get some others out of here as well not just because that's well the righteous thing to do but because it's actually gonna give us a better chance to escape here kimchi is an incredibly unforgiving world you have to care about yourself first and foremost and so for send we're going to go over here we're going to unlock ribs as shackles see if we can take them off and if we're lucky we will not get seen by any guards while we're doing this because that can really turn things against us now I will have to kind of try and see if that is going the right gate for us to go out because there are multiple exits of rebirth and depending what exit we take that'll kind of determine where we are going to go after this so there is a good chance that this person here Reb's yes okay we've gone ahead we have unlocked their pole we need to get out of here okay and she's just gonna jump straight back on there so occasionally they will do just that I don't know what you're doing the ribs can you get off the prisoner Pole let's see if we're gonna be able to do this okay you did it okay that's great we're gonna go ahead and hit synth free and see if we can actually get you off there okay some of them don't actually want too little oh crap you scared the crap out of me so what you have here is another slave his name is Park and park we've actually were freed Park at a earlier date oh we can see that ribs is actually trying to pick this pole I think she's just having trouble getting offered sometimes that will happen so we'll just see if we're able to get her off this pole or not otherwise we're just gonna have to move on I'm sorry rubes okay pick success she's she's free let's hope that's gonna be the case now for Saint here we're gonna go ahead and unlock these shackles okay we should leave quickly okay she's got away from the pole at the very least we can see that she's not sneaking right now she might not 100% be with us some of them might just start running right away others what uncrossed hurts yep look we're trying to free you just shush some of them actually don't want to be freed okay cool we got ribs with us now let's see if we can unlock the shackles of MU here now if we do successfully free ourselves from here there is a chance there is a chance that some of them will join us others will just run off into the desert and do their own thing so let's see if we can be successful at this okay we've also got you unlocked we'll go here to see if we missed it free All Hands she is just running right away okay well mu you might have screwed things up for us what are you doing mu okay well we're gonna keep on trying it looks like mu is trying to go that way the others haven't seen move yet but she may cause some trouble for us now it looked like she just phased through the rock there she didn't it might just look like that okay sit free it doesn't seem to be working for you unfortunately we're gonna get killed yeah so some of them will just think it's too much of a risk and they won't want to take that risk now who do we have here peace peace from the tech hunters now if we can release you that might be quite good get some points with the tech that the kind of technological faction in this world there are many different factions that we can align ourselves with make enemies worth let's hope this will be one that we can actually get out of here it is at getting towards two o'clock in the morning so we're gonna have to try and make a move sooner or later I'm gonna see if we can pick a piece up there we go and I'm just gonna put you down oh come on really come on pace I'm not giving up any yet I'm not giving up in a year it might be that piece actually can't walk that's another reason why he might not be wanting to leave this pole let's go ahead and put him down for a second and are you just gonna go straight back to that pole buddy no getting in your cage damn it see some of them you just can't convince so we've got three with us so far that's not horrible but I'm gonna try my luck over here now this is where it gets a little risky because there is a good chance that we are just gonna get seen and we're gonna get in trouble and let's try not have an entire team of [ __ ] I don't know if there's going to be possible there are so many sick prisoners here I guess we're gonna have yeah these are all [ __ ] now the reason why I might not want to have entire entire party of shake is that [ __ ] while they are very strong they also eat a whole heap of food so that's thing for us to consider let's actually have a look along the line here and see if we can see anyone that might be a little bit more tough as some of the others because some of these slaves can be soldiers okay stripe actually has a partial arts experience it would seem actually no well they say - -8 but somehow it's still positive but Leda at the front here let's go ahead and see if we can get bullying around I'm gonna go here and unlock his shackles the others are sneaking with us now we are kind of phasing through here a little bit it's just the way that this flooring works this doesn't happen in many places around the world so don't take this as a example of what the risk the game can be like okay so it does sound like she wants to escape so let's hope that's gonna be the case ballina pretty good toughness okay all right we did it are you gonna gonna jump off it yes you did no you got back on it what are you doing Elena come on okay we might go ahead and see if we can pick up Polina just so we can get her away from the pole of magnetism we'll go ahead and move over here okay the others are with us that's good to know Polina we're gonna go ahead and put you down please don't go get back in your cage Oh Polina sometimes there is just no getting around it okay well we've got two with us right now it's a lot less than I wanted but it might just have to do because it is 2:45 and you can see that some of them are already starting to move down here so what we're gonna try and do is see if we can move around them now I really hope that that is the gun that's gonna be the right way for us to go there is really no way for me to tell until we start having to run now we are a lot faster than these two that are with us as well so that does leave me to be a little bit concerned okay so we're gonna slow down time now let's have a look at the front of the gate here we're looking at three no it's still the hole it's the whole gang it's the whole gang so which way are we going to be leaving we're gonna be leaving up and into the hills this might just be leading us further into the complex I'd like to think that we've been able to look at this place a good long while and get an idea of what's going on okay yeah apparently they asked us some others here that are with us now sand has released some other people in the past so there might be some here that are still allied with us to a degree and that would want to join us I don't know if it's worth us trying to go back to try and see if we can get them because we've heard rumors of this place loan check or rather a loan shack we don't know it's just called loan check to the people here and we're gonna hope that if we can reach that that there might be some kind of place of safety because all around here is just arid wasteland the chances of us finding food the chances of us you know sand finding something like that it's gonna be pretty rare now if we were to try and follow that up and out of here would that lead us to freedom maybe just maybe it's a good shot it's a damn good shot well let's start to take that shot like I saying there are still some people here that seem to be allied with us I would I'd like to bring them with us but I don't know if that's gonna be possible see I think it's the people that are following us right now yeah it looks like that's the case the other one that's down here is probably what are the ones that we've just released that has decided to just jump back up onto their pole okay how many we looking at up here yeah it's a it's the full amount it's the full amount so I think the best way for us to do this run and this is where it's gonna get a little dangerous we are being followed okay I think the best way for us to do this is to draw a little bit of attention and this might be sand going against his two friends that are with them now let's have a clip a little bit of a closer look at them before we say goodbye to them let's see so we have ribs and we have Park I'd like to think that maybe ribs and Parker together and that's the reason why they've wanted to try and leave worse and what we're gonna have to try and do here we're not just gonna be able to sneak past them actually don't want there is a chance there's a small chance that we might be able to sneak right up to them you can see that when I mouse over them is saying 0% that's because this is 0% chance of us doing a stealth knockout on them they have their backs turned to us currently so we might be able to get quite close to them and then it seemed to just blast through here like run as fast as we possibly can all this weight training we've been doing has been improving our athletics and our strength so there is a chance that we might be able to do this this is not gonna be easy it's a very steep hill sin that is a very very steep hill can you make it well ribs is looking pretty good Parker's a little beaten up we just have to turn off sneaky and just start running and I don't know how much I'm gonna want to control sand in this so I think I'm just gonna select the camera on him we're gonna turn off snake we're just gonna start running and have they have seen us but the question is are we gonna be able to get through in time we got through but are the other two gonna be able to or while we are nowhere near fast enough I was so sure that we were we are so far from being fast enough okay we're gonna have to try and Juke them here now fortunately in kinshi for a shot to hit it actually needs to hit oh this is not gonna be good okay we're gonna try we're gonna try to Juke as much as we can go sand go send okay the other two are starting to fight both park and ribs not wanting to leave one or the other behind we've got this one up here we are running as fast as we possibly can right now I'm just making sure that we actually are but what we're gonna have to try and do as much as possible is just Duke these big shots that they're trying to take okay oh no that's not good come on sand come on my man oh wow if we if we are able to outrun them here I will be very surprised both of our arms are very injured we we are not ready we are not prepared keep going buddy keep going keep going the other two are still with us but this lead this lead guy we just cannot get away from no matter how hard we try both of our arms are down our left arm is completely bloodied at the stage as you can see it's just absolutely limp by our side we can't do anything with it now we can't even guard ourselves it's just us and this one other guy and just around the corner we can see light we can see the Sun which so very really hits down on this valley that is our goal that is what we're after but are we gonna be able to reach it I don't I don't know the other [ __ ] they are made of tougher stuff and they seem to be able to get away from the others here who knows maybe god damn maybe it'll be sand that ends up getting them free and he ends up getting stuck himself because right now he isn't just he is not able to outrun this guy he did give a juke in there my next question as well as how how long are they gonna keep us up for how long are they gonna keep this chase going and if I had to guess I'd say a very long time we did get a little bit of a break away there but it's just it's just not enough just sand is not fast enough no matter how hard he tries no matter how fast he runs he just doesn't seem to be able to outpace them whereas the others they they are slowly getting away that's another miss ribs you gave us a chance after so many of them go sand go go aye we can see the sunlight the guys and gals I don't think sand is gonna make it so close is so far away he can see his freedom he continues to try to walk in that direction but we are gonna go down we are going down it's not much we can do to stop it it was a decent escape attempt but even if we were able to escape right now we'd not be able to do so easily and we would bleed to death out here but what's gonna happen now you might ask what is gonna happen to sand and ribs as other friends Park as well well as you can see they are trying to close up the wounds that they have on them we're actually unconscious for a long time because we took a whole heap of damage before we went down that was due in part thanks to our toughness which as you can see is now up at 21 it has increased thankfully they are actually bandaging us up because we would bleed out we would die here if they didn't so we do from here well it's clear that we are not fast enough to escape we might be strong enough but we are not fast enough and that's saying that we're going to have to improve so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna show you how I've been improving my stance while I've been here how sand has been slowly getting better both an athletics of 16 that's just not good enough we are going to have to try and improve that we can see that ways to train running fast with a light inventory what we've been doing for the most part has been loading ourselves down with extra shackles so that we can try to increase our strength yeah keeping our strength up here has cost us in our speed and speed is what we're going to need more than anything to be able to escape from here we are stealthy we can find our way around during the night and that's what gonna have to do we're gonna have to try and sneak through these buildings find food find a way to survive now while it would have been a heroic victory for us to be able to escape together in kinshi those heroic victories are few and far between and that's why when you get them it feels even better and so we're gonna start speeding up time now as we follow sand as he's going to get brought back walk back home hang on hang on Oh someone just made us who is this it's bloody ribs you magnificent bastard you bloody did us well you know how I was talking about heroic victories that's one there I'd like to think that if we're never unconscious and had just enough consciousness to have their eye open just to see ribs disappearing in the distance as the risk the patrol went back to the camp with Park leaving ribs there thinking that she was still gonna be unconscious nope she was just playing dead waiting for the right opportunity to get up and run away and playing dead is something that you can actually do in this and it's quite often a good technique to do unless you're both cannibals really planed it doesn't change much to them and now this poor bastard has just realized the mistake that he's made and it's now running back as fast as he can to try and see if he can catch him not gonna happen Rebs is gone buddy rips is gone rips is free now there's a chance that we might run as ribs in the future I'd like to think that we will somewhere out there but we're gonna need to be able to escape first so again let's get that time rolling faster as we are now fully bandaged up we can see that they've actually hang on a second they've lift us I mean we can't move fast at all and they think because of the Beeson that they've given us that we're just gonna go back but who says we need to go back we're not fast but we are sneaky if we can hide just off to the side of this path we can wait for him to go back through please don't see us please don't see us we did it there's someone skiing a beating down there as well if I had to guess I've got a guess I'm gonna say it's Park because he probably realizes I can't see that you can only move so far away from your person okay we are incredibly injured we can't walk very fast at all if we have a closer look at scent we can see that his arm is completely limp it's out of its socket right now and looking at our legs they are completely screwed so we're going to be limping all over the show but we might just be able to get away here it will be such a cruel phrase if we are discovered now I don't think there is much of a likelihood of someone wandering along this way so we're gonna keep our eyes back here someone is trying to escape again that could really screw things up for us come on someone's trying to pack their locks okay all right we're gonna stop sneaking now and see if we can move along here in this direction and we are moving at full speed now and this is difficult too or rather it's really dangerous to do this in kimchee especially when we're moving this slowly because it's very easy for something that just quickly rush up towards you oh no no no no no no there's a group hitting out here now okay we need to move to the side they could have been coming for us then okay we just need to just lay low for a bit here because there's one out there now capturing a slave someone made it all the way up there could have been Park could have been another I think for now we are going to stay cell stealth I mean it is very very slow but we're already slow I think staying hidden like this as best we can is our best move right now we are beyond hungry but we are free we're in that Sun send enjoy the moment my friend this isn't complete freedom not yet but we're certainly close and I think standing up here on this hill we're gonna go get rid of these shackles because they're gonna be slowing us down a whole heap as well let's go ahead and leave our last lot leave them on the ground an attempt to leave us place behind I was not anticipating us to be able to actually do this and this is literally days because all it's gonna take is for one patrol to be coming down along this path and we are that's it that'll be it'll be over so let's just hope they were going to be able to make our way out of this ravine that we can find some form of safety now I don't even know if we're going in the right direction to be able to get to lone check and there is a good chance that our men could just starve out here so we're gonna have to be very very careful very very cautious about what our path is going to be and I think trying to make it to this lone check is going to be the best move possible we can only hope as our hunger slowly starts to get more and more we've been seen by something and we've discovered some brooms oh no oh no no no no no we were seen by someone the question is who are they we are in luck we are in luck these are not baddies even though it might look like it these are tech hunters this one's name is fusion we can see that they are very well built and we can also see that they are not human these are skeletons and skeletons are artificial beings our official life-forms that asked or inexistence some argue that they existed before humans did in this world and for most part the holy nation hates them their abominations their you know Devils but they can't be really helpful their parts as well can be very very helpful say for example if our arm wasn't to be healed back there and it dropped off and that limbs do drop off in this we can replace them with artificial limbs now what we don't want to do is go down here towards these ruins ruins will more than likely have very very bad things so we want to avoid that if we can now if I click on loan check we will actually start trying to move towards it and right now not moving which means that the path is too complex for us to be able to make that now I'm gonna see if I can talk to any of these members here and let's also just see if I can there we go that's better trying to fit my scroll wheel here okay we're gonna stop sneaking let's see can we talk to any of you no none of them are traders so they're just kind of ignoring sand as he stands here hungry starving to death holding his arm they don't need to eat so they're fine but we we most certainly do need to eat and quite often the way that you can eat in kimchi is as a scavenger and really the only way for us to go right now is to follow our way down along rent and it's gonna take us all the way down here to this path which is actually going to lead us to these ruins whether I like it or not it's something that's gonna happen oh dear I don't like this so what we're gonna do for now we're going to attempt to follow Massaro here it's not going to be super easy for us to do this is this is as far as we can this is as fast as we could walk right now as sad so really worse things could have happened at least this group here will be able to protect us from any kind of danger that we come across please Toby no you're not going down that's a potential issue if they're not going down dear they may just be roaming backwards and forwards along here there is a question though that I have and that's about look at it god damn what a place so I think for us to go to lone check we would have actually wanted to leave outside the other way but I mean Biggers cannot be choosers no I don't think this you think up here it's difficult to tell it's difficult to see really we we need to be very careful with where we go here yes look some of our some of our folks are still out here somewhere so we could actually potentially try and track down let's see can I actually go that way no I do not seem to be able to find a path I'm very worried about going down here because there are horrible things in this called flesh spiders and I'm pretty sure that they're down here because I'm seeing some red I'm seeing some blood down there yeah no we could try and scavenge down there and you know what that's what we're gonna do we're gonna live dangerously Oh Park no freakin way he bloody made it he's in good condition too of course he's in good condition Park buddy let us help you with that he just unpacked he just picked his locks he bloody did it now Park may not want to actually stick with us right now you can see that he is he is sticking with us he's not an official party member but he is sticking by our side and well I'm happy I'm happy to have a friend because honestly I thought that this was going to turn into me trying to show you how I was building up our stats before okay here we go he's saying I don't believe it I'm free he very here we go no you're not Park you are not don't say that not for a second buddy let's see what your condition is his condition is actually not all that bad you know what and I wonder if it's gonna be sand is actually bigger a thin Park but I wonder if it'll be faster if Park actually tries to carry sand let's see go ahead and pick him up yep it is but I'll fight beside you park my dude it is good to have you along for the ride now we can actually rename characters in this and I think to do that so I will be taking name suggestions but are we taking them on individual basis for each character so because a park is the first person that we've got so far if Park does survive long enough to where we can actually give them a name then let's do it I might need to be able to try and find another way for us to be able to give them names purely just because the way that you do at the moment sometimes when you recruit you can give new names the only other way to do it is when you go to visit people called Plastic Surgeons they can help you out now this is where things are going to get a little dangerous we can see things moving down there fortunately Park has a lot more hunger than sand it does so we need to try and see if we can get sent some food we're gonna start sneaking up here I'm just gonna see exactly what's going on down here because it's it's not it's not gonna be good I can tell you that much we can't move our carrot our camera too far away but we can zoom at least a little bit we can see these creatures in the distance here blood spiders yeah and now they're not very stat heavy in terms of like their their build but they have numbers they have numbers and they have pretty damn decent attack so for us to be able to take care of them at the stage that we're at now it ain't gonna happen but when we hit alt we can see that we can see all the items that are around here and there is absolutely nothing absolutely nothing that we would be able to use and you know what I actually think they might not be any way out of here I feel like this is a one way so this is where things get really dangerous potentially very very dangerous because if there is no way out of here now he's ever gonna have to go back and sand is already starving to death oh dear there's definitely no way around here yeah no no there isn't that's why if I was to like try and click down here I don't think Park would be able to move towards it saying you can which is a little strange unless somehow we can no we can't make it down that slope there yeah generally you can tell where you're gonna be able to go and where you can't go on this and looking at this right now it doesn't seem like there's any way out of it there and there's just blood spiders for days we're gonna go ahead turnaround with Park and sand and we're gonna have to try and find another way another way out for better or for worse that's what we're gonna do and well because we're gonna be wandering backwards and forwards quite often what I'll be doing a fair amount free kimchi it's just skipping through time because well some of the journeys in this can take quite a long time and so until either we're found we find another way we're gonna be skipping ahead so wish me luck because I feel like we're really gonna need it and that might just be the way we need to go along with that path out there that'll lead us out I don't think there's any way we can actually make it to loan check from here just kind of looking at where we're at yeah they can't path this so I don't think it's gonna be possible sometimes it's a matter of just clicking near your point and we started moving then okay let's see where are you gonna go Park you going back that way I don't don't like the looks of that because that makes me think that you're just gonna run right back through rebirth well and saying that though we do have to go down to be able to go the other way so the electeds to see mr. C I did say that we were going to skip and we will just not yet we're gonna see exactly where Park is planning on taking us and as far as we can make it unfortunately so we are gonna be making the rest of the way as best we can and I will be heading alts occasionally as well to see if there's a chance that there might be anything around here that we can use to survive right now food is our biggest concern there is a good chance that sample just starve to death and after all that we've been through so far we can't let that happen and so we'll continue as best we can let's start that skip okay that wasn't a very long skip I am seeing members it's an Inquisitor that's not good now my question is gonna be which way are they going because that will heavily affect what we do next please just keep them going they are they are okay alright that's good let's stay moving for now you see that Park is actually moving at a pretty good pace well I guess we're not going that way that's that decided but seeing them roam along there like that that's also concerning because well it means that there is a good chance that they're going to run to others doing exactly the same all right Park get moving buddy yeah doesn't matter where we go we're gonna be running into trouble we just can't afford to run into any really big trouble yet okay nice and easy does it Park nice and easy oh no why don't we go any further because it's Baldus there's a landslide there's no way to get onto that road because there is a landslide if it's not one thing no it's another so with this we're actually gonna have to go right back past where we've come from this is the front gates we're gonna have to go right past it now buddy I don't know what your sneakers like but I'm gonna have to hope it's good our legs are getting better our hunger isn't as bad isn't as bad Jesus we need to get food we'll pass out at 73 when it reaches zero we'll die that's not good that's not good that's not good okay let's go buddy let's go I mean right now recapture might keep us alive but after that taste of freedom we do not want that Park what is your stuff like your stealth this terrible pun this is this is not gonna be easy for us to do it is dark out so we have to hope that's gonna help us come on buddy come on buddy there we go that's how we do it okay okay that's good now we can see more of them out here but this this is our first proper taste of freedom ah currents golf we made it out we made it out of rebirth discovered blister hill okay blister hill is a big city and it is a holy nation city so we do not want to go there no siree we also want to try and not look like a slave as soon as we can because the issue of that is that if we end up being knocked out and Manhunters see us or the holy nation sees us they are going to attack us and just straight up and slave us again and we really don't want that to happen now earlier I did see a creature running around here and that creature is a bone dog bone dogs can be quite dangerous to people early on and this but if it was just by itself there is a small chance that we would be able to defeat it ourselves if we can then that's food the question is where where oh where oh where did this thing go we're gonna let it load it up because this is a brand new area and we can see it's all the way over there so I don't think we're gonna be able to get this it is quite far away yeah you can see the act that the attack and the defense on them it's it's an adult so it's got you know kind of fierce tats it would take it quite a bit for us to be able to take it down but hey we're actually out in the open fields and I think it's probably about time for us to yeah you can probably put me down now Park I think we'll be able to walk ok enough so go ahead and put me down ok and I think that the two of us can stop sneaking for now ok well that was something so looking over in the distance we can see green fertile fields now that's tempting it's very tempting but that's going to take us right past blister Hill if we need food we are going to be able to find food in there first our valley this is where the holy nation grows all of its food however there are going to be many sentinels in their area as well so we need to be very careful when we're moving about these hills because if we see any kind of movement it's gonna be the bad kind we're gonna make sure that we're sticking together as well for the time being so we're running at the same pace what's good is that this running that we're doing right now is also going to be improving our athletics so yeh go us all right we got a big pack of bone dogs over here that's not so good bounine dogs will attack us they generally won't eat us but they are very territorial so they they can be a bit of a pain in the ass yeah we're not gonna be able to take down this one by ourselves we don't really have any kind of martial arts I have a decent amount of strength as an when I say I me I mean sand has a decent metal martial arts so let's just hope that they're gonna ignore us for the time being they seem to be doing that cross our fingers and hope we're okay so far so good now I think what we're gonna want to try and do is get away from this road because we are we are escaped slaves of the holy nation and we will have a price on my head even though we don't we don't actually have a bounty right now but we can get one and there in the distance that there is blister hill that is what we want to be trying to avoid so we'll stay in the open fields we try and make our way across okay so I'm on 88 right now so sin isn't quite unconscious but he is certainly on his way to being so we're gonna stay moving again keeping those eyes nice and open the first beautiful sunrise kicks up our first little taste of freedom not bad one at that let's go over here to have a look at that yeah Park and sand well I wasn't expecting to be out here it really wasn't now we got a plan for it look at this nice big first hour valley there's got to be some kind of food in here right we'd hope so that's why we're going to power on through here I'm just going to be moving at double speed for now just so it's not too fast and we're gonna hope that we can see a farm in the distance now fortunately just because of the way that draw distances work in the scheme they're pretty far but they're not incredibly far otherwise the Loden would be a lot more difficult for it to her to manage but with this I think we should be able to see somewhere poppin eventually so just keep on making our way down towards the water okay got a group down here these things are generally herbivores they're called River Raptors now you can see that there are a lot you know easier going than what we were facing before and we should be able to take down a river Raptor together so let's see if we can get away with attacking unprovoked and if we can just get one of them if we can just get one pull them away from the group then we'll be okay but if we pull the whole group that's when we're going to be in trouble so let's just go on the side here so what we're trying to do is get the attention of one of them that's the intention we'll see if we can pull it off a lot attack unprovoked okay here we go so we can see it's pulling away let's see if we can just get us attention pull it away from the others but if the others attempt to join in that's where we might end up being in a little bit of trouble now we can see that Park actually has a martial arts of 13 now that he's put me down Park ain't bad good kick okay oh okay that was a good little munch okay we're doing we're doing some damage here you see that a stomach is hitting damage which is actually good because what we want to try and do is either take Downers hid stomach or its chest because those the kind of things that are going to knock it out thankfully we're not taking too much damage from it yet but they could change in an instant we bloody did it buddy we bloody did it okay so Park has a little bit more hunger going from than we do he does get hungrier faster but we are on the edge of starvation so I'm really sorry oh it's he yeah mm-hmm okay so the only bad thing about River Aptus is that it's foul raw meat it's not good quality meat it is edible it is edible we can't eat from it I don't know if we can even cook I don't even eat just a thing like I've never been this hungry in game before I don't even know if we can cook fowl mate we'll find out together thankfully for this we don't need any resources we can make a campfire just like that okay well sand we're gonna go ahead and take this fowl meat from here which I mentioned he just he just I think he instantaneously ate it oh no hang on we dropped it on the ground we've got some of raptors coming over here no okay they were just being a little curious that's fine all right sand can I put this in here or not no we can't okay my next question is is sand going to eat this yeah see it's possibly interval because the thing is hive people hive the the race of beings in this called the hive they can't eat this stuff animals can as well I would have hoped that being starving we could have eaten it it looks like we have mates not to be able to and thankfully we didn't take too much damage and that fight there because we don't have a medkit so yeah yeah we have to be very very cautious out here we can't afford to fight things we really what we're gonna have to try and do here is scavenge more than anything we're gonna pass some of this meat over towards Park just in case the possibility of them being able to eat it is there but hey we have discovered a holy farm where oh where have we discovered CID holy farm it is up in the hills across the way from us so we're gonna start hittin in that direction here's the thing though that holy farm is going to have soldiers protecting it so we're gonna have to try and sneak in take food and get out and thankfully sand is quite good at sneaking however we are approaching that point of us being knocked out from yeah it's not we're not it's not a great situation that we're in so far all right we're gonna go here just make our way across the river together you get closer towards the holy farm a whole heap of River Raptors their whole heap river eptas okay so what we're gonna do is gonna have Park waiting over here we're both gonna be stealth Park you're just gonna be on hold for now [Music] okay I think we're getting yeah begin is seen by the River Raptors that's fine as long as we don't get seen by people up here so what we want to try and do is move up towards this area here we've got animals up there we also have a holy farmer what we want to try and do is sneak into one of these places and just steal their food and then get the hell out there that's smaller building there is a much higher chance of us finding food and there I think and this one that has the caves cages on top I think that that's going to be where the guards are now is early in the morning so people aren't out farming the fields just yet but they will be and something else that we might be able to notice thankfully not on this building but on the other there are these things here mounted crossbows you get hit by one of them you never a bad time it's a fact okay nice and easy scent we need this we need food doesn't matter who's in there they're against you don't get captured buddy nice and easy he's been seen it was only for a second okay okay okay let's see what is the any food that's out here okay we've got some dried meat in the corner and there's a meat wrap now they are probably going to try and stop us but we are not going to let them okay okay we did it we freaking did it before they could see us now these aren't soldiers these are just farmers so their stats aren't very good but they're better than nothing so there's some wheat straw there unfortunately wheat straw we can't eat just as it is same thing with grief rout most of them have to be prepared in some form or fashion so we're gonna run over we are gonna steal this meat wrap right off this person's table and they didn't actually see us because believe it or not sand is actually really quite stealthy our thievery is going to get better as well okay let's see is there anything could they potentially be anything up here potentially so this is to sneak around so the yellow means we're nearly being seen okay now we've been seen oh not good not good not good not good not good okay so now now we need to run this is Weber this is where we run sand don't get hit don't get hit I'm not looking cuz I'm just hoping oh come on buddy he's so slow no sand just run just run buddy just run oh dear okay this thing that we can do run down towards where Parker's now and just hope that we're gonna be able to break them break this line of sight what I think is gonna happen here and what I what I really don't want to have happen is we're gonna get knocked unconscious we're gonna be left alone and as long as we'd be left alone for long enough come on go ahead pick him up thankfully now this is something of a Christmas miracle but River Raptors attacked just as we were there so that's why they left us okay get away but it get away get away get away okay so we somehow successfully pulled that off I've got more rep more River eptas coming in now okay okay [Music] send my friend we pulled off the heist he bloody did us and I know we are being seen by something no that's not good that's a caravan but it's a caravan of the holy nation so let's just let's just start sneaking over here bud encounter our lucky stars now we don't have any first aid kits at all we cannot repair ourselves we cannot we can't do anything so unfortunately poor Sanders got to remained bloodied as he is now what would be great is that we were able to place down a camp bid with that we would actually be able to survive however they so you can see the material cost as we need a sleeping bag so we don't have one of those fortunately we asked tally the holy farm we should be able to get a few more things from them however it is going to be very very difficult usually the way that you rest and we recover and this is by sleeping on sleeping bags there are actually some out here yeah there's quite a few so in a weird way what we might be able to do is try and sleep here during the night we can see that one of the one of the soldiers is actually down now I say soldiers farmers we might be able to run over there with Park and steal that what I'd be afraid of is if if there are any paladins in here they would just run out and they come for us right away we don't want that we don't want to get any more aggression from the holy nation that we already have we made it in we got some food that's awesome I'm hoping that we will actually start to eat this thing we can see that our hunger is on the rise back up because we ate the dried meats that we picked up earlier but yeah for us to be able to recover fully that's that's just not gonna happen at this stage not without proper healing I've had proper medication so that's something that Sanders gonna have to go back in for but guys and gals this is been our first episode of kimchi we actually managed to escape I wasn't anticipating an escape in this episode I thought we were gonna have to be every birth for a lot longer but who knows we might be going back if we screw up we'll be going back there are many different ways that kimchi can end many many different ways it can end and death and your character getting eaten but we've got more than one character now so in the event the San to die we would still have Park to continue on that legacy to continue on the story in kimchi even when all your characters die the game doesn't end I mean it does it carries on afterwards but unfortunately can't move away from the spot what your character was yeah that's all it's a little grim but there is a big world out there to explore and to learn about and I really look forward to exploring that with you and well we're gonna have an interesting time in this especially with this start the the slaves nur is not an easy one right now if we actually get into our inventory we can see that we look 50% like a holy nation of slave I think the reason it's 50% is because we're not wearing shackles but we are still wearing all other stuff here so I don't know if taking off some of that helps but man oh man sand is looking so thin when I actually created him as a character he had so much more mass than this it's gonna take him a long time to build back up that that muscle and you will actually see that happening over time a lot of that is affected by your athletic sin your strength as they get higher you will become more toned but all of that goes away when you start starving to death but for now sand and Park are together unfortunately ribs is still back and rebirth there's something that we're gonna have to revisit at some point we're gonna try and get her she is down there we don't know if you would even join us we're not sure about that but well for now this is us and the holy valley that won't but but I guess yeah it is it's the first our valley of the holy nation where we're gonna be trying to head up these farms for basic supplies so that we can survive if you have any questions as to how I got sent to the position he was in in terms of Locke packing and the wrists please do ask those and I'll try and answer them as best as I can in the comments but I hope you've enjoyed this I hope you enjoy this new series this different kind of take on kimchi it's gonna be a hell of a lot of fun trying to make it or sand I really hope that he can survive the long run please do join me in the next I've been right Khan you have all been awesome and until next time stay tuned [Music] you
Channel: Rycon Roleplays
Views: 278,358
Rating: 4.9188113 out of 5
Keywords: rycon, rycon roleplays, kenshi, let's play, let's roleplay, kenshi roleplay, machinima, kenshi movie, full release, modded, mods, pc, gameplay, walkthrough, slave start, hardcore, permadeath, ironman, one life, 2019, playthrough, apocalypse, survival, sandbox, let's play kenshi, 1.0, cinematic
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 70min 27sec (4227 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 17 2019
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