Rimworld Zombie Survival | Trapped in a Zombie Infested city - Solo Challenge | EP01

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hello ladies and gentlemen and welcome to rim world for those of you joining me for the first time I ever my name is abouts and if you're returning to my channel for another series I'd like to welcome you back we won't just be playing any regular old game of rim world I've downloaded a whole set of mods here to tweak and create a unique experience I've actually put together a story of a man and his dog trapped in a city on a planet swarming with the Living Dead if that sounds interesting to you you're gonna want to stick around but real quick did you know that almost 64 percent of my views are generated from people who have not subscribed to the channel if at the end of the video you enjoyed it consider hitting that like and subscribe button it's free to do and it helps the channel out a lot now let's get this started we're gonna jump into new colony I cannot tell you guys enough how excited I am to play this I've been playing it by myself in the last 4 days now testing and tweaking the settings to make this absolutely perfect and I'm finally sitting here recording it and playing it it's gonna be fun so this is the scenario I've created it's called trapped in hell you are sent on a mission to investigate a planet which has lost communication with the rest of the United pawn nations or the UPN the only clue you have on the planets fate is a final transmission that talks of the Dead rising after a brief encounter with pirates you are forced to evacuate and make an emergency landing in a city on the planet's surface it's abandoned something about this place is unsettling so we're going to be starting with one person he's also gonna have a dog with him we're arriving in our drop pod as we evacuate our ship this is the list of items I'm bringing there's a lot of different items here and it seems like a lot to start with for the scenario but once we get in here and we actually start playing you guys see what we're up against you're gonna realize this is not going to be just a normal walk in the park we're going to also be doing Randy random and savage because that I feel is the only way to play the game jumping in I've already put together a seed that we're going to be playing on that seed is and the globe coverage is at 50% so if you would like to play along down below in the description you will find a link to all of the mods that I am using you can use this seed here you set the globe coverage to 50% and you'll be able to play along as well and join me in trying to fight against the undead maybe you will survive longer than I will maybe I'll survive longer than you I guess we're gonna find out and once we jump into this world the reason I pick 1540 rest of the Empire the United pawns the the cities and stuff are still ran by looters Raiders pirates stuff like that it's all the entire plans pretty much descended into chaos now this is these zombie land settings that I am using for this playthrough and these settings can be altered during the course of the playthrough so as we progress I have a full full intentions to essentially modify this too to make the game harder as we go forward but I've already started out with it being pretty dang difficult let's go through this just really quickly so you can see what I mean so when does Ami's appear they're gonna come in when it is dark they can also come as events but every time it gets dark at night zombies will rise from the ground from where does ambe's come from the map edges what will zombies attack they are going to attack all creatures including other enemies on the map Raiders stuff like that and also including animals could make it very hard for us to get meat as a food source if the zombies are attacking consuming all of the animals so we got to keep stuff like that in mind what will zombies destroyed they will be able to destroy doors now this setting only applies to regular zombies regular zombies will be able to break down all sorts of doors but there are special zombies in the game that can break down walls and I will get to that in a minute zombie senses are going to be normal the rage level will stay at the recommending recommended setting zombies health zombies will be easy to kill but they will be numerous and we will get on that here in a second zombies will eat injured creeps creatures and they will eat corpses we have special zombies there is a 1% chance for all of these special zombies to spawn we've got suicide bomber zombies toxic splashers tanky operators mining and electrifying zombies some of these zombies here can break through walls some of these zombies are suicidal if you encounter them even though it's only a 1% chance to spawn I assure you they will show up in the map because they showed up in all of my test games and it's terrifying whenever you run into one so having them be kind of a rare spawn does make it very exciting and unique and again like I said some of this might get altered as the as we get deeper and deeper into surviving in the colony so days until zombies come we have 5 days to prepare ourselves until the zombies arrive there's gonna be never more than 2500 zombies on the map that is an astoundingly large amount of zombies the colony multiplayer I'm actually gonna alter this right now because it did not save from when I altered it before but the colony multi play multiplier here I'm gonna put at 3 what this means is that when the colonies spawn depending on how strong your colony is the wealth of your colony how many pawns you have stuff like that or how many colonists and if you set this to three times the amount then the game or the mod is gonna automatically take whatever your value is and it's gonna multiply it by three meaning that there is gonna be a lot of zombies all the time and the stronger we get the more there's gonna be in fact we have a cent right now to 100 zombies per colonists and we're only starting with one colonists and three times the amount so it'll fill the map it's pretty terrifying zombies speed I've all left most of this stuff to normal I did reduce the zombie infections actually it didn't save that either in my test runs I found that this was just completely ruined everything if especially because I'm only playing with one character so I actually had reduced this down to 10% it's really rare for a zombie bite to infect people I know that kind of seems sort of detrimental to what the idea zombies are but where'd you say that 10% we're gonna assume that this colony was you know billions of billions of people and the zombies were consuming people's flesh and biting people and well most people succumb to their injuries or were devoured by the zombies only 10% of those people actually been had rose up which in the grand scheme billions of billions of people on a planet you know that's still hundreds of millions of zombies so that's why I have that set low because in my practice runs like I said if if she got infected with your one character because a zombie managed to sneak up on you around a corner then you know the whole playthrough was over and I'm trying to tell a story here the difficulty is a part of it but the stories are part of it too so that is everything for that we'll go ahead and hit next and bring us into the world this is the world here it's a pretty nice planet I found this to be I and I generated a lot of planets I found this to be very well set up between the different biomes and everything in the amount of factions we can see there's a lot of enemy factions a lot of abandoned cities too but the place that we're gonna be crash landing is right here in between this nice little cross-section of roads now every single time you load into this map even if you use the same seed you will get a different city every time so I have practiced in this location before but the city is different in every one of my practice games so I will not know what we're gonna be getting into when I jump into this it's gonna be a complete mystery to me and I'll be just as surprised as you guys you guys once we get into it if you take a look the reason I chose this location real quick obviously it's very well connected with roads we get roads go to the north a lot of friendly people up there some enemies down to the south a little bit more enemies but it gives us a nice variety that if we manage to survive and recruit more people and expand we can use the caravan to kind of do a couple of missions outside of here and see how bad the zombie infection has really spread and become I also chose this location because it is flat which is just a lot nicer for generating the cities that we're going to be inside of and it's also got a growing period year-round that is crucial in my opinion for the start that we're going to be doing because we are only playing with one colonist and food is gonna be a problem once the map starts filling with zombies we'll need to be able to grow food 24/7 if we stand any hope of even surviving all right let's go ahead and quickly click advance because I am gonna be playing on a larger medium I did try the larger ones and well they did work fine with my computer I was worried that later on the playthrough they would bog down so we will just be doing a slightly larger map there now I've already set up my character and because this is more of a story based playthrough with some difficulty added to it my character is I don't want to say overpowered but he's definitely exceeds the point amount but no matter he's still pretty he's got a lot that he's up against so this is not gonna be a walk in the park now our character here he's an officer cadet and a shock trooper his biological age is 27 chronological 268 you can see his stats over here to the right to shooting 70 in melee a construction 8 he's got some passion tickers here obviously animals because he does start with his dog but he's not very good at artistic not good at cooking at all but he could learn it he can't even do artistic and there's a couple other things he lacks here as well so he was sent here essentially to deal with or to find out what happened to this planet we're gonna get right into it and get started we've only got five days to prepare and let me tell you that is not a lot of time it sounds like a lot put it in all my practice games I never fully finished everything I needed to do to prepare myself for when the zombies did eventually arrive and they come in numbers let me tell you all right so here we are you step out of your escape pod and look up to see your ship as it burns up in the atmosphere we just made it out in time you reach down and gently stroke the fur on your dog's head she looks up at you and for a brief moment you see worry in her eyes it's okay girl we'll figure things out you intentionally aimed for the city in hopes of finding help but that idea quickly fades out of mind as you lay eyes upon a ghost town where is everybody all of a sudden as if an answer back to your question gunshots erupted in the distance your dog takes a defensive stance by your side she's familiar with the sounds battle-hardened and well-trained from her years as the companion in the great Civil War a great Galactic Civil War you turn around and start to gather your equipment out of the escape pod your pup stands behind you watching a scan in the ruins for movement for a threat with your equipment on and your gear shouldered you turn around and face the city the ruins stand tall in front of you some of them already in the process of being reclaimed by the planet you know you'll have to take shelter in them if you want to stand any hope and surviving you reach down to gently rest your hand on your dog's head you can sense she's worried but ready come on girl let's go you both head off into the ruins what the hell happened to this city to the planet you stop mid-sentence as your eyes settle on pools of dried blood littering the streets and sidewalks the final question escapes your lips a feeling of deep within your chest builds up is that fear you reach down to run your fingers across the stains what the hell happened to these people alright so a good way to get into it here and there we go luckily we spawned in this in the let's see we spawned in the center of the city and we didn't spawn on a building which has happened to me before my past runs and it usually results in all of my gear being destroyed so this is already gone ten times better than in the past so I do have the fog of war mod you can see we have no idea what we're really up against we don't know what the map looks like we don't know where the best spot the build is and frankly that is a terrible thing because we're gonna run out of time very rapidly so we need to look around for an ideal location to construct a base things were looking for sort of an area that we can kind of build walls around and protect it and enclose it in from zombies be able to get in we're also looking for an area with dirt so we can start growing that part's not as important work on it but we do want to keep it in mind as we search now let's go ahead and get geared up real quick we start with a couple of different things here that we brought with us as we crash-landed also why don't I go ahead and get my dog here let's see we'll get her renamed to Inara sure a lot of you guys if you've been around my channel familiar with Inara she's actually my in real life dog so it wouldn't be appropriate if she wasn't in the game and I'm gonna go ahead and get this equipped and we'll equip that Oh looks like an R is already kind of searching around she's probably trying to find food we got some silver in here potatoes pemmican insect jelly more silver alright so this city has been just completely abandoned and it's kind of interesting because it looks like for the most part people kind of just left in a hurry there's stuff flying all over the place I mean it's kind of crazy so we're gonna want to be careful we'll navigate around here and see what we've got all right so I'm already kind of liking the looks right here it looks like here's some wood we won't claim it just yet but coming down here actually that's interesting it's like a sort of a courtyard or some sorts and a Labrador Retriever down there it's come down and around here okay so just a nice big building there why don't we check this alleyway real quick I don't like to mess around too much because I like to get started as soon as I possibly can usually I do always lose the first day to kind of looking around because I want to make sure I constructed a spot that's gonna I'm gonna be able to utilize it to the best of its ability this actually isn't looking too bad solar panel right here dirt area kind of here with a building a very good sized building and it actually comes in two maybe more buildings and dirt over here Oh even like a rock Mound whoo with some steel okay I don't know if I've seen that that's not too often that you actually see hills in these cities but you get them from time to time that's always useful I'm almost thinking of here though this is a huge block let's go this way real quick and see what else we've got we'll speed it up a bit so we're moving kind of faster okay so this is like a one block area sometimes those are the best of building cuz they they don't take up too much space it is just a giant building we've got another block here which is a little bit more multiple buildings and grassy area and another one block area here oh no no this is a couple blocks that's pretty big [Music] all right let's do a loop around here so this is just like one massive block hmm the roads always make for good places to construct your your walls so this could all be reclaimed let's see we could start here and push it looks like this is all building Wow so we could move into this whole building eventually take all this over I know I'm kind of forward-thinking here I don't know but it kind of makes a little bit more sense that maybe start smaller maybe just take this section over I can always divide this up and just move into here there is dirt I was thinking this one block area but it's all building I'd have to remove the floor to get to the dirt I do want to stay kind of in the center of the map the nice thing about staying in the center is it allows for almost equal distance travel around the entire map and the zombies do spawn from the edge to the farther away for we are from the edge the better they're less likely the zombies are gonna wander just straight to our base you know obviously if we're built like right here any zombies spawns here is going to be drawn right to the base because of this the sounds that the base does make so staying here would be pretty good I mean this can be utilized we could actually go ahead and wall this off here remove the door utilize that as part of the wall we could come up build a wall down and around and take us a little bit of time like I said can be done we could do the entrance maybe someplace down here with a kill box so when zombies come in or most importantly Raiders we could start kill boxing them I can even do a kill box in one of these buildings the next thing then is to look inside these buildings to see what we've got oh so we actually do have a steel butcher's table and an electric Smith that we could utilize oh and look at this wow what a find yeah this is definitely going to be worth making the because we've already got a bunch of food to last us the next five days we'll refocus on building so that means we won't have to worry too much about food and a couple batteries too we could utilize I can even build the walls across here and maybe down and around here to try and get these solar panels I cannot remove and reinstall them I can only destroy them so they're stuck where they're stuck until we eventually research our own so we're gonna want to utilize those it'll be early-game power there is a big massive grid you could see here all these solar panels are hooked up to this grid there's a couple batteries here and there but as the zombies start pouring out of the map most of the grid will be destroyed the power is not gonna last us forever but yeah that's pretty good so let's look and see ah perfect so we've already got a bedroom here we could utilize hi yes more bedroom equipment this is good so we won't have to worry about building that we can start moving some of that stuff around ok another kind of bedroom here this is a separate building and we've got silver a gun and just a small room here alright and this actually is already acting as a wall a temporary wall so there is no doubt in my mind guys that this is going to be our base it's certainly the area so we're gonna go ahead and claim everything here up to that point eventually I'll probably claim more of it there's a lot of work to be done there's a lot of things that need to be cleaned up so let's get that started we'll utilize this as our bedroom for now but eventually actually see I think I'll end up making this and I'm going to tear some of this down a lot of this wood has to go we have well we have roofs and stuff that need to be removed but the very first thing that needs to happen is we've got to get the walls up because anything that happens inside of this base can happen when there is no walls I'm sorry when there is walls and the zombies are out and about so let's just go ahead and focus on all of that now I do want to quickly jump into here we're gonna want to set constructing as our number one priority that's gonna be the most important thing our character can do from this point forward that way he can get everything constructed now he is gonna go play a game and I'm gonna allow him to run off and do that because him running around and a messing around with the different wreck and stuff will actually paint a pretty good picture of the map and allow me to to see what kind of games he likes and where he locates those so we can eventually move them so there he goes there I'm gonna have him uninstall and reinstall this right here he will uninstall that and reinstall it over here at some point this can be deconstructed for more wood and these are steel end tables which are slightly impressive that's normal normal we want to try to look for stuff that's also high-quality so I actually deconstruct that and take the slightly impressive bed perfect and then the end tables can also be uninstalled and reinstalled so he'll get on that that'll get his first bedroom set up and that's probably all we're gonna get done for today maybe get the light moved real quick all right or get it removed anyways because I already know that I want to make this my stockpile zone storing all my goods and we will allow all of these meals and all of this stuff will also have to be carried in so we'll allow that and I'm gonna go ahead and allow all this wood we already got dogs eating dogs that didn't take a whole lot of time he's gonna go have himself a meal here we need to find ourselves a nice dining room table someplace with some chairs there's no point in building them because I know there's gonna be some on the map and there we go our friend has already found them it is a normal steel table with some stools I know we can do better than that so we're looking to see what we could find eventually I'm gonna get rid of all this I should probably work on that now I just want to make sure I got his bedroom kind of set up so he's got someplace to sleep tonight he should get right to constructing that there we go and we will actually reassign him to that and I know we're gonna want to build a sort of temporary door here so we have an easier way to get to the stock pile all right he's gonna grab some wood to get that door constructed and now our friend is gonna get some sleep so something else we want to do right now is if you didn't notice in the beginning our guy is actually a night owl and I intentionally did this because the zombies spawn oh my god I see the zombie spawn at night so it does make it a little bit more difficult because when our guy is gonna be awake moving around making a bunch of noise it's also gonna be when zombies are on the move and spawning onto the map so it's gonna add a little bit more challenge but then there's also kind of the sort of double standard of since we're a night out we'll be awake at night when the zombies are on the move so it's probably a good thing that way we couldn't really be blindsided by zombies so we're gonna set his work schedule here to be pretty much completely opposite we'll go from about seven to a thick sixteen one two three four five six seven eight nine ten and then everything else will be working at some point we might set a time off for him to do nothing but recreation but for now we'll let him fill that recreation at his leisure and we could set up a more permanent kind of schedule once he's done doing all the initial things I really need to do to get a set up alright and he's getting to that point so let's suppose he's sleeping let's go ahead and figure out what we want to do now I don't know if I want to build my walls out of wood because wood if you haven't noticed by now it's a very limited resource and we're gonna need it for a couple other things especially gonna need it for things like fire and warmth when the inevitable happens and the power grid goes out and I can assure you the power grid will go out at some point so I don't think I want to utilize all my wood if we get to the point where let's see what we'll do is we'll probably use wood for any longer stretches of wall we'll try to use something else for shorter I think I'm just gonna go ahead a wall that off will eliminate this door and actually put it here and we'll put wood there for now that's gonna be a door yeah you know there's not a whole lot of bricks either so let's just go ahead and use the wood for now because eventually the wood walls will all be ripped down and replaced with stone so that way that and maybe even eventually steel so that way they can hold up the zombie's better so let's plan out walling these off I'll eliminate this and put a wall here as well I could also not wall that off and just utilize this as my space instead of building into here but I feel like this extra space would be handy I guess it depends on what's in this building we can go ahead and take a look at that in a second let's go ahead and wood wall this actually this is probably I don't want to say one of the easier starts I got but it's definitely a pretty good start because the I can wall all this off very easily there's already a lot of walls here now do I want to bring it down and take over this solar panel I mean we definitely could use the extra real estate for growing crops down here that would require me to bring the wood wall down and around here it's gonna take a little bit more wood and it's gonna link us up with this wood wall but we get in always just bring that up here or even here so I say we go ahead and do that it's not that much more wood really in the grand scheme and like I said it will allow me to eventually expand maybe it's like this building if we really if we make it that far we grow that big probably just go ahead and do that actually cuz I know I'm already gonna expand into here it's valuable to take the space that you want now because frankly you're not gonna be able to do it later it only gets harder and harder as the zombie fills with why the map fills with more and more zombies so whatever we got to do here our friends grabbing all of the wood he's just gonna get these walls up that's mainly gonna be our mission for today is to get the walls up go for a little bit of a walk here let me just quickly jump into zones I need to constantly check the home area okay we're pretty good I'll leave it as is for now I just want to make sure that it doesn't expand sometimes when you start messing around with recreational stuff around the area you'll you'll set up home zones and you definitely know watch your paw and running off and getting killed with the zombies hit all right he's got that door done I'll get him deconstruct all this here soon we need to find more wood we're gonna run low quick I'm not gonna cut any trees down because these trees are in my building area and I'm gonna save them I do want to deconstruct this door leading outside a shuttle crash a planet bound shuttle is crashing nearby if the crew survives the impact they will be badly wounded the crash ship can be deconstructed for useful resources the crew is not affiliated with any faction which means they can be rescued and may join you freely or captured for recruitment or slavery purposes alright let's go check it out we're gonna wanna be careful and it's what right up here oh yeah we've got somebody here we've got two people three people all right well I wasn't really thinking we're gonna have something like this happened this early but I guess now's a better time than any cuz if we don't start grabbing up people it may be that much harder laid around when the zombies show up let's uh grab all of this and I think I want to take this whole building actually with me and we can plan on setting up an area maybe do I want to rescue all of them let's take a quick peek and see what we've got five hours till bleeding out four hours in twelve so this person would be the first person we'd have to rescue they are a coma coma child brawler body purest the neurotic they get they're not that great we've got Sir Michael here he's a music lover and a sailor which means pretty much a ton of stuffs disabled but it can shoot do animals he's pretty useless and then harden a medieval lordling and a hive world drone interesting art disabled researching disabled incapable of intellectual artistic he's a careful shooter though it's got great memory and he's tough or she I'm sorry hey that actually means maybe less chance to get bitten by zombies right here's Abbi I was on B bite piercing the flesh but just good at construction reconstructing mining and really nothing else frankly though the only person that's probably halfway decent and with the careful shooter if we can get them trained up to shoot they could be pretty useful to have around I'm just running around and doing more constructing wells I could focus on some other things like harvesting materials off the map could be useful I think we will rescue one of these people I think we will let the other to pass on we will go ahead and assign them a room here for now get them back to the ship these people here I'm not even gonna worry about stripping wow there's somebody here who actually landed as well and died and they would have been wonderful so it's unfortunate that they were the one had died they were ayran willed they were a fast Walker they had annoying voice but whatever couldn't do dumb labor labor but look at that cooking in intellectual we need ourselves a researcher anyways my guy is not he could research but he's just not the best at it all right we're gonna want to go ahead to and allow ourselves to grab some of these wolves I think at some point here there will be a bunch of dead animals that will start appearing on the map but we're gonna want to grab them up cuz that is food where are you going my friend you're rescuing him you're taking a little bit of a different route that's fine then it gives us a chance to see what's in this area and look at that more wood perfect and some pemmican which I think we'll want to grab what is this hops we don't need that herbal medicine it's not bad to have the use on prisoners or animal we've got a pretty good amount of medicine here what we really want to find is glitter world medicine and I know these abandoned cities have it sometimes you just got to be able to you know look in the right places we'd better get this stuff inside too because animals are eating it and that's gonna go bad so does this person need to be tended they do so we're gonna go ahead and tend to them they've got stabs gunshots we won't give them any medicine right now we'll just patch those up and see if they hang in hopefully they'll join us we could just technically capture them as a prisoner but we won't worry about it we'll see if having a room that's halfway decent convinces them joining us is the right decision we can even give them this nightstand if we wanted to although these are all mediocre and such all right so let's finish this up and once our character is done with that I'm gonna have him go ahead and prioritize hauling all of this stuff inside actually there's an easier way to do that I do have a mod I have a mod Hall urgency we could actually just set all that to be hauled besides that there we go and he'll get all of that hauled into our stockpile walls built here we do need to finish this wall so he'll hopefully get on that this will have to be deconstructed so we can put a wall up he'll finish that wall that's good we still need to search this building I'm not sure what's going on here there he goes getting everything hauled inside where it'll be safe yeah that wall we got to finish clear in this building that's these doors need to be turned into walls my exit and entrance into my base will be through this building for now until I can think of a different area I might turn this whole area into a kill box I just got to figure it out I guess it's fine if he wants to use that dining room for now but we do want to set up our own dining room at some point probably in this area maybe a dining / rec area feeding a lavish meal here to our friend that's fine there'd be more likely to join that way and we're off to finish the wall looks like our characters gonna start getting his schedule on track too because he hasn't gone to sleep yet Oh nope he's going to get some rest now okay that's fine all right and there we go so I think now is a great place to leave it off this is great I'm very happy with this start and if all my practice runs I'd say this is probably the second best start I've got and I did get a better one in a practice run but that's okay we can definitely utilize this space and grow into it things we're gonna want to worry about in the next episode we've only got three days now to the zombies come I told you this would go pretty quick so obviously keeping our friend here well fed and taken care of that way we can hopefully get a recruit to kind of distribute the workload if not no biggie but it will help we're gonna want to get both of these doors deconstructed and walls put up make sure that the rest of the base is secure get a wall put up here and maybe just knock one of these blocks out so I can get over here and see what we've got going here because I might expand this to just depending on you know have a nice big space here to kind of utilize it seems like a lot of space for one person and it is a lot of space for one person but we've got to think of the future because once sabe start populating the map it'll be that much harder to claim new tiles and buildings and to expand out so the more we can grab in the beginning the better we could kind of grow into that space turning a lot of this in the farm space because I will deconstruct most of these buildings to make farm space but yeah not bad not bad at all so if you enjoyed this don't forget to leave that like and if you are new to my channel you're gonna want to keep up with this series it's gonna be a great one so don't forget to hit the subscribe button as well I want to thank you all for joining me I hope that you've enjoyed it I look forward to seeing you next time you you you
Channel: Sabouts
Views: 71,916
Rating: 4.8967857 out of 5
Keywords: Rimworld, Rimworld Zombie, Rimworld Zombie Survival, rimworld zombieland, rimworld zombieland ep 1, rimworld zombieland playlist, rimworld rimcities, rimworld rimcities mod, rimworld city, rimworld city survival, rimworld randy random savage, Rimworld Randy savage, Rimworld savage, rimworld zombie city, Sabouts
Id: JZf0B24L8pY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 28sec (2308 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 06 2020
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