HOARDING GOLD STORAGE UNIT I Bought An Abandoned Storage Locker / Opening Mystery Boxes

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oh look at on the lid look at on the lid there's a ton of gold already oh my goodness look at that gold admit it george i won the rematch admit it you did win so that means we're still tying and it's best out of three now whoever can find the best treasure but we found some incredible treasure we have to tell you about we found look at this these are little night light o lights check that out i haven't seen those ships i got them for the camper and they're all on sale actually everything's on sale i got the fryer as well see that right there i got the marauder 2 which is 14 000 lumens largest flashlight we got these for gator hunting for treasure hunting there's the warrior i love the warrior because you see the edge there anybody who attacks you and we've got some neighbors that are going to be some issues flashlight flashlight there you go and now it's time for us to draw our weapons for the ultimate competition best out of three who's gonna win team george or team jeremy you never know what the hell's i know who i'm voting for probably her [Music] i got robbed is this my prize for winning that is your prize for winning i got robbed bragging rights and i call rematch look at all the jewelry all the silver all the gold we still have to go through i call rematch shake on it rematch made in i can see made in okay it's i see the k but i can't tell i see the k it's definitely gold it doesn't matter for once for once four once and look at this we still have all of this left what do you say best out of three best out of three you got yourself a deal get on george went ahead and put all of our tools our magnet our magnifying glasses and we got our o lights if we need to see anything we have all of this jewelry left now just to recap you get a point for what you get one point for every real silver that you find one point for ever real gold even if it's gold plated that you find but zero points for any gem zero points for any pearls zero points for anything else aside from silver and gold you just make bank on that all right here's the deal there's a lot left in here there is a ton left in here so how about you grab a handful let's see how many points you get i grab a handful what are you going to grab first all right i'm going to go for that sound that sounded like a uh oh here's a matching i don't think there's anything in here so that's two handfuls this is george cheating already i said handful i didn't say three scoops look it's still coming this is i'm not i said handful handful handful look at this look at this she's already cheating all right what you got let's see what you got and it looks like a little black pouch ouch with a sticker on it sticker must have something in it i already know i already know from what i can see i already know it's gold i know it's gold because we found it in the dresser of the grandma and it was tucked in behind the dresser 14k italy nah i gotta see it i gotta put it down on the table i wanna see it in the magnifying glass just so i know because i don't need you starting already to kill me well that's a point already for george how does that make you feel this is gonna be a rough one next up is this little blue bond it looks more than little it looks oh my goodness it definitely looks gold that's check that out there's an opal there's a beautiful opal there's an opal for sure now looking for any markings near the class oh i see a marking already you want the magnifying glass what's it say yeah that's a point even though it says gf gold filled it still counts still a point still a point george doesn't get any extra points for her silver streaks in her hair 10k 10k gold-filled george now has two points she's only opened two things and already has two points all right next up is this little cute teal box with white and silver polka dots any polka dot boxes or the silver polka dots unfortunately does not count either oh man that looks like it's going to be something we've got a pretty pendant looking for any markings that say sterling i don't see anything i don't see anything either it's too bad because it definitely looks silver here's a cute pair of earrings with some type of gem in it not seeing any markings either oh there it goes i spoke too soon 925 see it right there no this is china to say 925 or just china i see oh there's the 925 right there nine two crossed that way well there's another point she's got three points now one or two you claimed last time that if there was a matching set it was only one point you're just sour after i destroyed you look how pretty that is it's like a blue opal if that's such a thing you're probably gonna have to look at the actual you're gonna have to look at the backs that's where it's gonna be and survey says i looked everywhere looked high looked low looked below didn't see any markings it's got to be that's definitely looks like real opal yeah star little starfire are these earrings there it is right there nine two five little hard earrings how many points does that give you four now you're at four points already i'm at four points holy cow this is like my win last night what if this is real silver but it's not a pair does that count as one yeah it counts okay unless you want it to count as half a point let's see i'm okay for half a point there's a marking right there 925 on that all right on the post yeah let me see the front of it so that is a point so that would be you're now at three points right five oh my math sometimes goes the wrong way backwards i um you very tricky we're in we're in florida i thought that was the backwards state all right here's a mother heart and i have a feeling you're going to be auctioning a lot of this stuff off in the sunday night auction there's there it is right there nine two five all right more silver that would be six points yay me no no that's called cheating she took like five handfuls what nothing you said handful i could fit all of those in my hand a handful is one not multiple i'm going to show them you want me to put all the boxes in my hands and show you that like i want to see them all in my hands little heart diamond cubic zircomnium or is it real i don't think it's real but i also don't see any markings on the post or the back of the stud or on the backing so okay still five points fill in the lead with five points what else do you have to go through and then i have another earring that could potentially be gold to the front of it a little diamond stud yeah and [Music] there's a marking right there i need the uh magnifying glass oh here she goes now some have asked where did we get our jewelry magnifying glass which this is the best one we have ever ever used you've got an area in here where you can manipulate you can screw the the actual optical up and down and the place where we got it storage unit go figure go figure all of this everything has come from storage units [Music] or the backing but yeah nothing nothing is that everything from your draw that's everything that's in this box oh wait oh that's right she got a whole lot more uh people want to know do you get your do you get to take whatever jewelry you want if you like it no and the reason is because any of the jewelry there you go the reason is she doesn't want any she's skin is very very sensitive oh my goodness this is gonna be a killer here next box is this gold box and here's a shell of some sort and here we go again the chain definitely looks like gold does the chain hang low the chain definitely hangs low here we go found the marking it says 12k gold filled all right 12k gold filled she actually gets a point for that so that is now six points for george six points for me here is a beautiful pendant sterling right there mexico does it say sterling um your magnifying glass is right into the side you yeah it's sterling but it's written backwards like it's stamped on backwards so yes that's sterling so how many points is that seven here's another one this looks like the matching earring of the pendant so most likely this two is sterling but since it's a matching set you're still only at seven yes still at seven still at seven all right that's because i haven't gone yet of earrings these maybe gold nothing nothing that pops out that has a marking here the pitter patter of the rain [Music] you know where it's snowing like crazy right now back in ohio yeah you know where it's not snowing here in sunny florida but it is raining but we'll take rain over snow any day any day i do how many mosquitoes have you seen so far we've had 80 degree days 60 degree days zero zero zero i hear they don't like the egyptians or the tall white guys here is um is that the maker's mark monet so no points that'll go up for auction sunday night live auctions oh there's a name well that's like 12 this now the pendant is 12 carat gold filled see that right there yeah all right you get a point for that what's that put you at eight that doesn't have a marker but it's the exact same but still one point right so you're at eight now right yes it's at eight points and she is not letting up [Applause] gotta untangle that here's a p here's an earring i don't see the other half [Applause] no markings that that just pop out read me so i'm going to set that aside chickens have their raincoat on and we're just hanging out here [Applause] now this gold chain had a marking on it but it's faded it faded so i'm going to use the magnifying glass to see if i can train all right read what it used to say or a part of what it is i might be done for right from the beginning all right 12k 12k yeah so what's that put you at 12 8 eight points all right now she's at eight points this is what happens when you take more than one handful here is a pair of earrings those look like gold those are pretty let's see if i can find any markings do you feel like we're retired in florida we're the we're the er we're the not your usual snowbirds not your typical snowbirds looking searching for any indicator that's one handful and we have all this left i have a feeling this um this competition is not gonna be finished today there's a lot in here oh that's definitely going in my handful all right unfortunately i didn't find anything so nothing no points for me there uh unfortunately because we didn't make any gold money but fortunately for me i have a chance to have a comeback this looks like real silver i used to have a chain just like this did it hang low what what was that i had a tickle in my throat it must be from a missing thyroid trickle anything i don't see anything i wish i could see something but not seeing it all right that's too bad i sure thought this was so so did i it probably is but if it's not marked rules clearly state if it's not marked no points next up is this lovely chain it's another gold chain looks like she got a see the marking right there ton of them in there i i flipped it flipped it over it's on this side come on buddy flip on over isn't there a song called flip it flip on over flip it all right here we go you must flip it it is 14k all right that's another point what's that put you at nine she's so intense she does not gold on the ground that's like she's like you know what i don't care she's like i don't care i'm surrounded by gold i'm surrounded by silver sorry i didn't know i did that i uh all right i use gold to pave to pave my way into the camper all right i see the marking and this one is 14k that puts you at 10. she cheated me so bad on this one cheated me so bad already at 10 points looks like a a broken bracelet anklet bracelet something i don't know it's not even complete all right i see the marking all we care about is 14 if it says 14 it's going to be k what do you think it's going to say 14 g 14 20. you found a 420 thing it says 14 20 but i'm reading it upside down she's looking for a 14 g she's like you know what i want to change the whole gold standard i want it to be 14 g all right 14k that puts you at how many points now 11. way too many i can stop there i can give you these boxes might as well since you already cheated and pulled them she apparently has two more boxes what were these things those don't count they're empty all right she has two more boxes that i have no idea if she's gonna actually open them you pulled them okay all right here we go oh now i see what you were trying to do real funny real funny yeah so that's why that was mine huh yeah the lasik surgery you got allows you to see through items yeah and boxes and stuff and i don't get to see through anything there's a label on the outside of the box it says beautiful gold moonstone bracelet so let's see if there's any markings that it's gold versus gold tone there is a marking right there but that doesn't mean anything to me let's see if i can find anything inside the class let's see writing oh this could be bound for me no false alarm that's why she was going to give me that one too you have 11 points i'm up after one more glance this is george's gold pile all of this this is her silver pile this is the questionable that needs to be further examined and this will all be up for auction you've got that look on your face because i know this is going in my hand look how big my hand is compared to that little bear and i get a handful not five handfuls a handful so what i'm gonna do right now is just add some things into this handful how about that how about that george how about that here we go if you can fit it in your hand here fair game all right fair game i have to know this is first my little teddy bear you know why it's a cute kid i don't want to be a lion would you look at that it's a teddy bear within a teddy bear okay now is it gold can you read it yeah me either let's take it out let's see what we have here you definitely have something but come on i need a first point george got her first item gave her a point say anything back here no that's just to pull it out of the case it says don't touch george you already have 11 points let jeremy have one for once that's what it says huh you annihilated me in round two yeah but do you feel defeated um no this says dmos no dm 99 so i don't see i don't see this is not to my knowledge probably a burst stone but it does not definitely not gold from what i can see no indicator set that aside okay but this oh look at that look at that some pearly pearls what look at this oh there's even maybe a receipt or some type of label there is something in here two 14k cultured pearl cross uh price 19.95 order total i'm guessing oh you know where the 14k is right there and these are cultured pearls but there's 14k so you know what are we gonna look for the marking the markings right here the marking is right here i need to see the marking on the actual link ridiculous you know what much of the stuff the bunch of the stuff i went after afterwards and looked at didn't have markings and you claimed they had markings and i did have markers and i let you have the points my eyes saw what it saw here we go i do not see a marking anywhere all right fine no marking except for this piece of paper i don't need the point i don't need it i don't need it especially after you cheated let's let the viewers call him should he get the vote cheated by taking multiple or should he not get the vote called things silver that weren't silver the earrings there was the mom that was stainless steel clearly marked so really i mean i don't need the point i don't need it all right let's see what else we have here we've got i saw sterling my eyes saw what it saw y i see you as a blonde haired woman right now are you are you okay now you're just talking crazy you were talking a little crazy okay uh this is nothing it was in the box nothing in there a little pouchy pouch okay i'll set that aside look at this this has got to be something good here again and something good water resistant water resistant quartz water japanese movement you got a huge watch lot coming up don't you um and stainless steel all right that's probably probably as well okay but this here where's the other there i remember there were two bowls i remember there were two look at that how cool is that that is pretty cool do you gotta wonder if this was the actual family members or if this came with it i think that's advertising i think it's advertising as well but the real question is is this bakelite if this is big light then this has this has really good value more than what if it was silver or gold i'm not seeing white does have value but unfortunately bakelite doesn't count so unless this is sterling silver there are no markings for sterling silver but i do wait hold this how would you get this out do you think you probably need a tiny tool you know what let's see if we can get that out when i'm done okay because i bet you you could hide stuff back there yeah yeah i bet you that's bakelite okay this here it it cost 200 originally 200. do you see that that's just two dollars sir i'm sorry i saw two hundred dollars my i saw what it saw you very funny oh okay okay very funny man let's see how this works okay so that's beautiful costume jewelry costume jewelry not gonna count at least it's not gonna count for me if it was george it would count for george but it won't count for me no i wouldn't take a piece of costume jewelry credit for that that's not even real gold and we have annie mark wait wait there's something up here there's something up here and it says japan okay so that's a japan piece right there okay costume jewelry won't count this looks like this is gonna count for something look at that that is really pretty a sapphire in the center surrounded by pearls and gems and okay it goes in oh you know what i bet this is this is a bracelet and it goes like boom yep it goes in like that so i gotta look any markings on the clasp i don't see any markings okay do i have any points yet no you took my point away what okay now if you look in here you see how are we looking for a double knot we're looking for even a single knot at this point but it's not it's just a clear strand and as smooth as smooth can be this these are not real pearls okay so that that's costumes still not sure not even with your teeth not even a pearl this is that like a bird bird plane i don't know this probably a chain goes through here that doesn't count man this handful is really letting me down this looks like somebody made it that's definitely handmade or hand-painted handmade stuff it's a clothesline pin right am i seeing that or am i seeing that correctly yeah it's clothesline pin but it could be on a real gold chain unfortunately it's not so so your eyes don't see anything oh do you want my eyes to see things like your eyes see things because i can you're so bitter about me finally winning no i'm i was ecstatic that you won i was annihilated she's like static she's just seeing silver everywhere i say gold i see silver oh look at this i see bigfoot look at this here um what next we're gonna spy aliens see aliens um sure that would work for me i see silver it's a bird it's a plane it's sterling silver okay there's definitely a piece of sterling silver in there and this looks like it's just a chain yeah that doesn't look like sterling no you're changing though do it wobble to a pro butterfly see anything send it to patients give her a good scare all right that is man this is all tangled up that's what happens when we just throw we throw everything into a box so when we find stuff well we don't throw it we just place it down nicely and then somehow they get it tangled up on their own no i throw during transitions these people ain't dumb they know i throw stuff well i don't you throwing shade i treat it ever so gently you're throwing shade right so gently sir into the box look at this look at this there's definitely some stuff in here okay so i got a tangled mess here remember the best way to untangle these messes okay you gotta breathe on it works every time dragon breath didn't it work uh they smell your dragon breath and they're like ebort abort ebort ebort that's jewelry talk that's how jewelry talks that's what i've heard that's how metals talk to each other i've heard that um you know what i think we're gonna have to do take a timeout station break we'll be right back after we get this untangled this should be points because we are in florida and what is more floridian than a dolphin actually the state should be called for dolphin not florida it should be called floor dauphin i think we should rename the state to florida often florida often hails that's what i would go with but doesn't put it in the suggestion box okay okay this one here all the chains untangled they were in a bit of an entanglement yeah they were see this one here it says big sis and doesn't this look like silver definitely appears to look like all right here's the bad news what's it say disney brass and when you go up to the top of the chain the chain even when you bring it down low there's nothing so no point big sis it's disney but that'll go to a new home for when we auction it off all right this uh dream catcher necklace unfortunately that's not gonna be any points either cool really cool piece not gonna bring any points in this dreamcatcher necklace that was real turquoise yeah it still isn't going to bring me anything so very cool piece without a doubt you could even hang that in your rear view mirror as an ornament i don't like to look backwards so no nothing gets hung in there i only look forwards all right so that doesn't give me any points either which brings us to two more necklaces definitely looks like something nice stone there unfortunately no markings on the pendant nothing at all or is there no i don't see anything there i don't think the chain would be real gold either it doesn't look like it looks brass it's like a gold so cool piece of costume jewelry nice pendant unfortunately no points for that that brings my total so far to what george but i think you're in luck this piece definitely looks like you think it's looking like it yeah all right let's look for sure let me look here that does look like gold chain up here still a little tangled when we were tang untangling i did see a marking both on the clasp and the actual charm or the pendant you saw something on the pendant yes well i just found 925 there where did you see on the pendant on the pendant also says 925 where'd you see that on the inside you must be feeling bad for me now and there it is nine two five told you thailand so i have one point to your 11 points this isn't two this is 11. but if i find something secret inside here then it could be a whole hail of alignment to pop them open i have my trusty handy knife and all right let's see unfortunately there's no there's no secret compartment it almost looks silver with the patina it does but i don't think that it did well we could pop this one off and check too might as well let's check it's gonna pop let's see what it is and nope no markings that's too bad still a cool piece well i'm still getting my butt kicked eleven to one i'd be smiling too if i was winning all right so small handful not two hands one handful whatever fits in a hand whatever fits in your hand not multiple you know what that was a little too small i think you could i'll let you take a little more just because i'm generous okay i'm nice i'm nice like that all right that's that yeah yeah that works all right you feeling confident with your 10-point lead right now uh potentially one item in there from a quick glance definitely this definitely isn't real this is costume all right so that's going in the auction the sunday night live streaming auction this watch is genuine leather but unfortunately that does not count what's the front of it the front of it is see if i can read upside down it's a genevieve patrick felipe genevieve it's a genevieve these are actually worth money but doesn't count unfortunately how much is a jenna what you've worth the the patrick felipe if i'm even saying that right they all vary but they're worth money are you looking at my gray hairs no i'm putting the phone in front of my face so you look at the camera instead of me okay same as always this pretty bracelet doesn't look like that's real silver or is it let's open this up and see if i see any markings on the clasp looking nothing it's too bad it's too bad it's a pretty piece though this necklace oh we got a little bit of an entanglement right there do you think that uh work on your other handle we'll see how see how the chickens are doing the chickens are ready to get on the property i put my raincoat on them usually i just throw them in the back of the truck if it starts to drizzle but i have too much back there right now how we doing with the entanglement i thought it was an entanglement but it's actually it's it's designed that way it looks like an indian piece it's actually designed that way this is what the the necklace is supposed to remember that picture you showed me when you were in the your indian friend's wedding yes and you dressed up like an indian i had a sar it's called a sorry i was a bridesmaid i forgive you friends i forgive you wedding and that's the first time i've ever heard you say you're sorry it's not spelled no it's american garb too you can you can say it all the time it's not gonna hurt right so come check out this label it says wait was bailey was that you being sorry for cheating from the beginning i didn't cheat you said grab a handful okay here we go the bailey company cleveland which means nothing so this is just a pretty piece of costume julie this is actually really pretty would it go with a sorry sorry that's this is what a man has to bring a woman when he says sorry all right so looking at this oh didn't you find the pendant that matched that you thought it was a birdie bird so we already know this is costume jewelry and then this piece right here most likely costume jewelry as well and then this might be something so this is what i was referring to when i said there might be one piece but unfortunately what's on the the top of it right there and right there no the top of the ring oh it looks like either a different language or maybe stick figures holding hands skipping off into the sunset is that what you think is happening i mean that that's what i see that's what my eyeballs see so she's getting the magnifying glass yeah there's writing on here i can't really tell what it says so it says hong kong this is costume jewelry as well so the score is still for me on this round 11 george one jeremy i'm up one more handful is that your look of defeat no don't fail me now and one handful right one handful one whatever fits in a handful yeah yeah that's definitely not one handful that's a handful right there look at that that is one hand i didn't grab it like this i grabbed it like this look one handful look at you trying to be sneaky sneaky whoa oh look at on the lid look at on the lid there's a ton of gold already oh my goodness look at that gold oh it's definitely golden is over look at this gold and silver this competition's over what are you talking about it's over why because you're gonna lose look at this fine you win two i won one this is what i'm starting with on the next one [Music] you
Channel: What The Hales
Views: 43,223
Rating: 4.9076681 out of 5
Keywords: I bought an abandoned storage unit, I bought an abandoned storage unit and found MONEY, I bought an abandoned storage unit and found, abandoned storage unit finds, abandoned storage unit gold, abandoned storage locker, storage wars full episode, storage lockers, storage hunters, how to, treasure hunting, opening mystery boxes, mystery boxes, unboxing, storage wars, storage unit auction, auction hunters, self storage, how to make money
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 6sec (2406 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 16 2020
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