Bad Youtube: The Dobre Brothers

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what's up Greg it's me Danny back with another episode of Viners turned youtubers the show where we look at people who used to be on vine and then they turn into youtubers it's a pretty self-explanatory title so I don't know why I had I don't know why you guys wanted me to explain it so if you use vine a lot you remember the dobre twins they went by I think they went by twinbots on vine and then maybe later they changed her name to dobre twins they were really popular on vine for dancing doing these crazy dance moves in grocery stores it was a very strange genre of vine I think they made one dancing video in a grocery store and it did well because people were like huh that's an interesting place to dance and then they just kept doing it over and over and over and then vine died and then they made a musically account and started doing it there over and over and over and you know what it got old after the very first time they did it but they just kept doing it and and now it looks like they've got a youtube channel I just recently found it because they were on the trending page the other day with this video called is it real or is it chocolate and it's on their account called dobre brothers and to my surprise I clicked on it and they have other brothers it's not just them there's two other guys here and they're not twins so I don't know where these guys came from but I had like almost completely forgotten about them until I saw this video of them now after watching some of their videos the dobri twins seemed or the dobre brothers I should say seemed to be the epitome of knowing the formula that gets you views on YouTube and executing that formula perfectly on paper but in reality they just have like no personality almost to the point where it seems like they don't really want to be on camera most of the time like they're not excited about anything they just sort of are there because they're making money and they really could take it or leave it as far as like being an entertainer goes or making people laugh or even being interesting whatsoever there's just sort of phoning it in on that aspect of being a youtuber but the money and views they definitely like so this is the video is it real or is it chocolate they basically just have these tools in front of them well first actually they started off with this ad read that's very very half-assed so Gober are me--don't brothers back here for another vlog today we're gonna do something really fun and interesting but before we get started I have you know a video is gonna be fun and interesting when the person starts off the video by saying this video is going to be fun and interesting you can trust these guys look at how fun and interesting they look but before we get started I have some really cool news for you guys for you guys there's this app that pays you virtual tokens just for the fact that you are living and this app it's called Nexus thanks to nisus for sponsoring this video yeah honestly I think this is the most stylish app out there you guys gotta check it out wow these guys seem really into this product the people who made this app are definitely getting their money's worth advertising with the dobre twins you can see the people around you or travel anywhere around the planet to see what's going on okay he tried to seem interested for a second so that was at least nice app is still in development and developers promise a lot of cool things to come about geez they just do you see what I mean about them just a seeming bored out of their mind like I get this this is an ad read doing ads I guess isn't the most fun thing in the world but you have to try it at least try to make it seem interesting don't just like so there's this app and it's gonna give you money and download it so that I can have money during your registration be sure to enter our promo code dobre and subscribe to our profile you will get bonus tips from us about 1440 of them and we'll get bonus moves from you as well yeah give me those bonus NIMS I want those bonus NIMS baby okay but anyway back to the challenge basically they have all these tools in front of them and some of them are made out of chocolate and some of them are made out of metal I bet you will never be able to guess which ones are metal and which ones are chocolate some of the things on the table look real like that wrench is probably chocolate but it kind of looks like metal but things like that mallet like that's definitely chocolate and that's just based off vision like if they can pick these up and like smell them or even just feel them like chocolate doesn't feel like metal the second you pick it up you know it's chocolate so how is this a challenge some of them are chocolate that's right chocolate you can eat it smell it taste it and here it I guess huh so that's the point it's all a game with the pretty ones they get is you up on that slate let me know this is definitely realistic there's that's definitely real cuz it's twisting and chocolate can't twist that's one of the many properties of chocolate its science it's a scientific property of chocolate does not twist are you ready one bite chocolate alright so anyway this do you see how bored they look by this challenge it's it's almost kind of insulting cuz it's like I feel like I'm making them do this and they don't want to do it like I feel like as the viewer they're like alright we're doing we're just doing this for you guys cuz you're gonna find this entertaining but I don't really give a [ __ ] about this so anyway we're just gonna half-ass this and make it seem like it's your fault that we're doing this so I looked at their channel a little bit and I found this video scary clowns stole my twin brother they uploaded this yesterday and this totally shows off the dobre Brothers spirit when making a video the total like I just don't care all I just want to hit the formula to making a youtube video and at the actual execution of it I literally could not give a [ __ ] it's called scary clowns stole my twin brother I think that I think the right words kidnapped I don't know stealing a person just sounds weird but whatever these scary clown videos have been around for a long time and they're all fake I've done a video about a different one before but this one is funny because they really didn't even try to make it seem real so I I legitimately can't tell if this is like a sketch or not but it's all framed as if it's a vlog so I feel like their fans are supposed to believe this and it seems like a lot of them do just as a just as a warning if there's any jump cuts in this like the scene cuts a little bit in the middle that's me adding it in this video is very slow-paced and I'm worried that I'll lose viewers if I show the entire thing so I'm going to try to speed up the pacing of this but just know that in all of the spaces where I've cut things out it just plays out just very long and drawn-out and there's no real cuts for the majority of this video okay so these three clowns they break into the dobre house through the window and then they come over there's someone sleeping on this beanbag and then they find this camera and it seems like it's a security camera that's recording at night or at least you think it's a security camera until they look at it and they're like hey it's a camera and then they pick it up and take it down and start filming each other with it so I guess it's not a security camera it's just a regular ass camera that was filming their friends sleeping on a beanbag and that window for some reason okay you can tell right off the bat that this dude is scared shitless just look at his expression when he sees these clowns he is terrified either that or he's a great actor because I I can't tell if this is for real or not yeah yeah who are you who are you thank God they put what's your name my name is Steve yeah I'm not laughing at the joke I'm laughing at this dude Steve who also laughed at the joke for all he knows he's waking up there's clowns right in front of him there they could be about to kill him he's terrified out of his mind and then he introduces himself as Steve and one of them says Steve more like we've and he's like actually that is that's pretty funny hey we've this is our show now so you take the camera videotape us what are you one there are Tweedledum and tweedle do those toys okay okay I'll get him I gotta kick kima give the camera this dude's very compliant for someone who like had these people just broke into their house they woke him up and they were like now you have to film us and he was just like yeah okay sure now take us to the twins and he's like yeah sure okay cool these clowns are full of really quality jokes great great puns like they may be scary but at least they've got some good jokes I mean even Steve aka weave can appreciate a good clown joke wow this is a shitty friend this dude if this is real what what a terrible friend he's like these clowns don't even have any weapons they just come in and they're like bring us to the twins and he's like okay and then he brings them there and he's like they're in there just don't hurt me you can't kill my [ __ ] friends I'll help you do it I'll help you okay let's pause they found the twins and now they're gonna attack so that's fine what were they doing in here like one one of them's asleep in the bed with a shirt off the other one is coming back to bed from the bathroom with his shirt off what's going on in here is this do they share a bedroom and a bed there's no there's no only one bed here I just I'm just so confused about what the scenario is and we've is just still filming this he's not gonna put down the camera and help he backed himself into a corner so he could get the best angle and now he's just filming his friends get murdered by clowns and by murdered I mean gently tossed around oh no no I'm not joking okay I'm not gonna lie I actually did think that this was fake at first but after seeing those punches I mean there's just no way that this is fake after seeing those punches I mean he wouldn't take punches like that for a fake video all right well I guess this is real he just came in I was sleeping I don't know what happened yeah yeah what was that why what was the motivation for that he was like okay they they left with my brother now what do we do I don't know let me go home over here and flip the light switch is a few times and let's just stand in our house until something else happens [Applause] don't kill me I'll get your don't worry this is Frank this is a prank damn you know what if I was in this situation I don't know what I would do I mean what do you do when someone breaks into your house and kidnap someone you know there's nothing if only there was some kind of like group of people that are like trained to deal with situations like this that you can like just call with a really simple three digit phone number that will like come and help take care of any situation but damn I guess they're on their own cuz nothing like that exists I guess I guess they're just stuck running around in the dark looking for their friend and if they don't find him well I guess he's just gone forever that's all these clowns get yeah yeah I got it okay this is not a prank hopefully this isn't a prank what is that supposed to mean hopefully this isn't a prank hopefully these are real clowns really kidnapping my brother I'm gonna be so pissed if someone set this up and it's all fake I'm so mad if this is the prank what happened I don't know I just woke up in marriage is there it made me film they made me film Yeah right dude how did they make you film they didn't have any weapons they were just like hey here film and he was like okay right or left right I don't say right are you sure left I don't know okay I don't know let's go left yeah I think that's it Lucas why was he just sitting in there they like the clowns got out and they booked it and he was like oh man oh hey now how am I gonna get back to my house oh well I guess I'll just sit in this car that has gas in it and keys hmm I'll wait for help to show up where'd they go I know you did run away through you just let me go they said you just ran away so what do they do nothing they didn't do anything this is such a weird plot what'd they do I don't know they didn't do anything I like these clowns they're just like [ __ ] with them they just break into their house steal one of them drive him about a mile away from his house and just drop him off and leave and just say yeah you're free we're good that's all we wanted to just we didn't really want to cause any harm we just wanted to shake up your night a little bit you're free get out of here dude Kiki was across school I don't understand I know I don't either but just let me go did anybody say anything it just took me and I don't know what happened I feel like now they're realizing how weird the plot is like how inconsistent it is and it doesn't make any sense they're like wait so are we just gonna say they didn't do anything to you like what that doesn't make any sense I just woke up that's moving in I'm just so confused like were they they're acting or right now like they could not even imagine a world where someone broke in through that window or broke into their house at all but then why was the camera that they're holding right now recording the window at the beginning this is the same camera it was just sitting there recording there's there's so many Plateau this is this whole video is a plot hole it's so strange like they they didn't put any thought into it going into it they were like let's just make a scary clown video because that's what gets views and we're smart anyways this has been a look at where Viners turned youtubers have gone you know a lot of people say that when Viner started going to YouTube to make content that YouTube somehow got worse or like the Viners took over YouTube and and youtubers in general seem to apply a negative connotation to that and I think in some cases that's true like Logan Paul or Jake Paul this I don't really have much of a negative attitude towards because I just think that this is hilarious but I think that a lot of youtubers in general just don't look at the Viners that are actually making good content on YouTube there's plenty of liners that make good stuff now david dobrik makes really funny vlogs drew gooden kotico me i make really good videos they're all very good it's just so easy to look at the really bad content and say well that's that's Viners for you but I think that's dismissing a pretty big chunk of good YouTube videos that come from form refiners that's just my opinion so believe it because you have to anyways guys if you enjoyed this video and you're not part of Greg Greg is my family on YouTube it is our family I call my fans Greg and we are one big happy family and we really are family you know other youtubers all the time say like oh my fans are like a family to me well that's [ __ ] alright Greg is a family we have a family dinner every night at 6:00 p.m. when I get home from work all my little Greg's come down from their bedrooms and we all sit at the family table and we talk about our days so if you want to join Greg and join the fastest growing channel on YouTube which by the way don't look that up then just hit the subscribe button and turn on my notifications and you can be Greg also also I just realized today that when you turn on someone's notifications it asks you if you want occasional notifications or always notifications and it's set to occasional by default I don't know why that is why would you want why would you want to click for notifications and then be like let's leave it up to chance when I get a notification I'm gonna let you two roll the dice on this one it just seems weird that they would do that so anyway I don't know also if you want this merch it's a danny gonzalez store so go there and get some and I have a little Greg discord server it's a little group chat full of a bunch of other Greg's I'm in their other greg's are in there we talk we have fun when we chat and it's a good it's a good way to get to know all your other fellow Greg's if you want to join that discord server you got to support me on patreon the link for that is in the description sorry I haven't posted in a little bit I was kind of sick as you can probably tell by my voice I'm still a little congested so sorry about that Thank You Michelle for turning out my notifications you are truly Greg if you want to be the shout out in one of my videos turn out my notifications and be one of the first people to comment on my videos I'll see you guys next time with a really funny video where I get my butt stuck in a public toilet and end up screaming for 12 hours until someone helps me out bye
Channel: undefined
Views: 4,518,784
Rating: 4.9405942 out of 5
Keywords: danny gonzalez, funny, h3h3, commentary, dobre, brothers, lucas and marcus, clowns, hilarious
Id: m5iBMc1PzvU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 50sec (1130 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 24 2018
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