Kenshi Awakening - EP3 - THE DESERT WAR

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what's going on clan ad here welcome back to more kimchi awakening in the previous episode we took a small group of people and assaulted this slave farm to the southeast of hang and we went in there and basically looted everything killed all of the guards and all of the slavers and we kidnapped one of the traders guilds Nobles named Peas and we're gonna basically take him back to our base and torture him a little bit I don't know we'll figure out what to do with him here in a little while we also built a base if we take a look we've got some people over here on our little island and we've got to work an ATAR running around building all the buildings but yeah we built a little sea fortress here that is going to be kind of like our staging area for darth as he kind of conquers the united cities and and starts attacking them and this is gonna be a good spot for us to kind of recuperate from the battles and and bring back our nobles which we can capture we bought we built a prison and outpost 3 which we're gonna use as our prison but we're going to need some copper alloy plates so before we come back with dark squad we're gonna have to try to sneak in and grab some copper plates otherwise we're not going to be able to get this built there's a few updates that have come out for kimchi which have kind of broken the game one of the new features is that they've added robotic limb crafting so you can now craft your own robotic limbs but they actually cost AI cores which until the southeast part of the map unlocks is gonna be kind of impossible unless you have unless you're import in your game and acquiring more AI cores if you're like me and you kind of like use all of your AI cores for research then you probably won't have any more unless you import the game and go back to all the ruins and stuff like that so once the southeast part of the map opens up I think there's going to be probably a spot where you can acquire more AI cores like all the time might be difficult to get them but you'll you know there's going to be an unlimited supply which you can use to craft your robotic limbs so that should be pretty cool unfortunately we don't have it in this update because I'm at 98 point 44 and that was released in 98 point 45 however we're up to 98 point 46 at the time of recording this video and that is kind of broken the game they have added the passive button back in which I can see it right here which is kind of interesting because I'm not on that version but interesting well they must have added it I guess it just applies anyway I don't know that's pretty cool or maybe it's a dark UI my that has added it that might be what it is anyway they have the passive bus button back along with the hold button so that's pretty sweet so for those of you guys that want people to be completely passive and I want that as well for when I'm doing the cinematics and stuff so I'm really thankful the devs are listening to the people suggesting all of these things on the forums because we really need that stuff so if you guys want to see more kitschy in the future and you want to see more of this series don't forget to subscribe so you don't miss any new episodes coming out if you haven't seen the first season click the link click the description below and you'll see links to all of the playlists for season 1 this is season 2 called kimchi awakening and we're picking up where we left off alright so anyway let's see if we can run up to heft really quick and acquire some copper alloy plates and then we'll swing back over to our outpost and some of you guys actually suggested in the last video I asked you guys what we should name Darsh new kind of fortress and you guys had some really good suggestions one of the notable ones was shadow stone which is kind of like a spin-off of Game of Thrones which I thought was pretty cool and you guys suggested a lot of them there was so many posts the one that I liked the most I think was port malice I think that is going to be a pretty cool name and I think we're gonna call it Port malice because it actually not port malice port malice it actually falls in line with some of these other things like port south and port north so we'll have port malice I think that's pretty sweet currently getting attacked by crabs over here Oh Oh captain the ominous Wow he is he's got a lot of anger built up inside him as you can tell okay once again I'm gonna test my theory here and see if we send in people one at a time oh wait we're wanted by United cities oh oh oh wait I can't run in with the Nobel what am I thinking uh are we all wanted by United oh we are this might not be a good idea let's see mop bucket is definitely wanted terrorism reacted wing oh he's got a big bounty that's not going away and Lee you are a boss you've acquired her a really big bounty ok slashes got three thousand let's let's get a little bit closer and see if this timer goes away you got to be in the territory for some reason I thought we are in the territory but this will turn kind of like beige color once you get close enough I think oh wait who's this freaking United heroes League ha look at this bloody foreigner you guys want where's your feet he doesn't like this guy's a racist against Ivers you attack us I'm gonna destroy you all right we are Lee is wanted he's got two bounties 20,000 for United holy nation and 25 for United cities ha ha watch your back insect person all right this might not be an easy idea here it's funny these United see these guys don't know that I don't have I have the traitors guild guy on my person damn it I wanted to get in there and make some copper alloy oh these guys want to fight huh oh whoops attack all here guys get off [Music] crush up oh good job these guys are hilarious come on mop bucket you got this guy nice nicely done all right what do they have mercenary leather armor nothing too too fancy on these guys ninja masks shoddy grade if they have a better ninja mask than a standard grade I might take that all right what the hell I'm sinned again reacted wing we'll see if he can make it what's his run speed 19 why is he so overloaded oh we got the beat thing eggs okay all right go for it reacted wing try not to get caught here everybody else just run they don't realize I have a bounty how am I getting through here okay that's fine everybody else just hang out there well Sinden reacted wing here to the bar sell the big thing eggs make up some room and let's see you've got some bounties sorry that's fine you're rid of the beat thing eggs oh yeah okay reactive wings gonna have to hide out here until morning and then we'll see if we can get some copper alloy plates this is kind of what I'm talking about if you take a look at Darth on the left-hand side with the bounty you can see it's gray and this kind of doesn't tell you like how much time you have left on your bounty but if we take a look at reacted wing you can see that the bounty color the text goes beige and if you scroll over the bounty now it tells you a little bit more information it says notorious this bounty will never expire so you actually have to be close to the town or inside the town pretty much like right outside of it for you to get more information on like how long your bounty will will take to disappear that doesn't mean that the timer only starts when you're around the area it will it doesn't matter it'll still expire as long as it's not like notorious like anything over I think someone said 10,000 is is a bounty that never expires it might be 15,000 somewhere around there so definitely 20 anything 20,000 are over you're gonna be notorious and you're gonna be carrying your bounties around with you but I'm pretty sure it's like 10 okay we got 11 copper alloy alloy oh my god I can't even talk 11 copper alloy plates I'm gonna sell these big thing eggs and buy all of them any blueprints that we don't have I think we have all of these okay electrical components oh I could use those me let me get a couple of those too I guess I'll get two more and yeah that's good we're up to two hundred and seventy K nice we'll save these big thing eggs that we have with our other characters until later all right reacted wing come on out don't get caught boom alright so that's a really good strategy guys if you're trying to sneak stuff into a city like illegal goods make sure you go in one at a time because I think the the game somehow triggers when you have more than one person it could still probably trigger on one person but I think there's more of a chance if you go in a group that they'll stop you and talk to you so anyway we're gonna head back to port ballast hold on a second we got a noble hunter over here that I noticed he's out hunting people how many of these no Empire noble hooded guards these guys are pretty good 62 attack 56 and that we got starving vagrants over here can we take this Noble I think we can I think we might be able to has low status looking oh yeah we're really healed up oh except for mop bucket alright mop buckets going range though we won't send him in I think we could take these guys alright guys let's do this no risk no reward let's get to Nobles I'm pretty compact to our base you've got a lot of starving vagrants and stuff around and we got these guys distracted so oh this guy's new United cities do we want to pick a fight with them now of course we do how many of these guys are there they're distracted over here this is a good time let's see there's there's not too many of them all right here we go let's do it Oh kidnap Oh Oh attack all mop bucket stay back oh you guys are on hold on shoo get off of hold me I want you to go after the the hunter mop buckets stay back and start pegging these guys and Stewart get off a pole that need you reacted off of hold go go go get this guy all right we might lose our house [ __ ] Darth is getting destroyed oh my god what the hell happened to Noble oh there he is mop bucket I need you to get this guy pick him up all right I think we're losing oh crap these guys are better than I thought all right we might have to retreat uh-oh abandon abandon ship everybody run all right uh attack all then mop bucket captain get out of there captain all right you need to you stay mop bucket you run and Stewart or you run to mop bucket will come back and heal these guys doroth is down holy crap these guys are good oh nice job /o slashes down all right reacted is up captain is in trouble come on Stuart Stuart is damp Stuart's down all right holy crap all right we didn't get the Nobel did we oh we did get him down ah only we could sneak in there and grab him okay well we were definitely outnumbered there I thought for sure we'd hat we had this Darth is back up again Darth why are you getting back up ah alright they already got him down alright mop bucket is out here healing we've got a mercenary guild Oh I could hire these guys no that's fine captain D ominous is fighting a noble captain oh this guy is really good well this is a good battle right here come on Lee stop getting up man oh my god Wow there you go captain Oh captains down just run Lee just run I don't think they can catch oh he can catch you oh he's down all right Darth is up let's pick up slash and get out of here alright reacted pick up Stewart and leave why don't you pick up captain Dee amitis and okay we're out okay well that did not work out well we got to go in with more numbers but hey we got our stats up all right let's get to port malice I thought we that was a good opportunity to get to Nobles but those Empire our noble hooded guards are pretty beastly we've made it back to port malice and we can come in now and finish completion of our prison where we can store this noble twerkin a tour has finished the other Tower well done Tork inator we're gonna need to get get her creating some turrets for us so I'm sure the United cities is not gonna be happy with this fairly soon let's take a look what's our faction oh we're still at zero for United cities interesting that's interesting okay let's see reacted wing where yet I've reacted wing down Stuart first of all and let's get this outpost built I really like it out here because you can kind of leave the gates open you don't really have to worry about bandit attacks there's literally nothing out here to attack your base so if you want a a like kind of like an easy base this is really good I really like this spot because you could just put like two people on the turrets maybe three and that's it you won't have to worry about anything okay we finished completion of the outpost three and this is great because we can go upstairs and have a prison upstairs as well as downstairs let me go ahead and build a couple cages all right there we go we went ahead and built a few we don't need too many right now but I built five cages because these things take a lot of iron pit plates five and I think we only have 40 iron plates stocked up right now so let's get to work an ATAR stocked up iron plates in our inventory and see if we can build these fairly quickly all right cool we got a couple cages built so let's bring our little prisoner over here come along mop bucket there we go got our prisoner captured him and let's go ahead and loot this guy he's got nobles robes long sword he's got some decent stuff on him so I have tornador grab all this stuff oh he's got even some he she has she shot him too nice let's talk to this guy sob he says nice no it's a she well she can cry in here by yourself alright we're gonna also have to build some beds we got to get everybody rested because we are gonna be launching an assault on probably port south here and see if we can take out that area and capture another noble so we've got to get people rested alright I made something little cool just I put six beds three and three but I kind of gave gave it like a partition I don't know I just kind of came up with something like a little octagon kind of thing with some privacy so that way people can have a little bit of privacy when they're sleeping so hopefully there's enough room to get in there looks like there is you just want to be careful you got to leave enough room so that people can get in and get out so that's kind of takes a little practice getting used to but over time I try not to make things so close together I'm learning from building and moonshine or other base because I built a lot of stuff like our workshops and stuff like that really close together so try to space things out a little bit more if possible alright so torque inator will run around and build all that I think we got the prison set up here I think we have to worry about our prisoner leaving I just forgot though that we need fabrics which always seem to forget that we need for building beds and I don't think we have we do have a couple fabrics here only two though damn it I always forget the fabrics yeah mmm we might have to like as far as our farming go so we might have to bring go back to moonshine and grab a bunch of stuff that we can use to get our farms going over here so that might be a two-stage thing oh well well we'll get it figured out eventually I also want to build a couple things in this other building a couple of workshops workbench is really quick all right I place quite a few buildings because crafting buildings because we need quite a few of these different things we needed to make arrows medkits chainmail all this stuff so anyway I ended up building more than I thought I would build and I know a couple of you guys probably got a laugh out of when I said that we weren't going to make this base very big and look what happened so I go and make it like almost as big as moonshine but hey oh well you guys should know by now that some things just never go according to plan all right I also put down a bunch of storages for armor weapons and then over here we have general storage so I'm just gonna throw a bunch of these over here and that way anybody resting can go and drop off their loot and stuff and this will be a good little spot for to re-equip so we'll be able to store all of our loot in here that we acquire from our excursions that are about to happen all right everybody's gonna drop off their stuff that we don't need in these general storages my bucket is pretty much loaded up here you got some food we might as well keep as well keep the sake the store the big thing eggs since probably not gonna be doing any selling right now and we want we want to acquire more goods so and have room for for loot so basically we want to stop stock everything actually yeah just get rid of all this stuff all right I think we are ready to go here we've got everybody rested everybody's got their inventories cleared out so I think it's time to go out in force and see what other Nobles we can capture and see what other items we can acquire we're gonna just try to make as much money as possible loot everything that we can I think our prisoner will be fine by themselves we're definitely gonna take a Maison Henry of course we're taking everybody we're gonna go full assault and I think we'll take out port south and I don't know maybe we'll like attack bark or something we'll have to see how we how we do at port south we made it to shore so we're gonna head north now along the coast and we're gonna go right north to port south and we already scouted port south out in the last episode so I think we're gonna have enough members to assault the base and take everyone out and capture a noble and we'll just kind of do a raiding party just kind of continue our way north into along the coast so we'll try to hit port south and port north and then maybe we'll come back towards bark and see if we if it's possible we might have to put the nobles in prisons first but the other thing is the the only problem with the nobles is that every time I import the game the nobles are going to disappear and since I know there's going to be another update coming because there's a couple bugs with the latest version I'm not really too concerned about capturing nobles at this point it's a lot of fun to do it but it's just like with so many updates coming out in a small amount of time it doesn't leave a lot of room for doing anything with those people so I don't know just have to play it by ear I guess another name you guys suggested for Darth base or sea fortress was also called Umbra I really liked that one that was pretty cool so maybe we'll use some of those suggestions for some other things in the future so I'll keep those in mind for you know future bases and outposts and stuff like that I've got some Manhunters over here that we can take out and the caravan Guard traders guild nice let's take these Manhunters out we're gonna just mop we're good I just run right through them all right make sure nobody's on hold here oh all right pretty selected go off of hold oh god why is it doing that okay that's weird Oh No oh no I can't get people off of hold oh that bug is not in ninety-eight point 46 or whatever Oh No it literally oh no what well that sucks I can't get people off of hold now [Music] it's so weird just like keeps coming back on hold but that that bug was supposed to be in the latest version and it's in this version geez must be something to do with the the user interface or something because dark UI is it's what I'm using and it seems like maybe dark UI something is with the UI itself and and maybe not the coding I don't know not really sure this is gonna suck a little bit because we're not gonna be able to assault everybody's gonna be on hold mode we got some man hunters up here that we can take out well all right this is gonna cause a little problem for us and we're probably going to have to have to wait until this an update comes out to fix this before I can continue with this episode because unfortunately it's just gonna cause too many issues here for us we assault the base all right we're on the outskirts of Port south and we'll have to wait until an update comes out that fixes this bug so that I can continue on with the episode so guys I'll I'll be back once the update comes out that fixes it and we'll attack this town all right after three days of waiting the developers have finally fixed a hold bug so now we can continue going on with the episode and assault port south over here in the Northeast thanks to the developers for fixing that they also fixed a couple crashes and some other bugs with turrets so that's really good but yeah I I didn't want to attack this town with that that bug going on because it'd be really difficult because then we'd have to move all the characters and like it would just be almost kind of impossible to really assault a town with that bug going on all right anyway let's take a look here maybe we should just go right through the front gates I can't wait until the ad wall-climbing if they ever add it that would be so epic all right let's just assault the front gates hold on though let's have let's get our crossbow min yeah let's get lead to and ranged will get mop bucket doing ranged and also watson ranged okay perfect all right here we go we're gonna position let's see mop bucket Leigh and Watson we're gonna put them on should be and I guess we won't put them on hold we'll just have them go ranged all right we'll get them over here and I will send the rest of the squad this way all right let's do it take them out men all right go for it guys wait Oh hold on Lee attack there you go [Music] nicely done guys nice so you do we have anybody on the turrets oh we do haze why don't you grab this guy up here all right archers position yourselves indoors nice haze and mace working together oh wait who's this guy Empire noble hooded guarded I haven't seen a higher version of these guys yet nice oh who are we fighting oh it's Lady Kanna ha ha yes let's get lady Kanna my leg he says oh man it's the freakin Mountain the guy is tall Saeko come back all right we don't want this guy to die I think everybody else is in the bar killing everyone all right just let them do their thing my book it won't you let's make sure lady Khanna doesn't die oh we got more noble hooded guards up here Oh Hayes is down all right Badgers protecting him same with psycho all right mop bucket pick up lady Khanna or kidnapper nice loot loot these guys later alarm has been raised and this guy's run into his buddies over here nicely done Karl Nicholas and reacted well done all right you're gonna loot the hell out of this place all right I think we took everybody out let's see is there anybody in here no but there's a lot of stuff to loot we're gonna need mop bucket though because he is kind of like our thief let's have badger hold on to Lady kata all right let's have our archers go off of ranged I don't want to waste all our ammo since we took out the initial force here you got a lot of stuff we need to Luke we got Stuart here ready to go all right let's get mop bucket indoors let's go into this building first this position our people spread them out a little bit we're like killed some of the enemies and just get them get them around so mop hook it's gonna need some protection take out these guys there you go all right go on hold my book it and let's start looting all right we're gonna have mop bucket picked a lock to the safe in lady Kaunas quarters and you know let's make sure she's not dying oh yeah she's good okay I think we pretty much murdered everybody in this town except the guards over here this guy isn't even healing his buddy oh I took a couple fancy rugs all that's Zig I wonder if I can place those rugs I took them right off the ground we got Oh fancy rags blueprint okay I'll take that take some food cats and we don't need the ceramic bowl nice fancy rugs all right I don't think there's anything else in here we need so I think we're good here all right guys I think we've bird heard everybody in the town we've looted everything so Stewart is stocked up with or tornador is stocked up with some sake some food and a lot of cactus rum that we stole and some pearl vases and stuff so that's pretty much it not very profitable loot wise however we did capture lady Cana and we're gonna definitely take her back to our base at some point however I think most of our people are not too wounded so we might be able to take out port north as well so I think we'll probably go up to port north and see if we can capture ourselves another noble this is actually pretty cool over here there's a little village called Fort Mirage which is the United Heroes League I guess base but it's just a building but they have turrets up at the top which is kind of funny that's kind of neat I wonder how many guys are in here I don't know we're gonna slaughter them all though because I think that'll be fun these guys are weak we got outlaw swordsmen that's fine I'm not gonna attack those guys just go in here and annihilate these dudes let's have mace Stewart just kind of go on hold over here I want them damaged yet everybody else just run in and kill everyone let's see what kind of goodies they have in here hey boys wake up ha ha City hero where's the boss man at Lord Mirage right here yeah this guy's a toast Lord Mirage oh yeah you wanna fight huh all right fight take them out oh my god he's getting destroyed Lord Mirage is down wait where is he there he is always die I kind of want to capture him too we're gonna take him hold on slash get over here let's get Lord Mirage he's gonna be our prisoner oh crap Oh God what Wow all those skimmers just came out of nowhere [Music] and Lord barrage guy is a weak link but we'll pick him up we'll take him with us go indoors and see what's up see what kind of goodies they have to loot and Lee why don't you kill this guy let him get away oh just pegged Lee as he came up the up the stairs he's like set up what little trap for him he's like following me up here I got a surprise for you all right well I think we looted everything in this building nothing good you've got Lord mirages though maybe we can sell them to somebody who ransom ransom I don't know maybe we'll make him fight lady Khanna if possible alright so we've got two prisoners let's see if we can grab another one from attacking port north up here and then I'll say that this was a pretty good run all right we're just outside of port North we're gonna go ahead and assault this and see if we can capture another noble and it will capture the slaver boss I think there's a slaver boss in here too that we can take out somewhere yeah all right let's just go away in full attack Tec all here go for it guys go off of hold actually go off of range - let's just go right in it's full assault guys we're gonna need everybody in here try to take these guys down quick I'll take it too much damage there we go good job Saeko and torque inator are going after somebody this guy up here nice oh yeah they're going inside too oh there's the Slayer boss yeah let's get him oh we just like trampled him Watson pick up the first aid the slaver boss and let's get him let's pick him up well we got some goodies in here we can take probably possibly now there's never anything good in the in these spots you're gonna attack in an actual town to get some good loot it's working Nader why don't you take off your giant backpack here because that's not gonna do me any good take Watson forever to heal the slaver boss okay we got the samurai heavy and Empire Noble guarded hooded guys everybody it go in here we're gonna need you take these guys out quick [Music] these guys are really tough [Music] all right come back here Watson pick up the sleep kidnap the slaver boss here damn Watson has been working out - Watson is slight been lifting heavy oh it's the mountain he's got 69 attack 65 defense oh my god there you go get them from behind [Music] take this guy out there you go good job all right well done all right let's go inside and see if they have a noble in here oh yeah there we go Oh God attack all here get them all right we're fighting indoors so we can switch weapons who are secondaries who is this this is a double is a another noble all right torque inator first aid I grabbed him there you go seen shake it what do these guys have you know dachi mk2 we'll take that high grade emperor samurai armor maybe we'll take that from all right good job we've kind of eliminated most of the guys around here oh wait we got more incoming over here what's this okay we got slaves outside you know the one thing we need to worry about is is as noble hunters that can really become a problem if a noble hunter comes in let me get mop bucket up here on hold and see if I can unlock some of these things these chests alright Daniel is protecting mop bucket we got a guy coming in all right take him out oh oh we got two guys coming in all right Daniel go for it Oh nicely done Fantan yells in the hallway just kind of protecting him all right haze is limping a little bit it looks like or reacted wing all right what we got going on up here now we've got more slavers let's have a few guys go out frontier and take out these guys well we've got another hold on you got you three take out this guy and let's keep an eye on mop bucket Daniel let's see if we got into the bar yet Oh No Wow there's a lot in there all right come here guys there's a lot of dudes in the bar [Music] [Music] take them all out here they all come all men [Music] well done like I'd lost his leg oh wait double is up oh we didn't get him Daniel take him out got a good little battle going on here oh nice one more hit well done all right first aid oh this guy's coming down after him come up behind him oh good hit critical all right pick up kidnap double and yeah there you go fight this guy guys got good uh good fighting skills for unarmed - oh we took out a couple pack beasts as well let's get Hayes down here and see if we can loot that splint his injuries first [Music] there we go yeah there we go these guys have all kinds of goodies med kits fabrics all right if I'm not mistaken Watson has the slaver boss let's see we've got Daniel with double we also have slash here with lurid Mirage I forgot about him and we also have badger with lady cata so we've got all these people captured beautiful that was a successful run let's go ahead and take these guys and get out of here before something bad happens alright we're outside of bark I'm going to send seco in and see if we can buy some fabrics and maybe some other things without getting attacked I don't know if that's gonna be possible Saeko is pretty fast though let's see run speed is 25 yeah I'm not too worried let's go ahead get everybody else though just get them down along the other side there and yeah let's have a run in fast he's got a bounty on his head and he's wanted but hopefully we can just get in and get out yeah I want to buy some fabrics and I also want to buy we need green fruit but I don't think we have any green fruit here our group is getting attacked by the city heroes interesting all right take out these these guys they're so easy I thought we destroyed them Fort Mirage says its debt everything's dead I guess until we kill their leader they're still gonna be around we're gonna lock up Lord Mirage though um oh this is interesting what happened to my my base what the hey moonshine is still there what the hell happened to Port Murat port what in the hell are my basic my building is gone Oh No how could how did it disappear like it must have been one of the updates I don't know I definitely imported with buildings because I have my other building there but my ocean base disappeared oh geez all right let's go down there and see if it's still there well I'm a little disappointed because it looks like the base has disappeared I'm on import to the latest version yeah that really sucks [Music] and I just I hate building ain't building basis after like I just spent all this time building it like you know I don't try to build basis all the time because it's like really time-consuming and you know I spent a lot of time doing that and now it's gone alright guys so I went ahead and found a backup save and went and did everything that we had just done so I I don't know what happened to my save but for some reason the save that I imported didn't have port malice however it did have moonshine so anyway I've loaded a backup save and imported that and redid pretty much everything attacking port South attacking Fort Mirage attacking port north and we're back with port malice here good thing I have multiple saves I always save the game on at least two to three different saves at the end every time I'm done and it's good practice for you guys as well just save you know just go in and save you know save game and then just find you know another save as you can see I have a lot of saves a lot of saves so I save like crazy but anyway let's go ahead and drop these guys that we've acquired in our prison and I was actually able to capture another slaver boss so we have two slaver bosses and I think the Noble that we had acquired in the last episode is probably not going to be there yeah it looks like they're gone so this is good we've got five cages or almost damn it's working a derp you're gonna have to go back into engineer mode get us get this thing built now the only thing that I didn't do is acquire all the loot that I had got and I just went ahead and just went and killed everybody that we did before and captured those people so I didn't bother eluding anything just because it was just gonna take too long to go back and redo everything I did exact but for the most part everything is the same alright there we go so we went ahead and captured everyone we've got a couple slaver bosses we've got let's see what is what are these people saying here talk to that can I talk to lady Kanna I guess not let's see what does she have oh she's got a specialist grade mask it's pretty epic I'll have to come back and take all this stuff later alright so anyway we've got our prisoners so that's good we'll see what what kind of repercussions we're gonna have now that we've captured some of them some of their nobles he also acquired some fabric so we should be able to build some of these beds and I'm not sure what Daniel was doing but like putting some stuff away I guess and yeah in the next episode we'll probably assault barukh I think is gonna be our next town we're gonna try to take out bark so we're basically trying to take over the northeastern part of the of the desert and and then work our way south that's kind of like DARS plan right now is just kind of work his way inwards towards the the capital we'll see what happens in the next episode thank you guys for watching if you want to see more kimchi in the future don't forget to subscribe I'll see you guys again in the next episode take care
Channel: Aviticus Dragon
Views: 12,002
Rating: 4.9189191 out of 5
Keywords: kenshi, kenshi gameplay, kenshi pc gameplay, kenshi sandbox gameplay, kenshi sandbox game, kenshi combat, kenshi stealth, kenshi episodes, kenshi indie game, kenshi rpg, kenshi aviticus dragon, kenshi game, kenshi pc, kenshi pc game, kenshi thieves, kenshi factions, kenshi experimental, kenshi hd, kenshi 1080p, kenshi base building, kenshi prospecting, party based rpg, squad based rpg, kenshi lets play, kenshi slavers, kenshi research, lets play kenshi, kenshi survival
Id: 0-V7jlwFeVM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 3sec (3363 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 07 2018
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