Kenshi Stories | 20 RONIN - Ep. 1 | Let's Play Kenshi Gameplay

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you see I was there on that fateful night I stood guard outside of my Master's compound when I heard a scream I'll never forget it it was a terrified shriek cut short that froze blood in my veins my first thought was that a desperate cannibal tried to sneak into our camp and one of the centuries surprised him but something told me this was a work of a much more sinister enemy before I knew it they were amongst us it was hard to see what's going on in the confusion followed but it felt like a whole army of the holy nation have descended upon us as battle cries fears the night my master came rushing out of the tower his armor left behind Fergana he ran naked into the press of bodies swinging his blade with practice ease his courage and commanding presence rallied some of us around him but most of the fellow samurai were mere recruits for scouts most were awoken from their sleep and had no time to pick up their armor so there ran in to deny he's nothing but a closest weapon to the ground it was a slaughter [Music] when the morning dawned and smoke cleared the town lay in ruins mixed with the rubble were corpses of my brethren and amongst them made a broken body of my master surrounded but a dead holy warriors the world doesn't know it ended that day I managed to escape into the hills when I saw my master go down I knew then the bathroom was lost you must have been betrayed that was the only way the holy army could have gotten past their sentries they knew were never posted one day I'll find out who betrayed us but I won't work for the greedy Nobles anymore I'll help the poor whenever I can and I'll try to live a righteous life but then again what do I know about righteousness [Music] [Music] hey guys I'm Kirikou welcome to your new kenchi story series titled 20 Ronin and this heavily modded series will be following the story of a young scorched land Aronian whose master died in a holy nation attack on ended he's now roaming the land trying to help poor people where he can he has no love for bandits and Nobles alive holy nation or slavers but he's not in an open rebellion against them the ultimate goal of this series will be revealed as the story progresses but his main goal for now is to gather a group of like-minded Ronin around himself and roam the world helping people in need as they go from town to town dealing with various bandit problems will slowly learn more about the main protagonist and his backstory this series is heavily modded I'm using stronger group combat and Kancha Kaiser to make it as tough as possible I've also increased the amount of enemies roaming the world and the amount of units in their squads we're only allowed to recruit up to 20 Ronin total and only one new member for episode so early game will be pretty tough if anyone dies we're allowed to find a replacement but only recruits have to start with the lowest stance possible anyone can join all you have to do is write a compelling backstory for your character use the template provided in the description below and post it in the comments of this episode I'll pick the best and most uploaded stories from the comments don't overdo it don't write a whole book make it original and then feel free to post updates in the new episodes so we can learn more about your character that also tells me you're still watching also since we're only recruiting up to 20 units there's no guarantees for my patreon supporters they'll get in as was in the past but I promise you I'll double-check your stories anyway and few see where 30 episodes in already when he started watching don't be afraid to post your story I'll read them all and whenever we need a new recruit it won't matter if you were the first to post the story or the last one it will only matter how good your story is there's also a lot more gameplay restrictions that we have to obey we're not allowed to buy anything no weapons no armor prosthetics food backpacks anything the only thing we can buy is buildings in town or pay a character recruitment fee we are only allowed to steal things from officials places like noble houses police stations faction age queues holy temples etc things we still we're not allowed to sell profit to get easy money and we are definitely not allowed to steal from orderly people's homes and shops we can only equip armor weapons and prosthetics taken from enemies and we are not allowed to buy them if we steal them from places like faction HQ stated earlier then it's fine but ancient outposts and bandit bases should be the primary places to find new loot following that we are not allowed to craft our own weapons armor or prosthetics in fact we are not allowed to build a base with anything tougher than tier 1 walls we're not allowed to grow our own food but we can cook it if you find ingredients for it last but not least we are not allowed to ally with anyone I think all of these restrictions and mods will make for a more engaging gameplay and make the game tougher if you're looking for my mod list the link is in the description below I also post my mod load order on this chord and if you want to use my two kiri shade settings oppose the dot ini' file there as well now let's finally begin and so it begins everybody say hello to our new lead character famous welcome welcome to a new series so we are currently if look in the map we are in the best we are in the city of Endon and there's a bunch of cannibals holy nation and samurai running all the way around here our character Jamis has nothing in stats ones all around he's a scourge slender once in zeros as you would expect for starting character but he does have a bit of more starting gear you know because he was a some kind of a samurai in the past now he's being more of a mercenary lately trying to survive out there trying to help people and he has some gear but nothing too crazy because I didn't want to you know make him very powerful early on I want us to struggle so he's starting with a shoddy grade gear iron hat letter west drifters leather pants and so wooden sandals he also has a refitted blade katana as he secondary in primary is his toothpick which is only a prototype rates of very very crappy well it's not gonna do much damage he has bolt and a half of toothpicks and a basic first-aid kid the big thing for him is the thieves backpack that he has on him we of course have no food they were not allowed to buy food so we'll have to do some crazy shenanigans to get some so first thing that we really probably should be doing is getting out of this place there's some boys out there this guy apparently he says he's gonna work for food even though we can't talk to him that's okay we can't recruit anybody yet in the first episode that's that's my goal you know every episode we can only recruit one person and Amos is the first guy that we got today so you know until the second episode we're not gonna do anything no recruitment so I think first thing that I'm gonna do is probably try to get into the great desert that thing should be safer also if you like this map this is kensey project Genesis map it's really pretty and you can only get you can get this map separate from the project Genesis so I definitely went with that one as always there's gonna be a modelers down below that you guys can grab and on my on my discord I'm gonna post the mod that load order so you guys can all use that one there's some starving bandits out here don't necessarily want to meet quite yet and there's some United samurais those guys who don't really cause us any issues but let's avoid these guys for now also if you like the way the game looks I'm using Sookie REE shade as always and if you like the settings the way I have set this up I'm gonna also be posting Sookie dot ini' file in mind escorts you can download that and just post it in there and have the game look exactly like this if you like that ok who do we have out here that's a lot of scrawny cannibals definitely if I had to pick between scrawny cannibals and these guys over here I'd rather pick between these guys there also a bunch of bone dogs that are gonna destroy over here but if by any chance a bone dog would get hurt I would love to butcher them to get their meat bone dogs should not be able to outrun me we do have we do have the sandals which should definitely help if we have to run but you're getting some bone dog meat would be amazing right now doubt that can happen and of course you gotta be careful if these guys rush in here I don't think any of them can really run me down but you never know and I'm guessing these guys don't have anything that we could use I mean that could be useful we don't have that and hey that's that's good how we doing wait yeah can't really get much more in here now did any of the dogs go down I know that shirt was just prototype but it's better than nothing no dogs went down not quite yet let's quickly check this boy prototype are you attacking me yet no you guys are still fighting dogs okay that's that's acceptable yeah these dogs are gonna definitely destroy them I was hoping maybe a popper shell would go down but no such luck they might be going for the cannibals sneak is a skill we're gonna really really need to perfect early on oh you know what it is this guy's probably running away with a hand yeah and they're all following him okay fair enough Sneaky's really I think we're gonna have to yeah get good at otherwise we won't survive especially you know this is all stronger group combat it's gonna be very tough for us do you do anything so let's let's get out of here that is Oh loading that's loading that's bunch of samurai healing up but they did take care of that skimmer that skimmer should have some food for us what is it getting back up not soon are you telling me to hold still dude oh let's go okay we are slightly over encumbered his loss his queen who are you talking of well interesting okay so at least we got some food now we can cook this of course but Scorch lenders can also eat raw meat so it's not the worst and nutrition i think it's the same as dried meat so doesn't it's not that big of a deal who do we have out there that's the holy nation okay the holy nation shouldn't really be anger on me because I mean we are a man a scorched land there no but a man still a human man so it should be should be fine so I'll just gonna keep on trying to get out here trying to make it happen try not to get into too many fights quite yet at least not the fights we can't take there's cross chosen over here wow that's that's Ken Shekinah for you it places the Crown's chosen way out here that's that's insane all right I wonder if they would fight it would probably find a holy nation and we can't really pick up anything anymore from these people this is not the place I'd want to Train my strength it would be too dangerous that's more holy nation because I do have the mod that makes corpses or well bodies weigh a lot more than they normally would so you know it's 60 kilo on instead of 30 so definitely wanna carry some corpses in such around but yeah as I said this is not the place to be doing that because we would be too slow to get anywhere who is fighting out here the bastards I don't know who the bastards are bad oh there's the metalheads as well I do have a lot of mods of that different bandits in different bandit groups because that's that's the thing I wanted to go with you know a lot of bandits running around causing issues in the world and then we'll be going around and trying to help people there's some ruins down there I don't think that's ruins that's actually a city that has been rebuilt and yeah is it's a river slave excuse me why are you part of the river so thought you guys were supposed to report to the metalheads but that's okay these bastards I don't know metalheads I know they would be hostile to me but I don't know about the past it's look at that look at that head though well it's awesome let's get close ish is that a good idea is that smart I don't know but let's get close there's a lot of fighting going on you know maybe we can you can do something about that for a second there he ran like he knows how to run stealthily it does seem like the bastards are gonna lose over here who do we have here there's a bastard in the ground let's go let's go loot him okay so the metalheads are gone for me we're still faster than them I'll be just slightly all right well he has metal junk it is not very good and tenderizer which is also not very good he does have a rusty change shirt and barbaric Cape Dodge combat speed dexterity thing that's actually pretty good and it only weighs one kilo all we're definitely taking that then we're definitely taking that oh that's really good better leg guards drifters leather pants well I think we're gonna take these they're two kilos this one's our two kilos so definitely you can keep that and he has barbarian helm to metal plate three kilos how we doing on speed we're an 18 now all right so instead of wearing this we're gonna put it in the backpack and that should yeah that brought us up to 19 this guy is at 18 so we should be able to outrun him slowly but surely definitely don't want to find a metalhead who has thirty and fourteen skills not the time not the place right now okay that one though runs at thirty-two that's that's bad you know for a slave you run really fast with your speedy legs can't find him either okay so we'll just have to do some dodging which shouldn't be too big of a deal and then we just have to find somebody that's gonna protect us like the holy nation over here I like your gear holy nation and they are fighting a hyena of the rebel farmers cool okay we need to make it out there that hopefully shouldn't be too big of a deal yeah you keep on swinging out there are you crazy man you keep on swinging out there no no no hitting me that's a bad boy that was actually kind of close all right okay you guys find only one following me left and I can outrun that one good that's a start they must don't get stuck with any of these okay okay he's going back perfect then what do we have down here who do we have down here that's more of the bastards fighting some vagrants the fights are all over the place I love that as I said there's a lot of bandits out here all over the world I don't know if they're gonna appreciate the fact that I stole some of their uniforms or their net they're not actually uniform so it's not the worst here we have another set of bandits these guys are called doom goons and they seem to be pretty weak I have no chance to actually knock any of them out and their toughness is like 16 so definitely no chance to do that unfortunately and as I did say we cannot ally with anybody so I won't be able to do any like training against well Adi okay let me rephrase that since I cannot allied with anybody I can't go to thieves guild pay the entrance fee allied with ally with them and then you know try to learn some stealthy things over there ethnic on doodad but let's see if I can train my stealth a bit oh they have found somebody they're gonna be fighting some rebel farmers so what I'm gonna do so I'm gonna see if I can maybe knock out any of these Rangers are gonna stay behind just to you know do some training and didn't run away you don't see me do if you don't see me you don't see me you definitely don't see me right oops you saw me never run why do you attack me I'm sorry didn't want to it was a mistake but our assassination went up that's perfect our stealth is up slightly as well we are at minus 11 on attack and he's running after me I would love to have your bolts if you have any extra but I very much doubt I can out bolt you although he seems to be arranging me now and by raging I mean trying to go into Mellie name is mist all right he didn't get hurt in the stomach okay I do have different mod 4 instead of military combat we have more combat animation mod this time around so we're gonna have some really cool and interesting stuff popping up just to wait oh look at that he actually got knocked off because we shot him in the head that's actually pretty cool another hit let's go boys Paul Dimas the absolute madman he's getting some hits in now is he gonna be like a full-time ranger no I don't think anybody in my in this group that we gonna get the Ronin the Ronin group is gonna be just just Ranger or just Malley or something like that everybody will you know have to learn everything cuz we can only have 20 people at the same time so we'll have to you know do some crazy shenanigans and get everybody to work properly another hit I love the fact that he just drops in the ground that was a shameful mess dude come on tried to hit him I have a feeling we gotta use all of our bolts on this yeah that's that's true oh nice nice hit did you hit him in the head couple of times now and I do think yeah this guy has a helmet that will do well against the storms out here so definitely something I don't want to have if you could make him bleed or something on that we can take him out you know just slowly but surely we're level 1 and everything so you know gotta gotta try our best to level up in any way shape or form that we can okay he's almost bled out though so just a couple of hits Oh were you going Dimas what oh no don't go up there whatever that up there is that's that's slightly weird but you know it's can she that's okay okay just a couple more shots dude and you got this couple more shots did did we just get him out and then a rebel farmer comes after us dude we're supposed to be fighting alongside you no okay he's leaving me behind which is crazy Davis no no the camera the camera yeah yeah leave me leave me dude just leave me perfect he took him out but that's okay and I cross between up to - amazing that's pretty good all right definitely taking that was worth it I don't know that is almost out but I'll still take it that Daphnia stuntin better bow so this jumbo is 14 to 25 34 range sony's eleven to twenty to thirty eight so this is gonna be less range but more damage same Bloodless all right reload time is also gonna be longer I don't know if it's better but hey it's standard grade we're gonna steal it here we go here we go we are over here it's Toth and the boys are just saying move along well I'll thankfully do that now if you guys have some skimmers running around you're gonna fighting them that would be great okay so stealing wise right we can steal from these fat boys we can steal from these guys so we could steal from the noble house over here we could steal from the police other than that I don't think we're allowed to steal from anything else I think the rest is just a no-go because you know the rest you can say hey it belongs to like normal people traders merchants you know anybody like that we'll leave those we are allowed to steal from the slave shops and we're allowed to steal from barracks you know anything that's official we are allowed to steal from and take and use the stuff but the rest definitely not you know that's that's gonna it's gonna make it tougher for us to survive in this world hello it's a bounty hunter know how badass he looks I like it but yeah what can we do in the town well right now I just came here we are allowed to use beds in in towns that's something I forgot to mention we are definitely allowed to do that that's that's not really our problem so let's go into the place with the thief voice why can you not go open that door yeah you can't look at that it shouldn't be closed so hey Ellis lair boss I do it what would you do if you went around here and saw there's uh there's a dude over there okay he's waking up he's gonna go somewhere else I doubt any of these have anything in them not quite yet but I can steal your rug okay that would be kind of hilarious actually but it would I think it would do good for our thievery well good is strong word but hey we can train our theory a bit that way you know just pick this up throw it back on the ground and pick it up again you know this is this is how you train your theory we're not really gonna do this but I'm gonna I'm gonna steal their fancy rug just because okay as long as we're no longer committing crime there you go level three in theory that helps if we ever want to actually steal something useful I'm just okay these guys have any food lying around tools is also something that I would love to have I don't think I added the mod that lets you that liquids are also food I'm pretty sure it did not do that and you know I think that's that's for the better it just keeps on making stuff a bit harder well that's okay okay I have their fancy rug stolen from this labor boss we're not gonna sell it actually no we are allowed to sell this one this one we are allowed to sell are we that's actually a good question am I allowed to sell this or not I don't think so I'm not allowed to sell stuff that I steal for profit right you know you kind of have to figure out my own rules sometimes it just the way it is just the way this let's go to us all I need to do is just well that's it's a wandering dude wandering noble that's gonna shoot you noble hunter okay this is what I was looking for to see if any stuff like that is happening dark Reavers okay these guys might have something useful let's go check them out throw this on the ground so we have faster we don't we don't need that there you go there's a fancy rogue in the on the floor I want to go loot this guy see if I can get anything useful from him okay it's a chain Tagle must first aid kit I'll take that's an interesting color dust coat that God had meant it would probably be better than the Burberry cape gives us stealth dodge male defense martial arts I'll take it alright it's time to throw this bad boy down we could sell his polearm that's nothing wrong with stealing from the corpses of the bandits around here nothing wrong with that so we'll do that just we you know have some money but our wise we're putting you down sir and I have brought us up to strength 10 so that way we can carry 25 kilos of stuff in here now when it comes to selling I think bars are okay I don't think there's AI there should be any real rules against selling in certain places so I'll just sell this here I'll sell the shirt over here I'm keeping the rest of the stuff on me and we're actually 25 out of 25 which is good the problem is like each of these cost 1 kilo even if I take ladies really crappy first-aid kids they do cost 1 kilo so I think I'm gonna get rid of the crap you want and I can't stag them because they were stolen you know and of course just for food we can't buy anything the only thing we could buy is buy wanted books a leader of the food my ninjas wanted for acts of terrorism and anti Workforce propaganda whereabouts are unknown it's cool giant King gurgler cannibal leaders letter strip one is in connection with several on sole disappearance rumored to operate from somewhere in the Deadlands interesting that's the metalheads right but yeah this the Puma Puma ninjas that's definitely a new one that I have added through new mods so hey that's gonna be interesting I hear there are some outlaws I think these guys might be a good boys to train our assassination on there are all scape slaves apparently there's tech hunter and a bunch of bounty hunt thats a big group of bounty hunters actually this might make us not very popular with the united cities if we try doing this but but hey how about you don't see me dude still have a zero what's your toughness toughness it's one there you go 55 now alright we did eat the raw meat we don't have anything that would work for our stuff actually I'm gonna put this on think in the dust term there you go we have 70% protection over here if you have to shoot something that's probably gonna do better for us than +4 perception that we get from the iron hat let's see if we can knock this guy out or at least train a bit yeah yeah yeah yeah oh very good I don't think they would have anything on them no this is locked let's actually train our lock picking a bit I know we're committing crime but this is not the worst thing oh he is he's waking up anybody know lockpick failed huh I tried you know I'll try it what do you find knock you out again loose Luth you should try to survive out here in the wilderness yeah that worked he's only unconscious for six seconds so let's quickly try dad but that's our assassination going up again so that's that's perfect I start waking up again dude let me save you well we're being seen by I guess loose I lose I do him buddy you're not gonna fight me are you very much doubt it he's getting into his cage he's trying to get back to civilization and I'm trying to save him okay he doesn't wanna do this you know what he is -7 martial arts weird one an attack I will try doing a bit of fighting if need be we can run away okay well that just brought him down it's gonna try unlocking your shackles again look at that five percent of melee attack amazing it's perfectly good let's go loose you're safe look at that there's this big boy Leviathan down here hello friend you have quite a few HP out there would be a shame if somebody were to shoot you I wonder if I can anger him and get him to that town so this over here is a West Stone camp that's a new thing added through moths and it's basically a slaver town quite a big one but hey that's kind of cool try this shoot him are you shooting him you really need to get a closer okay so he's going after you let's see if you can keep him on you know maybe he's trying to go away what I'm trying to do is get this guy to a city because that would be fun wouldn't it hey get back here dude dan den dan den dan den dan den dan den dan den also don't get hit by him if like if he touches you it's not gonna be good for you dude not in the slightest didn't did it in didn't did it in didn't did it end and I just want to get him over there Oh who's attacking I'm just bounty hunters they're not attacking they're just coming to city but you know if you bring this guy to this city maybe he can do some damage we're definitely oh I actually shot him nice we're definitely allowed to take stuff from the slavers you know everything they have is considered an official I would say we shot him again so yeah don't get hit by that big boy hey hey get back get back here there you go down the slope no dude we're almost there we're almost there yeah yeah yeah yeah don't get stuck don't don't get stuck just come down don't hurt me no oh come on can she we can do this dude you can do this just come down here man big boy it's not that hard it's just a slope it's just the slope just in before he hits me and I just die in one hand all right Rick never mind what is this guy doing what are you doing dude very good question oh there's a dark river over there oh it looks like the slave guards brought the dark rivers over here okay he seems to be still following me this is good yeah you come on in buddy you come on in they have plenty of turrets waiting for you he's gonna get stuck from the door if he tries to get in and hopefully then maybe he's gonna get a ground a don't do me like that yeah I shot you in the leg how about that I shot you in the leg again or in the arm we're just gonna waste our am on this yes oh good good do that take out the whole town of slavers is there any free turrets up here yes there is let's go up here let's go be a turret gunner and there is the storm so I'll keep the protection there you go shoot that thing this is gonna take a while so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna speed it up because otherwise it's never gonna happen we'll never get it get this bad boy down but yeah he's uh he's an interesting boy oh he's he's head is oh I don't want to stand over here can he actually attack you up on the table here I doubt it that shouldn't be possible alright he's down let's go loot him let's go loot him let's go get a Leviathan pearl but also let's talk get a Leviathan pearl even though we could sell it for 12 K I don't think that's really appropriate although in this case it could be we hunter hunted him down so there's also yeah there's plenty of stuff we could sell but I'm mostly interested in food that I definitely can't carry there's some blood Raiders let's get in on the fight over here nothing too crazy you know that can be re let's get off of ranged and let's attack all the blood Raiders let's see if you can get some some training in here let's make that guy someone you can block that dude get this blood Raider over here you almost did it and they were not gonna have anything useful bad guy we're not gonna attack let's go for this guy over here oh come on let me swing at somebody I know you guys are good and you're gonna win but let me just swing at somebody there you go good swing there you go they was doing damage okay and that one's gonna run away alright well let's fix yourself let's fix yourself others there's a man over here still get that hiver you missed and you got hurt okay I mean this is this is a slavering compliment so don't necessary want to be here for too long because you never know when they're gonna turn on us but definitely do you want to go after any Raiders and thugs and such because that's what they are Raiders and thugs want to play with them at all okay wow you fell down easily there you gotta admit that those fallings and such are pretty cool and also all kinds of really cool moves out there okay looks like we're doing one on one now that's not gonna be good for anybody so let's let's get the help from the slavers once again and then go back in okay now you really need to fix yourself because you're gonna bleed out otherwise the weapon he has deals a lot of bleeding damage so definitely something we need to take care of real fast otherwise we can carry all the stuff that we have on us so this is good bleeding should be stopped very soon there you go we're healing up nice looks like a bunch of the fall scorpions took care of some of the cult of goblin crossbow men out here and I'm gonna go in here because these guys might have some bolts that we would want so let's see all right did you have bread and they have money let me save before we take the money if you don't know why I do that is there is a bug that sometimes when you steal money is gonna drop it down to minus like a billion for you and you know if that happens I'll definitely reach out even though we're otherwise playing this like fully Iron Man excuse me but for that I will do it and definitely they have a more like I want it Oh fog mask oh that's perfect can give you the taggle must and I'm taking the fog mask because that protects us from dust term Fuli toss is good even though it's shoddy still definitely something I want to have alter fitted blade garlis katana we do have a few at night so that's better alright that's that's actually a good good fit in there and these guys these guys are bandits so we're allowed to take them this guy's playing dead that's our fitted blade desert saber that's a good weapon but I won't be able to steal from them because they're already playing dead how about these guys unconscious I don't think we could find that guy unfortunately I mean we did get our melee attack and defense 243 katana sister uses solid crossbows are free as well turrets even to know that's not really useful sash nation assassinations are twelve stealth is 11 so we're getting out there let's grab your money as well that bread has three nutrition you know what you keep it you keep that one buddy that one has to nutrition so you keep that we could sell this fortunately that fog mask is also shoddy we're gonna grab this weapon and sell it but we are already quite over encumbered well over encumbered not that badly but a bit it definitely slows us down and of course we are injured something I really want to do that I don't know how I'm gonna get is find a sleeping bag we're gonna need TP bags now you guys tell me cuz I don't know there's any other way to get sleeping bag but to buy it or craft it to yourself and we're not allowed to craft things so sleeping bags might be something we could say okay you're allowed to spend money on that but you know what I'm gonna wait for your guys input on that one you guys tell me what do you think about that are we allowed to buy sleeping bags there's a couple of dark river Scouts out here if I could knock one out that would be great because it would be great for my levels but if you don't knock them out we come front away I'm gonna actually drop the iron hat I think in all cases I would prefer to fog mask just because it protects us in the store 100% even though this one is 35 against acid which would be great combined with this but this one is also 10 acid so that's we already have 90 acid protection so we should be fine even if you want to cross and I can always actually get back after this if I need to but I would like to try doing this you can actually get fast if I can get there if you're getting it close enough hey guys don't mind me just trying to do it and run dude run good all right okay they're all gonna go after me that iron head is gonna be forgotten bad that brought us up five levels in assassination so very much worth it you can also go back to range dude and let's go to hang you're gonna you're just one of them going after me is it worth my time trying to take him out I mean we do have a lot more toothpicks now so it's not the worst idea cuz his friends decided to go away I'm dealing three damage to them pretty amazing for damage and we ate some raw meat keep it up dude keep it up don't miss this is gonna be one of those where it takes half a year for us to actually do anything but it's worth it you can also see that since he's more of a skilled fighter he drops less in the ground I think at least that's that's why that happens alright I'm really doing a lot of damage to him cigs damage we can use all of our toothpicks and still not gonna be anything really yeah but it knocks him back if you could just read out a bit faster that'll be great but it should also work on our dexterity shooting and reloading works for your dexterity skills so that's definitely something we want to do those our toughness is it - we're gonna need to get knocked out to get some toughness training although getting knocked out in United States territory can be pretty dangerous cuz you might wake up being a slave Oh 14 damage where did I hit you arm dozen arm 1 damage well that was slightly less good don't get hit as long as just one you know we can cut him for a bit there's more goblins out there those are the guys that wouldn't mind fighting but of course I can do it on my own this is a human pincushion in there even if he's not even bleeding oh the toothpicks are so garbage we need to find a ranger and standard crossbow that will at least do something for us but gotta get the skill up there you know five and crossbows better than nothing in crossbow so yes I wonder the goblins gonna fight Gaara out there that actually wouldn't be the worst thing the car would win actually maybe the goblins have like twenty in Stan's you know what I'm looking forward to the next episode when we are actually allowed to recruit somebody it's gonna make things much more interesting and of course easier as well yes we'll be we'll be able to do stuff faster how many bullets did we still have we used a lot already there's no way we can actually take this guy out so I don't think I want to I just did some training against them see can we get our crossbow skill up to six at least at least try doing that I gotta admit though that he is hitting a lot more even though his crossbow skills like five he's he's starting to hit stuff he's very slow at it still of course that's not really that that good but it's getting there and of course we can't find him mano-a-mano cos if he hits us right now in melee combat he's gonna do a lot more damage that we can take and we're just gonna stay out here probably get eaten by that monster definitely don't want that Wow no-look shot huh we should almost be too Hank well actually we're away from Hank we're gonna go around where it's there it's right there as I said almost a Hank all right we're fully healed well almost fully healed mostly fully healed it's gonna be morning time soon it's 5:30 in the morning hello we're in Hank the summer and we can go and Allied shinobi just because I say so no allies allowed nice nice mustache dude you are you're sporting a lot of white for a thief it's gonna say they're probably gonna be like hey what are you doing in here get out of here I'm just gonna go up here and ignore them until they come and tell me to get out of here I'm gonna do it actually treating in this one is pointless the training of lock-picking would be probably worth the most over here for us so let's actually do that all right we've been training the whole morning and not a single thief has walked up here was actually actually pretty amazing so nobody said hey you're doing bad stuff so I I was thinking these guys have a food cube over here and bread that is now mine rice bone and raw meat food is mine so thieves the shinobi thieves are supposed to be you know kind of bandits as far as I'm concerned they are bandits really so I don't mind actually stealing from them it's it's something we're allowed this would also be great actually getting that thing I don't think we will be able to you know not don't have the skill the theory skill quite yet at 57% but it would be great to have what's our theory like four would have to do a lot more to actually get that those are all locked mmm they even have hashish not something I need but I would love to get one of these cuz they do the same thing as wouldn't send us do but actually give you some protection and better stealth effect alright got enough skill to do this 103 percent easy money you know what I'm gonna leave these guys these things for you boys so you can have them perfect oh we have stolen look at that our stealth it our stuff is at 17 now +4 Oh getting out there even though we're slightly over encumbered but we have plenty of food I think actually getting better medicine would be a way to go for us there's nobody up here there's no real point of going up there actually we're just gonna go down they're gonna be like hey what are you doing out here I'm gonna say hey nothing nothing to be concerned about we're just you know running through learn some lock-picking learn some thievery oh look at that yes yes yes I love the way that this guy is just standing like this over here like hey you come next to me I'm gonna poke you and just to nuts good guards good guards so what do we have here noble house we would be allowed to steal from police as well but and the other side over here is the most interesting thing that we could steal from that I never never did before but this time we could you know this is all about helping poor people trust me you know steal from the rich give to the poor we are the kenchi version of Robin Hood basically basically anyway let's go over here there is a bank right there I always have a plan you know what this number I'm we're gonna go rob a bank I never do I never did before so this time around who mind hello whip if you have anything interesting in here oh they have power course monies freedom interesting monies forgotten when you have love and good health Wow one hopeless full huh interesting we're not gonna try taking anything from them not quite yet but at some point will coming back we're cracking that safe open voice one day this we are doing okay we have plenty of food now we could even get more food over here from this skimmer boy something that's really needed no need to do that maybe we go where are we gonna go it's a good question I think I'm just gonna run back into the desert see if I can find more I don't know unfortunate souls where it can train my assassination on maybe tried to Niner over here it's definitely gonna fail it's just how fast can you get away and hope that you don't get hit in the leg that's an assassination up to 19 now very good okay just lose them in the dust storm shouldn't have too many problems with that or run them toward slave trader traders actually no that's they're not gonna attack slave traders they're not gonna fight each other I think they're mostly allied so this is fine you guys might be catching up to me I could drop some of the raw meat that we are carrying oh you know what these guys would like them right now those are bounty hunters I was hoping it would be rabble farmers but now they're bounty hunters so I'll just have to run around a bit okay the other one went away all right all right let's played play now it's arranged this guy I'll range you nice nice nice now keep on doing nameís don't let them hit you don't let them hit you and then you hit them oh you missed that's what you get for no-look pass shooting okay that's 28 to stomach very good hit that guy he's rolling around like crazy no come on get a good hit there buddy okay it's an arm hit don't get hit by them this is just training all around you know nothing too crazy I think I want to do some belly training as well even though he has a big adventure than that just you know for the sake of it no hit to the stomach so we can get some le skill that's that's mostly what I want but if you can't do it I don't know you it's never hit to the arm but it's the left one he's not using the left one he is he has a one-handed weapon so it's already gonna slow him down much oh it's very very desert ii hard to see he does have what a ninja ninja mask a ninja mask doesn't give you any protection from the storm does it pretty sure it doesn't let's hit him one more time and then it's switched to her katana okay let's that's actually try doing or a katana stuff he's definitely much better at Mele than I am and he's gonna hit me but as long as he doesn't hit me in the leg I'm okay with that come on get some hits in there nice block nice hit you hate you there you did get hit in the leg okay okay our chest is getting oh look at that that's so cool that is so freakin cool our chest is getting smacked too much I'm gonna switch back to ranged I don't want to get hit by this guy and dropped over here very close to those fall scorpions that would be too dangerous you know so try to just shoot him a couple more times down him for real and then heal myself go he's almost he's almost ready to go almost but not quite he's bleeding out very soon one more head and he's bleeding out let's go boys good stuff oh that's a different engine mask that is not an original ninja mask that one does actually have the storm and gas protection that's gonna cool it's then a great one I would like to have your basic first aid kit because I'm gonna need it your stick I'm not very afraid of mercenary that armor you can keep and I'm gonna go heal myself let's see how that works for us that's good alright we are back over here it's night time and when you're back at stout and we definitely need to go heal ourselves because we got hurt quite a bit but that's okay I think it's also about time we finish the episode here so let's take a look at our stance that we gotten in the first episode so our katanas are three that's that's all there is in crossbows are at eight which is much much better I do like that the crossbows are pretty solid right there you know what he's getting there precision shooting of course we didn't have any allies fighting with us so couldn't really work on that mmm manly attack at four mana defense at five it's it's the beta most stranded ten you know that's just that just grinding actually leveling that up toughness is a three definitely to get this one up way higher dexterity is getting out there perception means getting out there as shoot you know just training I do like our theory stats are getting there 17 Stealth 12 lock-picking 20 teary and 19 assassination and field medic is definitely and are important stand that we need to work on and it's gonna take some time of course but lucky the for us we have survived the first episode train the bed out here in the in the deserts which is pretty good I didn't want to go right away to border zone because you know that that zone is considered easier but good thing for us is that now in the next episode we are allowed to recruit a new person I'm definitely looking forward to seeing what kind of stories you guys gonna write for me so yeah definitely looking forward to that and as always even though you just might have started watching this series right now and we are I don't know 30 episodes in don't be afraid to post your story you never know when you're gonna lose some people you never know we're gonna need more people in and if you post the story right now it's gonna be okay it's gonna be just the same as if you were the first person to post it I'm gonna pick the best ones not the ones that were written first that's the way it is I do want quality right so yeah hopefully you guys enjoy the first batch the first perish the first episode I don't know I I guess I they wanted to say first person but it doesn't does make sense I hope you enjoy the first episode cuz I think this series is gonna it's gonna be an interesting one once again as the dark King you know completed I think this one might prove to be interesting hope you're not here is our now considered not welcome over here as well cool so yeah I really do appreciate all of your support on the previous series and I hope all of you guys gonna enjoy this one as well I'll make sure to I don't know make it as story rich as possible and make role-playing decisions when it makes sense and anyway as this is the first part of the series of course if you could share it with your friends that would do a lot if you can leave nice comments that would do a lot but mostly leave constructive comments if even if you're not posting your story and yeah thank you and if you're new to the channel welcome welcome to community we have a nice discord we can talk about kenchi and all the kind of stuff so consider joining us but for now think about if we're watching hope you enjoyed it and I'll see you guys next time for now [Music]
Channel: Kokoplays MB
Views: 48,942
Rating: 4.8730159 out of 5
Keywords: Kenshi, kenshi gameplay, kenshi lets play, kenshi game, Let's Play Kenshi, Kenshi 20 Ronin, Kenshi Legend of the Dark King, Kenshi stories, kenshi 2, kenshi lore, kenshi mods, kenshi base building, kenshi base locations, kenshi martial arts, kenshi rock bottom, kenshi review, kenshi ironman, kenshi best mods, best kenshi mods, kenshi skeleton, kenshi skeleton only, Kenshi Part 1, Kenshi episode 1, Kenshi Endgame, Kenshi Kokoplays, Kokoplays MB Kenshi, Kokoplays MB
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 50sec (3590 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 15 2020
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