IELTS Speaking Practice - Topic of THE WEATHER

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[Music] ah hello good morning and welcome it's keith from english speaking success and the keith speaking academy today we have an exciting live lesson all about the weather we're going to be looking at some language some idioms an interview with somebody we're going to be talking about all sorts of exciting stuff stay tuned with me um i think you're going to enjoy today just wrap up warm because it is a little bit cold let's kick off [Music] [Music] hello and welcome very nice to see you here i am looking forward to today's lesson we're going to be talking all about the topic of the weather whether it's cloudy weather get it whether it's cloudy or sunny wherever you are hot or cold you're going to find out today how to talk about it on this topic of the weather lots of interesting stuff today um let me just tell you i'm going to walk you through what we're going to do we're going to begin by looking at some vocabulary on this topic all about the weather um and then we're going to move in and we're going to do what we're going to have an interview so today um i've invited somebody along um i actually recorded this interview a few days ago um and we're going to have a chat you're going to have a chance to listen to some natural english an interesting topic and also some tips about learning to help you with your english learning and preparing ielts as well of course we'll be looking at idioms i'm a big fan of idioms they can help you with your spoken english in particular we use a lot of idioms in spoken english so we'll be looking at some idioms related to of course weather right the topic of weather and what else will be do we'll be finishing up with a kahoot review and if you're wondering keith what is kahoot well it's a game it's a game we'll play together quite interactive to find out if you're paying attention today so make sure you pay attention all the way through the class okay so weather is the topic today listen let me bring this up it looks so professional let's make it unprofessional let's do that right so i'll leave that there so that those of you who are late oi that's you um you know what the topic is right weather nice who's in the house today hey stefano nice to see you from cagliari sardinia great chiara says she's in bed come on get out of bed what time is it maybe it's time for bed um mohammed razib al mammoon authentic bangladeshi great good azera how should we join youtube well azra if you i see you're on facebook so what you can do is go to the youtube channel just search english speaking success right go and look for it and you'll find it rtm nice to see you shamim in tehran where it's raining oh well who else is in the house we've got boba fond from the french basque country fantastic um abdul aziz nice to see you here ralph great good to see you darwood good to see you as well artium says it's cloudy in estonia hassan nasir from pakistan great to see you and elvi from the philippines so welcome all of you today we're talking about the weather brilliant good it's going to be interesting i think you're going to like today's class and we're going to find out all different ways of talking about the weather where you live in your country changes in the weather we're not going to talk much about climate change but i'll give you some other material to help you with that good um what else to let you know if you enjoy my live lessons you might like my online course i do have an online course let me show you it's called ielts speaking success get a band 7 plus so if you're new here this might be interesting for you for preparing for ielts speaking i just i think last week i updated it for 2022 you know there are new questions from january up to april so i've just updated the course with a few extra videos so if you already bought the course you can see those automatically if you buy the course now of course you get access to all of that um i'll just ask the moderators who are in with me if they could share the link to the course if you're not sure where to find the course let me show you if you go to my website and that's the website is um if you go over there you'll see something that looks like this right and basically if i just take those away on the home page there's a little picture of me and it says study with me you can just go there press study with me and you'll find it you could go to online courses in the top corner you can also find it in fact it's all over the website wherever you go you'll find a link um to get there but if you press that study with me it just takes you to the course updated 2022 you can find out more about it how it's going to help you build your confidence how it's going to help you learn natural english if you want to find out more there's a little video to tell you about it and then a little bit about me what students have said um and what you get in the course and you know if this course is right for you and if you look at the curriculum and you think that's what i need then you can go ahead um and you can go ahead and click on the buy button wherever it says buy and go ahead and buy it so that's it that's the course right if it's right for you then go for it okay now then um let me have a look get my notes what else do i need to say don't need to say anything really we can just go straight in right because we're talking about the weather um what's the first thing on the agenda well done you vocabulary let's jump straight in with a little bit of vocabulary but i have to do that boom yes that's it when i switch screen um okay here we go ielts speaking vocabulary so in this lesson we're gonna learn some vocabulary and expressions to talk about travel come on you can tell that i paste and copy right sometimes i do paste and copy because it's the secrets of productivity talk about the weather so don't worry the rest of the notes are not copied the first thing we can use adjectives of course adjectives are so important in ielts speaking and having a wide range of adjectives to really talk accurately about what you want to express so we've said for example some people said it's rainy in my country or it's hot in my country i think rtm said it's cloudy in my country at the moment or where i am um it's rainy and cold says nila okay so you've got some examples here of adjectives of what the weather is like in your country um any others let me just have a quick look it's windy in my country we've got it's very cold in italy says gladys selma says it's foggy you can't see morgan lucky you it's sunny i say lucky i mean it's lucky if it's sunny as in not too hot um yosura says it's sunny today yet a bit nippy i like that nippy means cold right a bit cold it's cloudy bucharest says it's cloudy in my country um what else have we got this is interesting i'm going to share it because it's a great example of a synonym is not the correct synonym so muhammad your thank you very much for sharing this frigid means cold but not for the weather we cannot say the weather is frigid or it's frigid a person is frigid not the weather right here you'd be better to say it's it's cold um or it's as somebody said earlier it's cold and nippy right it's cold and nippy so cold is the better word nippy is also cold that's much nicer thank you very much for sharing that this is how we learn right this is brilliant trying new vocabulary to find out if it works well excellent what else have we got it's sunny today but cold right omtaha great sunny but cold excellent so there are different adjectives let's have a look um to say very hot well hot is good but what about if we make it richer let's make our vocabulary even better right talking about the weather remember only the weather so instead of very hot we can say it's scorching i want you to work with me on the pronunciation right notice as the the first letter is an s and it's you only need one s right it's scorching right instead of it's scorching just link it's scorching can you say that it's scorching yeah it's scorching today next one sweltering sweltering is also very hot has the idea of sweating as well that you're sweating it's so hot you're sweating sweating say with me it's sweltering yeah it's sweltering today nice next one boiling literally from when you take water right and it boils it's so hot so this is idiomatic right it's not literally boiling like water because that would be a hundred degrees and we'd be dead but idiomatically it's boiling in my country great or in my country right this is interesting because when we talk about when we talk about the weather it's difficult to say in my country unless your country's very very small like andorra or monaco because probably your country has lots of different weather so it's useful but you may want to say it's boiling today it's boiling in my city maybe that's better let me change that because in my country i'm guessing right that there are different kinds of weather in different parts of the country i'm going to change that to city i just realized and the last one baking again idiomatic because to bake bread or to bake a cake is in the oven so the idea that you're in an oven it's so hot idiomatic it's baking in my city can you say it's baking in my city yeah make that stress on the a a it's baking in my city over exaggerate because when you speak naturally it becomes smaller so when you're practicing make it too big right it's baking in my city that's the way to practice nice good so very hot excellent we can also say who've we got lots of practice there we go letty it's baking in my city i can almost hear you it's baking in my city back says it's scorching today nice excellent now let's take the opposite right if it's not very hot we might want to say it's cold and cold different words we can say instead of cold we could say it's quite chilly okay chili chili a bit like well a bit like the food chili con carne right chili konkani say with me it's quite chilly okay it's quite chilly very cold very cold is freezing cold it's freezing cold yeah okay so let me make this clear um i'm gonna put them in order right it's quite chilly or it's nippy we had nippy right it's nippy it's cold it's freeze and then it's freezing and then it's freezing cold those are probably the same actually it's freezing it's freezing cold yeah you can say both right it's freezing again idiomatic or it's freezing cold so i'll put them all in capitals it's quite chilly is a little bit it's nippy a bit more it's cold normal it's freezing cold the most right okay mahi says it's freezing in cairo the past two days which is out of normal here which is out of normal which is out of normal i can i can see what you're trying to say um we wouldn't say out of normal in english which is not normal i know in in some languages i think like in spanish it would be out of but in english it's not normal which is not normal or abnormal that's nice mohammed thank you very much for that russia it's freezing cold in nepal well you're up in the mountains i'm not surprised you're near mount everest right fantastic this is a great question what about heavy cold no no you see that's brilliant because that's really good that you're testing and trying but in english we do not say heavy cold what would we say it's really cold right it's really cold oh what have i done i've unfortunately just deleted your question but we would say it's really cold right it's really cold johnny beck that is nice it's not freezing cold in my city that's great you can practice the language but just put it in the opposite nice okay nilof nilov where are you you've gone it's quite chilly in chiang mai ah good is that good i don't know good english is what i mean hokkaido it's freezing cold nilo4 this was a nice one it's bitterly cold right it's bitterly cold let me add that on the list because i like that it's bitterly there it's bitterly cold nice very very nice yes ice cold yes from them oh i can't pronounce it but yes ice cold good very very good freezing cold it's ice cold the weather is ice cold um would you say the weather is ice cold i would definitely say this drink is ice cold right the water is ice cold the drink is ice cold the weather it's ice cold today possibly i mean it's idiomatic right possibly definitely for drinks possibly for weather right okay great good so we've got cold let's move on um wet other kinds of weather so again instead of saying well it's wet it's humid right it's humid today it's humid again to show that it's very wet it's soaking wet again it's kind of idiomatic when you're soaking you're covered in water when you come out of the shower you're soaking wet or if you've been walking in the rain you're soaking wet you could also say though the weather yeah it's soaking it's so can you hang on a minute no you can't it's soaking wet yes you could say that it's soaking wet you could say i'm soaking wet if you're covered in water um what's the weather like today yeah it's raining soaking wet tell you what i'm not 100 sure if that sounds completely natural i'm going to say i'm soaking wet right it's humid today but i i'm soaking wet because i was walking in the rain excellent good so that's wet we can talk about wet any other words for wet on thinking wet it's soaking wet in my place now yeah i think that's all right my city is not socking soaking wet so bida this is a very interesting one right raining cats and dogs um yes and no yes as in it exists in english my only problem with this is it's very old-fashioned and in many dictionaries it does say obsolete but probably more importantly in england we very rarely say this it does sound a bit strange right i would tend not to use it it's okay it's correct english but it's not very modern english shall we say okay great good another one gladys says the weather is watery again very good idea but not really the weather is watery sounds very very strange i wouldn't say that no okay what else have we got yeah damp somebody says damn the weather's damp you could say that it's damp it feels damp today we do talk about damp in a house on the walls but also you could say the weather or the climate is damp the weather's a bit damp it feels damp it's humid it feels damp i'm gonna put that in i think that's okay okay nice you ate sha thank you very very much moving on from wet so sunny and sunshine very clear the opposite if there's no sunshine like not very bright and it's dark but not dark as in night time but in the daytime then we could say it's bleak it's gloomy uh that's similar so these are similar to cloudy the idea that it's cloudy bleak is it's it's not bright and cold it's not bright hang on and and it's cold so bleak the weather is bleak it just means yeah it's uh it's not bright probably cloudy but it's also cold gloomy again gloomy similar thing very similar it's dull dull is cloudy dark and cloudy basically and overcast is basically cloudy the idea of cloudy not cowdy cloudy like the wine cloudy bay if you're into your white wines cloudy bay overcast so say with me because these are again not easy to pronounce it's cloudy you try and get the ow instead of it's not a single vowel it's a it's not a it's a yes it's a diphthong it's so it's slides it's [Music] sorry it's ow cloudy it's cloudy it's cloudy today it's bleak it's bleak good it's gloomy again that's a long vowel sound it's a oh glue it's gloomy remember what i said about exaggerating because when you speak your sounds go small when you practice then make your sounds big so don't say gloomy say gloomy it's gloomy nice dull it's dull can you see the tongue right it's not dole it's dull it's dull i almost bite my tongue at the end but i'm not hungry so i don't eat it it's dull good the tongue just rests relaxed on the teeth so you get that dark l right it's dull today it's overcast it's overcast brilliant good love your pronunciation very very nice so not very very bright good um some good questions here abdo says can we use dull as boring yes you can he is such a dull person right this is such a dull program absolutely yes bigly it's so overcast and dull today nice very very nice mohamed can we say dismal for weather yes yeah dismal is similar to bleak right it's not bright it's cold it's horrible right so yes you can also say it's dismal [Music] it just means not nice cold gloomy uh excellent question i love how you have positive positively taken my feedback and you keep trying well done that's fantastic so the answer there is yes absolutely good foggy yes we can foggy of course foggy's is different from cloudy um i'm not a weatherman so i'm not sure exactly i mean cloud is the rain particles in the air up there fog is on our level it's on ground level i think it's something to do with the condensation the water and you get fog i don't know but to use it yes foggy i mean not very bright absolutely yes um great oh mina says i don't fancy bleak days me neither it's pouring that's nice it's raining a lot it's pouring yes how can we use it's raining cats and dogs my advice don't don't use it what else i love gloomy weather choi interesting yeah sometimes i love gloomy weather misty again yeah misty is similar to foggy very very similar yeah pradeep says humid is similar to muggy yes yes it's muggy yes yeah very very similar yes muggy is very very similar to to humid it's muggy today that's a very british word i think it's very muggy today i like that that's nice humid and muggy let's add that one to our list earlier it's muggy okay excellent so we've been through not very bright did i have any others unstable was my last one changeable this is we often say this because in well in great britain in the united kingdom um the weather is very very changeable four seasons in one day if you remember the song the idea that you you have four seasons in one day in the morning in britain it can be raining then it can be sunshine then it can be windy and then it can be foggy i mean who knows the weather is so changeable unstable different ways of talking about it okay so here we're looking at lots of different um we're looking at lots of different adjectives to describe the weather um i'm going to move on and talk next not about adjectives but about nouns okay how we can use nouns to talk about the weather so for example we get a lot of right this is what we could say let me bring this down so it makes it a little bit clearer for you okay so we use downs we get a lot of sunshine sunny spells so a sunny spell is a short period of sunshine so maybe that's one hour or two hours in britain it's quite common on a cloudy day you may get some sunny spells so maybe for one hour the sun peeps out and then in the afternoon the sun will peep out for another two hours sunny spells let me just write that in then short periods of sun shine you are my sunshine my only sunshine you make me happy through night and day um we get a lot of tropical storms so for those of you maybe over in asia or in tropical climates tropical storms i say asia of course not every bear not everywhere in asia is tropical but around the equator or the tropics showers we get a lot of showers so showers of course is when you go in the shower and you wash your body but idiomatically rainfall is a shower it's a countable noun right we have a lot of showers in santander in the north of spain that's why the countryside is so beautiful and green because we have a lot of showers we get a lot of showers okay downpause is the noun so somebody earlier mentioned it is pouring which means it's raining the noun is a downpour we had a downpour last night it lasted for two hours it was pouring down a downpour heavy rain notice that collocation heavy rain because earlier somebody asked about heavy what was it somebody put heavy fog no they put two together and it wasn't right but rain heavy rain yes right heavy rain strong wind heavy rain or torrential rain if you want to sound really good torrential rain right say this with me torrential torrential yes torrential rain we get a lot of torrential rain we get a lot of torrential rain in santander nice feel the rhythm we get a lot of torrential rain in santander english is full of this it's all about that that rhythm i think that's why music in english sounds so good i mean i would say that because i'm english but it has that time stressed okay torrential rain um so that's rain what about snow we get a lot of snow uncountable noun right a lot of snow blizzards countable a blizzard is like a snowstorm let's make that clear basically a snow storm so we get a lot of snow storms we get a lot of blizzards right great word love it blizzard blizzard why does that sound so good blizzard we get a lot of blizzards we get some blizzards in santander um not in the city but in the mountains we're next to the the european peaks they're called the pecos of europa and then you do get blizzards over there right wind storms hurricanes okay um so what i've done is if the noun is countable i've put an s okay just to make it clear for you if there's an s you know that it's a countable noun if there's no s like rain then you know it's uncountable wind uncountable right we get a lot of wind we get a lot of storms uh we get a lot of hurricanes gosh when i was living in taiwan we had a lot of uh hurricanes over there hurricanes or typhoons right they often call them typhoons we get a lot of hurricanes we get a lot of typhoons hurricanes lovely heat wave so if you want to talk about it's hot to make it into a noun a heat wave okay we get a lot of heat waves and finally the opposite we get a lot of droughts a drought is where there's no rain four long periods of time so that may be a day two days a week a month depending on your country so when it's so hot then there's no rain and the land dries out we say drought a drought it's that ow sound do you remember cloudy drought really practice moving your lips when you're speaking english drought don't say drunk it was a drought no it was a drought we get a lot of droughts it's funny right england is a country where i'm gonna have a rant i'm gonna have another rant i love having rants right um a rant is a complaint let me rant about this england is a country where it rains so much in the north of england i'm from manchester it pours down we get a lot of downpours right throughout the year and yet when the sun comes out for one day or two days we get a sunny spell and then it's sunny for two days and then the government says there's a drought turn off all the water stop using so much water you can't wash your car with water because there's a trout i'm like hello we've had six months of rain and for two days it's not raining and the government says there's a drought seriously ah rant finished thank you listen as i finish my round let me have a drink because it's thirsty work ranting bum bum love to rant you've got to rant haven't you norika says all most days are raining at least smile manchester almost most days are raining you mean right almost most days almost most days of rain lee smile james says it's tsunami here ah you said oh it's tsunami that's different from a typhoon though right i mean tsunami is literally the the wave the massive wave that comes up um just to make it clear to everyone i think i understand what you're saying but we um you want i would say we have tsunamis here or that we have a tsunami today maybe yes okay um what else have we got fatima heavy rain is so much rain or strong rain heavy rain is so much rain more strong rain oh i see what you mean right is it for a long time or is it just strong um strong right it's strong but don't say i understand what you're saying but don't say strong um heavy rain means it is strong i'm gonna phrase it like this i'm gonna phrase it as in this way right has it heavy rain hazy heavy ray means it is intense strong right but we don't say strong rain right just to make it clear otherwise people will have that in their head and so let me take it out so that it doesn't otherwise it's going to be the elephant in the room heavy rain means it's intense yeah perfect nice question great so expensive water bill i know enjoy your drink thank you very much great um gb government don't know english keith uh yes yes they don't know much no they do of course they do well do they bangladesh is a country of rain ah i like it great i like it i said your rant was great oh it's so important to rant right we can't be positive all the time we have to rant sometime it's a bit chilly here great it's a bit chilly good right this is really good green lantern thank you for sharing this because i'm going to make a correction but just to show everybody because a lot of people say this right it was a blustery blizzard yesterday now you can't say it was with a noun it was plus adjective it was cold it was windy right if you want to use a blustery blizzard right there are two things you can do you can either say you can either say and i'll put this up here there was a blustery wizard yesterday perfect there was or if you prefer you can also say we had to remember um that i said we get a lot of we get a lot of rain if it's just yesterday we had a lot of rain we had a blustery blizzard yesterday blustery blizzard you know in english that's called an alliteration and it's poetic it's beautiful i love that really nice green lantern interesting there was a blustery blizzard yesterday thank you so much for sharing this is how we learn right love it oh obrero has it's pelting down that's nice also you can guess right i mean look at down remember pouring down so you can guess it means it's raining a lot heavy rain intense rain like it oberedo very nice thank you very much yes what else have we got we have we have a lot of sleet in winter lovely sleet that's nice sleet let's add that because sleet for those of you who don't know sleet is um in english of course is snow and rain together sleet snow and rain together we have a lot of sleet in england in manchester there's a quite a lot of sleet in santander in the mountains good let me just go back thank you so much for that those are lovely lovely comments so i've just added sleet here right which means snow plus rain together sleet uncountable excellent so we've looked at adjectives we've looked at nouns i think there's something else verbs verbs yes um just to make it clearer it is always where i live so we can use verbs right it's always raining where i live it's always pouring that's a lovely long vowel remember to exaggerate poor don't say it's pouring because when you practice you want to over exaggerate it's pouring it's pouring down drizzling is light rain remember we said heavy rain very intense the opposite light rain it's drizzling it's always drizzling uh where i live it's always snowing sleeting do you remember snow and water hailing hailing is snow that's very hard and little balls of hard snow sometimes big balls great little balls of hard snow uh good so we can use verbs as well like this it's raining it's snowing um it's pouring anything else i'm sure you guys will have some let's see is it hail a kind of rain stefano says is it a kind of rain like ice rain i i think it's in between kind of rain and snow and something else i'm not sure again i'm not a weather man so i don't know exactly but i know that when it hails get out i mean get indoors because it's quite hard we had to downpour yesterday anusky very very nice love it right great yolanda says it's always sleeting it's always sleeting in s a s a is south africa i assume yes um phatma okay it's always plus a verb right modest climate you can't use because modest climate is a noun right um so what you have to do here is to say we always have a modest climate we always we always have a modest climate modest i think a better word right for climate and weather is mild if it's not very hot not very cold mild climate right we have a mild climate where i live fatma thank you so much that's great lulu says it's pretty snuggly where i live what do you mean snuggly snuggly is when you're wrapped up warm indoors right outside it's cold it's bleak and gloomy but indoors you're wrapped up you're nice and warm you've got a nice hot cup of tea it's pretty snuggly where i live it's snuggly in your house right it's snuggly in your bedroom but it's not snuggly outside but thanks for sharing great great twinkle says it's always raining where i live fantastic elizabeth rin from korea hello from south korea hello and welcome yes excellent good drizzling yes yes guys you've asked can we use drizzling it's always drizzling where i live yes great akram as well from south korea nice brilliant good so listen okay good i'm just checking it's sleeting our entho in it's sleeting in tehran i get that it's sleeting in tehran yes any different shark good question any difference if you say it always rains it is always raining it always rains um to be honest it's it's the same there's a small difference in feeling or connotation or nuance right it always rains is the present simple so that's kind of a habit or a state it always rains when you say it's always raining the feeling is a bit stronger because it's the present continuous you can almost feel the rain here now like the continuous has a feeling of happening now it's always raining in scent and it's just it feels stronger there's more emotion because you can almost feel the rain closer to you so to be honest the meaning is the same but the feeling is a bit stronger with it's always raining right okay beautiful question can you have a beautiful question a good question thank you shark 37k lovely great so we've looked at adjectives we've looked at nouns we've looked at verbs different well lots of different ways of talking about the weather in your country right um oh i've got two more well yes okay two more i forgot let me just go through these quickly it tends to because this means um not all the time but often right if you want to say it often rains it tends to rain it tends to pour down it tends to snow or so i'll just put here verb or we frequently have plus a noun we frequently [Music] we frequently we frequently have and you worry about pronunciation even native speakers have trouble sometimes with pronunciation when you get the f and the r and the l all mixed in we frequently have snowstorms typhoons blizzards okay different ways of talking about it excellent good um i want to bring that to an end because we've talked a lot about vocabulary okay um which is great so we've talked about vocabulary right let me ask you a question then a very very quick question and my question is this what i'll put the question up what is the weather like where you live okay what is the weather like where you live i'm doing this so you can practice and so i can have a drink have put it in the comments just tell me try and use some of the language we've been practicing what is the weather like where you live [Music] good [Music] i'll tell you what i'll do i'm gonna put this up there nice nice nice [Music] it tends to be mild nice beverly [Music] it is freezing in my country nice gladys [Music] that's why i live in santander nice good oh nice the not the wetter the weather the h it's a typo i know it's a typo each [Music] lovely bertha [Music] nice [Music] parky in the morning and sunny in the afternoon nice we just need to add that those of you who don't know parky means a bit cold that's i think that's not only english i mean that's very much i think northern england i mean we use that in manchester a lot it's a bit parky today it's parky cold nice two thumbs [Music] great [Music] good nice nice oh almost the weather is a bit gloomy over here nice [Music] hey it's nippy in my country it's sunny but santa's cloudy brilliant good guys absolutely fantastic i love it i love the jazz that was very uh laid back wasn't it a nice way to do questions and answers well done really really good now then whoops i've turned off the wrong one i'm meant to turn off the question okay um brilliant so we've talked about vocabulary what's coming up next after vocabulary is interview what time is it yeah let's move on to the interview because um because of time so interview what's happening in the interview well in the interview earlier in the week i spoke to another teacher a friend of mine who i have met through the internet there's a lot of teachers now moving online and starting to teach online some people like this teacher has been online for a long time i mean she's an expert in online teaching and training her name is fiona she's been on the live lesson many moons ago a long time ago um i've decided to invite her back and i did an interview with her because i wanted to share with all of you um some natural english right i mean it's great to listen to me is it well okay it's okay to listen to me but it's probably even better sometimes to listen to two people talking and the interaction and how the conversation develops in english and the natural english that two speakers use right um so that's why i wanted to share with you this interview and i'm sure i will do more in the future it's quite short it's between 10 and 15 minutes before we watch i'm going to just help you with some of the language that comes up some of the vocabulary so that when you're listening to the interview you go ah useful right so let me just show this with you i'll just share over here where are we i've lost it i've lost it where are you here we go so teacher interview um this is i've called it ielts speaking conversations because it is a conversation it's the kind of topic we talk about yes is what you may get in ielts and tips because we do talk about how to learn english and how to prepare for ielts um it's fiona she has a welsh accent so she's originally from wales so this is great that you get to listen to other accents because i know some students say keith i listen to you i understand everything i watch a film on netflix i don't understand and that's good but it's so important you listen to other accents especially if you're preparing for ielts listen to canadian american australian new zealand irish scottish welsh it really is important you get a wide range of accents not just for ielts but to help your your general english okay so we talk about in the interview fiona's passion what she loves doing and we talk about some tips for learners okay now i'm going to share with you some useful vocabulary before we listen so you can see this okay this is interesting says and this is good i remember her accent was very difficult yes it's challenging but that's good for you right really really good okay pradeep says she's genuinely perfect in english i met her over the inside great good good fatim says could you ask her why she cut off streaming video i will ask her i'm not sure i did i didn't know that she cut off that i can ask her i can't wait to listen to her fantastic great ah guy rev girls always pass in every interview don't worry i'm going to interview some men as well very very soon as well okay so let's look at some vocabulary this comes up right we talk about parallels now a parallel is oh come on i need when you need a prop you can't find a prop let me take my tatty mobile phone i do apologize my mobile phone is extremely tatty needs a new cover right the phone and the ruler my daughter's ruler now the phone and the ruler are next to each other but they're not parallel now they are parallel now they are not parallel and now they are crossing but if i put them like this they are parallel now they are parallel so they're going in a line they will never meet right now that's physical but also when we're talking about abstract ideas um parallels we talk about parallels um so we talk about parallels between something between a and b okay for example there are parallels similarities between going to the gym and learning english there are parallels between preparing for a marathon and preparing for ielts okay so here the the meaning really is similarities in this case in this context when it's abstract right okay next to have something in mind it's a really good expression so to have something in mind you can guess right it's in your head to be thinking about something let's go for dinner where do you want to go do you have a place in mind yeah i have a place in mind in fact i have a topic in mind for next week's lesson i have somebody in mind for the new job we're doing right we're looking for somebody i have somebody in mind i'm thinking about okay great um i have a goal in mind right thinking about something to be consistent i should add to be consistent is it's a word you may know but consistent is to do the same thing a day after day after date to be consistent so to to do something regularly every day or regularly maybe it's every week when i put a video on youtube i do it every week i do it consistently you need to be consistent right great um as soon as now this is a conjunction that we use a lot right but what i want you to notice is the pronunciation soon as i so actually in spoken english we don't say as soon as i get on the road no we say soon as i soon as i sounds like a japanese chef or for me it sounds like a japanese name soon as i soon as i get on the road soon as i get up right can you say that soon as i soon as i get up i have breakfast soon as i get home i have a cup of tea soon as i right just to focus on the pronunciation that might help your listening this is very uh colloquial but it's good english it's um informal but you know for ielts speaking that's absolutely fine to plod along um to plod along is to continue doing something slowly and boringly um for example you might say i was or i am let's say i am i am plodding along with my studies so i'm doing my studies it's slow it's boring i'm plodding along right i'm writing a book i i don't like it it's taking a long time it's slow it's boring i'm plodding along writing my book my new project at work is plodding along right it just means it's a bit slow it's boring it's not exciting but it's still going it's still happening so there's kind of an idea i'm plodding along sometimes we we or students can say you know i'm i'm preparing for ielts it's taking me six months it's a bit slow right and it can be maybe boring or a bit frustrating i'm plodding along right my preparation is plodding along or i am plodding along great nice expression and the last one to be spoon-fed so to be spoon-fed you can probably guess right if somebody takes a spoon and feeds you you're like a baby we do spoon feed babies but if you spoon feed a person an adult it means to give them so much information and so much help they don't have to think right do everything for that person so it's a slightly negative word right to be spoon-fed so we often say students at school they don't need to be spoon-fed give them some help but don't do everything for them right make them do the work don't spoon feed students or they don't need to be spoon-fed so to be spoon-fed to give so much information that a person doesn't need to think so it's it's a negative idea okay i think that was the last one yes that was the last one so just a few words to help you right we've got parallels to have something in mind to be consistent as soon as i soon as i to plod along and to be spoon-fed now we're gonna watch and i would like you to answer the following questions where does she live what are her two passions and what are her tips for learning right okay yeah lucy you're right yes spoon fed is to spoil yes it's that meaning so as a as a verb to spoon feed is to spoil to be spoon fed is to be spoiled let's put it that way yes let's keep to be spoon fed is to be spoiled so let's keep it with the the same form right to be spoon fed is to be spoiled great good how different from keep in mind george yes similar but keep is to keep it over a long period of time right welsh reading practice welsh listening practice haley minta thank you very much yeah i'm plodding along learning spoken english yeah good remember after a preposition if you've got a verb if you have a verb after a preposition it's always ing so a long is a preposition plus a verb must be ing i'm plotting along learning spoken english good excellent good so listen those are the questions you've got a moment there to see them where does she live what are her two passions what are her tips for learning as you hear the answer you can type in the chat below and then we'll discuss them later okay so here we go short interview with fiona let's find out what it's all about are you ready here we go hi fiona great to see you how are you good thanks nice to see you again keith and you too how is um how is everything over there where you are in the uk yes good pretty cold but all okay pretty calm at the moment and uh just for people watching tell us where you are exactly at the moment i'm in colchester which is quite close to london it's kind of by the coast right okay and tell us what you do fiona i run a ielts members academy so it's it's a kind of a study program for students i help them prepare for the ielts test and i'm a learning technologist as well wow a learning technologist what does that mean exactly well i work at the university of essex and i just help students lecturers learn especially since covid uh learn online so putting their materials online and making them more interactive and working up to all the tech and zoom and giving dual delivery lectures and stuff like that wow fantastic i guess online learning is becoming all the rage right these days yes yeah though it is interesting people definitely want to get back into class now fantastic so listen we're going to talk a little bit today about um well i guess two things one is learning english but the other one is your passion and your hobby and what you enjoy doing let's begin with that tell us a bit about your um what's your passion what do you enjoy doing okay well i mentioned that i love technology and that is a huge passion of mine especially learning technology but my my other passion is kind of to get me off the computer so it's running i i do a lot of running and i always always equate running to how you prepare for the ielts test in in many ways so i think there's lots of parallels and lots of things we can learn about ielts from actually uh going running wow okay let's start there tell us more about that what's summit what are some of those parallels well things like um you know if you've got a goal in mind um you work towards it and you have to be consistent so you have to you can't just run at the weekend and expect to get better and i think that's the same with language learning you've got to run or do something every day more or less to get better um as soon as you stop your fitness levels completely drop so when covet happened i used to be a really fast run really fast um but it just went overnight and the struggle to get the fitness back i think is the same with language learning is you can see it i track it on my tech tools and as soon as you know as soon as you stop you see physically your levels of fitness going down and i think that must be the same with language learning because the brain is a muscle um you know pronunciation is all about muscle and and i think that as soon as you stop then you you lose it and then i think well i shouldn't be disappointed with my results because i'm not running so the other thing is you you can't be disappointed if you haven't maintained that fitness it it all kind of works itself out it makes sense that if you don't train that muscle it's not going to get faster yeah so controlling yes controlling your expectations right yes yeah exactly yes that's interesting i i've my experience is very similar i mean with french for example i hardly use it i've not used it for years and all although i can i watch um lupa on netflix and i understand it but i can't speak i mean my fluency as you say it's for me the fluency is what goes i kind of remember the words but fluency and there was a teacher used to say to me if you if you don't use it you lose it and it's it's true very very true yeah exactly so go go ahead the other thing yesterday i noticed it's a silly thing but i went for a long 10 mile run yesterday and most of it was on my own in the fields and i was plodding along very slowly not putting any effort in and i thought oh i much prefer running by myself but then as soon as i got on the road and cars going past i thought oh god people are looking at me and i suddenly sped up i just started you know trying to look like i was a proper runner and i think that's the importance of a community as well and accountability is that it's it's fine studying on your own you can learn a lot but i think you do need people there you know if you run a race and you've got people and going faster than you and slower than you you're always measuring yourself against them and i know you shouldn't compare yourself but it's motivational you see what other people are doing you see how did they get to be so fast i've got to work harder and and i i like that idea of community running as well and you know the days you don't want to go out for a run if somebody comes and says you know if you fancy iran you're much more likely to do it so with language learning as well i think the community aspect is really important right motivation and i guess learning from other people right not just learning from the teacher but learning from others exactly exactly yeah and even the the kind of repetition so when you when you have a coach you do quite boring drills and and you you hate them and that you know you run round a track and but that's how you get faster isn't it it's weight training you repeat the same thing 20 times and i think with language again it's making things automatic you have to do the boring stuff the drills to get that muscle just to functioning without thinking about it yeah i mean i'm also into technology i'm a big fan of drills and technology so just having even audio clips where people can repeat and repeat and repeat and repeat like the 10 repetitions in the gym um and just doing it until it starts to automate right exactly exactly like like anything like driving a car that you don't even think about it anymore changing gears and everything yeah it's it's just automation and it comes from repetition yeah absolutely interesting i'm interested in in running how did you get into running um i think there's a thing in the uk it's called park run do you know about it i do know that my brother does them yeah who does he yeah what does he do well he lives right next door to the park and every weekend they have um they're called family park runs so you can run either the the circuit i think is about 1k you can either go once or twice or three times so it's accessible for the the the parents with the pram or the children or or the serious runners um and he's just getting the families out exercise into the park so he goes round with his wife um they do the kind of three laps i mean they're quite serious runners they're they're triathlete try triathlon triathlete is that a word triathlete they are triathletes wow so they do like iron man and stuff like that my brother's done iron man yeah yes yes that's my ultimate goal well that'd be cool well iron woman right yes indeed but the thing about parker and it's tech again it's tech and community so you get a bar code and where i live it's a 5k run and yeah you get a bar code and as soon as you go through the finish line you scan your barcode and later in the day it's uploaded onto this site where you can see if you've got better this week or worse and you you get badges and when you've done 50 runs you get a t-shirt and you know you walk around with your 50-run t-shirt and again it's it's all about it's coming it's regular it's consistent it's nine o'clock every saturday morning but you know the next time you want to get faster so that makes you work during the week as well you can't just turn up at nine o'clock well you could if it's just pleasure it's fine but again this yeah this community there's events people bring cakes and so that's what got me started it's it's it's been the best thing the best uh innovation to get people out that's nice i love that kind of gamification right getting badges getting a t-shirt leveling up yes exactly so do you have a t-shirt yet i've got my 50. yes but then i stopped before before covered it all stopped yeah so what with with running what's your goal in 2022 what's your goal with running uh goal is just to get back into it and get my speed back up slowed down so badly i've got a half marathon in two weeks and we'll see how it goes i used to do it in an hour and 45 now it's about two and a half hours right right you're a bit out of shape only out of shape fantastic well good luck with that goal that sounds great let's talk a little bit about learning english um because obviously you've been in education for a long time you've been teaching english a long time what would you give us maybe a tip or advice to students learning english okay well because i work at the university as well and i see people go from maybe doing their ielts test to coming to university and that includes home students i think the thing most people is hard to say need to do is just to do read more than the book list and that's a kind of metaphor you know you're given here's the book list and then some people will just read the three books because they have to but it's the people who read more out of interest that will shine and and i think there's a tendency especially with exam related uh learning in english there's a tendency to just work for the exam and to you know be spoon-fed a little bit and to just learn lists um and and i think we've got to see language learning as that as a passion for the language rather than having to just pass the test does that make sense it does make sense because i i agree i think some people not just in language learning but the mentality of doing the bare minimum and that's it whereas you may just pass but actually for bigger success going beyond the bare minimum is is the way to go totally agree exactly and there's that um i think it's a grammatical term called noticing or it's a theory it's just called noticing language isn't it and this you know you might learn the present perfect as a grammar rule but until you start listening to people and kind of noticing oh he just said have you ever why did he say you know why did he choose that why didn't he choose did you you know that you're constantly questioning and asking questions about language yeah that i agree that curiosity is so so useful right so how important i mean you're talking there a little bit about people learning how to learn how important do you think it is for students to learn not only english but how to learn that goes hand-in-hand with exactly study skills and kind of learner independence skills and time management skills organizing your notes um writing things down yeah i think that can just make such a huge difference that the number of times i get a lot of questions on instagram and they they say is is this correct and i kind of say well google it first because you're more likely to remember it if you you do the research than if i just tell you the answer um and i'm constantly saying to my students you know well go and find out first come back tell me when you found out and and then i'll help again tech you know it's all there for us now you can go on quizlet quickly create your own list of flash cards you don't need the teacher to do it for you um yeah so there's a danger of students over relying on the teacher exactly exactly yeah well a final word maybe for um ielts students what would you say to ielts students i think to to stop thinking of ielts as a subject it's not you know it's not a subject it's a language and and when you think of it as a language then you'll focus more on learning the language than on just passing the test that that is how i see it sounds fantastic that sounds really good brilliant fiona we're going to wind up um i'm just admiring your backdrop i love the fiona um little thing in the frame and i love your gaming chair is that a gaming chair it is it is yeah it is nice brilliant so um if you know if people students watching if they're interested how can they how and where can they find out more about you um if you just google ielts with fiona hopefully it'll probably come up um my website is ielts etc which means etc because it's it's more than just ielts but um ielts with fiona i'm everywhere twitter instagram facebook um pinterest youtube i've noticed it you're all over the place i don't know how you manage it you must be so busy great i've been quiet recently but um i've been working on the courses so hopefully i'll be back on social media soon right and you've now got a new kind of revamped course for your your your um academy right it's a membership where people can learn ielts yes it's a kind of study program a community and i've been completely revamping it as you said so it's about to go live again yes sounds nice so if people go to your website i'll give them the link they can find out more there right yes okay fantastic brilliant great well listen fiona it's been absolutely brilliant i'm catching up with you and um hearing about your passion of running and i love all the parallels between running and studying for ielts sounds great great thanks very much keith lovely to see you again no problem take care all the best okay bye-bye bye what's that great okay well listen if you're still watching thumbs up well done you deserve a t-shirt like the park run t-shirts right we should have keith speaking academy t-shirts i say because that was quite long i realized actually now watching it again that was about 15 minutes um for you to concentrate on a conversation for 15 minutes it's quite difficult so well done for staying with us and sticking through it really good um so that was interesting that was fiona from ielts with fiona very interesting teacher some great ideas i love some of your messages um we've got some here i think some of these capture the ideas harriet says stop thinking of ielts as a subject think of it as a language and learning will come easy absolutely um azrav says great advice for students yes fiona is a gamer maybe she is i was surprised by her chair it's nice yeah very very interesting but ielts is challenging yes it is yes it is but be patient and enjoy your journey as you go through right size when i appreciate sport win yeah sports women um she's a runner she's a very serious and a very good runner as well radi says her rep her advice is repetition practice repetition until it comes automatically as an experienced driver don't think changing the gears that's again a lovely parallel between driving and studying nice summary excellent good what else have we got um she suggests to read books about personal interests yet don't just read the books for your english and for your ielts or even for your university study read wider so important talking about books um somebody asked me what's that dictionary in the background this one right it's a big thick book right but it's the collins english dictionary for advanced learners this is not a promotion it's just somebody asked i have this because it's one of my favorite dictionaries um it's built on a on a corpus a very very big corpus so it's natural good language um and it's for advanced learners so it's not just for native speakers it's geared towards learners as well i can recommend that i think it's a very very good book if you're interested in a grammar reference book another one that's on my desk there is practical english usage by michael swan published by oxford again not a promotion but as a reference book right remember my video don't start with the grammar but start with speaking but as a reference practical english usage it's good questions we had from um from me we've got watch and listen and as i promised um if you want to look for feiyovana fiona on the internet she's everywhere i don't know how she does it she's on youtube it's on twitter on linkedin ielts with fiona the website is lots of really useful materials there for not just speaking but for writing listening and reading so go and check her out right where does she live let's get into these questions and let's get them sorted out where does she live um well akosua she lives in colchester well done a lot of you got that actually right at the start colchester um in the uk absolutely that is where she lives well done you and i saw a lot of people got that at the start as well fantastic um let me just see your other answers where are we number two what are her two passions what are her two passions i'm trying to find some of your answers parallel universe yes we did talk about parallels um can't find your answers can you type your answers again because i've lost them bobber fond lost you okay green lantern oh none of you are coming up come on it's going too fast uh running and teaching yes and no johnny beck technology and running absolutely technology not teach knowledge technology and running she says that she's a uh a learning technologist i think she said right i think it was a learning technologist or a teaching technologist so yeah learning technologist um there are lots of names for this but people who help others learn and teach online that's what she does absolutely so yeah running in technology those were the those were the ones fatima ielts i think you're right actually um i think it's as well as technology in ielts she's very passionate about sorry as well as technology and running she's very passionate about ielts as well i think that's true um what are her tips for learning english right um i think the number one tip as yolanda says is be consistent right to be consistent i think that was the first one to be consistent um any others that you've put in learning technology anything else books yeah and books in particular as anna says read more than the book list right there was this expression do more than the bare minimum so the bare minimum is the minimum just just enough don't do just enough you must do more than just enough to be successful in life it's true um do it every day absolutely this one absolutely stop learning ielts is a subject yeah steep come on keith stop stop learning ielts as a subject and think of it as as a language right it's much more important this was good be consistent shouldn't be disappointed with results especially if you haven't practiced and compare with others for most motivation and i think she talks about being in a leslie thank you very much for that being in a in a community in a come on in a community [Music] to get motivation that idea that if you're she was running and she saw somebody going really quickly she wants to catch up motivates you right with others so there are communities i mean there are facebook communities a lot of people have membership communities fiona has a membership community where you can get motivation with others fantastic i think um those were the main things repetition was another one yeah facebook user good be consistent lots of repetition like being down the gym that parallel of being down the gym right lots of parallels to do the drills till you become automated yet exactly yeah brilliant love it lots of really good comments and good ideas so i hope that was useful i hope it can give you some ideas um with your study i hope it's also good for the interviews for you to practice your listening i think maybe in future i'll try and break it into shorter chunks that's quite long i realize but you're doing really really well well done um great so we've been talking about fiona's passions and also about tips for learning english what's next after the interview do you remember what was next let me have a look idioms was next okay idioms idioms are an important part of speaking they're very important well they're quite important for your ielts speaking um but not just for ielts but actually just for your overall english as fiona points out right for your your concentration should not just be exam technique but your overall english idioms are a very important part of that so let's have a look at idioms for weather for talking about weather now there's a difference between idioms that include words about the weather and idioms about talking about the weather for example a fair weather friend is a friend who is only with you in the good times and if things go bad they disappear that's a fair weather friend that is nothing to do with weather right that is about friendships so i'm not looking at that i'm looking at idioms to talk about the weather okay i'm gonna share four with you and you may have more as well okay so please do feel free to share them with me let's have a look let me come back over here come rain or shine um come rain or shine whatever happens um oh i've just realized my mistake okay okay let me share with you anyway come rain or shine means whatever happens every friday we watch a family film come rain or shine doesn't matter um this can be used abstract talking about things that you do right i go to work every monday come rain or shine whatever happens every friday we have fish for dinner that's true every friday we have fish for dinner come rain or shine it can also be talking about the weather right um come rain or shine we i've it doesn't matter if it's gonna rain i'm gonna if it doesn't matter if it's raining every morning i go for a walk come rain or shine so it can be used in both contexts to pour down we talked about this right to pour is literally when you pour something um so to pour down is to rain a lot it's a phrasal verb but it's idiomatic right for example it's been pouring down for hours i wish it would stop it's been pouring down for hours i wish it would stop okay pour down to pick up meaning to get better pick up has lots of different meanings but here we're talking about the weather picking up to get better the weather has been terrible lately dismal leather do you remember dismal let's use that because that's a new word it's a nice word the weather has been dismal lately but it's picking up at last so maybe it's been raining but now we have a sunny spell it's picking up at last to get better right nice out of the blue yesterday out of the blue we had a typhoon so out of the blue is it's an adjective phrase to describe something that is totally unexpected i mean in santander we don't have typhoons but out of the blue yesterday we had a typhoon out of the blue okay great good um those are the four that i've got i had to rack my brains for this one to talk about the weather okay we've got rain on my parade again this is it's a good one it's not about weather but if somebody ruins your pleasure or plans they rain on your parade yeah okay great the weather has been dismal lately but it's picking up at last good nova yep it's been raining cats and dogs as we mentioned earlier this is okay but we don't use it very much nowadays it's a bit of an old-fashioned phrase which is why i decided not to include it pradeep says i always try to join keith's ielts live session although i am snowed under with my job ah right so to be snowed under with my work that is like pour down yeah so let's do that that's nice um again it's not talking about the weather to be snowed under is to have a lot of work yeah the trouble is it's not about the weather is it it's snow is the weather but you're talking about work and about too much work but okay thanks for sharing pretty nice i love your avatar as well catley good you're in there um yosura again we've got others using weather vocabulary he stole my thunder he took the attention away from me good to reign on my parade ruined my my pleasure okay great nastina i agree april showers bring more flowers it's not an idiom but nice i like it that's nice april showers bring more flowers it's true this is interesting i can see what you're trying to do don't think too much come rain or shine just act to pick up something out of the blue yes now in this context come rain or shine perfect out of the blue perfect pick up something here if you're using it with an object it means to learn something right so the difference between pick up something means to learn something something picks up means to get better right maybe i can just make that clear because it's an interesting point right that you're making to pick up something idiomatically can be to learn right but if you say something picks up means to get better right my work is picking up it's getting better if a company is selling something you can say the sales are picking up getting better but i pick up french i'm learning french i'm picking up how to play the guitar i'm learning right informally so i love what you're doing big b one two three big b one two three um but just bear in mind to pick up something here you have a slightly different meaning it still makes sense actually and i love what you and others are doing which is practicing new language finding out if it works or if not and then improving and getting better so fantastic well done thank you very very much for sharing all of that right um yours for a per cup pickup means the same exactly yes okay khan says my english knowledge is increasing it's out of the blue great good good sophia you've also got the one which is under the weather yep to feel ill i'm a bit under the weather i feel ill again the difference between talking about weather and a weather idiom right but nice still very very true okay excellent um i'm gonna move on because of time because of time where are we what was after idioms i know what's after idioms i don't even have to go here what's after idioms is the kahoot review we're going to finish up with a short small game to review some of the language that we've seen in today's lesson have you been paying attention or have you been napping i wonder we're about to find out so let's do that what you need to do is before we do this let me just remind you key speaking academy go and check out if you want to find more information about ielts on the keyspeaking academy if you want to study with me you can follow my online course if you enjoy my teaching and if you're looking for more only if you're looking for more um go and check out ielts speaking success get a band 7 plus moderators can share the links with you but if you go to the website you can find it i'm going to show you very very easy all you have to do is go here and on the home page of the keith speaking academy it says study with me can you see that if you press there that will take you to the course study with me and you can find out it was updated recently for 2022 so there are some new questions and topics in there um you can find out about the course there's a video about the introduction what you'll learn more about me and what students say and if you want to buy just click on any of the buy now buttons and you're in you're there okay if it's what you want at the moment great let's finish with kahoot today somebody once said to me never say let's finish because then everybody leaves the class never say that we've still got the game kahoot you need to go here go to we're going to play the game together you don't need to download it you can download it on your mobile phone tatty mobile phone look at that that's ridiculous you can download it on the mobile phone if you want or just go in the browser to put in your name and pin number and then we're going to play four questions and let's see who is the winner okay um so go to remember to stay keep watching me because you need to see the questions right as well don't turn me off that's the thing about online teaching if you don't like the teacher turn it off if you're face to face you can't turn the teacher off can you you have to sit there and wait and wait until the teacher finishes so um go to put in your name and then the pin number and you're saying keith what's the pin number that's a very good question please be patient i'm just finding the pin number for you now let me show you i'll show you what we're waiting for we're waiting for this there you go okay the pin is six five six four six six four so it's a kahoot dot i t six five six four six six four go and join and just wait a moment and we'll start the game and find out how many of you are on the ball on the ball i mean you know alert awake can you hear the music is this is the music still there right i can hardly hear it oh yes now i can hear it uh yosra i saw your comment about you can't access the course um send me an email if you can just to remind me and i will check into it i'll check it out later just send me an email you should get automatic access guys thanks for sharing the pin with everybody spring says we are here with our phones nice winchester thank you for sharing their knowledge i feel like my english is picking up fantastic i'm pleased your english is picking up that's great okay we've got quite a lot of people in um let's begin yet before it gets a bit too late let's begin take off kahoot okay so basically the way it works you will see a question you'll then see four colors each color is an answer i'll read out the answer but you can see the answer on my screen um and then choose the correct answer whoever is the fastest is the winner right okay let's do it weather first question which is the odd one out meaning which one is different scorching sweltering overcast or boiling which is the odd one out which one is different you've got 30 seconds to decide if you need that long right good some of you are putting the answer in the chat that's absolutely great that's good oh interesting 57 got overcast um quite a few of you said scorching and actually 23 said boiling well overcast is the correct answer because it means not bright it's dark dull and cloudy the others mean very hot scorching sweltering and boiling all mean very hot okay so great let's move on question oh before the question we've got the scoreboard dwong is back dong i'm convinced that you've hacked the system convinced because you're there every week sue is in second place yuen is in third place excellent question number two we get a lot of torrential blank in the autumn wind sun droughts or rain we get a lot of torrential what torrential blank wind sun droughts or rain three two one and the answer of course the answer is rain right torrential rain meaning very heavy rain intense rain now some of you put wind torrential wind no it doesn't really collocate with wind we wouldn't say torrential wind you can say strong wind strong winds if it's countable we get a lot of strong winds in the autumn wind can be both countable and uncountable sun and rain uncountable droughts countable but torrential rain was the answer great let's move on so dwang is up in first place urvi has moved into second place and priyat is in third place boris is party number seven oh that's made my day thank you very much for that name great question number three i will stay with you come rain or sun wind shine down pause what do you think let's see rouya well done zenat well done ibrahim ibrahim well done guliano well done yolanda nice black well done black heart okay the answer was shine look at that 94 of you got that right well done that's a very common expression a very nice one meaning whatever happens i will stay with you come rain or shine how romantic right let's see how we're doing on the board dong is up there irvi is second boris is third looks pretty much the same okay let's move on i think to question number four the last question at last the weather is starting to pick in up on at the weather is starting to pick what five four three two one and the answer is wow outstanding 117 of you got pick up meaning to get better something is picking up well let's say this for a start your english is definitely picking up well done all of you brilliant i'm very pleased that's made me very happy something's working let's have a look at the podium third place boris but maybe he'll be kicked out he number two irvy and in first place surprise surprise it's dwong is back well done sir very very nice that's it i love it great so kahoot it's a bit it is a bit of a kahoot it's a bit of fun and a nice way for you to review and revise some of the language you've seen today remember you can get the um the pdf of today's notes do you remember today's notes all of these things over there you'll get the pdf of that um go into my website go to the live lessons and you'll find it there it takes about three or four hours for us to edit it and upload it so come back later or tomorrow and you can get it there right and that can help you with your studies and if you want more as i mentioned you can study more with ielts speaking success get a band 7 plus it's my online course again just go to the website you can find it there keyspeaking academy and you can click on the any of the links to the the course and you'll find it excellent good if you are on youtube do remember please do subscribe so you can get notifications notifications that's the button get notifications about upcoming lessons um just to let you know then let you know what that's what's coming so because i'm working on a few different projects um the live lessons are going to be every second week right so today yes next week no the week after yes so every second week there'll be a live lesson but the good news is next week there will be a recorded video so next saturday not the day after tomorrow but next week um there'll be a recorded video so you get live video one week recorded video for next week live video one week recorded video the next week the next recorded video is all about ielts speaking part three hmm that is a real challenge for some people probably in my opinion the most important part of the test but the most neglected people spend such little time there it's where you should spend most of your time so look out for that um next week on saturday the what saturday i can tell you the date if i get my calendar out um that is going to be on saturday the where are we come on keith get it together the fir the eighth excuse me the eighth of february um it'll be about ielts speaking part 3. you can find that out there good well listen guys thank you so much for joining me today it's been a bit of a long lesson but if you're still here well done um you deserve a park run t-shirt i hope you've enjoyed the class today we have seen a lot of different stuff right we've been talking about the weather we've been looking at vocabulary talking using adjectives nouns and verbs to talk about the weather in different ways the weather in your city or the weather that you have where you live we've done lots of listening today with that interview with fiona remember go and check her out fiona ielts with fiona and i hope that has helped develop your listening skills understanding different accents and live interaction between two people we've looked at some interesting idioms to talk about the weather as well as being using weather words let us say and we've finished up discovering that you're all awake you're all paying attention i can't wait to see you soon if you fancy watching another video there's lots on my youtube channel um if you fancy finding something out more about me then go to the keith speaking academy website lots of information there articles live lessons links to the course good look although it's overcast i can see the sun is peeping out we're gonna have some sunny spells today i hope where you live there's sunshine in your head if not in the sky take care my friend and we'll speak soon all the best now bye-bye [Music] take a
Channel: English Speaking Success
Views: 65,765
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ielts speaking, ielts speaking practice, ielts speaking weather and climate, ielts speaking vocabulary, ielts preparation, weather ielts speaking, free ielts speaking practice online, ielts speaking common topics, ielts speaking part 1, ielts speaking success, ielts speaking climate change, ielts speaking practice with you, ielts weather speaking, ielts weather speaking part 1, ielts weather vocabulary, weather ielts speaking part 2, ielts speaking weather topic
Id: AGw7KMvC-i8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 117min 4sec (7024 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 27 2022
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