The Worst Pranks Ever (Troom Troom Reaction)

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DANNY: What's up Greg, I hope you're having a great day! It's me- Mr. Worldwide. Back with another episode of; Oh God No Stop It Please Stop Please No More Please Stop. So today, I'm gonna be talking about everybody's favorite videos on YouTube... Prank videos! Everybody loves a good prank every now and again, right? But not just any prank videos.. These are... the worst prank videos in the whole world. I think I found the worst videos actually, yeah. I'm pretty sure that this is the worst videos ever... made So I go on Instagram a lot because, uh, I'm a millennial. Over the past couple weeks Instagram has kept uh, putting this.. account.. in my.. explore page saying like: 'This is a video that you might like.' and it's this account called Troom Troom and it's got 568,000 followers. ( correction 571,000) They basically just make D.I.Y. craft videos & stuff like that, but occasionally, they post these, like, prank war videos I usually just skip past 'em, and then one day It... it was yesterday.. ... actually I found out that they have a YouTube channel! and the reason I found this out is because I was scrolling down Socialblade, which is a website that lets you see peoples', like, YouTube stats and stuff but they also have this like list of people who have gained the most subscribers in the past 30 days and Troom Troom was on there at like Number 75 And I just remembered their videos being pretty cringy, so I was like that's kind of weird... 'Why, why are they so popular on YouTube?' and then I went to their actual channel and that's when I started to realize just how like weird.. and cringy these videos are and by the way this channel has 3.4. million subscribers Keep that in mind And they've gained 600,000 subscribers in the past 30 days so these aren't like actual prank wars they- they're called prank wars But they're really mostly just like instructional videos for you to be able to do pranks on your.. significant other Consider this video like a 'How to Ruin Your Relationship 101!' basically if you like have a girlfriend that you really like and you want to just uhh.. make her miserable and uhh you know, pester her all the time these videos are definitely for you. That's- These are right up your alley Alright, Let's go ahead and watch this one. It's called "15 Funny Couple Pranks / Prank Wars" It has 3.2 million views [weird funky music that Danny apparently really enjoys] [ ┏(・o・)┛ ] [ ┗ (・o・) ┓ ] [ ┏(・o・)┛ ] [ ┗ (・o・) ┓ ] Our old friends, Sweetie and Mickey are at a prank war again! Watch their new funny prank compilation in this new video Okay So.. I mean that says it all Sweetie and Mickey are a couple and they're pranking each other, they're in a vicious prank war They're dating They love each other and they FUCKING HATE each other So this is just gonna show you all the pranks they're doing on each other an- uh - and we're gonna learn how to do them [ funkalicious music ] [ ACTIVATE ] "Sweetie and Mickey care an awful lot about each other." "He makes her coffee, and she makes fresh-squeezed orange juice for him in return. Pour soy sauce into a cup with coffee Add a spoonful of stewed carrot and zucchini into the juice Mix it well, Change a spoon to a drinking straw They taste their cocktails at the same time UGH *hack* *spit* And the prize for mutual pranking goes to both prankers." Okay, so that's a classic prank, right? I mean, just pour something that tastes bad into a thing that's supposed to taste good And then give it to someone so that they taste the bad thing and it tastes bad. So I don't - I don't really know who their target demographic is for these videos But like I think most people already know that prank, right? Just pour something ... That tastes bad into somebody's drink. Maybe this is for like ... Three-year-olds they were... pranking their ... boyfriends??? (ಠ_ಠ) "Is your boyfriend totally absorbed in his computer?" YES *angrily glares* HE FUCKING IS JONATHAN GET OFF YOUR COMPUTER AND LOOK AT ME FOR ONCE !!1!!1!11!! "It's time to give him a bag of chips made with love. [ and Nitric Acid ] Open a chips bag, CAREFULLY Take out half of the chips, putting cotton pads instead [ hehe im so sneaky ] JUST LOOK! They are going in so quickly as if they're having a housewarming party inside!" [ nice analogy?? ] Look at them! tHeY aRe GoInG iN sO qUiCkLy As If ThEy ArE hAvInG a HoUsEwArMiNg PaRtY iNsIdE!! :D Okay, so this is one of the weird things about these videos is that they're obviously made by people who speak a different language. You can tell by just looking at the chips I don't know what the fuck those letters.. are But they're not English so these videos are made by someone in a different country Which completely contradicts their- the 'About' section on their YouTube page, which says? United States so these videos are obviously made by people who speak a different language But the person who's recording the voiceover.. obviously.. Is a good English speaker because she doesn't have an accent or anything but I think that the narration is written by the people who don't speak English and then sent to the one person who does speak English And for some reason.. the person who speaks English.. and is narrating for them isn't like; 'Hey guys! This doesn't make any sense. Are you sure you want me to read.. this word for word?' Or maybe she's tried and they're just like; 'YOU.. READ IT WORD FOR WORD! LOOK AT HOW THEY ARE GOING INSIDE AS IF THEY ARE HAVING A HOUSEWARMING PARTY !!!1!111!! [points at ones penis] I just don - ha - I don't understand It sounds like they typed everything in their native language And then just.. copied and pasted it into Google Translate.. and sent it to some.. random ... person in the US to record.. and she just doesn't give enough of a shit to be like; 'Hey, This is awful¯\_(ツ)_/¯' *cut off snort* "Shake the bag to mix the chips with the cotton pads Your boyfriend opens his bag. He puts chips into his mouth without looking. " Oh, yeah, this - we're gonna get him good this time guys "SURPRISE There's a cotton pad inside! :D You'd better keep an eye on what you're eating! Lot's o- " JEEZ He's pissed! Dude. How.. hard is he scarfing down these chips that he doesn't notice that he's picking up chips, HARD, CRISP chips And then he picks up a soft.. cotton pad and how does he not notice before he puts it in his mouth that it's not the same as all the chips, the HARD chips that he's eating. He must be watching something really intense on his computer, and just SCARFING down chips as fast as he can "You better keep an eye on what you're eating! Lots of chips make a bad diet, you might turn fat and ugly!" 'YoU mIgHt TuRn FaT aNd UgLy' That- That seemed real Like all of the rest of it is kinda like FUN And then it's like 'HUH, you better watch what you eat, OTHERWISE you're gonna get FAT and UGLY YOU PIECE OF SHIT' It's like, Okay?? What - what happened to the fun stuff? Can we just go back to the fun stuff? "Let's make a special chocolate bar for his tea! Unwrap a chocolate bar, shape a bar in air-dry clay, place the chocolate on top of it, cut off the excess clay, leave a message on the bar, draw funny smiley (??) with the tongue out!" The reason I like this video so much is cause they really hold your hand.. like they- they say write a message on the bar And they don't even give you a second to think of what the message might be it's like; 'Okay, here D U M B A S S You couldn't think of anything? *SHARP INHALE* Draw a smiley face with a tongue sticking out. There you go There's your message' They're just - they're really assuming that you don't know how to do ANY of this yourself "Change the real chocolate to the fake one, put it into the box, expecting another prank, Mickey smells his tea, There's nothing wrong with it! He's so naïve! ;D Take off the wrapping from your chocolate, there's white muck instead of good stuff." White muck instead of good stuff?? (ಥ﹏ಥ) I wanted good stuff! I was so excited to eat my good stuff! *little laugh* "Clay VS Chocolate. It's inedible!" Clay VS Chocolate It's inedible! You know that thing that I always say, Clay VS Chocolate. It's inedible! ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ "While your boyfriends out of work, decorate his ordinary notebook! He'll be shocked! (∩╹□╹∩) Cover the top with white goo ash (??)" The fuck is white goo ash?? Is that a thing?? White goo ash?? white G O U A C H E I don't know what the fuck white goo ash is, but I'm pretty sure that this girl's destroying her boyfriend's laptop That's not a prank I D I O T That's a CRIME I don't care if we've been dating for eight years, if you paint on my laptop I'm calling the cops 凸( •̀_•́ )凸 "Colour a funny unicorn using gouache" Here - here we go again with the hand holding. Draw a nice picture! MAKE IT A UNICORN You don't ge - you don't have any say You can't come up with ideas on your own. Draw a funny picture But make - just make sure it's exactly THIS Otherwise the prank's not gonna work And remem - and make sure you use gouache Please "Bring an open notebook to your boyfriend, so he won't see the top!" M M M M That's not suspicious at all Your boyfriend's just sitting on his chair, and you're just like; 'Look at your lap - look at - use your laptop now! ;D' HA HA Yeah, it's not suspicious. "Let him find out later on! But why is he so angry? D: Both the unicorn and the flowers are so CUTE. It's even much better now! He'd better thank me" [ is that a dora song?? ] 'hE'd BeTTeR tHaNk Me OHUGH I mean, I did just destroy his laptop but at least that it's PRETTY NOW' Is gouache washable?? Does anybody know?? I don't e - I don't know what gouache IS [ me neither ] "Well, let my girlfriend leave her notebook alone" Ψ(☆w☆)Ψ Oh shit she's DEAD *laughs* Did you see that? He's gonna kill her! This isn't gonna be a prank anymore, he's really gonna kill his girlfriend. "Take a notebook and apply several coats of plastic wrap, wind around tight. Sweetie takes her notebook. What's up? It's impossible to open it! It's packed like a secret weapon." It's packed like a secret weapon! You know, how weapons are wrapped? In... In Saran Wrap? "That notebook competition ends in a tie." "Make lovely cakes to post on Instagram. Let everyone know what you eat, but your boyfriend has his own opinion about it" What is that inflection? 'But your boyfriend has his own opinion about it!' "Put starch on top instead of powdered sugar" I just feel like one of them's gonna start poisoning the other, they're doing so much shit with food I just imagined the next one like; 'Sprinkle cyanide on top of the buck- on top of the muffin. Watch him bite into it. Looks like his reign of terror.. is over!' or no actually it would be more like; 'looks like his reign Of teRRor is oveR "Starch is not as sweet as powdered sugar, but the pictures of his facial expressions will get more likes than those of the cakes! There's no need t- " Why's he going back for a second bite?? He's like; 'FUCK YOU, THIS TASTES LIKE SHIT! I STILL WANT IT' *sad munching* Be careful, if you eat much more that muffin, you might get fat.. and ugly! "However, Mickie deletes the pictures. He doesn't want to become an Instagram hero- " an Instagram hero?? How would that make him a hero? He doesn't want to be an Instagram hero. He's a humble guy. He doesn't want everybody to see him on Instagram with a mo- half mouth full of muffin trying to fucking.. kill his girlfriend. That would turn him into a hero!! "Tired of Instagram popularity, Sweetie's going to bed- " Same Honestly, that's the o- that's the only reason I ever sleep It's cause I'm just so tired of Instagram popularity "Mickie takes her phone to swipe her photos. They're so boring!" 'When- when bae goes through your phone when you're uh- when- when you're sleeping and bae goes through your phone!' Now THIS is relatable right here "I know how to make them interesting! Put a baby headband on your Sleeping Beauty's head, take a picture on her phone." Oh Man I hope he doesn't post that on Instagram, that's gonna turn her into an Instagram hero! And nobody wants that! "Sweetie leaves her makeup scattered all over! Miki sits down and gets hurt on something sharp from her makeup bag." He gets hurt on something sharp..! and round and NOT sharp "He's going to prank her for that! Hot glue a little cactus into an empty lipstick container," Where the fuck do you get a little cactus? What is- Wha- What?! I've never seen a cactus that small, first off. I would not even know where to get that cactus, so.. please provide links in the description for that. Second off Uhh- Are you insane? 'For this prank, we're gonna be irreparably damaging your girlfriend's lips that way you can never kiss her again! And she'll hate you!' "Sweetie takes her lipstick, she's going to do her lip makeup- " GIRL LOOK OUT "but instead of a sweet bright lipstick, there's a prickly green cactus! Perhaps she's got a sharp tongue, but that's not a reason to use a cactus as lipstick." Jesus She's- Oh my god! She's having a stroke! She took one look at that cactus and just (sounds of a seizure) What the fuck is that? (screams) What is that reaction? (seizure sounds) 'UWAH. A CACTUS' "Mickie takes a book in his hands. He hasn't read it for a long time. It's time for a prank! Sweetie sneaks from his back and puts a bell into his hood. Mickey hears the bell ringing, but he can't understand where the sound is coming from." Okay, how fucking dumb do you think I am? 'Mickey hears a bell sound behind him. Every time he turns, the bell sounds still behind him! He's wearing a hood but he has no fucking clue where the bell could be coming from. He figures it much just be in his imagination and over the course of the day, the bell slowly drives him insane. By the end of the day, he's a shell of the man he once was!' "Finally, he finds the source of the sound, It's a bell in his hood! watch out, Sweetie!" Watch out Sweetie?? 'Watch out, Sweetie! Now, he's insane! He's gonna kill you.' ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ "It's a prank for a group selfie! Mickey smudges glue all over his palm. [ ?? ] Happy Sweetie runs up to take a selfie, as a bonus for a picture, she's gotten a sticky arm. UGH ghastly! *laughs* 'Ugh Ghastly!' Yeah, what is it the 1920s now? 'OH gHASTLY!! What kind of prank is that?? 'Haha, as a bonus for her taking a picture, she gets a sticky arm!!' She just gets glue on her arm. That's not a prank It's not like a; 'Ha! I made you think one thing but it's the other!!' it's just like; 'HA I put glue on your arm and also, now I've got it on my hand too. I pra- I basically pranked myself as much as I pranked you, because now I have glue all over my hand.' GHASTLY "While Sweetie's washing off the glue from her arm, Mickey's taking care of her deodorant. Twist out an empty antiperspirant, remove the base, trace it on cardboard or thick paper, cut it out, make a hole in the centre Assemble the container, and put in the paper base." Dude, how much do you have to hate your girlfriend to do this to her, like this is like- Intricate shit now. He's like taking apart- I just can see him with little jeweler's glasses on, like intricately taking pieces apart and *laughing* Di- Dissecting this deodorant bottle he's like 'I'm gonna fucking get her this time!' "Melt white coloured chocolate in a double boiler, put it into the container, remove the streaks, smooth the top and put on the cap, refrigerate it. The cool chocolate looks like the real antiperspirant." Oh, yeah, that looks just like the regular deodorant mm-hmm That's how it looked before yellow and flat [funky music] Alright! We did it! That's the end o- that's the end of the whole video Man, what a great set of pranks Uhh wasn't that awful? It's just so strange I just had to show these videos to somebody so I'm sorry because you're probably gonna be thinking about this all day tomorrow like I have been for the past like week. So that's the end of this video Thank you for watching guys. If you're not already Greg, make sure you subscribe. Greg is our- Greg is our fan base on YouTube It's our family. We're the strongest army on YouTube, and we're the fastest growing channel on YouTube We're right above Troom Troom So make sure you subscribe to turn out my notifications. Thank You Liller for turning on my notifications. You are truly Greg, I'll see you guys next time with another funny video. Bye!
Channel: undefined
Views: 8,377,296
Rating: 4.9466748 out of 5
Keywords: danny gonzalez, worst, pranks, prank, ever, funny, reaction, troom troom, troom, diy, hilarious, humor, comedy, videos, compilation, cringe, cringey
Id: nP62E0E23ac
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 5sec (905 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 21 2018
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