Lil Tay Has Disappeared

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WHAts up greg its me danny, back with another episode of, please dont make fun of my haircut, yes i know it makes my head look like a pineapple,no, i didnt think it would look this bad, but you're just going to have to deal with it for the rest of this video or untill it grows back. so, sorry. Lil tay, the Internets youngest flexer, is gone. the 9 year old instagram superstar that was sweeping the nation not weeks ago, has just, vanished. All of the posts on her instagram are gone. her youtube is gone, her twitter is gone. I don't know if she had a Twitter, but she definitely doesn't now. Like, every trace of Lil Tay on the Internet is gone. Honestly, this is a really sad day for me because, as we all know, Lil Tay is gold for reaction channels. There's nothing else reaction channels love more than just bullying nine-year-old girls until they have to leave the Internet because we bullied them so much. Obviously, I'm joking about myself wanting to do that. But the amount of, like, hate that Lil Tay got on the Internet is absurd. If you don't know who Lil Tay is yet, somehow, get ready to have your mind blown. Lil Tay is the self-proclaimed "youngest flexer of the century," or something like that. She got popular at first, I think, because she was in a RiceGum video where she was pretending to flex her watch or something like that. Hey bitches, this is Lil Tay, and I'm the youngest flexer of the century. Bitch, I have a hundred thou' on my wrist. Okay. Okay. The watch is $50. You're like 21 or some shit. [record scratch] Maybe because I am 21 years old? But since then, she's been seen in videos with Woah Vicky, who's that white girl that thinks she's black. I'm black. She was in that fight video where Woah Vicky and Danielle Bregoli got into a bit of a s-spat. Is that a word that describes fighting? Is that a spat? Sure. But her real claim to fame, the real bread and butter of Lil Tay, if you will, are videos of her flexing with very expensive houses and cars. And all in all, as she released these videos, it just sent the Internet into a tizzy. It sent the internet into a big ol' tizzy because she's nine years old, and she's bragging on the Internet about how she's so much more successful than you. Here's an example of one of Lil Tay's famous flexing videos. This is Lil Tay, let me tell y'all something. This shit cost more than your rent, my toilet cost more than your rent, everything in my bathroom cost more than your rent, and see this is my closet, everything here be designer: Gucci, Louis, Versace. And also, when I was six years old, I lived in Atlanta and I was broke as heeeeell! But one day I woke up, I said to myself, "I ain't gonna be broke no more." So I got up and I started working hard, moving bricks, and now we be living in the Hills. See that view? Y'all don't have that view. AND I be holding your mama's rent. This bed cost me a Lamborghini, and I worked hard. So if y'all work hard, y'all can accomplish your dreams just like I did. So there you go. I mean, that--that's what it feels like to get flexed on by a nine-year-old, just in case you were ever wondering. I know that's a thought that crossed through my I had a lot before Lil Tay. I was like, "What would it be like if there was this infant that was ten times richer than me, and really wanted me to know?" There's been a lot of commentary channels on YouTube that have been posting videos about Lil Tay, and making fun of her and trying to, like, drag her down, and like I just don't understand why people are taking it so seriously. Like, the girl's nine! It's obviously just like a joke that she came up with with her brother or her mom or something like that. And sure, maybe it's a bit exploitive if it's someone older than her taking advantage of her, then that's weird, sure, but don't make fun of Lil Tay. She's nine. It's not just reaction channels that have been really up in arms about Lil Tay. Just look at the comments on her own Instagram pictures. These are all gone now because her account has been deleted, but if you just google like "Lil Tay comments," like look at this: "You're a dumbass little girl. Clout chaser!" "Don't make me find your dad and beat his ass for doing a horrible job at raising you." "Get the fuck out, go ling ling yang somewhere else, you haven't even hit puberty yet, Lil Shit." Like, Jesus dude, she's nine! Can you even imagine getting that mad at a nine-year-old girl? Like, how serious do you have to take these Instagram videos where she's like "flexing on you" to get so mad that you comment shit like this on a nine-year-old's Instagram? Like, you have to be personally offended by her flexing to get that mad. ...message to all y'all broke ass haters. Oh! [noises of disagreement] This is why all y'all fucking haters hate me, bitch! No. This shit cost me 200,000! No, no, NO! This little nine-year-old thinks that her car is cooler than mine! I could buy a car ten times cooler than that!! I just.. I have all my money tied up in investments right now... So I can't--I--I'm not going to, but I could. So I think one of the reasons that led to Lil Tay's disappearance is that after all of this, it came out that Lil Tay's mom was a real estate agent in Vancouver, I believe, and was using all of the houses that she was showing to film videos for Lil Tay's Instagram. So all of the houses, and even the cars that she was flexing with on Instagram, were owned by her mom's clients or her mom's boss in one case, which is pretty hilarious. I mean, I wouldn't want Lil Tay's mom working for me, and she did get fired which is even funnier, but the fact that they were trolling so hard, I gotta respect it a little bit. It's a solid troll. And then, another video came out where Lil Tay's older brother, who I think is like, fifteen or sixteen, is like, coaching her from behind the camera on what to say in a YouTube video. Go back, go back and say like, "No, you--you--you broke--broke ass bitch You still--you--you out here?" So it came out that all of Lil Tay's Instagram videos were fake, and she's not really this nine year old self-made millionaire, and she's not really this like, money-making pimp from Atlanta who dropped out of Harvard, and for some reason everyone was shocked. Why? Why? Why would you-- Call me crazy, but I was suspecting that the whole thing was fake the whole time. You wanna know why? Because she's nine. One of the last things Lil Tay did before she disappeared into the net was go on Good Morning America where she did an interview. And the video is so weird because it's like, it tries to take this halfway position between being like, "This little girl is disrespectful. She shouldn't be flexing on us like this. Where'd she get all this money???" And also, "It's obviously fake. It's all obviously fake." It tries to take this, like, middle ground where they're like, accusing her of being both disrespectfully rich and also faking the whole thing. [applause] ...controversial social media star 'Lil Tay', just nine years old; She and her mom are drawing fire for the outrageous behavior posted online. Nightline's Juju Chang sat down with both of them in LA and Juju--Boy, this mom has a lot to answer for. Absolutely George. Good morning to you .You know, Little Tay is a nine-year-old-- Little Tay. It says Lil. Her name is Lil. So you were allowed to say Lil, 'cause her name is Lil Tay. Don't--you don't have to... unabbreviate it... to Little Tay. She's come here to Hollywood to pursue her dreams of being a social media star. Now, child stardom is nothing new, but her "act," involves cursing up a storm and even pretending to do drugs. [panic] Not cursing! Cursing up a storm?! Well that--that says it all right there. Lil Tay's gotta go. She's cursing, on the Internet of all places?? [scoffs] I've never seen such a thing in all my life. It's raising alarm bells about good parenting. Is it exploitation? Is it borderline abusive? I spoke with Little Tay who says it's all her idea. Is it exploitation? Is it abusive? Well, I asked the nine-year-old daughter who claims to own a Rolls Royce and be a millionaire, and she said it's not, and I think we can believe her of all people. She's the nine-year-old whose outrageous stunts, [aggressive kicking] who's getting tons of notoriety, and a whopping two million followers on Instagram. Juju [in slight disbelief]: You're like a legit fan of her? Man [enthusiastically]: A legit--legit fan. How would you respond to critics who would say, "Oh, you're just gonna try to profit off your daughter now." No one's forcing me to do this. That's not true that she wants to make money off of me. Voiceover: And what about those homes she claims to own? Voiceover: GMA talked to mom Angie's former boss at a Vancouver real estate firm, who told us Little Tay filmed using his car and some of his properties for sale, all without his approval. What?! They're not her cars or her houses? [chuckles] Yeah, okay, next you're gonna tell me she didn't really drop out of Harvard. Lil Tay: I didn't shoot in anyone else's house Juju: You didn't shoot in anyone else's house? Just like-- Lil Tay: No one has proof that I did. Voiceover: And who's behind the shocking content? [laughs] They just leave it at that? "I didn't shoot in anyone else's house." "Wait, you didn't?" "No you don't have any proof." Okay, let's just move on. Yeah, that seems like a good answer, right? We can believe her. Yeah? Okay. Cool, let's move on. Quality journalism at Good Morning America. One question; No follow-ups. Always believing that people are telling the truth. Voiceover: We spent time with Lil Tay and her family, six weeks after they moved from Canada to Hollywood. Lil Tay: I'm gon' have my name on one of these stars one day. Voiceover: We were surprised to find a precocious, soft-spoken nine-year-old. "We were surprised to find that it all appeared to be an act. Hmmm." Juju: What are all the things that you do? Lil Tay: Swimming, skating, piano... Mom: She is a well-mannered and a great kid. Juju: But that's not what comes across on the Internet. Lil Tay: People think it's like.. funny, I guess? 'Cause I'm nine years old and I've accomplished so much. STOP FLEXING ON ME! I'm sorry. Um.. [clearing throat] Sorry, I just get really mad when I get flexed on sometimes. Juju: I don't think a lot of people are believing that you're making millions of dollars, at nine. Lil Tay: If they don't believe that then I don't really, like, care. It's so weird that they're even entertaining the possibility that she might be who she says she is. 'Cause the--the interviewers like: "Now some people.. might not think that you're really as successful as you say you are." "Not that I'm--not that I'm saying that!" "I think we can all agree here that you are a millionaire." "But some people might get the weird delusion that it's impossible to own a car when you're nine years old. So what would you say to that?" Voiceover: As for her schooling... Lil Tay: I'm a Harvard dropout. Juju: What city is Harvard in? Lil Tay: Ummm, I kind of forgot, 'cause I haven't been there in a long time. OOOHHHHHHH REKT She just exposed her!! Nine-year-old Lil Tay exposed for not knowing where Harvard is. We caught her in her lie! This nine year old girl probably has never even been to Harvard, and this is the first time we have any reason to believe that she didn't go to Harvard. Juju: What's your reaction to all of the haters who are basically online bullying your daughter? Mom: We choose just not, ignore them. Mom: She has a passion. Passion and a dream. They're really easy on the mom, too. I think if anyone is to blame here, it's the mom for getting her daughter in this ridiculous situation. I think if we've learned anything from like child stars, it's that being famous at a really young age is not good for you. But they're just like, "So what's your opinion on people literally telling your daughter to fuck off and die on a daily basis?" "Don't you think that's bad for her?" And the mom's just like, "She has a passion." And they're just like... "Okay!" Also, what is the passion? Like all she does is post videos of her flexing. Is that the passion? It's just flexing? The name Lil Tay could imply that maybe she wants to be a rapper or something like that? But like, what is the passion? That's the most confusing thing about this. It's like what is Lil Tay? She just wants to be a professional flexer? We already have one of those and his name is Rice Gum. George: Juju, I'm glad you pressed her in those questions as well. I've got to tell you, I took a lot of heat at home last night from my girls for even giving Lil Tay a platform, because they say that what she does online is just inappropriate. [mimicking] "It's just inappropriate." [mimicking continues] "Honestly, it's all just too- is it appropriate? I mean, she's cursing, she's throwing money around. I mean gosh darn it!" [mimicking continues] "I've never seen anything like it. She's nine years old. She's cursing up a storm." "On the Internet of all places!" Juju: It is inappropriate, and there are a lot of questions about whether or not she should even be on social media. Technically, you have to be 13 to open an Instagram account. Is she too young for social media? You know they could be right about this. I think what they're getting at is Lil Tay is too young to be subject to the public eye. It's not good for kids. And I think they've really exemplified that by interviewing her and putting her on their TV show with millions of viewers. So honestly, I don't really have a problem with Lil Tay herself. If anything maybe the brother should know better or like the mom, I would hope is supervising all this, when she's like hanging out with rappers who are like blowing weed in her face, or that fight that broke out with Danielle Bregoli and Woah Vicki. The camera pans over and Lil Tay's just like standing there like... "I'm nine." "What? I'm nine, what am I doing here?" [laughs] Honestly I think it's for the best that Lil Tay takes some time off. If you just look at the videos when you search Lil Tay like the titles: "THIS VIDEO GOT LIL TAY'S MOM FIRED" HAAAAA Finally we took her down. Let's--we're gonna tear this family apart one step at a time! We're gonna get the mom fired, then we're gonna get the dad fired, then they're gonna get divorced, then Lil Tay is gonna get taken away and put in an orphanage! This is what I wanna see! "Lil Tay Ends Her Career (Breaks Character)" "LIL TAY JUST ENDED HER CAREER" Ha-ha! "Ten hour Lil Tay getting destroyed compilation" That's not a real one, but it could be, right? I think the most confusing thing about this whole situation is like, what was going to happen if this continued? Like where--was she just gonna keep posting videos like that, or did they have a plan to turn her into some sort of star? 'Cause she has a name like a rapper name. But she hasn't released any songs. Or actually, she has. And it's really weird, because I haven't seen anyone talk about this song, but she released a song called "Money Way." ♫ Lil Tay ♫ ♫ Money way ♫ ♫ Copped a Bentley coope on Tuesday ♫ ♫ Hundred on my wrist, fuck what you say (yeah) ♫ I know I said I wasn't gonna make fun of Lil Tay, but this song is objectively bad. And it's not her fault that she's nine and can't carry a beat, but it is objectively true that she is nine and cannot carry a beat. I'm sorry. I--I know I said I wasn't gonna make fun of her, but this song is bad. I think there's something really weird going on with Internet culture, where you see these young kids getting really famous, and then they just start flexing and that becomes their content. I think Rice Gum's the king of it. He's like constantly flexing his big house and his new thing and his other thing, and they spend $10,000 on a... sock. But like all the kids coming up on now are constantly like, posing in front of cars and buying Gucci outfits, Being like, "I just bought this Bentley and also, I'm 14 years old and don't know how to drive." It's just the funniest thing to me because it's like such an empty flex. It's like what are you gonna do? Just sit in the car? Now I know what a lot of you are probably thinking. Lil Tay leaving the Internet is a bit of a loss. It was such a weird situation to be flexed on by a nine-year-old, and you're never gonna find that anywhere else. Lil Tay's brother did tweet: "Don't worry! Me and my sister are going to change up our whole image for the better!" "We boutta to come back stronger than ever!" So maybe Lil Tay will come back eventually, but it sounds like she might not be flexing on us anytime soon, which is really heartbreaking. I mean, when again are you going to get told that you're a broke piece of shit by someone who's still in elementary school? Well for that, I think I might be able to help. It's time for a special return of Young Face. That's right. My rapper alter-ego: Young Face. I figured since we just lost a very important part of the Internet, I should try to help bandage the wound a little bit. So I've made a song in the spirit of one of these Lil Tay or Danielle Bregoli type people. So if you're gonna miss Lil Tay, you can just listen to this. ♫ piano introduction ♫ ♫ scurrrr ♫ ♫ yeah ♫ ♫ Tesla ♫ ♫ Ha-ha! ♫ ♫ Benz ♫ ♫ What y'all know about hopping out of $300,000 car? ♫ ♫ Hop out the whip ♫ ♫ Hop back in ♫ ♫ Yeah, hop out the whip, that's my shit ♫ ♫ Talk about, look at the look in your eyes when I hop out of the Porsche ♫ ♫ Hop out the Benz ♫ ♫ Hop out the Beamer, bitch ♫ ♫ I ain't gotta open the doors ♫ ♫ And I got a bad lil mama (Lil Mama!) ♫ ♫ She wanna go for a ride ♫ ♫ Jokes on her, I'm only 14 years old ♫ ♫ I do not know how to drive ♫ ♫ We just be sitting in the car ♫ ♫ We just be sitting in the whip ♫ ♫ I might hop right out right before I hop back in ♫ ♫ I've been working on my squats ♫ ♫ I've been working on my sprints ♫ ♫ I got a tramp in the garage ♫ ♫ I bought brand new kicks, so I can ♫ ♫ Hop out the whip ♫ ♫ Hop my back in (hop back in) ♫ ♫ Hop out the whip (hop out the whip) ♫ ♫ That's my shit (yeah) ♫ ♫ Hop out the whip (hop out the whip) ♫ ♫ Hop back in ♫ ♫ Hop out the whip (hop out the whip) ♫ ♫ Ooh, that's my shit ♫ ♫ This whipping is serious (serious) ♫ ♫ It ain't even funny (naw) ♫ ♫ These bitches be buggin' (buggin') ♫ ♫ I just stay hopping like bunnies ♫ ♫ Covered in carrots, what's up doc, can you look at my hip? ♫ ♫ I didn't take care of myself ♫ ♫ I think I dislocated it when I hopped in the whip ♫ ♫ Doing tricks in the whip, 360 degrees on the flip ♫ ♫ Going up to the highlife and diving this shit ♫ ♫ Going up to the plane and skydiving in this ♫ ♫ And when I land, we're highfiving I bet ♫ ♫ It did have a roof, but it doesn't no more ♫ ♫ I put it away like I'm doing some chores ♫ ♫ Now I can hop in and out of the whip ♫ ♫ 'Till I figure out how to open the doors ♫ ♫ Hop out the whip (Hop out the whip!) ♫ ♫ Hop back in (Hop back in) ♫ ♫ Hop out the whip (Hop out the whip) ♫ ♫ That's my shit, yeah ♫ ♫ Hop out the whip (hop out the whip) ♫ ♫ Hop back in (yeah, hop back in) ♫ ♫ Hop out the whip (yeah, yeah) ♫ ♫ Ooh, that's my shit, yuh! ♫ Can someone please tell me how to open the goddamn doors to this car. Game's over for y'all when I get my license Learn how to drive ♫ outro music ♫ Alright guys. Well, I hope you enjoyed that music video, and I hope you enjoyed the video as a whole. If you want to just watch the music video, I'm gonna post it on my second channel, which I recently started. It's called 2 Danny 2 Furious. You can find the link to the second channel in the description. I made that second channel sort of just to be a place where I can shitpost and basically make, like, sketches, or shorter content that's not really the stuff that I post on my main channel. So, if you want to go check that out and look at all the stuff I posted on there already, feel free, subscribe, what have you. If you liked this video and you're not Greg yet, Greg is my family here on YouTube, it's our fanbase. So if you want to join Greg, all you have to do is subscribe and turn on my notifications. If you want to get my merch or contribute to my Patreon, the links for that are in the description. Thank you Dara for turning on my notifications, you are truly Greg. I'll see you guys next time with a really interesting video where I start a band with a bunch of my friends where the only instrument we play is going like this: Bye!
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Views: 4,302,269
Rating: 4.9614596 out of 5
Keywords: danny gonzalez, funny, h3h3, commentary, lil tay exposed, lil tay parents, lil tay mom, lil tay instagram, lil tay breaks character, lil tay roast, lil tay crying, lil tay ends her career, lil tay ended her career, woah vicky, lil tay jake paul, lil tay speaking normally, lil tay ricegum, lil tay youtube, lil tay flexing, lil gucci tay, liltay, lil tay career is over, jake paul, satire, drama, alert, #dramaalert, instagram, react, comedy, hilarious, reaction, reacting, disappeared, has
Id: 89cXbrLB52c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 46sec (1066 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 08 2018
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