How to be a GOLD DIGGER (NEVER Work again! Response to School of Affluence)

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[Applause] [Music] man it's getting pretty late I wonder where she ad - well count my money [Music] Jeremy B it's so nice to meet you hey hey how you doing huh nice to meet you I was looking forward to this me too that's an interesting and tight outfit a choice for a restaurant like this yeah I like my clothes tight so everyone can see my womanly figure anyway can I have some cash what I just thought we can speed this up and seeing that you have the money and I'm me you could spare like fifty thousand that's nothing for a man of your stature yeah I mean my kids still in the car and everything and I gotta go drop her off at her deadbeat father's house oh yeah I gotta go pick up my dad from the retirement home he's waiting for me you see the trippy I'm sitting in my car in the kitty do you secure the bike hello YouTube welcome back to the channel my name is Michele McDaniel I'm a personal trainer a proud mother of a pug a past theatre nerd gone grown-up cosplayer and this is my channel my thoughts will probably offend you where I share my thoughts that will probably offend at least one person even before they watch the whole video so if there is something anything that is offending you today right now tell us in the comments section does this little piece of hair that keeps the king up a say to you oh it's not up right now but it will be throughout the video I'm sure it'll fin and trigger somebody but while you're down in the comment section expressing what is offending you so badly this fine whatever damn posting this you might as well hit that subscribe button so you can express us what's fitting you on a regular basis because I post two to three times a week okay today ladies and boys we are all inclusive we are learning how to attract rich don't be rich men I have been searching for a rich man that can buy me a new car for Yoshii this one specifically what's my baby deserves the finer things in life things that I don't have to pay for because boobs anyway so a video popped up titled six things women do to turn rich men not just any man rich soft and it got me thinking that I probably do most of the things it's not all the things on that list is that why risk guys always fade away from me story time well it's kind of long should I tell I can I'll condense it so I had a client and her husband was extremely rich so we're like the single-digit percentile of America like how rich they were and this is when I would go to rich people's houses and train them in their insane gyms that are in their house that they rarely ever use I don't understand why so many rich people have aged in state-of-the-art full-on like gym in their house that they just don't use ever anyway so I was waiting in the gym for the wife and the husband strolls on in sunglasses still on diamond studded sunglasses for insight you you can take them off once you walk inside but no he leaves them on he was like a cartoon you went to my gym well he would wear the diamond-studded son Gus in the gym matchy-matchy gym attire have to talk to all the fit chicks with that cheesy smile always would lead with I have a blank car overly tan skin and everything a cartoon she's a rich person with you in a cartoon he would do anyway he comes and he goes Michelle what is your favorite car I most likely having and me being the uneducated stereotypical woman when it comes to cars I don't even know the name of my car okay that's how bad it is so I say the only car that I kind of know minivan and he scoffed at me he rich person scoffed at me anyway after that he tried to invite me to our kelly's white party that was a big fat no and then he tried to invite me to this exclusive Playboy Mansion party no no no not happening so a week later the wife tells me my husband doesn't like you okay I should care why I don't like him either I'm guessing he didn't like me because he can't impress me with his worldly possessions but this video popped up of this elegance expert that's what it says here in this video elegance expert reacts to Oscars 2020 outfit so I'm not really gonna fact-checked if she actually is one I'm just gonna roll with it but her whole channel is basically how to look rich how to act rich how to be elegant and most importantly how to find a rich man we're to meet rich men in the summer three simple ways to get noticed by a rich man 1 million views a lot of people trying to bag a rich man stop gold digger shaming by things that never say to rich people do rich men like plastic surgery on women why rich handsome men marry unattractive women but for this video I'm gonna focus on this video I want to know what I did wrong why couldn't I bag a rich guy to pay for yoshi's car Yoshii I'm sorry I failed you let's look at the video now first a little disclaimer now I'm not here to offend anybody I'm not saying that if you do any of these mistakes you're a bad person or you buy somebody and that I'm so much better than you oh good I'm glad she put a disclaimer I was about to write a whole paragraph insulting her looks for personality even though I know nothing about her her whole livelihood right in that comment section before even watching the video you know how some people do to me in my comment section the disclaimer was pretty much saying that she is generalizing all Richmond so we all know rich guys or men in general who are watching that this is not every single rich guy I've met some very poor men that are just butt faces okay we get it calm down number one nail polish girl's ass book it's an absolute man and you know what they say they really don't like when women do not wear anything on their nails already screwed up I rarely ever wear nails or nail polish even if their nails are like manicured they want to have some form of nail polish even if it's some pink or beige or anything as long as there is some nail polish actually on my old job I was looking at this Fitness Magazine and there was this bomb me body gorgeous face muscular but still very curvy woman I was reading you know all the stuff on the site about her and my sleazy gross fringy boss walks by and says huh zooms into the magazine hmm she should have put nails on or something that's not good as my hands look like SpongeBob's and I mean it does look nicer and more put together I see so many girls nails looking amazing and it looks so pretty I'm so jealous and then I try to do it and it doesn't work long now how am I gonna type I type every single day I can't do this even nail polish it takes so long to dry I talk with my hands and how do you expect me to not pay Yoshi so number two women who are constantly on their phones mother I felt it again being on my phone it's my job I have to eat I've spoken to so many rich men who bring this up as a reoccurrence annoyance in them maybe because rich men have something a bigger ego that they want to always be the center of attention I don't know true not all but very true that guys I talked about in the beginning you always had to be the center of attention [Applause] you always have to make sure everybody knew he had money that's why he wore the diamond studded sunglasses into the gym so people know that he's got money but in reality we all thought he was weird I know that this bothers them you know when the woman is all the time on what's up or the Instagram taking selfies okay that's different if you're having a conversation with someone and they're just on their phone and taking selfies and just being rude that's annoying a few of my friends who aren't really friends anymore who are getting sucked into this la lifestyle the beginning stages of their new lifestyle I would be talking to them and having like a really deep conversation and I look over and I see them just on their phone taking selfies when I ask a question and they follow it up with look what this guy said in my comment section he's rich I don't think that's a rich guy thing I think that's just everybody is annoyed by that number three wear too much makeup I wonder if cosplay counts what I've spoken to men and especially after I've created my online training business for women and I asked the man like what advice would you give women now that bothers you and they always say like why do women have to wear so much makeup I've heard this before the whole general statement of men like natural-looking women but I love those guys that post a picture of a natural woman but she actually has a crap ton of makeup on her face it's just a more natural look but there's guys out there that think this this isn't wearing makeup if you are really turning yourself into somebody that you really don't look like and you have like really thick layers of makeup that when you are walking in daylight and people can see that that just doesn't look very elegant and just looks so obvious I get what she and what the other guys are saying makeup is supposed to enhance your natural beauty instead of making it look like a completely different person something I do want to say there's something I noticed with almost every single rich couple that I've had but men want their wife to be very classy very elegant very put together very well-spoken but then there sighs [ __ ] crazy fun a lot of makeup and knots classy a few of my old friends are those party girls and they still get that money basically bad mom Mindy from the beginning of this video ten thousand dollars minimum when hanging out with these ultra rich guys okay so you know if they met some women like in the restaurant or a bar or whatever in the next she's numbers and then they've made up like on a proper first date and like in a very nice high-end place like a beautiful restaurant and the woman walks in like dressed like a like dressed like super [ __ ] huh this just proves my point a little bit more I get the whole lady in the streets but a freak in the sheets type thing but like I've said I've worked with a lot of rich families and this girl seems like she's worked with just a lot of rich men but the wives know that their husbands are cheating and they'll show me like the girls that the men are cheating with and they all look like those Instagram girls very revealing party chick type woman so the clarification is these richman like their wives to be elegant and their side chicks to be IG girls I am all about female empowerment I don't wanna bash other women look down another woman etc this is not the purpose here but it's something about like dress appropriate to where you're going and I totally agree with this one you don't want to show up in a high-end restaurant and be dressed like this number five swearing failed failed this one - I don't curse very often especially like in real life it's just not part of me but if you are acting like a dumb I will foul language it up right up your rich having full language speaking like a truck driver well being just like having this aggressive tone in your voice they really don't like that a lot of Richmond do not like out spoken women just like that guy people do using that guy as an example just because he was straight out of a cartoon straight out of a cartoon and I always spoke my mind around the wife around him if I found something ridiculous I would talk about it and that's most likely why he didn't like me but I really can't take it it was just really funny to see his face just frustrated that I didn't conform to what he was saying and the other funny thing is that this guy originally wanted his wife to work out with me he found out that I was a trainer and really like pumped up his wife's like oh you should work out with her don't you want a body like hers she has a great body and he started getting muscular and she had a like a thinner frame so she wanted to put on weight so she started getting muscular it was lifting way more than I ever deadlifting pull-ups just getting overall stronger and with the added muscle that she put on her personality started to change she was finally sticking up for herself and found some damn strength to call his out and he did not like that but I loved it basically having masculine speech in you you know having full language like swearing a lot he's very masculine like that is not feminine this one ARC's me because my dad is one of those rich guys who thinks that women should not curse ironic that he got cursed with my ass the whole acts like a lady thing just makes me want to not act like a lady my dad was around football players as well and you know what type of conversation goes on on the field and in the locker room no one says anything women have the audacity to use foul language an aggressive tone aka speak up for herself and call you out not feminine not attractive I hate that zip oh she throwing up my camera is probably and not feminine good same thing is like having an aggressive direct tone that is also very how can I save masculine and man especially rich man they tend not to like that so much yes ladies don't curse never be direct do not be aggressive okay Shh close your lips don't speak because rich men they tend to value a lot feminine women they find that extremely sexy and attractive and you know they want to be the masculine because they have the money they have the power so they usually love to connect with that energy while the woman should be more feminine I mean she is speaking the truth there's nothing but truth here when speaking about like a generalization of rich men money equals power and the person with money doesn't want someone who has less money and less power than them being aggressive how dare you only people with money and a cucumber can be aggressive duh number six is basically do you girls know that I'm all about having financial assistance from men I don't know if this happens often but it seems like it does since she had to put it in her list but I remember one of my friends showed me her text with this rich guy and it was very odd when it was just like conversation conversation can I have money receiving financial support to receiving materialistic gifts I think it's very masculine when a man provides and the woman receives and especially when a woman gives back to the man with her nurturing female energy stop it she means s e ex okay she means se ex and nurture their man parts shall we talk about Hollywood and their nurturing habit it's extremely interesting how many rich individuals men and women exchange money for this it's very normal in like the normal people rich world so just imagine what happens when you get into celebrity status money craziness that's what any way finding Richmond is all the rage right now and it's very simple these days there's website there's dating at their social media I don't know how many I'm about to comment or a message saying I'm a sugar daddy looking for a sugar baby you look like someone who wants to be spoiled and that's why do you hold the sugar baby look in some of my costumes I make my own money but like I said it's very easy to find a rich guy if you're trying to find someone that's rich go to a gym in a rich area they will talk to you I personally love when I can't tell that someone is rich so I know not all rich people are like that but once again this video was a generalization of Richmond and just know if I ever get rich you will never know because I'll still be shopping at Ross also just be clear no hate towards anyone who's trying to find a rich man not my thing but I would definitely recommend maybe making your own money working to get on that level of the rich man so that you don't have to worry about if you do these list of six things that are attractive or unattractive to rich men you can be yourself with your own money your choices your life your attitude your aggressiveness anyway that's all for me all of my social medias are linked below for your convenient and of course yoshi's instagrams link below - she's not like her mom she is full-on trying to find herself a sugar puppy juicy so hop her out she's trying to get her car I'll see you guys next time thanks so much for watching you see the GP unfitted up in my car in the kitty do you secure the bag I get the bun [Music] you see the drippy unfitted and my karma kitty secured to Mikey I get to bust open on the flexors frets on over scale like bone crunch my line busy signal car feels like steaks in the gas good girl
Channel: My Thoughts Will Probably Offend You
Views: 108,165
Rating: 4.8981242 out of 5
Keywords: how to find a rich guy to marry, how to find a rich guy online, how to find a rich guy to date, RICH MEN, MEN WITH MONEY, SUGAR DADDY, 6 THINGS WOMEN DO THAT TURN RICH MEN OFF, jetsetbabe, luxury, millionaire, millionaire mindset, millionaire dating, millionaire dating site, millionaire dating app, dating, dating coach, how to find rich men, upper class, turn men on, wealthy men, dating advice, billionaire, billionaire dating, billionaire dating sites, billionaire dating app
Id: r_6Lyh49NWo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 11sec (1031 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 29 2020
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