IELTS Speaking Practice : Topic of TRAVEL

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oh hello there nice to see you just give me a minute i don't need a minute all i need is a second hello welcome to the class today this is keith from the keith speaking academy if you didn't know me and today we've got an exciting lesson the live lesson today is all about travel travel and tourism i can't wait to get started we're going to be looking at um the vocabulary the idioms the kind of language you need to talk confidently about travel tourism holidays that kind of thing and listen it's 2022 welcome to the new year how exciting let's go [Music] [Music] hello this is keith and nice to see you all how are you today listen a happy 2022. um i hope you're looking forward to the new year i wonder if you made any new year's resolutions maybe about oh healthy eating maybe about studying english maybe about taking your pet for a walk every day i don't know but listen i'm here to help you with your english and for those of you preparing for ielts well to help you with the ielts speaking test in particular and i hope i can give you some ideas today to do that thinking about resolutions right if you are thinking about 2022 i'm going to work hard on my english i'm going to prepare for ielts speaking many of you may be having the test in january or february my advice to you is to focus a little bit on the test and the technique but focused mainly on your english on improving your english because that's the foundation and if you improve your english like building a house with a solid foundation you can build your house otherwise you're just looking at tips techniques quick ways to to to to pass the test that often don't work so focus on your english and it's great because if you focus on your english it can be fun learning english you can enjoy it whereas focusing on an exam i don't think anybody says exams are fun they can be but focus on your english and my second tip is 2022 when you're studying spend a little time studying regularly for example every day 10 minutes it's much better to spend 10 minutes a day rather than one hour once a week because that regular contact with the language is giving you deeper learning there's a lot of research on this and it is a lot better for your language learning so it's better to do a little bit every day rather than a big amount once a week okay so that's it those are my tips for this year how are you all let's see where's my um chat boxes over here say hello to you all good morning excuse me it's the tea tan tong it's great to see you too yes um satyam from miami nice to see you anna hello nice to see you um irene or irene from nigeria nice to see you here as well um pratik shah from india great meme 1961-03 hello from london hello from santander many of you may know i'm actually based in santander shakiba is in italy great um we've got aida chama from algeria great and 37 mz from yemen people from all around the world how exciting is that thank you all of you so much for joining me today if you've just arrived just to remind you uh we're talking about travel today we're going to be looking at different aspects of travel and well the language we need to talk confidently about this topic right excellent um what else have we got good morning from greece i can't read the name i do apologize abdullahi from somalia brilliant great um hello from the ukraine hello as well i struggle with them cyrillic scripts do forgive me great and layla says i'm getting happy to participate in your online courses again brilliant great so so what are we going to do today um what we're going to do is i'll show you right let me just talk talk you through or take you through we're going to look at the vocabulary of travel first of all and then what and then we're going to look at well places to stay what are the kind of places you may stay when you're traveling and of course people say hotel yes but there's many many more and you should know the vocabulary right um we'll also look in my toolbox my toolbox is different tools that i think can help students learn better english i'm going to share with you a cracking tool today it's actually from the bbc i didn't know they had these and they're really fun interesting and i think quite effective i'll show you later um i am going to have a bit of a focus on ielts speaking part three because i think that's the make or break of many many students you know part three is where you either go up a band or you fall down a band so it's crucial to work on part three so we'll do a bit of work on part three as well um we're gonna have a look at idioms because i think you know idiomatic language is a key part of your um band seven band-aids and band nine so we'll be looking at expressions around travel right things like to have itchy feet i wonder if anybody knows what that is all about to have itchy feet what does that mean well itchy right [Music] if you have a itchy hand you need to scratch but that's literal what's the idiom hmm we're going to find out and ending with a kahoot review kahoot is back um so min epl look at that it's as though i read your mind ending with kahoot would be nice we are gonna end with kahoot so how nice is that that's what we've got planned for today right lots of stuff travel vocabulary that's where we're gonna start but first i'm going to go do that bit and then i'd just like to let you know a couple of things that if you haven't been to my website yet you may not know about the website let me show you where it is um i do run the website with more resources for you so in addition to the youtube videos and by the way if you're on youtube bing bing do subscribe do turn on the uh notifications for to find out about new videos but also i have the website the keith speaking academy and let me show you it looks like this and on the keith speaking academy um you can find lots of information you can find free live lessons information about the ielts test all the different parts um but also in the free live lessons you can get you can download the pdfs from recent lessons so the last one we did was about relationships you can download the pdf and you can go down and get all the past pdfs of all the different topics we've done every topic you'll need for ielts speaking more or less oh and by the way you can join the library um i've just added some updates to the library so there are some new pronunciation files in the library you can go along and join that also from the website and if you are interested you can click on the online courses button at the top here and if you want to find out about my online courses you can if you want to study with me online um i have online courses you can find out about those here we've got if it comes down ielts speaking success get a band 7 there's also a fluency which is a grammar-based course okay so all of that is on the website um you can go and find out all about it on the website and if you are interested you know the course is up there ielts speaking success get a band 7 plus it's a complete systematic approach very structured to take you through tips for and strategy it takes you through part one part two part three full of model answers full of the language that you need to help you practice and get ready i will also be updating that course um over the next seven days maybe seven or eight days maybe 10 days i'm not sure but i'm in the process of adding some new updates um for 2022 but you don't need to wait you can buy the course now and as soon as you buy the course when the updates come you get it automatically so even if you bought it last year you get all the updates automatically so that's it ielts speaking success get a band 7 plus go and check it out if it's right for you perfect okay all the links are on the website there below rightio good so what's happening next what's happening next i've got a check on my list well of course it's travel vocabulary let me take off these things for you it went the other way don't worry nobody noticed so travel here we go are you there in this lesson you will learn some vocabulary and useful expressions to talk about travel tourism and holidays so let's begin with the verb to travel right it sounds like a good place to begin um to travel normally notice the preposition normally we say to travel by bus to travel by plane or by boat or by car right um if you can just repeat these with me to get the right stress right and the intonation to travel by bus can you repeat with me to travel by bus nice what you have is you go and then you kind of float in mid-air and then stress the last noun to travel by bus next to travel by plane to travel by boat to travel by car brilliant very good now the exception is foot we don't say to travel by foot no no no no if you're walking what do we say to travel what do we say maybe you can tell me in the chat does anybody know i'm sure you know to travel by bike says happy boy by car by bike death spirit death spirit that's an interesting handle on foot well done sir to travel on foot exactly to travel on foot so that's the one that is a little bit different so if you're walking somewhere we say to travel on foot that's what we would say if i can get my formatting right excellent nice pradip says that i always travel by train which gives me a comfortable journey nice great great what else have we got hacker boy says buy bike as well also buy bike so let me add that by car by bike so if you're talking about bike trips you need to know by bike right talking says i bought the course last december will i get the update if you have yes yes you automatically get the updates absolutely yes okay now to travel is the verb right um now we do have travel as a noun but it's uncountable travel there's a noun and also traveling so it's uncountable right we don't say a travel no ah traveling no i like traveling we can say i like traveling so that's as a noun very very common mistake people say i went on a travel oh i went on a travel now then what's the problem why is that a mistake what should it be let's have a look let's see what you say domenico says given my town is a small urban area right by the sea i'd rather get around on foot lovely language like it very very much so some ideas um we've got ideas i went on a journey okay that's great that's good so that's one possibility let's add that whoops i'm gonna give you a smiley face flare but just to make it clear come on smiley faces where are you smiley faces okay i went on a journey yusha uh says i traveled okay as a verb that's good and hang selena says i went on a trip excellent i went on a trip that's what i would say okay i went on whoops on a trip you cannot say a travel okay it's not countable so i went on a trip perfect nice hang selena thank you very much for that and others i see you've also got it yes okay um i'm just seeing other answers so we say a trip right a trip if you want the countable noun countable means you can say a trip or two trips i went on a trip we can also say um to go on a tour to go on an outing to go on a journey was the one that somebody else said so let's add that as well to go on a journey so to go on a trip can be when you travel on holiday for a few days or even a few weeks to go on a tour is when you go around a particular place right so you can go on a tour of a city you go around the city you can go on a tour of a building let's go on a tour of the museum you go around in and around the museum so that's a tour um a trip is traveling on holiday to go on a journey the journey is not the holiday it's only the traveling bit so you go on a journey to italy it's about flying to italy or taking the train to italy it is not about what you do in italy so the journey is only the traveling bit right um the other one an outing to go on an outing is to go on a very short trip for usually a day or half a day it's a very very short so if you're on holiday you may go on a a day outing or you'll go on an outing to the beach to the seaside or you go on an outing to the museum it's a very very short trip okay so that's the difference in meaning let me just go through that with you to make it clear right so a trip is like on holiday just to recap a tour is to visit in and around a place so for example uh a city a museum you know you go or a university when you go to university you often go on a tour of the university or even a tour of a workplace when you get a new job right um to go on a journey is is the the traveling is the traveling bit the travelling bit you understand i hope to go on an outing is a very short trip uh e g half a day something like that okay so great those are i'm just going to put them in a slightly different font so you can see the difference those are the different bits right excellent um sophia says i went on a trip lovely eileen says i love traveling because i can see how world is big ah i know what you mean yes what we would say there is actually we would make it slightly different um i would say the following i love traveling because i can see how big the world is that's how you would structure it but very nice excellent good um let's see others i went amal said i went to paris okay i went to travel no i went on a trip uh amir says i went on a journey travel is uncountable excellent excellent you've got it you've got it i went on a holiday yep you can say i went on holiday or i went on a holiday now talking about holidays let's come down and let's talk more about that um so when you're on holiday you may say we saw a lot of uh travelers i'm going to take that out for the moment whoa excuse me i'm going to take that out that way we saw a lot of travelers holidaymakers tourists sightseers these are all different words meaning people traveling or people who travel or people who are on holiday okay um just say them with me travelers holiday makers good i like it notice the stress is on the first syllable holiday makers holiday makers holidaymakers tourists yeah you've got that it's a bit like if you imagine opening a coca-cola bottle and it goes tourists tourists yeah nice tourists sightseers great a lot of another interesting phrase here that you can use is if i press the right button keith hordes of we saw hordes of travellers so that's another expression meaning a lot of we saw hordes of sightseers when we went on holiday to pisa in rome to see the leaning tower of pisa we saw hordes of tourists a lot of right very nice expression a bit unusual but nice to use very natural when you're speaking okay um so you can say a lot of or hordes of other collocations right we've got to take a holiday just repeat these with me try and make the link take to take a holiday to book a holiday of course to book a holiday is to make a reservation and to plan the holiday to go on holiday notice the linking here we introduce a wha go on can you see that whenever you have a word ending in o and the next word begins with o you put a w go because the o has a go one go out go out go on that's how we really speak english connecting go on go out go away go away go away right to go on a holiday you can say to go on a holiday or to go on holiday both of those are actually correct to go on holiday is just it's very general i like to go on holiday um i went on a holiday to france is a specific holiday so you can say both actually to go on a holiday i'm going to put the other way around because that's the only one you can say without a take you must have a book you must have a okay if you're interested in more collocations like this um i recommend to everybody this ozdik dictionary um i love it i use it all the time um it's a collocation dictionary online um guys moderators if um medi and uh paola and upsara if you could just share in the group the link to the ozdik dictionary i will just show you let me show you on the website how it works i mean if you follow the link it's really really nice because wait for it i've looked up the word holiday right and what it does is it gives me collocations with the noun if you can see me make it a little bit bigger so it gives me adjectives enjoyable holiday exciting holiday it gives me the verbs with a holiday to go on to have to take book cancel gives me a holiday and a noun holiday destination right gives me a holiday with a preposition on or on a holiday right phrases a holiday of a lifetime and it just goes on and on i mean it depends on the word but it's a wealth of information um if you're not using ozdick you should be because it's so simple to get a wealth of collocations and collocations i think are one of the secrets of building your vocabulary and using it knowing how to use it effectively i mean it's all well and good learning holiday or a trip but if you don't know go on a trip you can't use it correctly so these collocations are really really really important did i mention how important they are excellent good so you've got lots of stuff there right lots of stuff and resources to look for your collocations let's see we've got korafat garafat says i'm so happy it's my first time to join your channel welcome delighted that you're here i'm very happy you're here too eamonn says i'd like to take my family on a holiday next summer lovely very very nice maheshi can we say globetrotter and globetrotting yes you can um a globetrotter is somebody who travels around the world um so just be careful because if you're if your trip or your holiday is to a city very close to where you live and you always travel in your country don't say globetrotter but for somebody who loves traveling to different countries around the world yes a globetrotter to be honest i think i'm a bit of a globetrotter i mean nowadays it's difficult to travel but previously i've been very lucky to be able to travel around the world and i am yeah i am a globetrotter i think so if you're traveling to lots of countries yes absolutely that's a nice expression globetrotting as well you could say yeah why not good yeah excellent let's move forward we've got um a few more expressions here related to this uh idea to go sightseeing so to go sightseeing is to visit tourist attractions i love to go sightseeing when i'm on holiday we can say the same thing to see the sights when you're in london you must see the sites the sites is not specific sites in this case it's just an expression it means to go sightseeing um if i go to i don't know if i go to somebody else's hometown i say oh i want to see the sights in your city what do you recommend oh well if you come to manchester you must go to um old trafford the football ground or you must go to the what would you go to see in manchester what's really interesting in manchester go and see my dad's house that's an interesting sight another expression to get off the beaten track it's a great expression and it means the beaten track is where everybody has walked if you imagine there's a track or a path lots of people are walking on it because lots of tourists go there that's the beaten track but if you get off the beaten track then you go to the less visited places where fewer tourists go so for me personally when i'm visiting a city i like to see the sights but i also like to get off the beaten track because that allows me to experience another side of the city where less tourists go but it's maybe more local and there's more local culture so i think it's great to get off the beaten track we also say to get away from the crowd or crowds to get away from the crowd take it away from the crowds i think let's get away from the crowds probably more in the plural to escape the tourists i don't mean run away because they're trying to chase you but just to get away from the tourists to get away from the crowds it's a it's a common expression right so those are nice expressions i'm sure you're gonna use them and start practicing [Music] we've got um jova here says i like taking in the sights of the city center that is very nice um jehovah here take in the sights is to visit and to look at to absorb to take in the sights that's also a very very nice expression great um great what else have we got uh simin can we say out of track no no off the beaten track it's just it's a fixed expression cumber says watching from class be careful your teacher will be after you um francesco francisco says might we say to get off the beaten path i want to get off the beaten path in britain that's not very common it may be in america but certainly britain we would say track get off the beaten track yeah places of interest is there the sights exactly great i like to soak up the sights that's great yes so let me add both of those because i think those are nice right to take in the sights and to soak up the sights of course soak up is a bit stronger i mean it really means that you take your time you appreciate you don't just look and go you soak up like a sponge soaks up the water right that's nice uh leduc bean says i prefer to get off the beaten track while traveling nice great do as you're doing this and you're practicing the writing do practice speaking as well and try and feel as you're practicing with me the d d d d d english is all about it's really marking time like a conductor in the orchestra i prefer to get off i prefer to get off the beaten track while traveling i prefer to get off the beaten track while traveling you always pick up that rhythm um in short phrases right but that's nice to do very very very nice says i like to get off the beaten track like unspoiled beach on spoiled beaches nice right abdel abdel hamid says i can't get enough of traveling i love that expression abdel hamid that's really nice i love that it allows me this looks familiar this is great i love that it allows me to explore dazzling sights sites dazzling sites right because sightseeing is the verb but well yeah i see you've got from to go sightseeing i see why but here to explore the sites so to go sightseeing but to explore the sites um so i i love that it allows me to explore dazzling sites and expand my perspectives expand my perspectives um [Music] expand my perspectives is a bit strange it doesn't sound like it sounds a bit strange i'm not sure why um expand my perspectives broaden my horizons widen my widen my perspectives maybe widen expand my perspectives i'm not sure it sounds a bit strange and i think it's it's a thing about collocation i think it's getting the right word i think it's okay but it sounds and it sounds a little bit formal expand by perspective maybe widen my perspectives but abdel hamid overall that is a really really nice expression a nice sentence right love it very very nice thank you stacy also says i like to get off the beaten track when i travel i like to get off the beaten track when i travel it's like singing a song great um yeah great i'm just seeing what else any other expressions sadina this is great thank you for showing us this because this just helps me show again when we take in something i like taking in the sights right i like taking in the sights hey so sightseeing is go sightseeing but i like taking in the sights right to take in the sites to see the sites as we have up here but sadina thank you very much that helps by practicing we are able to see how to do it correctly just getting a bit of feedback right lovely very very nice excellent so listen we've seen here lots of different expressions right um lots of vocabulary what we're going to do next is well let's find out what's next apart from my cup of tea which is now cold tea and very soon will be iced tea in the true american style places to stay so when you're traveling where do you stay do you stay in a hotel do you sleep under a bridge do you sleep in a tent well there are many places to stay let's have a look at the different kind of places we can we can talk about okay i love doing that it's a bit like space time travel places to stay well i'm gonna ask you guys first what where do you stay what kind of place do you stay when you go on holiday a hotel or somewhere else let's see what you come up with elena says air b and b hmm right elisha says hotel this is interesting muhammad dior says i prefer to stay in rented apartments okay emin in a hotel mostly i'd like to stay in a cabin in the forest lovely great lots of people stay in hotels yep so quite a few in rented accommodation yep okay in relatives houses good idea when you can that's a great idea at my friend's home same idea right save a bit of money places places to stay accommodation accommodation yes um but not for living but for staying notice in english the difference between to stay and to live right to live is where you always always live to stay is a short time so in english you cannot live in a hotel right like in many languages you can use that expression but not in english you stay in a hotel live is only where you stay for your life not for a holiday great apoorva says where are you a resort okay sabrina says a self-catering apartment so this can be similar to rented accommodation self-catering means you cook for yourself so a self-catering apartment will have a kitchen a hob a stove an oven pans and pots for cooking as well right i like to stay in the resort h sam says hostel right great yep um ah tiam says next week i'm going to a three-day journey to latvia oh lucky you lucky you i'm going i'm going on a three-day journey to latvia now is it a three-day journey that means you're traveling for three days i wonder does it take three days to travel maybe it does but do notice the journey is only the travelling bit if you're going to latvia and spending three days in latvia it's a three-day trip right so i will stay in at the private room in a hotel yeah i think all all the rooms are private in a hotel i guess what you mean is it's not a shared room right yeah i guess that's what you mean because some hotels don't tend to have shared rooms if a place has a shared room normally it's called a hostel and that's the difference right between hostel and hotel rtm thank you very very much for that let's have a look then at these expressions and just go through the difference right places to stay so a hotel i think you all know right um a hotel you will normally have as rtm says a private room for yourself right um normally with a private bathroom sometimes they call it an ensuite bathroom which is the bathroom is connected to your bedroom area okay sometimes they have other facilities uh facilities like a swimming pool hey if you're lucky i mean you know if it's five star [Music] if it's a five-star hotel you may get swimming pool and other things like that right so that's the hotel a hostel should i make this bold is a hostel is the same as a hotel but it's normally cheaper often with shared uh shared rooms or dormitories so they often have um dormitories which are basically shared rooms cheaper more informal that's the main difference right hostels tend to be just one star i don't think you can get a two-star or three-star hostel i don't think they're they're more basic generally um yeah with dormitories shared rooms cheaper informal in england we have something called youth hostels and i think in in a lot of european countries you have them um it's a basically it's a hostel for young people duh right um but the only difference is is that they tend to be in england it's a membership basis so you become a member of the yha the youth hostel association in england and when you become a member you're then allowed to stay in their hostels across the country so when i was young oh when i was a young boy many many moons ago um i joined the yha the youth hostel association when i was about 80 years old because we used to go on holiday on trips with the school we would go on a school trip for one week up to the lake district all these eight to nine year olds and in fact up to 16 year olds with some teachers and we'd stay in the youth hostel where we would cook for ourselves we would have to clean the dormitory um and then we would go hiking in the mountains and it was great but you have to become a member of the yha so you can stay in the hostel and then you get some bonuses or some advantages from the membership um i can't remember what i think the biggest bonus was we had to clean our dormitory yeah very clever yha of course the teachers say it's great you can learn independence you can learn the skills of how to cook and look after yourself and what they're really saying is you can do all the work and we can go for a drink down the pub great teachers love it so that was it youth hostels right i i think the what's the age limit on a youth hostel i think it was about 21 i think listen guys this was my 30 years ago no more 40 years ago things may have changed in england i'm not sure with youth hostels other things i mean people talked about resort right so a resort um all of these are nouns by the way so i'll just make that clear a resort so a resort is normally the hotel plus the other facilities and the land so a resort may include a garden a swimming pool [Music] an another area maybe a horse riding area and often the food and the drink are included right so it's normally basically a hotel plus facilities and often food and drink are included right because when you stay in a hotel of course food and drink are not included you pay extra but a resort it's normally all-inclusive right it's an all-inclusive resort great we've then got camping sites or campsites this is where you can take a tent a tent or a caravan carcaven van i have to type slowly great just let me get this and span for you so camping site campsite i think is more common in british english a campsite um i do see across europe camping site used a lot i think both of those are fine so that's where you stay in a tent or a caravan b and b in england um this is basically bed and breakfast right they're very popular in england the great british breakfast fat galore but the b bmb is basically you you pay for the the bed and the breakfast clear right airbnb i think whoops i think you all know what that is it's become a brand um it's where you stay in somebody's house and they put it on the platform airbnb so you can rent it so this is basically rented accommodation okay great nice so all of those are places that you can stay right and i think you've been talking about where you stay um first time me joining daniel welcome lovely to see you here happy that you're here can we say a summer resort yes you can um absolutely we can say a summer resort and a winter resort it's very common um some countries have winter resorts for example up in canada you'll have a lot of winter resorts because of the weather um scotland has some winter resorts in the alps near italy and spain there are some winter resorts or a summer resort absolutely yes great culture culture and science good luck with your tests good luck with the result right okay fantastic let's move on what comes next i know what comes next this comes next bear with me i'll tell you what's going to come up today let's do this i've just decided [Music] okay toolbox right not squid game but toolbox now in the toolbox i'm going to show you a tool that will help you with your learning it's a really fun tool i'm a big fan of the bbc and not only the news media company but they're learning english they have a big focus on helping people learn english around the world they have some amazing resources right all of it for free i think um and i came across or discovered um something called grammar quizzes right let me show you grammar quizzes um this is the link guys if the moderators could share the link through the group that would be fantastic and i'll just show you what it looks like it's basically a really nice way to practice your grammar and test your grammar but in a fun and interesting way it looks like this that's a bit big isn't it because i was doing it full screen before if you go there you'll you'll find the quizzes i mean look at all the stuff they've got right i mean it's just ridiculous there's so much stuff but if you focus on the quizzes now they're all grammar focused you'll recognize if you look at the titles these are very common mistake areas for or since just already or yet adverb preposition um uncountable nouns press past perfect tense right is it simple or continuous look at this comparative superlatives i mean it just goes on and on absolutely brilliant what a great resource how do they work well let's choose one let's choose i don't know adverb position i tried one of these earlier and it was quite fun here we go adverb position so there are adverb order so we've got to get the adverbs in the right order begin the activity which of the following sentences is correct guys you can give me your opinion on this as well i'll read them through and then just write a b c or d um rarely the weather in the uk is warm in december hmm uh b the weather is rarely warm in the uk in december see the weather is warm in the uk in december rarely d the weather is warm rarely in the uk in december what do you think guys let's have a look at what you're saying oh there's a there's a lot of bees wow there's a lot of bees out there the weather is really warm in the uk well let's let's do that let me listen to you and what happens the weather is rarely warm in the uk check my answer well done faith you'll have to go well done we always put the adverb frequency after the main verb be fantastic great and then you can go on there are eight questions right um i won't do them now but you can go and explore this yourself um it's a great test of grammar right and it's fun it's a quiz so it's something you can do even for five minutes maybe at the beginning of your study to get you excited and motivated just take five minutes choose something and practice what a great way to start your study session right so that's it that's from my toolbox that for you is grammar quizzes thank you to the bbc brilliant and they provide it all for free that is very very nice okay that was the toolbox let's move on to the next activity after the toolbox what comes after the toolbox ielts speaking part three of course yes that's what we were gonna look at um okay ielts speaking part three here we go ielts speaking part three where are you it's down here somewhere okay give me a moment i ain't speaking part three right um what's the secret is there a secret of course the secret is twofold first of all you need to improve your english speaking so that you can speak flexibly on a wide range of topics that's why these live lessons exist to help you build flexibility and practice across a wide range of topics the other thing the second secret is you must develop your answer it's your opportunity to show off your language so you have to give longer answers don't worry if the examiner interrupts you they often interrupt you that is fine it's sometimes a good thing it's not a bad thing it just means they're ready for the next question right but what you must do is keep talking as much as you can develop your ideas and your answer there are different ways of doing that right let me just share a few simple ones with you okay i'll come over here ielts speaking part three let's take this question for example we're talking about traveling right what are the benefits and drawbacks of travelling just to to make this clear for you this is ielts speaking this is not writing if it were writing then you have to talk about benefits at least one and drawbacks at least one right in speaking no no no no no that is not the case in speaking the question is just a platform to start speaking it doesn't matter if you only talk about one benefit it doesn't matter if you don't talk about drawbacks or the negative things you can just take one idea and develop it and develop it and that's fine okay so you could just talk about the benefits so how can you develop your answer very simple way right give your opinion and give an example that's really simple right that's the basic way i think for example now your examples normally should be quite general it doesn't matter or it's okay if sometimes you give a personal example that's okay now and again now and again now and again that's okay but don't always give personal examples okay normally give kind of general examples let's take a an example right i've written down a possible answer here of opinion and example so the question can i get it all on the same page come on keith yay so what are the benefits and drawbacks of travelling says the examiner you could say well i'd say one of the benefits is you can taste new food i mean when british people go to japan right for example they can get to taste a whole range of new local delicacies japanese delicacies that they may not find at home so here i've just given an opinion i'd say that's my opinion right i mean that's my example i'm actually it's a clarification but it's it's the example and then i talk about british people i could say when i go to japan that's okay but be careful that you're not always giving personal examples when british people go to japan they get to taste a whole range of new local delicacies like sashami or sushi or tempura that they may not find at home right now that is beginning to develop the answer and you can go on and on and get deeper and deeper and deeper until the examiner cuts you off to cut off other things you can do well you could develop with an opinion a reason and an example right an opinion a reason and an example let's take the same question and let's see if i can uh think of a a good answer um opinion reason an example so tell you can tell i'm winging this this bit a pin because this is it depends on the question it's not always suit it doesn't always suit to give an opinion a reason an example but the reason is the because bit right which so that helps you develop what are the benefits and drawbacks of traveling well let me let me get my idea i think one of the drawbacks of travelling is money right it costs a lot of money so i would say one of the drawbacks of travelling is it can be quite expensive because if you're traveling by plane the price of plane tickets has rocketed in recent months um for example if somebody wants to travel from europe over to asia um the price of a return ticket can be as much as a thousand pounds okay something like that right so you're getting something like i think um one of the drawbacks is the cost it can be quite expensive so i'm giving my opinion i think the cost that says very direct but then i just clarify i just make it clear what i'm talking about um because if you're traveling by plane traveling by plane look at that i've been learning with keith keith taught me the preposition if you are traveling by plane so i'm giving a a possible hypothesis right the price of of plane tickets has rocketed i think i said has rocketed in recent months so here's my reason if you're traveling by playing the plane the price of plane tickets has rocketed rocketed to go up very very steep right so for example if a person oh let's say if you you could say you right if you want to travel to travel from europe to asia a plane ticket can cost up to 1 000 usd for example and probably more right and the rest so there i've got my example so for example if you want to travel from europe to asia a plane ticket can cost up to right so here it's helping me develop the answer i think what's important is you don't have to do opinion reason example step step step you don't have to you can do opinion reason opinion example opinion reason example there are different combinations whatever feels good for you right all i'm doing here is showing you the possibilities and some of the language so it can help you have a bit of a structure i think because reason for example example and you can see how this develops your answer at the end of the day the structure is useful in your practice don't be too structured right don't memorize your answer because the examiner will know and will cut you off that's when they cut you off sometimes if you've memorized your answer and it's clear it's so clear if you've memorized your answer so don't do it just get your ideas think about possible structures but it's not part two you're not preparing the structure this is just for your practice in the test you won't have time to think structure you just go with the flow you just start speaking but because you've practiced so much a lot of it will be automatic it's a bit like david beckham do you remember david beckham the football player in his practice he would spend hours and hours kicking the ball into the net kicking the ball into the net kicking the ball into the net hours and hours right why so that when he was on the pitch it was automatic the ball comes and he kicks into the net he doesn't have to think right left foot oh what do i do he doesn't have time to think like you in the ielts speaking test you don't have time to think so do your practice kicking into the net opinion reason example in your practice in the test just go flow speak be wonderful impress the examiner as i'm sure you will right okay so there you go those are some ideas there about ielts speaking part three let me just check where we are with time and what's coming up next let's yeah let's have a look at uh another part three question um and this is just a general question as well i mean talking about travel what are the impacts of tourism on a local economy this it's a big debate right because people talk about i was reading in the news the other day i think it was in venice that the local residents of venice were up in arms complaining about all the tourists they said there's too many tourists in our city right all these tourists come in from around the world and what they're doing is they're making the city overcrowded noisy polluted throwing rubbish let's kick the tourists out or let's restrict the number of tourists can come into venice now they've got a point because venice is gonna get damaged and and could be quite i guess a delicate city and so they need to protect their heritage right but must there must be a balance because there's a positive impact of tourism cities that live from tourism if you kick out the tourists you've got no income you've got no livelihood so of course you need that balance and that's what this question um looks at right let's have a look at some ideas right the what are the impacts of tourism we can say there's a direct impact on hotels so i'll highlight some of the useful language here right a direct impact on something there's a direct impact on hotels um on the positive side that's a nice connector that is just saying this is the the good things are tourism provides jobs right it provides jobs or creates or increases jobs tourism boosts sales of course all the tourists coming in they're buying the gelato they're buying the souvenirs they're buying the food in the restaurants this will boost or increase sales likewise you may say it can boost it boosts or enlarges profits boosts in large increase all of these nice words or generally it boosts local trade local trade or local commerce as well you can say right commerce thank you auto corrector now it's a source yeah is a source of revenue another nice expression it brings cash flow to the tourism sector so brings cash flow is the flow of money right into the tourism sector and it strengthens a local economy makes stronger strengthens all of that is nice some nice expressions right now on you may want to then indicate you don't have to talk about positive and negative but if you do however there can be a downside to be a downside there can be a downside in that it might so th this is quite a difficult expression but it's very very natural spoken english basically right what we're saying is there can be a downside which is which might be or in that it might so what i'm saying here let me write it out again there can be a downside which might be that it da da da so there can be a downside in that it might destroy local culture let me take that up here or however there can be a downside which might be that it destroys local culture okay the one that i like is in that it might in that it might it's it's a higher level it's quite difficult but if you're at that level you can practice this one in that it might destroy local culture in that it might lead to overcrowding the case in venice and in many many cities right um there can be a downside in that it might bring noise pollution to the city noise pollution lovely collocation as well okay so those are things you could say on the positive side however there can be a downside in that it might right good let's see let's have a look at some of your ideas simin says destroy the natural habitats there can be a downside in that it might destroy the natural habitats lovely layla says tourism can have positive effects i mean lovely great great let's see asteroid this is nice i like the way you've paraphrased this in that in that it might in the sense that it might yes exactly that's nice i'll just change your into it but that's a very very nice way of summarizing it lovely thank you let's see marlene thank you very very much very nice comment then since it might yes there can be a downside since it might destroy local culture yeah brilliant benz i like it nice it increases local prices that's a very good point right more tourism comes in demand increases local prices increase very very nice yeah like it yeah nice air pollution yep exactly so there can be a downside in that it might bring more air pollution to the city as sufi says same idea tourism can create jobs for local communities but the downside of it is that it could contribute to to pollution contribute to pollution brilliant i love it when you're practicing because this is when you can see how to improve and get even better right contribute to pollution very nice sufi thank you very much anything else she says there can be a downside which might be that it destroys natural habitats yes just remember if it's it it destroys you need the s there right and normally happy tax would be in the plural as well brilliant nice very very nice love it uh abdul laziz says tourism is one of the important aspects of governmental finance to my mind yes right good yes great fardine crimes in the area might rise dramatically oh that's true with tourism um tourists we've got from mobina tourists bring with them lots of merits yeah absolutely true very very good love it okay good so we've got lots of um ideas there on that question specifically in ielts part three right okay um nice good i think it's great when you're proposing ideas and you're practicing in the chat i hope you're practicing speaking as well um but what's really useful right i hope is also the feedback if i can just correct your mistakes so please please please don't worry just relax if i correct you if i correct your mistakes that's a fantastic sign that you are doing great you are getting better and better so keep the comments coming now then um the other day one moment i got an email from a company an organization that it's an organization that i have worked with or collaborated with in the past and i still do and they've changed their name um it's an organization that does mock tests for students who are preparing for ielts the ielts test and they're called take ielts and i have an advert on my website because i i'm an affiliate for them and i collaborate with them i think they do a great job they provide online mock tests for speaking listening writing and reading and within 48 hours you get the feedback and they not only tell you what's good and bad but also feedback for improvement which is why i collaborate with them because i think their mock tests are really professional they're really good they give great positive feedback feedback is the key to improving the email said they've changed their name and i wanted to let you know so you don't get confused they are now called practical let me show you over here because you might see this um you might have seen take ielts on my website as an advertisement they're now called practical and they do on our online ielts mock tests um with listening reading writing and speaking as well and they're very good i think they are very very good you can buy one test one test or you can buy a package of three if you want to do one at the beginning one in the middle of your study and one just before your test it can be very very useful um because i collaborate with them there is a there's a discount code you can get a 10 discount with the code keith 10 right let me show you over here prep particle is the name of the company they do online mock tests and the discount code if you know if you're interested in a mock test and if you are looking for one that's good then you can try them and the code to use is keith 10 and that just gives you a 10 10 discount which is also always welcome right always useful to have so practical to let you know if you're there if you want to find out more guys the moderators can share the link with you in the in the in the chat box um you can also go to my website right and you'll see them around on my website if you're in my website anywhere let's say you're in the uh if you're looking at one of the articles on my website let's say the speaking test format for example if you look on the right hand side you'll see here practical and that if you click on that it will take you to their their website and tell you more about what they do and you can find out um about how to do their their mock test okay so that's it just to let you know that if you're interested or looking for a mock test practical the name of the company i think they're good and i recommend them for that right let's move on because next we're going to talk about if i can get rid of that for a moment great we've still got a bit of time which is nice because i want to look at idioms before finishing on kahoot idioms um to have itchy feet what does that mean does anybody know that idiom to have itchy feet let's have a look right let's have a look together cosmiana thank you very very much layla you're welcome right let me do the time travel thing great and then come and have a look ielts speaking idioms about traveling eat your feet in a moment let's begin with to travel light to travel light um is to travel with very few items right now some people some people take my wife for example when we go on a trip right she has if we're going for a week suitcase number one suitcase number two uh handbag number one handbag number two and i'm thinking where's the kitchen sink she's got everything except the kitchen stink she has so many bags i'm like what what are you taking i on the other hand little suitcase number one finished that's it i travel light i don't take many items right when i'm traveling so to travel light um that's the first idiom i wonder what you guys are like do you travel light there is no opposite right you say i travel light or i don't travel light or i take everything except the kitchen sink you can also say so for example i only take a small rucksack rucksack right the bag on your back a rucksack or a backpack when i go on holiday i love to travel light i love to travel light excellent good ah you're all getting there great yes i'm a woman having a small bag to travel with exactly we've got another one here yeah i love your avatar nice i'm a person who travels light great shah hey shah khan i like to travel light while traveling lovely leslie says i decided to travel light when the airline informed they don't allow to bag it yeah exactly now lastly you've brought up a very very good question right because baggage is uncountable it's all of the suitcases if you want countable like two two suitcases so you would say i they don't allow two suitcases or what you could do is you could introduce this idea because it's uncountable you can say they don't allow two suitcases or they don't allow two items of baggage it's a bit like you know news and item of news news is uncountable but we say two items of news two items of baggage brilliant leslie you're getting better i love the practice thank you for that i love this one i travel in the dark and a kitchen sink to boot love it very very nice itchy feet says yeah to travel yes to want to travel a lot that's exactly what it means that's exactly what it means artium on his three-day trip to latvia i will travel light i hope so yes good anna says i'm getting used to traveling light me too me too good for you very very nice the next one is to get up at the crack of dawn at the crack of dawn means to get up very early and i i use this talking about traveling of course because when you travel especially if you go on a tour go on a city tour like the hop-on hop-off bus you often have to get up at the crack of dawn if you want to make the most of your trip don't sleep until lunch time get up at the crack of dawn and go and visit the city soak up the sights take in the beautiful views right at the crack of dawn krakow krakov it sounds like a polish surname mr krakov at the crack of dawn can you say that get up at the crack of dawn for example right we have a tour of the city tomorrow so we have to get up at the crack of dawn lovely good sanjida you are too late very late anyone else any other examples apoorva says i got up at the crack of dawn to catch my flight in the morning two thumbs up beautiful i can say that beautiful good i'm glad i'm so glad that you're practicing mosen says i have a problem with my life wife she's not like traveller driving me crazy join the club me too but don't tell i hope she's not watching this oh dear if she's watching i'm in trouble but it's true doesn't matter is it right to say before the daybreak before daybreak before daybreak without the before daybreak yeah or before yeah before the break of day before the break of day or before daybreak yes i think daybreak is one word i think nice lovely uh ashfaq says i have to get up at the crack of dawn for my college as i'm always late don't be late don't get into trouble with your teacher fung says i get up at the crack of dawn to exercise me too i get up at the crack of dawn to go for a walk in the morning something i like to do lovely fung nam thank you very very much for sharing let's move on the next one um to make your way back to make your way back uh so to go back to to return or go back to the starting point um so let's imagine you're on a tour of a city you start at the hotel you do a tour of the city but then you make your way back to the hotel right [Music] so for example when the tour finishes you can make your own way back to the hotel so in fact when the tour finishes it doesn't finish at the hotel it finishes somewhere else and then you have to make your own way back you must walk or go back on your own to the hotel to make your way back it's a nice expression because it's so simple the language make your way back you no way you know back you know make just put them together make your way back okay um it's very it's very common with groups so if you've got a group of people and let's say a group of people are going to the restaurant and then at the end of the meal somebody says listen let's make our way back to the hotel let's go back let's make our way back to the hotel and if you want to stay or on your own or go to the bar you can make your own way back later okay nice expressions make your way back um and i'm going to finish on the itchy feet one because you're you've all got this a lot of you got it to have itchy feet is to love traveling right but really traveling a lot i have itchy feet so i try to travel abroad twice a year to love travelling right great other comments other practice nadir says it is too late we have to make our way back lovely got it very very nice damn says i would never miss a single minute of your lesson even if it started at the crack of door that's very kind of you great uh lovely um what else have we got oh here's shara i like this ishara getting up at the crack of dawn is not my cup of tea two idioms in one lovely when i went to turkey i make your way back to the hotel right okay remember here this is really good fariha when i went to turkey i because it's past i went i made my way back to the hotel so it's very interesting because in idioms you don't want to change the words except for the pronoun so for the i you he she me my mine you need to change those but the other words no so i understand why you didn't change it but here when i went to turkey capital t i made my way back to the hotel yeah great lovely practice thank you so much furry yeah this is great apoorva says i make my way back to home directly after school hours right remember home is one of those strange words that doesn't take two right i go home so i make my way back home you don't need two it's just home that word doesn't take two right it's an exception very nice asra i really wish to make my way back with my sweetheart every time that's interesting i wonder if you mean that you and your sweetheart together go back or do you mean that here's your sweetheart here's you you want to go make your way back to your sweetheart make my way back to my sweetheart there's two different meanings right with means that you're moving together two means you're coming together make my way back to my sweetheart if you're separated i must make my way back to my sweetheart right lovely azra farid thank you very much great so those are the idioms right those are all the different idioms we've had we've had travel light at the crack of dawn make your way back and to have itchy feet excellent very very nice great sour says if i travel to paris i won't make my way back ever i won't make yeah lovely be careful with the tenses but that's right i think i might be the same i would never go home go home i would just stay in paris such a beautiful city although the impact of tourism has changed it a little bit right uh feng says when i went to barcelona i was lost i don't know where's the way back to the hotel great that's really good use of the idiom just be careful with your tenses when i went past tense i yeah you got it didn't know where the way back to the hotel was that is complex grammar but beautiful grammar that's really nice when i went to barcelona i was lost i didn't know where the way back to the hotel was absolutely brilliant i like that a lot very nice okay um that's great we've been through idioms right we've looked at idioms what's next we're going to finish up we are coming to the end we're going to finish up with a kahoot review if you don't know kahoot well kahoot is a online game we're going to play together to review some of the vocabulary from today's lesson to see if you were awake or if you are sleeping it's also an essential part of learning you must review if you don't review you forget so quickly right so every day every second day try and review the language that you're learning we're going to do it with kahoot so what do i do kahoot you need to go keep watching me but you also need to go to this website and when you get there you can start to play the game i need to set up the game oh so give me a moment and let me just set up the game while i'm doing it you can have some nice music abdulaziz says my feet are itching in order to make my way to mars love it very very nice it's amazing the creativity you guys have got in making up all of these different kind of phrases is really good [Music] right come on [Music] oh right so they've disappeared where is it come on found it when i turn on the music your neighbors dance russ cool join in this is seat dancing this is called i'm a terrible standing dancer [Music] right we're playing so this is how we play if you go to koot to it put in your name and the pin the pin i'll show you [Music] the pin is 500 6249 come across so you put in your name you put in the pin 500 6249 and i'm going to ask you some questions and you choose one of the colors it's a b c or d i think it's yellow green red and another you choose the color with the right answer and then um basically you choose the color and then well that's it and then we'll see who is the fastest to get the answers right don't worry if you can't get in you can put your answer in the chat box that's fine as well uh moderators thank you for sharing the pin five zero zero six two four nine great uh sausage says please tell me when the live broadcasts are shown so the live broadcast is on thursday at 10 a.m spanish time 10 a.m spanish time on thursday and it normally lasts an hour and a half sometimes a bit longer like today which makes me thirsty thank goodness i've got iced tea right okay listen let's get this show on the road let's start i've got lots of people in there i'll just take that off we're gonna begin travel okay so i'll read the question then choose your answer when traveling i like to get off the blank track worn walked beaten well kept choose your answer you've got uh 30 seconds i like to get off the blank track wow fantastic 62 of you got beaten track which is absolutely right to get off the beaten track means to go where there are fewer tourists where it's not so busy if you excuse me if you want to get away from the crowd well done next well we can see the scoreboard annie well done is at the top uh shabnam is second and urvi is third itchy feet is number five next question coming up tourism can blank local trade boast best boom or boost tourism can blank local trade is it boast best boom or boost do you remember we talked about the impact well done duong and vihangi with your answer ml well done yummy good great oh look at faria well done oh look at that 92 all of you are wide awake 24 of you got confused with the red boast to boast is to blow your own trumpet to boast is when you say you are the best at something he's boasting about how good he is but here to boost is to increase or improve make bigger and better well done 92 of you i'm so impressed scoreboard uh oh and he's fallen dwong is up in first place urvi has moved into second and shabnam is in third here we go question number three my friend always travels blank when she goes on holiday low light little lately what's the right answer octario don't worry keep trying my friend always blank when she goes on holiday well done sam farrier well done min well done oh that is impressive you're getting better and better and better to travel light to take just one or two things maybe just one small rucksack or suitcase excellent i'm very impressed okay great let's have a look at the scoreboard the leaderboard duong is on the top mary assumed into second place irvi is third it's all to play for in the final question i love traveling i have blank feet idle inward itchy inside interesting nap in the sun well done tripura well done ken lodin well done enola nice oh everybody's getting it right look at that 115 people got it right absolutely fantastic i have itchy feet meaning that you love traveling simple as that so let's have a look at the podium the final scores third place ervy well done second mary which suggests first place is dwang well done up at the very very top once again very nice uh very very nice i love it listen well done what happened there let me come back over here very very well done dwan that's excellent well done to all of you it seems like most of you were paying attention all the way through the lesson i'm very impressed thank you very very much so listen today we've done a lot today we've been looking at the vocabulary of travel especially prepositions travel by plane travel by bike travel on foot we've been looking at places to stay including hotel hostel what's the difference b and b bed and breakfast a resort which can be all inclusive we've been looking in the toolbox at the grammar quizzes by the bbc go and check them out with the link that's in the chat box we've been looking at ielts speaking part three and how you develop your answers thinking about the practice remember david beckham kicking the ball in the net practice practice and then in the test just go with the flow right you can be doing example reason example opinion opinion example any kind of combination we've also been looking at some very interesting idioms like itchy feet and we've discovered that you're all awake through the code review that's brilliant listen if you are on youtube today do remember do subscribe i'll get it right one day and turn on the notification buttons right um and i hope you've enjoyed the lesson today i do the live lessons so people have the opportunity to learn with me if you like the way that i'm teaching and you want more then you can also join me you can join the ielts speaking success get a band 7 plus course it's a paid for course but i think it's a very reasonable price and here you can practice more with the videos the audio the pdf you'll be doing lots of speaking practice building your idioms your language and ultimately your confidence so that you can do well in the ielts speaking test you can check it out through the link on my website if you go to the website you'll be able to find it there i'll just show you but there's links all over the website if you do go there check it out through the navigation bar at the top you'll see online courses in the top right corner you can click there or where it says study with me you can also click there to get access to the course if you haven't done already you can also just put your email address and download my ebook the 10 most common mistakes in ielts speaking um you can put your name in download it directly off the website and as i say if you want to join the course you can study with me just press it there and you can find out a lot more about the course ielts speaking get a band 7 plus that's it moderators if you can share the links as well for people that would be great um the website is right great thank you all of you so much for joining me today it's been great fun i feel like i've almost been traveling and being on holiday with you all this talk about holidays and traveling because i have itchy feet it makes me want to jump on a plane or a train i love trains and i just want to travel and go and meet new people see new places soak up the sights take in the views oh it's like a fresh a breath of fresh air when you travel right so i am looking forward to the days when we can travel more and more right okay guys thank you very much for joining me um just to let you know the the light the next live lesson is not next week is in two weeks right there's a lot happening at the moment um i am you some of you may remember the interactive course i did in november december i am adapting that and that will be launching again soon but in a slightly different way it will be an ongoing enrollment so instead of just enrolling at one time you can enroll at any time and i'm just going to adapt it a little bit so i'm working on that the live lessons are going to be two a month so every second week i'll be doing the live lesson just to give me time to work on the other projects as well and to work on the quality of the courses so that's it you can join me on youtube there's lots of recordings on youtube the live lessons are recording you can get the notes from today off the website within three or four hours thank you again it's been fun it's been great i hope you've learned lots take care all of you and i will see you in the live lesson in two weeks time all right take care enjoy yourselves bye oh cold tea [Music] [Music] [Music] um [Music]
Channel: English Speaking Success
Views: 139,458
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ielts speaking practice, ielts speaking tips, ielts speaking topics, free ielts speaking practice, free ielts speaking practice online, ielts speaking vocabulary, ielts speaking lessons, keith speaking academy, ielts speaking test practice, ielts speaking practice live lessons, ielts speaking tips and tricks, ielts speaking test 2022, ielts speaking travel and holidays, ielts speaking travel and tourism, ielts speaking travel vocabulary, ielts speaking travelling topic
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 106min 12sec (6372 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 13 2022
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