£35,000 DEBT In Clothes, Comics And Movies | FULL EPISODE | Spendaholics

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[Music] meets Jason Cooper a 36 year old spender holic from Bristol whose finances are a real-life Horror Show some people binge on food you know some people you know binge on drink I binge on spending when it comes to money Jason lives in a fantasy world a part-time student he works three days a week in a record store and earns just five hundred and fifty pounds a month but his debts are a massive 35 grand I like spending money on films all Asian and horror films young comics for the zombie geeks it's it really is a must-have and I like spending money on clothes jeans from Japan very nice very expensive when payday comes it will be a case of okay well which ones do what ones or should I just have all of them and feeding his addiction leaves no money for his family it would be nice to share the family finances more sometimes it does feel like a huge burden it's time to bring this modern-day Peter Pan back down to earth lifestyle expert Jay hunt will help him take control of his finances and realize his potential all I'm saying is that you do have skills which you are incredibly good with that you're not utilizing psychological coach Benjamin Fry will target the anxieties behind his compulsive spending can Jason swap his world the financial make-believe for one of financial responsibilities I'm gonna put my hands up inside there I'm immature that I don't have a handle on this but I'm 36 years old and I think it's going to be extremely difficult for me to change [Music] Jason is a student in film studies who dreams of becoming a horror film director he also works in a record store earning five hundred and fifty pounds a month it's dangerous territory for a man obsessed with cult films [Applause] just like this it's very lethal if I see a film that I want then it's really difficult for me to not buy it Jason admits he lives the life of a carefree bachelor despite sharing it with his partner Jane and their eight-year-old son Ethan it is a real struggle to let that kind of self-identity go it's reached the point where his spending is a love affair with each and every purchase beautiful distress pair trousers beautiful beautiful while he splurges the cash with abandon it's left to Jane who works as an actress to foot the bill I think one of the main impacts of Jason spending would be a stress of worrying are we going to have enough money for the following moment I have to spend it I just have to get rid of it I can't for some reason I just don't like having money on me I don't know what what that's about the reason that I want two changes is definitely because of my family you know I I think that my spending and my day-to-day living gets in the way of my relationship with my with my son and with my partner it's time for our financial Crusaders Benjamin and Jay to get to the bottom of Jason's compulsion with his flat empty for the day they're keen to see just how bad his situation is Benjamin will look for the psychological clues behind his consumer cravings while Jay is on the hunt for evidence of how much he spends on his addiction as soon as you walk into my flat it's obvious oh how weird it's all very normal in your entrance hole no I use Peck today but if they thought that was strange they ain't seen nothing yet they've all got their prices on look at that 14 pounds 15 pounds Oh 1550 11 pounds 20 quid [Music] Jason's comic collection runs into the thousands and then there are his DVDs [Music] full collection of gold films martial arts core horror there's hundreds of these videos it's really Boise there's nothing sort of really feminine in here and the Boise theme continues next up the bedroom that's not a cheap habit all of that was his wife bedroom of a couple and seen so many male shoes this designer collection adds up to just over two thousand pounds I mean look at all of these these maharishi come with different patterns on the legs and the more detail the more you're paying for them but you know maharishi trousers like that range from about 120 up to 500 quid depending on how much detail is on them but you see this is more more of his stuff his stuff so you're saying where is she the answer is sandwiched in this end with that much space I would say this guy is supremely selfish I never thought I'd say but I do feel myself coming over a bit old-fashioned oh I say it's happened to Jay and Benjamin have seen enough but before they leave there's the small matter of Jason's financial records repayment letters acceptance we're prepared to accept settlement of the above debt of three and a half thousand by monthly installments of two pounds well would be to spending on version 56 pounds waterstones 51 virgin 46 blockbuster 25 Forbidden Planet 29 let's take back statements it's time to take super spender Jason to task and our credit Crusaders have a superhero shock tactic to knock him into financial good sense I'm just gonna put this blindfold on you is that okay and walk you around because we've got something to show you okay don't lose trust sir so you have neat hardly met us and now we're gonna feels like it's a Saturday night come with me guide you in you can take your blindfold off now and you can meet your new friends recognizes that's such a bad haircut [Music] what we've got here is 35 Jason superheroes and each of them has a total on their chest 500 pounds okay so 35 of them all representing 500 pounds comes to seventeen and a half thousand pounds and that is the amount of money that you've spent in the last three years on trainer's clothes DVDs did you know it was that much do you keep any kind of telling how much you spend on that or not really not at all no ostrich do you think that it's a shock to see how much money you spend yeah yeah it is I would ascend about 5 or 6 which is five or six yeah yeah only slightly wrong yeah that's not much no well let you're a visual person so this is an image that you should try and retain to help you on your those dangerous moments as you passed the comic shop we've got something that we'd like you to go find in among the maze of chases and we're gonna go upstairs and watch when you go and look for a little bit of something a little bit of something somewhere in the field of super Jason's Benjamin and Jay have planted some long-forgotten sidekicks he looks great yeah love livin like this one it's not the only thing in your life is it very nice as well so who are they my family do you think there's any conflict between the 35 Jason superheroes in this room and there's two rather lovely people who's cardboard cutouts your dearly clinging on to yeah there is is there just a little bit too much Jason in this room yeah no absolutely yeah and what does that remind you of my flat our flat which we went to of course this morning and were very hard pressed really to find any evidence of Jane or Ethan in there yeah no absolutely I've been aware for quite a while their hide behind a lot of things to keep me to keep me separate from my family so on and I would like that to change when I saw the cut out of my son it really freaked me out because it was the realization that actually isn't about the money that I'm spending it's kind of about you know the stuff behind all of that stuff and the stuff behind all of my spending is actually my relationship with my son and the relationship with my partner Jason's binge spending habits have landed him and his family in financial hot water his first step to rehabilitation will be learning how to survive in the real world but before Benjamin and Jay assigned him his new weekly budget they need the bare facts can I just ask you what you think you spend in an average week I don't know what does it feel well some weeks nothing you know because I mean because I don't spit because I don't have money constantly so it's you know when I have it you know it's kind of like on a binge thing so how much do you actually spend on a binge the last time I had a student check and that was about do I can't member 3,000 maybe and that kind of went in the weekend he spent three groaning are we good but some of that was set aside for you know four bills one or two bills well we've had a look through your spending patterns and the average amount that you spend in an average week is a hundred and twenty-one pounds and fifty P but that's not all you spent because you also take money off your partner Jane I don't every that's another hundred quid a week so that is 221 pounds you get through on a week when you are I don't spend anything in those weeks that's quite sorry yeah okay I actually have an interesting fact for you that the average family in Britain is supported by the breadwinner providing 220 pounds a week okay so that amount of money on the table is actually enough to take care of your family assuming you can live like an average family okay normally the cold-turkey budget would be the minimum amount someone could survive on for seven days about in Jason's case there's his family to consider we're gonna take back this money and what we're gonna leave you with is a hundred and twenty pounds okay now that 120 pounds is the money that we would like you to take and be in charge of your whole family budget for the week so do you think that's feasible this is going to be a nightmare back home he breaks the news to an anxious Jane the bad news is for the next week I'm in charge of the money that's a frightening prospect I have a hundred and twenty pounds okay to pay for everything for the next seven days right well I wasn't expecting that frightening thinking of you know handing over control to you but I think it's going to be kind of a huge pressure off me as well after years of managing the family finances Jane's putting her trust in him it's not gonna be easy for him but I'm sure I've got faith in him I think he'll manage okay I'm not too scared I'll put it that way I'm not too scared the same can't be said for Jason to physically hold this money for a week and can't do this on a day-to-day basis I think it's going to be difficult for me in fact what I wanted to do tonight as soon as I got back was to say okay why here's the money for the petrol and there's some money for for this and so to get it all sorted over and done with there and then [Music] it's day one of cold turkey in his new role as Chancellor of the family expector Jason's first task is restocking the fridge [Music] he's one day into the job and already he spent half his budget for the entire week I've given Jane five pounds today to pay for the the bridge toll in two shops twenty one pound fifty and in the other five pound 21 both on food and then $1.99 on a card that came to 33 70 I've also - 20 pound that I need to pay for my travel to uni so that comes to fifty three seventy which leaves sixty six pound and 30 pence for six days that's ten thousand today I have no idea how that money is gonna last for six days don't his grasp of the purse strings might not be too keen but his appreciation of what's really involved is growing my hat is off to joke having to can't avoid their sounds it takes some Engineering I have to say you know I've done it for a day and I've got go ahead over the next morning he's determined to rein in some of his everyday excesses he's off to work but instead of spending ten pounds on lunch and coffees he makes his own he also saves three pounds fifty by avoiding the bus and cycling there instead [Music] day two draws to a close Jason might have only saved 13 pounds 50 but he's discovering that the time and effort invested is paying back emotional dividends I'm taking more of an active role in the house in the home which has kind of been missing for a while so far cold turkey is ringing the changes with Jason but if it's to have a lasting impact he needs to get to the root cause of his consumer compulsion benjamin calls him to london for a meeting he's keen to explore jason's anxiety around money well my earliest memory of kind of money in the family whereas i mean my mom works a couple of jobs my dad worked a couple of jobs but we never really had any money although they worked really hard i mean i've got an identical twin brother and i've got a sister and there was no money but i was very conscious of what I didn't have as opposed to what I did have a suppose mmm yeah other people have more yeah or other people have better it's really difficult for me to not compare myself and and that's just what happens every time I meet someone well you mentioned you're a twin and identical twin yeah is that complicated with feelings of jealousy since kind of birth really I've had this person that I've been compared to so that kind of competing thing has kind of always been there often twins retain a kind of weird connection that seems almost even more of upon the normal siblings yeah you didn't have that no that's definitely not been our experience you know whenever we were naughty my mother used to UM pretend to phone this woman up to come and take us away one of you or both of you me or him or both well it's reasonably exciting competition isn't it see who's gonna be the twin to pick up rid of yeah but when I started crying she kind of said okay all off on the back it's almost like the one who was most self-sufficient that's the one she would have got rid of that's very interesting as a child Jason believed that when he cried he won his mother's sympathy over his twin brother now Benjamin thinks he's carried this pattern of vulnerability into his adult relationships and maybe there's some of that going on with your partner maybe you worried that if you became most that's for a more financially competent Etsy she might move on because you wouldn't need her oh I see I don't like that I don't like the idea of that it's almost like money in the hand is a death hmm make yourself unlovable almost by being successful yeah that's screwed isn't it screwed up thinking maybe the real phobia about being successful it's done you won't be allowed to stay in the family yeah that'd be well worth sabotaging your money over wouldn't it no it would it's clear the session with Benjamin has brought a lot to the surface when I mentioned the the incident with my mom with Benjamin about you know phoning this woman up to take us away it was a memory I haven't spoke about it for ages I hadn't thought about it for years so um so it kind of it did take me back I have to say it was kind of oh my god the next morning it's back to the present and Jason's final day of cold turkey he's off to university but after paying for a second family food shop and James travel he's left with just five pounds for the day for the first time since starting his film studies course he ventures into the library one of the books that I need for reading it's just over 60 pounds so it can't really afford to buy milk this week so I'm here to one pick up that book and also have a look to see what other books they have and I have to say it's a very impressive library for the man who buys everything brand new it's been a revelation and that's not all he's come in on budget for the week and kept the family finances in check all by himself so it's several times in the week that I've kind of wanted to say to Jane Oh Jane can I borrow Tana and of course obviously I couldn't ask her for money because I had the responsibility of that week so I stopped myself several times really so I feel really confident in in so much as okay well I know how I can start implementing these changes Jason's cold-turkey performance bodes well but with a part-time wage of just 550 pounds a month he needs to make serious cutbacks if he's going to tackle his gargantuan debt of 35 grand [Music] to help Jason take control of his finances jay has devised a new long-term budget but first she's keen to hear his feedback on the past week so having this week and doing it has been an unusual thing for you to suddenly not only have to have responsibility for money for yourself but for two other people as well yeah no absolutely absolutely the responsibility of this is what I didn't like so you know having to be responsible but it definitely feels like the right time until I see every regime that I was so what we want to think about is doing it in stages it's like we've done stage one which was cold turkey you've got through that so stage two is looking at Jason's new budget okay so what we've done Jason is we've worked out at the moment how much you've been spending every month okay so all the housing bills rent telephone council tax bills Ethan stuff food that has all been zero and where your money has actually been going is in this column here which is on your course on DVDs on comics on books and on clothes and when we add it all up what it comes to every month is eight hundred and thirty nine pounds a month okay now that is 289 pounds more than to five hundred and fifty pounds that you bring in which is really the money that you're constantly claiming back from Jane that's not nice I didn't realize it read that much didn't you know I didn't I don't feel too good seeing that Jay has shown no mercy in her new budget in fact the only payment that's unchanged is his college fees DVDs that you're spending a hundred and thirty pounds a month on we've knocked down 225 comics at the moment you've been spending fifty three pounds a month we've got that in which is going to be quite hard for you at zero books 53 pounds weaved half that and then clothes which you've been spending 250 pounds a month on is the other thing that we're massively cutting back on we've got that in at0 that's painful is it yeah the idea of not being able to buy clothes is a bit the reason that we've been you know let's be honest quite brutal and put that in at zero is because we don't really think that you need anymore can you just make do with your two wardrobes for the stuff for a bit while we make some inroads into these deaths yeah yeah yeah lastly his enormous debt of thirty-five thousand pounds which partner Jane currently pays off Jays upped his contributions from nothing to 100 pounds I'm not saying it's gonna be easy no that's cool I totally understand and I think it's the right thing to do whether it's going to feel good at the end of the month you know at the end of each month is a different matter but I but it is the right thing to do with Jay tackling the future Benjamin turns his attention to the present as a child Jason always felt compared to his identical twin brother Aaron now Benjamin wants to see how this manifests itself in his adult life by constantly comparing himself to others to explore this further he's invited Jason to a very subjective slide show what I want you to do really is just talk me through your immediate reactions to the photographs and where it leaves you feeling in terms of this internal constant evaluation of where you are in the pecking order you ready I'm ready okay here's the first picture that's just a chair isn't it oh that's just yeah dismissive yeah yeah I wouldn't have any time some you know I know it's not that's just like it's just so horrible so you mediate reaction is that is less than me I'm superior it's just sounds so awful oh yes fine that's what we had to discover yeah I want to move on okay yeah I always make to probably work the same label one of one of the thousands catalog people that would be my immediate judgment the immediate reaction is not the man it's not the face but it's the clothes yeah that's interesting it's just pompous certainly booted pompous and arrogant so you're not threatened by him either well actually my reaction to him is probably that I would feel threatened by hit by that type of person but I but my reaction is these you know I would put him down so the obvious trappings of success might make you feel a sense of inferiority yeah and you respond to that by finding a way to criticize him yeah there's one last comparison for Jason to make cool dudes his brother I see I knew it superior in fear he's at they're not to say where that one I think you're haunted by the possibility of being inferior but also frightened of the guilt of being superior yeah that were fair and in this picture you could go either way probably got both Zach yeah you go both because you don't really want to win and you don't really want to lose now I remembered you know we were doing a race I think was it the 800 meters and there was a one kid that was coming first and it was a race between my brother and myself who was gonna come second and third and it was in the last hundred meters and I gave up I gave up gave up Brian stop running that my brother win it feels easier to give up doesn't it yeah and yeah you know what you could do better yeah are we gonna do some more work on that and I think we'll just turn up the temperature or not Benjamin's hit upon Jason's central dilemma he wants to be successful but allows himself to fail its the following morning and Benjamin's brought him to the epicenter of London's financial district I feel really inadequate here inadequate yeah superior inferior inferior do you think they think you're a winner or a loser probably a loser how do you feel though about yourself truly heyo a loser so in order for Jason to confront his feelings of inadequacy Benjamin wants him to exclaim his shame loud and proud black hard for you to hold up I'd like you to reveal it please it's for all of us but Jason's not keen on Benjamin's very public form of confession this is awful I'm physically shaking yeah I don't like this at all is that because you don't want people to know this is how you feel yeah absolutely okay yeah [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] this is sober after 10 minutes of public therapy Benjamin comes to the rescue you feel just in shock because you're revealing yourself to the world in a way that you spent so much time and energy trying to cover up let's face it all those outfits all those clothes all those individuals everything you do is about trying to hide the lurking sense of inadequacy isn't it so much yeah it's about keeping that sign under wraps okay I've got a new sign yes come on initial reactions how does that feel got my heart is just my heart is racing there's no you know this isn't easy this is this is just as bad really just as bad again this is just as bad why is it feels so difficult to hold up a sign saying winner because it just doesn't feel right it doesn't feel I don't feel like here it's becoming clear that Jason's internal battle between success and failure is what stopping him from moving forward in his life the worrying thing I think comes out of today is that there's something about the way he grew up that made it important for him not to fulfill his potential in order to feel safe now if Jason is stuck with that feeling at the core of his sense of self it's gonna be very very difficult for him to grow up become an adult manage money and hang on to it and unfortunately Benjamin's concerns are ringing true after years of suppressing his feelings Jason struggling to come to terms with the issues that have risen to the surface I've just spent the last three days in bed this process brings up a lot of fun a lot of feelings and a lot of stresses and a lot of anxieties it kind of has really brought up the fact that maybe I have been selling myself short for a while and kind of taken the easy option and I think that I've kind of I've known that as well which is why I think I've just crashed I've just been in a place of not knowing what I wanted to do where I want to go Who I am what I'm about this has been quite an emotional roller coaster reading and I know that I just need to keep facing my fear and doing it concerned that Jason may have hit an emotional brick war Benjamin caused a crisis meeting with Jay because of the way that he feels his parents always compared him to his identical twin brother there is something so pathological about the way that he compares himself Wilson eats everyone he meets or is around on those it's interesting you say that because one of his really big areas of spending is clothes and they're almost like a sort of comedy shield it's like when people first meet him they see the clothes and not him so I think I'm gonna really have to crack this and hopefully get him more into portraying himself as being confident and feeling less need for these clothes the whole time so if you can begin to make some progress on the surface then maybe I can use that as a way into helping him make some progress deeper down with Jason self-belief at rock bottom Jay decides to take him shopping but with his clothes budget slashed to zero this is shopping for confidence Judy is a body language expert okay okay and what we're gonna do is do some exercises and some work with Judy today because what I want to explore with you is how much the whole clothes thing with you is part of your identity and how much it's likely taken over Jason's obsession with being unique means he only buys designer labels and never shops in high street stores Jay thinks he uses this as a defense and wants Judy to teach him how to feel confident in whatever he wears not to me I mean I'm worried because your facial expression was pure disgust and you're using this pleading gesture with your hand so it's obviously worked let's go for pair jeans white t-shirt gray top enjoy yeah enjoy Yeah right don't run away [Music] once changed a new jason emerges and the difference in his body language is all too clear i was gonna say how do you how do you feel this is horrible notice all this stuff can you see or all of this self comfort stuff has become almost a ritual and your little arms have gone out here and your feet are what we call tentative at the moment they like poised to run away somewhere along the line so i think they're trying to get out those shoes and run out their job so what i would like you to do is to get your feet about shoulder-width apart that looks better already i just want a little bit push forward there that's better now i want your energy to come from here i want you to actually portray that strength again so i don't want you to bring the chest up i want you to stretch it outwards you look like a superhero already that is the big difference right all i wanted to do is in that outfit but with the new jason body language i want you to walk confidently up to j and i'm just going to ask you so you don't know her i'm going to ask you to shake hands with her and just introduce yourself off you go hi i'm jason hello Jason how are you I'm good how are you fine you got great in that outfit Thanks I started trying yeah I know it can get yourself no this has got so good you've even gone into the fun flirting mode [Laughter] drawing attention to what I think would really help free you up and help you with your budget is if you've got an interview or something really important or there was some big night out you could think you know what fine I'm gonna go like this I haven't got to go out and spend a huge amount of money on something that's going to give me the confidence for that event yeah I'll go with that so I've been thinking about whether I would be more comfortable with people seeing the real me as opposed to the clothes that I wear all the trainers that I wear or this this kind of image that I project and I have to say I think I would be more comfortable well I've kind of started anyway spurred on by the realization he uses his clothes to hide behind Jason Takes radical action with Jane's help they begin to tackle the imbalance in wardrobe space proper general clothes so many Jason's taken positive steps to free himself from his material possessions Benjamin decides it's time to explore the root cause of his problems he wants to appear to the film director within and has devised a psychodrama with Jason and his family playing the lead roles he's prepared to picnics Jane and Ethan's is set in the modern day while Jason is going back in time to the 70s that's your chair that okay yeah so they really want you to try to imagine that these figures represent your mother and your brother and I thought today we'd work on that memory the one that you explained to me about being in your mother's bedroom and believing that she'd phoned someone to take you away and how you resolved that and how you actually got her to keep you I know that was a very difficult memory to bring up I thought maybe we should try to help you move on from that memory a bit and in a sense kind of ask them what their perspective on it is I can't you know this is just it's just I just find this really weird if you can't do that's okay no I like it you know it's a challenge it's cool okay mom I found it really quite frightening when you would pretend to phone up that woman to come and take one of us away and tell her how you remember her changing her mind what made her change her mind I think I remember it being after you know I've started crying so and I didn't want to go when you pretended to find the woman back [Music] there's a genuine sense that when the actual event occurred of your mother saying I am arranged for you to be taken away it was your tears and your vulnerability that reversed that yeah it's that fair to say yeah having expressed his emotions Benjamin wants to show him how this memory relates to his relationships in the present day are you feeling in the present echoes of the past well yeah I mean I do find this uncomfortable I do find the kind of family stuff outside of the house uncomfortable and I don't know what what that is what's the scary thing I don't know I don't know there might be one or two things that I would want to say yeah but more than like you're not in front of my son okay do you think that you are bringing stuff to this family table yeah that belongs or that yeah no absolutely yeah absolutely okay yeah where should it be check the other side of the Train so we go back and put it there yeah come on carry on unable to express his true feelings in front of Ethan Benjamin wants Jason to take them back in time and leave them there can you feel any similar feelings from there to here this is just so mad and it's kind of like it's you know it's really horrible to say but I do compete with my son yeah I don't competing I don't I don't want to what do you compete with him for I can I pay attention I don't yeah attention from Jane yeah come on get it out but yeah you do feel when you go over there you recognize a dynamic of competing with Ethan for Jane's attention and love yeah and acceptance yeah and approval hmm now what does that remind you of right here well it's a it's a mirror yeah competing with Aaron which actually is about being allowed to stay in your home do you want to give this problem back to them I do want to give them yeah I do want it yeah I don't want it anymore okay absolutely it's time for Jason to move on and gain a clearer perspective on his situation now what I'd like you to do let's have a look at the view now whatever's going on over there you're now outside observing I think you feel more relaxed though I was gonna say unburdened a bit but I was just trying to think of a different way to use but I love that word yeah that's what we're doing here today yeah unburden you now what I worry about they were getting further away from the past and from those difficult feelings but in doing so got further away from your family didn't ya I worry that actually this is what you do in the present all the time this is what I do in the present yeah all the time mmm yeah yeah what do we want to change well I've been my family I want to bring my partner in my son over here yeah and then maybe we can all leave them behind that sounds great I'm gonna go and get them yeah come let's go get back to help him embrace his new future Benjamin encourages everyone to walk away watching as they leave the past behind how do you feel now you got this far away and you brought them with you I can't stop smiling but I don't know I just feel really I feel really lying you know it is I just can't stop smiling that's great I'll go back and take care of the mess you guys go off and have a nice time together okay later Jason was very brave and very honest and very open about how he actually competes with his son and compares himself to him now that is something I want to work on with him more he needs to understand his feelings and when he does he can then cope with whatever situation he's in [Music] having faced the truth about his relationship with his son Ethan Benjamin's organized an activity weekend away for the two of them Jason's never done anything like this before and Benjamin hopes it will help him view fatherhood in a new light [Music] I have to say it's been really good spending some time with Ethan and I really enjoyed helping each other out on the assault course and kind of just being that really bit each other I thought that was really great and you know in the past it was easier to kind of switch off in certain respects and this whole process is kind of made me switch on kind of to being a you know to being a father if I've had the confidence to kind of come out and do something completely outside of my comfort zone and survived it really well and have really enjoyed it I can imagine that my need to hide behind my spending as well will have diminished so um I think that this is going to have a really positive outcome and my spending I have to say with Jason riding high Jays brought him to trendy Soho in London for her final session Jason used to work as a hairdresser here earning more than three times his current salary and Jay thinks he's missing a crucial opportunity one of the things I wanted to talk to you about was sort of increased earning potential as well because obviously you know you want to be a film director you're going into an area which is pretty high risk and the long term goal is to move back to London yeah so do you think it's something you'd be willing to think about sort of increasing your earning potential you know absolutely yeah if I say hairdressing how does that going to make you feel I haven't cut hair for you look over there Jason's not been in a salon for seven years but if he can rise to the challenge Jay certain it'll be the answer to financing his future ambitions so if I take you in there and get you to relive your hairdressing days how does that gonna make you feel what does that bring out what's true I feel I feel quite anxious I'm nervous man I don't want to increase your stress levels but all I'm saying is that you do have skills which you are incredibly good with that you're not utilizing she's arranged for him to try his hand at styling and willing volunteer now he's got to prove he can still cut it when it counts I'll just sit down here out the way right do you have anything in mind really with your hair I'd like something different cuz I've had quite a similar sort of hair for a while now but just as long as it suits my face I'm quite open okay and how much time do you spend on your hair not much okay so you want something to eat yeah ozzie pretty versatile so if you're going out you can do something with it that's something that looks good when you're yeah you want everything Joseph you all right oh now that's I'm really yeah I know but you know sitting what she knew is that I can't see those nerves seriously I think the minute I said what he was going to be doing today his first instinct was panic he could you could see the anxiety rising up in him his hand movement got much more agitated but once in haha all that excitement has come back and he seems to be really really enjoying himself you all right mission accom dad to you before you came in here hairdressing something you think about you just said no now you've been back in here today is it something you consider yeah I might look it's like going on refresher courses because I have really enjoyed see I'm not too worried about that even though the course would be an outlay because I think that the money you could earn from doing would offset against that so you know you can choose how many times a week all of that it's just that the earning potential from doing this because you're good at it is brings in a much much bigger reward four weeks ago Jason Cooper was heading for financial meltdown his out-of-this-world shopping binges had left him with a crippling debt of 35,000 pounds and his family in financial hot water since then lifestyle expert Jay Hunt has shown him how to increase his income and unleash his inner confidence what I think would really help me with your budget is if you could think I haven't got to go out and spend a huge amount of money on something that's going to give me the confidence for that event meanwhile psychological coach Benjamin Frye has unearthed the emotional roots of his addiction by facing up to the competition he felt as a child Jason's confronted his insecurities he's finally beginning to accept his responsibility as a father and family man but Benjamin has one final challenge for him it will bring together all the hard work of the past month and test if he has truly overcome his financial demons I have here 3,000 pounds in fact I'm gonna stick it in your pocket there now having my other pocket and math but she must now walk out that door and follow this path past most of your favorite shops the last time Jason had 3000 pounds he blew it in a weekend can he now proved to himself he is worthy of financial success how do you feel I just feel really uncomfortable worried about what might happen to the money yeah okay yeah because you feel like you'll spend it yeah and yeah you don't want to spend it I don't want to spend it neither so these are the two sides of you you want to be a winner but you want to be a loser yeah you want to get rid of wealth you also want to hang on to it yeah which is why you're so stuck yeah but if I had the choice now I would choose to be a winner so what do you want to do with the money throw it away well hang on Smith put in the bank no no Wow yup friend yeah I'm excited yes [Music] Jason steps out into a brave new world his first stop is Covent Garden only four weeks ago he would have happily spent hundreds in this shop without batting an eyelid they're fantastic these are just so nice I am a little bit tempted I have to say [Music] [Applause] he resists the gold LOM a trouser but next up is the ultimate test it's Jason's favorite label [Music] these are the ones that I wanted to 575 thousands but they're just fantastic this is a nightmare coming out shopping with the three grand in my pocket and not be enough to spend a nice 360 of it on the nice little jump time that's just me the new stronger will Jason emerges empty-handed even a hammer hora boxset can't tempt him if I had this money in two weeks ago oh no a bad month ago what I wouldn't do is I would have come into the shop and just pick that up and bought it without thinking about it and I would have let Jane pick up the pieces [Music] an hour and a half later a triumphant Jason arrives at his final destination walk of shame or was it walk of pride it was it was a walk of a winner yeah I think you mean that no I mean that from the heart this money wasn't burning a hole in my pocket by the end of it that's an amazing change B it's correct how do you feel I feel lighter I feel less burned I brought you here to finish your psychological journey outside a set of double doors a whaler professional now should you choose to walk through those tools inside someone is waiting for you and will sign you up to their heroes master class at the discount substantial discount [Music] if you don't want to walk through those things and you want to go back it's your old life Soho Covent Garden shopping spending that's also actually do you walk through those doors to an investment in your new future do you go back it takes a moment's thought and the new financially aware Jason makes his decision one of my main aims for Jason was really to reverse for him the legacy of what I saw was a very central memory that he brought to me now I think he understands it as an adult he doesn't have to be vulnerable and weak he can be strong and he can live with the success that he deserves it's nearly two months since Jason Cooper embarked on his financial makeover now Benjamin and Jay have gone back to Bristol to see if he's still on target the comics have gone there and the comics will have caps yeah and he's there with my films I've kind of hidden the choice ones in the corner yeah but most of them are kind of in my little computer cubby hole I mean this whole process has been quite a clear-out physically with moving stuff around and kind of emotionally as well it feels as if some baggage has definitely been dealt with do you think you've separated out a bit of the past and the present then I think definitely yeah I have to say I mean with regards to that the process has been really really really beneficial I have to say something fantastic so you haven't had a clothes binge haven't had a comic binge nothing like that no I've had no big spend outs at all yeah the only the only spend ature has been a couple of books for my unicorns are enough and a couple of DVDs for you Nicole fair enough and and that is this I'm noticing the gray sweater pared-down jeans how are you feeling in that now I really look this is my favorite top is that yeah it really is if it was really comfortable and people comment in a really positive way about how I am dressed when I wear it I think it's been really worthwhile for you doing because I think you're about to enter this sort of high-risk job market the hairdressing skills will see you through and I think you feel much more in control of everything you ever did before so fundamentally at the end of this if I had to ask you and I know you love this bit which feels more like you at the moment the notion of being loser or the winner okay that no hesitation so I'm definitely a winner I think so I say very positive upbeat happy professing big difference huge Jason the winner well done mate it's not bad you
Channel: Spendaholics
Views: 123,408
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Spendaholics, Shopaholics, Shopping, Spending, Haul, Addicted, Addiction, BBC, Only Human, Jay Hunt, Benjamin Fry, Debt, Finances, TV Show, Full Episodes
Id: bcljunppd2c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 2sec (3362 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 14 2020
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