Using Fire In Escape Mode PRISON ARCHITECT Is A Perfectly Balanced Game With No Exploits

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hello ladies and gentlemen I am the sniffing Brits and today we are playing some prison architect as you can see at the moment we're in the lovely little loading screen oh look at this game it's so beautiful apparently you guys really really liked watching me destroy the entire game with forestry Tycoon simulator and so I felt it only made sense that I'd try something new today for today's video I'm going to show you how to quite simply easily escape every single prison using one extra special trick now Prison architect is quite a special game because not only can you build prisons or prostrate racoon simulators you can also try and escape from them and so today I'm going to show you the greatest escape attempts that anyone can do right from the comfort of their own home so sit back relax make sure you've got your cup of tea feel free to like the video and I think it's time we dive on in ladies and gentlemen before we begin you know what I think I'm gonna have a sip of tea lads Oh some good tea yours must be good too let's jump on in here for our first escape attempt I think we're actually going to try something special we're going to try and escape from the forestry prison this isn't the forestry prison excuse me yes apparently the game does not like my forestry tycoon map and instead decided to throw me on some completely random map I'd never seen before so instead we're gonna try and play this military camp let's see what this is like I have a very special way of attempting to escape this prison so go down into the comments section below and write how many days you think I'm going to be in this prison that's right how many days maybe I won't even stay one day [Music] some players do like to just immediately do the meta play and just leg it off of the map here like so however typically you will get grabbed or not you can just walk off the edge we are going to be escorted to our cell and I'm going to show you something absolutely wonderful we are playing as the legendary Palmer today look at him he's got a very flat head and we're going to help him on his adventure just out of here now there's a very special room right there that's the psychologists office don't you worry we're gonna be revisiting that very shortly so here we have it we make it into our cell and immediately I have no intention of staying here so Thank You mr. police officer release me and away we go we've got something to collect now in this escape mode you can grab all of the contraband that normal prisoners can have be that a room to Club people with neither a pair of scissors to shank people with a power drill to drill people with alternatively my favorite weapon and what we're going for a humble fire lighter that's right you could use it to light a cigarette maybe set some papers on fire or alternatively burn everything down there is a fire lighter so we're just gonna grab that bad boy and walk on outfit now why is the fire lightest overpowered because normally you just click it and you can't really do anything but don't worry we're gonna do something magical instead can I walk through this gate here they come so the garden opens the gate we're just gonna come on through don't you worry and trust me there is some there are some important for all bugger so that attempt didn't work pretty good taste so we're gonna have another go very simple we just immediately run back to the psychiatrist's office you know what they said over here actually looks rather quiet so now is our chance to escape we equip the fire lighter now the issue is fire lighters are pretty weak if we were just to click here like so you get a small fire that's not gonna burn down a fence but if you hold down an auto clicker instead of having the small fire you start a orbital def cannon oh and we appear to be getting shot at oh so I made a mistake there of trying to escape in front of a sniper tower so it's gonna be a first-time attempt [Music] so back into the psychologist office we grab yet another lighter and I think it's time we try and find an even more quiet place in this prison ah here we have it someone's cell think this is my opportunity to escape so in a set of firelighter and orbital burn all of this here here we go we're just gonna burn our way through this wall and as soon as it's down we should be able to walk on Oh instead I've burned myself yet next time I do this I need to make sure I don't stand in the fire so we're back and we have full health again so it's time to go grab yet another fire lighter so come on down to this cell here there we go this looks like the cell I want to choose and it's time we start a fire let us go so we start fire there we probably want one in the doorway as well to stop any people from coming in as you can see the flames are pretty intense right now because we have done an orbital death laser but if we just speed on through hopefully they're gonna burn down that wall oh we appear to be burning to death don't worry we can walk through that fire and we've just made it out now we're gonna want to run on down here and start a hole in the fence move our orbital death lasers there we go that's just gonna come on fruit as you can see lovely stuff maybe run all the way along here get a bigger fire going ago this looks good it does take a lot of fire to try and melt one of these fences so should be done with it soon oh gosh should be hopefully able to soon just walk straight through it nope instead there is just some bloke trying to power all of my fires great so I'm gonna have to run off in this direction hey on the bright side I've just start little fires over here instead so naturally you just hold down and you just keep holding on it and an orbital death laser naturally appears and it should be enough to melt this fence completely down I tried to guess I'd say that's enough no it's not great bugger yes as you can see the Deaf laser it's quite powerful there's not really much of a counter to it and it's a very easy way of actually burning down the entire wing of a prison in like the span of two seconds because you just do that Oh Oh they've got tasers on me now I go get the feeling like that might have been through no still hasn't great oh and I've just apparently become unconscious because of the flames oh well this worked in my test run but apparently no flames are gonna burn me you know I think I'm gonna do some work and try and upgrade my prisoner [Music] sadly we spend our first day in prison without escaping however we did manage to burn down quite a large amount of the prison which was a good start said why these carry guard in this prison it is so buggered oh it's just holes in the walls from where I heard everything down so I'm gonna grab this lovely little lighter here I'm gonna wander on over into the canteen and hopefully burn the entire place down there we go which is gonna walk something through here don't mind me I'm just gonna get get a few little fires going there's nothing major nothing major don't you worry don't you worry hopefully it's gonna start a few riots I think I just lit on fire there fear not the fire is perfectly normal oh yes I've caused a riot to start yes lady heck yes this is good this is very good right and I've also burned down a hole in the wall right we're making a run for it through the wall oh I've been knocked unconscious there we go the end of the rampage this is what I've done to the canteen it's been positively britta sized I think it's time you just give the punishment for one point perhaps I should recruit some prisoners on my side or alternatively incite a bit of chaos I must say not many people are eating here anymore I wonder why we have a nice group of people here they are all following me yes it's a horde kind of mob situation going on don't worry it's all good anyway I'm gonna grab a lighter ago so it's a lovely new day we've got our squad of men or all following us and will follow us for the end of time for some reason I'm determined to escape this place with a lighter and only a lighter trust me we're gonna find a way to do it somehow if this is our opportunity here legging it down yes go for it let's just go for it Dodger the snipers there dodge those snipers I've got the fire beam going this should be a good start and just keep everyone else distracted gonna make sure we got a lot of fire going on here as well so there we go we're through the other side of the fence now we just need to burn this one down and we should be able to get through here is that dog gonna try and chase me no cuz the dog does not want to go through the fire there we go we burn our way through the fence [Music] and now can we go through here we can there we go we're making an escape fruit we burned our way through the fences now I want to remove everyone else from the squad because I'm afraid they're too weak it's all about Parma it was always about Parma he's made his way out he's broken the AI the AI does not know how to deal with fires so yes we just walk on off the edge of the map I'd say all in all a good success Parma these were our various victims not bad and it took us one day 21 hours and 50 minutes to escape let's go see if we can do it slightly better elsewhere you know I think it's only fair that we try and escape from the most subscribed prison on the Steam Workshop that's right this was voted the hardest prison to escape from but here we are with Miller and trust me bill is gonna get out so of course we arrived and there's really no way of legging it through the walls sadly so we're just gonna get escorted tour sales are great so my prison cell is this holding cell shared with loads of other people twelve seconds later apparently it's food time as well so everyone is going into the canteen to eat I feel this is a perfect opportunity even though there's an armed guard in here yeah we're gonna be cutting it a bit close but there's an armed guard but I think this is the time to start a fire as an instigator this feels like a perfect opportunity there we go we've kickstart to the right and we've just been tased great but hey the riots happen nonetheless and that's gonna be spicy one so we're just gonna skip the punishment oh and we were killed we were punched to death in the riot well that ends that run but hey we did escape our body is carried out on a truck oh god we cause chaos to that prison I don't really know if this video should be titled escaping prisons with fire anymore I think this one should probably be called setting prisons on fire because that's just really all we've been doing I think the final prison will escape from it's gonna be a fan favorite it's got to be the summer slam prison those of you that don't know this was the prison built by the wonderful youtubers sips so we're gonna go into SummerSlam and see if we can escape so apparently we don't even get to eat in this prison we just have to sit and wait in block oh this was a nice addition biceps thank you very much also the cell it's literally just a line there's um there's no cell Hancock is not happy to be here he most definitely does want to leave nonetheless I want to use this time to try and locate a nearest psychiatrist office oh great we can't even get access to the rest of the prison but we're not low safe we need to find a way around this prison basically Oh actually this is interesting with on opportunity here we've got a room completely full of logs probably power drills in here as well as somewhere there we go that's a power drill and that's the foreman right there so and we could get rid of him why not yep Foreman's dead sadly what a shame okay I just need to power drill a dog oh god don't quote me don't quote me on that don't power drill dogs at the real world I would apparently I can just hold down apparently that dog cannot be killed okay wait a second am I getting in front of points from this I am four hundred points what the heck was that apparently you just power drill a dog and um and that happens cool don't take all of those points completely max oh we've ended up in maximum security nice and at the end of the day is mostly just more bodies to block taser shots Donnie come on join the crew staff room we can just walk into here but they just let us walk into here grab a set keys from from the security room cuz we're allowed to be in here okay thank you very much for making such a wonderful prison that allowed us of you to walk into the security room and maybe another one because I mean cord we got so many points from accidentally drilling a dog Wow one two three four five six seven eight nine so I'm just gonna burn my way through this filing cabinet here and to stop anyone else from coming in you're gonna light a fire to all these chairs there you go and the fire ambulance has just been called fire ambulance sorry what am i set fire ambulance my English is broken today can I run through here yet no I've just instantly killed Hancock oh bugger apparently walking through the Nova beam of death it's enough to burn someone alive almost instantly right we're gonna transfer over to Broomfield Broomfield will now absorb our consciousness Broomfield you are the only thing we needed in our life so let's max you out there we go I've grabbed a lighter and a knife 90% certain that a knife is a pretty solid item I'm thinking we should be able to burn through this office once more so we're just gonna quickly come over here say goodbye to the psychologist we don't need him no one's gonna notice that and begin the Nova burn just to singe that and stay away from it because it's gonna be enough to destroy the game so yes let's start a few fires to cover up our rear we've lost one member of the group that's fine only the strong survive that I think that was another one just knocked unconscious there please tell me the walls are open you guys just keep doing your thing of distracting the guards and loitering around good stuff Donnie you appear to run out the room that's on fire how's the fire doing it just arrived with the hoses good stuff we might as well fight a few of the five and whilst we're here and people are getting tased okay so I think it's time we make our run for it because I'm guessing they've opened a hole in the wall they have prom field was just knocked unconscious though we in control of now chapter chapter oh these are just regular offices now where's the lighter why have I got a hose now what can I do that I'm gonna get shot oh I didn't realize I had snipers over here but hey you know we gained a lot of points Shafter sadly died but I'd say all in all a decent run oh it's food time at the moment you know what that means we can start a riot now all we need to do is find a guard to punch it's more on here as a gun is it safe it let's go let's go grab the gun we've got it and hopefully this should be enough to start right or at least a gang war I think a lot people coming from this card oh it's people with guns I'd surrender right everyone everyone oh my Scotty's going to surrender because they all have guns I don't really intend to have everyone die it would appear that most of maximum security has just been murdered today but all of my squad perfectly goes to the power of the power drill or that was a nice rhyme is it basically it has the fastest attack speed of any weapon and it appears if you drill a body it will just continuously generate hundreds and hundreds of points so maybe that's an exploit we need to investigate a night of sin certain this storage room is access to power drills and I love good old-fashioned power draw so we're coming on in here that's a power drill so watch this oh no no that's a that's a good good paper skirmish going on here actually don't bite me I'll just grab this and begin the Soaring process you don't need organs anymore please this is how I do a rim world just let me have access to your own I'd say that's a good run not bad right where is the power drill never have grabbed the power of crap our drop turns out the power drill is just the fastest way of removing anything and everything like it just holding down click on this monstrosity as long as I don't get tased it's just kind of mop up everyone here oh gosh the kill streak it is a unstoppable the power drill because I can hold down an auto clicker and all the guards are gone there we go right it started our and I've just been tased all that person's got gun oh that person's got a gun right make sure they don't kill Bromley there we go take out that there we go can we grab the gun we've grabbed the gun oh you're opening up this fine say hello to my little shotgun oh we're out of ammo on the shotgun that's fine say hello to my baton a fire lighter that's right I forgot we can do this it's napalm time I want an orbital strike on that comms consult remove it from existence same for this wooden desk here all of this in fact just remove staff room from existence as roam through this one hopefully we don't die to the flames hopefully we don't die to the flames there we go made out all there's a sniper out here sniper come on and we dead rest in peace Donnie he made it how many points is this 531 I'd say we've caused a bit of chaos into this prison we made it a bit spicy you know what best thing is only two prisoners died from our team oh no no no you don't run up to some other power drill you can't survive here gets the power driller a legendary power drill a power drill the door in front of points don't stop never give up just power drill all of the new guards coming in why are you even trying to come on power drill time yep you're down don't tase me it would go good dodge good dodge sorry Minh sec you chose the wrong corridor to walk down terribly sorry here you really have chosen the wrong day to come into work I'm sorry everything about this was wrong it's nice to bring a new medium set maximum security prisoners but they're just gonna get drilled what's the point sorry I mean sake is it so for them just walk in here and then they get drilled oh no the families of the visitors are arriving run families run and let us destroy the medical wing riot police nice don't worry I've got drill Oh it just instantly clubbed me over the head hey guys that's fine we've um gained a few points as you can see we're not to want that whatever this is I don't know what's going on by Doug to this game oh bugger now lets us go grab the power drill for me don't come in here expecting some goodness policeman you come in here you get power drill that's how we work you should have no no don't cover up the quarter where the drill is don't come around the corner you will see the drill oh they chose a bad day to go to work they chose a very bad day to go to work no not even tasers will work against me this is the immense power of the drill oh I've been tased I've been tased oh bugger okay right I think it's time to go on the retreat then we will also render soon as Broomfield goes down that's when that's when we kind of have to pull out Broomfield has racked up 158 hours in solitary the game is struggling to comprehend the amount of rep points that we have accumulated in service skips and punishments yeah and you know what we're gonna wait a few days and try and see if we can get some more Mac security in here and hopefully we can then recruit them if we went down there with a drill think about what we could do think about how much power we could have if we just destroyed one of these fences with a drill I just they have it the score is now matched in every regard go and now let's try and break through this fence can I safely not break through the fence no but I can draw people from the other side of the fence that's a good start we've encouraged the prisoners to riot as well that's good right let's go down the hallway of death and we're gonna hopefully try and enter into medium security we go to do the right guards have arrived it's okay we got the drill we've got the all they've got shotguns as well now this is not good right let's start the fire let's not the fire breather has just been knocked unconscious we appear to be getting shot at from the south by armed guards well it certainly does appear that maximum security we're getting the old numbers but don't worry we can still recruit sold for 1,000 points welcome to the squad lad now I'm gonna toggle everyone to follow again and we're gonna cause absolute chaos once more this is a perfect success this is only going to be a success now run well drill our way through the people these poor people are starving to death it's okay we're gonna save them by lighting their beds on fire and burning a hole through the wall I do believe it has been melted this is our access to medium security yes and we go through we can we're safe for it oh there's a sniper there there's a sniper there he's unconscious we've lost him we've lost him let's grab that rope grab that rope or leggett good good good good burn run run run run oh this is where the fun begins not the younglings look at them try to come out for the free time through the door we go yes drill time oh this is gonna get ugly very quickly there's a lot of injuries happening Edgard is fighting a gun it's not gonna help I'm afraid it's certainly one of us has got a gun I've got a Taser now apparently some people are surrendering I'm afraid it's not gonna help we are going to start all right here by accident yeah I think it's time you just walk out through the entrance sniper starting to snipe some of our men it's okay oh yeah that's one down grab the drill the drill is the way out the drill is the way out go through don't get shot don't get shot howl don't get shot how good job house free house out he's making its way through the medium stick for the men sex security place there we go we're going straight through drill some people on the way get them riled up take down this door come on take down this door there we go workmen I'm so sorry you chose a very poor day to get on as a law that's a there's a sniper right there there's a sniper right back in we go back in we go take out this door all there's an armed guard warden's office sorry warden no hard feelings so we suddenly all back one of our friends is dead but apparently he's gonna serve 22 hours in solitary is a dead body but uh don't mind me don't mind me low set people just walking on by just walking on by just walking on just gonna walk on out of here don't need to worry about me let's just gonna waltz on out of the prison now sadly rush cutoff is dead and Breezer is down but everyone else stabbed some firemen on the way out let's go home are we all getting chased and shot at run for it run for it we've done it ladies and gentlemen we've done it excluding the dead and unconscious people that is a solid Bromfield has made an escape cold well make a run for it my friend make a run fruit ah he's not quite made it he got shot oh he's not made I be he's down all in all I'd say that's a successful run let's get rid of them from the squad Bromfield and Peterson they made it out these were the victims I see the victims are just gonna layer on top of each other now did we kill this many people I don't remember killing this many people I thought we had a perfectly normal time in prison the alarms are still going off in the background I've noticed I don't think the alarms are ever going to an end this is a lot of policemen there's all the armed guards there's or the min-sik are the medium security uh it was a mistake to let me have access to them all the doctors the chefs the gardeners I don't remember kill many gardeners have you killed late well for accountants or the dogs Oh dogs yeah I'd say that wasn't bad at all two days 19 hours 4770 to school I have been the spiffing Bert ladies and gentlemen if you've enjoyed this video please do give it a like if you want more prison architect give me a shout in the comment section tell me what you want to see what a monstrosity a huge thank you as always to my majestic patrons these are fantastic people each and every one of you thank you if you want a video to watch next then I strongly recommend this one on screen here you're gonna love it trust me I've chosen it especially for you I'll see all of you in the next one have a lovely evening [Music]
Channel: The Spiffing Brit
Views: 1,462,583
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: using fire in escape mode prison architect is broken, prison architect, prison architect is broken, prison architect is a perfectly balanced game with no exploits, Perfectly Balanced Game, The forestry challenge, tree only prison architect, rt game, Prison architect battle royale, prison architect riot, prison architect gameplay, spiffing brit, grand strategy, lets play, battle royale, funny, comedy video, indie game, management game, funny clips, escape mode challenge
Id: kKws7Wt20e0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 15sec (1275 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 05 2019
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