I'm £40,000 In Debt | FULL EPISODE | Spendaholics

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southend-on-sea home to a long pair of white Beach and a very big spender Tim Finn I'm Tim Fenn 29 and I'm a landscape gardener and a club promoter Tim's racked up 40,000 pounds worth of debt over the last eight years on shopping champagne and big nights out I just like the way it tastes you only get six crafted out of a bottle well you know he's gone with a bank now threatening to chop him off Tim's neck is on the line time to cue the experts Jay hunt and Benjamin fry will they be able to get Tim financially sober in just five weeks [Music] the unusual combination of two jobs gardening and crop promoting pulls in 700 pounds a week but Tim spending much more than that on fast living and large nights he has five weeks to change his spendthrift ways to help him get a grip on his wallet lifestyle expert Jay hunt is on hand with some money saving solutions and if you can to start to like those rather than designer names branded across the front then you know and psychological coach Benjamin fry will be tackling Tim's emotional balance sheet deep down on other thing it's because I wonder whether I ever will make enough money before congregating with Tim Benjamin and Jay have banged the keys to his flat hoping to pick up some clues to Tim's hedonistic lifestyle [Music] Tim shares his home and his love of the high life with best mate mark but mark owns the property as well as construction business bringing in five thousand a week marks flashy red sports car overshadows Tim's three-year-old BMW that he's still paying off and it's the same story inside the flat it's quite interesting that because he's 29 and this is mark's pad this looks very much like mark's equipment as well very expensive it's quite boys toys isn't there yeah I don't get any immediate sense of Tim's presence in this house Tim must be really weird doing these two do you know what I mean not getting up after a tub night going and doing his gardening and then suddenly he's back being tim club promoter I think he's failing to toggle them successfully at the beginning the club's made more money but then now that the landscape makes me more than the claps really ideally it should be one on the other really that must be marks room for this swanky this must be Tim's no I actually had it bed like that it was too small for my two-year-old son imagine if you came back here it's hard for me but I'll try ya know with Tim it's 1:00 in the morning and suddenly you're both in here I can't imagine there would get the knickers flying off well I mean he's going to end up what she knows does he ain't gonna have a real girl that's rushing around and he's got a 60-inch Plasma screen and about a 39 inch bed so I reckon sex is probably a lot better on the telly from his dead ex-girlfriend [Music] and a boob job paid for which weighs about 83,000 trying to create one never do that again she was the girl dumped me after a week not being done managed to get back without had a bit of usage oh look it's his Italian he's learning Italian isn't it offensive Italy even though he's never been there perhaps something again of his escapism theme in there you go mate we remind you that the fees of 200 pounds for six weeks commencing two months ago are now G boy Ferrari and passenger the corner belly but the biggest shocker lurks inside tim's bank statements that's 90 quid happening so we take this have a good think about what we can do to help yeah I think we should I guess they're gonna see the halls of cash that gets we've drawn and can't really explain where the money's gone but that that's just the Friday afternoon gets blowing over the weekends a well-known player on the south end scene Club promoting earns Tim two hundred pounds a week and involves dropping off flyers to local shopkeepers but it's not long before drumming up trade becomes an excuse for just another spending spree yeah it Isis Fairley's money and I like taking it I was in his shows I feel over the past by now our friends always call him a lovable nightmare which we think sums him up it does have quite a lot of people money you guys made quite a bit back money now including the whole VOD that comes to 43 pounds and 50 Pizza my okay to reassure 20 good bangles probably about well I'll be nearly 2000 since he's moved in Tim's biggest debt is to dad Richard a retired insurance broker director it's about it's about 30 grand I suppose it's like gambling you shouldn't turn release money unless you know you can afford to lose it Tim's dad tries to keep a grip on his son's wayward finances bad normally gets involved and the money rouse are a constant source of tension in their relationship just ever look through that one they say that if you haven't got the money you shouldn't going out Tim gets paid two hundred pounds for hosting a weekly Club night but his earnings usually end up behind the bar I like to buy things for people obviously I think I've spent more than I can afford girls Tim's taste in women has also left him out of pocket he enjoys the girls that he meets at the clubs who like a good social life like he does really and perhaps giving them the impression he'd got a lot more money than he had you see good meals and um drinking weekends in Paris [Music] but Tim's hedonistic bubble is a bursting point mum and dad are refusing to bail him out again and the debts are piling up a plow through Tim's paperwork points to two key weaknesses Tim splashed out buckets on chilled champagne and though it might be good to talk with monthly mobile bills of up to 400 pounds Jay and Benjamin are kicking not Tim's five week plan with a shock tactic I do know seriously when he comes and actually visually has this impact of what he's wasting his money on that it might start to register nice to see you now have a look have a look at Liston this is five thousand seven hundred pounds worth of champagne this is what you spend in a year on champagne and this is the kind of stuff that you're dishing out a night clubs for your credit cards not in cash and back pocket and etc how do you feel about it when you look at it all straight up like that yeah okay I want you to turn around cuz if that isn't bad enough come and have a look at this each one of these phones all the way up here represents a pound that you've spent on mobile phone bills in the last year three thousand six hundred and twenty three pounds I have a walk up there and see how much you really think need to think about using that phone every day [Music] hello hello hello ready to rethink mobile phones yes yeah definitely what a waste won't waste of money think again before you pick up your mobile phone lovely job I think we can do a lot of good work with him shock tactics over it's time to rein in those evil excesses [Music] so Tim we've got back together today to chat through with you how much money you actually spend and to think about going cold turkey on that so how much do you think they you spend on non-essential items in one week this is after you've paid for your rent and after you've paid for your bills hundred quid yeah that's what you reckon and you create a week we've had a good look through your actual financial records we come up with a different number Wow it's actually five hundred and seventy five pounds a week that is this much money every week hmm every week which is quite a lot when you're thinking it's a hundred and another 475 is almost completely unaccounted for we're gonna ask you to come up with a number that you think you can live on for a week and it's the absolute bare minimum we would like you to suggest that would be things that could be not including Brent bills Wow 150 but you already said that you only spend 100 pounds a week so when we ask you to cut it down to the bare minimum and you then say 150 that sounds a bit odd doesn't it gone up 80 quid oh that's a nice fair lobby I think maybe we could shave it off a bit because the idea is it is a cold turkey right you're really supposed to miss everything except the things that will keep your body and soul functioning right maybe even forget the soul just keep your body good yeah okay now you'd be 60 you're getting there I don't think we need our daddy no no well we could go down fifteen that are probably just about 50 great yeah really squeeze you drink during that way you'll really notice what you care about missing and what you don't and this would be information that will take forward in trying to devise a better for your future okay that's yeah that is gonna be your budget for the week no credit cards no borrowing from mates I'm putting on store credit nothing like that here is 50 pounds in five pound notes to make it look like more thank you spend it wisely don't lose it fifty quid in the week is fine as long as I don't go out the fifty pound will cover the petrol and food in the week and that's it but the only way is to do them to keep in that 15 not to go out patiently it's Monday and Tim's doing the first 24 hours of his cold turkey budget in the week I'm working someone if I avoid shopping or going out in the evening then really actually can't be done Tim's using a dictaphone to keep track of where his 50 pounds is going and so far it's not too bad yeah bacon sandwiches with bacon sandwiches and lunch but he's less optimistic about living on a shoestring over the weekend especially when compared to last week's activities so the Browns for a couple the winter's finger fellows by eleven Perry iron Stringfellow's is 6575 mark and I went house wasn't all me went on out on a night out and that's when I that's when I let myself go really that's where the money goes I've just bought a newspaper and such as well cutter pecks Christmas three pound two pounds thirty-six not a lot of money it's surprisingly easy to drop the meals out maybe not the gained weight 30 quid each costing around five we don't work for free but he's less keen on ditching another little luxury oh yeah the feeling around so that's 30 pound which is money well spent because it is real isn't it come on it's cleaning the whole flat doing we washing is that all do-it-yourself working all day and halfway through the cold turkey and psychological coach Benjamin fry gives him a pep talk in playing it straight I'd like to encourage you really to be a bit more open and honest about the spending and about the actual state of the banking here yeah he's ever drawn it's 1,500 all because you know we did actually look at your recent bank statements and not all your checks of that you probably know that yeah I wrote the checks because if I didn't want the checks the jobs wouldn't about finished do you have the money to buy what you need to finish it really need about two quid of him yeah let me ask you something Linton given that you need two hundred quid to finish a job to get the money into play you're over drop what were you doing a Stringfellow's on a big night this saturday Tim's on cold turkey but it's looking like he can't survive without his weekend splash of the champagne lifestyle Saturday so just a week Monday though I've spent over fifty greed just over well quite a bit over really thinking a minute the last night but we hadn't gone out last night they know wouldn't have done that would I not 25 grilling Pesce tall and then we ended up coming back here till 7:00 in the morning and it's not long before Tim's regretting his previous blowouts that was ridiculous if anyone's how much money you do last night long that's really weird I spent 80 good I don't know here probably you've probably done more than my last night I think that about 50 quid us alright you've got the rounds all that loads around you know don't know how do you remember that yeah make you good to me tonight take it easy time yeah but will Tim's resolve survivor Saturday night working the club for the second night in succession Tim has busted the cold turkey budget and given it a right to convert stuffings yeah spending most of his wages over the bar the worst is wrung out probably 500 pound at the top of my head from what I can remember I think yes spended yeah yeah this nice to get expensive money there's no when he goes there he doesn't think about money it just goes out thinks about having a good time whereas we might stop and think oh we've had enough we've done too much money that's it he doesn't think about that he thinks about we can go next and what we're the party's right soon as I gave a good so I'm really [Music] love spending his money so who spent money on the first person he sees will say hello who are you who you have some champagne have some champagne and end up buying Christopher for them and then buying another bottle 10 minutes later I wrote someone's for money for wall he doesn't be coming here but he came here tonight and I've covered it with the publisher Tony just the one Papa champagne the one on the last last one it's promised us never thought when we go I see his credit card bill that's a lot aside so how's Tim feeling about his lack of resolve on the protank II budget is that a window no budgets and I so gone out the window Internet I'm forged unfortunately I'm not suspended they need a drink despite the regrets Tim still looking to party on Jay and Benjamin have sussed out Tim's home life shocked him with his overindulgence and sent him cold turkey Tim cut down on spending in the week but couldn't give up the weekend expensive partying Benjamin fry is a self-help author and entrepreneur his personal experience of therapy has suggested to him that most people's problems in the present could come from unresolved issues in their past this makes him think that Tim's financial problems might stem from something much deeper I do think that Tim is not done terribly well on his cold turkey therefore it's time to look at what might be the real reasons underlying his spending habits I do know that Tim was adopted and also they didn't have a particularly easy time in his school days and I see there possibly some indication of themes of self-worth which maybe he's acting out on now with money what are the kind of things that historically have derailed you from doing the right thing because if if you think about in the past when you thought of I'm gonna do the right thing next week well what what takes you away from the deep down I reckon it's because I wonder whether I ever will make enough money so I spend it and I've made when I when I've got it I still don't know whether I will ever achieve what I want to achieve I'm thinking that maybe underneath that is also something maybe from like earlier in your life or your childhood or you know your adolescence where other people didn't make you feel like you were successful or worth something or mmm how is it at school for you and that struggle was it yeah when the board is going in that it dyslexia dyslexic so you went through some very painful years when people were saying to basically that you're worthless you know you can't do what the other kids can do and I started to become a reality that you carry inside you do you think that maybe some of the behavior in your adult life is a kind of escape from these sort of difficult yeah mainly from the past when the nights really swinging and the champagnes flying and the girls are around and your mates are smiling and everyone's happy and you're at the center of that do you think that in that moment you're free of all those years of people who were just slagging you off yeah I think so that's it but it's it's a it's a freedom yeah it's freedom from yourself isn't it yeah from those difficult feelings from the past I see but I'm also wondering about the family because often things that happen later in life echo experiences in your infancy or early childhood now I'm just wondering because you were actually adopted and your sister was adopted too yeah there's all right if we talk about that a bit yeah how do you feel about it you know being Australian mum and dad mm-hmm money boarding school was expensive and still it still a hassle was it and they had now you know 30 you know I think what's really important from that is see I get the idea you connect being adopted and being a strain on your parents to mean like you know it's not as if I'm even their natural child so why should I be such a father to them I mean it's definitely because I spend money on you to go to boarding school because you were dyslexic which incidentally was not your fault you know it's not your fault you're dyslexic and it was their choice to spend the money so I thought at this age I would have achieved a lot more yeah you've achieved more than some people yeah you've survived a lot of difficult things and what I see here is that whatever you do however successful you'll be you'll think not enough yeah how do we combat that then well I tell you how we combat it we have to actually be honest about the original issues and I think you'll find that if we can look at where the impulse to believe that you're worthless comes from if we can look at that honestly and directly that be less need to use money as a cipher you know as a metaphor and you might actually fine you can concentrate on your business without the emotional pressures from this like bubbling volcano of healings being played in that one yeah what Ben was saying was quite quite shocking stuff really with the regions whoa I do didn't spend all the money I earn I think he did have a point and what he said did make sense but I started to wonder I didn't I didn't like even for the first time Benjamin's got Tim thinking about the underlying reasons behind his spending and it's proving tough now it's up to lifestyle expert Jay to fix a long-term budget to lower the debts [Music] so tell what we've got here is your new budget okay we've looked at the current expenditure we've broken it down into simple areas and we've got here the recommended expenditure and the first thing we're just going to look at is the rent because you've been paying mark 550 a month haven't you and I just wonder whether there's some alternatives we could be looking at sort of Fletcher's you could possibly get something for about 3 350 a month which would give you a saving of 200 pounds a month which we could well do with because as we start to go down the list clothing and footwear you've been spending about 800 pounds a month because I'm going to suggest that we cut this right back to 350 and maybe what we explore is some different areas of how you can spend and where you can spend it okay so entertainment here we have grand finale you've been spending eight hundred and fifty quid a month and we're gonna take three hundred and fifty pounds off of that where does all that money go expensive clubs and drinks and yes is it direct directly in what percentage of that 850 pounds is drink do you think um 75 really yeah in the discos yeah so maybe we could look at teaching you a bit more about wine making you more knowledgeable because at least then you're gonna be aware of you know do I want to spend my money on this rather than oh god panic let's just chuck money as yeah solve the problem good idea so the three areas we're going to look at to cut down is going to be accommodation somewhere where you're going to feel a bit happier somewhere where you could save a bit of money clothing looking at maybe different ways to allocate that money rather than just immediately going for the labels and also the entertainment we don't with just have a nice clear then then I won't go out as much as I would hadn't had to go didn't have a girlfriend so and the spending in the clouds is where the money goes so yeah that would save considerable money and then the girlfriend would it seriously change your life without right to govern hmm and help the budget it's a week and a half into the five-week plan with Tim still waiting for the elusive girlfriend James tackling an area she can do something about the 800 pounds a month Tim spends on clothes so when you're shopping normally like this where is the debt problem and the debt total in your mind Frank right so when you come into a shop you are Tim with money in your pocket and debt is just not your concept that's it okay if Tim's going to cut his clothes spend by 450 pounds Jay needs to rack up cheaper alternatives to the designer labels those are quite nice I mean see that I quite like these innocuous logos things that can't label you that there may be fun nobody's gonna know who's made it by looking at some of these and if you can sort of start to like those rather than designer names branded across the front then you know see I think that's really nice do you keep a running total if you've got a mentality of how much really know so by the time you get I won't get the connect later but by the time you get to the checkout don't when they say that's 84 pounds 50 oh that's 854 pounds you'll just like all right whatever that total is you haven't clocked it beforehand when everyone right okay the other thing to think about you get to the end of your shopping trip always try and drop one thing so if we were looking at your selection here and I said okay let's drop one which one would it be five items for how much to keep him on the straight and narrow he's sticking to the cash only budget yeah Tim's used to dishing out 800 pounds a month on designer items but with his budget cut to 350 he's having to learn to cut back fast and today he's exceeded even Jays expectations and spent a meager 35 pounds Jay is tackling the budget but it's up to Benjamin to address Tim's issues of low self-esteem he thinks the causes stem from Tim's childhood so he's meeting up with mom and dad and he did actually talk about the adoption did he yeah well it's brilliant that he's talked about it because each time we have raised it which isn't very often I don't want to know there's a lot of pain we have no he hasn't we have tried to tell him and he has never wanted to know and he's always known as his sister hers when they got to 18 if they wanted to try and trace the families we we didn't have a problem with that made help that's very kind of hmm but hey neither of them have done anything about it yeah and the other thing I think about the money I think maybe I'd like Tim to get together with you and talk about it I mean I have done what I can do when it comes to doing the tax returns and yeah well I get everything together as a gift to his accountant because there's never in a orderly fashion you know I say with it this is straightforward now write it out of the book every day what you spend and keep the invoices here but he's not organized and what you keep repeating it he really lose a business manager yeah maybe now that he's 30 it's time to have a you know more adult adult relationship than adult child and I think that's what you've obviously been doing anyway where you say I can't give you anymore anybody anyway so let's support you in other ways there seemed to be some tension between him and his father and I think that naturally when he's lending money that can occur but I also think that emotionally the connection is possibly not as good as it could be and I'd like to encourage him to do some work on that relationship you never have a normal relation of some father-son relationship it's just always something to be sorted out so I mean really paid off or no he makes a fuss about things and panics about things that harm work panicking around it's just like it's nothing to do with him at the end of the day I'm 30 years old you know it's down to me isn't it just thinking about his relationship with his dad is enough to bring Tim down so no surprise is how he perks himself up again he can't believe tell it second Hank anyway now how much have I paid 500 quid on it all right so okay another 500 yeah yeah no chance no it's not that maybe cut a lot of things going up and all these moves aren't you Oh dad you might be happy if I be telling you go to their new one with Tim halfway through his five-week plan Benjamin and Jay team up to review his progress or rather lack of it what do you think about Tim's progress I'd say I'm slightly sort of wished it had been a yeah I think he's a bit resistant and I think he's throwing up a lot of obstacles which may be a real but maybe a smokescreen for his reluctance to deal with some of the deeper issues in his life I think the whole sort of having a foot in each camp with the gardening and the club actually is a very very useful device to stop him committing to either one but also he's always can blank out half of that or I needed that for that like I saw the chaos as his natural state of mind and I wonder if that's a way that he avoids looking at deeper issues like stability and what that really means given his background the option of living with mark means he's going to continue to be an environment where he's spending too much to try and keep up with a lifestyle that he's emulating renting his own place one-bedroom flats round here go from about 400 a month but they tend to be unfurnished so he's going to have to invest in buying some furniture and obviously he's going to be responsible for paying the bills himself yeah that could be a problem because he's been having trouble paying bills and things as already existing I learned buying new ones yeah another option moving in with a friend maybe a friend you know not a regular job I'm talking about sort of a regular flat share with people who hold down jobs come in and out at regular times have a fridge stocked with things sort of home comfort if we can really help him to choose a career path choose a place to live and make some long-term plans and maybe with help with backing work with help on how that would affect him psychologically we might have a chance of pulling in through that I have to say right now it doesn't look great it's not going that well Jay and Benjamin think moving out of marks expensive flat would helped him keep within his budget so there's a trip to see what's within reach on the private rental market okay Tim so it's flat this is the lounge that you're eating yeah my spikes just right out sighs so Tim's you feel that this could represent what you want to be saying about yourself no no no you're not keen on it you look really really uncomfortable yeah doesn't give you a good vibe I can see from your face that you're not really visualizing your stuff here and you isn't getting out visualizing living now have you wanted to leave the moment we came through the door yeah yes it's not great signs it with Tim shirking at the privately rented flat Jay and Benjamin opted for Plan B sharing with someone else in this case someone who knows a very different side to wild man Tim it's very I must say it's very relaxing you look at your body now you know we've got it settled in happiest Larry so Rebecca would you seriously consider Tim moving in here as a tenant well I've set him before more than welcome to come and live here but no party lifestyle because I don't want to have like a Saturday evening to look in the morning the whole front door bursting open full of people and drinking champagne honey that well I think about this arrangement is that he feels at home in this sort of environment and there's a part of Tim that's trying to be like mr. cool out there and all the clubs with all the parties there's also very important parts of him that I learned about from his family and from friends like you there's actually just the sweetest guy ever Timothy's definitely more relaxed when he comes around here I've cooked him a meal maybe on a Monday or Tuesday evening and he's watching a DVD on the television and that's the real Timothy even though he'd hate to pretend that that was the sort of thing that he'd get up I don't want all the other girls in South End to know that side of Timothy I don't know so you think he has a choice to make moving forward of where where he's gonna spend his time and attention if he wants to concentrate on his landscape gardening I think that he needs to be in a sort of a more settled environment sense of you know exactly guess our business wouldn't ya definitely because what's the point if he's having to get up at sort of five six o'clock in the morning to do his landscaping and he's actually not gone to bed that evening yeah because him and his partner so Rebecca how much is it a month well we have discussed this and I said 300 pounds including bills per month that seems really fair I mean Tim you're paying 550 a month at the moment at marks and you're having to cough up for a cleaner as well yeah so can you give me one single reason cuz I can't understand it why you haven't taken Rebecca up on her offer and you're not here already with your suitcases removed in the spare room yeah but isn't there no reason there is no reason why not so when you're gonna go home and tell mark then what are the times not I think it's gonna be a good influence yeah you're good at friends one week on and Tim's reconsidering his snap decision to move to Rebecca's but he has started making moves to win round his dad he's paid back 500 pounds and set up this special guided tour of his recent landscaping so this is your latest project yeah it's the first time tim has tried to patch up the damage his debt has done to their relationship yeah I think the we should down out never drink you stop all the moaning and there's always something to moan about isn't well yes I know but they've got nothing the witch has taught the magazine try to keep on the straight now who's not criticizing I think I'd like more than often do your own thing I'm not you not bother me again or not yeah I need to see you see you on a regular basis not to be a financial burden on anybody else yeah what what we done were to do is have a go at you every time you come in the door yeah I'm probably getting too involved but it's only because what we both care no obviously mum gets upset if we continually bickering and it's not something tensional it's over the best of intentions really so when they've got some more jobs lined up yes how the jobs lined up in start the London job on Tuesday finishing the one off at the moment bronze finishing that one off so they do finish for Christmas do you think yeah a job yeah shipping yeah like should give you a little bit more of a cushion financing shouldn't it yeah and the beasts there'd be some money on the North London job for you that's good that's good isn't there had this made from this factory walkway you know it's good stuff and it could have made into a planter or treading where did you get the idea for this I wanted to be the same level so he could still be used as the tech no I think it's very soothing sound the water mmm and that was at it made that out of a template in two days any fish in there no it's a chance for Richard to offer some fatherly praise this was very impressive the lights and they very good very unusual hmm I spoke very good at that time yeah yeah London long yeah so people ever New Year's resolution this aggravation yeah you know we willing to help provided you learn from it and you go forward yeah okay missus excellent Tim's made the first awkward steps to bridging a divide with his dad while Benjamin's advice has started to address Tim's psychological triggers lifestyle expert Jay is planning on cutting Tim's 850 pound the entertainment budget by almost half so it's a lesson on what his iron watering bar tabs are actually getting him I mean you aren't quite a fan aren't you if you have champagne knife stuff yeah how knowledgeable would you say you are when it comes to ordering you know a decent champagne or a decent one I'll just pick that you know the expensive one make out that I know the one I'm picking amounts of money means it's gonna be able to everyone yeah and is it generally I don't know don't think so I know you've asked Rebecca haven't used you to come and meet us today because what I thought might be quite nice is if we all go to a wine tasting right it's got an Italian slant today which I know will please you yeah but I thought maybe if we do that and start increasing your knowledge of other alcohol rather than just champagne it might start to open up another world for you what we do today is take you through some of the the more cultured side of Italian life the wine fine there we had a little bit of fizz for you it's not a full fizz it's not like champagne a bit of a champagne expert here oh good after you go to Italy yeah you can get wines make the champagne method using the same grapes they're about two-thirds of the price of muscle champagne just as good try your lucky ante now give a swirl and that releases the volatile elements and stick your nose and have a good sniff does that smell like wine smell that's it that's in good condition really if you just smell the wine in it smells like wine the odds are it's good this is good good quality schmatta probably cost you around about retail for around about 14 pounds a bottle so time if you're in a restaurant and a bottle of that is on a wine this what would you be looking at paying good reserve a $19.99 probably somewhere in the region of 50 60 pounds a bottle the mark on this huge machine yeah let's try this wine from the south of Italy now you see that smells completely different still black fruits more berry it could still quite right nice nice slightly different flavors mm-hmm because you've not got the same same strong I think I prefer that way but Italy is it's an area that's really showing a lot of improvement and then this will retail for a roundabout run about seven eight points but half the price of that everything but also what's interesting is that you're you know looking down the list and thinking right 60 pounds means it's got to be okay you're ordering it and if you're honest it's not your favorite wine at all so it's kind of like judging on a war it's that expensive it must be okay but then you're not getting the full enjoyment out of it so you could be choosing something a lot cheaper if you knew a bit more and probably something that you'd like a bit better yeah Benjamin's got Tim to start healing the rift with his dad while Jays devising tips for cutting Tim's clothes an alcohol budget but despite all the help and with just one week remaining in the five-week plan Tim hits crisis point [Applause] [Music] the bank have given him 24 hours to pay off his overdraft while Tim's laborers want their wages in desperation Tim's resorting to a loan shark I'm just about to borrow some money off someone else it's 700 crude 100 squid [Music] with the interest on the loan set at a hundred and fifty pounds a week it's not surprising with Tim's thoughts turn to ways of escaping my ambition is to emigrate to Italy and set up a life way from England ethics shenanigans that go on just the country appeals to Tim's able to pay his laborers but his big dreams are slipping out of reach even worse he's losing all grip on his finances what's going wrong they did bring out with him some very difficult emotional issues that he's really not used to considering sometimes when that happens people can run away and things can get worse before they get better Benjamin plans to shift the focus of Tim's recovery by addressing the issue of his professional life I've worked in the nightclub business myself and I've seen an awful lot of people not too terribly well I've also seen a lot of kind of lifestyle casualties in it and I do think that Tim is in danger of falling into those kind of groups I'm fine now today I want you to come and meet a guy who actually promotes a club up in the West End quite successful and I want to see if we can get some tips from him about how to run your business more professional is that Alright yeah come on in so Tim here we are with Paul from kinking malinki as we know one of London's most successful promoting outfits I think it's a good chance for you to try to figure out the difference between having a good night out and actually making a good living from a night out yeah one of the things I imagine it must make a big difference to that profitability of the night is actually how much money you have to spend as a promoter entertaining people in the club I know that Tim spends quite a bit of money on hosting effectively his own night I'm wondering what's your experience of that how does that go for you yeah I mean you definitely need to be socializing and looking like you enjoying it a lot of time for me I music suggests that running around and you know making sure everyone's happy making sure everything's running smoothly I tend not to get sucked into the trap of standing at the bar tired by champagne and you know sort of yeah entertaining stuff Paul can earn a thousand pounds a time from throwing these parties that's five times more than Tim obviously you need to weigh up whether you want to spend all your profit on the club's bar or whether you want to you know actually make some money and keep progressing with the promotion and I mean you can get in a position where everyone wants to get in the club for free they could buy new champagne some of the attributes that Paul talked about bringing to his work are things that Tim does seem able to bring to his landscape design work and I do think it'd be nice if Tim could see that there's a future in that that maybe just season there and there any circumstance is unlikely promoting and I hope that I can do something to help him come to that realization on his own a few days after the visit to the big time promoter Benjamin wants to see how it's affected Tim who's finding that getting real with his chaotic finances is really hard work one of the things I want to really ask you about is how you're doing since we saw that club promoter Paul up in London wonder how you felt that all went yeah it was good he knew his staff I think yeah not beating us in a situation to him but I haven't took it to the level he's took it to yeah fully too late now for me to see now to achieve what he's achieved so yeah maybe you've been distracted in the past because never quite know which area you're focusing on mm-hmm what do you think of where that's right yeah one on the other really isn't it yeah so how do you feel generally seem a bit to environment we're not very good at the moment need to get to work jobs to be finished and things to be covered and things are sort of not being paid off and it's just spiraling out of control now to the point of yeah bad time do you think it's also hard to look at all these issues at the same time as having the same song without you yeah because we have been forcing it to be really quite honest in the way that you look at your life yeah and to see things that maybe before you could have just ignored things like how in debt you are or whether you spend money on the Friday need on a Monday yeah it's sometimes having you know it's like putting a mirror up to your face and constantly keeping it yeah I can put quite a lot of pressure on you emotionally as well tim is finally facing up to the amount of effort required to level his finances I think that after all this difficult time it'd be nice for Tim to do something a bit more relaxing and it'd be nice for him to get away a bit I'm going to suggest him he takes a break gets away from everything and it has a nice quiet space in which to reflect and everything that's happened see if that can help him decide where everybody wants to go with his life at Jay and Benjamin's suggestion Tim's ending the five-week plan with a weekend in Rome at 200 pounds it's less than half the price of a typical weekend at home it's Tim's first trip to Italy but he's long been a fan of Italian garden design when a change of scene help him reach some crucial decisions for some reason I've been spending more money and a lot of times those will realise what's what it's all about I think maybe I think that the time being I'm gonna spend as much as I can because I know that I'll have to sort it out doesn't really make any sense at all but [Music] instead of checking out the local nightlife Tim's getting some inspiration for his gardening business but will it help him choose between dance floors or garden decking Benjamin's given me one or the other as far as clubs or landscaping fun at the moment it's just lame is a closet over there for the moment you're doing a Mediterranean garden every night I'm not sure whether they you can leave them outside [Music] this is quite an old-fashioned type of garden design formerly saw the original garden gardening garden designers used to always go with a formal thing I never done it for God they're nice oh they're quite heat gardens to to do it in when dad and I met in the garden it was nice but I think until I've paid a substantial amount of money back to him and I've sort of sort myself out it's in a relationship isn't really gonna improve really not until that happened Tim spent nearly 2,000 pounds in the last week on his monster lifestyle being away from the usual triggers is finally helping him spend far less thanks good to be away break away and come back to the clear head last night I went outside to eat and came back to the hotel whereas if I'd been in Southend not I probably wouldn't have been still still love I still get up now probably a bad thing being out here [Music] as well as practicing his Italian Tim's found a new sense of resolve don't break break away so we've got me thinking about how to sort it out so I can make an effort now make em make some money in video saw it I feel really focus now so I'm get back on track now a lot of people don't believe I'll ever sort it out but I'm going to prove [Music] they're in coming back in England and Tim's following through on his promises and meeting a financial adviser to rake over his gardening business plan usually where what we made where we've gone wrong yeah it wouldn't be difficult to put them together it's not rocket science it's two week since Italy and with several big gardening contracts under way how is Tim doing after his financial makeover blimey well done seen the board outside very professional yeah and this is lovely look at this toes late nights out there now for being good is this the way it's gonna be now is it now yeah just the landscaping yeah yeah yeah how's your entertainment budget going cuz obviously when we first met you were spending 800 pounds a month on going out I'm presuming that cuz you're now doing this job and mr. early night and sensible that that's kind of hit that on the head of paper has I haven't been out any mad made nights didn't even go out News Eve that's a big step forward yeah what did you do I stayed any much intelligent so Tim what have you decided to do accommodation wise well I'm moving into a vicars right definitely yeah okay and I'm Cinemax and I'm going to move into a one-bedroom flat myself right I think that's a positive thing how much is that gonna cost every month yeah 475 so still be cheaper yeah still be cheap for the marks that's Jay so Tim one of the things that I was hoping that would happen fuse that you could have a slightly closer relationship with your father wondering how that's gone yeah that's gone well yeah and when we don't sort of argue as much range to everything just take things more understands the situation rather than sort don't mad about things yeah financially you getting on better with him as well yes so we paid him back the money song about sweating off borrowed from him worst sort two months so then you feel good about it yeah feel good and we'll play some of the other bit off it yeah it's down the walkway so do you see that there really is a connection between kind of the emotional underlying universe that you're living in and if you like what you see of it which is the financial chaos that goes on on the surface yes and as long as you remember to keep the one and the other imbalance you have a better chance to keep it control with your finances yeah we're gonna leave you know and I really hope you're able to take forward some of these steps that you've made because I think they're quite a significant I think the stuff you've done with your dad and with your family and even with your friends and just with yourself in terms of who you really want to be is really really accelerated development yeah and I hope you don't drop the ball on that let me just stay with it keep going yeah keep up what you're doing Tim because you have made great strides and I know we better go because we'll be putting you behind schedule with Fenn City good luck yeah it's a cracking start yeah good luck Tim yeah see you again [Music] you
Channel: Spendaholics
Views: 193,711
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Spendaholics, Shopaholics, Shopping, Spending, Haul, Addicted, Addiction, BBC, Only Human, Jay Hunt, Benjamin Fry, Debt, Finances, TV Show, Full Episodes, night out, champagne, party, party animal
Id: 9CYKMwhe_wU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 8sec (3368 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 23 2019
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