The Mysterious Return Of Paul Zimmer

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This is honestly so bizarre πŸ˜‚

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 30 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/tinyhotmom πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 30 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

πŸ˜‚ I mean - if it wasn’t painfully obvious just from the photos alone, he didn’t even try to make it sound like the instagrams were written by two different people. Same basic word usage and emojis. Also I would think IG would unverify him had he actually given the account away.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 12 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/erinnkec πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 30 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

I can’t believe he redid a scene from 13 Reasons

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 26 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/youremyfavoritebird πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 30 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Just rewatched the video and it's so odd to hear how much Danny's inflection has changed. His tone is much more expressive now. I've noticed it before when I watch an old video and then a new one but it was more obvious with this vid because he showed footage from an old video and then jumped right back to the present. Idk if this makes much sense but I find it facisnating! I love most of his older vids too but I would say his comedic performance has definitely improved.

And I recognize that he wants to stay away from social media drama and I respect that choice because he's a comedian who wants to entertain and make people laugh. But I do wish he'd be more overtly critical like he was in like his older videos (e.g. the Lil' Tay or the Dory Twitter vids). His recent vids still have criticism in them, obviously, but it's all pretty light. I think now, even more, he could nail a harder criticism while keeping the tone entertaining and hilarious; I feel like "Bag Tho" is a good example of that combination.

But I'm really just ranting here. I really enjoy his content now and he definitely understands comedy and criticism a lot more than me lmao!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 11 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Meljusenr πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 31 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Yeah he redid a scene from 13 reasons why and The Perfect Date. My guy is not gonna be in any movie or show any time soon.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 10 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/jemmajoy πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 30 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

does anyone remember when this Zimmer guy and his friend had a Youtube channel called 'ExclamationPointYT' or something? I remember watching it obsessively in my tweens because he was 'sooooo cute'.

It's so weird to see his final form now haha

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 9 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/vegetablemarvell πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 30 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies
what's up Greg I hope you're all having a great day having a great holiday season having a Merry jingle old jangle time welcome back to my channel this of course is another episode of he's never gonna be talking about Paul Zimmer one of music's former biggest stars how he disappeared and is now back but he's pretending that he's not he's pretending to be someone else he's pretending he's just a different dude and he's really hoping no one notices but guess what I noticed and so did everyone else so if you don't know who the disgraced musically star Paul Zimmer is or maybe you're like me and have forgotten a lot of the details about Paul Zimmer let me go ahead and refresh your memory real quick so back a couple years ago when tik-tok was still musically Paul Zimmer was one of the biggest creators on the entire app he lip synched he showed his AB he used his good looks to gain millions of loyal young followers in a way he was sort of Annie boy before you boys existed he was sort of a he was sort of pre EE boy he was a pre boy I actually did a video about Paul Zimmer almost two years ago it actually might be two years to the day depending on when I upload this and I think this clip from that video pretty much sums up what he's all about okay so watch this musically look at Paul Zimmer dancing so slick playing with a jacket and he takes it off quick the caption of that musically is smile and then a smile emoji two hearts Instagram Paul Zimmer hashtag Black History Month that's his black that's his big Black History Month message so I made that video about him and then eventually made another video where I actually met him and I just remember that whole couple months span of time where I made those videos just feeling like he is such a fascinating person I could never understand like what was going through his head when he did the things he did he made really really bad Instagram comedy just like the worst one-dimensional barely even a joke Instagram comedy seriously he had a YouTube channel where he would vlog his life but his life was like not at all what you would expect it to be yes to me I picture like musically in tick-tock stars being these like young kids who have this group of like you know good-looking friends that they pal around with all the time and they're always getting into trouble they're always making videos together and laughing and everyone's kind of dating each other but from Paul Zimmer's vlogs it seemed like he just lived with his girlfriend and lived a very quiet life all right guys Paul's gonna jump sit down there how is so smooth he was really into small tabletop games like he had a mini bowling game it's like someone put the mind of a seven-year-old man into a 24 year olds body but his content wasn't all sunshine and rainbows and Dancing with little Christmas decorations because over a year ago Paul ended up leaving social media completely he deleted all of his YouTube videos I think he wiped his Instagram clean he stopped posting on musically seemingly because of a little controversy he got himself into it was a pretty big deal on musically what had happened but basically musically had a live streaming service called Lively where you could go live is basically like going live on YouTube or on Twitch or anything like that and people could send you gifts which they would pay for with real money and then you as the Creator would get the real money when people would send you those gifts so Paul was doing this thing where he would tell people that if they sent him gifts he would do it there musically or he would follow them back or he would give them a shout-out and basically it turned out he wasn't doing any of that so on top of just being really shady and like pressuring your fans to give you money for the most minimal thing in return like duetting someone's tick-tock he was just straight up not even doing it so pretty shady he was probably making a buttload of money his butt was probably full of cash so I think at one point there was like a hashtag ban Paul Zimmer that was trending on musically and all in all it just seemed like everyone had kind of turned against them and so he just left he was like okay bye-bye and he was never seen again until now well actually a couple months ago but it is definitely not in the way that you would think because to me when someone comes back from a controversy the thing that they usually do first is apologize maybe he would try to make up for his controversy by doing the things he promised you would do or promising to do better in the future Paul Zimmer seems to have a little bit of a different approach to making a comeback he's just pretending did he's just pretended to be some other dude and trust me when I say this story gets very strange and a little bit unsettling so I first became aware of Paul Zimmer's return a couple months ago because a lot of you guys actually started sending me all of these pictures of Paul Zimmer taking acting classes so there's a few pictures that are very clearly Paul Zimmer and also it looks like his girlfriend was taking the class too I recognize her from a lot of his tic-tock so it's like definitely him and there's some video testimonials of Paul Zimmer talking about how much he likes the classes but the weird thing is in all of these promotional things he's going by the name Troy Becker instead of Paul Zimmer hey guys which is weird it's like why why do you need a different name you were like super popular on social media before shouldn't that help you get into acting but since he had the whole controversy maybe not maybe he was like trying to get away from that plus a lot of actors have stage names that aren't their real name a lot of people were sending me this saying you should make a video about this and at that point I was kind of just like I don't know it seemed like he kind of wants to be done with social media he's trying to get into a different career hopefully one acting where he can't like pressure young people into giving him money so it seems like this is actually probably a good thing for him you know he's sort of leaving the social media stuff behind him pursuing a new career I'm not gonna make a video being like I found you you can't run from me I'm gonna keep making fun of you you're never getting you can never escape but when I saw these pictures I have to admit I was a little bit skeptical and I was definitely intrigued as a man who myself I'm constantly told I look like every other white guy with brown hair and a big nose I can definitely relate to the struggle of being confused with someone else so I decided to give him the benefit of the doubt and try to decide for myself if this is really Paul Zimmer you know maybe it is some other guy who just looks really similar to Paul Zimmer so I decided to conduct an analysis of both faces using some of today's most advanced facial recognition software to see if they really are the same person and here's what I found yeah they're the same person I analyzed it with my eyes and it turns out when you look at both of them side by side they're the same person I used an advanced technique called looking at both of their faces and seeing that they're the exact same person and the results came back hundred percent positive I also analyzed their hairstyles a hundred percent match a Rooney a hundred percent didn't even try to look like a different guy he just generally didn't even try to look like a different person it's just clearly Paul thus concludes my study CIA please hire me so there you go he is Paul and he is Troy and they are the same person and it's good that I figured that out a couple months ago when I did because that's when things started to do squats that's right the plot thickened out of the blue this picture appeared on Paul's Zimmer's Instagram account which had been completely wiped clean of any picture so this was the only picture on Paul Zimmer's Instagram account it's a picture of Paul on the left in a picture of Troy on the right or in layman's terms two pictures of Paul this actor at Troy Becker IG kid looks like a younger sexier version of me I don't even use social media anymore but I had to post this hahaha so a couple things kind of surprise me here for one I assume the whole Troy Becker thing was an attempt to get away from Paul Zimmer Eunos advertised completely new persona new career were doing acting now we're just we're just gonna forget all about the social media thing he's not even gonna pursue social media anymore cuz now he's an actor but from the looks of it it seems like Paul does want to continue being an influencer he just doesn't want anyone to think it's him because he made an Instagram account for Troy Becker's so he can continue posting as Troy Becker just on a different account and he's just hoping no one will think that it's actually him he also calls Troy a younger sexier version of himself so oh dude don't do that any weird thing to say about yourself just a different picture of you check out this guy this is like a younger sexier me like three seconds younger but a whole lot sexier also I like that the Paul Peck he has a beard he grew out his beard just so he could look different than Troy to try to make us think that they're two different people it's especially weird cuz I've never seen Paul with a beard before this but he's acting like yep this is me remember me Paul the guy with the beard it feels really weird like he's trying to Gaslight his followers into thinking Paul has always had a beard so he's not Troy because Troy doesn't have a beard no no guys I'm not true I'm Paul remember Paul I have a beard I've always had the beard you know the beards always been kind of my thing neroli after that Paul Zimmer's tick tock account which had also been dormant for a really long time suddenly posted this hey what's up my name is Troy Becker I'm an actor Paul Zimmer reached out to me and asked to record a video because he says he really really looks like me and he wanted to post it on to something called tick tock so there you go Paul Zimmer nice to meet you guys I feel like every time he posts something new he thinks he's convincing more and more people that he's not Paul but to me every post makes me more sure that this is the same dude like in this one you can tell he even talks the same they have the exact same voice he didn't even try to sound like a different person it's just Paul also this Troy Becker dude is apparently doesn't know what tick tock is something called tick tock he's a younger version of Paul Zimmer Paul is 24 so he's younger than Paul aka he's in the prime demographic for tick tock and somehow this dude doesn't even know what tick tock is so that was all a while ago but then just a couple of days ago Paul Zimmer posted again on his Instagram this picture of himself this time with this long paragraph of a caption where he basically says that he's done using social media he doesn't want to be a social media star anymore he's pursuing other stuff and he's giving over all of his social media accounts to Troy he's giving him his Instagram account he's giving him his tik-tok account everything now belongs to Troy which I want to remind you in case it was not clear it's just Paul so why you're probably wondering is Paul giving his social media accounts over to this random guy and according to him it's just cuz they look the same huh you're giving over your Instagram and tape tech accounts that literally have a combined millions of followers to some random guy that I don't even know if you've ever met because he looks like you all right guys new plan if I ever get enthralled in a controversy I'm handed my YouTube channel over to flint lockwood from Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs that's not even a good reason you could have come up with it you could have come up with any other excuse but just uh yeah he looks like me so he should get my account then a little bit after that Paul Zimmer posted again on his Instagram account but this time as Troy and he posted this lengthy caption introducing himself as Troy Becker saying he was taking over all pulsed social media accounts he's honored to have this opportunity to read so many amazing people he's got big things coming he's got a TV show in a movie he's working on but he will make time to spread love all over social media the weirdest thing about all of this is that like he's not even trying to seem like a different person like look at both of the captions side by side that they posted they used the same emojis so all of this is very weird I that's like this is the most recent thing that he's posted on Paul Zimmer's Instagram account oh no actually yesterday which was Christmas he posted a it's Troy Becker wishing you all a Merry Christmas still feel so weird posting on this account haha but I think that the weirdest thing about all of this is that Paul Zimmer in his Troy Becker persona is trying to make himself seem a lot younger than he was when he was Paul Zimmer so Paul's in verse 24 and he mentioned in his Instagram caption before that this dude is a younger sexier version of him but we were kind of left wondering how much younger like is this dude 20 the 18 and that was answered just a couple days ago when Troy Becker posted this on tick-tock hey guys my name is Troy Becker I am an American actor it is nice to meet y'all as you guys know from Instagram cause were no longer uses any social media and he has given me his Instagram accounts because he thinks we look alike I don't know I don't really see it but okay you don't see it at least try to make it believable do like I'm not happy that so many people tweet at me white women that I look like but I'm not gonna deny that I look like this girl it's not ideal but it is the truth and I have to live with that so anyway he just posted this tick tock introducing himself I'm Paul Zimmer's old tick tock which is now Troy Becker's tick tock but the caption says hi I'm Troy Becker nice to meet y'all fun fact my birthday was yesterday I just turned 16 I look forward to posting so Paul Zimmer a 24 year old man is now pretending to be 16 years old on tick tock in every other social media platform gross maybe don't do that hey man that's super creepy definitely don't do that try to make yourself like seem like a teenager that just it's weird it's really weird especially because the controversy that drove him away from social media in the first place was that he was exploiting young people for money and I assume a lot of people thought that was so wrong because he's a grown-ass man and he should know better than to be doing stuff like that but now he's pretending to be a teenager now I can just be like oh I'm just I'm little Troy Becker I'm just 16 how am I supposed to know how to not to steal money from people how am I supposed to know how to steal money from kids I'm a kid can't get mad at me cuz I'm just a little bit I'm just a little boy he's like a wolf in sheep's clothing now he's appalled and Troy's clothing so I'm definitely a little bit worried about what he has planned and why he thinks he needs to be 16 to do it a bad thing dressing themselves up as a good thing to trick people kind of makes you wonder how he thought of the name Troy so now that Paul Zimmer is gone and Troy Becker is here to stay let's figure out who Troy Becker is you know who is he what's he gonna do how is he different than Paul well according to his tick-tock account he's Troy Becker he's 16 years old and he's an actor Oh an actor I wonder if he's been in anything I've heard of well according to his IMDB page he hasn't been in anything ever he hasn't even been cast in anything upcoming which is weird because if you look on Troy Becker's Instagram account he's filming stuff all the time super excited I'm currently filming something huge on set filming today oh this looks like a pretty high budget shoot you can tell by all the film equipment and crew in this picture he's also posted a few videos of scenes from short films he's been in but they're all pretty unsettling like this one the caption is from a short film I did also working on my show and a feature film it's a scene of him talking to someone he's having a conversation with someone named Casey but you never see Casey and Casey also never responds and it never changes angles so it's just a really long shot of him talking to no one can I ask you some what's up wow he's such a good actor it really for a second almost kind of felt like he was actually talking to someone but he's not okay this scene he actually is interacting with someone this is a scene where apparently he plays a jock Anna right great Justin holy I saw you at the party the other night yeah I thought you - you're a dryer now you're drier now why obviously so wet at the party but aside from being a serious actor who's in a lot of movies and big TV shows Troy differs from Paul because Troy loves sports as you can tell by this Instagram picture where he's posing with a football and he says I love sports this might not really sound like a difference between Paul and Troy but it's actually a huge one because Paul is into little tiny sports and Troy is into big boy sports so anyway that's pretty much the end of the story as of right now and I kind of hope that's the end of the story forever I just I'm so curious as to what Paul thinks he's accomplishing by doing this and why he thinks he needs to be 16 years old to do it I find it so hard to believe that even a single person believes that this dude is not just Paul Zimmer don't get me wrong I understand wanting to come back from a controversy you know maybe he's still really passionate about social media and he wants to do it the right way this time but like this is not the right way pretending to be someone else is not the right way dude why don't you just apologize and then come back as Paul Zimmer it would be so much easier trying to sneak back in as the different person makes it seem like you didn't learn anything and you're gonna try to do it again anyway I'm worried about Paul I'm worried about Troy but most of all I'm a little bit worried cuz I kind of feel like I gave him this idea on accident I'm a little bit worried that I'm the one who told him that he could pass as a kid now I have to admit I was a little bit hesitant about making this video at first because I you know I was like okay Paul stammers obviously like this high school kid or maybe like you know 14 or 15 years old he's just having fun in a really weird way and I don't want to make fun of kids like what kind of person would I have to be to just constantly be profiting off of mocking kids but then I found out he was 22 and I was like oh perfect talk talk about having a young face am i right so yeah sorry I didn't mean to anyways I hope you guys liked this video it is a little bit more centered around like YouTube drama or social media drown I usually try to stay away from that stuff but this was just like so weird that I couldn't not talk about it especially since I've made videos about Paul before so I hope you enjoyed it but now it's time to hear from our sponsor audible wowee thank you to audible for sponsoring this video guys audible is the world's largest selection of audiobooks and audio entertainment including audible originals which if you don't know our stories that have been exclusively created for audio like documentaries exclusive audiobooks and scripted shows that you can't hear anywhere else audible will keep you informed and most importantly it'll keep you in the loop if there's a new book that everyone's talking about you can just listen to it and then you'll know what they're talking about with the convenient audible app you can listen anytime anywhere you can listen on mobile you can listen on hikes devices got a long car ride ahead of you dude pop on an audiobook your boy right here is a very big star Wars fan and I've always kind of wanted to get into the extended universe books especially the aftermath books but I just never seem to have the time plus I don't really like sitting down to read I like I like listening to audiobooks because I can do it when I'm running or something like that I've been listening to those lately and boy do I enjoy it you can exchange any title at any time if you're not loving and good to keep your library and listen to it forever even if you cancel your membership so start listening right now with a 30 day free trial you can get one audiobook and two audible originals absolutely free is text Greg for life - 500 500 that's slash Greg for life or just text reg for life - 500 500 thank you to audible for sponsoring this video I'm thinking to you guys for checking out audible check it out get a free trial really no reason not to it's a great service I really enjoy using it and I hope you guys do too all right back to you right guys I hope you enjoyed this video if you're new here make sure you subscribe and turn on my notifications to join Greg I call my subscribers Greg and don't ask why because if you have to ask you'll never know alright thank you Olivia for turning out my notifications you are truly Greg see you guys next time with a really interesting video where I find an alien in the woods and help it escape from the government hi this video do is over now you'll find something else to watch for just watch this video I know we had a lot of fun a lot of fun but you can't say on this entry forever this video is over now so why are you still watching this
Channel: undefined
Views: 4,654,792
Rating: 4.977293 out of 5
Keywords: danny gonzalez, funny, commentary, comedy, react, reaction, reacting, awful, humor, paul zimmer, tik tok,, troy becker
Id: 9t3DJ0JNeIk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 49sec (1189 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 30 2019
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