This Man Is Risking Going to Prison Because He Can't Pay His Taxes | Spendaholics | Only Human

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32 year old hairstylist Colin Chapman lives and works in North London last year he set up his own salon with help from the Prince's Trust after business costs Colin's income is 13 thousand pounds per year but his passion for the finer things in life has dropped him twenty thousand pounds in debt that's 125 please little surprise he's in debt when four pairs of pants cost 125 pounds oh I do like a nice underwear have you ever underwear fetish Colin's cravings go way beyond fancy pants his biggest indulgence is personal training costing nearly five thousand a year then there's the trips abroad up to five a year and always in 5-star hotels Colin Chapman and budget are not well acquainted we ended up staying in the presidential suites expensive it's time to bring on the big guns lifestyle coach Jay Hunt will unleash her finest money-saving tips doing it this way would have saved you 240 pounds and her maternal instinct don't worry if you're sick there's a lot of people sick on their first time while psychological coach Benjamin Frye will target the source of Colin's compulsive spending have no self-respect and that's where I think the financial issues coming don't think I could stop my purse spending without help and I really would like to break the mold [Music] marvel Hill in North London has been Colin Chapman's home for 15 years I met London when I was 17 because I wished to become a hairdresser until last year Colin worked in various North London salons now he's jumped from well-paid employee to highly stressed businessman his income has halved but his spending and not don't think I could stop my person engine without help and I really would like to break the mold before meeting him Benjamin and Jaya borrow the keys to his home for some undercover research : spent the last 15 years sharing a house with his aunt and sister Jay's looking for signs of where the money's going while Benjamin's hunting for the reasons behind the nonstop spending the experts are in my house at the moment and I'm a bit worried a bit scared well this must be their main living room this is very much the space of an older person isn't this is out Marion's isn't there yeah you get any sense of anything to do with Colin or his sister it's like a much more elderly person's room all the pictures you wouldn't want to bring friends but here in the evening we do ah home of the last supper no I'm still coming back to me convent girl well this is a bit less aged well though it does have a TV in this room oh look battle Hume more religious information now this must be Colin's shelf yeah see that this is all dis lose all our sand Spencer's yeah fruit but if he's shopping like this sort of everyday fine if you can afford it but it's a pretty expensive way to do your shopping that must be so that's his shelf yeah again even the fridge is very much divided even though there are family it's weird cause it's a family home and yes it feels like a student living in three bed sets do you think he just hangs out in his bedroom all the time I guess he must we're gonna have a look yeah stop here - here we go right up in the eaves it's very much Ken not Barbie yeah oh that was his dad mmm so that's three years ago but still out still out on display look there's all this chums this is the sort of thing you'd normally see in someone sitting room isn't it yeah exes of friends and their friends I love these other things because they show they really show that where the person lives in their mind another bathroom hotel room right yeah lanes lots of pictures of people on lose my friends on the way yeah it's a theme you have to look that one up yeah so obviously likes traveling he likes mementos of traveling he's bringing it back he's bringing the experience back in photographic form so that he can live there in his head while actually living here and that split could have serious consequences for his financial situation with no bills to be found Jay and Benjamin must hunt for clues elsewhere thereafter paperwork the black and white reasons why columns in the red the management of my business is quite bad at the moment I had a big pile of bills and I just like don't bother open and just keep them hidden in a drawer full of in Jay and Benjamin head for Colin Stalin and discovered that he rents his business base inside a much larger salon put a little time and effort and money into creating his own space within this salad yeah wonder how the business is doing aha here we go his payments in yeah from the salon and then all the payments out of her to like hotels closed hotels hotels hotel Hotel hotel phone booth calls yeah oh that's a [ __ ] bear listener 1758 eighty-five so we're gonna take these yeah we should straighten them out though you should separate the personal yeah Colleen's extravagant lifestyle is wreaking havoc and the credit card companies have already started to fight back unfortunately the house I live in at the moment with my aunt's and my sister I've actually brought listed that happened last year now Colin pays by cash and he only has one bank account for business and pleasure if he carries on spending he could lose everything worst case scenario would be its going to prison for not being I have not have enough money to pay my tax bill Colin's biggest extravagance is one to one boxing training which is paid for in advance so start with we just sort of go session by session but yeah then I sort of learn his ways and decided it's repair for me if he if he does pay for you know block in advance and that there's his time and she doesn't want to turn up he doesn't want to turn up : is hemorrhaging on money with no savings and in denial about his paperwork at the salon it's time for Benjamin and Jay to open his eyes inside I'm bit nervous what's gonna save any here we go : this is all about Jim what we have in this room is 468 boxing gloves each of which represents ten pounds of your expenditure annually on the personal training and the boxing exercises that's four thousand six hundred eighty pounds per annum I could handle that much well it is and it's not just the money it's the fact that it's a quarter of your income but unfortunately gets worse you know why why well you actually miss say two or three sessions a month so you end up spending something like 1500 quid a year on nothing did you have any idea how much it was per year well you don't work it out that I don't I don't work out my finances and by the year or month I dip by the week does it hit home do you feel there's something you'd like to change yes yes sure you need to change I think I definitely need to well this has been relatively mild compare what Jays got for you shocked by Collins habit of turning a blind eye to his business accounts Jay and Benjamin have decided to confront him with the most deadly bill of the more income town open up stand in there okay what I wanted to explain to you is why we've done this because you're about 20,000 pounds in debt along with that you are actually in a bit of trouble because coming up soon is a tax bill you're in arrears with paying the business rent all of these things are suddenly coming at you so is the minute you can't file that tax return it's a hundred pound fine then it's fifty pounds then it's the bailiffs then it's county court and then it's this and you haven't got a penny put aside probably what this cage is designed to represent is the ultimate penalty you could face from being financially responsible okay how do you feel about I'm petrified actually yeah this is my biggest night there and even though this is a representation of something that literally could happen actually you're living this as a metaphor every day yeah because you're currently trapped but you're only fear of your paperwork your own fear of your financial management in the end of day I'm a creative person on the hairdresser and I can pick up that form and I wouldn't I don't understand it no sometimes I feel embarrassed as a people a lot of creative people are self-employed people and everybody has to do this I know or they pay an accountant to do it and they say the bit of extra money to pay those accountancy bills I still have to give you hands-on information yeah well I promise you we're not gonna let you back in there we're gonna go off and sit down and work out what to do and set your cold-turkey budgets okay okay don't forget it because that's going to be a motivation when you got those days when you really don't we'll get you out of jail Colin knows he must ditch the excuses and start making cutbacks as a lesson in the true value of money jay and benjamin want him to experience seven days on a shoestring budget so Colin do you know how much you spend in an average week no no and we're talking about non-essential spending are we yeah okay they all said that 200 well we've been through all your bank statements and we've actually worked out you're getting through 800 pounds no yeah that doesn't include bills and that is what it looks like oh my god which is I have to say a hell of a lot of money I didn't know it was that much that's 600 pounds more than you thought you were spending just going on things that you can't account for okay it's not like you were a hundred out hundreds going on maybe a night out or a grocery shop or something that's 600 pounds where does it go well part of cold turkey I'm afraid is that you actually have to give stuff up okay and it's the the reason we do is so that you can decide and discover the things that you really value and really need as opposed to things that you imagine you need no way oh hey they were even buy my lunch for one day in a twenty pound lunch every day no no it's like ten at ten pounds for lunch ten pounds for dinner how about buying your lunch in a cheaper place the quality is not as good is it okay I can do I don't know thirty no the curling part of the whole problem of the challenge is to force you into a corner where you do start to have to do things differently I tell you what if I give you another 20 pounds that makes 50 yeah that's funny because I think that's fair okay you've been used to spending your 50 pounds I've given you plus an extra 750 so you all can feel it but I'd rather you have that and get through the week and not have a breakdown then give you something unrealistic mm-hmm I'm gonna try be tough and I think the cold turkey budget really helps you to strip away your defenses that spending money is see what's underlying that sure so do you reckon you'll be all right you've got seven days to spend that out I'll really give it a go okay brilliant thank you Colin must now survive on 50 pounds for an entire week the prospect seems daunting for me to survive on 50 pounds a week is gonna be very hard for me but I'm willing to give it a go if it helps me not spending money [Music] Monday morning and Colin makes the 8 minute walk to work with no travel costs his only real expense will be on food his colleagues recall how outlandish he can be when he'd said not to do his life he'd give me 20 quid and literally expect to spend 20 quid on lunch and he'd buy mangos and cottage cheese and all this stuff and he went here but today is an honourable exception today I only managed to spend in Sainsbury's not Marks & Spencer two pounds 79 which is a great achievement for me tuna makes something in advance Collins Oh aunt keeps a well-stocked cupboard so there's plenty around the house to keep him fed and watered so this will last a few days Oh burns your eyes throwing these onions day two Colin begins with a prepaid boxing session with his personal trainer I know God you never guess what they've given me a budget human budgets don't really go by day for Colin spending totals 11 pounds 22 he's now sharing the cost of lunch with a group of colleagues I got pounds of beauty and pound from my sister and I managed to spend well came up to two pounds fifty nine so it's actually less than a pound each that we spent our lunch so it's pretty good going for us I think I've got some breads I found out you can actually get the bread slice as well in there which actually saves money so you don't waste spreads as in cheese and pickle day five starts with a jog in the woods [Music] later he's pleasantly surprised by the generosity of one of his clients hi my lunch for Marks and Spencers Barbara and she actually bought my dinner as well so today I only managed to spend one pound twenty someone in the supermarket said how nice of my hair was so I just thought little thank you and anyway they they see you out staff okay by the end of his working week Colin has spent just 13 pounds 58 of this 50-pound allowance but Saturday night is clubbing night can Colin let down his hair and not let down his budget Saturday night you should go go out and you just blow about 80 pounds I'm going to try and go out okay not be realistic here I'm gonna charge out over 30 pounds Saturday night Colin's got 36 pounds 42 left to see him through to Monday morning out in central London his friends get the P is in [Music] afraid they'll think he's sponging off them Collins gets away to buy around : manages another two hours without breaking the bank by 1:00 a.m. there's only one cheap way home through central London you give us one pound for the bus and we'll pay for the car but when the cab drivers quote the heavy fare of 40 pounds it's a unanimous vote for the night bus despite the best intentions halfway home temptation calls and the gang heads for another club in the madness Collins budget goes right out of the window hey Chris it's been it's not that basically I spent all the money I had run off budget or something but I never go I [Music] having over spent the cold turkey budget by 19 pounds Colin decides it's infra penny in for a pound the next day a further 40 pounds goes down the plughole his weekend of excess has cost a total of 108 pounds 58 [Music] clearing a 20,000 pound debt will take a good deal of work lifestyle expert Jay Hunt has drawn up a more realistic plan to help ease the load but first column has come clean about his overspend so call it tell me how did it go on your cold turkey week cold turkey was very good right up to the Saturday I managed IT it's been 13 pounds in five days so did you end the week on budget no unfortunately on Saturday no I think I was like 20 pounds roughly 20 pounds over budgets and then I thought mobile have blown the budget anyway so I might as well just go out and I went out yesterday and I spent an extra forty pounds it's always going it's about 60 quid over budget Jay bites her lip hoping he'll take the new regime more seriously okay Colin so here is your new budget so the first thing personal trainer at the moment we've got 360 pounds a month and we'd like you to cut that down to 120 and you see Dylan one day a week until you get your finances back on track I'm sure we are not cutting Dylan out okay weekend breaks which we know you love at the moment 400 pounds a month that's coming down to 200 pounds a month while stout fillet showing you a way that you can still go on the weekends that you like so we're not going to say you've got to go in stay in some horrible hotel have a miserable weekend it's just looking at different ways and more imaginative ways that you could use that money to your advantage than you do at the moment now when we come down to the pubs clubs and bars that's costing you 900 pounds a month which we're going to try and bring down to 400 okay and the evening meals in restaurants bill which at the moment is 240 we're recommending that that just completely stops for a bit okay so when we look down our new budget that's coming in at 1650 as opposed to the 3,200 pounds a month you're getting through so on this basis that this is the monthly budget we're all going to be aiming towards is this something that you feel you could work with us on and you know you're confident could be a step forward yes yes yeah yeah personal trainer now at the moment I'm paying 360 pounds I walk guys iam once which is 30 pounds I can deal with that I can't go any lower than that it's really I just want it I need that well Jays budget will rein in the personal excesses Colin's business problems still need urgent attention he has finally taken the plunge and brought home his paperwork ready to face the pile of unpaid unopened bills I usually do that he's all pile up I've decided now is about time I start opening these pills and hoping there's no more charge if a bank statement my business account I was drawn 147 pounds 81 in charges on Jays advice Colin's been in touch with the Prince's Trust and has been given a new business mentor he is now ready to knuckle down with his bills Alec I sprits Lane please hi Lane it's Colin how are you listen I've been giving you a number by the Prince's Trust and I was I hear that you're going to be my new business mentor which I'm very excited about I'm going for my what's brilliant about it they've given me a woman cause Elaine Thatcher who is actually a client of mine as well so I've known her I have the last year and some of them I know and trust that she's going to be my new business [Music] with work underway on Collins business and personal budgets Benjamin is keen to gain a better understanding of why he began spending so excessively we pretty much always been in debt ever since the age when you've really been able to socialize hmm why do you think that is and I think I know what it is you know I think it's because when I was younger I didn't have many friends I got picked on I got bullied a lot why were you picked on and because I'm gay and then we had this horrible horrible teacher and she made me stand up in front of the whole year what Colin Chapman please stand up and I stood up and it was just like Colin is a girl he doesn't want to do games in front of the whole year and there everyone cheered the taunts were not confined to the classroom and it got to a point where my dad's brothers came down and days call me Perth and Wendy and like these are my uncles I was supposed to look up for two so I was getting lots of like abuse at school coming home getting peaceful my uncles I think also made growing up with my dad I think when his brothers were picking on me and I was just like why didn't you stick up for me they were born in India mm-hmm they had a very strict upbringing Catholic upbringing and and honestly they couldn't cope with me being gay home life changed for Colin when his younger brother was born and I thought God is the son that he never got you know and so when I left home at 16 I had no contact with my brother whatsoever through his childhood because I was so scared that he were to that gay or I didn't want to influence him in any way whatsoever so you felt that you were bad and somewhere you were wrong oh no here was a chance for redemption for your family to have a son that was not wrong one that was good yeah you didn't want to contaminate him having any kind of relationship at all which I really regret do you think that if you've grown up with everyone saying how great you are you'd be more successful I've any thought is surrounded by positive energy or positive things then you grab it more positive about your life your career well I think with me growing up I've always got the negative side of it okay well we've got to boost your confidence somehow okay and we've got to also take you back to your past with that confidence intact mhm what would really challenge you that you'd be afraid of doing that would be an achievement - do I have a bit of a vibe of of like stairs for some reason I'm alright going up one petrified to come back down again mcbowser coming down stairs I think Colin's nightmare of going down stairs is very graphic and very symbolic and it's always nice to be able to bring an unconscious or psychological issue like that out into something as graphic and active as going up and down stairs Benjamin thinks Colin's low self-esteem dates back to an unhappy childhood his mother is surprised by the revelations never told us he was being bullied in school he wouldn't tell her a lot of things he never told us calling you know a lot of things sort of kept it all inside him you know because he had told us you know we would have done something about it but he never you know never told us half is how much it really tell her and the reason being the last thing you wanted to do is go and tell your parents that you've been called a personal being called gay because it's hard enough sending it with you for yourself letting no how can you go and tell your mom you're 10 years old oh man they calling me gay when thinking or maybe I am gay I accepted calling a long time ago I accepted it you know and I said to him I said you got to accept it yourself and then everyone will accept you despite their ups and downs Colin became close to his father before he died in 2002 Colin's passion for boxing I was a lot to his late father there's the only sport my dad and I ever did together and then he did encourage me to do that and since my father died three years ago and it's the sort of thing I don't know it's like to make my dad proud who now I know he's looking down a meaning so no God calling him box after all aware of Colin's emotional attachment to boxing je hasn't dropped it for good just cut it back to one weekly session she's also found an alternative workout that will save Colin money improve his fitness and give him a tough physical pastime that would make his dad proud what we gonna do is enroll you today just in one class of the new boot camps you heard about they know okay where we spoken to Dylan yes and he says that your fitness levels are pretty good okay so today we've been relative in an intermediate class okay Colin's boxing lessons were costing him three hundred and sixty pounds a month military fitness training will cost just 32 pounds this is who you'll be going with today okay what's in store because he's a bit worried about what you know we don't worry about it it's pretty straightforward all we're doing is some running and we'll do some exercises okay you're now known as red number 35 even mega I could picked up a good tip don't worry if you're sick there's a lot of people are sick on their first time so if you are sick don't worry they've got wet - never having to four hours in France we please [Music] after 15 minutes of intensive running Colin is on the verge of quitting [Music] Colleen drops out after 25 minutes as night falls Jay hopes it's Collins limits that were pushed not the contents of his stomach I felt I was gonna be sad my bomb is absolutely one point they were carrying each other up the hill up Parliament Hill running up the hill and then I'd seem not gonna have to jump over them and it's very hard I think what I'll definitely do I found out there's one on the Tuesday which is much closer to yeah and I would definitely definitely do it Oh cooler we had would you mind just giving it a little rub I'm really impressed that Colin actually started that boot camp and the relief when I saw him coming back was huge I mean they are very very difficult but I think it's something that he might consider and I'm really hoping that he hasn't been inspired enough to get involved with it because it would really help him save some money and he could still carrying on seeing Dylan as well so fingers crossed that he might do another one J is delighted with Colin's progress now it's Benjamin's turn he's devised an entire day of activities to build Colin's confidence and it all begins at a rather famous landmark to begin to exercise Collins phobia of heights and stairs Benjamin has arranged a tour of the disused staircases with 204 steps this will take a lot of negotiating so : this is the top of tower bridge okay which there's nothing itself but you'll notice some obvious features behind you that's the stairs yeah how do you feel about that those ones seem to be okay I'm gonna talk to a bit about what stairs might represent for you you can tell me how it feels for you to be on the stairs alright okay sure after you I was very struck when we spoke about the way you talked about having a phobia about going down stairs so I think what I would like you to do is just come with me slowly down these stairs and talk to you about how it feels to be doing something that you sometimes have a problem with well what the moment felt my knees are a bit shaking yeah a little bit shaken on feel I have what yeah I feel like I have to hold on okay so it's important to hold on mm-hm and what do you associate this feeling with a little different that frightened bit panics and it's the sensations I feel like I'm gonna fall Benjamin wants Collin to recall the emotions he felt as a child growing up in a Catholic family but you can see that it's a slightly strange reaction okay come on I'm going to show you in the next phase of the staircase here and these are a bit dark and a bit more scary to be yes yeah why is that so because the stairs get much more narrow sighs poor dad and I think these stairs for you were really a metaphor for your sense of damnation almost that wasn't given to very early on by your family and your school I'm really your environment in your religion because unfortunately you grew up in an environment where people even the people that loved you the most would say to you because you're gay you're therefore a sinner that's what you grew up with okay everyone's you telling yourself you were wrong everyone telling you you're wrong people telling you you were your own words not the perfect son remember that okay and I think that this all represents for you I kind of descent into the depths where you have no self-worth and no self-esteem that's what I'm really worried about okay just keep on going tell me about not feeling good enough Joey I can only concentrate by our schedule at the moment okay it's not funny really hard talking to well that's maybe part of the thing because if people are always telling you you're not good enough that's going to be very frightening okay how are you gonna grow up knowing that everyone you know your family the people that love you the people you go to school with don't think you're good enough what's gonna happen to you won't have no self respect that's life is actually mm-hmm and another word for self respect their self-worth for her and that's what I think the financial issues come if you have no self-worth how are you gonna have a financial worth because I'm gonna get you seeing yourself as worth more than this hmm and to understand that the reason you believe that this is where you belong in the basement is because other people told you that it's not true I like to get you out of here and get you way up high okay where you belong I think Colin did really well on the stairs he was very brave it's very clear that it really does affect him affected his breathing affected the way he could walk he felt he was shaky his knees were going and that's a sign of a real phobia I'm gonna take him now to go on a hot-air balloon as a contrast to this experience so that he has something visceral to put against it so next time he feels trapped or he feels personally defeated he has something uplifting to remember where he's broadened his horizons a bit [Music] it's a bit scary he's looked down a bit but I'm holding on in in here so how do you feel about the contrast between being up here and being down at the bottom of the stairs at Tower Bridge this is not as believe it not not as scary yeah I think Ben but those staircases we were very horrible it was so it was very dark very gloomy and I'm not as shaky as I wasn't in that Thanks you see it's interesting because I think for you I notice it's a different kind of fear when you were down in the basement on those stairs you felt really like panicked by your fear and there's no escape mm-hmm who's up here it's more of a sense of excitement yeah mm-hmm the perspective from up here is the one that will tell you you can do well you can be successful out of all of this I want you to think about making a choice for the rest of your life do you want to live your life in that basement or do you want to live your life up here in business those are the extremes you're going to have to wrestle with mm-hmm what are you gonna do I think what I'll rather be up here than down those you know that basement so yeah definitely up there and can you imagine the difference financially if you felt that you feel now when you approach something that's difficult or challenging rather than the feeling you have no I mean I bet you know be more successful and that's what I want to do that's one of the reasons I got men's salon you know I could of stayed working for people but I chose to get my own son on which I I do want to achieve I don't be down there now you have to keep going up doing yes can you get back to this place in your mind when things get tough that you're in this balloon and you're sailing across like I think I care [Music] Benjamin hopes Colin's newly inflated confidence will help him take control of his finances he's already getting on track with his exercise having learnt a lesson from his cold turkey week today I've decided to go out for a run by myself usually I go to the gym three times a week with Dylan my personal trainer but now I've decided to cut him down to once a week I actually find running outside much better than actually running on a treadmill I can't I hate the choking I'll find that really boring it's been quite hard to motivate myself to do this but I thought no Comicon and you can do it and I have so yeah I can do it two weeks ago : Chapman's head was in the quicksand his finances were chaotic spending 800 pounds a week on personal training pants and partying with no money put aside for his tax bill he was in danger of losing his business Benjamin has identified Colin's low self-esteem as the root of the problem and Jay has given him a cheaper alternative to personal training but the experts fear they're not getting through I do feel it comes back to me with a two-speed Colin it's like up to a level he'll do yes I'm open I'm intimate but then there's a point where there's there's real sense of the portcullis coming down a very private very very guarded part of him that I don't feel at the moment he's comfortable of me reaching I know what you mean because he does sort of agree with you up two points in and part of it is that I worried that he says yes yes yes and then you leave him and none of it's sort of really sinking in to really affect lasting change I'm gonna have to go deeper and get back to the family issues it's difficult he's very reluctant to go there he doesn't really want to engage with talking about his father which is understandable he's recently passed away he doesn't think it's appropriate to really talk about these things with his mother I was wondering maybe he could spend some time with his brother who because he's much younger was never involved in that drama of basically Colin bashing but nonetheless represents quite a solid link to his family system maybe what we should do is suggest that he takes his brother away for a weekend because what I was going to do was to give him some homework and I'm gonna set him a task of booking a cheaper weekend away in Europe so maybe he could take his brother on that and spend some quality time with him so it sort of kills two birds with one stone despite our experts concerns colin is thinking more deeply about their advice than ever before but temptation in the form of an escape weekend is just around the corner there are some times I feel like we're running away but you and on the day just like going on the plane it's like amazing can you go off you're there and then you come home it's like okay because people Korean War this chippy [Music] J suggests a weekend away that doesn't blow the budget so if you're booking your average weekend break how much would that cost you do you think or roughly I the hotel usually costs me anything from 200 to 600 pounds hello it's Colin can I please pay the top rate for the room thank you yes I'd love to go down I usually do it might interest you to know what you could access on the computer now this is one of the sites and if you look up here it's like deals flights hotels cars holidays you can sort of take your pick would you aware that there are sites like this why so let's have a look at the Morrison hotel right here it is look familiar yes I recognize the engine and it's coming up saying yes Sunday night a hundred and eighteen pounds so well as opposed to what was it you paid and 560 sometimes right okay showing him more websites Jay demonstrates the savings Colin could make at another of his favorite Dublin haunts so here we are pulled up the Clarence now you paid what 250 a night let's see what this has on it six oh my god I didn't realize it is so much cheaper isn't it Jay's plan will show Colin he can still have fun on a budget it also satisfies Benjamin's request for Colin to spend quality time with his brother homework is to see whether you can use the sights and save some money and book yourself a City Break travel hotel and spending money and come in under 500 quid and collisions up any money yeah would you recognise me a hard one well now you know where it is okay what do you reckon yeah I can give it go yes okay on a weekend away Colin usually spends at and pounds on the accommodation alone he now has 500 pounds for the entire weekend and that includes his brother his family and friends believe it's going to be a tall order we had to stay in a penthouse five-star hotel calling us all a backpacker we can't really travel together because he would just not cut back oh no we're gonna stay in a fantastic hotel blardy blar and I was like well how much is that gonna cost us I wouldn't have gone there if it hadn't been for him because you know I've got a job but it's too lavish I just wouldn't want to spend all that amount of money on her at the two-day weekend Joe's internet session has shown that traveling abroad needn't cost the earth instead of spending cash Collin can afford to spend time with his younger brother Robert lives in Bedfordshire and is 11 years younger than Colin welcome back the brothers finally settle on a package deal to Paris it's a four-star hotel there's 129 pounds and it includes own travel phone back yeah sounds good excellent when I was growing up I didn't really have Collin as a brother he's very distant it's actually just like that for a good ten years I'd think Colin was scared that if I hang around with him too much that I would turn out like Colin I couldn't sleep I'm really excited about going to Paris I mean up talking to about I don't knows 4:00 in the morning when we had to go up like 6:00 [Music] Paris provides the ideal opportunity for Colin to work on his relationship with his brother one night in a four-star hotel plus return train fare across the bargain rate of 129 pounds each which leaves them with 242 pounds for the rest of the weekend is it two single beds together the brothers kick off with some high-altitude sightseeing following Benjamin's advice Colin feels brave enough to take the stairs [Music] [Music] beer and baguettes at 100 meters just 15 pounds there on the hard stuff all afternoon followed by a night out in Marais district bringing the combined food and drink bill to 95 pounds difference whatsoever a great day ends with Robert hitting the sack and : hitting the night close but this time he's making sure he doesn't blow his budget Colin carried on its own first Sunday to come back at 5:00 it's quite amazing really I think there's a lot of places you can do that with a heavy head and a lighter wallet Colin surfaces in time to join Robert for a walk along the River Seine the perfect place to discuss their missing years what I say actually stuff I say more of an or it why well because I didn't really know who you were but you understand why I stayed away yes once I just felt like you know let down and I saw a new board I just thought that you've suddenly had never had but that's the more time with you growing up which is good I don't feel comfortable and Duncan school still yeah well that's understandable do you think you would ever miss London me move to London yeah no it's too lively for me it's Paris it was very pleasurable for me because about it was a time to spend quality time with my brother also I think I've learned a little lesson I think it's not really the place you go stay out is the people you worth Paris has been a success with accommodation and travel colin has spent 448 pounds on his weekend with Robert as opposed to the thousands he normally spends must be a family thing both I hate chains as well you know I do the same thing well I'm going on [Music] back in the UK Benjamin pushes Colin to take one last step on the road to psychological release to lay to rest his nightmares of bullying they meet outside Colin's old school in Bedfordshire so with the other kids bullying you a lot I thought I met a couple of kids we'll all right it may he's your friend quick and he was just like no I don't know guys will miss my ears queer and I think it should be like and they made him beat me up so he could be accepted but to hang around there that I remember that and that wasn't nice I'm sure a lot of people can relate to that sense of going back to their school feeling the fear that they had from them I'm just worried for you that you carry around so much of that fear it's undermining you in the present and your self-confidence and in your business and therefore financially so what I'd like to do is come with me and I've got an exercise something we're going to do [Music] benjamin has encouraged colin to visit his mum and talk through his childhood memories of bullying because it seems to me a lot of his issues financially are about him not having a self-esteem to say no to things we'll say yes even to things that he's afraid of like doing his tax return now that we've confronted some of those maybe he'll be able to change it in the future and he'll end up with less debt and more money as mom prepares the dinner Colin talks about his past demons that's actually hit me in the tennis racket Jimmy I get me the tension and he came over to apologize Jimbo a just went IV remember mm-hmm that's nice guy in there was to ask enclosure I wouldn't let them get away with it because after all you're there to protect your children you know no I fear if he had told me something about the bullying you know I would have done something about it Colin's biggest fear that he disappointed his parents by being gay proves to be unfounded he hasn't let us down in any way I mean I'm very proud of what he's doing he made it you know with the support of one so that's we had such a close family you see we're such a close family and we supported him and my sister supported him you know he's living with this about Kirk I always say to him you know very proud of you colleague very proud of you yeah and you know I always love him oh that's nice what did you put in there yes vegetables it's really nice what made you go the yellow color it's suffering no no Jim Rick no finally Colin discovers what his mum really feels thanks mom peanut curry they're nice Carly hey I would love him to open another salon I think he can do it if he saved money and didn't spend a lot four weeks ago Colin Chapman faced bankruptcy with debts of 20,000 pounds he was in denial about his business problems and splashed out on boxing lessons and luxury holidays but lifestyle coach Jay Hunt has shown Colin a cheaper way of keeping fit and weekend rates that don't bust the banker psychological coach Benjamin Frye has helped him confront his fears now Colin's ready to embrace his new life Tuesday night in North London the old Colin will be paying through the nose for boxing lessons the new colin has signed up for the cheaper bootcamp option and is determined to see it through it's very important that I finish today because I know my dad's looking down at me and I want to prove to the 19 actually to achieve something can actually finish it and also my dad always wanted me to join the army so this is the nearest I tired to ever gonna get I know you're looking down this is your son in the army but his client Vanessa's joined to for a bit of mutual support [Music] [Applause] anyway we did it in Venice and I have done an amazing deal what I'm excited to do a couple neces hair the exchange of her for her driving me here I'm gonna cut her hair free that way it's not costing me any money to get here and it's not and it's you're saving money as well pursue the kind of a team I'll spur you on to company because I'm a on to come Colin's got his company affairs back on track at long last he's driving a wedge between his personal income and his salon expenditure by opening a separate personal savings account before I what I was doing I was just used in one account and I didn't know which was business money and which was personal money I'm going to pay myself a rage and that way I can keep in control what's going in and what's going out so when I come into work all the bills were signed to be paid on time there's not any more red letters so I know I've got myself a kept budget and which I can manage a lot better colin has come to the end of his time with Benjamin and Jay they've come for a last catch-up terrific ever really mean it this week and it was like the end of the month and it's the first time I had money in my bank account to pay my rent on time for my business it's like the worst thing is I'm in bonuses line and then thinking before I go to sleep it's like I've got to disco got to go pill and then I thought no sort of I'm going out but now I'm thinking I can sleep a lot better than knowing that his bills been paid off and I think it's making me more happier in myself and obviously my textbook is coming up and I will be saving money so what other areas if you manage to make savings them they've been easy and I think one of main things that's like Jim Dylan yeah exciting you know that's the hardest thing for me apart and what I've Rangers and he said to them once a week and so that's big same for me occasionally I'll being invited to go out and my friends will you come out and I think well no actually I don't have enough money and they will say well you know we'll pay for you and I won't say well listen that's really kind of you but you know I can't pay back if you want to do that for me that's lovely the great thing about having me and Jay coming and forcing you to change a bit is that you do realize once you do there wasn't that hard to do and maybe yn died before we start the thing I wish you had how do you feel in retrospect about the work we did together on the more emotional matters it was nothing like you opened the door which I was I shop chassé out and honestly it's over now and like I see where it's going wrong sometimes this stuff sufficiently difficult that it why is to take your time okay and so the fact that you start is enough those first steps are very important so : if we came back to see you in six months time when we find you much more confident about the future at the moment as I say it's like my salons and it is within a salon I was like once I was like to change roles like the main salon to be my salon instead of like pop in Goldilocks I'll be like Goldilocks and pop if we come back and see you in six months time hairdresser of the year yeah oh no I think I had to practice my hair distance girls female course I need a fresh in our [Music] before I had this experience I just wanted to run away and you know play hide things in the shelf and you not think about it but now I think I've been more open I'm a bit more ready and open to face those fears I've really learned how to save money and not be stupid and also it's given me a better outlook on life now I actually do see a future in my own personal life and my business click on screen for more videos of extraordinary humans you
Channel: Only Human
Views: 77,066
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Keywords: only human, only human channel, only human documentary, shopaholics, shopaholics anonymous, shopaholics bbc, shopaholics documentary, shopaholics full episode, shopaholics uk, shopping addiction debt, shopping addiction documentary, shopping addiction full episodes, shopping addiction help, shopping addiction recovery, shopping addiction true life, spendaholics, spendaholics documentary, spendaholics full episodes, spendaholics tv show, spendaholics uk, spendaholics youtube
Id: xL_-74NhgHM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 33sec (3393 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 29 2020
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