FOUND GOLD IN TRUNK I Bought Abandoned Storage Unit Locker Opening Mystery Boxes

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/monkey_bunnie 📅︎︎ Jul 04 2020 🗫︎ replies
this is this is just this is so amazing look at this this is just the old stache this is the gold statue strum this trunk this more than pays for the entire unit just in all you gotta use all five senses with buying storage units hearing sight and this one's important smell okay you know what actually forget the five senses this one's the most important sight and my sight is getting worse and I need it to get better so that I can be the best in the storage unit buying business I want to be the best in the business and therefore I'm going to the best in the business today I'm headed to clear choice LASIK eye center in Brecksville Ohio not only are they gonna fix my eyes but they're giving you this you an opportunity at a five thousand dollar free LASIK eye surgery package that you can use on yourself or you can give to a friend or family it's an incredible offer make sure you're subscribed and that you watch the whole video so you get all the details on how to win because you never know what the hails were gonna find or what the hails is gonna be given away to a lucky viewer [Music] so this is my eye and that's where it's broken literally look at that I actually just broke it this this is what they're gonna fix no actually they're gonna fix this that part right there I've never worn makeup I'm Brent green color boy you're setting me up for failure you are literally setting me up for failure on this yeah penicillin anything self abased [Music] value bottoms up this should be interesting they usually find this in store this is actually best [Music] the laser that creates the flag is a femtosecond laser it fires a little spot of energy 6 million times per second and that energy creates a gas bubble that separates the tissues [Music] I'm doing giving you all I got thank you we appreciate I can tell step it up brought my a-game today I appreciate that [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] there's going on your turn is next now that I have my new Bionic guys let's put them to the test let's go to the auction and let's see if [Music] [Music] those who can run [Music] I got a robbery and you may need 1,100 now Rob and I went in 50/50 okay you're gonna see 50% of this unit on what the Hales you're gonna see 50% of the unit on second sense but we didn't stop there there's more Cockeysville of an adventure we brought in we brought in the expert because we know there are so many toys so many trains so many models we had to bring an expert just for you 13 years 13 years this unit has been actually stored let's open her up come on Rob George George all right Rob we put all this dust you see this dirt and dust that's 13 years of money we saw this this this this there's not only four trunks all right there's five six seven eight eight you know trunks know what I'm thinking what you think of trunk challenge to you Bob we should we should we should do a trunk challenge we should find out who can find the most money in a trunk so wait wait we should probably we should probably last time we did challenge your little bias so we need an independent person to judge honky tonky the expert honky is gonna have to judge let's just test them right now hold on okay clunky this this is the line l big rugged trains that's the Super Chief how much do you think this thing is worth that in the box in the box here try taking that let's take a look at the actual this is so [Music] yes oh my goodness I love it yes holy cow this is epic oh my goodness isn't it this is one of the best units we've ever got I have only ever ever partnered on units with one person one person that's been robbed with second sense and we did it again and it's another it's gonna be so big oh I'm thinking how much minimum of a c-note nice brand-new Y&L this unit has line out all over the boxes it's incredible this what will rob look at this look at this this is labeled Oh oh man we're looking for this fun nobody got into it nobody we know nobody got into it nobody disturbed it tons of high-end collectibles this is what we're looking for [Music] whose box was this the challenge the challenge is to get to the trunks and and then see but this is this is rant open my goodness it's like it's like your birthday wrapped in a wanted oh what we have here we don't want to break anything we've got okay this is the airport hanger kit originally priced $15 it's in plastic I have to just assume and and I'm guessing the assumption is correct I have to assume it's all in there or why wrap it in plastic why why seal it in plastic oh my goodness money yeah I'm pretty sure I'm pretty sure yeah that says money that says money somehow you guys are reaching pass all the volume well we're going we're going I was just picking one up oh oh it's it in there oh my gosh where do you see this thing okay Oh in the brand new look at the manger yeah look two of them oh my goodness and a box doesn't know - oh my goodness got goosebumps dude Rob I need to know are reclaiming any of this as our own are we selling it all we might have to buy one thing out we might have to pick something we might have to let conky have one thing as well for being an independent judge conky just remembered that was my idea that's my idea if I gave you something yesterday New York Central Gary's got the money in his hand yeah man how much do you think these are working yeah there were three of them three of them together I think this might be the caboose look you could be looking at a hundred bucks apiece yeah look at the condition that's what you're looking for when you buy collectibles condition condition condition look at the pain on there it's a nice paint unbelievable we think I think that I should have been bidding on this - definitely a lockbox so heavy cool it's so stinkin heavy okay let's let's see if we can find a key first let's not open it let's see if we can actually find it yeah you're right I did just toss the keys let's set it aside so heavy oh I just found your the nature then this is my pager from the 1980s guys look at that I'm gonna 9-1-1 you Jerry yes oh my goodness drugs drugs [Music] okay well here we go here we go I got something I got wait wait it's falling out swell No Ohio State Buckeyes and train no no no no truck Ohio State Buckeye truck check that out 2002 right there oh you got a buck knife yes ah all right you want a nice Lumpkin ice okay what do you think cocky on the buck knife that's a buck at least a book yeah yeah that's at least a buck right there that's got to be a buck yeah maybe a 4.0 and then right here this Ohio state championship collector semi-truck weight thing calms I think there's more exciting things in his unit than good good nice you want the top or bottom let's go top let's go top no actually I always prefer bottom written okay top top top go ahead the top good is it good look at the dust in the dirt this is such a good sign that's got money right Oh [Music] oh man right oh yes coca-cola truck well you have this one a bit very one yeah nice come on tell us how much did you pay for it yeah it was a gift in the 90s I think is when I got heard they came out with multiples I'm sure the other I know I have one with the cars in it like that Marx Brothers Euclid Beach Park this is the old part that was in Cleveland well you very likely I think we're getting into personal stuff under there in pictures whoa the original pilgrims these are the original pilgrims right here that actually by the way rob is gonna be selling all of this at second sense calm we are holding an auction it's all gonna be sold so you actually will have a chance to bid on this yes I think now what it is time for the trunk challenge I got to know I have to know there's nine trunks we found nine trunks in here what do you another one bury that too very well could be who knows what the hell's there could be in here how about you pick some trunks I pick some trunks we go George we'll go we'll go over and we'll open the trunks why'd they open the trunk switch which ones do you want I'm gonna take money color green and green baby green you're leaving me in the black and blue I'm colorblind that may not be blue all right oh oh okay over here George okay all right look at this concours it says concours it looks like it's locked as it later there's a label right there we might have to call cocky over to find out boats and luck we might have to call cocky over to find out what we got okay this is so epic $1,000 500 apiece we knew there were trains planes and automobiles yes I think there's a jewelry chest in there gold silver diamonds and gems George look at this [Music] okay all right it is there's a jewelry chest don't let them know now if you wanna see what's in his choice you gotta go over there we can't we can't put all of this this is a huge unit we can't put it all on the channel here this has got to be conky [ __ ] I need your help really quick brand new Greyhound bus diecast it's got to be at least 50 bucks it is not a bank conky cos firm 50 bucks 50 bucks okay that's at least brand-new $50 there we are gonna be we could probably we could probably get all of the purchase price back just in one trunk okay [Music] look at this another one brand-new falling Flags brand stinking new Baltimore and Ohio conky actually collects these conky clunky Baltimore and Ohio isn't that your jam yeah brand-new oh this is Corgi Baltimore in Ohio this is brand-new okay look at this we have another Corgi right there originally at KB for 39.99 you got it for $19.99 maybe $14.99 the best thing is number 1 KB twice or went on a business number two is brand new in the box and these values only go up and we have an entire unit filled with this stuff okay books look at this West block society I don't think I don't think it's gold or silver but there could be pretty much anything back in here this is it is it is gold it's absolutely gold do you see it in there you see it it's gonna be hard to see that is gold I don't know what the gem is these three are gonna be many diamonds this right here yo you won't know what that whole thing that whole thing no way no way oh yeah see this 20 karat gold three many diamonds and another gem that's whole thing is sterling silver look look over there George look that whole thing is solid sterling silver one of the best units ever this is so amazing look at this this is just the old stash this is the gold status from this trunk this more than pays for the entire unit I'm just in all I cannot believe it I did not think I was gonna score after the 1800 and the the $1700 unit that I scored this is huge this is a new this is not a small score this is an amazing phone look at this look at this there's a little Oh Tim speedboat check that out check that out and you got a stand for it old tin speedboat how cool is that wind up oh my goodness I can't believe it I literally am gonna have a heart attack this is better than coin pushers and it just keeps getting better and better and better I just want to say thank you Jesus thank you old Casio little this is this is money here look at this I've got the old ROM actually recording it more Corgi more Corgi right there again all brand-new it's just gonna be gold I know it's gonna be gold that was a stupid question no ace Timex it may not be gold it is I can't see with the light right now it's the band gold stainless steel okay it is time X it's not gold that doesn't mean it's not worth money and we have okay we should probably just look at some of this okay even though I want to see what's in there let's look at some of this we'll pour it out quickly there's probably gonna be a Rolex there's probably gonna be oh my goodness Rob thought he had this Mickey Mouse Mickey Mouse there silver right there that's gonna be silver so that's gonna be stamped 925 I see the stamp right there there's more silk look at this that's either white gold no this is sterling silver here's sterling silver I can't believe this all the golden I can't this is too epic I don't know why we waited so long to get in here it was stupid for us to even wait good good things come to wait here's the coins okay these are all dollar coins here collectible coins this is just oh this is gold already know this is gold I can tell okay we got we got gold chains you see these anyway see anytime X oh I'm shaking here's a quest I'm literally shaking this is just paid for this whole time all private Jeremy it is I cannot I cannot believe this after all the luck we had before quarantine now look at the luck after quarantine you have this truck you have we just found he just found a pound of silver and he's over here my trunk because it's gold they're all protectors Oh Oh more gold it's really raining gold oh my goodness it's literally raining go oh my god there's tiger's eye right there look how beautiful that is that's silver this is oh my goodness this is so epic this is so stinking there's the Zeppelin there's the Zeppelin right there now silver gold gems the Graf Zeppelin winding though let it go brand-new in the original box oh my goodness I wish I had a museum for toys when I owned the warehouse portion part of it processed you really had better let me open then really really this was my trunk it's compared to yours okay I think I have a question conky conky why didn't you bid 1,100 if you let us get this for a thousand I had a feeling find a bid 1,100 you to bid 1213 you to bid 14 that's exactly what happened Rob and I actually had a plan that we were getting this no matter what we had unlimited funds so no it wouldn't have been smart one five seven thousand dollars on a locker when we could have got four thousand and keep all their profits no it should be mentioned we were all three sitting in the same vehicle we're all yeah we were all in the same vehicle bidding check this out guess what these are all Barlow's brand-new Barlow's so this is factory case these are these are brand new Barlow's there's six of them this right here you're looking minimum what do you think 250 at least these are brand new sealed this is the only one that's not sealed oh my goodness this is if you think this trunk is good oh there's more there's more so let's see let's see what we have in here is it unlocked it's unlocked okay good it's a little rusty well there we go here we go three two remember we're trying to figure out who can make you most money we actually both make all the money okay I'm not gonna open that yes a spool clock look at this look at this we got an old an old pac-man so little little little video game toys like this this is worth money oh he just he just found something he just found something you just found something good okay oh this check this home okay I don't know who this is CJ if you guys know who this is what this is as far as a CJ down let me know down in the comments below okay oh okay all right I'm gonna set I'm gonna set the the clock aside Oh check it out the General Lee guys the General Lee somes wrapped in here that might be money cocky cocky General Lee in the box hundred easy easy easy right there in the box Dukes of Hazzard we haven't looked it up yet you haven't looked it up yeah yeah now whole tin toys yes yes somehow they got this for $10 this is a note an adding machine it's an old tin so the old tin is worth the most money everybody wants this stuff it's an atom machine how super cool is that this is obviously a toy collector a toy collector a train collector hey let's find out what kind of collector inside here what do you think of this George you made yes what do you think photos okay she says photos all right let's see and it is I just want to take this opportunity to say again thank you Jesus for this unity goes lesson and blessing they just got something Oh your favorite George pelvis I have a feeling we're going to the coin pusher mission again okay check this out check this out ran stinking new 1999 Police Interceptor brand-new sealed look at that oh my goodness look at this 1969 Camaro brand-new in-the-box look look at this a Rudolph Valentino watch you know any toward you know anything about Rudolph Valentino watches anybody know anything about Rudolph Valentino watches I don't think they know they didn't hear me if they don't care they don't care they think they got the money but we might have it right here let's see what we have this could be big money why why the Hollywood collection Rudolph Valentino so it's got to be Italian why wrap it up in this if it's not worth money here we go it's brand new whatever its brand new it's brand new it hasn't even been out pop that off how much do you think it's worth I have no idea I have no idea if you guys know let me know in the comments I think there's another collectible oh man I can't even believe it I'm so clumsy right now I'm so I am I am storage unit drunk just gonna say it this is what happens when I find good things getting right here right here General Mills fun group 1978 cocky cocky what is it that's a landspeeder from Star Wars this is the Star Wars land speeder 1978 generally it's not Kenner though doesn't have General Mills that's the Star Wars land speeder that means there's gonna be more Star Wars and there are there are so many more trunks okay all right this watch is gotta be worth something good oh there's another watch okay Pepsi we got more diecast watch there nice 1926 Seagrave firetruck Bank that's a bank okay what this one is Irish watch that's what it says Irish watch check that out check that out that's definitely green it ain't easy being green but but remember you can't kiss me just because I'm 12.5 percent Irish if you're wondering about the date right there you see a George can you read it mm mm we know this stuff has been in here for 13 years it was wrapped up in 2000 that's why it's crazy this is amazing and we're just scratching the surface look at this one pound of solid sterling silver gold here here here here here here in scrap value alone we have thousands and thousands of dollars of gold here my new improved superhuman Bionic LASIK eyes are already paying their dividends off this is amazing and if you if you want to hit a huge gold score just like I did all you have to do all you have to do to win the $5,000 clear choice LASIK eye surgery package is the following here we go pay attention this gift is completely transferable if you win you can gift it to anybody number one number one you have to be subscribed to what the Hales it's free all you have to do is click the button number two you have to share this video share it all over your social media sites we will be checking don't try and cheat number three this is important once you share the video you have to say in the comments I love clear choice LASIK and then you comment and say hey if you want to win five thousand dollars of free LASIK watch this video what the heels are you waiting for by the way I have the comment already ready for you down in the pin comments on this video just copy and paste it throw it in number four this one's important on this video here on YouTube in the comments you have to state that you did all four s's you subscribed you shared you stated and you said hey you want to help restored some more love why don't you actually go on Google and do a tremendous google review for clear choice LASIK eye center better do it all now before time runs out all through the month of July in 2020 you have an opportunity to enter into this free five thousand dollar LASIK eye surgery package transferable to anybody at the end of July we'll be doing another video in August sharing who the winner is stay tuned and could be you [Music] you [Music]
Channel: What The Hales
Views: 41,331
Rating: 4.9003205 out of 5
Keywords: I bought an abandoned storage unit, I bought an abandoned storage unit and found MONEY, I bought an abandoned storage unit and found, abandoned storage unit finds, abandoned storage locker, storage wars full episode, self storage
Id: Xn4PfoxwW9Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 22sec (2182 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 29 2020
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