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[Music] [Music] when I receive lay this is our SE Blake's and I am so glad that you have tuned in to my channel today I was actually trying to go live but my connection wouldn't work for me so I decided to just film a message and upload it and I pray that this conversation is fruitful for you I pray that you get something out of it that might help you to move forward in your life your life and to make some decisions that are healthy for you I was just thinking about how necessary it is for an individual to move on from a relationship that has moved on from you and you know that a relationship has moved on from you when the person that you are quote-unquote in relationship with is pulling away or has clearly walked away when that person has articulated in in Word or in deed that they want something other than you or the direction they're going in is not the direction that you're in and some for some reason or reasons we find ourselves you know pulling and trying to hold on to people who have long since released us and it's it's better for it's better for you to feel the pain of separation then to experience the pain of a totally wasted life trying to force yourself into the context of a person that has divorced you emotionally physically mentally spiritually divorced you so there you know there comes a time when you just have to let go period and I'm reminded of when I you know just thinking from a biblical perspective I'm reminded of Abraham Abram and Hagar Hagar was the the maid or the slave even of his wife Sarah and when Abram and Sarah thought that they could not have a child Sarah recommended to Abram that he would have a child with Hagar which was you know it was a customary then and hagar conceived the child and when the child grew up a little bit and then Sarah had a kid sarah said this girl has to go in and so Abraham Abram put Hagar out and hey God did not create any friction she did not fight it her heart was broken she didn't know where her next meal was coming from she and her child were put out but she gracefully dislodged herself from that toxic scenario and God provided for Hagar and God provided for a son how many how many people are watching this today or tonight or whenever you're watching it and you're just kicking and you're holding on for dear life to something that is not even worth it you're trying to maintain a connection with what amounts to poison but let me make this statement and then we'll move forward I have five things I want to share with you five reasons why you have to let go sometimes listen to this very carefully sometimes God forces people out of our lives because we were not strong enough to put them out sometimes the person is leaving you because it was never our deigned of God and this person does not fit into your divine destiny or your future and because you are not strong enough to put them out God caused them to leave you now listen to what the scripture says and these are principles it's a hard thing to release a person that you you may have thought that you loved or you actually do love but they don't love you back and you don't want to be in a one-way love affair it's a hard thing to release a person it's a hard thing to let relationships go especially of course romantic relationships it's extremely hard to let go of someone that you had all of the intentions in the world of building a future with hopefully building a life with but they had other ideas it's even hard to let friendships go it is but it's better for you to suffer the pain of letting go than to experience the trauma and the devastation of holding on listen to what the Word of God says in Hebrews 12 and 11 now no chastening for the present seems to be joyous but Grievous nevertheless after the chastening it yields the peaceable fruit of righteousness unto them which are exercised thereby now this text is talking about how God sometimes uses difficult situations and how God sometimes makes us uncomfortable to perfect us and how in the moment of that chastening it's there's nothing joyous about it but it's actually it's it's a grievin it you know it's Grievous but after the chastening it yields the peaceful fruit of righteousness unto those who are exercised by it let me tell you something the pain of letting a person go is very very difficult and very very painful but it is not for it is not permanent it is not forever and if you just embrace the chastening of that experience clearly I made you know a poor relational choice I intended on this going the distance but it's not I chose the wrong person I I made myself vulnerable to the wrong person I've done X Y & Z and now I have to let go it hurts but it doesn't hurt as bad as it will hurt if you hold on to something that is constantly degrading you defaming you poisoning your self-esteem if you allow the chastening to happen it ultimately ends in your development now let me make another statement before I get into the five reasons I want to give you two tonight sometimes and you may need to write this somewhere sometimes the heart has to break for the soul to heal sometimes the heart has to break for the soul to heal I get questions every day about soul ties I wrote the book so times you know breaking the ties that bind and so people send me questions every day about soul ties and quite honestly the biggest part of breaking a soul tie is embracing the pain of letting go the biggest part of breaking a soul tie is embracing the pain of dislodging disconnecting from that individual because sometimes the heart has to break for the soul to heal you say to me oh but pastor my heart is just breaking you just don't know the pain it's supposed to hurt it's supposed to hurt but when the hurting is done the development takes place the evolution happens so let's get into this five five reasons you have to let it go number one number one reason you have to let go what you tolerate you fertilize what you tolerate you fertilize and see right now you're trying to hold on to a person you're trying to love a person that's not loving you back which is really the ultimate disrespect and if you continue to tolerate this kind of behavior it does not get better from here it does not get better from here and and quite honestly if if you really paused for a minute to think about what's really your what's the draw for you what's drawing you to this individual what makes you such a die-hard for this relationship when if you really sat down and you looked at this thing this relationship is really unfulfilled there's nothing exciting about it it's probably in some context ungodly you you're not really you know you're not getting anything out of it you're just really kind of married to the idea of the relationship and you've invested so much time and energy into it you feel foolish for it not you know going the distance but the reality is you're getting absolutely nothing out of it and in some cases you're getting abuse out of it and what you what you tolerate you fertilize if if you continue to to be so weak for a person that you can't let them go when they tell you clearly I want to leave and you're you're almost on your knees begging a person to stay well that emboldened that person's disregard for you it makes it even the more abrasive aggressive what you tolerate you fertilize it will not get better from here it will get worse if you do not move on with your life the Bible says in Galatians 5 and 9 and of course is speaking of sin it says a little leaven leaveneth the whole up just a little yeast will cause a thing to rise and if you tolerate just a little disrespect if you tolerate just a little disregard it doesn't get smaller from here it gets bigger it doesn't it doesn't diminish it it magnifies so number one what you tolerate you fertilize you got a go and you have to let this person move on because you cannot tolerate the future that you're creating number two second reason you have to let go if you do not establish a floor you'll end up in an abyss and an abyss is a dark almost never-ending hole so to speak and when I say if you do not establish a floor in other words if you don't have a limit as it pertains to how how low you will go to maintain some status with some random person and apparently they are random because you really don't know them you know you thought you knew them but you really didn't know them and if if there's no limit to how low you will go to maintain some status of a relationship a pseudo relationship a fake relationship with a person that's not really committed to you man there's no there's no end to how low they will bring you if you don't have a floor you may very well end up in an abyss a never-ending freefall so to speak some things are a matter of principle and if if you don't see what principals do for us is principals put a floor into our lives so that we can go no lower than this and some things are you know when you allow a person to push you beyond your principles you got to first of all have the floor of principles when a person begins to threaten your principles then it's a matter of do I please God do I hold you know am I am I going to be true to myself or am I going to lose myself for the sake of some relationship that's not even returning the favor the Bible puts it this way in Romans 1:28 and again these are principles that were taking that are applicable in Romans 21 28 he says and even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge and what does that speak of when one retains God in his or her knowledge he or she is retaining a certain standard or principles divine principles God gave them over to a reprobate mind to do those things which are not convenient and a reprobate mind is a mind that has gone so far it can no longer even discern between right and wrong sin and righteousness when you allow a person to push you and to drag you down - with no no limits and no restrictions at some point you become reprobate and you don't even realize the difference between right and wrong good and bad honor and dishonor so number one what you tolerate you fertilize number two if you don't establish a floor you'll end up in an abyss number three only have five when a person dishonours you the next move is on you to honor your self but you see if you don't have a floor you don't even realize you're being Dishonored you don't even realize you're being disrespected you don't even realize you're being disregarded when a person dishonours you the next and only move is for you to honor yourself by doing what moving away from that individual when a person has expressed a disdain a dishonor a disregard a disrespect for you it is your responsibility to shift gears and to make certain that you put yourself in a space and in a place that is separate and apart from this individual and if they're doing you the favor of moving on out of your life let them go interesting when you read any of the accounts of the prodigal son in the Gospels in the Bible you read of you read of a woman that had a coin she lost there like three parables in there the woman had woman who had a coin she lost the Bible says she swept the whole house until she found it there was a shepherd that lost a sheep the Bible says he left the ninety and nine and went to find and went to find the one and retrieved it and then there was a father whose son decided that he was going to leave his father's home and go to far country and the father let him go interesting they swept for coin they searched for sheep but the father let his son go why did the father let the Sun go the prodigal son when he says to his father give me the portion of goods that falls to me he dishonored his father when he said I need to leave your home because I'm searching for something better he dishonored his father and when a person's listen to this very well when a person's heart has turned from you you do not that's the power nor do you possess the authority to turn that person's heart back towards you the only thing you can do with a person whose heart has turned from you is to let them go if you try to hold on to a person whose heart has turned from you you you simply toxify or you poison your own life and your own environment the father let the Sun go because the sons heart it turned now watch this it was painful for the father because when you read the account it's it's indicated that the father was searching for the boy every day because the boy went to the far country spent everything he lost everything and he was starving and the Bible says he came to himself and he humbled himself said I'm going back to my father and I'm going back as a servant and the Bible says when he was a long way off the father saw him and ran to him meaning what the father's heart was broken that his son left but the father was wise enough to know he had to let him go number four you are really clinging when you're trying to hold on to a person that's pulling away from you you know you you're pulling this way and they're they're pulling that way and you have this tug-of-war you're really in most in most cases you're really clinging to hopes and memories you're remembering you know the good times however few or many they may have been or you're clinging to potential you're clinging to hope of what it can possibly be you know what we can become but you see that the thing about that is if this individual is pulling away from you it means that they don't share the same vision and Amos three and three says can two walk together except they be agreed if if you're the only one that's hope and the other individual is in a posture where they have divorced you emotionally and mentally you're only hurting yourself look at listen to what the scripture says in Proverbs 13 and 12 it says Hope deferred makes the heart sick in other words if I keep hoping for something and I never get it all it's doing is poisoning my soul Hope deferred hope that continues to be put on the backburner and I'm constantly waiting for it and hoping for it makes the heart sick you're poisoning yourself with your diligence to something that is clearly not in your best interest and then number five and then I'm done you will never be five reasons you need to let go number five you will never be fulfilled trying to sustain a relationship that is not mutual back to Amos three and three can two walk together except they be agreed you cannot be you cannot be fulfilled in a relationship that you are the only party trying to sustain it you're the only one doing the loving you're the only one doing the fighting the other person is trying to go and you're the only one trying to hold on that my brother that my sister will leave you a most miserable unfulfilled and empty individual and all it is really doing is breaking your heart to knit to an extent possibly that you won't even be in condition to love somebody in the future who will truly love you back so you gotta let go you gotta let go and it's really simple as that when someone says to you in word or deed that I don't value you and I'm moving on from you I want out of this relationship you have to let go it's gotta hurt absolutely it's going to hurt but you have to let go you got to let go and I'll say this to you it gets better the pain doesn't last forever it gets better but you've got to let go and you must let go sooner than later the enemy the devil would love nothing more than to waste your life in pursuit of someone that doesn't even deserve you in another thing you have to consider maybe this is number 6 maybe I actually had sex as long as you're in pursuit as long as you're preoccupied with trying to attain a person that's emotionally unavailable and a person that is clearly not predestined for your future you know what happens you make yourself emotionally unavailable for the right person as long as you're in pursuit of the wrong person you're never available for the right person you gotta let go may I pray for you I know that all of you that watch my youtube channel are not necessarily Christians or some of you are not even believers some atheists actually watch my channel and get wisdom from it and I thank God for that but may I pray for you I don't usually do this but may I pray for you today father I thank you for I thank you for the the grace to be able to discuss such a topic and god I thank you for all using the comforting in the healing balm of the Holy Spirit to rest upon every person that hears this some their God are really struggling because they have invested everything in this particular relationship and now the person wants out in God they don't know what to do I thank you for just breathing upon them afresh now and allowing that peace that you've allowed me to experience so many days allow that peace to rest upon them God I command now the peace of Jesus Christ to take over their hearts and the wisdom of God to take over their minds that they will make the right and the god made decision in jesus' name you gotta let it go you gotta let it go I would love for you Lisa and I would love to hear from you you can email either of us or both of us at pastor ROC Blake's at gmail.com we'd love to hear from you don't forget to visit my web site at Arecibo akes dot-com you can pick up my books there we have some exciting things in fact we have some new products I just we're getting ready to release some new things some new products some new books and what have you that I think will be a blessing to you thank you so much for your time today and just know that we are praying for you and you are on top and you're going how you God has more in store for you god bless you until next time I'm ROC Blake's junior [Music]
Channel: RC Blakes, Jr
Views: 125,540
Rating: 4.943027 out of 5
Id: Mfq7J_6CGlI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 38sec (1598 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 26 2018
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