I Spent £5000 in Two Days | Spendaholics | Only Human

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[Music] twenty-eight-year-old Becca Tapley is addicted to looking good but her credit card bills are not a pretty sight I love spending money I love it I love the power it gives me I spend it like no one's business I spent like it's going out fashion a PA at a luxury shoe company Becca earns 28 grand a year but in the last three years she's racked up an unfashionable 15 grand debt yeah this is Marc Jacobs coat my friend is buy bag try to shoes these are my Gina's this dress cost me $900 375 pounds $700 I think but I saw it and I just had to have a of warning once it's worth it's gorgeous [Music] something inside me says yeah go on you deserve it what does it matter get it love - sure get it [Music] but she doesn't just treat herself Moloko the pug and Buster the bull terrier are pretty well heeled to her friends think it's gone too far t-shirts the dolt about 75 I do worry about it because there is no end she will spend and spend and spend help is at hand lifestyle expert Jay hunt will help better cut down the cost without cutting out the style you can save some money make something for yourself and keep to the budget psychological coach Benjamin fry will unearth the demons working in Becker's designer wardrobe they've put out two sides of your personality that are at war with each other Becker spending is at crisis point her finances are in need of a new season makeover I do think I am getting out of control my spending definitely yeah I mean it's not it's not right is it to keep whacking up with credit card but I can't stop [Music] Becca Tapley works in London as a PA at a luxury shoe company despite a 28 grand salary living the vogue lifestyle is sending her deep into the red I think working for a luxury shoe company has really kicked off my spending habit I didn't have that many luxury items before I started working there but you should never economize on luxuries three years ago Becca discovered a way she could live like the fashion Jet Set just one day they were like Hello you can have a credit card my life change since then her credit cards have been working overtime and so has she I was actually finding all my repayment pretty much taking up on my salary so I got a job in a pub just a couple nights away you know you got to do what you got to do right despite her money worries Becca's spending soar to new heights on a recent shopping trip Vince New York and I spent five grand in two days I can't believe it myself there she met the love of her life a three thousand dollar handbag there it was this gold one and the guy said would like to hold it and I said huskily I didn't look at the tag I just signed even best friend Claire thinks she's out of control she's going out at lunch time she's applying for credit card she's buying online and at the moment it's not getting any better she does need somebody to help her out all the while her ambition is going to waste now is quite a crucial moment to get my spending under control because I want to start my own business in fashion but love to have my own boutique that's my dream but can her dreams become reality not even she's sure I'm still wrecking up my credit cards so that's really something that's got a stop I suppose maybe on a bit of a self destruct mission you know am i doing Beca works in London but commutes from leafy Surrey where she lives alone while she's out shopping Benjamin and Jay have borrowed the keys to her flat it's time for them to take a closer look at the clues to her spending addiction it's not what I thought at all it's like a real students hangout it sort of stinks of dog and it's some slightly Crotty really I don't know what assumptions that make about me they've never met me and then they'll be going through all my things I'm quite nervous I just live out it's a bit funny really someone go through your staff with a lounge more shabby than shabby chic they head to the kitchen for more evidence cupboard is bare so not much of a foodie except when it comes to the dogs she's buying really nice expensive organic dog food pet food dog clothes do you think she thinks she's sort of Paris Hilton dressing her dogs up as Ludacris a pug puppy mm-hmm you're talking about not much change from a thousand pounds for that I know I buy lots of presents clothes toys new leads do you love your mommy there's just one last room to check and it looks like they've hit the jackpot suddenly some feminine casts and presentation 1,500 quid it is 1500 pound Fendi bag Marc Jacobs bags those start from about 300 upwards Jeana shoes 335 pounds para Marc Jacobs shoes you're probably talking about 300 400 pounds for those it is easy to see that the money here is really going on clothes bags shoes and I tell you what quite a lot of it as well [Music] amongst the many treasures are hidden talents that's quite interesting see that's not got a label on it but it looks like something she's either had customized or she's customized herself and under her bed the proof of all that spending yeah bad salary top show she's got a store card at Topshop there was expensive yeah there we go Harvey Nichols House of Fraser net at fault oh yeah internet shopping ah look how much is being spent on all the pet stuff you know what's really funny is I wonder if anybody who she works with would ever imagine that she lives in such a sort of student place it doesn't really fit in with her Bogue lifestyle [Music] armed with Becca's finances Jay and Benjamin want to wake her up to what she's really been spending on and how long it's taken her to spend it [Music] good all that money and all that stuff in the ward Josie better let down they're like that under those shoes [Music] thanks for carrying out the London the Sears we've got some fun stuff to show [Music] our financial do lead her to their lair where they've set a trap now what this is is the web of debt her challenge is to rescue the receipts caught in the web and fight her way to Benjamin and Jays boutique on the other side about how you've spun this web for yourself this is something that you made that now you're struggling through okay the first receipt is a big bill four bags six grand spent in just three years [Music] the second is for five thousand eight hundred seventy eight pounds the amount Becker spent on shoes in the same time [Music] and the final amount comes in at a colossal nine thousand two hundred and forty two pounds just on clothes now would you like to know what that totals not really no would you it's too much okay well have a look at this Becker's total in just three years is more than twenty-one grand no way what do you reckon I can't believe that I'm know are the things that you've bought in the past three years worth it when you look at that amount is is there twenty one thousand one hundred and twenty pounds worth of fabulous things in your house no no you look a little bit shocked by this it can't possibly be that much mm-hmm I can't they okay it is that much I'm not gonna let it get any worse than that that's shocking but it does cue a second alarm call to wake her up can you hear that noise yeah [Music] oh yeah pace can you imagine what this might be about Becca my dogs mm-hmm don't see no each toy dog represents 50 pounds Becca spent spoiling her pricy pooches it's actually three thousand and fifty pounds that you spent in the last 12 months on your thoughts well we've got our work cut out because we've got to cut back on the dog spending and the fashion spending but first things first we're gonna go and sit down and work out with you your cold turkey budget and no dog spending for the next seven days when I was walking through the web I felt I don't know it's sort of some sort of nervous excitement and also a little bit of dread because I had to pick up these receipts and one of them was for handbag something like 6 grand on handbags or whatever I like I just can't believe it I cannot believe it [Music] it's time for the biggest shock of all her first step to recovery is going cold turkey the overspending stops here so what we're gonna do now is work out with you your cold turkey budget and that is the minimum amount of money that you think you can survive on for the next seven days to spend on non-essential items but before we work out what that figures going to be we just wanted to ask you whether you have any idea of how much money you get through in an average week maybe I'd say hundred quid you reckon it's about a hundred a week okay or less I don't know maybe less yeah well the reality is it's a bit more because we've been through all your statements and we've worked out but the amount of money you get through another four is 381 pounds and fifty P it is interesting that what we've got here is nearly four hundred pounds and that to you is feeling like a hundred pounds every week that's what you thought you spent in a month and every week if you think about if you buy a pair of shoes for 300 quid what you thought you were spending but you can do in ten minutes I try not to think about it and I've run away from our space it worked yeah so how much do you think is the minimum that you could spend in the next seven days fifty pounds what do you think well it's a reasonable opening gambit how would you think you'd cope with maybe 35 I could cope up to Friday but then it's my birthday on Friday 35 pounds for a week is a far cry from the 400 she's used to spending well I tell you what I think what do you reckon I reckon if we give you a 15 quid buffer because you have got your birthday also we on putting nice generous people so seven pounds fifty each for your birthday present yeah don't call us - I think her spirit is willing but I think she's really hugely in denial about her debts and how much he spends so although she really wants to give it a go I think she may be surprised at how difficult it is now that I've only got 50 pounds to last me the week I'm really quite getting worried and I didn't realise I spent 400 quid a week because I just think I suppose I don't care at my fingers cause I just do them I think coltec is gonna be harder than I realized [Music] day one of cold turkey dorms unable to afford a new birthday outfit Becca heads to the local charity shop a world away from the West End she's got to keep on budget the search is on for hidden gems [Music] it's quite Gucci Victoria Beckham but I think that's got great potential is the front of a dress you know three pounds it's also a hundred times cheaper than a normal shopping spree this is gonna be my birthday outfit [Music] she even finds money to spoil the dogs normally I would buy toy some locals in the pet shop and they kind of quite do but in charity shop they're all about 50 P look at this it might not be designer but Moloko doesn't mind hello I'm gonna take that one and that one saving it with an outfit sorted and two toys for the dogs Becca's learning she doesn't have to spend a fortune to get a shopping thrill [Music] and the budgeting doesn't stop there Becker's got to buy her weekly food shop there's no eating out this week probably I spend in total about 50 or 60 pound a week normally on food and bits and bobs so I've spent eight pounds 67 this week that is really really good for the first time ever she's cut back on the post Lee dog food as well I'd normally feed you know organic stuff that I get from the pet shop and 40 pounds she's now talking into 2 power 50 dog things like there's no different I think you're gonna find it easier than I am Beck has spoken too soon come day - she's unraveling it's the most down bad and then I worked but only for a few hours because I'm feeling really ill okay I've got flu coming on something maybe his the real symptoms of cold turkey I cancelled shivering and I ain't called over I've just really need to get some sleep but I've not spent any money today it's the morning of day 4 Becca hasn't left the house since her last shopping trip life on the cheap is finally getting to her I think I'm actually I'm gonna come down from not spending money not touching my credit cards as there's giving me serious withdrawal symptoms I think all these emotions are coming out me you know it's a totally suit isn't it Wow not shopping but maybe that's a colorful thing I don't I don't know and she's not the only one who's suffering the dogs actually don't like cheap food it's made of both sick so I've not been feeding in it to them they've been eaten or whatever I've been eating really it's back to work for Becca and in order to stay on budget she Braves the walk to the station it would usually cost her two pounds 80 a day to park plus petrol so a short walk means big savings wait she's even swapping designer lunch for a packed version my lunch today living on the breadline is harder than becca thought but she's starting to accept that things have got to change [Music] it's halfway through cold turkey week Becca's put the brakes on her spending just if she wants a long-term fix Benjamin needs to get to grips with what it is that drives her addiction and calls a meeting so what we'll do we'll just start with I guess whatever feels most important to you to talk about today don't know where to start how about if we just talk a bit about your life in general and because I don't really know the history the story at all well I lived in a pub for a while I was always out playing with horses and the dogs climbing the chains and I never saw my family I was always out they were always at home just chaos arguing yeah so I wasn't very nice she's a thing why they why they showing each other she didn't understand really I didn't ask him any questions Becca grew up in the country with her parents and younger brother her father died ten years ago and her mother passed away recently what happened to her father was he ill yeah he used to drink a lot and that killed him mm-hmm and my mum died last year how did that happen drink she was a drinker is man that's Luke oh I didn't have to be sad I didn't know her to be upset when my dad died I think I just cried a little bit and I went into a party that night to carry on hmm he didn't really grieve not many probably she clearly finds it hard to talk openly about deeper issues think of the thing at least like to say that's probably the thing you must need to say I'm one happy shopping makes me happy for a little while mm-hmm what do you think the core of your unhappiness is maybe not having any parents to phone up when you want to talk to someone mmm so maybe the RV that really wants someone to listen to you and be there for you so maybe we can start to think of two Becker's to mean the one that wants to talk who's not getting to talk and the one who's stopping her talking hmm which one to most closely identify with one doesn't talk because when you snap it is usually because the other part of you that really wants to speak is now fed up of trying to speak and it's gonna speak in other ways and communication is not always done with words sometimes it's done with behavior drinking too much spending too much all sorts of things people do to communicate their generalized sense of discount for unhappiness and even rebellion mmm yeah but I just don't feel sorry for myself about it a lot of people work more well for me so I should just get on with it and that's that's the other part of you coming back into the room it's clear that there's a lot of tension there between the Bekaa that wants to speak and the Becca that wants to keep her quiet I think what BEC is really stuck with is herself and her own feelings of tension and stress and unhappiness these are the things she wants to run away from spending is just a temporary measure to keep them at bay one of the things you touched upon was that I don't really like talking too much I don't really know if I'm not in touch at all with the side of me that wants to talk because I don't know if I do you know I've been quiet for so long mostly I want to block it all out and I was just gonna try and constraint having more fun the next day Becca's still on cold turkey but she's determined not to let it get her down with her birthday around the corner she gets to work blagging her way back into the high life I mean Clara struck a deal because I've actually got a booking a beautiful Friday for my birthday and I've been looking forward to for ages Claire is gonna pay for me for as a birthday present and it's it's such a generous present I almost wouldn't accept but I've said to her I'm gonna I'm gonna do your nails for the next few weeks you know so we've had a trade of continuing in a creative vein she sets about customizing her birthday outfit with a top she bought in the charity shop [Music] that little top is now address once again Becker's managed to get through the day without spending a thing it's the last day of cold turkey more importantly it's her birthday and after an hour's spar indulgence she's still 37 pounds in the black it was 200 pounds it was well worth there it's Christmas and birthdays for like the next 10 years Rebecca I couldn't have got you trees now I'm gonna play the credit for it and the treats keep coming [Music] that will take back okay taking it back [Applause] with 37 pounds still in her pocket Becca hits the town in her cut-price party frog I've really worked hard this week to not spend any money now the release is going to be spending that remaining pounds of my cold taker budget I'm champagne oh cool [Music] thirteen [Applause] [Music] after a difficult start Becker's made it through cold turkey week now it's time for her to face the reality of her financial future and Jay has some sobering news for her know better I've got here your new budget but before we have a look at this I just wanted to find out how you've done on your cold turkey week so how much did you actually spend over the seven days why didn't spend all of it yeah wow that's pretty good surprised yeah it's not easy it's called like going back to a life of poverty again not being able to shop when I want to but I think if I have to do it for a while to sort myself out then I'm gonna couldn't I could live with it what I'm gonna do is put this change over here and then have a look at Rebecca's new budget okay this is your current expenditure the money you're spending at the moment so when we add up all these amounts you are spending every month 3117 pounds you're actually bringing in 1946 so what is happening is that you are overspending by 1171 pounds a month and so we start to see what's going on when you see it written there like that it's all for one area that comes up again and again and again when we go through all the credit card stuff is clothes shoes and bags at the moment you're spending five hundred and sixty-five pounds a month now what we didn't want to do was put that in at zero because it is unrealistic to expect that you're not going to be buying anything so we put it in at a hundred pounds it's gonna be a challenge because I can't even yesterday I was on the internet I man didn't buy anything but I was really tempted to get this Stella McCartney Jackie it's not forever but why do you pay about your debt you are going to have to utilize how creative you are if you want to get a fashion hit and the other area is the pet which at the moment is coming in at 70 and we've halved that because there are cheaper ways of giving them treat and when you add all these figures up that we've put down here it comes to 1917 pounds if Becca sticks to her new budget she'll break even every month J thinks the quickest way for her to pay off her debts is to consolidate them all into one loan I reckon you could get all of those credit card debts cleared off within three years depressing but depressing won't tell me what's depressing three years you've been on a bender for three so you spent $21,000 fashion in the past three years now it's reality checked I'm fine out there I think what I'm going to do with Becca is concentrate on the main areas I'm worried about that is whether she's not going to be able to buy clothes and how she's going to stop overspending on the pets those are definitely areas we've got to address if she's got any chance of sticking to her new budget Becca grew up in Hampshire with her parents and younger brother her parents were married for 20 years before her father died in 1997 eight years later her mother passed away benjamin has brought her back to the house where she grew up he hoped she might start the deal with some of the painful memories she's been avoiding some good memories some not good memory yeah yeah how do you feel about going in we're gonna knock on the door if it's all right with you say hello say goodbye it's been four years since Becca last visited and the new owners are happy for her to look around but as soon as she's inside it all becomes too much obviously this is upsetting what's it got the kitchen is totally different UK yeah yeah it's nice that it was a real mess before my mom would that always wanted to sort it out but just never got around to it what do you remember here some baby in the garden going through that back gate a lot its alleyway that way and down that way so you left here with your mum and your dad and your brother wages were when you lived it I must 14 when I moved here just feels a lot smaller like the walls of clothes in a bear before they leave Becker wants one last look at her mother's old bedroom it was really weird no huh hey mum spent a lot of time mmm just sat in here I wish I could sort of turn back the clock and maybe I don't know things nope you know things different no you can't do that sort of thing but yeah the reality of growing up with alcoholic parents is that you can't help them but you're desperate to one of the reasons you're desperate to help them is because you want them to actually be able to be the parent to help you nobody gets the help they need that's what I'm trying to focus on for you we're gonna need to get you the help you need you can help me I can start not sure hey I think what's really interesting is that Becca found it really hard to talk so by coming here I think she has actually showed me rather than told me quite how upset she is about some of the things she remembers particularly with her mum and I think today shall reflect on it as being extremely valuable it helps me a lot to understand what I'm gonna do with her next I suppose I didn't think I was gonna be that upset but you know this whole trip down memory lane I suppose that Ben started me on is maybe it's sort of like that and the floodgate is open in I need to maybe think about all those things I was all about for ages [Music] [Applause] a week later the consequences of Becca spending binges come home to roost Buster's been run over and without insurance Becca can't pay the vet's bill gonna costs about 1,200 quid to fix there it's got of an operation at 700 quid and just for one night stay and animate an x-ray it's cost 500 quid and they just were chasing me out the vets been saying we need you to pay us 500 quid already I can't quite believe it it's problem to quit I've got in my name all those shopping sprees have left her with no money for a rainy day you're gonna break my bank account on Wednesday yes you are but I suppose this is it like someone's trying to tell me something on they go on a learning curve stop using your credit card you stupid care Benjamins beginning to get to the heart of Becca's overspending but he's concerned she's in danger of slipping back to her old ways he calls Jay for a meeting to focus on the future I think there's a lot of potential there but I'm quite yet gotta to really open up certainly showed me that there's a lot of emotions there's a lot of issues but it's not you know it's not yet really out there and it's it's like there are these two sides of her and I really need to find a way to get to kind of communicate with them yeah I just get the sense with her that I've really got to harness the imagination and get her focused on this new business I did because she gets a huge buzz from this spending and if she veers off doing that again it's going to be the slippery slope and there's going to be no hope I think she is very creative and she does have a good imagination and I can certainly perhaps use that to really appeal to her on many maybe if you do the same that I'll begin to replace the urge for spending absolutely so it's going to be buzz from imagination not spending J hopes Becca's ambition of owning a boutique could be the focus she needs to replace the buzz of spending she takes her to meet dress designer Antonia Pugh Thomas to hear how it's done what's the disgust you like wearing do you like miniskirts miniskirts careworn after my own heart I can definitely show you how to make it minutes going on that's not a problem at all 13 years ago Antonia started out in fashion she now runs a successful business designing bespoke outfits when you first started out was it just you and a sewing machine it was just me and my sewing machine 204 pounds and my bedroom but now you've got your own shop and you're making a living from doing this yes while Antonia shows her the ropes Becker takes the opportunity to share some of her ideas I was thinking about the cleaners buying in bulk and customizing them yes you could yeah but that's another thing presumably an attorney that at some point you know you you have got to clear these debts off yeah and put some money aside so that you can buy all this stuff I mean it's so boring isn't it but you really have to think about cashflow buying in bulk isn't an option as long as Becca's drowning in debt Jay wants her to think more creatively about potential business maybe you take a bikini and you customize it and then you can say this is what I do would you like one they write you a check you're then making it and you've got the money to buy well done there we go perfect with the basics mastered Becca revisits the possibilities of a sewing machine [Music] I get you Wow it's gorgeous see a lot of inspiration today and yeah it's not like it's a hardship for you you can save some money make something for yourself actually enjoy it and keep to the budget and it's not just her fashion needs in the frame there's the dogs to think about I just like to show you something else that Antonia has made for her dog do you like to see the dog in it [Music] but can she cut it in the real world I've been thinking about my day with Jane Antonia when she showed me how to make a skirt and it's really has sort of kicked something off inside me again you know how much I used to love making things it made me realize I should stop spending money on dog clothes and you know tops here and there and makeup or whatever I mean obviously makeup but I need to buy so machines get the ball rolling with this whole creative thing you know my new business Tribeca with no time to waste she sets herself a budget and scours the ads for a suitable machine armed with 80 quid the cost of her doggy jumper or pair of jeans Becca's investing in her future not to mention a more creative way of making herself look good [Music] I think it's really cool machine okay I'd like to buy it okay good good great having taken the first step on the road to starting her own business Becca finds the experience is rewarding her in other ways I'm feeling quite inspired by the last few weeks you know so I just found like a really basic doggy best and it's erm just plain why and it's then it was really cheap and I'm gonna really customize it up formal oppa I mean I don't I could say all sorts of this sequins or whatever I don't know I might even start adding extra bits on to it Johnson bling on there as well yeah bling bling bling yeah for it saying the next day she makes contact with a friend of Jays at West London's Portobello market and meets up for more insights into running a business Alexia makes good money out of customized designs so she knows exactly what market Becca's aiming for this is my work vice I've been doing this for four years but if you'll see what I mean yeah I want to show you this these beads on black bikinis and then embroider splits on I mean that's also good things of the bikini it's a smaller yeah if I start on you know it's a customized so if you can make those quickly the market is a great thing to start and do and I think the stuff you're making is very Portobello [Music] CUDA market store be the way forward for Becca Becca leaves with more ideas for the future back in the present things are looking better for Buster - we took Buster to the RSPCA and they said they'd do the operation a fraction the cost so he's there at the moment he's getting his leg he's getting a plate putting his leg and it's only going to cost 260 pounds as opposed to sort of almost a thousand pounds he's wagging his tail he's hobbling around on free legs he's alright I'm sure he'll be totally fine while Becca works behind the scenes on her business Benjamin has other ideas that involve her taking center stage [Music] on the stage he set up the two sides of Becca's personality the fashionista and her neglected self now he wants to get them talking to each other but Becca's stuck for words and doesn't know where to begin what comes to mind why do you look so neglected I'm gonna come over and maybe think about hearing that question from the other side so speak for this character I don't feel that good about myself so I can't dress as well as you can go shopping it helps that's interesting isn't it though that's really the advice coming from the fashionista when you don't feel good about yourself yeah go shopping it helps maybe it won't really help doesn't help me as a person it's something more I need than to go shopping Becca's two sides are starting to communicate so she moves them closer together to hear each other better looking at ghosts I need to make you look better as soon as possible why are you such a for saying that to me why do you care what I look like because I think that looking good means that you feel good so that's why I make an effort in my parents you know what you remind me of you remind me of my mother who didn't take care of us ever care what she looked like this part of me can't get over my sadness of what I haven't got any more I'm going to let myself feel sad and then look just look hideous like that I wanted to have no cares and just put on fashion and not have to feel bad about myself I want to be I want to be you Mae I don't want you to be so far away from Millie I wanted to come a bit closer yeah okay I'll come bit closer I want to try and get over those sad memories with you and not care about fashion so much cuz maybe that's not really that important by the end of the hour it's become clear Becca's two sides can start to come together to face the problems they've been avoiding which side of the fence here do you actually feel more normal human grounded and calm although it's more painful yeah you feel karma here mm-hmm and that's because this side is more truthful yeah it's more real it's more authentic and it's more about who you really really are come out here just look they're both important both need to be valued and they both need to know about each other remember where we started hmm yeah are we in a different place definitely a bad place well Becca was really good at the exercise it's a difficult thing to do and clearly she has a really well developed sense of imagination we ended up with a very nice image of the two shoulder-to-shoulder side-by-side ready to take on the world yeah I think I'm feeling halfway there to sort himself out especially after that session in the theatre a bit of way it has lifted a part of me sort of opened up because I didn't feel like anyone could help me I didn't know where to start or who I could turn tip and I feel like I do know where to start now that really really sort of elated afterwards Benjamin has made a breakthrough now Jay wants to rein in the habit that's been breaking the bank so do you use the internet as a way of reducing your costs or just as another way of shopping and as a way of shopping okay well one of the things I would like you to have a look at is this have you ever seen this site ah fashioned higher now look but you might recommend I know see it was the only one as well well it pays for an exclusive bag but it ain't that exclusive now what this website does is enables you to have the latest bags but you're not actually buying them to shrink the six grand Becca spent on designer bags jays discovered a website where she can hire them for a fraction of the cost so they've got a pretty good choice in here there's Chloe bags Louis Vuitton Marc Jacobs so you basically got your pick of all the bags down here that's ever left a Balenciaga handbag higher is just taking off in the UK it costs a monthly fee plus a one-off payment for each bag borrowed with the prices dependent on their popularity this would enable you to constantly be keeping up without having to spend on a designer handbag which you know let's be honest you're not going to get sort of things that you like for less than what six seven hundred quid no no no it's getting more expensive as well isn't it so this just might be the word great to keep you happy and on your budget because one of my worries with you long term is what happens if you have another Fendi moment mmm just think how many months worth of new bags you could rent for 1,500 pounds that you spent on one really beca's sold on the idea time to pick the first bag within her budget Wow I think I'd fancy a Marc Jacobs max1 oh look that one I'd like to buy that one actually I'm not buying we're renting I'm so excited so you can't obviously afford to do it every month no but you'd get your fix from this I think I would yeah how long has this been going why didn't I know about this Becca's never used the Internet as a way to save money and this website is really fantastic because it allows her to still be trendy but it doesn't involve her in spending money on the Fendi price tags my only worry is she's got to remember that she's got to give it back at the end of every month easier said than done Jerry back home Becca's taking steps to earn more money she's landed her first Commission for a customized bikini true Becca style this is a whole different bars really if I've already made that pan and I make another 20 Justin doing this bikini her fifty pound of mine I want to put it back into materials and other things you know who knows what this is gonna take me so yeah it feels really good much better going shopping that's so last year the following day with a newfound determination Becker bites the bullet and gives all four of her credit cards the chop four weeks ago Becca's credit cards were working overtime with an unfashionable debt of 15,000 pounds she was on the road to financial ruin since then lifestyle expert Jay Hunt has shown her some clever ways of getting the look without blowing the budget you can save some money make something for yourself and keep to the budget psychological coach Benjamin fry has made her address the reasons behind her compulsive spending and he's helped her listen to the neglected side of her personality go shopping it helps maybe it won't really help it's something more I need than to go shopping she's almost at the end of her journey there's just one more piece of the psychological puzzle to put in place I'm glad you're here cuz I wanted to show you what I've been up to look it's different now isn't it yeah it's a real kind of amalgamation of the two original personalities it's been yeah but do you feel that this is helping you to kind of hang on to the more difficult side of you the part of you that struggled with those memories well actually I've been thinking about nothing but all that stuff actually you know since you've sort of opened the door I've been going there a lot okay I wondered if also it might be helpful to have some kind of touchstone of what you know what it is that you've really missed what it is you've lost and thinking particularly of your parents as a way for Becca to keep in touch with her neglected side Benjamin wants her to bring back some reminders of their life she's shut away that's a nice one yeah this catches my eye yeah you look happy you really what this exercise is about is about making you confront briefly and regularly the things that you'd much rather forget okay so there you have some memories of a happy family okay [Music] but it's not over yet there's another journey he wants her to take [Music] it's been years since Becker's written a horse now Benjamin wants her to reconnect with the happiness it gave her as a child it takes a little time but eventually it all comes flooding back really good yeah feel quite late [Music] different person now two fairly connected with a part of yourself that you've been missing yeah I know the old part was made part of me from long ago and I was you know just total happiness in being with horses isn't it extraordinary yeah you've managed to come through your fear of talking about being unhappy and ended up in this happy place yeah well done Rebecca thanks Ben I think it's been very successful for Becca in her case I think she was really ready to make these changes and the resistance that we saw at the beginning is what had stopped her from doing it once she felt able to kind of move through that once she got going there was really no stopping [Music] it's nearly two months since Becca tapley put the brakes on her substantial spending habit now she's come to meet J and Benjamin to assess how life on a budget has been treating her - have you been getting on you don't very sort of bright-eyed and like Rebecca means business I do feel less tense now that's great think Oh everything's together you know sorting out the desk admitting I sort of had a bit of a problem and the emotional problems as well and I as part of who I feel so good now and a bit lighter face early on Benjamin and I had a conversation about how much you were gonna let us in and how much you were going to be prepared to talk and everything cuz it did take you a while didn't know just sort of thing oh okay y'all go with this a bit I really wasn't comfortable with talking about it cuz I just you know I didn't talk cuz that's what you grew up with and I think as an adult you still have that childlike frame of mind of it's not safe to talk okay do you think that resolving some of your brother more deep and general inner issues has helped you with the specific question that you came to us with this is the moment money totally I took a loan out to pay everything off sort of simplifies it doesn't it you've got your one pot and you can see it going down if I'm not good before to admit that I owed X amount of money it's like you know facing those things that you think dreadful one of the things that we have been aiming towards is your customization business you know doing all those things you feel it's freed you up a bit more to get going with that yeah I've been I've been on stuff actually of them I did this from a Loco very creative I think you've done really brilliantly through all of this would you not say the journey you've taken on on the emotional side from basically a standing start to where you got to has been a really extreme one and I think it's a huge credit to you make courageous it's very very hard to do you get aa spender holux bravery award yeah one gold star I really can look forward to the future the next few years and I'm feel good that I'm just gonna start my business now I've got this focused I didn't really have before it's a I'm really pleased that I've been [Music]
Channel: Only Human
Views: 219,824
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: only human, only human channel, only human documentary, shopaholics, shopaholics anonymous, shopaholics bbc, shopaholics documentary, shopaholics full episode, shopaholics uk, shopping addiction debt, shopping addiction documentary, shopping addiction full episodes, shopping addiction help, shopping addiction recovery, shopping addiction true life, spendaholics, spendaholics documentary, spendaholics full episodes, spendaholics tv show, spendaholics uk, spendaholics youtube
Id: 4P_PybKi5fM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 5sec (3365 seconds)
Published: Wed May 06 2020
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