Billionaire's Son Trying To Be Relatable

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Tfw the aliens attempt to pretend to be humans so they can assimilate better and destroy us from the inside

👍︎︎ 11 👤︎︎ u/Retconnn 📅︎︎ Feb 08 2019 🗫︎ replies
👍︎︎ 8 👤︎︎ u/jawkneecache 📅︎︎ Feb 08 2019 🗫︎ replies

That guy does not sound happy at all.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/ArtBlackeyCat 📅︎︎ Feb 08 2019 🗫︎ replies


👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Feb 08 2019 🗫︎ replies
Bobby Meisner One of the greatest artists of our generation. If you guys aren't familiar with Bobby Meisner he's a youtuber that has blown up a little bit recently. A couple months ago he posted this video called LIFE of a BILLIONAIRE'S SON It's a video talking about how his dad was like a really successful businessman and sold a company for a lot of money when he was pretty young and now Bobby has more money than he knows what to do with. Needless to say six figures. He was only four Well, not really I think he was like 15 when his dad sold the company But nevertheless Bobby has been taking time out of his busy billionaire schedule to show us peasants what it's like to have so much money that you could literally buy-- a country So today I just kind of wanted to watch a couple of Bobby's videos and get a little bit of a glimpse into the life of a billionaire son. See what it's like. Maybe check out some of the crazy parties he has some of the wild adventures he goes on. It's gonna be lit. So this is a video that Bobby posted in November It's called life of a billionaire son. And so many people in the commentary community especially I've already talked about this video So I'm gonna sort of skim through it. This video is sort of like a summary of his life up till this point. "Your life, is like a movie and You're the main character so why wouldn't you make it the greatest movie you've ever seen" because... my favorite movie's Star Wars and Jedi aren't real. I like that the first thing he says in this video clues you into the fact that he has like no idea what normal people's lives are like He just kind of assumes everybody has the ability to make their lives like this hollywood-esque Movie, I mean honestly, why doesn't everybody just make their lives a fucking movie, dude? How hard is it to be born into wealth? Can't be that hard cuz I did it and I'm super lazy. "Who is Bobby? Basically a little bit of a misfit kid" (Danny) Aw "a kid who has everything. Bobby likes to live life fast fast cars beautiful girls parties" Bobby's just a misfit kid. That's who he is. He doesn't fit in you wouldn't understand him He's only into weird quirky things like beautiful girls and fast cars and parties poor guy. Nobody understands him So then he explains a little bit about his life and how he grew up He actually grew up living with his mom because his parents were divorced and until he was 15 He grew up a pretty average life his mom wasn't like super wealthy or anything He says he wasn't really rich, but he wasn't really poor but when Bobby was 15 That's when everything changed. His dad sold his company for a lot of money and I guess Bobby was just like peace mom I'm gonna go I'm gonna go live with dad. He's ballin out here So I'm just gonna, I'm just gonna go be a billionaire if that's cool "This is when he sold his company for 300 million dollars then my life changed forever" His dad sold this company for 300 million dollars and that's how I became the son of a billionaire or wait He must have invested it? "I moved to Europe My dad started getting a lot of nice things." Yeah, my dad started getting a lot of nice things It just sounds so weird for him to be saying it in such a cool voice Sounds so weird to brag about something your dad did. My dad started bringing a lot of really pretty girls Around and my dad has a really good work ethic and I was also there "We got a villa in San Tropez *rock music* Houses in Monaco" Then there's this whole section called "Stereotypes" In this section He talks about how he's always hated how rich kids have this negative stigma where people assume that just because he's rich and he's inherited wealth that he is some spoiled brat who has no respect for responsibility and No work ethic and that's always been something that bothered him. And then he tells the story about how for his 18th birthday He played hooky from his elite private boarding school and went to the south of France to party and that's how we beat that stereotype, I guess "I started a YouTube channel I also partnered with my best friend Brandon to create Candyland productions in order to make a living out of something we love by creating films for brands and artists I'm even going to be creating videos for the legendary musician, Julian Pareto" Anyway, the whole gist of this video is that he's trying to convince you that he's not your typical rich kid He's not your average billionaire son Because he's got ambition and a vision and a YouTube channel and I guess his vision for this YouTube channel is to create branded and sponsored videos for companies and that's how he's gonna make money and that's how he's going to Make his own dreams come true and build his own Empire. So... Will it work? This is his most recent video. It's called billionaire's holiday in Cape Town South Africa "Art is the closest we come to experiencing how a stranger feels" Who said that? Why does that quote have no citation? It's in quotes like somebody famous said it but it doesn't tell you who. Doesn't matter who I guess. Doesn't matter who said it because someone said it and if someone said it than it must be true. AAAA! Oh I thought he was a ghost for a second That would be an interesting twist if he was like, I'm not like other rich kids. I've been dead for 20 years. "Hey. How are you?" Good? "Good!" "For those of you don't know me my name is Bobby I'm a 23 year old Australian American citizen and I've been living in the UK since the age of 15 My favorite color is red" There's something really weird about this shot like right from the start I kind of got a weird vibe from it It's just I don't know kind of strange the way he's looking into the camera and all the like the awkward pauses. The weird ambient wind sound I feel like he's just looking right into my soul like he's looking right through the camera through the internet out of my computer screen and right into my wallet and judging how poor I am. I don't like this. He knows he knows how much money is in my bank account He knows it's not a billion dollars and he's disappointed "Now there's one thing that I love more than anything Do you know what that is? Filmmaking, I love it more than fast cars more than jets Girls parties candy Christmas you get it?" Yeah, I get it I know what good things are you don't have to keep listing good things cuz I know what those are I know what good things are. "I love filmmaking. I'm pretty good at it too." Yep. You could say I'm pretty good at filmmaking I mean the cameraman did just run into a tree and instead of redoing the take I just went with it, but that was an artistic choice Because I'm an artist. "Recently I made a promotional campaign" You can tell that the cameraman keeps running into these tree branches that are on the side of this alleyway cuz they keep jiggling every time he walks by them Maybe they should have picked a better spot to film this then this random alleyway I assume he's got like a mansion with a long hallway he could have filmed this in. It probably would have been a better attention-grabber than just walking down this plain-looking alley It's just such a weird and avoidable thing to not have your cameraman getting whacked in the back of the head with a tree branch every five seconds. "Now that you've got to know me a bit better, I want to know you. I want to know what makes you tick What your passion is?" Oh, well, I like to pet my dog. I like making YouTube videos. I like to make music- "Anyway London is pretty cold." *Danny with pouty voice* Why'd you even ask if you don't care? "London is pretty cold so It's time for us to go on a journey What?!? This video is so awkward so far. It's just like so much awkward silence between his lines I feel like they should have done some jump cuts or something and then the end he just feels like it's too cold in London so let's get out of here and then he walks away and I don't know what I expected maybe for him to get in like a nice car and drive away or for it to just cut but the way he just like walks in silence Away, like what? Is he gonna walk? To the airport. So then it turns into a bit of a travel vlog. He goes to the airport with his friend There's this 30-second clip of his friend. Just insulting him your adoptive Mom you ran away from your mom for your floating hand so that's weird talking about how like he abandoned his mom to go live with his dad and Reap the benefits of having a rich dad all pretty mean things to say I mean I guess they're true If we're to believe what he said maybe he hired this guy to like keep him humble or something Is that a thing that rich people do? We just tried to sign in and we got a screen that says your flight departs from different terminal We are really not off to a good start here at the airport They find out that they're at the wrong Terminal for their flight and they're gonna be late to their flight because they have to go all the way to another terminal So this fast-paced music kicks in they start running to their gate for a second You're sort of like on the edge of your seat. You're like, oh no, I hope they make it I hope they make their flight and they don't have to reschedule but then they start like stopping to dance and Just stand around and talk in the middle of this intense running sequence when they're supposedly about to miss their flight and it immediately makes you not nervous that they're gonna miss their flight anymore because it's Pretty clear that they're not really very worried about it And even if they are gonna miss your flight, you feel like they kind of deserve it because they're just standing around in filming There's a shot at Bobby's friend running by while Bobby films Which was clearly staged because Bobby had to go ahead and then wait for his friend to run past so they obviously didn't film that While running cuz Bobby's not running, but the tension keeps building They're sprinting even their luggage knows that they're in a rush and it's just flying down the hallway And then there's this shot which I am just So confused about I have so many questions. What is this? What is going on here? What is this? What are they dancing? Bobby's just sort of like doing this his friend is like skipping like what the fuck is going on? They're gonna miss their flight. They're too busy dancing. And also who's filming this. I thought it was just them two at the airport that's what the entire rest of the video made it seem like and now all the sudden there's a random other person filming them from This weird like blocked off section. They're like behind glass. This is so confusing It all makes you wonder were they ever even late because they stopped an awful lot to film. You can't deny that It's good filmmaking now because you know what, they say a good filmmaker always leaves his audience questioning everything if that is a quote Someone said that don't ask you but somehow Miraculously, they make their flight and they get to Cape Town South Africa Oh every welcome to South Africa where the mountains meet the sea The girls are beautiful and the party's a while. And of course want to Bobby's favors Boss cause those three things that Bobby loves that just makes it so he can't fit in anywhere You can't relate to anybody because he's got such a weird interest beautiful girls who likes that shit gross So this is where the branded aspect of the content starts to come into play Apparently this whole video is an advertisement for this like luxury car lounge where you can go and hang out and rent luxury cars So the two boys are two boys show up. They both high-five the same person When I first saw that cut I think that the the cut of him doing the trick on that skateboard is just like a random Cut that he throws into transition but I thought at first that he was trying to make it seem like he said that he said why don't we go up to the VIP lounge and then Immediately like did a kickflip on the skateboard like he's been on the skateboard the entire time I thought that was a really weird editing choice for him to make it seem like he's like hey Let's go up to the VIP lounge and then just does a kickflip. Is that a kickflip? I don't know. What a kickflip is So now they're in this area with all these cool cars Bobby's impressing all the girls with his cool skateboard tricks And at first I thought that this was the VIP lounge that he was talking about It's just a giant room full of cars But apparently this is just a sequence where they're walking through this section to get to the VIP lounge So finally they show up in the VIP lounge Everyone takes a seat Bobby and his friend pour themselves a drink and they give a little speech Let's take them out. Let's get the whole crew. That's all of us here. Let's get all of us Let's make sure that we get all of us and let's go take out the Porsche in the Ferrari so Did they just go up to the VIP lounge? to say that to say Let's go we have cars to drive. I'm so confused by the progression of this video They like walk through the nice cars to get to the VIP lounge and then the second they sit down there they're like Let's go check out the cars and then they walk back Downstairs to go check out the cars that they were literally just walking past I guess they had to go to the lounge because they're advertising this whole place and I want to show off the VIP lounge But then why didn't they just start in the VIP lounge? Why did they start in like the normal-looking lobby? They could have just started in the VIP lounge I also like that Bobby starts off his speech by saying the good news is that we have a Porsche and a Ferrari to take Out today as if there's gonna be bad news along with it because usually when you say the good news is That's then followed up by but the bad news is and then you say something bad But in this case, there's no bad news cuz they're all rich He's like the bad news is oh, wait, are we all still rich? Okay, we're all still rich. So there's no bad news We're good. Let's go take the cars. Let's make sure we get the whole crew this time guys whole crew all six of us So let's make sure that we are the whole crew when we go down there anyway I guess they give their little speech the two boys pound their drinks that they're just poured for themselves and then they go for a fast Drive All right, yes now it's time for some sick car action they finally got the cars out This is what I assume the whole video is supposed to be about Showing off the sweet cars that you can go to this place and rent for the day So let's check out some of this sweet car action What So after like 20 seconds of driving around I guess the police showed up and we're like hey you can't Race here that's illegal and they have to stop getting arrested in a foreign country is not very fun So it was time for us to get the fuck out of here They just barely avoided getting arrested I think looks like they got away clean this time because they drove away in their fast cars so that's the end of the whole video and now I'm kind of Confused this whole video and I guess the premise for Bobby meissner's entire channel is I'm not a spoiled rich kid I have a work ethic. I have a vision I'm gonna create Sponsored content so he created this video for this exotic car club Which first off seems like a really nice thing to advertise like what percentage of Bobby's viewers do you think are also? billionaire sons that can afford to go to an exotic car club But even with that being said like is this a good? advertisement for this exotic car club it sort of makes it seem like if you take these cars out onto the road you're gonna get Arrested I will give them props though, if that car area does look pretty fun to walk through I would have no problem walking through that Walking back on through it and walking right back on through again Bobby's channels So interesting to me because he's the son of a billionaire He has like everything that you could ever ask for but his YouTube videos are still not Very good and that's not to say that they could it be there are plenty of really rich people who make just fine YouTube videos, I mean Will Smith is an insanely rich person, but he puts a lot of work and money into his YouTube videos I'm not saying that Will Smith's YouTube videos are my favorite YouTube videos I'm just saying that's an example of somebody who has blown up on YouTube making Content that people like I guess it just goes to show that no matter how much money you have How rich your dad is that doesn't necessarily mean that you're gonna be good at YouTube It takes work, it takes practice and it takes the whole krill you got to make sure you have the whole crew going Anyway, Greg. I hope you enjoyed this little look into a billionaires life. But now it's time to hear from our sponsor Hey guys, it's me. Danny from the video. You just watched and this is my data. I love my data so much I love storing it looking at it Petting it I even love sharing it with my friends sometimes but what I don't love is when websites and hackers and other online Scoundrels try to steal my precious information. It's mine and it's private you think I want people seeing this No one can ever see this It would ruin me. That's why I use Express VPN expressvpn offers So many features anonymity and privacy so you can't be tracked by websites or your internet service provider the ability to unblock content That's not available in your country, but most importantly to me Security nobody's gonna steal this data. 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That's expr ESS VPN comm slash Danny gonzalez for three months free with a one-year package visiting expressvpn comm slash. Danny gonzalez Not only helps you guys keep your internet secure, but it also helps support this channel so thank you to expressvpn for sponsoring this video and thank you to you guys for Checking out expressvpn. Alright guys. Well, I hope you enjoyed this video really quick Thank you guys for the overwhelming response to the slime video that I posted last week I was obviously hoping that that would be well-received since I put a lot of time and effort That video and the response to it is like completely blown me away I've gotten way better feedback than I thought I would so thank you guys for enjoying that that's definitely something that I've wanted to do more of I've been making Comedy music like this since I was in high school and I sort of stopped doing it once I started doing commentary I really liked doing the music stuff So hopefully you guys like it too and I will continue to try to shoehorn that into all of my videos. Just kidding Not all of them, but some of them as I said before you can stream slime on any major streaming service I will put the link to that in the description or you can just search Danny Gonzalez on modify or iTunes or anything like that? You can also still get merch at Danny Gonzalez dots store and with that being said Thank you. Pepperoni Stromboli for turning out my notifications. You are truly Gregg I'll see you guys next time where I rub a lamp and a man comes out and he grants my wishes
Channel: undefined
Views: 7,546,372
Rating: 4.9413371 out of 5
Keywords: danny gonzalez, funny, commentary, bobby misner, rich, spoiled, brat, billionaires, son, spoiled teen, life of a billionaires son, billionaire, trying, relatable
Id: wrr9J7BJ6vE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 21sec (1161 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 31 2019
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