Find out Why the Citizens Queue for this Build so Much in Cities Skylines!

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oh look a group from the local retirement home has decided to come and enjoy the concert [Laughter] hello everybody welcome back to city skylines with me biffer thank you very much for joining me i hope you had a fantastic weekend here we are in the city of teaport and i've got a lot of things to do today i've just been going through all the comments as well so before we get to our big projects for today a few little things thank you for all you know sometimes you guys very nicely point out some of the mistakes i make and that is always really appreciated so i can go and fix them we had a few disasters with some citizens walking over these paths they were catching themselves on the electric cables uh from the trains and the trams going past and yeah we had to raise the parts ever so slightly so people like this could walk over safely without fear of electrocution i've done that on both sides uh on both paths and also this one here the fence was going straight across fixed that right up so excellent and i've also just added this little path coming through here with a few trees just sort of adds a bit of definition to the edge of this area and i've also gone through and taken some suggestions for names which is always fun and it's something i always forget to update my city with so we are just going to quickly do that now so this is all for tourism down here so i do apologize i went through and wrote down all the names you suggested and completely forgot to write down the name to the people that suggested them so thank you to everybody for suggesting these names that is not the name we had party the party village for over here there we go excellent for all of our commercial stuff that people are coming to visit and this is going to expand so that is a cool name this one here i really like we're going to call this one t-town yep fantastic nice and simple but it goes together with this name over here which is this big district and this is going to be downtown t-town i like that downtown tea towel where do you live i live in downtown t-town i mean t-town no downtown t-town excellent at this one over here hillside park this is going to be changed to super tea park there we go and this area is going to expand as well this is going to start moving into this area down here so even though it's small at the moment that will grow much much larger we already have farty grove over here some people are not getting the jokes ha ha well somebody'll have to explain that to you um and then we need names for these two here so maybe if i spot some more we'll get those going now something i would like to add in which we don't have yet is this item here the road maintenance depot if we just put the overlay on by the way some of you are using my mod pack um that i have linked in the description below possibly in the pinned comment and you're wondering why when you select these things that this menu doesn't automatically pop up the overlay it's because i'm using a mod called the toggle whiteness mod which is really handy so you've got two ways that you can make it pop up because you can select your items like this it doesn't pop up which means you can see where you want to place things to build if you want it to pop up just click in the top corner here or if you have a look at the key bindings in the options menu you can just select a key for it so i'm just tapping my keyboard and it opens and closes and i like it like that because it means you can pick things and you can build there we go without the uh the white menu coming up because normally that would look like that and think oh what does it look like not quite sure where to put it so anyway that's that uh yes i want to put this the road maintenance depot i'm going to put it in here this has sort of become a de facto area for industry style buildings that aren't necessarily part of our industry if you know what i mean so we've got our coal power generators our water processing plants our fire engine for this area but this is going to be our road maintenance depot i'm going to pop that next to our fire engine here um i would like to upgrade these roads as well we're going to grab this one here the small industry road just to make it look a little bit more industry industry yeah that makes sense so we're just gonna quickly do that all the way around here this one here that didn't have grades yeah that's good did that just delete a path that path should come all the way across to here and it doesn't how dare you path that is not allowed let's just add this back in there we go excellent um yes we've got that there and then this here our road maintenance depot that is going to go out and maintain our roads which means people are going to drive faster um so if we actually pick that thing there we go road maintenance so at the minute the coverage is high um he's pretty much going to cover everything apart from like this big road down here although i think they will go over it and you can see it's active and then the condition of the roads okay well let's do it this way condition there we go at the minute is normal so pretty red but we're gonna boost it so it's gonna boost the speed of our cars once he goes over look you can see them changing color here he goes look our little guy let's follow him along he's going to come to another red road where's he going here we go slow it down a minute which oh there's another one there look here we go we'll watch this one look at this road changing color before our very eyes it's going from red to green so every now and again they'll go around and do that and it doesn't cost much money it's like 480 a week it is worth doing excellent and we are going to rename that so the road maintenance depot actually we'll leave it like that we'll just grab a little district tool and we'll just pop in a little district in here woodland square and that is going to become the hugo there traffic school actually how long can i make this name uh the hugo there school for kids that can't ah it's not gonna let me do it for kids that can't traffic goods that's what i was gonna do darn it who knows the uh who knows the movie reference for that okay it's going to be the hugo there traffic school yeah we can fit that in there we go excellent the hugo there traffic school i wonder if i can change this name and make it really long how long can i make this one oh i might be able to fit it in do you go there school for kids that can't i ain't gonna be able to do it am i calm traffic good yeah you gotta let's go for kids the car traffic good fantastic what is that a school for ants there we go excellent so that's going to go in there that's good we're going to have that forever in our city that is brilliant so the next thing i would like to do um is i would like to put in the is it under unique buildings is it under tourism leisure i can't remember where it is here it is the concert we did not add in our festival area now that is something that will grow over time as it gets used so i would like to add that in uh now someone did tell me i can use the find it mod if i search for cargo they said you get an option it looks like a dirt road train cargo track i think this person is onto something and we can draw this back in uh let's just make sure that that is a raised version oh look at that fantastic yeah it's got a slightly different it's got the gray part to it instead of the uh that part to it and it's put a bridge in the middle of the road and we can use the move it mod and we can just delete that there we go it's gone excellent just we can connect that up have our trains coming through but yeah we want to add that in over here so we've got our road going around i'd like to get a lot more trees in this area so we're going to grab why is the movement mods turning my screen off that's weird select this option here the marquee selection tool double click on the trees and i'm going to just grab all of those trees and then this button here is copy so to duplicate in place no that's okay so just left click to copy there we go and it gives me those i know you can use the forest tree brush mod to make your own brushes but that's fine and what i'm doing here is i'm holding i'm just hovering it here and then holding right click and moving my mouse and it's just rotating it around so i can sort of uh plop some up against that boundary there and then make sure anarchy isn't on and also down here prop and trianaki is also off so we don't place them all over the roads there we go that tree look rather close to the road it was rather close to the road so let's just come on move thank you very much and then when you want to get it back to selector then double click the marquee tool on your back there we go so i think this little section in here even though it's by the road when you sort of look at it but when you come down here if you're right in the middle of this you're not going to hear the roads i you can't see the roads and you're certainly not going to hear them because you are going to be enjoying the concert so let's have a little think what we want to do here let us just grab this has definitely got to be um a dirt too late it's got to be a gravel road for this to be built off of here so let's pop all these back to normal uh let's just add that coming up there and then we're gonna sort of follow that around the trees like that this is where it's going to be i think let's just pop it on here and it was under this one there it is how big is it oh auto save equity there we go yeah it's reasonably large i said what we're gonna do is we're then gonna come off of here we're gonna go straight just a little bit and then we're gonna just sort of go like that so that's what it's gonna be built against uh this one here oh look at that perfect whoa there we go click all the buttons at once nice so it's sort of bog standard basic at the moment but this will upgrade as time goes on i'm just going to put on here the toggle snapping so what that does i just want to move this road in a bit with toggle snapping on let's just click a single selection as i move this piece of road you see it's got that little line there so it sort of keeps it straight with the road if i do that it's gonna make that path look weird isn't it there oh we'll leave it like that no that's fine and then what i'll do because without that if i turn toggle snapping off without that i can like move it all over the place whoa no it's not where i want it let's say i made a mistake ctrl z undo back to what it was there we go you're learning all the things today uh that's what we're gonna do we're gonna beautify this a teeny tiny amount sugar maple what are these trees that we've got around the side here oh you need water yeah we'll sort that in a minute and let's look at our large tree selection let us scroll to the end yeah look in here we've got these trees i'd like sort of the same as if it was deliberately designed to have these around them so we just sort of fill in this space a bit here sort of go down there like that excellent and then what i'm going to do is i'm going to grab a fence we're gonna grab which one i'm gonna grab i want sort of like a amusement park fence that could be quite good that's pretty tall and that looks pretty imposing to stop people jumping over the top or industry fence is quite good for that as well privacy fence standard no you don't wooden privacy fence oil industry fence there we go this is the fence that looks like it's going to stop people coming in now it's not going to let me draw there because this item takes up all of that space ctrl a for anarchy and now that lets me draw over the top and we're just going to pop this fence around there like that it sort of fences off that area you've got to come in down here and what i might do is just do a little bit of something down here too [Music] [Music] yes okay there we go so we've got the start of this area here got some nearby disabled parking and we've also got this parking garage at this parking lot i should say over here i've used the distressed version so it looks really run down and rubbish and yeah i mean it's gone from a nice wooded area to something with a big parking thing shoved in there but that's the sort of thing you're gonna see isn't it if you're gonna go somewhere like this it's gonna have a big nasty parking area somewhere so what i'm gonna do is we're gonna do our best to try and hide it with some trees so we're gonna do this we're gonna copy that and we're just gonna try and place a few more trees around this thing some over there let's fill that up and maybe some over here as well there we go not quite as obvious hidden behind the trees but you're not you're not here for that you're here for this so let's just take a let's just put that back to normal let's just take a look at this so visitors none at the moment upkeep 400 a week we have nestor coming on the what's the date at the moment fifth of the third six of the fifth so it's a couple of months old squeaky chair before they come and then however many months that is later six months late later elijah motti popularity at the moment is 50 ticket prices we've left as they are security budgets um is that a week oh man that's like a ton of money i'm gonna leave it as it is so the idea is to upgrade from one start to two start to three start to upgrade to start it's gonna cost us money when we get there we need to have six concerts played so that's just a matter of time and we need a band of popularity of at least 70 and at the minute we're 50 out of 70. so we want to get these popularities up uh we can help with that we can do an ad campaign um advertised an active ad campaign increases the popularity of all the bands by one per month that costs us nine thousand a week can't afford that so we're not gonna do that uh premium studio will increase the chances of a successful concert that's going to cost us 3 000 a week we can't afford to do that either so i'm just going to leave it all as it is we can change the color so let's have a look what other colors i quite like that purple let's go for that that did absolutely nothing let's try that again sort of purple do we need to click the plus oh there we go after clicking here purple we've got like a nice purple tent and people are turning up to have a look around already look at that where have they gone hey they are turning up so far in advance for this concert i mean if that doesn't say that these guys are going to be popular i don't know what i can say but nestor is coming so we need to keep an eye out for them sixth fifth yeah hopefully that will happen this episode and we'll come back and check it out there's loads of girls coming up here look they're all turning up for the concert oh this is absolutely brilliant let's just sort out this junction here so control left click dedicated turning lanes yeah we'll leave that as traffic lights that's fine look at them all there's a parking lot right there and you can walk right to here down this road they let you just parking outside here right okay we cannot have parking on this road here sorry no parking no parking no parking no parking no parking no parking no parking no parking no parking no parking there we go no parking oh no no parking so use the parking lots that is more like it what uh are you like driving in to drop people off is that what's going on here or have you parked going to festival area i think you're gonna be driving in to drop people off that's what's happening all right well we'll let you carry on then and then hopefully yeah look at that hopefully we'll remember to come back and check out our festival area fantastic oh look there's so many people turning up look at this crowd of people here this is gonna be a particularly fantastic concert look at that and these cars are doing a weird thing rather than using the parking lot they've got a bit confused so they're floating across here to park on this main road oh we've got some more parking to knicks no parking no parking yeah i don't think you should be allowed i can imagine you could come along to a concert like this and they've been like all parking cones everywhere can't park can't park you gotta come in here and pay our parking fee oh i should have a toll booth going in and out of there make even more money could i actually do that that would definitely be something that i think you would see in an area like this if we could just slide that in there so how many lanes has that got it's got like two lanes going in each direction yeah this four lane road lines up nicely with that let's see if we can make a little bit of money on this yeah it's a little bit tight but we're gonna fit it in and at the minute there's no other way to get into this area apart from through here so i'm gonna up that oh man this is fantastic let's have some dedicated turning lanes there let's turn off the traffic lights you can go straight through i don't think there's traffic lights there but we're gonna say you go through you go through you go through you go through i think that's fine that's good so then i mean we've missed out on a lot of money but certainly as things move forward what the monk is going on there yeah unfortunately there's a big slope here which is annoying but i think we've managed to get away with it let's just try and level these things out a little bit there we go so it doesn't look too bad yeah that's fine there we go so they now have to pay to come and see the concerts although i do believe we've probably got most of the people already here that are waiting to enjoy our concert but let's just see how many there was so can i select this that would be nice thank you very much there we go so tell us how many people this is 201 people so we would have made 201 times probably this one here so about four hundred dollars simoleons whatever which i don't think is too bad and we're actually nearly six at the fifth look the concert is about to begin i tell you what we're gonna do as well let's just pause the game we're gonna imagine yes this is there we go sort of twilight ready for the concert yeah they're here let's zoom in a little bit see them all enjoying the concerts even the dog down there is enjoying the concert fantastic look at this kid with his teddy bear he's absolutely loving the concert he was jigging around this lady with her hand back look at that kid there oh here he goes again he's got the dance of this teddy bear he is absolutely enjoying it that first song was amazing this dog not so much he's enjoying it but he's not quite looking the right way it's like you're really there oh look she's come straight from work got a briefcase ready to rock out with nesta oh look got a group from the local retirement home has decided to come and the enjoy they've decided to wear their matching what would you call those sort of trousers with the straps over the top i can't think it's just brilliant oh my goodness that is fantastic unfortunately nestor only seemed to know one song but the crowd don't seem to mind it must be like they're one hit wonder and everybody's really enjoying it which is uh but from this lady here look she looks a bit nah she said i've come all this way to hear my favorite song where is she and she's like no they're not playing it i'm really not happy oh well never mind she's brought her twin sisters with that this is a conspiracy something's going on here everybody looks the same i remember listening to you nestor when i was young so uh yes don't tell anybody but i won some i won some tickets to go backstage we're going to sneak around the back of this hedge up the stairs here and we're just gonna poke our head out here and just take a quick look at what it's like at the back of the stage let's go one two three four let's play that hit again everybody loves it it's the only song we know but fortunately it's the best hit ever uh what's going on oh they're back there we go they pause for dramatic effect we're just going to sneak on the back here try and get a view squeeze through there oh excuse me coming through let's just get a view from this side hey what's it like being in nesta no he too busy no he doesn't want to say anything hey dude i like your hats can i have your cat no okay we're gonna stand over here yeah they're the best look at that what have you oh they've literally just disappeared from before our eyes they're done um so what are you all gonna do he's all gonna stand around yeah they finished you can leave now oh they've all gotta pay to leave oh this is gonna be good we're gonna make some money okay so i've just brightened things up a bit just for the sake of our eyeballs let's have a look so they're all walking over here to get to their cars oh we need to ban parking on the roads we need to ban walking i don't think people can walk through this section here so be interesting to see so cyclists have to pay yeah that's good this person's walking got in their car yeah everybody's uh everybody's paying on the way out that is absolutely fantastic let's just take a look at this cars charged last week zero what would you mean zero i can literally see them with my own eyeballs coming out and paying but yeah i think that is just going to earn us a nice amount of money so what we first need to do is just turn our parking there and this extra little piece of road we put in yeah there we go that'll leave eventually so let's check out how did nestor do popularity minus nine what the flipping x seriously we made 7 000 credits but elijah motti's up next i don't know in next year next year so well okay fair enough i wonder whether we could just drop that down let's drop that down and we'll see what happens next time okay so that's all gonna tick away in the background earn us some money a little bit here and there and hopefully upgrade as well so it looks like a couple of times a year we'll get an injection of cash now something else i'd like to add we do have some problems with fire um we don't have available to us at the fire watch towers but we do have the fire helicopter depot and again i think we're gonna pop that into our little area over here how big would that be i'd like to give it its own little road off of here so let's grab this one and let's bring let's bring a road out here why not so i'm just making this up as we go along isn't that the way you play a sound box game i think it is oh look at that and that perfectly fits in there and flipping tastic and then hopefully now we're gonna get some helicopters that'll fly over into our city they're gonna have to collect some water first so let's follow this guy where are they gonna go to collect their water oh look at that right nearby we have a nice load of water fantastic and then they're gonna put this five out for us look at that excellent good job lads well done right here we are over at farty grove and it is growing well but as we said at the beginning of the episode there are a couple of things we need to do to get this up to the next level four stars we're at level three at the moment we want to get to four so we have 306 workers out of a possible 492. now we need to get our workers up to 550. so there's a couple of things we're going to need to do we're going to need to make sure there are enough jobs here so to get this figure up to 550 and also we need to get enough people working here at the minute only 305 work here we have a huge residential demand so doing those two things should get us to that 550 get us to the next level unlock some more things so we did unlock in the last episode i think i forgot to mention it the bakery bakery who wouldn't love the delicious smell of a freshly baked doughnut early in the morning so as you can see at the top of this little box you need animal products crops and flour so we're making the animal products over here we've got all of these doing that and this one here this is taking crops and turning them into animal products these are taking crops and turn them into animal products and then this flour meal is taking crops and turning it into flour and then these are obviously making the crops so we're gonna put this down um wonder whether we can just pop that right in the middle although let's look at our resources actually we do it like that we've got some resources here so we could sort of pop it over on the edge here i don't want to sort of overlap those resources too much so what i think we might do is if we just grab one of the industry roads let's just make it a one-way road just for the heck of it why not why not then we're gonna grab that that is the right one isn't it yep bakery that fits perfectly in that gap there there we go look at that that is the go nuts for doughnuts bakery absolutely brilliant that is really good um so that is going to be producing pastries and it's going to need all of these goods here as we've said so i do actually have a mod installed that can help with the production chain of things in your city here we go so looking at the some of the mods that we have here the more effective transfer mod and one of the things you can select is warehouse first so there's a lot of things this mod does but that is the main thing because normally what would happen is something like for instance a bakery would put a call out and say i need animal products crops and flour and just because there we go they're getting delivered just because those items are available locally normally in the game it doesn't necessarily mean they'll be grabbed locally they could be grabbed from if you had a sprawling city your crop fields over here or they could be called from outside the city from anywhere and it could just cause all sorts of issues and problems but we know that we have these products here available locally so hopefully we do actually have see look he's delivering stomach as well there we go hopefully we've got storage for each of these locally well i know we have there we go flower so that was on empty i am now going to put that on balanced so we'll get a bit of an influx of trucks and things but i want that on balanced so we can keep a nice stock of flour this one here is holding animal products i'm also going to put that on balance so we keep a nice stock of those and then this over here holds our crops we're producing so many crops well a lot of these crops are now going to get used up in here they're going to go direct to here and we're going to start making pastries and then when those pastries are made uh we need to store those somewhere so pastry is the special goods icon here let us go to our warehouses we can choose any of these uh medium warehouse that is quite big let's just choose this little small warehouse that normally does fine um where can we put that let's pop that try again i'm trying to find places where i'm not going to cover over resources see there's resources there we could have some more farms maybe this little bit just here that'll be fine let's pop it in there that road goes one way up to here so they can come here go into there that's gonna store special goods which is unique factory products there we go it's that same symbol there little diamondy thing and it's on balanced well if you read what it says there it says aim to keep the storage half full and half empty which is odd because these things cannot be imported they're only produced locally there's nothing else you can do with these items other than send them out the city so what i'm thinking of doing is setting it on empty so if they need to go somewhere they'll go here if not they'll just be sent outside the city look i think this guy here oh livestocks he was dropping some stuff off but very soon we're gonna make some of those anyway and i'm hoping that with what we've got here we've got enough to keep this thing ticking over what would be an interesting test is popping this up to full because you can go up to like 150 percent um it increases the upkeep but we might make even more and you know what i think i'm gonna do that because we do have a nice stock well we will have a nice stock of everything around here so let's just leave this running for a few moments or we've got a nice commercial demand now which is just what we want let's leave this running for a few moments on this screen here and we can see how it goes did you see that we've already had some crops going out look at some donuts going out look at this truck here go nuts for donuts delivery van delivering unique products to an organic foods place over here in the city look at that so he's bringing the donuts all the way over here so they can be sold and make us some money that is absolutely brilliant i do love i do love a good production chain right let's just keep an eye on this again and i'll be back with you right just been there checking out what's been going on and our factory here is constantly running out of flour and i was thinking to myself what's going on i i set this to be balanced so the trucks would go out and bring some in no of course not this is produced by flour meals cannot be imported has to be produced locally completely forgot about that so we only have one flour mill here working away and as we can see it just isn't enough to keep up with the demand that we have so let us add in another flour mill if we can just we'll bring this road out over here let's go into here and grab flour meal i think in there yeah let's pop that not an industry area well that's an easy fix zip there we go we'll add our flour mill over here that's good and then just to sort of make things look nice we'll go like this i was going to run that road around the back there i'll tell you what we'll do instead so we'll do that and we'll throw that in so that needs to bring some crops into there i'm actually going to put that round the end of the road so it's not right by the junction i think that would be a better idea not that it's getting too busy here but there we go something like that very good very good so now we've got two things making flower production rate naught units per week four thousand seven hundred and sixty units per week uh what does this need 18 tons um yeah who knows how many units in a ton i'm sure the wiki will tell us somewhere but maybe that will help us keep up with our need for flour and i'll just leave that back on balanced again oh and also mention our money is going up now now we're using this full production chain water save quick sip of tea now we've got this full production chain set up you will notice our money down here will fluctuate quite a lot but a few minutes ago we're on 247 000 we're now on 255 000 and hopefully we will keep seeing that lies as things level out a bit so let's keep this going well well well as you saw we are making enough products now to keep this thing stopped with what it needs the pastries are flying out our money is going up which is absolutely brilliant because there's a few stored in here as they need to every now and again then they're shipped out and that is making us all the money which is absolutely brilliant so let's just take a look at our jobs over here so uh we've got 537 jobs we're nearly there we could actually add in some more workers barracks because they give us bonuses as well anyway if i could find the darn things here we go farm workers barracks can we fit a couple into that and it cost us 20 000 let's have a look excellent so 617 workers are available working positions out to 550 let me explain that again that made absolutely no sense we need to have 550 available jobs we've got 617 all we need to do is fill those slots because we're making enough resources and we're going to start filling those slots once we deal with that residential need but that'll be for another time but that is humming along that is gonna be making us so much money that is fantastic and also we've got those bonuses now as well efficiency plus thirty percent pollution minus twenty nice oh just recording a little time lapse there and i've just spotted all the people turning up for the next concert look at this there's a ton of people there there's all these cars waiting down here let's follow this little country road heading out onto the highway through the toll road all the oh my goodness oh my goodness what the heck why is that so backed up okay let's just turn this so we can see it why is that so backed up that is absolutely nuts surely they can get in the car park and park their cars and not have to sit here and drop people off one at a time we might be having a little issue there we've had a couple of other concerts that haven't done so well hmm only 66 visitors yeah if we can work out what's going on with why people can't get there going to the festival let's remove you are you blocking everybody yeah i'm not quite sure what's going on i think because we've turned off the parking everywhere we're making it impossible for people to drop people off so they can't do it oh dear oh dear look all the cars are disappearing when they come in i think we might have caused a little issue well never mind hopefully that will sort itself out well it's always nice to make more money i think that has really helped our city to grow and we're going to be spending lots of that money in the next episode be sure to check out the next video on the screen leave a like and subscribe if you haven't done so already and thank you for your continued support i do appreciate it have a great day i will see you very soon for the next one take care everybody bye bye
Channel: Biffa Plays Indie Games
Views: 277,485
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: biffa plays, biffa, biffaplays, how to start a new city, how to fix your cities skylines, cities skylines fix traffic, cities skylines, how to fix traffic cities skylines, cities skylines how to fix traffic, city fix, cities: skylines, how to fix traffic, cities:skylines, cities skylines traffic management, cities skylines how to fix your city, biffa2001, cities skylines how to start, cities skylines how to make money
Id: Ithqb-tic6Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 31sec (2251 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 11 2020
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