Restoring Ruka's Honor | Kenshi | Project Genesis | Ep 01

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look at that helmet on Ruka guys that looks awesome it's like a combination of the crab helmet top with like a gas mask and like the just some cloth on the side it looks really fantastic just a wonderful wonderful job hey everybody you welcome to a brand new series in kaanchi project Genesis where we explore the completely reworked world of an kenchi project Genesis mod I'm super excited to be bringing you this because man I have been hearing about this mod for a while now and I've been talking about with camel spider and other people that are involved and it's just and a lot of people in discord are talking about it it just sounds really cool there's a lot of mods in there that I've already played and a lot of mods in there that I know about that I really want to play that I haven't tried yet so let me just I'm gonna kind of read you up a few of these I'm not gonna read off all of them because there's tons of them there's tons of them it's a huge entire world remake it's awesome I'm super excited I think you guys are like it now okay so we got like abandoned town revival Dead Man's Island Avalon Isles the East Coast expansion I'm looking forward to that one the hook expansion my cat loves it too if you can't tell um you know cities rebalanced in the Czech territories there's like invasions now where we're like you can work with the sheykh to actually invade the holy nation territory now a lot of this is an alpha right so they're they're just now releasing it they just released it today for people to check out so it should be going live the day after it just came out and yeah so I'm super excited to get into it now I am gonna have a link in the description of how you can do that so let's get going oh there's there's almost armor for the world almost items I should mention camel spiders like I've got a lot of mods in here like her hive Queen stuff let's see what else and obviously her robots like her skeletons I'm actually gonna be playing one so we're gonna let's get started here let's go ahead and start a new game as a wanderer and we now okay so they're in five X is already on there like so there's there's no like fast healing beds or anything and I'm just I'm gonna play this as intended I'm not gonna put in any of my MA the ones that I usually use we don't need to execute mod why because we'll be fighting the holy nation with armies now instead of instead of a group right like we're gonna go in with this army that's not even our who just fight with them like the shack will invade with us you know and so it's gonna be cool it's gonna be a really different experience from what you guys are used to watching me play because I used to play with a pretty small team so yeah I'm just super stoked so now I should mention that um while this is loading it takes a really long time to load by the way I should mention that in the cannibal hunters series everybody submitted their own character stories right and we're gonna do that again cuz I really liked that I thought it was super fun I loved seeing your guys's imagination at work it was amazing you guys are such good storytellers and I want to see more that I love it so basically in order to get a character in this series you have to be you don't you don't have to be a sub you don't have to be anything right like if you are actively participating in chat you're gonna get priority that's all you got to do you just gotta basically in the comments sections of all the videos just be active like if you're around you're watching the videos and you're and you're letting me know what you think of them and you say hey I want this character all right we're gonna soon as what I'm gonna do I'll catch up on that in a second but I'm gonna import the way I made this character look earlier where did I even put that oh here it is it's actually a mark 4 skeleton I made it release them all that's gonna look kind of goofy but whatever I'm not the star of the show you guys are so it doesn't matter what I look like I do need to rename this character to VAM ryx so let's do that really quick okay let's go ahead and confirm that bad boy now you can see so this is one of her mark for skeletons it's listed as mark 2 but it's it's supposed to be a skeleton scout XT mark 4 because got the mark 4 body it's got 20 plus 20 perception plus 20% crossbow smithing plus 20% athletics or under said crossbows and 10% strength so pretty decent it's not gonna be a heavy weapons wielder or anything now there is a couple different models that she has but this is the one I'm gonna pick and you guys are certainly welcome to pick any of them I should probably do a showcase of all the the ones that you can be I'll do that in a separate video but needless to say I'll make a list of all the races you can be and if you guys want to add races we can do that too okay so we start out here in the hub as per the huge but oh what what is this the hub looks freaking different crazy the frame rates are a little slower than I guess it was just because it started loading but you know there's not a whole lot going in the hub still it's still pretty busted up but there are a couple more buildings that have something going on it looks like another bar so yeah this is gonna be totally cool because I don't actually know a lot of this stuff so I'm just gonna kind of walk around and explore stuff see who we can talk to look it looked like there was a lot of people that we could actually talk to and it looks more yeah what is this show me you're gonna see this is just a store it's the guy on the street it's a store this already feels more like an RPG this is cool I'm diggin it he doesn't really have anything that we need right this second we did actually start with a little bit of money it looks like I wasn't expecting now I'm used to starting with no arm and no money but yeah that's right a little stubby over here is ready to go okay what do we want to do now so kind of a little bit of a story behind my character now fabrics I'm not really gonna tell as much of a story as I will with you or characters now as you guys submit your characters what I really I'll put some details in the description of the video so that you guys don't have to remember what to do it'll there be some instructions there and it'll all be about basically just telling me how you fit into this story right tell me you know what kind of race you want to be what kind of armor you want to wear what kind of weapon you want to use whatever like take as much liberty with your character as possible and I would encourage you to take the more right take more Liberty it looks like this guy's just a trade good dude so that's cool not really what we need to be doing at this point but I just want you guys to just kind of let me know like use your imagination there's no right or wrong just do whatever close your eyes and envision what you want your character to be like and tell me and we will find a way to bring your character into the story now keep in mind that all these characters we bring in look at the this looks cool it looks nice look at that armor that looks nice that must be almost stuff I haven't played with almost stuff at all yes I don't maybe I'm wrong maybe that's not almost I think the Hat might have been without the goggles was in vanilla I'm not sure I think I saw some people with it this looks cool burn he's not a skeleton right now apparently that's just a hounds pacifier it looks cool though I'm guessing this is just a yeah it's just the same bar pretty much so a lot of this looks the same but it just the feel of it is a little bit different already right so anyway just just tell me stories about your characters and we'll get them in here now I'm never gonna do more than one character per episode unless something happens where that's just the way it goes down right and I think what we want to do okay so essentially my character is sort of a skeleton that's been growing up I'm he's not really growing up right he's been around for a long long time but essentially he's he's kind of weak for a skeleton and he is essentially oh did I start with like bettors oh I have someone targeted I thought I had me target I was looking at my strength was 20 I'm like what that doesn't seem right so yeah so I think um I want to kind of what's going on here what what is this veins Pass iron Haven what are those Oh I'm already excited guys there's a strange camp let's go to this lone Shack and see if it's still the same thing I think it probably is but I don't know let's check it out dudes there's a lot more it looks like maybe some more shopping going on it's hard to tell we still need to keep our eyes out for you know bandits cuz at this point I don't even know what's gonna be in the game right I haven't done a lot of research I've just been like hearing little tidbits and I'm super excited about it you know just because it offers a different experience and one that I'm a little bit more blind about right one of the things I've noticed playing star sector lately guys is that it's been very fun to play a game that I don't know anything about right and I feel like this playthrough I'm gonna know a lot less now I'm gonna understand the general mechanics of kimchi but there's a lot of stuff around that I'm not gonna I'm not gonna know about does look like maybe this is just the same bar we are primarily gonna be focusing on the sheykh invasion for this playthrough because we're tired of being oppressed by the shek I'm sorry not the shek the holy nation and and the shek are at war with them right now and we don't have the power to deal with them and we really don't have like a skeleton army or anything we need to we need to form some kind of Army or alliance with the shek to basically push into the holy nation territory with the assault mechanics and so that's exactly what we're gonna do so I think we'll get started by kind of like we really need to just make some money I'm not gonna do any mining I can't really I don't like doing that stuff in the beginning of the game I don't know if we're gonna be doing any thievery or anything like that either would certainly like work on our lock-picking and whatnot to try to you know get that stuff up but let's say I kind of want to see what's going on over here we're not very fast so I'm how fast 3/16 yeah so that's that's a little bit concerning oh when I clicked over there he didn't actually go there must be um yeah there must have been actually before we do that let's we really need to get a repair kit right we can't afford to you know get into fights and whatnot without having a repair kit so we're gonna head over to actually I think there might be some money to be made here another was in vanilla now maybe there isn't now look at this building a crimson den what what is this oh hi how are you this looks cool yeah crimson rogue recruit that's cool then we got the it looks like the what does it call I came here what that armor is called but there's a mod for that it actually I have to say that I like the way it looks now the original mod beautiful beautiful model work by the way but the the sort of like it was too shiny I don't know I why it was so shiny because I'm obviously not a graphical artist I'm a software engineer but the original mod just looked very brand-new you know like it didn't look like it it belonged in the world of kenchi and so I mean the style of armor looked like it does right because it's you know it's Japanese but it didn't it didn't look dirty it didn't look like broken down it just kind of like oh we can grab that cactus room for sure it just kind of looked new you know what I mean and nothing in Kanchi looks new because like everything's beat to crap it's an it's a post-apocalyptic world so it just didn't fit in my mind but it looks fantastic now well there's not really much we can grab here so as we grab that ration pack I think those actually sell pretty good now that I'm thinking about it okay well let's see if there's any other buildings that maybe might have something that we can get our paws into I mean we can just sneak a roar doesn't really matter I don't know the word yeah there's nothing there uh what else we got it looks like we got another building over here might as well check it out right because I mean the stuff that's in these buildings like this empty junk like I'm not even bother at that it may be early game but it ain't that early early so yeah definitely on your characters guys like this will be more of a vert Bose episode like the first one we'll all be always gonna be less cut than the rest because you know the the pace even though it's slow early game it's it's going to be is this a private house no I mean it's it you can buy it essentially and are these the shinobi yeah shinobi thieves okay so we really can't do anything there and okay so let's just let's just head to now what is this let's just check it out holy nation outlaws oh it's a food store okay not something that we're gonna be able to benefit from right now cuz we're a skeleton so let's head down to squid oh I need to get a map mod may not be part of this may not be part of this but I definitely want some form of map mods so yeah I'd really like you guys to just in the comments leave me sort of like if you want to be in the series it can be something as simple as hey I just want a character I don't care what race I don't care what sex I don't care what weapon I don't care what armor and you give me a name I need at a very minimum I need you to be actively engaging with me in the comments and letting me know what kind of what name you want now here's the thing right if we have three character slots to fill and there's three people that are there six people that submit names and three of those people have like intricate backstories and really cool like descriptions and letting me know like oh this is where this character came from where they grew up and this is how they got involved you know and this is why they want to help fight you know the holy nation and take them down I mean whatever like I'm gonna pick those ones right actually I'm really gonna let you guys pick them right so if you see a really sweet awesome while the frame rates yeah it was having a hard time lower than that that's for sure I mean I think it's cuz it's on 3x because we're sneaking I'm probably not gonna stop sneaking now so we don't have to run on 3x so let's just get over to squint at a normal pace but it's I'm always gonna base like which stories I pick based off of what you guys think of them right so if you thumbs up those stories that are in the comments and you think they're awesome then those are the ones I'm gonna pick right and however like if there's if there's six people that submit stories and everybody you like gives everything the same number of thumbs up like cuz you guys all submit so awesome of stories I'm gonna take liberty and I'm gonna pick the ones that I think fit the most so now you don't exactly know right at this moment how it's gonna fit in right because I haven't I haven't ran into any other characters wow this is definitely takes a while to load they must have added quite a few assets into the game I don't I don't know if this is gonna be film Abul if it's hitting these frame rates like this all the time this isn't gonna be filming well guys that's unfortunate yeah I was really looking forward to it we'll see what happens might have to skip over some of this stuff but if it continues to regularly be hitting you know 2 to 3 frames a second when it's doing those loads like that that's definitely not gonna work ok so but like I said I'm gonna take some Liberty right if you guys all submit amazing stories and you know and it's hard for the community to pick I'm gonna pick something yeah every time it starts to load in textures it just tanks so I think I might need to add I was trying to do it vanilla looks like some of the terrain isn't working there yeah I guess it was just loading but yeah that's when by itself takes a long time to load but that was that was quite a bit longer okay so what's going on and squid kind of the same stores it looks like look at that nice look nice looking chick warriors this guy's got a that's a check hunter he's got like a thieves backpack on that's cool what's this dude check this out just a traitor it looks like I like how there's there's traders on the I like how there's traders that are on the streets that's actually really cool it feels way more organic way more normal looks like we can also sell this stuff we're not gonna get a ton of money for it however and we don't need this at all well we might as well sell this stuff just to get rid of it okay all right moving on so we do I I do know who our first recruit is and I'm gonna be looking around for them to see because I want this to be a heavily Scheck involved story so any of you who are knowledgeable of this game you might have an idea of you know several characters that I might be potentially looking for and they they'll be somewhere in a Czech city I don't know which one they'll be in but we'll continue to look for them so for right now I think what I want to do is just kind of look for that that individual and we'll kind of explore oh look at this this is a new set up so this is now it looks like a general shop and then this is a travel gear instead of being a second bar well the camera in this game is always oh and the bar just kind of like move to the other side of the street there that's cool looks pretty neat so far let's take a look here it's probably just another just as market stall see - I don't know what situ is maybe it's clothing no it's just reg it's just this regular you know food and stuff so nothing we need quite yet so what should we do let's check this out I'm just checking the vendors guys cuz I think some of the vendors have change and I don't really know what they've put in them so I'm just just kind of taking a look right we're doing some exploring we don't really know what's going on in this mod yet yeah so this is what we're looking for we want one of these for sure we want one that has 500 charges for sure our skills low enough that we're gonna go through that pretty quickly early game so skeletons are actually surprisingly hard early game if you've ever tried to use an authentic skeleton repair kit early game like dude you go through that thing so fast that hunter charges I mean yeah you're supposed to go through the the higher quality ones faster but I mean I don't know maybe it'd be more effective to buy two and a half of these I'm not sure but either way like when I last time I try to skeleton only and I got knocked out like 1/5 I had gone through half of it right so it's it's pretty crazy so I'm gonna continue to run around look for this recruit and and we'll also I think you know if we run into any bandits or whatnot that we can't fight we'll try to get him pulled over to the guards and see if we can get him killed all right we found her she was in this bar she is typically in a bar here in in squint and we're gonna go grab her she is a unique recruit she is gonna be the only recruit that we leave the name on her because she's gonna be she's gonna be very relative she's gonna be very important to the story that we go through right she is going to be very important let's see looking at my horns outsider uh no good don't because I can still prove my worth and battled without them I have a question for you outsider what do you do if you're outnumbered on the battlefield which a lot of their simple oh that's funny is there even a choice keep fighting till the end that's funny truth you live a coward or die a hero we fight the enemy to the death and we die with honor on the battlefield but I didn't die I awoke surrounded by death but still alive they labeled me a deserter and cut my horns on my return I'm no longer a warrior but a servant you lost your horns but at least you're still alive to fight again perhaps either way I will not remain here as an unclad warrior you damn right you won't girl but you you seem different to the others I have met outsider let us band together I'm intrigued to fight alongside you it would be an honor Ruka it would be an honor okay so we're gonna leave Ruka the way she is oh look she's got some look at this guy's this must be part of omos stuff we'll take a look at it once we've sort of got her out there and she is gonna be a heavy weapons user for sure we can certainly get her one that will train her decks a little bit better than possibly a plank although the plank actually does train decks maybe we'll wait to get her to a fragment axe so here guys Luca Luca essentially is she is a Scheck who has been dishonored and she needs to regain her honor and that is what our story is all about our party will be helping Luca and van Rick's this lovely skeleton who is so much higher than Ruka I love it these two are essentially gonna be working together to do everything they can to regain rucas honor in the process of doing what they need to to prove to the Scheck that they're worthy and they're gonna be doing that by taking down the holy nation and they may have to do other stuff on on the way and that is exactly where our story is going to begin so let's get these two moving oh yeah let's take a look at rucas stuff man I almost didn't take a look at anything now there's plenty of other recruits here but I I will not be recruiting people until we have people that want to be in the series okay now maybe we'll and now if you disagree with that let me know but I think for right now that's how I'm gonna play it I want you guys to let me know who you want to be you don't have to make a specific character you can just say I want to be a hayver I want to be a southern hayver I want to be a fog man you know I want to be a freed fog man or something or a restored fog man whatever use your imagination and let me know who you want to be in this series okay we are definitely getting rid of these we don't want that penalty what's the leg covered it's only 50% on these barbaric Faulds might be why we have those on Oh dark leather shirt okay cool so she's got some decent stuff this stuff's not terrible I mean the coverage is pretty bad I don't like that it's only got 50% leg coverage that seems quite bad but it's better than nothing so it also affects athletics though and combat speed so I'm not a big fan of that at all so we're gonna have to get her something else but for right now I guess that's what she's got which is let her wear those until we get her something different although I kiss it what color underwear she's got on that might be better yeah looking pretty good we could just have Ruka run around in our underwear let me know in the comments below if you want andrew gonna just run around in her underwear not for the whole series obviously but maybe for one episode I think we'll probably have her armor by the time you guys vote on that by the way so luckily there's vendors that sell those shoes right outside the store we just came out of write so we can get rid of these trash boots and just pick up some of these wooden sandals so she moves a little faster should compensate a little bit but she still I think she's encumbered a little bit oh and you noticed I also have transparent UI this time it's similar to dark UI basically does the same thing it just kind of makes it a little bit transparent so I'm gonna have Ruka carry VAM for a little bit just to get her a little strength while we're trying to find some banditos here cuz we need to get some money you know we're not gonna mind copper we're not gonna mind copper at all we which she is a warrior right and so she needs to be doing warrior training getting ready to fight which right now includes getting stronger and then eventually get into fights and so we're gonna we're gonna we need to get van Rick's a kit as soon as we know we have enough no we don't nevermind we need like almost 5,000 so we need to get him a kit to heal with as fast as we can and then once we have that we can start fighting people you think me smuggling checks remove your effects outcasts think me a Scheck warrior a smuggler humility hmm you're an outsider no Scheck warrior pockets open them definitely gonna show the guards my gear so we need to improve our reputation with the Scheck nation now how we're gonna do that I don't know yet but I think some of it might involve hunting down bounties that they will give us reputation for so that may be kind of a first step that we can work towards but right now we need to get Luca to the point where she is no longer encumbered at all from wearing the gear that she's wearing once we've achieved that then we can start start fighting right now we're just gonna look for bandits and whatnot okay so we've actually made it up here two veins pass is what it's called ooh is that a bone dog what is that or are these slavers oh my god yeah hopefully they don't try to take us slave please don't keep these don't take me don't take me okay so anyway we've made it to this town here it looks like it's I think it's eat is it you a united cities town free traders that's interesting his weapon looks different I'm not really sure it's got like a different handle that's kind of cool so they must have reskin some of this stuff too I have no idea I don't know if we're welcome here I guess we're gonna find out guys it doesn't look like they're Agri Donna's right now but you never know in this game right they could they could turn on us in a heartbeat what do we ever strength up to nine seven we needed to get up to nine so she's not encumbered which is sort of her basic gear that she's wearing now what's going on here this is cool this is a neat little town check this out dude it's freaking awesome I'll tell you what like you know whether it runs super fast or not like I'm pretty stoked to just kind of see people building gorgeous gorgeous stuff like this this is really amazing yeah this is cool yeah let's just so oh that's interesting there's like signs on these but they're very different it's a general store I don't know what a general storage is what is that can we actually go over there I mean can we go in there right is what I'm wondering obviously we can we can't actually get there but speed it up just a little bit more really slow here looks like we can go inside I don't see anybody way what is there nobody here uh well guys I mean it doesn't look like there's just a bunch of barrels baskets five booze barrels I mean I don't I don't even know what's in this stuff but I guess we just take oh oh we have a pretty low stealing chance so it must be counting somebody that's outside that's close enough or something well that's cool what else we got in here oh this is a noble house so I don't know if there's a new Noble or if they just moved from the nobles but that's that's still pretty cool the United cities reach looks to be a little bit larger at this point so that's kind of neat oh the door is I guess they just closed okay well I'm gonna sneak around at night for a little bit and yeah I guess I guess when the morning comes up we'll do some more exploring cuz we I forgot to show you where we are but I think most you probably already saw it when I showed it earlier but in case you didn't we're up here at vanes past I guess we could go out here and check out this strange camp I don't know what that is seems like something to do at night right you know when it's safe it's nice and safe at night going out into the wilderness when you don't know which way you're going well we did manage to piss one of them off it looks like hopefully he doesn't run faster than we do yeah now he doesn't and he's in he's hungry so I think what we'll do is we'll just start running back to town here might as well make him run at the same speed here we go yeah hopefully they'll chase us the whole way because if they do and they do it here I should show you before we get running they look a little different right now the wait are these hungry bandits oh wow okay so we got hungry bandits here we got a I said no freaking runnin I thought those were dust bandhas now there are dust bandits over here right there's a bunch of dust bandits over here and they are dressed very differently than they were in vanilla so I think it makes you know makes him look a little bit more like like they should be living where they're living but yeah so Ruka she she didn't run fast enough before gosh she's got great legs look at that great legs so let's get her over here let's get them both over there both baman Ruka and see if we can get him to keep chasing us the whole way cuz if they do then we can simply run them back to the guards cuz I mean we really don't have a way to make money this early right I mean this is this is quite quite early game we just don't have anything or these these guys are out here fighting that's fine we don't we don't need them to come on guards help us out here guys yeah early game you really have to now we can certainly get in here and fight the one thing that I'm worried about with VAM is that we don't have a repair kit for him right now at least with her we've got a first-aid kit but with van we don't have a repair kit so it would be quite dangerous to essentially be fighting with him I mean we're I think we're going to I don't know that we really can though that's the problem alright I'm gonna I'm gonna get van back here I just don't know I'm really nervous to fight with him whatsoever Oh God and yeah see now he hasn't taken any oh you know what though these guys don't do any bleeding damage do they at all they don't so he doesn't need to worry about it whatsoever he'll heal from it yeah he's not gonna take any oh wait he is taking bleeding damage mm-hmm but that bleeding should stop okay well if worse comes to worse we're gonna have to do some some some stealing with him to make some money cuz he won't die before nighttime I don't think well it looks like these dust bandits are not getting on you know one or two shot by these guards what's up with that let's take a look at these guards stats they still look pretty strong but they don't look as strong as I would expect Ruka is definitely pretty slow with that weapon and she will be for a bit she absolutely will be for a bit come on we could turn around girl there you go getting in there with a nice heavy swing now of course she is wearing man boy this guy is surviving way longer than I would have thought he would he's finally down we were gonna loot him before this guy runs off with him absolutely we're in car caught stealing by a who end up with a bounty House bam Rick's doing up there he's fine he's probably getting the crap kicked out of them but he'll be alright alright I seriously go ahead and leave that spiked armor oh look at that that's cool not a lot of he's got a defense penalty and it effects dexterity a little bit but not that much right don't care about the crossbows and the combat speed point 99 that's not bad at all not a ton of coverage on the right arm there's no coverage on the left arm a little bit on the stomach and 90% on the chest so I mean it's better than what we had or didn't have these are definitely better I think than what we're wearing currently oh yeah I'm by a long shot we're gonna put those bad boys on what are these boots here plated short boots they still have an athletics effect but it's only 0.94 that's not too terrible but we're gonna sell them we're also gonna sell this horse chopper actually we'll probably give that to Van Rick's and then 90% head coverage it's still gonna sell for I mean I might as well put that on all right why wouldn't we yeah we might as well okay so will sell the stuff that we can and then we'll keep everything else these would be look at the value on those I'd be nice to sell right now actually I think we'll see what we have after we're done kind of taking care of everybody let's give her the medic job so she can deal with that well for a second there I thought he was attacking us let's get up here with Ruka get up in it and we don't need to they're already down okay let's go loot up here a little bit what we're already using an iron club but it's trash and this one's certainly better I'm sure just based on the color you have point O four although I think we're gonna be using this right at least for now all right it's mid grade Salvage so well great - that 0.5 yeah it's less attack but certainly certainly I think is is better yeah it's a little it's got a lot higher damage so that seems like the better way to go Oh what are these straw sandals oh are those the same essentially 1.1 athletics and 1.05 combat yeah they're exactly the same but what do they look like Ruka wanna you grab those come up here grab those bad boys but she needs splinting doesn't she yeah she does well let her medic or self we'll just take a look at these real quick I think yeah I think those look cooler yeah that's where those same exact stats we can just grab this stuff and sell it it's acts absolutely trash loot but you know what are you gonna do did they make those smaller I think they did unless I'm just remembering wrong okay so she's pretty much full I think what we'll do is we'll go around and loot a bunch of stuff for these iron clubs and whatnot off of these guys because they're all gonna have garbage and we'll just get them all looted up I have to say by the way that I am absolutely loving this skeleton it's just it looks very simple like simple as in like it looks can she ask right and I think it is actually from a model that was already in the game then essentially camel just re-enabled and you know worked it into the game looks really nice and I really really like the way that's just that single eye looks now maybe I'm not right I don't remember actually maybe they weren't assets they were already in the game I know there was some stuff she was doing that she was working on that she said she had grabbed assets that were already from the game so I don't know either way I really like it it's cool check out this armor to you by the way the armor that we got on root canal it just looks it looks nice look at that really cool I like it I'm digging it I'm really digging this mod so far like the overall the framerate could use some lovin but maybe that's just my computer okay yeah these guys are definitely not United cities because there's a they must be a totally different faction I mean obviously there is free traders right but look at there's a statue of Okrand right here so you clearly like there I don't know if they're like a hybridization of the two or what so this is kind of neat we'll have to find out if like if there's some lore around or something well it looks like the Ronin weapon trader here has some pretty decent weapons I mean they've got some you know mark to cat cat three cat one I mean decent stuff it's not you know it's not the best in the game but certainly like there's a lot of really nice stuff here that you can buy a few if you need to so they cool I'm diggin it we might as well just go ahead and sell everything we can here I'm not gonna keep that stuff no reason to keep any of this boy those guys I just am asking myself if I want to use those on I don't want to I want the combat speed I want to get some better pants that have full coverage and then continue to use sandals that give because I don't want as I don't want as much of this right now the encumbrance fine but look at that we've got a +4 percent from armor and equipment so once your encumbrance and her leg injuries taken care of we'll be good to go right now if I put these guys on we're a minus six percent so that's not terrible but I'd like to if we can stay above 1% combat speed well this is kind of cool I couldn't find a bar in town what I did find is this building that has looks like it's just the hospital right so I don't know if we can actually just go use these beds and a little char just because you'll know that you know I got it oh yeah look at that 50 credits that's it so she'll sit here and heal and while she does that we're gonna go and Steven grab some more money because we need basically enough money to get to the point where we can buy him a repair kit right so that we're not worried about getting him in a comment I want to be able to get him and come into combat whenever we want right and as long as we don't think they're gonna die in the fight so but it looks like maybe there's a little shot back here yeah it's a robotics workshop courtesy of the skeletons so let's see let's see we got here we got oh god those are so expensive we really need to like find someplace that has a bed that is we're cheaper than that because that's insane we need a robotics kit really is what we need although robotics gets a pretty damn expensive too I'll see what he sells probably just limbs huh yeah yeah yes limbs oh he's got repair kits but they're they've got a little bit of a markup on them that's too bad oh that's actually marked down I guess what I could do is just buy a couple of those but these are like like if you think about it 4,500 for 500 charges versus 6 they're 1865 for a hundred charges this just seems like a way better deal now I think these might consume more charges per use but I can't imagine it's like almost two times as much I really would be surprised by that maybe if somebody knows for sure I haven't looked into the math on that stuff so I don't really know but I'm really just I'm tempted to just save up just a little bit more money so we're gonna go find some more dust bandits and get him a repair kit cuz he's still fast enough to Ben he does heal over time right so he's he's fast enough to get out here and essentially aggro some of these dust bandits there's still a ton of them out here right we look at all these guys fighting out here I bet there's corpses just lying around yeah I bet we can pull some of these guys the guards too and that is exactly what we're gonna do what do we got over here just another hungry bandit finding a dust bandit probably out there getting smoked well I trained a bunch of dust man expect to town my god I stole some of their stuff and was able to sell some of it but most of them got captured and I'm not really sure but I think they all got taken like maybe they got taken in here I can't really tell it just says it's a station house like it doesn't say it's like faction headquarters or anything it says it's an inn oh that's interesting that's interesting mm-hmm oh look at this he's taking them over here so let's just follow this guy see where they take these dudes maybe they're taking them to like some kind of prison building I can't really tell ya they got more of them coming over here oh there's the police right there so I think and I don't know this but I think maybe what we can do I believe we can get up into the police station get upstairs and try to steal some of their stuff but we got to do it quickly right look at this we're starting to take we got bleeding damage going on here we can't we can't we can't have that we got to get up there and grab some of this stuff we've got some armor on on VAM now kind of similar definitely need more leg coverage and more body coverage how's route good doing Luke is still healing healing takes so long and vanilla it's crazy it's cool though cuz I'm you know that's a challenge in a way it's a challenge for me making episodes because then I have to sit there and wait for people to heal sometimes in order to do stuff but I think it I think we'll find a I think we'll find a good way I think we'll find a good balance and I want to try it again just to see what it's like because I'd it's been a long time since I tried you know since I've since I played like that right I've added other challenges into the game I'm just not that particular one like I've tried to add more challenge in other ways to compensate for some of the things that I've put in the game that make it easier if that makes sense and there's 5x in this one and I've never played with 5x I played with 3x a lot but I've never played with 5x so I'm looking forward to kind of checking that out seeing how much I mean it seeing if oh this guy's fighting here I don't want that pal oops nope let's go ahead and loot this guy um yeah he doesn't need me that does he the AI in this mod is way way different like these cops actually like have this bounty hunting job and they ran out here followed all these dust bandits and stuff like all the way out here there and there I guess they're using home aggression territory home territory aggression right now but they came all the way out here and just wiped out this camp and so we are gonna take advantage of that we're gonna get in here and we're gonna loot up cuz yeah we definitely need more money I think we'll put Ruger down slow this down just a little bit let's get over here and just help these dudes I mean why not just make sure yeah there's still a lot of cops out here they're just everywhere all right van Rick's is getting in there oh the guys already on the ground oh there's one on the ground that we were attacking here so Luke is gonna get a shot in VAM coming in with a quicker swing she's Brooke who's just so slow right now but that'll get her strength up and that's good and it's not gonna go up super fast but it is what in the world happened to your head bro what in the world dude that is okay seriously yeah I like it I like it you're looking good bro you're looking good all right let's go ahead and just clean these guys up shouldn't be too hard right most of them on the ground the cops are just out here dominating these dudes so we might as well just like pick them clean I mean they're not worth a ton but like we're gonna have enough money here for another repair kit here soon that we can put on Ruka and then we can ascend then we'll essentially have enough first aid kits and and splint kits and everything that we will compete completely cross-functional right away so it's good all right so we were spending a lot of time out there Luton we got quite a bit of loot here but we're we're weighed down and we're heavy and we got bandits attacking us I don't know for how I mean we're gonna certainly lose this fight looks like van is getting swarmed Luke is doing her best she's super slow with that weapon so she's barely gonna get ahead in yeah she's gonna get gonna get tanked on the Emma's doing a good job you're blocking doing a real good job Oh Ruka gets a big swing in come on Van Luke is just getting staggered now they're both just absolutely getting hammered I don't think they can take this kind of abuse much longer yep van goes down Luke is doing her best to stay up but I think she is just out of her league yeah she's down now we don't have any food so I don't know that they're actually gonna take anything from us we're playing dead currently I don't think we want to play dead if they're engaged with these guys yeah let's go ahead and get up that'll work on our toughness a lot well let's see I have hold on both of these dudes why don't root go why don't you or VAM actually Ruka just come over here and help with this guy all vams down again rebooting at 8 seconds that's fine we'll get toughness every time we get up here boy is she gonna be slow at that thing for a while here he comes the hungry panda just taking her down yeah and she's down again okay BAM why don't you get over here in Hill Ruka before you do anything else that guard can hold off on his own for just a little bit here now we can't really run away so we do kind of need to be a little bit careful here cuz what if she has she's at - oh she's already at minus 24 so she's she's in trouble so we can't let VAM really get knocked out I think he's got to do his best to stay up looks like that guard over there is making short work of these bandits hopefully this guy can survive long enough oh he is getting dangerously low but he's getting good a owee swings in so I think he might be able to take this group we should probably get in there and help him it's nah he's good he's good he's doing just fine we just don't want VAM to get knocked out of course if this guard goes down he might get knocked out but I think those two guards together looks like they've got it under control we're just gonna go ahead and get BAM healed up and then run back to town I would like to get stuck in but I want to make sure he's you know I want him to be healed up first and you can just see it's it's kind of chewing through his med kit but not that much his skill will go up over time all right we're heading over to the shinobi thieves tower here I don't know if it works the same as it doesn't banila but we'll find out these guys have a lot of really cool gear that you can buy early game at a discount and they're also a nice ally when it for when you get attacked you can kind of run NPCs to him and they have beds that they can offer you for free so let's see so you want to be in the shinobi thieves huh the guards try to lay down lay the crackdown but they ain't foolin nobody there nothing nothing a few cats can't handle anyway well I certainly want to join the fenelby Thieves you can join for a fee that's it I don't have to complete a test or prove myself or anything do I look like I got time for handling out handing out busy work no this is a business we're running not a social club just a one-time membership fee ten thousand cats is all that's a lot of kitty cats boys and girls that's a lot of kitty cats so what it'll be you want to join the guild okay sign me up oh I guess you could say what I get in return for all that money you get yourself allies we have hideouts like this one in the lots of major towns who watch each other's backs should o be thieves stick together okay it's a safe haven for the rest to rest and recover we have specialist training equipment to use you can sell your stolen items to our fence and he also sells some hard-to-find specialist equipment at a huge discount very nice very nice okay sign me up all right I remember this Jill BDUs yeah I like to do this early game it's uh not necessary but I really like their backpacks that's kind of the only reason no I don't want to talk to the plastic surgeon I want the guy with the backpack where's the guy with the backpack is the outside no it might be on the second floor or floor one as programmers doing specialize in UX design obviously well what is that weapon dude I guess it's just a retexture of the ninja blade maybe I don't know it looks pretty cool all right new membrane well unless you actually enjoy the inside of a jail cell and knock that shifty look off your face I can spot you a mile off anyway down to business what do you got for me um well I'll show you let's trade oh okay okay black leather pant does it's got like a patch on it very different very different I haven't seen these yet so this is cool oh we don't want to sell our stuff to him so maybe I should have come here at a later date after I'd sold stuff really what I wanted to do was get Ruka put in bed so let's get that done real quick and then I'll kind of ferry the gear around get it sold we'll see if there's anything we want to pick up at that that ninja or the shinobi thieves trader okay while I'm here selling I might as well show you some of this stuff cuz I'm loving some of this armor right the armor variation check this out dude are you kidding me this is amazing it's only 70% coverage which is a little bit of a bummer considering that's not any better than the straw hat right I think this draw an iron hats are 70% so I don't think that really makes a whole lot of sense I think the fact that this is covering your face as well means it should have more coverage right I think this item should have like maybe 80% coverage or 75 something more and I realize it's maybe being balanced because of the the fact that it has dust storms and gas protection 100% by the way that's freaking amazing so that might be worthwhile taking something like that and check this out right here we've got something that's got 90% coverage on the head 25% coverage on the chest it's got a stealth effects got a melee defense bonus it's got 70% protection from dust storms acid gas mean pretty cool stuff here guys now it's shoddy grade so yeah but I mean seriously pretty cool it's nice to see some of this variation that I haven't seen before so that's exciting for me because it's new for me some of you guys may have seen these in these in in these specific mods before but I have not and I am excited so cool got all that stuff so I think that was everything right yeah I got everything sold very nice very nice so we'll get Brooke in to bed get her all healed up so up here on the second the number two floor or the third floor there is there are beds here that don't cost you any money at all once you've essentially invested in the the shinobi thieves so we're gonna let Ruka heal up and we're gonna go run out onto the field and grab some more gear just kind of keep keep trying to make a little bit of money at a time and get enough money to where we can get another first date or sorry another kit for robotics repair kit right a skeleton repair kit for Ruka and once we've done that then I think we're just ready to get out and start taking it to the man getting some getting in some fights and hopefully getting some more recruits just remember guys that I'm not gonna grab me any more recruits until you guys tell me I want to be in the series and here's my character name here's what type of character I want to be it etc so the more detailed you are with your story the more likely you are to get accepted so em just embellish guys use your imaginations and don't be shy right this is your chance to get in on the story ground zero day one to let me know exactly what you want in terms of a character and just don't be afraid like just use your imagination go crazy let me know what you're looking forward to in this series and we can get you in cuz I love having you guys involvement it's so much fun for me it really is so yeah you know how I was complaining about there not being a 100% coverage on those we'll check this out scrap metal hat standard grade look at the frickin look at the stats on that that is amazing this awesome dude that is way better than the helmet that we're using on Ruka we are absolutely buying that absolutely she's gonna look like a total boss I wonder if her horns are gonna stick through I bet they will let's compare that we have a standard here look at his twenty one thirty five a seventy okay that is on a mast helmet 27:48 80% are you kidding me it's better than a frickin masked helmet this is a heavy armor it is it's heavy armor that's awesome this is so good like at this point in the game that is so good for Ruka insanely good we're definitely just gonna go ahead and sell all this stuff that we have we're absolutely gonna buy that is that going to put us a little bit behind on on getting our getting the rest of the stuff that we need especially the robotics kit right we need the robotics kit so is it gonna put behind on that there's a whatever let's get it dude let's get it buy it I'm excited let's see if we can get this gorilla over here now there's um I just killed this bone dog so I definitely want to get over here and grab this bone dog stuff right now these teeth they're not super valuable but I just drop them on the ground that's not what I wanted to do if you hit shift and left-click instead of right-click it'll actually just drop the stack on the ground it'll also work via control so be wary that you could be doing that let's so fast this guy is he is 15 miles an hour how fast are we now we're 15 miles an hour mm you know what I don't think we need these oh I didn't sell that I should have sold that that's really what's weighing us down here okay we're at 16 now so that's good why don't we go where Decker a logo okay he's right here let's go ahead and attack unprovoked and what we're gonna do okay he's coming for us so let's go ahead and zoom in here a little bit we don't want to fight him at all I want him to chase us he's not chasing us anymore boy sometimes it's just really hard to click on NPCs we want him to come at us oh come on back over here yeah keep going buddy oh boy all right we're gonna try to take him back to the guards cuz he's got some skins on I'm not I think actually he doesn't have that much skin not like a beat thing or anything or one of those garu but he's got a skin and he is dangerous so we don't really want we don't really want to run into him when we're you know out and about so it's we'd rather take him back to the guards what's going on here I think that might be a guard coming oh that's a caravan drone guard interesting that's cool oh he's not actually engaging see if we can get him interested again all right here he comes come on guards there you go yeah you guys want to get in there yeah you do all right now in this case he may do quite a bit of damage to us if he hits us but I don't think we need to worry about dying because we can go down to minus 200 and if he does end up hitting us we'll get a lot of a lot of skill up so I think we want to get in there and get some get some licks in on him without getting hit possibly Oh took a hit in the arm there Oh getting them nice and slow we're definitely getting some hits oh that's good there we go yeah there you go BAM nice job nice job get in there buddy and Ruka is still in bed oh she's actually all healed up so she can get out of here she won't get out here in time I doubt it but yes you were taking a little bit of cleave damage that's good well we are we are hopefully gonna get another hit in here or there very nice very nice let's go ahead and get those skins off him he doesn't need those it'll be a little bit extra cash for us alright now this is crazy why we're even thinking about joining this fight I couldn't tell you looks like we got some beat things over here this seems very dangerous and foolhardy because it looks like there's only a couple guards out here that have actually engaged them uh yeah let's see how these guys are doing he's okay he's doing some work yeah or what we would have to do is assist one of these guys how's this guy doing over here he's getting hammered pretty good I think what we would have to do god there's I just don't think cuz we're not fast enough to retreat right it looks like there are some more guards coming over here guys so I think we're okay I think what we want to do is get in here and fight some of these dudes let's get in here and help fight one of these guys well make sure that we kind of try to stay behind him but these guys are gonna be really really good XP so I think we definitely want to capitalize on this situation and get Ruka in here see if we can get some hits on this beak thing Oh BAM boy you didn't even get hit by that let's get Ruka out of the way that cleave is not something we want to get hit oh okay there's too many guys on this one all right there's a bunch more beak things here let's see if we can get somebody maybe van we can get you over here bud oh we got some more coming in that are gonna a a we a bit so this is gonna be tricky positioning let's get them I guess back on the other side of a can hopefully doesn't switch sides too fast oh it's it's already down okay let's get in there oh that one got back up and that's okay that's really really okay it's not it's definitely not ideal right we don't want these guys to be getting back up but we don't exactly have at oh my god look at how hard they a guys when they do connect yeah look at that [Music] now Ruka I think her inventory is full but these are trash well we want these skins man heck yeah dude heck yeah all right anything else we can clear out an inventory here now these are 240 I think we got room for one more there we go yeah can we carry any more no I don't think so we might be able to reposition these first aid kits no cuz we can't move that so that's all we're gonna be able to load up with at this current time but we might as well see if we can get involved in this fight right I mean these guards are just cleaning these guys up so fast I don't think it really matters Brooke why don't you get in there no down down for the count yeah there's oh there we took a hit that'll at least give us a little bit of toughness a little bit of defense yeah there's just weren't any combat slots even with 5x like there were so many guards out here sweet all right well we got some stuff to sell look at that helmet on Ruka guys that looks awesome it's like a combination of the crab helmet top with like a gas mask and like the just some cloth on the side it looks really fantastic just a wonderful wonderful job okay so we actually don't have any food but there's plenty of big things out here that are gonna provide us with some right we're just gonna make a campfire here go ahead and confirm that and now we're just gonna drop off our food so it should be 5 in there as soon as that is done we can eat some of that cuz roof is getting a little low on food you know check our very hungry creatures so they like to eat a lot you can tell just show you here for those of you who are new I will be doing a little bit more explaining than normal for the rest of you who have already watched a couple of my series potentially I will be explaining a lot of stuff in the beginning more stuff now maybe not as much as I normally would in rather series but if you're new and you want to have answers to questions just ask away absolutely so if you just mouse over hunker down here you can see the hunger rate and because we're carrying someone around and because we're a Scheck we have 25% more so as a result of that I mean we're not moving right now so we have an idol multiply 0.8 but then we have a 1.4 5x multiplier for encumbrance in a 1.25 for racial because we're Scheck so check do you eat more high vers eat less and humans are kind of just at the 1.0 mark so not bad not bad so we're gonna go ahead and cook up that meat and get that all transferred into our inventory we don't need a ton of it and then we're gonna finish cleaning these guys up we don't need any more meat than that so I'm gonna go ahead and make sure I tidy up my campsite here I'm gonna go ahead and dismantle that and then we're just gonna finish loot enough all these beak things and just grab all of their skins because this is good money right here and this is early game this is very early game we got really lucky this is kind of a treasure trove so we just want to make sure we capitalize on this and get all the skins we can all right guys so I went into the Thieves Guild again and there are definitely two backpacks here now I'm never gonna buy a small fuse backpack so I just don't ever use them they they can't hold heavy weapons they can't hold polar these medium backpacks these thieves backpacks the regular ones and medium backpacks can both hold unless they've changed the sizes which they might have I don't know but they only cost 2,500 right now you normally when you buy them they're 5,000 so they're they're absolutely worth buying from the Thieves Guild because they're the they're hands down other than mods they're definitely the best backpack in the game overall like if you want to be able to carry stuff so like for instance you know rucas weapon trains her in strength right and dex when she uses it but if we put it in her backpack and you know unpause it lowers our weight a little bit not much but you know we can certainly like in a pinch if we need to right we can take all this heavy armor that she's wearing and put it in her backpack and look at that she's a 28 now which means she can run at full speed that's crucially important because we can always train her strength by fighting and by running by carrying someone but if we need to run away we have to be able to get her to weight and that is exactly what this backpack is doing for us because she's wearing pretty heavy armor she's wearing heavy armor here she's wearing medium armor here and then she's wearing heavier medium armor here I guess so she's definitely going up and weight we're gonna have to train her strength I'm pretty much just do that through combat I'm certainly not gonna buy these weapons from these guys they're just crazy expensive for what they are even though they're half price right but we'll get loot will loot some guys now I really like this chest but again it's you know it's forty six hundred I guess we could actually just buy that that's an amazing chess piece that is a quite and it's high grade that is really really good actually it doesn't have great harpoon resistance but the damage reduction is absolutely amazing for her level the dex penalty kind of sucks a little bit but it's really it's so much better than this thing other than the dex penalty right like the coverage on this thing is just absolute trash so I think we're we're gonna go ahead and do that now I'm certainly not gonna sell this one here because it's not it won't sell for a lot but we're gonna go ahead buy that and then I'll get that sold once we sell that we got to think about what we're gonna do next we're ready for combat right we got them we got them essentially ready to go what's the weight on these twelve first five so it actually weighs less that's nice that's very nice that was a really good trade very good upgrade that's one of the reasons the Thieves Guild is so strong early game is it can really help you kind of kickstart your first couple characters eventually don't need to do that but for now it'll be nice so what we need to do we've got everyone combat ready essential we've got all the first-aid kits you've got the splint kits we don't have the splint job yet but that's fine and then you know we've got that on both of them and so I think at this point we're kind of ready to get out and take some fights get some exploring done and hopefully one of you guys will write a nice little story so that in our next episode and they're going to be they're only gonna be two of them a week so we'll have two celebrity slaves a week and we'll have two of the we'll have two of this series the I'm totally spaced in my old Burt am old man brain just went completely blank there I was calling a check invasion but it's project Genesis right like this is the project Genesis pod so we're gonna have two of those week and we'll have two of the others a week and so we need to get it I want to get up there and check out this strange camp just see what it is right I don't know what it is so we're gonna do that guys in the next episode so before I head out here I just want to give a really quick shout out to a few people okay camel spiders been an absolute treasure she's been really just helping me a lot with my mod for our upcoming series and I hope you guys love it I'm having so much fun learning it and she's been an absolute help she saved me 20 hours probably already just with the advice she's been giving me and all the wrong roads she's keeping me from going down and also I just want to give a quick shout out to the communities of cebause and rodham on both communities incredible people everybody's been really helpful to me just kind of keeping me motivated and getting me started all the new people coming in and keep you in doing the same thing and just I really appreciate all you guys helped me out so much and spouts and Rada Mont have both been incredible sort of starting streamer mentors for me right like they have a lot of experience under their belt and they've been really helpful to me giving me a lot of their time and both of them have just been absolute just amazing I really appreciate it so all you guys have been is have just been incredible and I really can't thank you enough I would hug you guys I'll take you out for beers if I could so yeah just know that I truly appreciate all of you guys you know the communities and the people watching the videos I really love the comments it really means a lot to me and I look for I'm so looking forward to your guys's your stories I'm just so excited because in the cannibal hunters you guys did amazing amazing stories and I can't wait to see what you come up with for this story so we need to take down the holy nation we need to save rucas honor and have her become a hero of the Czech Empire and I'm looking forward to seeing how you guys think we should go about doing that by bringing in your characters who are gonna be the heroes of the story so I look forward to that and as always guys so by the way if you had as I had a ton of fun doing this by the way this has been an absolute absolute amazing time seeing this new mod just checking out almost armor so far is amazing I'm just loving it and if you guys are having as much fun as I am let me know by crushing that like button and as always guys I can't wait to see you for some more gaming shenanigans [Music]
Channel: Vamorix
Views: 7,135
Rating: 4.9789472 out of 5
Keywords: kenshi, kenshi gameplay, kenshi lets play, kenshi let's play, kenshi roleplay, kenshi story, kenshi guide, kenshi review, kenshi project genesis, let's play kenshi, kenshi game, kenshi walkthrough, kenshi 2019, kenshi steam, kenshi rpg, kenshi playthrough, kenshi gameplay part 1, kenshi pc, kenshi 1.0, kenshi part 1, kenshi let's play 2019, vamorix, vamorix kenshi, kenshi sandbox, kenshi modded ep 1, kenshi 2, kenshi ep 1, kenshi gameplay commentary, kenshi commentary
Id: 9Pqqech3ON0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 69min 18sec (4158 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 06 2019
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