HE WANTS HIS GIRLFRIEND'S UNIT BACK / I Bought An Abandoned Storage Unit / Storage Wars

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it got away from us what happened just couldn't afford it i lost my car and trying to i'm on the streets right now she's better sisters we've got a hails of a good story for you today yes make sure that you watch from the beginning to end and when you do grab some tissues as well and the more that you watch of the video the more you share the more you like the more you comment the more you get people to subscribe the more it enables us to continue to restore the love and we love to restorage the love we do not enter the units after we open up the units guys this is a cash sale only you said with office immediate found a sale you must apply your own lock for the unit you cannot use the dumpster or leave anything in the unit they collect the 50 deposit for each unit if clean empty in three days deposit will be refunded management has the right to cancel any sale fit is unreasonable you're bid on the entire conscience of the unit this one looks pretty cool it's like a whole lot of nothing yeah but there's there's unicorn snacks there's snacks man there are snacks i see food i see food unicorn snacks all right guys nice solid unit here give me 200 bucks for that one 200 bucks 300 get it going guys hundred bucks she said give me 50 bucks shoot it in i'll give you 10. 10. not 15. now 20 20. 25 30 35 40 40 45 50 50 55 60 60. 70. 80. 90. 100 100 125 110 100 go one santana i got huggable 110 how are you going 1 10 10 110 120 120 130 you 120 to go 130 130 130 120 go 130 130 now 140. 140. now 150 160 160. 170 160 1770 160 go 170 170 i got 170 now 180. 180. now 190. when did you go 199. i got 180 to go 190 190 to 190. why don't you go one more one nine nine ninety wanted to go 190. you want to go 199 going once when are you going 191 eagles 990 180 gold 190 what are you going to do going twice there's fishermen what are you going to 1990 190 180 you're away sir number 10. number 10 thank you so much jeremy hails what's up all right the accordion folder yeah paperwork that we own my fiancee's family pictures that's about it everybody the rest of this you can have family pictures and the accordion that's got my birth certificate and everything else in there personal personal personal paperwork and you guys local we are right here oh so you're not far then you're what 15 minutes away yeah it was uh it got away from us what happened i just couldn't afford it i lost my car and trying to i'm on the streets right now she's better sisters but just her family pictures and uh the accordion folder right there in the front it's got my uh birth certificate in there so with it being on the street with you on this you're living literally on this streets yeah so you're gonna be able to uh are you gonna be able to store anything or you're gonna take it to our sisters i'm gonna take it to her sisters the other guy with the uh the blue and white uh with the dog yeah he's the guy i've been working for so that's your boss right now yeah okay so do you so she's at her sister's right now on second street how far on in here on earth how far away is that uh 10 miles maybe this is the tough part about the storage unit business when you buy something and there's no face and no name to it we crack jokes we like to laugh with one another it's part of our sense of humor but now you get the real story of the real person we know he's homeless we know she's not working so there's no telling what we're gonna find in here here's a jewelry box here's fishing gear and unicorn cakes even so we had already said to the previous owner's boyfriend that we would definitely try and find all the personal items there's probably no way whatsoever they're going to be able to actually take all the items as we try and restore the love that's why it was in storage him being homeless her at her sisters there's no way they're going to be able to take it all but we're going to pull as much together as we possibly can and gift that back because we love to re-storage the love amen see anything that catches your eye remember when someone left a can just like this my mother mother mary should we take this to mother mary the next time we go up to kelly's island um hails no or is this part of the restoration the love um we'll just set that back what's that right there so this right here i think is the accordion file he was trying to describe to us so that's this is what they really really want the rest they don't really care about but this has a lot of important personal paperwork probably birth certificates probably social security it's for both him and her so we're definitely going to get this back so what if we get everything personal even if it's christmas ornaments file folder even if it's holy cow over the shoulder boulder holders clothing yeah we definitely yeah that's got to go back let's do everything we can let's put that in the back of the truck we'll keep it separate and then we'll see if we can actually drive this straight to them and we'll see how much they can actually take back i think that's fair whatever they can take they can have we know from experience in this business people who lose their storage unit they usually can't afford to store it anywhere else but look at here this is all of the clothing that we could we know just from looking that's clothing and there's the file the accordion file so this is the start and we know it's going to be extremely difficult for them to find a place to actually put it that's why they had to get storage anyway let's go take a look at everything else let's see what else we can actually load back here that we know they immediately are going to want and need [Applause] but this [Music] definitely not a christmas tree looks like halloween fall decorations yeah definitely fall decorations i was gonna say christmas tree and most people even though a christmas tree is a great thing to have at christmas time most people don't want that back when they don't have space for it let's check this really quick let's um for the fun of it let's just we'll take this right here how about that okay let's see what we got here see if we can find some important stuff and get back to them i mean the important thing is immediately like pens stuff like that they don't need that immediate so we've got to really focus on what it is they're going to be able to take right away i think she's a crafter too look at all that folks honker call championship world champion also dumping those duck calls there goes those ducks again could be your new sunday night instrument that could be look at this there's a mushroom from mario world skeleton keys texas keychain okay lots of cool stuff here's your favorite playing cards right we got i don't know usb charging some pins i don't know how important some of this stuff really is there's a pencil sharpener that's probably not all that important holy cow um more like jewelry a look at all this jewelry holy cow is that is that silver look at some of these pieces i don't think they were in an actual oh look at that there's turquoise all right all right i gotta get these gloves off i can't see it looks like a bunch of silver and turquoise here look at all that look at that bought in a bundle maybe i don't know i don't know no markings [Music] it doesn't look like it but look at how pretty that is wow look at george look at this look at all these rings someone was a collector of rings big time big big time here's more i mean that's just the rings wow wow wow okay that's oh wait look at this that looks like a little silver like hairbrush nope it's a mirror hey good looking okay there's a watch in here instead of using an actual i can't see it's a quartz it is that's a quartz yeah that's quartz and there's probably i'm guessing there's some gold down here too okay look at all this holy cow oh wait wait look at this yeah we definitely are sterling silk this is all oh this is all gold and silver right here that is all gold and silver and what would that be i don't know holy cow look at all these earrings even some of this costume jewelry but some of it's legit it's the real deal here's an earring and it says stamped i can't tell what though there's not enough light in here yeah this is phew all right let's see what we can do with this let's uh actually let's let's move this one okay okay let's make this one let's just expect to find that in like here if you owe 600 we easily just found 600 worth of jewelry so everybody's gonna ask why didn't you just sell the jewelry because they got behind a month and once you get behind a month you get locked out until you pay same as rent of an apartment facility anything you get locked out until you pay so they couldn't legally get back in and that's why most people don't sell what they have and they don't think about it until afterwards holy crafting supplies jewelry supplies jewelry supplies crafting supplies oh there's some long grain brown rice where do you store your brown rice in the garbage because i only like white rice with brown sugar you my brown sugar i like my white rice with ketchup let's take a peek down here there's some totes some horseshoes that's brand new curious what this is is it safe oh that's yeah angel style um i'm not sure what that is more clothing [Applause] maybe toiletries oh look at this oh there is a jewelry box but no jewelry in it it looks like there's some pandora charms [Applause] oh look at this george look at this look at that oh my goodness didn't expect to see that looks like it but some of it could be real isn't this like [Music] yeah now that you mention it absolutely i don't know i didn't grow up catholic okay uh is that what that is now that you say it is sure look at that there's a little lock that's cute okay so oh i'm not sure it's not going down i'm just sitting inside there's some food we already put a box of food in the truck look at that little little dutch shoes oh oh why would anybody why would anybody put this currency in here that's a gold it's worth way more than anything in this world look at that more dutch shoes okay let's see the totes okay here we go here we go here we go all right i think well that's not i think we're starting to find pictures picture oh there's a jewelry chest too right there george okay so we know we know that there's a decanter the pictures are obviously important we want to they specifically have requested pictures personal paperwork pictures a jewelry box probably not as important i don't know what that is it's stuck right in there whatever it is they were hiding something something is something's definitely hidden in here wait what is it oh i see now it's the glass that goes in here okay wrapped up yeah wrapped up so let's uh let's make sure we get this all to them we'll get this in the back of the truck as well we're running out of space in the back of the truck and that's our concern they're gonna run out of space too they're not gonna know where to put things maybe they at least have a porch that has an overhang until they can figure it out see another pair of panties but i also i see a jewelry chest wait hold a second nope you're allergic to me i won't get too close allergic to panties okay so here let's move this over here i'll show you the jewelry chest real quick but i really want to get to the to the dresser because there's probably a lot of perspective oh my goodness i can't believe i just did that there's stuff everywhere i can't drop them right little panties there's like there's copper okay so there's stuff there all right that's a music box look there's more there here come up here okay there's more right there oh it's broken the legs are broken off that's what happened what is that costume jewelry i don't know there's more if i if i put this down the legs are busted what's in here that's probably gold hold a second it's me isn't it yeah it is it is you're allergic i was trying to be nice but it is it's you actually i sneeze every time i see money that's how i know when to bid is but when you start sneezing that means it's time to bid this time we're giving it back here we go here's some more here there's some more there yeah there's a lot of jewelry in there yeah let's see what's in here let's see remember we're trying to give anything of personal memories back first there's a bunch of bottles that don't quite understand but it's okay not for me to always understand this food and that might be important too so we'll make sure that gets back first i wanted to get in this actual dresser okay so we can see this thing that's labeled okay so you can read all of this on she can read ladies and gentlemen and this looks like you know what this is a dresser that they were repurposing repurposing so there's not going to be anything a value in here would be my guess if i can get this one out yeah nothing personal in here this is probably not their highest priority these two pieces of furniture let's get them straight into the actual trailer although you know some cool things like r2d2 i think r2d2 the remix but um these aren't going to be essential so we're trying to find the essentials so that's that's the biggest thing is going through finding the essential you know like toilet trees that would be essential things like that a couple wallets down here did you just see what i saw no what did you do did you just back up back up back up back up it is definitely jammed interesting this is a marksman bb gun and [Music] it's definitely not working let's see if we can get her work in here did you hear that mm-hmm this is horrible gangster some other cool stuff rocking chair here split down the middle but honestly that gives it that that distressed beautiful look that everybody wants look at this as we've been looking up at the skies we've been we've been learning about the galaxies did you guys know that in the just the cup just the cup of the small dipper there's over a million midnight stars galaxies pretty cool so there's a telescope right there this stuff not essential we're running out of room in the back of the truck i'm not even sure christmas is not even oh there is the tree okay here's some more clothes let's let's love the rest of this up let's get the clothes and essentials in the back of the truck let's get the other non-essentials in the actual trailer and let's go see tara hello hello is this tara who's calling this is jeremy i purchased tara's storage unit this morning at auction and a gentleman oh okay great this is uh this is the individual who bought the storage unit a gentleman approached me after i purchased it and he asked if i could pull any essentials paperwork and pictures and i went ahead and i got any essentials paperwork pictures uh clothing and i separated that all out uh would you happen would you happen to be home right now i am actually okay yeah i i'm gonna be there in about 10 minutes if that works for you okay i'm here you can um you can back right into the driveway you'll see a black suv in the driveway as well um just back in next to it because i'm just gonna put this stuff in my sister's garage you're gonna put it in her garage it's probably gonna be a little bit difficult for me to back in because i got a 20-foot trailer attached but uh i will be there i'll figure out where to park where it's going to be best on the road i'll probably be there in about 10 minutes okay all right i'm outside i'll be waiting for you well we took a trip to arkansas it was supposed to be a five-day week trip we got there and our transmission went out on our truck he got a new transmission but it didn't fit so a week-long vacation turned into a month-long vacation we slept in the truck we finally got somebody to even up trade on vehicles yeah we got a honda that cost 1300 to get on the road as well yeah we put a lot of money into that just to get this just to get going yeah and that was um early july and ever since then everything has been just like downhill or not up for us yeah so um yeah we got behind i tried to stay up with the girl there but and you know i just other things came up we couldn't just pay the storage so how far behind did you get um about five months or so yeah those times that i did go there uh the office moved from the front to the to where it is now yeah i didn't know that and uh i mean alpha towers they closed at one yeah we attended but like i said everything else in life kind of gotten away too you know but yeah our truck issue was the biggest thing and then just having to get home because we actually had to like scavenge to get home too from arkansas so yeah but we got to go through the mountains the ozark mountains and we got to enjoy that so at least that's a bonus you have to see some beauty of it and we understand you you had things in storage because you're limited on space so space is always you know a problem so when we try and do this for people sometimes storage is a huge problem and they don't know where to put it if we try and give it back so right yeah if you're gonna just put it right here in the garage yeah luckily enough my sister's gonna let me put it in her garage until we have enough space to put it somewhere yeah it's not here but um yes we'll just set it up there by the door until we can get the door open all right so what i did is everything essential is literally i appreciate it if we thought it was essential so this is this is this is the accordion that's the accordion right okay so so i'm gonna you know yeah somebody put that somewhere we found food and we thought food would be essential too so we just went ahead and we thought it was essential everything that's right here yeah awesome man just everything that we thought this has got to be essential we're going to lose our clothes and everything dude where are you guys from uh worcester area believe it or not wayne county you guys know where worcester is yeah i'm from bellevue yeah i seriously have nothing but summer clothes to wear that's all my coats so that'll definitely well you're getting it back yeah winter's right around the corner yeah yeah so we anything we thought this has got to be essential that needed immediately we know space is limited it's it's here so like he was telling us he said we need the essentials the paperwork the pictures you know and so it's it's here i appreciate this so much we'll uh i mean i'll start helping you tell me where to put it i'll get it there with you it's our pleasure to help him to do this george yes so it's definitely not going to mother mary but back to the rightful owner [Music] she's got a pretty big garage setup so oh we'll get it all the way back is it here last tote you want to grab that box buddy [Music] i was doing some the guy that was with that was doing the bidding right next to me yeah it's her uncle and uh i did a bunch of crap from yesterday just to raise a little money you know what i'm saying yeah i get a disability that doesn't stretch and we got it for we got it for i think it was 180 how much how much were you willing to go 160 that was your limit that's what you had yeah man if you would have approached me in the beginning you know i talked i talked to her beforehand he was pissed he was pissed that i was even there and he was he's like that guy's not gonna come back and give me nothing and i'm like man he he shook my hand he took my addre and took the address i prayed for a blessing today so here it is you got it yeah for sure i woke up and prayed for a blessing today yeah the pictures you know we're displaced because uh you know we will have been together uh october 13th will be a year yeah and she moved me in and uh you know i was paying rent and all this stuff but she didn't put me on the lease so she got evicted yeah [Music] thank you oh you're welcome if you if you ever see me at an auction again just come back it was actually good times truthfully it was a good time i kind of enjoyed it the auctions are just fun yeah if you see me at an auction again and you got a unit just come up to me and say hey jeremy uh how about that one no maybe like hopefully next time we'll be fitting that out that's a good idea the job that i'm going for is a pretty decent slaughterhouse but i mean it's uh you know people got to eat so yep keep going make a little money invest it into something else invest more money and that's the way that's what we do with storage units as well but you provide storage units we teach people how to make a living we call it fun employment so not how to be unemployed but to be fun employed so you're working for yourself we buy everything we resell it how do you resell it uh you do it online facebook craigslist marketplace on facebook you know ebay is a huge venue motorcycles out of people's yard just rusty yeah and then i i would uh completely strip the bike and put all the parts out and i'd take pictures of individual and then tag them and put all on you exactly that's what we do that's what we do what's you do what do you guys have a name yeah it's what the texas hails h-a-l-e-m what the hell his last name is hale so what the hell [Music] [Music] you
Channel: What The Hales
Views: 103,070
Rating: 4.9451237 out of 5
Keywords: I bought an abandoned storage unit, I bought an abandoned storage unit and found MONEY, I bought an abandoned storage unit and found, abandoned storage unit finds, abandoned storage unit gold, abandoned storage locker, storage wars full episode, storage lockers, storage hunters, how to, treasure hunting, opening mystery boxes, mystery boxes, unboxing, storage wars, storage unit auction, auction hunters, self storage, how to make money
Id: qHRgRkN-w3Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 25sec (1765 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 25 2020
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