Can you beat Pokemon without DEALING Damage?

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so i've already beat pokemon without ever taking any damage it took me 138 hours but what if i did the inverse where i'm not allowed to deal any damage is that even possible well yeah my friend already did it it took him over 31 hours and you know i was willing to let him have this small success until he insulted my beautiful son whooper i gave him one chance to stop the sass i said if he wronged me one more time i'd be forced to retaliate i'd do the same challenge but better his response so i did in six hours i was streaming super mario odyssey when this occurred i dropped everything and booted up a new game of fire red named myself ant and the rival was crow i grabbed a bubble soar as quickly as possible and went on my way crow the friend now turned rival realized what was happening panicked and started editing his already completed challenge into a video the race was on of course since i'm not allowed to deal damage the first rival fight was pretty simple bulbasaur has growl and tackle so i just growled until i lost and it let me progress now you're probably thinking how the heck do you defeat pokemon without damaging them well it's a bit of a struggle but there is a way i caught a second pokemon caterpie and started running back and forth in viridian forest until i found a kakuna by switching out between my two pokemon i could let kakuna harden without dealing any damage to it i did this for 30 turns until harden was at a pp the kakuna began to struggle dealing damage to my bulbasaur but also hurting itself in the process by repeatedly letting bulbasaur get hit by struggle hakuna took itself out gaining bulbasaur some much-needed exp i did this for only three battles actually until bulbasaur reached level seven where it learned leech seed i haven't really explained the full rules of this challenge yet i just followed the rules that my rival had set he said no dealing any direct damage so moves like tackle and flamethrower weren't allowed buy it crows said that indirect damage sources were fine so things like leech seed and other status conditions such as poisons or burns were on the table i was able to mow through the bug catchers in the forest and easily crush brock with a leech seed growl combo first jim dude there's no shot uh growl a few times should be easy no i'm not i'm not worried at all i'm not worried at all yeah it's gonna take him uh it's gonna take him a while oh yeah since this was kind of a race i did speed up the game but crow did the same on his run so it was fair game on the weight of cerulean i caught two nidoran and azubat to use later on the rivalry match was a cakewalk and misty was no match for my now ivysaur nugget bridge was another story ivysaur had learned poison powder along the way and the combination of poison and leech seed handled nearly every pokemon i came up against until i encountered an oddish i realized that oddish being grass poison types were completely immune to both of these effects i had to employ a new strategy for these ones this was where the nidoran and zubat came into play by luring with nidoran and switching to zubat i could supersonic and with a bit of luck the weakened oddish would smack itself to death which it did after a few attempts with this temporary solution i cleared out nugget bridge caught notice and saved bill with it kind of being a race and all i was rushing through the game and my pokemon were starting to get a little under leveled fortunately though i had an easy solution to fix that the daycare by dropping a pokemon in the daycare below cerulean city every step i took was now one exp for my pokemon so it was a simple matter of biking up and down until my pokemon were strong enough to proceed like i said though it was a race and by biking up and down i wasn't making any progress through the game i had to carefully balance grinding and progress i leveled up my audition zubat to around level 30 to get stronger and learn some useful moves with my upgraded team i cruised through the ssn got cut did the trash puzzle beat surge with ease from here i'm in a b-line to rock tunnel i couldn't really see where i was going and my god there were a lot of bell sprouts and oddish despite having level 30s these grass poison types were still a huge problem because just spamming confused raid wasn't really a consistent strategy i struggled a bit having a few whiteouts along the way but made it through eventually only to remember that the next gym was erica just more grass poison types after thinking for a few moments i thought of a solution and hightailed it to the celadon game corner against all the rocket poison types my leech seed and growl strategy was still hard carrying the run it was smooth sailing securing the silk scope by seating giovanni which i took straight to the pokemon tower i could now see the ghost pokemon my salvation i caught three ghastly cleared out the tower and got the poka flute which by the way was the most helpful item in this entire challenge i i just didn't realize it yet and returned to the daycare once more i plopped those bad boys in there to level 33 so their move sets consisted of hypnosis confuse ray curse and destiny bond all moves that didn't deal any direct damage with these sacrificial ghastly at my disposal i cursed through erika leaving me with my fourth badge yeah i beat gym four it's okay we just beat gym three i knew the fastest route through silphco so i breezed through that only to be stopped in my tracks by the rival fight crow's charizard was level 40 and with its flamethrower was able to out speed and one hit ko my entire team i had to spend some precious time and money to buy carbos from celadon to increase the speed stat of my haunter fortunately it was just enough speed to work and after a few more attempts the rival fight was won giovanni was a pushover looking at my team at this point i saw a fatal flaw every pokemon was poison type and the next gym sabrina with her psychic types she was seemingly another roadblock any of her psychic pokemon could one hit ko my entire team lucky for me though it didn't really matter with my three ghosts i just used destiny bond three times and the psychic pokemon took themselves out for a surprisingly easy fifth badge with probably the hardest gym badge under my belt i headed south to fuchsia while there i grabbed surf and strength from the safari zone obliterated koga and continued to cinnabar using the gift lapras i picked up in selfco because i'm a pokemon genius those simple gym quizzes were no match for my intellectual prowess unfortunately blaine's brute force overwhelmed my big brain blaine had four pokemon i could out speed and destiny bond three of them but that left rapidash who simply used fire blast and melted my remaining three pokemon it would take too long to go and train up another ghastly so i had to figure out another solution as fate would have it the solution was already in my party lapras was able to take a fire blast and it happened in no parish song which makes all pokemon on the field faint in three turns all that needed to happen was rapidash missing one of three fire blasts which it did on the third attempt if you're familiar with these games you'll know that there's a long sevi island section where bill goes and makes you save some people or whatever but you can just say no to that so i ignored him flew to viridian for the final gym and as with all the other giovanni encounters he kind of sucked that was the eighth badge only the indigo plateau remained i was severely under leveled as usual so i did a final boat of daycare grinding and distracted crow in the process how's it going how's your are you regretting that tweet yet i am i am not regretting the tweet because i'm still very much ahead of you right now yeah uh yeah i totally am you're struggling behind i mean i have all of my footage right so that's my little yeah yeah i i almost have all my footage as well i've been you know for four over four hours yeah i'm four hours i have eight badges hey wait you don't tell me you beat you ivani already yeah first try actually oh my god my god okay i have all of the footage at least and i'm about halfway through with writing the script for my post commentary you're saying you have about three hours left on the script then and then it needs to be edited well technically uh i'm like sharing the work i don't edit uh my own videos i have editors yeah you're not able to i got you hey you're distracting me i'll be honest i've written three words since you called oh no i'm so sorry that was the whole point of this fine i wanna ask yes are you staying up streaming yeah uh and going to edit and write a script tonight the stream isn't stopping to the videos out okay you're just okay you're distracting me you're distracted it's distract i need to okay i need to do this okay yeah goodbye have a good one that was productive i stalled them for a few minutes hopefully those few minutes mattered i trained up venusaur to level 53 lapras to 48 and a haunter to 50. still a little weak but i figured i could make it work i plowed through the final rival fight before victory road quickly solved the puzzles to enter indigo plateau i attempted the elite four only to get swiftly beaten down by agatha i i had no chance there was no way i'd be able to beat the elite four with my current team being so weak lapras was basically useless as trainers would just swap out their pokemon after paris song was used after deliberating for a bit i came up with a revamped lapras set i taught it toxic protect and double team tms that i picked up throughout the run i also bought a few x defends and revives and to round out lapras's bag of tricks i gave it a leftovers for some passive healing during the upcoming battles i wasn't sure if this strategy would work so i went to the elite four for a test run only to realize the true power of what i had created lorelai opened with dugong which i cursed with a haunter then switched to lapras after a few turns it was taken out then the fun began as i gave lorelei the most frustrating battle of her entire life while dugong was busy dying lapras had set up six double teams which meant that lorelei's pokemon were only going to land moves a third of the time by using toxic then confused rey it was just a waiting game until her whole team gradually perished there was one problem though all of lapras's moves had very limited pp so i couldn't just waste turns by using random moves i had to stall some other way this was where i discovered the power of the pokeflu being a key item it's infinitely reusable and when in battle it wakes up all the pokemon but more importantly wastes a turn so while lorelei's team was withering away i forced her to listen to the constant droning of a 10 year old trying to play a flute as if this battle wasn't toxic enough already anytime her pokemon managed to hit lapras the leftovers would just recover the hp before they could land another hit before i knew it lorelei had been defeated next was bruno who let's be honest here has always been the weakest link it was a pretty simple case of leech seed and weight as the pokemon flailed around helplessly uh agatha was a lot more of the same just leech seed and weight with some additional poke fluting whenever they tried to put venusaur to sleep this was going shockingly well considering i was only trying to test out the new strats there were only two battles left and i started to believe this attempt could actually be the one i healed on my team a bit and gave lance a try the toxic strategy worked for gyarados and aerodactyl but hit a snag once i reached the dragonairs i completely forgot to consider their ability shedskin which made toxic useless i had to be very careful here one wrong move and these dragonairs would be my demise they outsped almost every member of my team and outraged packed a punch i was forced to switch in a weak haunter who was defeated in a single blow in order to safely send in the strong haunter tail who just barely outsped and could destiny bond i was able to revive tail and destiny bond once again to defeat the second dragonair but that just led into another problem destiny bond had run out of uses and dragonite was still there i had only two pokemon remaining on my team lapras and venusaur so i sent out lapras in the hopes that the toxic strategy would prevail once again this wishful thinking was immediately thwarted by dragonite using safeguard all of lapras and venusaur's movesets were instantly rendered useless i had to find a backup and fast i revived tail in a last-ditch effort and sacrificed venusaur to bring him in safely i was out of destiny bond so curse was my only hope by some miracle tail outsped the dragonite and fired off one last curse as outrage finished him off it was up to lapras to survive long enough for the curse to run its course i hadn't prepared for a serious elite four attempt so i never purchased any healing items there were only a handful of them i picked up throughout the run but lapras managed to hold out and survive just long enough for the dragonite to be defeated and there was one battle left the champion crow he had defeated the elite four before me but just like in real life he had no chance of beating me after healing up my team with what little i had left i entered the final fight and the toxic strats began pidgeot perished right on ravaged exeggutor executed alakazam annihilated gyarados gone and charizard crushed six hours pokemon without dealing damage a challenge which took my rival 31 hours i started finished and edited in a single stream the moral of the story don't disrespect whooper or you will get whooped yourself thanks for watching be sure to subscribe and i'll see you next time
Channel: SmallAnt
Views: 1,211,948
Rating: 4.9693909 out of 5
Keywords: smallant, pointcrow, pokemon, frlg, no damage, no dealing damage, no attacking moves, challenge, pkmn, firered, leafgreen, pacifist
Id: -QXvc2PN1H8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 50sec (890 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 27 2021
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