The £26,000 Debt | FULL EPISODE | Spendaholics

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pointin in cheshire home to Footballers Wives and 23 year-old adele mcguire like her big bucks neighbors she can't resist a shopping trip or a top-of-the-range outfit it's like buying new things that discuss what so close from there and interspace we feel a lot more confident but there's no David Beckham to foot the bills and no Wayne Rooney to tackle the debts looking good and partying hard has landed Adele 26,000 pounds in the red Adele's credit cards are fit to burst so mom and dad provide rent free accommodation and a steady flow of cash she doesn't put anything in the pot but at the end of the month she wants to take it does it does cause tension so while Adele piles on the little luxuries dad Terry piles on the hours this is a bit selfish really because I wouldn't need to work the overtime I doing it because I starts at 7 finish it through then go back and work safe from 7:00 till 7:00 till 10:00 it's a long day with both her parents and her credit cards having reached their limits Adele need some expert attention psychological coach Mark Hopkins will dig out the root causes of her obsession with new clothes and clubbing but until you really take it seriously and really want to do it nothing will change while lifestyle expert Jay Hunt will help Adele to economize and stamp out the blowouts you're the naughty child left at home ranting and raving about life's not fair when a lot of people would be looking at you and going oh my god what have you got to moan about your cereal it's basically cuz I just don't want to say of my finances because if I go to the market a horrible sick feeling [Music] before meeting Adele psychological coach Mark Hopkins and lifestyle expert Jay hunt want to know what swept under the carpet and what's lurking under the mattress they've borrowed the house keys to find out oh it's very much a sort of parents house yeah very neat and pristine has its own place Jay is looking for physical clues while marks focusing on the psychological reasons for her addiction internet shopping just always spend money most of its on clothes or going on eBay I've got a bit addicted so you've Haven stuff together like quite a bit you actually get a buzz of like bidding on something and like winning it it's also a buzz as well that you know waiting for it to be delivered in the post and like coming home from work and there's a faster way to throw it in the Sun clothes it's a princess's room Wow princess oh my god there's so much stuff it's very neat do you it'll do your sort of ring trinket e thing I mean sort of classic you know waste of money touring really isn't it I mean she obviously like you know everything have you noticed she's like done a sort of designer label it's like the Dior Jean Paul Gaultier and it's like she's sort of almost done it on a dress yeah absolutely look at this I mean it's weird because it's like adult girl dressing - it's not this - people like living in the same room isn't there you've got the cuddly toys up there Kelly toys here and then all the makeup and a perfumes I think it quite often happens to people when you still live at home in that half of you is the adult who's out doing everything and then the other half is the little girl who still lives here and I think sometimes you especially if you're in the family home you revert to tied to the outsider she comes across as a very confident person but she isn't and I think she tends to buy things and when she goes out it's like a mask it's absolutely crammed with stuff I can't even open this because of all the things on the dressing table down here loads of black bag stuff piled in here they've just been thrown in here and they go all the way to the back and the other side of the bed geez how many pairs one two what's of one it a couple of times it's like oh I don't like that and I pick faults with it and oh it makes me look fat or it might feel like this and that if I go and get something new it just it makes me feel better yeah eight not even one nine that's nine pairs well they're all very similar as well is he kind of like you wouldn't use one for one occasion one for another it's ridiculous Oh statements statements let's see what she's been spending on card balance 1586 when when I went out with money I just Kate's my bank account and it's just we ran out of money I don't tend to keep a check on it cash cash machine Castle so that's quite a lot of setting out cash and River ID and River Island River Island Tesco tech skate yeah it's like quite a lot all in one day what she gets the urge a day and just has to go out James Adele McGuire lives in the village of Poynton in Cheshire where she earns 15,000 pounds a year as a legal secretary she lives with her parents and her younger brother rent free any money she earns goes on shopping and clubbing when it comes to a big night out image is everything taking taxis deep into Manchester Adele and her Posse head for their favorite clubs no Knights complete without Adele's usual people of too much champagne go into a local and chill it out it's Adele that wants to go out and drink and dance if she's not out drinking she's out shopping out shoppers on eBay we all take 20 pounds out and she'll take a tree you spend 20 I'm the one that's driving it she's the one that's drinking 4 pie and when the adrenaline dies down the panic flares up and it's no surprise who carries the can I won't pay my bills and then you know go begging to them saying I've not forgotten to pay my bill this month you notice of any chance she can help me out she knows if she goes to Terri Terri will say no straightaway so she tends to come to me to sort of ask to pay this smooth the water smooth the way yes they think I should be supporting myself now because I'm 23 and I should be at least paying mentors I'll say so I can see what I can understand where they're coming from I just I can't help it really [Music] to drill home the true scale of the problem mark and Jay invited em on a shopping trip with a twist yeah straight ahead yeah come with us because we thought we'd bring you to a new shop that's - OH do you want to come inside you might like it great let's see if there's some other things I don't know if you've realized that every single thing in this shop has come from your extensive wardrobe which part of your body it just around there and it Clips around the back I think that was about 75 pounds as well and aboard it so you worn it once yeah and sort of forgot the other yeah he did all these sort of course it talks like that one in the window that nice closet table you've got quite a few of those yeah that's my favorite color yeah I saw it on a girl in Manchester asked why she got it for me and she said a ok ok so when I went into work on the Monday rang around every key okay in like England trying to find it and then how did well in Chester so I got the afternoon off work enjoy how it has to to pay it it was about a bunch of poems so you were absolutely obsessed yeah I have it what would make you wake up in the morning I say I need another black t-shirt when I've already got five and probably the fit of it I don't know different pattern on air because on average you've been spending 400 pounds of months on clothes which is four thousand eight two pounds a year which is a lot of money to be spending on stuff that half of it you don't really like just be more picky yes a lot more petty back at Adele's house mark and J deliver a further surprise it is a bit when it's all together and it's something like is this really how many packages I've had well so this represents all of your purchases on eBay over a year so there's one hundred and fifty six parcels here so on average you might buy three parcels a week 20 pounds of time so that goes up to three thousand one hundred and twenty pounds a year on purchase for an eBay I am shocked because I didn't think I spent that much on eBay you know cuz it's 20 pounds here 20 pounds there and you don't take account really disappointed that I spent well that one Eon not nothing really so the thrill really is that moment that you press the purchase button that's the thrill and then it gets delivered and you can unwrap it I get excited about Cory now and the way through for me well luckily we don't have to put all this away so what we're gonna do now is work out what your budget is gonna be for the next seven days which is going to be your cold-turkey budget what you can really live on as a bare minimum but before we do that what we just wanted to ask you was how much you think you get through in an average week because mark and I know because we've been going through your statements terribly hundred two hundred Wow the actual amount is four hundred pounds which looks like that we spread it out you're surprised by that now given that you've been spending 400 a week how much do you think is the absolute bare minimum you could spend for the next seven days and this is designed only for seven days it's not something that you're going to have to do for a long time it's basically to take away every sort of luxury so that you can really focus on what you miss where your money's going and where you really want it to go so what do you think is the minimum I think we can bring in lower ones what have you got to spend your money on next week for the next seven days no rent yeah no food looking easy all right Thor secret multi birthday okay that's a deal and the other rule is you can't borrow any money from your mom or your dad for seven days okay Curtis is gonna be so hard I don't think I am going to be here to do it it's day one of cold turkey an Adele is determined to tighten the belt by staying home for dinner I'm gonna have beef steak and peppercorn sauce and I just ate I think Cena's my brother's eaten the Pete's I was going to have getting beaten to the cupboards by her brother leaves Adele gnawing at her fist that's a joke I think I'm just gonna give up and not bother eating it's a blast of the jacket potatoes as oh there was two like three left last night I had one so we'd have two today as well as Peter why are you dissing pastor yeah I got the tartar sauce for you to do that it's not that with that there's no kicking or any meters er use that chicken that we got in the fridge I voted to frost at the stake now I'm really gonna happen not fit you're easy to feed Yeah right everything has it a plant for you isn't it you're grateful - yeah yes you are I'm hungry and I'm just I just you know and a little bit when you just get wound up really easy and you just like day two of cold turkey and by taking a packed lunch to work Adele has yet to eat into her budget such a long day Josephine sat here you know so that's why I go out to the pub and end up spending about five six pounds everyday you know at the pub and that's not including breakfast that I own a lot of it so it's nice to get out but suppose I'll just have to stay in and watches since shoppings out of bounds the boredom starts to smolder that is just the same thing every day okay I'll go to a combat suppose feel sometimes I come in there going cold turkey is hard to swallow psychological coach Mark Hopkins invites Adele to explore what's behind her constant urge to burn money looking at all aspects of your life how would you describe your life what's the highlights in the typical we'd probably going out shopping going out with my friends and going out of the weekend what would happen to you if you you stopped spending the money on clothes and going out because predominantly they're the two things that you spend your monthly outgoings on I'd have to stay in and go out and what would that mean to you hey sir I got shopping and by letting your clothes all the time cuz it gives me more confidence what does it give you confidence in and the way I look I don't like people saying bad things about me or anything and do they um no not really how do you feel you look describe to me what you see fat mom just boring looking I'll need that for joint before we go out doesn't mean to feel confident right I would say you've gotten quite quite a negative view of yourself I want you to think about a time when you've been and felt really confident you know it's Chester and brought that cause it's yeah and I went down and bought that and then I went to a wedding that day and I felt confident in it I didn't have a drink before I felt confident I've just I don't know it sounds really stupid doesn't it you know confident you talk about using your appearance is kind of almost like a kind of a mask or something that will detract from the fact that you don't feel that interesting mm-hmm it means that you're spending an excessive amount of money to compensate how about you you know sudden realize how much time in and its shocked me really cuz now I can't even get any more credit or anything so not that he's got to the point where I can't go any further he's not you then who's really kind of decided that this is enough it's the fact you can't get more money that's made you realize that this is an issue you now hate it I don't know why I keep doing it mark believes that Adele's financial incompetence has wider implications for the family household just talk to me a bit about your your mum and dad back at home with my mom but I don't really get on that well with my dad and we were always arguing in would you argue over money just anything really you overspending basically yeah and then this month gets on underneath borrowed money just goes it's just horrible get software sometimes I don't want to go home why do you choose to let that happen every month I feel guilty asking them for a bit but I don't know why I let it happen I shouldn't let it happen and I know I shouldn't be letting it happen but it's happening that's not like a spoke back do you think you are power player I think one of Adele's biggest issues is confidence I think it'd be a good idea to speak to her parents about how our upbringing to see if they can shed any more light on the situation the other thing I really want to investigate is what conflict is money causing the home I've spent the six pounds on petrol and I've just been to the pub had a couple of drinks and cost me full powers so I spent a quarter of my budget and it's a Thursday and I say when tomorrow is going to be Friday so I'll probably end up blowing my whole budget tomorrow night going out but I just have to see what happens hopefully I'll be able to control myself it's Friday night and the highlight of Adele's week but the 40 pound allowance is really starting to hurt yeah I'm drinking out of this champagne glass because so it's making my three pound bottle of wine seem a bit posh yeah it still tastes bad but it looks a bit better in a champagne flute building it rarely roping in her dad for taxi service means more money pinching adele shown the mega Clubs of Manchester in favour of a quiet drink with friends two balls one today for sixth grade Roger while he's been outside yesterday as the cash runs dry Adele's mates keep her lubricated now [Music] the next morning adele can't wait to flee the house so how much really if you got left then I took out 13 pounds last night and I've got five pounds fifty something left yeah five pounds yeah so how are you gonna manage it tonight I left 10 pounds upstairs but what about Sunday Monday Tuesday not important spend money on a Sunday Monday Tuesday anyway times I just wanted to realize the value of money but I can't seem to get that through to her I think if I have a weekend then I'd probably spend the whole weekend depressed thinking that like you know everybody else is going out and I'm stuck in the whole week if I have build up to the weekend to go out and stuff so I think I'd just I don't know I just have to stay in my room and just sleep that night cold turkey tastes bitter with only 15 pounds left in the kitty adele resorts to a night in with her parents but things don't stay cozy for long really go out with I'd say 10 15 pounds so and I decided to us to stay in have a few drinks and then Anna and grand I came around and my cousin well ended up in a massive argument with my parents last night so that'll be the last time I stay in ever again while Adele attempts to make a dent in her debt mark investigates the source of her financial tidal wave by chatting with her parents Terry and Karen a recurring theme that really came through was about lack of confidence in ourselves so and it's clearly got something you're aware of even if she goes out on a Friday or a Saturday now the amount of reassurance that we have together before goes out of the door and she keeps sending sure I look alright sure look a'right I look don't look like this they look fat in this and I Drive it on the Friday and Saturday night if you say the least wrong thing then I'm not going it that was all your fault she will get angry and annoyed and say she won't go out and it's your fault yes you've got to be very careful what you say just make sure she goes out and she goes out happy frame of mind so do you feel like you're walking on eggshells sometimes that's it oh yes what you described the slightest wrong thing and you know that you could get a tantrum a bearable do you find it living in the house with Adele then given the way you kind of describe it I'll talk to you what's immigration saying here we go to Iraq here we go for a rack does it feel that bad sometimes at times it does he just really yeah what's the point of carrying out this because no matter what you do for and I think everything you do isn't enough from the way she described things from when we talked the other day I think a picture that she tended to paint was actually a love it was you Terry and she felt that you were being unreasonable and an overly assertive we're there how do you feel about that what's your perspective well I'd say the same about her she being unreasonable because she know she cheats you the tunes good money and I don't see why I should fund a lifestyle but she still knows that you will do it because we love her everything else is fine with it because she's a great girl do you think she knows who you think she's a great girl well she shouldn't do it now because a lot of parents wouldn't put up with what she's put his through that just say well sort of today you saw what we've tried to help her do you think there's any other reasons why she could kind of feel frustration in the household possibly her brother she feels that Daniel gets all the attention or got all the attention when he was little and why do you think she thinks that I don't really know when there was that there was a time when he was about four of five that he needed extra tuition because he had speech and I start this lecture well yeah he needed a lot of coaching that's after school I thought we tweeted and birthday soon I think see I think she sees it differently she sees it differently when she sees that Daniel girl the praise and the attention and that she didn't get any a ban she felt that she perhaps should have done and whether is positive or negatively so even the arguments with you Terry they're unpleasant she doesn't enjoy them and I'm sure you don't enjoy them but all he needs to do is to stop stop the missus just save a bit of money and put it to one side and stop coming to me I think that's an interesting point because if she's if she stops overspending the argument stop yes and the attention stops so in order to help Adele change I think the two of you are probably gonna have to change some of your behaviors if I'm honest with you as well and not giving because I think as long as Adele knows that if she shouts loud enough she'll get that money then she will continue to do so seven days ago Adele McGuire was playing four hundred pounds a week on clothes beauty and clubbing and it's been tough but by staying in the house and staying out of shopping mouths has a Down managed to scrape by on 40 pounds a week think of shopping or buy anything new or go out for lunch I'm still taking more lunches to work and so today I spent six pounds on petrol again so that's what me what's my 40 pounds so I've still got an hour to go of cold turkey book and I've managed it so yeah I'm quite proud of myself [Music] having clawed her way through cold turkey adele is going to need a more realistic budget for the future James back to offer some suggestions so I've got your new budget here now shoes and clothes at the moment you've been spending 250 pounds a month and we've not that back to 60 which is quite a big cut back but we think realistic because it's stupid us just saying it's gone from 250 pounds to zero yeah because the whole point of this is giving you something that you can work with this there's no point in us coming up with something giving it to you and you going oh okay and then when we've gone just thinking now at the moment we've got 30 pounds in for hair and we've got 30 pounds in every month for nails and we have put those to naught but I did find out that you've done this beauticians course so I thought well maybe it might be easier for you to cut down on nails and do your own and you'd rather have the money in the clothing budget so it's almost like robbing Peter to pay Paul and giving you some areas that are better than others the other area where we really have cut back is eBay what we wondered was rather than you being an eBay buyer whether we might try a bit of an experiment and get you as an eBay seller man one of the big differences is food and drink we've added in that you spend 160 pounds is that gonna be something that you think yeah that sounds quite reasonable yeah okay first one down and the only other thing we've added in is rent which is not very much we've put it in at 50 pounds a month we just thought it might help you because you know obviously there are frictions with you and your parents what do you think I think it would I think that the back of it if I started paying rent and so I buy my own food as well then when we've added all of these up it comes exactly to 1029 pounds 86 which is your monthly salary 60 pounds on shoes and clothes that it's going to be really really difficult that's like two tops not even to touch to move on top of a pair of trousers the new budget means Adele can make regular debt repayments without sacrificing her freedom having discovered that Adele trained as a beautician jaesi jests another way to line her pockets now come with me Adele come in it's not scary honestly because I'm going to introduce you to Nicola now the reason I brought you here is that Nicola here does hair and beauty and runs her own business don't you which you've been running for what two years two years and what's the bulk of your work it's mainly a lot of wedding work so that's really why I wanted to introduce you because Nicola is looking for somebody who can help her out and I just want you would be interested in instead of doing that yeah to prove she's got the necessary skills Adele does a little demonstration I think last time I did this is probably about four or five years ago at college is it coming back to you it's a you know quite confident though the way you're picking up the brushes and mixing things and everything else that's actually looking no no it's looking better now now your blends in it no that's fine you've actually done fine with that yeah fabulous Jay hopes that getting Adele part-time work as a makeup assistant will be rewarding both mentally and financially I think it's mad not to choose something that you really enjoy to earn some extra income so yeah if Adele puts the practice in I'd like it to go and help me Saturdays yeah you say perfect no no I'm keeping I've got rid of them trousers with money of the essence Jay has advised the Delta sort through her clothes and sell them on the Internet best mate Becky make sure she doesn't wimp out what was that you've just thrown on there you went white plains up you know you're not even looking oh yeah you're not gonna wear that are you gonna wear it no right well then they're Morgenthau's to this and they're about five years old coz I've got the same pad you don't happen to know over it once what these well you don't worry I haven't wore mine for years and you haven't worn yours for years but you've still got yours so why can't I keep my own because you're doing the clear up and I'm out and you need the money and I don't you're a bit do you know you have wonderful years and you're not gonna wear him again oh yeah a way that ran the house when my dad tells me I can't have the heat you know how they go my office oh no huh look beautiful right really yeah I just hope that she doesn't throw a load of things out and then go out and replace it and buy it don't want you to go out replace everything that you've just got rid of the results arrive at the click of a mouse I've got three people I always gone up we're getting there so I managed to sell six things on eBay and made 70 pounds after that but ya managed to make quite a bit so might you have to stick some more stuff on eBay with some cash in hand it'll take a real effort to stop it slipping through her fingers it's just it's so hard having the money there and knowing that it's there and not being able to go to the shops and buy the top that I want or it's it's just horrible this I'm just itching to go out shopping and I just can't Adele's overspending is a constant thorn in her relationship with her dad mark devises a plan to bring them closer together what we come here to do today is some blind driving with a cash okay so this is really about putting you in a stressful situation which you might be at home when you're talking about overspending and really about building a bond between the two of you and getting to a stage where you can trust each other and kind of believe what each other is saying Adele and Terry are not easily persuaded what are you driving wearing this okay the person who isn't driving will need to let the driver know how to get around the course but the catch is they are not allowed to talk to that person so you are going to have to work out between the pair of you a way of communicating with one another so that you can get around this course safely you know you're writing your birthday yeah no go right took me on the right go left at me on on on the left if we want me to stop hit me on the back did you want to go forwards it off what's on the back to start I'll hit some a key on your head to serve you to stop a rough-and-ready track seems the perfect place to heal a rocky relationship when you talk to her about things it's yeah it was all right not sure you know and I just really wanted her to throw herself into it and I just don't really feel like she's throwing herself into in a minute it's Adele's turn to take the wheel and follow dad's instructions Marc's plan appears to have thrown up more than muddy soil I saw you smiling as you were coming back never done anything like it before it was really good my hope is that this exercise has done something to build some of those bridges again between Adele and her dad I don't think it's gone all the way to kind of resolving all other issues by any means but I think it's a starting point where now they've got something special that they can talk about and refer to and look back on together which I don't think they've really had before this so I'm really hoping that this is kind of the start of when things gonna move forward for them Adolphe new budget caters for food so mums no longer obliged to do her shopping normally when I go shopping I used to buy enough food for everybody the dells idea of a food shop is sending me an email and that's gonna be to get it on the way home from work so unless Selfridges start doing food I don't know what she's going to do Jays encouraging Adele to stand on her own two feet although she starts with her stomach pain seriously for yourself never said have done like a shopping for the week and stuff like that okay well it does make a change Jay's brought it out to a farmers market to prove that buying food can be as fun as buying corsets and just as satisfying they're gonna be organic potatoes and you have to clean at least I hope you do have to pay them but I think it's worth the pony carrots bit dirty I know but the thing is again they are gonna be cheaper because you're gonna put a bit of an effort in but rather than thinking oh it's boring I think what we need to do with you is give you trade-offs so it's like one it's fantastic food and it's cheaper and it's a fun way to shop but saving money means a extra you can spurn into where you really want to let's grab those I'm gonna make you do one thing that's adventurous so we could either choose the Brussels or like the / for sprouting broccoli oh I don't like to look at that or that which is the sort of cross between a color yeah too much okay I'll carry this view let's go look at cheese biscuit Pearson sausages chicken chicken pieces how would you feel about cooking a whole chicken oh yeah who's the cook whole one of them steak there chicken on my sandwich oh that's a good idea easily get for me we got everything I didn't expect when we first started that we'd be coming out with quite so much I didn't what is gonna say to you was for your homework do you think you could manage today yeah I'll make a Sunday roast this is a finished product of my cooking my cousin's going to try some aren't you Jonathan I'm voice no yes what do you think it's kind of hard but it's really nice are you gonna be having some maybe a mocha very mess what do you get good passwords yep confident that home life is shaping up Terry and Karen slip away for a week's holiday okay any problems call Nana yeah well we need to switch your mobile on once in a while please I'll go three down okay while the new budget includes food and rent Adele's basic needs are rather different as shown by her first grocery shop just some of it a cheapo shopping I bought this out highlighting kits because I'm having hair done it's not in the budget I bought some fake plan but some moisturizer to mix with it yeah and I got some wine three pound 29 a summer sky work because mine's run out so that was my shot haha this is my food cupboard I've got lots of them super noodles in here eight packets of super news up in there so I might just have to my dad bought the pot noodles last week sometimes for me that so just as a fallback with dads bottomless pockets Adele's reluctant to pay for essentials it's just having to spend money on food thing and that payments that's like nearly a quarter of my wage just gone on nothing I just think food seems like such a waste of money and if I'm paying my parents rent then that doesn't cover the food really despite the new budget adele still hasn't bought any food all paid her rent Jay decides it's time for a little chat about the facts of life what I wants to do today if it's all right with you I did bring along a little fox pop stick because I just wanted us to just have a chat with some other people young people like years and just find out from them how much rent money they pay every week because I just think it would be interesting for you being so reluctant with the 50-pound to get a perspective on what everybody else is having to shell out in the real world not in a Dell world you up for that yeah all right let's go and find some hi guys do you mind if we ask you a question or problem and I just want do you pay rent or do you have a mortgage well at the moment peeing right now the moment and read about son's phone okay pay rent sixty three pound a week plus council tax every month shopping bills it's annoying but you have to do it because that's what we've been saying to Adele is that that thing of getting used to paying rent it is always something else that you could be spending that money on and how much do you pay a week two hundred and two hundred thirteen months right yeah I think living cost me about five hundred a month really so it's over a hundred pounds a week really when you add it all out definitely it's about hundred twenty-five a week just to live and it's that a large percentage of your salary so that's a fairly hefty chunk Adele has been living at home with her parents and she hasn't paid any rent up till now and what she's gonna do from now on it's start paying fifty pounds a month I'll whopping Vic do you don't quite good deal I think that's an immense deal to be honest yeah you don't pay anything I've shot with her what'd you do when you moved out out about the advice would you give to her pay for it yourself I felt a bit like stupid because I knew the I knew people were gonna say that it's more she obviously knows that people pay rent that people pay more than her because all her friends do and she is the odd one out within that group but what I wanted to do today was to actually get her to hear other people saying I pay a hundred pounds a week I paid three hundred and fifty pounds a month I am paying what is the going rate at a young age to live an independent lifestyle and I don't live like a spoilt brat off somebody else so that's what I really wanted her to take from today was that she is the odd one out what some reluctance but I after today I've just realized that above fifty pounds isn't enough isn't a lot and you know I can part with that really so as the truth begins to hit home Adele takes up the offer of part-time work with Nicola [Music] by spending Saturday morning applying makeup instead of scouring the shops Adele can make a 50-pound profit instead of her usual 60 pound locks yeah great thank you with cash burning a hole in her pocket temptation is just around the corner that weekend Adela crashes back to her spending 200 pounds of the Creamfields Dance Festival [Music] the blowout has disastrous consequences her weekly wage has been swallowed in just one weekend with two weeks till payday Adele can't meet her debt repayments as mom and dad arrived back from holiday Adele wants more than a postcard a hundred and seventy so go I'm doing the 70 pounds in your account now yeah I which is a two to five and that makes you a nothing for the rest of the month but you knew that's on the 15th of the month you knew got the pays every month it's not as though it's just come out of the blue you know for a year you go into Creamfields it doesn't make sense not if you know you've got a bill to pay you put the money to one so you don't spend it it's quite straightforward it seems the mcguire family is right back to square one it's not just the exception its regular and it's got to stop huh no but most of all when the arguments are stuck because I hate well why'd you that the arguments are there because you're always asking us for money and you're never giving anything and you not contributing to anything and it feels to us like you're treating this place like a hotel but you just come in in your sleep and you religious through the comments criticize there's nothing there or you get something to eat and you don't do anything apart from that do you and you're going out enjoying yourself about money but we're stuck in you'd be crass for you you'd think it would be unfair this is your last chance to get things sorted out the next day Terry caves in to Adele's demands she she knew what she had to do and it was a feeble excuse to say that I had made the payment sequester didn't have a direct heir but I went to the post office today and paid it and it took a minute to do so I can't see why she couldn't have done it without no but she can do though what can you do to a 23 oh she's an adult you can't stop her you can't force of the stay in Kenya Mark's afraid that Terry is perpetuating Adele's reliance on her parents time to roll up his sleeves and carry out emergency repairs I went scream fields and I've been looking forward to that like all year and so I didn't really want to have to go and be like oh well I can't afford that drink or something then so that's why I spent quite a bit of cream-filled go and let my hair down yeah by me I guess what happens every other time you want to go out let your hair down it's kind of the same yeah that would be the same argument every time what's your rationale for spending Creamfields when obviously you've got all these other debts I wasn't thinking about my debts to be honest I thought oh I don't know I try and block them out in a way it's just like wasted money to nurse mean and I can making this payment each month and I've got nothing to show for it at all and then and I think I just thought well you know what I'm reading just from that little comment is there I'm so in debt that whatever I do won't make a difference he's gonna save me ages to pay off my bills and then it's gonna take five years after that from a credit rating to go back to normal you know it's just so you're gonna give up then no I'm not gonna give up I'm still gonna payment bills but it's just can't see any light at the end of the tunnel really well the line is a long way off yeah let's be realistic the light is a long way off yeah you know there are a number of things which we talked about which you can do which will make a big difference to how you feel about yourself and your debt but until you really take it seriously and really want to do it yeah nothing will change once believe I can change but it's just gonna be really really hard because now at the end I've always known that if I go out and spend the money I've got my parents to back me I'll put the end of the month I actually think as well as a Dell changing I actually really want Karen and Terry I want you to change as well I think there are a couple of things which you need to do as well so cannot can I get commitment from you Terry and you Karen that you will not give Adele any more money yes and I don't just mean paying off credit spell mean even like there are 50 pounds to buy food for the month because it has to stop now but stop if he's stopping trying the other thing you're also doing whether you realize it or no saying Adele by by bailing Adele out you're saying Adele you can't do this on your own you need our help this is really tough for you you know it's changing a lot of behaviour it's changing kind of the way you think about it's actually changing the way you think about your mum and dad so Terry and Karen what we talked about last time we're here was about putting a contract together a contract around spending and how that will work in this house once we've set this contract up we know what the ground rules out and we're going to stick to them I'm gonna stick by Terry and we're not going to give her anything even though I know that she maybe doesn't quite believe that but no how are you feeling about all of this Adele now that they said no you know I do think they will stick by it I'm not convinced that Adele's got the emotional drive to stop borrowing money either from her parents or from wherever else she can get it I think her debt is too depressing and it's not surprising that she's seeking out escapism at this point unless there are consequences she won't change but on a positive note I think that everyone's prepared to put external measures in place to make sure that her debt payments are made and that she'll stop borrowing money from her parents [Music] to cut out further temptation adele seeks help from the family's financial advisor together they set up standing orders for all her debt repayments what David Lunz do you get paid fifteen fifteenth every month is it yeah we're gonna take this up on the 16th okay settle right with you no that's fine chance s penalty that was the idea well Scotty yep in fact all of Adele's life is going down on paper unmarked suggestion the Maguire's draft an agreement that bans all talk of money spending or lending in the household as a goodwill gesture to her parents Adele cooks dinner right I'm cooking chicken Madras for my parents tonight as a as a as a nice meal so hopefully no I kick I've got plastic bags on the hands cuz I don't like touching chicken I don't like touching me or anything I'll eat it but I just don't like touching it I know it's one of a it's a weird thing but we're watching the deal I'm Pepsi wants some too perhaps he'll eat chicken Madras as well you know it's really spicy Hagen's make it hot don't meet to make it really hot I've got some curry powder a lot like last time that was too hot dad yeah when you come home and open this champagne for me please right that's not have this for us yeah no not they have us really okay that is gonna spell Oh before serving up Adel gives her parents something to toast the champagne maybe budget but her next gesture is priceless I'll give you a run I'll pay my rent and stuff they and the 50 so it's been borrowed off your last month so go hundred and twenty there thank you either drink cheers thanks today thank you very much no thanks a lot it's really nice to do [Music] it's a month since Adele embarked on the road to financial and emotional stability Jay and Mark are making one last visit to pointin to see how far she's come [Music] [Applause] are you pleased you did it at the end um yes I am actually pleased cuz it's made me think twice before we actually spend money and when I'm spending money I feel guilty but I think also you know it's like the start of something and I think you've sort of got used to habits that have been coming grayned and it's almost unrealistic to expect that everything is gonna be really easy yeah straight away but I think what's happened is that you've been really honest and really open about thinking these are my danger areas this is where I can work this is where I can compromise and then leave the rest and I think you've been very open with us about dealing with all of that what you've got now is really solid foundation for moving on so you're quite clear about what the boundaries are now yes I think now it's gonna be really interesting to make sure those foundations that when bill I kind of built further on as we go into the next few months I think that's gonna be the tough time next couple of months this year once you've got through that I think you'll find be plain sailing after that I really truly believe that so if Mark and I came back in six months and probably a happier household maybe have a second job you don't feel a need to have to go out now then presumably in spring morning yeah it's been a lot better now that we've got boundaries yeah I've got concrete sort of contracts and everything it's it is going to be easy I know it's gonna be hard but it will be easier in the long run quieter for you is that sorry about quieting this because it's improved adults behaviour this also improve my behaviour while so I've got boundaries to stay tuned as you actually have other conversations don't you apart from money yes [Music]
Channel: Spendaholics
Views: 230,179
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Spendaholics, Shopaholics, Shopping, Spending, Haul, Addicted, Addiction, BBC, Only Human, Jay Hunt, Benjamin Fry, Debt, Finances, TV Show, Full Episodes, outfit, new outfit, clubbing, clubbing outfit
Id: ZTzfVz3mhMc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 0sec (3360 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 30 2019
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