IT'S CURSED / I Bought An Abandoned Storage Unit / Storage Wars

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this tatiana's crystal ball oh i thought it was a titans okay package includes crystal ball ring stand huh oh i should you don't need that because you're so good at predicting the future george in the future in the future you will be hangry so will you 100 correct every time we are back at the 550 unit that is just too legit to quit we actually split it down the middle cockey's flipping adventures got one side we got the other so it only cost us 225 and there are boxes upon boxes upon boxes we found coins we found jewelry we found some unmentionable items and who the hells knows what we're gonna keep on finding today like less than five bucks a box five and a half here and seventy five and i sold it less than five bucks a box so when you actually do it if there's a hundred boxes five hundred fifty it's five dollars fifty cents per box if i can make more than that if i can even double that i made money again for you i paid 550 for this unit here's what i propose there's a ton of boxes there's boxes to the left boxes to the right but not in the middle none in the middle we split it we part it and we see what the hails you find on one side and what the heels i find on the other side what do you say deal deal yes i went the wrong way hold a second redo take over there are no redo there we go that was the redo i'm gonna edit that out you know i'm going to edit that out i went straight for the sausage all right what do we got george you should throw that in with uh with lee and noreen just leave it on the edge of their surgery i don't yeah why i keep going into this thing and looking good in here i don't know [Applause] good boy good boy he's a good rat [Music] let's see if there's anything else in here back to work back to work for sure okay yeah there's more greeting cards holiday cards yeah numbers cards cutouts what's that not sure what that is saint patty's day he's all decked out george let's go put that over there are you thinking what i'm thinking yes throw it at him see if we can get him to scream okay do you think it'll work maybe all right let's go try okay let's go get maureen here we go no what is that nori what we got you good yeah he got me good that is cute is it a t-1 let's go spidey let's go here we go with another and we've got another newspaper what's the date on there 2006. jinx you owe me a soda yeah something is this brand new look at that dual travel mug coffee maker we should definitely take that camping with us yeah you thinking camper and i bet you let's see if it's in there everything else has been brand stinking nice remember when we find new stuff you need to take a drink you need to stay hydrated uh-huh take a sip of water we can't have you guys all getting sick on us passing out from dehydration that'd be bad so there we got brand new stuff there yeah i'd like to take that uh on the camper apparently she just claimed it all right what do we have colin dibs what do we have here this is storage some other things here come on come on and let's see what she's gonna dibs on us here yes yes cake dibs you're making me a cake okay a celebration cake what are we celebrating life yeah you're making me a cake that's all i care about okay all right let's do this all right we got some oh brand new glue gun do you need one no well i have a ton because of everything that we do here what's that a duster that's kind of nice asmr action there oh look at this look at this what do you think it is i think that's a watch conkey says it's a watch i got my ufo card you found one too you found a ufo card too twinning we got a oh nice a pulsar pulsar that is a pulsar right there nice little watch there look at this we got brand new skin so soft original bath oil spray yeah oh this is for me when we're in the truck and i supposed to lose weight so we can go through the devil's pinch again and i'm hangry though and so i'm like [Music] and i still think i'm eating a doughnut even though i'm not zero calories zero calories that's always good end times okay let's see what else do we have in here she's got it's a lot of random looks like bathroom stuff in here sometimes yeah like all this stuff is brand new so this is actually worth money the brand new stuff we can turn around and sell that whatever that is so yeah throw it in a lot and let her roll let's grab another we got all these boxes to choose from i'm thinking you want to do eeny meeny miny money mo okay catch santa by his toe eenie meenie miney ho ho ho it was labeled santa hat what's underneath another santa hat black santa hat you could wear that and then i'll wear that one ying and yang baby coffee and cream all right and is that me that kind of looks like me doesn't it a little bit that looks like is that two oh you know what it's three three men now when we go somewhere like we are going to get a room tonight and work on the other units we can tell everybody yeah we're wearing a mask they say you can't come in without a mouse be like a face mask got a face mask right here okay um i got one for you too all set look at this we got super natural oh that's a good show i see i've never seen it before what makes it so good it's really good what's it about it's these two brothers that one go and solve four six seven we're missing three and five they solve these mysteries and then they they go back in time and prevent it from happening are you serious if it's the same show it's been a while i've never seen it you would like it all right i do like that kind of stuff let's okay and oh oh i'm seeing something i've seen something are you seeing it what do you see see what i see not that but usually there's goodies stuck in there but these are empty but there might be goodies right here oh there's goodies there's goodies here we go wait wait wait oh there we go there we go okay all right so inside the goodies is more pots and pans that's the way they storage what's in here what do you think's in here and oh my more more surprises in here is this a pew pew like this no it could be i think it's a bicycle light yeah they're schwinn's bell schwinn halogen what's in here some other laser lights and bulbs are interesting new trailers not too bad on the knees all that carpet it's kind of nice i just i'm worried about actually having to sweep it out from all the junk afterwards i'm just gonna have to vacuum it out check this out we got that whistle health grill yeah we do have the new bissell and i think we have a new yeah we do wow there it is brand new in there uh camper are we gonna sell this let me take a look at it again all right take a look take a peek not a week a skillet and health girl health yeah we're selling it yeah all right this one was already open let's take a peek here so that one was open pulled it aside what's inside here oh look at that is that a little fairy little yellow man magic okay and then this might be the light base nope this is hugs and kisses you know why you're very special you know why why i'm about to tell you oh that's actually pretty cool that would make it a good m-a-s just flipping it back and forth yeah or with just like a massive um all right i'll toss it in the asmr pile there it is oh you remember when we when we found that huge um it was an hour sand glass yes did we give that to rob the cell because that would have been awesome that would be awesome oh check this out look at that more money rolls more money rolls yep more money rolls which means we are on the right track to find the money if conkey and noreen haven't found those belts those are that was a belt and you know what this is cotton balls chloroform you're coming home with me them lips is pretty [Laughter] you know why sister you're freaking me out sound machine soothing sounds it's in there brand new you don't need this anymore you just put on what the asmr and you're good to go right yep okay so that's all the white noise i need are you hungry for something what is that it's candy candy it's candy that is candy and this is celebrane bath cubes is that what it is bath cubes yeah okay so there's some bath cubes and there is a cutie funny this is like uh did you pets by the way if you find original digi pets in the package big money worth making big money this may as an as a as a you know off-product uh shoot-off product this may actually be worth something but the original digi pets were the hails pales of a lot so that was a knockoff that was a knockoff for sure yeah that was a i see some other things in here but nothing that impresses me unless there's some snacks in here just some vintage air how's it taste vintagey we have been filming all day this was a 9 a.m auction which means we got on the road at uh 7 30 and i believe my man i believe it is roughly five if not six pm in maduraisha right now that would be my guess what time is it right now it is six a little after six oh i just found some heads he's using those bowling balls i found the hat for him these are the hats that go to him he ain't getting it though he ain't getting he's got to have the head with no hat well do you want the heads we got some wigs though that's on their side they went right they finally went right those are their heads you've got suction cups on the bottom listen fair games are all yours i'm keeping the boobies you found the heads you keep the heck on some of our own books oh did you find some yeah we did oh look they stick right there yeah loved some classical music too those are cool put those at the schoolhouse in the building looking out the windows yep yep that's what you should do let's see what we have over here here i got another box let's see we got conkey's been finding some cool cool stuff oh jewelry more jewelry heart mood ring size 10. george what's your size eight on my middle finger and i think an eight or seven on my thumb let's find out on your definitely not my ring finger try it on my thumb i'm trying to figure out what your mood is right now if you're hangry yep you hangry it's green green is that what green means green means relaxed that's you're never green i'm always green any other color other than green means hangry for a woman that's what the instructions say apparently clearly you can't read well i mean that's because that's not what i read we've established that a long long time ago that i [Applause] oh no oh no look what we have more remains ashes ashes we actually we have found two so far this is one human rudy that's who was in her diary that rudy passed oh that's right that's right wow so that makes four sets of ashes we found in this unit we don't know if conkey found any one human and then three pets okay we are looking at oh danger danger real robinson what is that lost in space the collector's edition two of them huh two of them and then we got some other things down here like music was there there's e.t you used to love wizard of oz the original e.t yeah wait so i'm not the bomb you're the oh there's a dot-com now yes so yes there is bt is the bomb or the sound of music at the bottom they both are and then you put me with the dot-com yes check out this down here look at look at this okay we've got some weird stuff there some weird stuff george chewable calcium that's what you need here see if there's expiration date all right let's find out if you see my hands are filthy i'm not sure you want me checking these expire in 2005. oh they are they're new look you pull it right there they're still sealed but they're also expired in 2005. expiration dates i mean best time i am not taking placebo she thinks everything that has an expiration if you take it one day past the expiration date that is placebo that its effects no longer work i grew up in a grocery store we didn't have any money you know what we ate nonstop expired food guess what i'm old fat and baldy that might be why i'm okay with eating stuff past the best sell by date or expire date by a month or two but not years that was 2005. we're in 2020 now that was a good year 2005. why was it a good year i don't know i just thought it would be funny to say but there's michael oh okay look at this beatles beatles john lennon nirvana michael jackson a lot of these could be worth a lot of money we're gonna have to we're gonna have to check all of these out again do your checks on ebay on the sold you'll be able to find tapes are worth bank bank just like lp the tapes are worth banks some cds the exact same way the original cds you're looking at big big money look at this sealed stuff sealed stuff let's see what's in there [Applause] it's a knife never been used i do not yeah i ain't letting you get near this not letting you get near this after trying to give you placebo calcium that expired in 2005. that was 15 years ago what do you think sealed in this box it is it's a cooking brand new cooking like rotisserie pan a baking dish with like the this is heavy whatever it is it is heavy what do you think it is i don't know bible care cover bible case and see through everything this is not inspirational study there you go there you go got it right we've we've found quite a bit of um bibles in this unit and we've also found a lot of books on probably 25 bibles and probably 200 magic spells for witches yes that's about the ratio right now last of the unit that we split with cocky's flipping light check this this is what we have package tetra style in the trailer really good this is the the last of our end of it so a titan's crystal ball do you know what that is tatiana's crystal ball oh i thought it was a titans okay package includes crystal ball ring stand huh you don't need that because you're so good at predicting the future george in the future in the future you will be hangry so will you 100 correct every time that's a that's crazy i'm i'm good at that i am good at that um becoming angry no guessing the future oh okay there's some jingly bells some jingle jingles so there's your crystal ball not hard to tell the future when you're with george predictable i thought you said i was unpredictable uh you're predictably that i always keep you guessing that's not what i said i get i know exactly what you're gonna do before you even do it you never know what's gonna come out of my mouth check this out check this out butterfly thermometers you think of what i'm getting you thinking what i'm thinking we talked about more mercury okay mercury yes but i was also thinking freaking patience out magnets magnets are always cool is she really afraid of butterflies hey you you got your weird thing she's got her weird thing well i'm afraid of stuff like snakes and bugs i'm the only normal one [Laughter] okay oh look at this it's a crystal turtle you know what i don't like you like turtles i like those oh the chicken the chicken the chicken look at that mission has been complete okay lavon text okay all right check that out look at that magnifying turtle got some callous crack knuckles you like that don't you i have some lotion for that here's some kind of jewelry maybe belly button ring not sure ear cuffs what is it they're called ear cuffs okay i don't know go ahead and put one on your earlobe um on your upper ear say no was that a hard pass oh check this out that was beyond the hard pass oh my goodness i have a wizard just like that from another unit that'll go in the wizard lot are you serious yeah is this gandalf he's not that big he's smaller but that'll go in perfect with the line okay this glue is to need a little bit more new glue yeah a little bit of glue will fix that right okay so there's gandalf you shall not pass this looks like his goblet right here mean gandalf we like uh pinkies up the orange juice okay what else we got we got some crazy stuff what's this whatever it is it's candles more candles oh trolls for days trolls trolls more trolls are they supposed to have clothes no the originals didn't and the originals actually have they actually have some value now aspatine isn't that alcohol that's an alcohol isn't it la i think it's a different maybe a different language i don't know um archangel michael oracle cards there's gotta be more uh witchcraft stuff there okay some wichita we got some black lagoon you want to put this in the dragon lock black dragon what is that glove it's latex gloves latex freak gloves mediums so you got that going for you uh you got some more archangels 101 and there's a little reindeer is that rudolph could be rudolph we got another fan some type of little uh made in china fans yeah that's kind of a cool little thing there ooh slow cook what could this be what could this be it's labeled one piece uh i don't know what it is there's about to be some styrofoam absolutely everywhere everywhere but all right it's some kind of some i think that's like green witch it's some type of spiral i thought it was probably like another spell book like the other 100 or like a journal of some sort so we found green witch spells and writing spells we did find a book that said uh good witch bad witch which one am i women's women's spells we found the saint patrick's day spelled a ton how to make him fall in love with me spell that's what you did no that's what we found you see that books okay so here's the deal we've we've gone through enough of these units to know that a lot of our viewers and a lot of our subscribers are going to go oh no it's the gold and demons are going to follow you and i'm going to speak as a religious individual who has a relationship with jesus christ number one when you do that you put power you almost are attributing more power to something that is bad than than your creator god that is good and so what i would prefer you guys to actually do is hey god's bigger than the boogeyman he's bigger than godzilla or the monsters on tv god is bigger than the boogeyman he's looking out for you and me veggietales taught me that so let's keep looking in here let's see what's in here i've done this for 20 years no issues whatsoever and then there's other people they're going to go hey i'm a wiccan or i'm in wicca and i'm a witch no offense i love you for who you are and uh since you're watching i'm i'm assuming that you're gonna accept our point of view for what we believe as well and we're still gonna be friends and love each other we're not gonna spread hate or anything along those those lines there okay so uh there is there is some crazy things here without a doubt yep now we just do it for fun the facility manager maintenance maintenance guy he just stopped and he was talking to us and george turned the camera off and he told us there was a guy yesterday that called from texas paid his back fees of thirteen hundred dollars over thirteen over thirteen hundred dollars and he told us that the unit was incredible rolling tool box tons of tools he said there's some expensive stuff in there and then he said we asked him if he knew the story on on this unit he didn't know the story of the unit that we got yeah the one that we got and so he didn't know the story but he told us you know most people just walk away walk away we think she passed away we actually we know she passed away so he didn't have any other information with uh with him on that person but we could get some more information in here such as oh george brand new pots of brand new is everybody taking a drink does this remind you of any other kind of unit i wonder how much brand new stuff conkey and noreen got over at hockey slipping adventures or watch this we're just gonna have to watch it we're gonna watch this they've got they got so many boxes to go through oh look at this remember the other like they got more boxes than us uh i don't know if they got more boxes they got bigger boxes they got cool boxes remember all the harley stuff they found of course if you want to see the harley stuff they found you just gotta go over to their channel and the channel name is and i just said it ten times george you just said funky i said confused and adventures george it's winning we're 20. winning get yours thank you and let's see how this goes here apparently that's how it's going to go how does it look great all right here you go what nothing all right so let's see what oh those are your size you should wear those sizes we should get a harley and we should go biking biking into the sunset yeah [Music] you
Channel: What The Hales
Views: 36,286
Rating: 4.922967 out of 5
Keywords: I bought an abandoned storage unit, I bought an abandoned storage unit and found MONEY, I bought an abandoned storage unit and found, abandoned storage unit finds, abandoned storage unit gold, abandoned storage locker, storage wars full episode, storage lockers, storage hunters, how to, treasure hunting, opening mystery boxes, mystery boxes, unboxing, storage wars, storage unit auction, auction hunters, self storage, how to make money
Id: 1X0NTgkWM2U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 36sec (1776 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 21 2020
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