FOUND JEWELRY HIDDEN INSIDE THE BOX / I Bought An Abandoned Storage Unit

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i got some zippo oh there's more there's more there's more oh man okay there's look there's a pile of zippo a pile of windsor this has been an epic treasure hunt in a 550 dollar unit that we split straight down the middle with conkey's flippin adventures he took the right we took the left we found dentures we found collectible money we found dead people we probably should have learned our lesson and stuck with once you go right you always go right let's see what the hell's else we find today have a challenge for you i paid 550 for this unit here's what i propose there's a ton of boxes there's boxes to the left boxes to the right but not in the middle none in the middle we split it we part it and we see what the hails you find on one side and what the heels i find on the other side what do you say deal deal yes this unit has been so much fun let's see if it can get any funner uh look there's 2004 is that a word two thousand funner yeah okay let's see if it gets to be the funnest all right and oh it's about to get funner it is a funky platform funner and funnest in here yeah now we're talking some more thermals there what do you think this is oh there's a purse under there too oh my goodness my heart is actually starting to pump a little bit because last time we found fifteen thousand dollars worth of jewelry in this exact storage unit location there was a plastic bag a garbage it was a lunch bag just like that just wrapped in a black plastic garbage we know it's not the same person but please please we've also found an expensive camera in a lunchbox a camel lunch box we have found some crazy crazy excuse me bless me you six feet away yes all right let's see oh look at this we got something better we got something that lasts forever music leonard skinner yanni there's your favorite yachts i love listening to yanny he used to make me yanny and then i'd be able to fall asleep i'm going to pretend like i don't know that anymore yeah well here you go kelly clarkson the doors so not as good as jewelry but i'll tell you what this is this is sometimes better when you need you need that music to suit your soul that's some good stuff right there yanny will put you to sleep the other thing that will put you to sleep is our new asmr channel so what the asmr i'm gonna have to listen that channel tonight i'm dropping stuff everywhere that's the name of the channel i didn't get it i'm allergic to you i'm allergic to you you started it okay i got a purse finally uh what does that say let's see classics classics last time i did this without gloves i sliced my finger open lesson learned so he continues to not wear gloves all right this looks absolutely it doesn't even look useless brand yeah spanking definitely gently used no never used never used there's newspaper put in there to keep its form so that's what that's what i do to keep more form do you stuff your shirts with newspaper or do you eat newspaper newspaper right there fiber don't worry i didn't get it okay all right perfect so let's move that over with the super fun shoes and let's get into the christmas okay because it's beginning to look a lot like this isn't christmas that's not a fiber optic tree what do you think this is a poster oh look at that 2001 star line i'm not sure i want to open it oh there's small oh it's like a dragon or something there's multiples okay let's all right let's look now [Applause] what's america's most water there's america's most wanted poster there's that dragon dragon america's most wanted huh let's see if you're on there another dragon that's me right that's the same dragon you know what that's you after you eat garlic that is me yeah shh don't tell anybody without a doubt that's you have to use garland no doubt in that one all right let's see what else is in here this is heavy this is not a fiber optic tree it is oh yes more thermals socks or leggings never have enough socks and something there that was probably for the tree there's some poker chips and george i'm down on one knee because my back hurts that's why i'm just shaking my head right now that box oh we'll get to it let's see what's in here i'm thinking there could be some good stuff in there i think i see some collectible stuff in the side handle this box is labeled show it's labeled like light bulb oh i just had a good idea since we bought three units let's get a room tonight and then we'll do the other two units tomorrow morning what do you think about that we can watch a sunset off the lake all right what's my favorite sunset put that on the asmr channel too okay what the asmr what channel is that who doesn't love a good sunset what channel is that asmr what uh yeah i shall be we'll include the link in the description for y'all i've been having fun with that channel it is it's been a lot of fun oh man check that out oh how cute is it look at oh look he's got a cap too it's brand new he's got an army cap he looks just like you a bro he has a broken foot but i'm gonna fix it there we go yeah he does does look like me uh-huh rough it ruggedly handsome and well there's something in here there's something in here oh yeah some super sweet gloves and some super sweet bras and what's this oh original 13 colony flag okay 50 nifty united states from 13 original colonies i still remember that song in fifth grade when we had to learned sing it in fifth grade because you are egyptian and i went to american schools what's your point you didn't speak english then i did speak english then that's what she says it was in kindergarten when i finally learned to speak english okay i'm gonna say let's go to another box okay let's pull okay let's see oh that one is heavy all right yeah that one that one's heavy too how about this one that you're resting sure let's go for this one all right we're gonna pull this one that she's resting on i think it's upside down good things oh my goodness look at that good thing you were just resting on this keep that away from my good thing tonight so you can see never cut that way all right many good things you never cut that way but why do you keep cutting that way what other way am i supposed to cut away from this oh it was it was labeled correctly it was labeled correctly these are cupcake holders you put your cupcakes in there just like little cupcake holders and then cupcake holders right there that is many good things let's see what else is in here there's got to be more there is i just had a flashback of you eating a cupcake is it when i take the cupcake put it in half make a cupcake sandwich and you go in one bite best way to eat a cupcake pull it in half put the bottom onto the top all the frosting's in the middle you eat in one bite that's the challenge one bite cupcake challenge okay so it becomes a uh a filled cupcake it's very much so a filled cupcake okay we've got best friend got all kinds of stuff here uh-huh all right where are the many good things here it is packaging you know how much i love packaging tape yeah you are a packaging tape theme collector any type of packaging supplies i get excited i start to geek out i don't know what that is this is weird those are hair curlers those are some weird hair coolers oh yes look at that wild cherry but even better come on come on big check it out we found jewelry we found jewelry without gold we found those rose quartz okay rose quartz right there handmade in india rose quartz yes you're coming to check it out jakara pendulum okay it's pretty whatever it is oh i found some other cool things too here you go cocky one for you and one for noreen one for each of you guys i don't think i need any more help in that area black licorice knows me i geek out over finding packaging supplies that's good money right there vintage underwear don't believe me check it out on ebay yeah if you don't take his word for it look on the ebay sold comps for vintage these come with free bacon strips more duct tape we got some syringes that's probably for the for the animals look at this look at this we got we got money sorters so the money collection has got to be in here somewhere oh look what i just got for you george valentine stickers yeah for you what are you trying to say that i part you i mean i mean i um oh look at this look at this the subject look it's a diary diary it is it's a diary anything juicy um unfortunately rudy died 15 years old new year's day all right let's not get into that that's not that's gonna be too personal and that's gonna be a a bummer okay other than that we got this really cool scream 2 and when the worlds collide vhs colombo bissell let's see if we can make a little green machine do you think it's in there with the bissell something is definitely in here if this is in here look at that george it's a brand new it's a brand new little green machine it's one of those spots never ever been used look at that check that that'll sell nicely bam brand new it's great remember we have 225 dollars into this unit we easily easily are gonna make that money back we might even make it back right here let's see we got a box don't cut towards the sausage and just cut away from the sausage like this see it says cat cakes remember the last time you found something labeled cat picks it was not dirty are you sure you want to open this is it safe to record just let me check okay let me check cat pics was code for another thing that you call a cat it was it was code but this is sealed this is something brand new let's see what this is this is not catfix in here what oh my utensils look at that brand new cambridge stainless steel a brand new set right there that's that's some chump change right there i like this unit but you know what i like most about it that um our friends hockey's flipping adventure he's actually finding incredible stuff i mean whether he's finding better stuff than us you're going to have to you guys can have to be there but we have heard a lot of screams over there the good spell here's more witchcraft okay more spell books i don't see any cat pictures in here but i do see a medical reference oh what's this what's this is that booty wipes splash and go they're handy face wipes okay we i'm a little dry right now too oh you know what this is this is incense neither one of us get into this do we they don't smell good they don't smell good i love my glade plug-in oil sense i fresh linen is my favorite yeah i like farts and vanilla i mean i like farting all this what let's just look at this box what did you say nothing nothing oh look at this here is there's a little box right there there are leaves with writing on it these must be i wish to live in the country it's probably a wish this is probably incantations yeah oh look not no it's not a wish box it's an eyelash box so every eyelash has a wish with it we have yeah there's no doubt about that there's serious eyelashes in here okay and we have found quite a few teeth but george had garlic so we have no fear of vampires none at all ain't gonna happen here not in this trailer i had garlic four days ago trust me it's still kicking what do you think about that we'll just we'll sell it we don't need that i got lasik we don't need to see anything up close anymore i got bionic eyes don't think so just watch the videos i can see anything and everything now other than that oh something else is under here let's see what this is we got a base i feel like we should just build some seats into this new trailer we should yeah we should throw some seats in there that would be cool oh my goodness you're gonna be so excited why don't i hear your excitement yet oh i see it now puzzle you are so nerdy i do i nerd out on two things puzzles and me scenic puzzles and me and you nerd nerd who do you think packaging supplies too who do you think nerds out on the other person more you nerd out on me more i nerd out on you more i think me definitely me okay got some scenic paintings well that's like a bob ross painting look at all the happy clouds put some happy clouds right in here you know what because we can yeah of course let's go ahead with some happy clouds here some happy clouds here that's happy happy you sound just like them you're creeping me out we have a garbage can i'm freaking you out i'm freaking you out oh some more aromatherapy smell that [Applause] i don't know what that is but i know what this could be more aromatherapy oh yes beach towels we are definitely going to the lake tonight we got our own towels we got aromatherapy and we're going to have the waves crashing all around us it's going to be a good night on the beach we pulled a whole lot more boxes in the trailer here showing all the boxes we pulled when cocky wasn't looking cold now show them everything we've actually we've filmed everything that we've filmed and we have two more storage units even after this we're not even done we bought three units today we bid on half of them let's see what's in here because it says plasma ball i gotta know and it says pain rub so that might be good for all your aches and pains and the plasma ball might be good for me just because i'm weird okay oh yes it is look at that can you imagine now i just want to touch it and all my hair stand up brings back childhood memories brings back memories of when i actually had hair okay you still have hair you have a ton of hair on your back look at this oh yeah let's make my back hair stand up radio meter we have two brand new radio meters take your mind for a spin excuse me i'm allergic to you in three two what's this what's this um some other cool stuff here okay so this is crazy because there's brand new stuff in a lot of these boxes if i pull another box like this this one just says books so it's probably bad it's probably just books but we don't know unless we look again books can be a lot of these are a lot of good money depending on what a lot of these boxes are mislabeled if there's dungeon and dragon books we could be looking at some big time money here here here's something let's see did you just see what i saw an area 51 okay id card first of all there is a walmart gift card guys we found gift cards we found gift cards okay can't show the other side um we have advantage apples card and yes in an ohio ufo license for area 51. you've got to have that you got to have it this this is going in my wallet i've got one of my with my wallet this box says things from desk usually when we get a desk box oh this also says wigs this is gonna be interesting usually when we get a desk box we get collectible coins a lot of people just throw their coins in a desk drawer oh it's it's definitely not the best drawer it is we found roller wigs we found wigs so here's the crazy part check out wigs on ebay wigs can go for hundreds the best wigs go for thousands of dollars we're actually gonna have to price these and figure out what they're worth but the good news is they're in there with an angel and a whole bunch of doves tv remote storage come on big money big random tv remotes are worth money big time yeah a lot of them can go for 50 bucks he never ends all right so we have an idea we want to play a prank on somebody thinking about sending those to somebody in the mail anonymously and not letting them know they're from us and and yeah that would be funny what's this george i'm not sure okay slingshots we've got some slingshots right there and here's a box of brand new brand stinking new oh those are faux handles little candle lights okay christmas time those room is nice to have around in the windows on the table at church yeah okay what else do we have more wigs more wigs we've got that toilet paper these are pine cones look at that oh a bunch of what do they smell like well here take a whiff smells like pine tones yeah they smell like pine cones and cat hair oh my hair in here okay there's the there's the tv remote okay i found it let's move this stuff to the side all right and what we're gonna do here this box over here isn't actually labeled let's grab let's find out what's in here it says music oh george george's what what look at this i don't even know why they put a box in a box look at this all brand new this by jayru jayru is a great coach and then they expand you know this would be a great asmr video it would so we throw in one at a time you watch it expand yeah another one okay we're gonna we're gonna make an asmr video okay okay we've got all kinds of cds there you go that's what we're looking at see anything good in there pink floyd pink floyd pink floyd pink floyd mostly pink floyd i wonder where green floyd is spider-man towel that'd be another good one yeah we can throw that in here and then it it expands so let's do my nephews love those let's do that as an asmr let's find out what's in here that'd be a cool video okay what is this do you have another idea for another asmr video i'll tell it to you later though okay all right here is another i already found one of these do you think there'll be more gift cards this one looks empty um that one is empty obviously had quite a bit that one looks brand new that was weird this box was actually in this box a box in a box we see all kinds of weird things this is how you don't cut towards the sausage you poke you just poke straight down instead this is the safe way to do it should i put my fingers and then you can yep yep and then okay there we go i would not encourage putting the sausage down there just fingers if you're gonna do it that way this box isn't labeled so i'm kind of kind of intrigued oh yes yes i used one of those but now i just broke those stereo pods the toothbrush no the the container she used to use the travel brush the travel container toothbrush she used to use a toothbrush now she gets one of those tongue scrapers and she's like i use i use a battery operated toothbrush she uses a tongue scraper it's weird and i do use this tongue scraper it cleans the back of your tongue so yeah another zippo it depends what did you just find did you find something really really nice really nice harley um some harley clothes but some really nice jack i'll tell you in a second if i'm still glad i went left because i got some zippo oh there's more there's more there's more oh man okay there's look there's a pile of zippo a pile of windsor you gotta look at this look at this let's see okay there's a pen emt all right we'll give that to an emt person all right set that aside all right here we go windsor let's see what we got that's really oh yeah this isn't as much as they found on their side but there still is some oh we were gonna we were gonna break these glow sticks today and video it and that's the collection put that to the collection all right that's the zippo case no zippo but the box will still sell but there you go yeah look at that it's got that nice yeah there's one all right i need a concalation how much do you think that one's worth oh any zippo like that is is it minimum you start out at 20 bucks and then you just go from there look at this lighter and jewelry this is an alien butane area 51 layer ready yeah check that out we just found the box okay let's see we got some clip on we'll have to i don't think any of this is gold some of it might be plated none of it looks like it i'm not checking right now for the for the markings so we'll set that aside we got a whole we got a whole box here of this stuff what's that what's in here this oh that's probably double that's the devil's lettuce what's it smell like no the devil's lettuce and i hate salad yup smell that smell-o-vision yep that's the devil's lettuce right there we've got oh did i open this one yet no i didn't look at the pretty ring come on come on come on come on okay this one's marked but i can't see in the low light those are prey all gold filled or gold-plated there is a marking there yeah it is marked but i can't see in the low light right now you need your o-light for the low-light i do bring it in here okay so this is marked it looks like this is potentially a set with the earrings and with the necklace it's pretty so then i can tell the chain here is not gold you can see how it's worn away see the different colors so that's not gold tone so yeah it might be plated might be worn away so let's set that aside all right this is gonna be good pulling stuff left and right okay let's see oh there we go there there we go there there's that ebola those are pretty that i think that is that a bolo yeah that's a bolo so there's a bolo i'll have to see if that's i don't think it's silver i don't see a necklace there what's it called a lariat necklace okay so it's hilarious don't confuse a bolo with a lariat so i i i do that what do we have here oh what do we have here there is come on be cold there is an angel trumpet with an angel coin with earrings okay that's pretty good see what's here doing pretty good here is this sterling it doesn't look like it to me nope definitely not okay not sterling there and this just this is just a nice piece of costume jewelry that is going to be pretty actually it's marked but i can't read the marking okay but this one this one is not sterling so that's good to know this is but costume jewel as many of you already know costume jewelry sometimes can go more than the actual oh my goodness that thing is filled do i dare open it mm-hmm oh speeds are those pandora beads no it doesn't look like pandora but it is a lot that's for sure all right well i guess i just opened that one regardless it was stuck is that a cold coin look at that who dat is that sir alexander andrew jackson one dollar it's a jamaican 19 one dollar 1991 there's a jamaican okay look at that i don't even want to touch that that's too ornate is that like a little trinket box you're rough with your jewelry aren't you very check that out a little sewing kit yeah i'm very rough i'm rough with everything except for george because she's fragility she's rough with me all right let's see and look at that some more costume jewelry this sort of looks patina but no i don't think that's it looked patinaed a little bit but i don't think it's actually silver i'd be thrilled if it was i guess i just dumped it out of the bag should we see what else is in here there's another there's another witch book oh i've got if you guys haven't found any yet i got more than enough for it it appears this lady was covering all her teeth oh yeah she's crossing her eyes is this a face mask mask or i don't know i'm not sure what that is all right let's get into this let's hope there's some more well i guess we're not cutting into that mugs cat mugs okay i know we got some viewers that are gonna want to get their hands on this george and this is what i think it is oh it's got to see you later you got a coa porcelain collector mugs oh man and you can ship it just like that oh that's cute looks like uh garfield let's see what this one is hang in there those are cute [Music] you
Channel: What The Hales
Views: 41,793
Rating: 4.9192634 out of 5
Keywords: I bought an abandoned storage unit, I bought an abandoned storage unit and found MONEY, I bought an abandoned storage unit and found, abandoned storage unit finds, abandoned storage unit gold, abandoned storage locker, storage wars full episode, storage lockers, storage hunters, how to, treasure hunting, opening mystery boxes, mystery boxes, unboxing, storage wars, storage unit auction, auction hunters, self storage, how to make money
Id: qH6YWx3be2s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 2sec (1922 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 18 2020
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