IELTS Live Speaking Practice Session - Transport, Journeys & Education

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hello holy moly there's 482 people in here let me just say a quick hello to all of you i'm going to mention everybody's name no way because that's impossible the chat's going crazy i can see john marielle sylveria stephen anam gulam gurpreet shruti mary jaya oh my god there's a lot of people here hey it's very good to see you all this is terrific um okay this is the first time we're doing a live ielts speaking where i'm actually going to ask you to participate in this one and actually do some ielts speaking part one some speaking part two and some speaking part three uh i'm actually going to give you a little bit of feedback but because we have so many people in here it's just hit 500 people obviously i cannot choose everybody so i might actually just choose randomly and hopefully you'll be be one of the people who are chosen if not you can always go and check out and do the tutorials and the live classes there okay cool all right so what are we going to do let me just bring up my presentation and then we'll get started cool just sharing my screen okay rock and roll i think that's all working okay hello everybody my name is jay i'm one of the expert ielts teachers here at e2 language thank you very much for coming along in today's lesson we're going to look at ielts speaking which you probably know about more specifically in this class i'm going to give you an overview of ielts speaking if you are unfamiliar with it we're going to look at part one but not before we firstly look at some methods to help you maximize your scores in part one in fact we're going to look at e2 methods for all of the different ielts speaking parts because they're extremely helpful and they hone in on the criteria or the scoring and for each of these speaking parts one two and three as i mentioned we'll do an open mic and i'll get you to actually speak and i'll give you a bit of feedback i've got something for me to write down on here then at the end we'll do a little q a the class should go for about an hour okay so if you are unfamiliar with ielts speaking let me just go through this quite quickly the whole thing goes for about 11 to 14 minutes and because you'll be crazy nervous and it's all kind of strange it goes very quickly indeed as mentioned there are three parts it's done one-on-one with an examiner it might be done online via zoom or it might be done face to face it depends where you are in the world part one we call small talk we'll look at that in more depth part two is the two minute monologue that's a tricky part and part three is a discussion each part goes for about three to five minutes now importantly this is how you're scored on test day and this is what it's all about okay so you scored on well it says here four things but you scored more on more things than that you scored on fluency which is one thing coherence which is another vocabulary range that is how broad your vocabulary is vocabulary precision or accuracy grammatical range that is how vast your grammar is as well as grammatical accuracy and of course your scored on pronunciation now all of these things are really quite complicated and there's lots of little parts that go into these like pronunciation for example is a what can i say it has many different ingredients okay this is what the examiner let's pretend i'm the examiner today this is what i'll be looking at while you're doing your speaking i'm looking at this weird table here of band descriptors and you can see here band 9 eight seven six five four three two one and zero means you didn't go to the exam and you can see here the different criteria that i just mentioned the examiner is going to give you a score out of nine for each of the criteria and then the examiner will find an average and that will become your speaking score let's think about the scoring in more depth before we get started because you need to be keeping this in mind while you're doing your speaking fluency and coherence means you speak with not without effort with little effort everybody has to strain when they're speaking to find the vocabulary and the grammar etc but hopefully you're not exerting too much effort to find that vocab in grammar coherence means you're using connected sorry connecting words throughout your speech so it runs in a logical way and you're also developing your topics fully with reasons and examples and contrast etc this is part of the methods that we'll look at vocabulary you need to be precise that is the word that you'll use that you use must make sense you need to be flexible because you need to describe a number of different things if you can you should use some less common topical vocabulary for example later on we're going to look at the topic of education maybe you'll mention words like tertiary education or postgraduate degree something like this so if you can throw in specific less common topical words that will help you a lot paraphrasing we'll talk about because i'm going to ask you questions and you'll need to transform those questions into answers grammar of course i mentioned needs to be broad and precise or error-free pronunciation means the sounds that you're making are all clear you're using good emphasis and stress you're not speaking like a robot or you're not being monotone you're using connected speech and intonation all of this stuff i'm sure we've got videos on the youtube channel about this or you can check out the platform or you can check out e2 school for the pronunciation course which i'll mention later on okay imagine that it's test day there's a waiting room and i've done this test five times so i know what actually happens here so you'll be waiting there nervously thinking oh my god oh my god oh my god totally fine to be nervous your hands will sweat your heart will beat that's just the nature of the game the examiner will then read out your name okay and you'll stand up and you'll walk down a hallway or somewhere into a classroom or into a small room with the examiner along the way you can do a little bit of small talk if you like me personally i like to just stay quiet until the examiner talks to me you can't really suck up to the examiner in any way you can't win points along the way to the to the examining room okay you'll sit down and then you'll do the id check this is not assessed okay the examiner will say my name is jay or sally or john or whatever their name is and they'll say can you tell me your full name please and you'll tell them your full name and then they'll say what shall i call you like for me i would say you can call me jay right and then the examiner will say can you tell me where you're from and can i see your id please in which case you hand over your passport don't forget your passport as mentioned all of this is not assessed okay after the formalities are over you'll get into part one which is small talk okay this is where the examiner will ask you personal questions where you'll be talking about your own experience and this will go for four to five minutes so let's just look at the basics of part one so in total the examiner is going to ask you around 12 questions on three different topics and i have to say if having taken this exam again five times the topic sort of shift quite suddenly as you'll see in a minute and it's a little bit strange but this is pretty easy part of the test the first topic is going to be questions about what you do or where you live for example they're going to ask you do you work or are you a student and a few other questions related to that or they'll ask you about where you live in which case you'll talk about your apartment or your house or living with your family or where whatever your situation is in the second and third topic it'll be chosen from a range of different topics like sport or hobbies or shopping or cooking or computers etc and the second topic they might start asking you questions about i don't know computers and then next minute the examiner will say do you like the rain and you think what what are you talking about so they've quickly transitioned from one topic to the next so just be aware of that and just answer it calmly and say yes i really like the rain blah blah blah blah blah okay so the questions are personal and simple like do you live in a big city or a small town or did you play sport as a child now before we actually do this i just want to touch on the e2 methods which are powerful ways for you to maximize your scores on test day okay so in speaking part one when they ask you one of these simple questions you do not answer in just one or a few words okay you want to answer in a couple of good sentences so what you might do is give your opinion you might provide a detail you might give a contrast while i like this some people like that you might compare the past to the present well i used to live in an apartment over there but now i just recently moved to a park an apartment here whatever you might compare the present to the future at the moment i'm living in this apartment but in a couple of weeks time i'd like to move to somewhere else and you're going to give reasons as well okay so just keep these in mind let's do it okay uh who wants to go live oh no i think we've maxed out the webinar there's 500 people hold on i need to also work out how to do this so just bear with me okay oh my god okay so i need to click on participants um okay gotcha participants carmen lee let's do it hold on commonly no that's the chat attendees gotcha this part okay now i'm going to search your name sorry this is the first time i've done this allowed to talk hello carmen can you hear me hello can you hear me jay yes i can hear you how fantastic are you ready to answer a few questions sure obviously thank you all right let me do the little formality thing first though okay because the ielts examiner says some sort of weird stuff okay so let me start by saying this now in this first part i'd like to ask you some questions about yourself let's talk about where you live do you live in a house or an apartment i live in a studio in hong kong which only about how big is that uh about 100 square feet not too big it's a kitchen together with the living room everything squeezed together so it's quite small because the leaf at the living range is very high in hong kong so i can't afford to live in a very bad place good probably a little bit too long there coming i would have stopped after the first part but that was good i'll give you some more feedback in a second let's do the second question what's your favorite part of your home the favorite part of my home would be the uh plethora of activities that we can have in my city because we can choose to have different types of food that we want and we have different type of entertainments such as watching movie in the cinema or watching dramas in the theater and we have lots of shopping mall in our place okay um will you stay there a long time do you think i believe that uh if i have a chance to migrate to other countries i won't try to stay because there is a serious political uh and social unrest in my location so if it's possible i will try to migrate to other country okay terrific coming i'm going to stop you there i'll just give you a little bit of feedback hold on i need to work out what's going on so let me okay cool let's talk about carmen's performance there so carmen obviously has very good english language skills in terms of pronunciation her pronunciation was clear as a bell i would give you a very high score for that no doubt um i would also give you a high score for grammatical range and accuracy you were maybe i think there were a couple of little grammatical issues but but really good there i think where you sort of stumbled was in your fluency because especially in that first question you actually came up with quite a complex idea which was how many square feet your apartment is and you sort of you got stuck there and there was quite a bit of effort going on so i would avoid complex ideas at this stage just keep it really simple and basic the other thing you need to keep in mind is that you can rehearse this you can practice this because these questions about where you live or what do you do the examiners will ask these all the time so don't try to memorize something because that'll sound awkward and strange but certainly do a number of different rehearsals on them and then just answer spontaneously on test day that was cool okay we're going to shift gears um we're going to move to muhammad a deal okay hold on one second there you are terrific muhammad can you hear me hello sir thank you so much for giving me a chance to speak with you it's good to talk to you what's your first language muhammad um my first language is urdu i'm from pakistan gotcha all right very interesting okay imagine i'm the examiner i'm now going to shift gears and i'm going to ask you some other questions do you ride a bicycle yes i do i'm really a big fan of bicycles every day from from school from home to university i ride on bicycles a few days back you know i i i have an accident while riding a bicycle but thanks god that i'm safe knowing and i really love bicycle riding okay good mohammed i'm just going to give you a little tip here just try to slow it down a little bit okay okay thanks all right let's go to the second question mohammed do you often use public transport yes i'm really uh into public transport because uh it is you know a very not not expensive and you don't have to wait for long hours to go on on the public transport so it is quite comfortable how could public transport be improved in your country yes it can be improved by providing the facilities to the people near the houses like in the downtown we have no public transport so the best thing is for the government is to create the road the roadways that the people can use the public transport more efficiently and they can save a lot of their times okay thank you muhammad i'll now give you a little bit of feedback thank you so much hold on one second and say we're talking all right let me give muhammad a little bit of feedback there as you heard at the start muhammad started off going a thousand miles an hour and that's really that's what happens when you get a bit nervous and on test day you'll be nervous going blah blah blah you have to try and slow down and be a little bit more uh just speak at a moderate pace okay fluency which is one of the criterion that we saw before does not mean speaking quickly it means speaking at a moderate pace and speaking without effort so overall muhammad's fluency was pretty good there was a little bit of strain there a little bit of effort i think the um in your first question about the bicycle i think you probably could have stopped and not told me the other bit about the accident you don't need to go on for too long here in part three we'll look at how we actually go into a discussion okay but just keep it relatively short sort of speak for about you know eight ten seconds something like that couple of sentences that's enough and then the examiner will ask you another question there'll be chance later on in part three to get into much more um philosophical more abstract better answers okay coherence was quite good um grammatical accuracy a few little slips there an article um the public transport for example there was another one where there was a plural noun which shouldn't have been a plural noun these are quite minor and i wouldn't really worry too much about your accuracy and be focusing more on the pronunciation and clarity of your speech your pronunciation is good there's still a little bit of interference from your first language with particular sounds but cool good effort oh by the way i just want to go back to carmen before who said the word plethora or plethora now for some reason there's a youtube video out there saying that if you use this word then you will get a high score and it's crazy that's a crazy idea you do not have to use the word plethora to get a high score in fact if you use that word and it's kind of out of context it will decrease your score so just use the vocabulary that is natural to that particular question okay all right that was fun i enjoyed hearing your uh uh your your efforts there that was cool okay while we're at it and while we've got people on youtube you should click that subscribe button because we're going to start doing these live streams more often we might even start doing writing ones as well but if you really want to improve your ielts check out e2 and take one of our prep courses okay let's move on to speaking part two this is where the rubber hits the road this is where it starts getting difficult even for me as a native speaker and an english language teacher i find this particular part of the ielts speaking test challenging to say the least and this is where we really need a method which i'll get to in a second so what is speaking part two first of all this is where the examiner will give you a task card okay the task card will look like this let's just have a look at this task card here it says describe a teacher who has impressed you you should say who he or she is how you first met him or her why you were impressed and explain how you feel about this teacher now okay so everybody yes everybody will be able to talk about some teacher from the past okay so let's go through the little task cards so first of all there's the context setting statement describe a teacher who has impressed you that's the big idea then you've got the dot points which you should try to address as well and finally at the bottom of the task card there'll be an additional more open thing to say about it so on test day you're given this task card you're given one minute to prepare and take notes which is the fastest one minute you'll ever experience in your life then you're asked to speak for up to two minutes on this particular topic they say between one and two minutes but you should speak for as long as you possibly can and if the examiner stops you and they will at the two-minute mark that's completely fine each time that i've done the ielts test the ielts examiner has said okay please stop because that means i've reached two minutes i haven't done anything wrong i've just spoken for the maximum length that's it okay so you don't need to stop at one minute 59. the reason why you want to speak for as long as you can is because you want to show off okay you want to show off your grammatical range your vocabulary your coherence and you want to tell a nice story or as we'll see a couple or three nice stories sometimes the examiner will ask you a follow-up question about this teacher for example okay so there's a few ways to approach speaking part two and i highly recommend using these approaches and not going into the exam without a method because it's going to be challenging so the first method is called ppf which stands for past present future there's a few different ways to do this you can tell three separate stories about the past present and future or just the past and present or maybe the present and future it doesn't matter this is very flexible okay or version two you can just include some information from the past present or future so let me tell you what i would do with this task card here first thing that comes to mind is my primary school teacher when i was about eight years old who was my friend's mum and she was a fantastic teacher and i'm still friends with him and i'm also still friends with her now so i've got this story there from my past okay now what i would do is tell that story because it's probably my best story um but then if i feel like i'm running out of time or no sorry if i'm running out of ideas what i'll then do is shift gears and think of another teacher maybe from the more recent present for example i recently did an under a postgraduate degree at university and one of the lecturers there was a fantastic teacher and he taught me all about language and linguistics blah blah blah blah so i'm actually going to tell two stories sometimes i might shift and actually tell a future story here it doesn't really work because i can't really i could say maybe i could just say something at the end like in the future i'd really like to study at stanford university because there's a particular professor there who i'd love to learn from now the reason why we're doing past present future we do this for a few reasons one is because we don't want to go round and round in circles we don't want to finish our story in 30 seconds and then just say the same story again and that happens quite a bit by telling the three separate stories or two stories we've got lots of information lots of language lots of ideas to work from okay the other reason we're doing it is because we're going to use a range of grammar okay with the past story we're going to be drawing on past tense verbs i had a teacher she was fantastic etc then with the present i'm going to tell a more present story recently it's still going to be the past tense but i could say i have been attending a class at university present perfect continuous okay and maybe if i slip into a future story i'm gonna start using future verbs simple future or going to or even modals would or could or might okay this will this grammatical range will naturally happen as you tell the different stories from the different times now i know some of you are going to say but jay it says describe a teacher one teacher who has impressed you from the past the answer to that is we saw this speaking criteria before how you're scored and you are not scored about speaking on topic okay you have to speak loosely about this particular topic but you are absolutely free to go slightly off topic or talk about two teachers or whatever you will not be penalized for that and if your ielts examiner says anything during the role play make a note of it and make an official complaint because the examiner is wrong i've heard some examiners do this so and they actually don't know cool now if you're not comfortable with ppf or it doesn't quite work for you or for whatever reason you're struggling with that you can use the traditional method the traditional method for answering this question starts uh works like this you start with a short introduction so you might say something like okay i would like to tell you about a teacher that i had when i was eight years old who is now one of my good friends okay um you could also bring in some of the dot points there she was my one of my friend's mothers i met her at a small local primary school and she has impressed upon me greatly something like that okay then you start going through the dot points in more detail i find this one difficult maybe you like it one of the things you need to do is decide which of these methods you like and please choose now because we're about to do some practice maybe let's just all start with the ppf method okay and maybe for the second one up to you anyway you can decide okay ready this time we're going to practice by ourselves then we're going to do it again and i'm going to get some participants from the audience to do it so you have one minute to prepare you can take notes i didn't mention that you can take notes i recommend taking very simple notes like a few dot points max that's it you have one minute to prepare i'm going to disappear and then i want you to speak for two minutes okay here's your one minute preparation time starts now okay you can begin speaking okay how is that for you um as i said this is an extremely challenging thing to do to speak for two minutes without conversing with somebody or i don't know i find this very difficult hopefully one of those methods helped you to speak for up to two minutes okay all right so what we're going to do now is we're going to go live again and we're going to do the exact same task card so let me share the screen just so you can see it in front of you let me get this right i'm going to click on participants i'm going to click on attendees i'm going to see who wait i'm going to go to the chat lots of people oh no vianti all right let's do novianti no v aunty there you are allowed to talk hello novionti can you hear me i think you have to unmute your microphone there you are yes yeah hello hello where are you novionti uh right now i live in jakarta in indonesia oh daddy daddy indonesia bhagavan di cito sorry yeah listen your bike it's fine here okay fantastic okay novionti are you ready to do this just have a go and then i'm gonna give you some feedback okay okay all right so ready we'll start in three two one go okay today i would like to tell you about my unpleasant trip uh in france um i was there with my dutch boyfriend uh we went to paris for a first time i think it was two years ago and it's a little bit not nice because uh we organized this trip together with a tourism organizer but once we arrived at the art at the airport the organizer seemed didn't meet us i didn't know why but and then after that um we decided to call that tourism organizer and then we asked our money back and yeah once in the blue moon so we just took another plant to another city and then it went very well um yes if if we didn't go to another city i think we wouldn't find any beautiful places there uh we saw a lot of nice places and it was really nice weather because we went there in the winter season so we had a chance to make a snowman yeah i think it's a fascinating trip at the end all right should i stop you yeah first of all well done um congratulations you're very very brave to to do this so i applaud you well done that's fantastic cool all right how was that for you navianti what what do you think happened there um do you think it was a good performance are you happy with your performance do you think you could improve and if so how uh yeah sometimes i got stuck with another ideas but i'm trying i think i think the problem here for nearly everybody is is not some well for some people it's a language issue for you i don't think it's so much of a language issue it felt to me like it was an idea issue you sort of felt like you're running out of ideas and yes it's true is that true yes yeah this is this is why this is why i like to switch gears and tell another story because you kind of exhaust the first story and then you're like oh my god this what else am i going to say about this story then you sort of think okay i've got this other story so what i do in my preparation time noviante is on my little task card i write the the past story you know the trip with your boyfriend or whatever it was and then i write what's a more recent journey that um that you took which was unpleasant or whatever and you write that one down okay so then you'll have two and you'll be able to shift gears because then when you start to run out of ideas of the first story you simply talk about the second story and you'll be fresh of full of different ideas you'll be in a different country a different place whatever is going on um cool all right i'll just i'll just i'll just um disable you from talking there cool so that was great thank you again novianti just a few things on language there um first of all novianti had a good vocabulary range lots of different words we used including the word snowman which i particularly liked um novianti's vocab was precise i didn't hear any words that sounded strange or didn't make sense so good vocabulary precision um grammatically was fine but the issue there really was one of fluency and hesitation again because navianti was lacking ideas and there's no ideas there's going to be no language okay so i want to do this one again so let me go back who wants to try and who wants to try with um teresa let's try teresa hello theresa i think it might be unmute there um hello hello how are you i'm good that's that's good where are you from i am from the philippines oh fantastic okay terrific do you want to have a go at this teresa uh sure let's give it a try good on you i'll give you two minutes your time starts now um a particular trip that i got very disappointed with was i think it was around march 2020 last year before the pandemic has started my friend and i was supposed to go we're supposed to go to japan but eventually the world wide news of kobit 19 has becoming ubiquitous and it seems like the chances for travel are not that successful so um we were quite disappointed since we have already booked our flight to japan um a few months ago um then i was traveling with my very close friend and we really got disappointed because uh one week prior to our flight we received an email from the agency that there are no flights that will be allowed starting march 2020 and we got really devastated but at that time we had no choice but to comply since uh we do not have um any choice like what i've said since we do not want to acquire the virus so but now um since uh in the philippines the cases have been low since in comparison to last year we have booked for another trip to the same country japan with my friend and we're going there this december 2021. i'm really excited that was a lovely little conclusion i like that i'm really excited it's a nice nice way to finish thank you all right how do you feel about that how do you feel about your performance you happy do you think you could improve what do you think um i think i had a few ideas but uh i think i also use the past and future yeah i think i need a little bit of words nice nice nice you did because you talked about a new future plan so you did shift gears from past tense verbs to future tense which is terrific i also felt like sorry i also felt like um uh your story is very detailed you actually have a great memory you seem to remember dates and everything um did you make that up or did you actually remember that no it was actually um a plan of ours but the the real reason behind it was that my parents didn't allow me and at the same time the covet has started so gotcha gotcha interesting because one of the things that you are free to do in part two is of course make stuff up you don't have to tell the truth you can fabricate a story you can embellish you can you can lie it doesn't matter it's a test of your english it's not a test of your honesty so feel free to whatever comes into your mind the other thing that might happen on test day is you might get a task card where you really just i can't really think of a journey that i went on that didn't go as planned which is going to be challenging you have to speak about this particular task so you just make something up and just use your imagination yes thank you jay thank you very much for participating that's very brave of you okay whoops sorry press the wrong button hold on hold on hold on come on zoom having a little zoom thing here uh i'm just going to leave you there for a second because i can't seem to disable you but um okay let's push on there we go got it nope hold on one second participants there you are teresa aha gotcha cool all right sorry about that okay so let's just check this speaking criteria one more time so what we're aiming to do is to be fluent and coherent that is we want to speak without too much effort and as we saw before if you're lacking ideas then the language isn't going to come and you're going to strain and it's going to be with effort okay so you want to have lots of ideas there have a second story there just in case now one of the things that probably most people didn't do there was use connecting words so first of all what happened in our trip was we did this this and this after that what happened was blah blah blah blah blah subsequently try to use some of these discourse markers to give your story a bit of structure okay so just try and slot these in try to segment your story so when for example you shifted your story from talking about what happened to your future plan maybe you could indicate that somehow or signpost that now that i've talked about what's what happened i'll talk now about the future what we plan to do so just tell the examiner you're basically telling the examiner how you're telling the story um you need to develop the topics fully there's vocabulary range for cab precision same with grammatical range grammatical accuracy and pronunciation your pronunciation was super clear most filipinos pronunciation is very good let's keep going let's do some more this is fun let's do another one okay this time we're going to describe a useful course that you did recently okay i'm just going to disappear you have one minute to prepare and then two minutes to speak okay you can begin speaking okey-dokey it's tough you need to practice this and i really do encourage you to use the method i'm going to skip through this because we're running a little bit behind time what we're going to do now is shift to part three and this is a discussion and the discussion follows on from part two so if you were talking about a journey in part two you would then start a more philosophical deeper discussion in part three about journeys or transport or travel or something like that so we're going to continue the discussion now about education okay so you'll get a few questions it depends on how long you spoke for in part two maybe three maybe five maybe eight questions related to that particular task card it's not an iq test it's a language test so just make stuff up it doesn't matter you're not judged on the quality of your ideas you're judging the quality of your language it's going to be more abstract it's not personal this time this time you're talking about concepts ideas philosophies whatever you're not talking about you so much okay and in doing that you're going to use more complex language we're going to touch on the same method about giving an opinion details contrast comparing or reasons let's do it oh i'm not allowed to show you those okay let's go valentine valentine valentine hold on okay i'm gonna stop sharing uh how do i do this again v for valentine here you go hello valentine can you hear me hi good aj i can hear you clearly fantastic where are you from i'm from the nigeria league of states oh fantastic we've got a nice mix of students here okay you ready i'm going to ask you some questions you have to give me some nice uh deep answers okay so we're carrying on from the education topic so valentine what qualities does a good student have do you think oh well a good student should have possessed someone very deep qualities uh you should be able to hear things listen properly give valid answers should be able to think on your feet like speedy processing um not wasting too much time hitting the nail on the head giving valid points and no taking too much time is really important as well doing good right things what makes a good teacher okay interesting question the ability to uh maximize maximize time you could have um things to do in 40 minutes and in in 10 minutes you're passing your message and the class is like coming along with you you know gallivanting not beating around the bush you're passing your messages directly giving valid examples has teaching changed much in your lifetime well not particularly or my parts or worst day my side teaching is um well with the growth of science and technology it has really helped quite honestly so multi so from certain extent yes it has changed it has changed quite right do you think computers or artificial intelligence will one day replace teachers or like i said earlier with the growth of technology there's a possibility that that might happen take for example the kovid 19 period we had um robots attending to patients serving them foods and all that they replaced the individuals at that point in time so with the look of things it's there's a very large possibility that that might happen but then at the end of the day it can replace the human brain i must say valentine do you think that children and adults learn differently well yes i do reason being [Music] where the children we're having these days are quite much more smarter than we adults they have a more uh what's the word they have a more expansive brain if there's anything like a search i mean you have a child of a year plus or even younger speaking and back then while we were growing up i mean you you might not be able to pronounce a certain word until you're like two years old but you have a child of six eight months same things at this present age so the level of learning right now is diversifying do you think online learning is as effective as face-to-face learning well yes online learning is effective i bet to agree because i'm going back to the corona period as well a lot of people had to resort to um learning online schools were closed down teachers had to communicate with their students one of them on that social media and this zoom for example and yeah it is that effective because um we had people doing practicals i had friends that i stayed with attending practical classes online uh taking assignments doing presentations doing their project defenses and as also um yes i i see yeah it is as effective as face-to-face but then there's much more fun when there's a face-to-face class because when you're taking online classes that is like the disadvantage there's a larger number of people like we have here right now okay i'll stop you there okay thank you very much cool well done first of all um your command of english is is really good you're you're a great student to to listen to and i imagine you'd be a good person to have a conversation with and that's kind of what you have to do here you have to kind of be interesting you know think of interesting ideas and say interesting things and use interesting language to convey those ideas and you did that really well so your fluency was nice you had a nice tempo you didn't seem to be struggling or hesitating with the language it seemed to flow quite nicely i have to give you a very high score for vocabulary not just because you said individual words correctly but you had you you spoke in wonderful little phrases okay so valid points think on your feet i tend to disagree you have these wonderful what are called collocations or natural sounding phrases so i would certainly give you a high score there for vocabulary um your grammar would very much was really good now here's an interesting thing with pronunciation you have a a strong accent not a thick accent though so or you met like i i could understand you fine i understand that you haven't i could hear your accent but it didn't impede my understanding of what you were saying so your accent is not an impediment it's fine but one thing people will have to be careful of is when their accent actually influences or impedes the english sounds and therefore it's going to be a little bit of difficult for me to understand as the examiner so overall um yeah really well done i think you spoke for a good length of time for each question don't speak for too long just you know punch out some good ideas and then stop you don't have to keep speaking like part two then wait for the examiner to ask you the next question all right fantastic thanks so much for joining me thank you very much appreciate terrific cool all right uh it's just about time for me to finish this but this has been super fun i really liked it i'm definitely going to do this again and i really want you to click that subscribe button there so the next one that i do you'll be well aware of it but if you really want to be aware of what's going on with ielts preparation you need to come across to you can sign up for free and all of your preparation needs will be taken care of there excuse me um i think that's all from me there's a live class starting at e2 language right now in two minutes it's a grammar clinic for ielts with murray claire i highly recommend you check that one out if you need some help with your grammar one thing i will do just before i go is this we talked a little bit about pronunciation then and what i want to do is just share with you something we've just released this new website called and on this website not e2 language this is a different one this website is for general english language skills including a pronunciation course that will help you with the clarity of your speech it's a ripper there's also a free grammar course there's a placement test there's general english level one two three four and five there's even a spelling course on there so do check that out cool bananas thanks very much i thought that was great fun hopefully i'll see you next time
Channel: E2 IELTS
Views: 131,525
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Keywords: ielts, free ielts, ielts class, ielts speaking, ielts reading, ielts writing, e2language, E2, e2, E2 IELTS, e2 ielts, FREE IELTS, E2 Replay, IELTS Replay, IELTS Listening, IELTS Speaking, IELTS Reading, IELTS E2, ielts e2, English, IELTS Help, e2 live class, e2 ielts replay, ielts replay, band 8, band 9, Speaking Practice, practice session, Practice Session, Transport, Journeys, Education, IELTS Speaking Practice, IELTS Speaking Practise, speaking practise, practise session
Id: o2oBg2BTQr8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 49sec (3289 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 24 2021
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