Is your City Short on Money? Then Tourism is Your Answer in Cities Skylines!

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hello everybody welcome back to the next episode of teaport on city skylines with me before thank you very much for joining me we are going to be transforming this plot of land that you see before you just along here we have unlocked some amazing amazing items and i want to just make a beautiful area for those uh thank you very much for all of your support in this series i know you've been enjoying this new city as much as i have thank you for all the likes likes really really do help on youtube so if you enjoyed this video please consider leaving a like and subscribing as well why not so you don't miss out on the next one this is where we're going to be working today this little plot of land here and what i've noticed is we've unlocked some unique buildings so we've got here now who's going to do some mental arithmetic for me to tell me how much this is going to cost we've got this department store which is going to get a lot of visitors which would just be great oh we've got this one here there we go the opera house as well lots of visitors will be coming to that one we've also got the mall of moderation a little bit smaller cheaper shops but i think those three together would look absolutely brilliant in a nice little area here and i'd also like to put with it as well this festival area we rarely touch that festival where we've done it in the past but it's something that we can work to upgrade i don't think we're going to fit in a football stadium here we'll put that somewhere else in the city so that is the idea so we can have to put some thought in how people are going to get into this area we do have this train line here we do have some trains coming in and out we don't have the trains unlocked just yet that's the metro that's this one here we're gonna need 11 000 population but i think we can leave a bit of space for a train station when that unlocks i may put a ferry stop through here or we may come to that a bit later um but we shall see anyway we can definitely attach walking paths we can have something coming off the highway that would be good uh since at the last episode i've made a slight change to some of my mass transit if we go to our tram loops here i've taken your advice and we now have we have this one loop that we put into this area here in the last episode so that is set up uh then we've got it's a bit hard to tell but this red loop here goes from the industry and it comes down here and it has to go to the end and loop around to turn around and come back again and it only has a stop here do you remember by this little central area where there's the walkway from this line to that line we've got purple and we've got the red industry line as well and because the red line's turning round i've just added a couple of stops this end just to help people out and then the purple line that just stays within the residential area had a few comments as well about this path people worried that they wouldn't be able to connect i've actually used the anarchy mod and i've got a path or you can just see it connecting going from the road to the uh tram line and i've got one there and i've got one there so they can walk and that's fine it's in your tiny little park i did that before the last episode but i forgot to show you just to use that little bit of space in the middle you know how we do rocks and trees and also between episodes farty grove upgraded which is absolutely brilliant so we are now on level three which is great we need to get up to 550 workers we are making bank with this we're building it carefully and we are making money which is fantastic but that has unlocked some other items for us we may or may not get to those we've got some different size farms we've also got the milking parlor which is great so we can start making money with that yes we could have a milking parlor we could pop that in couldn't we why not let's pop that in spend some of our money that we're really gonna need for the other items that we're building yeah and we'll see how that goes anyway that'll be good excellent so let's move back over here and start planning out what we're going to do with this area also while we're making some change in hit changes here and we really need some money i am going to pop up the tax rates of these people here i'm going to still leave this on 12 so we hopefully still get a little bit of demand but those two i'm going to put up to 13. i'm pretty sure everyone will be still pleased with that no complaints no complaints yeah no complaints that's fine what about you guys over here no complaints good so that will just earn us just a little bit more money so i do want a junction off of here i'm not thinking about making an absolutely humongous junction like one of these because they just take up so much space but i'm just thinking about putting in a little basic junction like this [Music] um [Music] okay there we go nothing too complicated just some junctions coming off here going up splitting off into two lanes so you can go left and right and then i've used traffic manager lane arrows tool and then normally you'd have a straight on as well because it's trying to go over there but we'll turn that off so you've just got lanes for left and right because of course if they want to go straight on they can just stay on the highway so you need to do that for this lane coming up here as well and then i've well before i did that i used control click with the lane arrows so we've got dedicated turning lanes here here here and here and then the last thing to do is a bit of lane mathematics we're going to grab the two-lane highway by the way i use the network extensions to mod which gives me all these extra roads so we've got three lanes one coming off so that's gonna come down to two somewhere to confuse any of you already driving on the roads same other direction three lanes one off down to two so let's downgrade to that there we go excellent and then when this lane comes on down here again we're back to traffic manager lane connector we'll select that node and we want to give everybody a dedicated lane to come on otherwise cars will zip down this lane and cut right across so we're gonna say here you go there so control s i use that option there excellent and then we'll do the same on the other node select the node you go there and they go straight through and that is about it that's all we need to do we may have traffic lights on here in the future but i've just done giveaway signs for the lanes coming up and that's about it that should work just fine i've curved this around at the end and that is now ready to head off into this area up here so let us just see if we can work out a nice little road area i had somebody ask me in the comments do i sort of plan my areas out or do i just sort of take it as it goes and things like this i just sort of take it as it goes you know i want to um i do just sort of take it as it goes i follow my nose think what looks good change things when i need to i reckon about there that is not too shabby oh there we go a little bit of fiddling later we get that road running along there which is nice and then i want this to connect up to here um let's just connect it up and then we'll take a look at what we've got going on with the lanes so yeah it's a t junction so that's fine if we grab this here control click we'll get dedicated turning lanes for every direction and i think i'll add a time traffic light on there so we're gonna do the quick setup control click thing and then we'll have a con we'll have a ready ready-made uh traffic lights which is fantastic we can adjust those later if we need this road here may continue along and connect up to here we want to give people options to get around our city we've got a little bridge going over i like all these bridges over here i think that looks cool i do like that so we've got a little t-junction connection going on there i think that looks okay and then what we'll do is we'll do this again control click dedicated turning lanes and then i'm gonna make this one give way so these guys can carry on in and out so now these have all got connection to this area here these do have to come down the road and round but i think we're gonna have some walking paths and stuff and of course they can take the highway and this is looking okay here let's just lift up that so i'm using the move it mod i select the node and then i press ctrl h and then select this node so it's going to make it the same height as that there we go and this one here could just go up a bit just to get that smooth slope well it's straight anyway if we need to make it higher we will okay so we've got our main road connection in here and then we can start building off of these so let's have a quick look at the size of the items that we're trying to add in our department store i think we'll make a lovely little centerpiece sort of around here somewhere you can see it from the highway um our festival area i'm thinking whoops one button we could sort of yeah we need a bit of space for that i was hoping to sneak that up in the trees up here somewhere can i unlock another square um can we spend some money and unlock that one yep we've done it there we go as corrales would say no regrets so i'm going to have that up in this area here where the trees are which is good and then the other items are more there it is where's it going come back our mall of moderation could maybe be sort of in this area here but then we've also got this which i think the opera house should have this whole area to itself right by the bay i think that would just be beautiful so that is the plan okay so i've just continued this road around the top now we've got access to this area through the trees here i deleted the railway line before i forgot i don't have access to the railway lines to put it back in again but as you saw i use the move it mod just to drop this down and we're going to have the railway run over the top so that'll be fine so we'll come back to that area in a bit so what can we do in here i do now have access to the parking lot mod i've updated uh my collection or we'll do hopefully by the time you see this let's have a look through here oh there's some poorly maintained versions as well which are quite good so we might use those i've also got parking garages we've got this one here standard parking garage let's use the find it mod parking garage ah there we go got the king leno one's modern uh mall parking garage a standard one by the same asset creator as the parking lot roads and the university city ones i think we might go for the modern one let's do that let's just stop the time moving on here as i've just restarted the game after getting those assets so let's get a little road in here oh did we just unlock all of those roads oh we did oh that is absolutely fantastic we've got all the roads with the trees we've got so many things there for a minute there i thought i'd accidentally had unlock all mod on although i don't know why i would i haven't been using it yes we've got access to some of these now cool fantastic so first of all i want to take this one here the three-lane asymmetrical road we're going to have that come out of this one we'll turn that round so coming up here it's asymmetrical we will do control click there dedicated turning lanes and then we'll make that give way so these guys on here that have got nowhere to go where are you okay i want to see where you're going you're going along here oh and you're going to join that road you're going to come down here and come over here okay fair enough that's fine you continue my friend you continue and then along here we are going to use oh which one should we have i do like the ones with grass yeah let's go with the grass glass median and that is just going to run alongside here straighten you up oh my goodness me what have i done let's just undo all of that leave it like it was okay there we go excellent and then off of here is gonna be we'll take this one and that is gonna come how big is the what are we adding on to here again oh yeah we were gonna add on here i've had lunch it's been a while the opera house weren't we this side so this side is going to be this i'd like it off of another little row to the side so let's just grab this one here right like that and in this little section here with that work let's plop it up to the corner that was a load of money spent hope that works because we're not raking it in just yet yeah that's good that is okay that is not bad at all uh these trees around here are gonna have to get moved moving mods so we're going to select double click on trees nothing but trees and i'm going to take all of them yeah so along there like that and then we can add a few more in there as we go in fact i'm going to copy a little bit there there we go as you can see it coming down the highway what a view what a view but it's looking like it's a little bit separated from the highway as well which is what we need now for parking i'm thinking this little section over here would be good for parking let's see how big that parking garage is more parking that is not too bad modern garage that one's got the rose going up university city let's go for the modern one i quite like the look of that it's quite big as well which i think that's going to really work with this whole area here so let's just carry on this road a little bit along the front they're going to complain for lack of water until we get that in a really interesting figure to keep an eye on about one tourist here visitors in the last week six so visitors are those from your city tourists are from outside the city and we would like them to spend lots of money that is the idea i'm going to leave all of these roads as they are we're just going to use this here to say you give way you give way you give way you give way it doesn't really matter but that'll be fine let us pop our parking lot in here there we go so that's this one just wandering up against the side over there everyone's really happy about that as well did you see that that was fantastic that fits in quite well actually up against there good good good and they can easily walk along here to get to where they need to go and we're going to add more things in here as time goes on as well in fact let's just have a look i've got 66 000 left i was just thinking about the botanical gardens over here let's just clear out some of these trees there we go so we'll place that in the middle that is looking nice i'm liking that very good [Music] yeah we do need to start making some parks soon so we can unlock some of the other items that we could perhaps use in areas like this but we haven't quite got to that yet but very soon i'm sure we will so yep you know it was coming i was gonna throw some rocks in here somewhere wasn't i yeah definitely [Music] okay i don't think that is looking too shabby let us hop into here again so now let's have a look for our where's our mall of moderation and that is quite big if i remember yeah so can i fit that in here i probably could with a bit of monkeying around so let's just place that in and then we're gonna use the movement mod to grab this road there we go and that one there let's just move that up a touch there we go i'm probably gonna have to change the level because this road here is much higher than that road there so let's grab them all pop that down let's grab these nodes and pop that down as well and try and sort of level that out a bit doesn't look too bad we've got some trees here that are in the way let's get rid of those i accidentally left the prop and tree anarchy whatever it's called on and i've got collision on as well let's try that again oh move it mods there we go the trees are now hidden excellent that's good [Music] so [Music] so [Music] so oh [Music] this side isn't looking too bad i want some parts along the back just for people to walk around and what i'm thinking of doing is just setting up a zone in here so let's just quickly run this along here so we can get to name this area i do need to go through your name suggestions for these areas over here thank you very much for continuing to send those in so this bit over here i would like to set this up as we have access to the tourism specialization so let's pop that on there so if we add any commercial buildings in here they will be the tourism specialization i'm just going to add a couple of roads in and let's just take that one there oh there we go make them all the same size and then these parts are sauteed a bit good so let's add some commercial buildings in here and yeah maybe just smooth that off and we'll see what buildings we get coming in there at some point in the future so next we need to put our what have we got coming up i've got so much money now because i've been doing so many little detailing things around the place money's been building up we've got the opera house that i would really like to have down here sort of facing this angle but as you can see the road it needs to go against is where that red arrow is yeah so i'm gonna have to sort of have a road coming out at a weird angle down here i'm gonna use the two-lane road with trees and i'm just gonna pop that i've got fences here that's fine i'm gonna pop that right across there and then we're gonna need a road coming down like that and let's just see how that looks let's plop that up against there that is it that is exactly how i wanted it look at that that just nestles within that piece of land most perfectly and then i just want to use the movement mod to line all these things up because for some reason things are being put at weird heights tell you what it is is this land slopes down quite drastically over there that is the problem there we go i think that'll do for now i am going to want to add some sort of key wall or some protection along the front here but i'll leave that for now and i don't think i've shown you i've added all these trees in along here as well just to try and add a little something something down our selection here and i've also lowered the tram line i may i quite like the tram line up high but i've lowered it down a bit because we are going to want to add some parts for people to get from one side to the other i'm glad i just remembered that because i know i mentioned that right at the beginning of the episode which i started recording yesterday um so the park path is that the one yeah i do like the park park so let's just see we might have to do that then we might have to dip that all the way down like this so let's go there let's go there so that gives a connection over the top and then what i might do just pausing the game is i might just upgrade this little stretch here oh also save quicksilver c i might use the upgrade tool to take that road that's this one here and make it this one i think and then we can just use the move it mods to grab that node to that node and just lower that down to ground level i mean i think the hot the whole thing might end up being down to ground level i don't know i'll see i'll see and then actually what i'm going to do then is i'm going to lower this down because that really doesn't need to be as high as that haven't seen any trams coming along here any trams want to come past so i can test the height we're not good oh thank you very much paul's not going to be getting any trains along here aren't we because i've uh yeah deleted the train line so that is too low that is high there we go and go up a little bit perfect perfect perfect that is really good and then what i can do is use the movement mod to select that that that and that and can i copy that i can there we go so we've got a crossing over there and a crossing over there um can they actually get across the road let's just grab this and we have or what's it called node controller so if we click that node there there we go that will automatically add a crossing in and i don't really need traffic lights so we'll turn those off there we go and we'll come over here and we've got a crossing over there so i'm not going to do the same there excellent so people now can get from one side to the other via walking and i'm just thinking as well what we could add if we go into our stops we've got this that goes around now this has been dropped down we could add a stop here so if i do that is that as close as it will get yeah and then i'll do one here as well and they should be able to if we had a walking path connection be able to walk from one side to the other so if i connect that into there there we go they can now get on that bridge and come over can i adjust that a little bit just the touch there we go so we can get off and walk there and let's do the same over here yep there we go we just saw that guy he came up there came here crossed over and went to the other side so yeah that is perfectly fine that is gonna work for helping people get around over here fantastic well let's check out the view as we come along the highway here i'm thinking this is looking absolutely brilliant let me know what you think in the comments as well check out the next video on the screen if you want to see some more fantastic city skylines videos even if i do say so myself and thank you for all of your support um i really do appreciate it enjoy your weekend thank you for watching and i will see you soon by the way we're gonna get to the festival area next time we'll run out of time for that one today take care everybody bye-bye
Channel: Biffa Plays Indie Games
Views: 287,032
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: biffa plays, biffa, biffaplays, how to start a new city, how to fix your cities skylines, cities skylines fix traffic, cities skylines, how to fix traffic cities skylines, cities skylines how to fix traffic, city fix, cities: skylines, how to fix traffic, cities:skylines, cities skylines traffic management, cities skylines how to fix your city, biffa2001, cities skylines how to start, cities skylines how to make money, cities skylines tourism
Id: _rRfriG5tjc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 37sec (1597 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 08 2020
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