IELTS Speaking Practice - Live Lessons on the topic of LEADERS

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keith speaking academy and welcome to today's live lesson today we're going to look at this topic the really interesting topic of leaders leadership we're going to be looking at vocabulary idioms talking about different kinds of leaders and the kind of questions you might want to look at in this topic and how you can answer them along with some tips for part two and tips for part three that's what we'll be looking at today if you're on youtube watching the recording even if you're watching live and do subscribe and turn on that funny notification button so that you can find out about any new videos coming up in the near future i tend to post videos on saturdays now so i will be recording videos for saturday and this saturday actually we're gonna have another mock test video um i'm not gonna tell you much about it other than like last time you'll see a full mock test with some feedback and tips about how to push your level up that's it great so who is in the house clarice hello is in the house nice to see you gerard from the philippines hello sir tarik hello there and haifa is very happy to be in the live show i'm very happy that you're happy haifa uh abdul welcome thank you very much sardo nice to see you um miriam you're welcome nice to see you here and a polyglot from utpakistan uzbekistan are you a polyglot i wonder probably you are if that's your handle great and felicita is live here as well we're all live great macdonald great live vibes from nigeria nice to have you here very very good excellent who else let's just have a quick quick run through dr fam hello excuse my pronunciation vietnamese vietnamese is one of those languages i have yet to not master yet to even begin learning never mind maybe soon great so as i said today we're all about leaders and leadership okay i'm gonna what am i gonna do i'm gonna tell you first of all um just to remind you if you are on youtube great if you are not yet in the facebook group come and join us right there is a facebook group if you're into facebook it's keith's mastermind community for ielts speaking we do try and motivate each other to keep studying learn new language to practice lots of english with different questions to help everybody really push up and keep going to get a great score in the ielts speaking so come and join us there my website if you're not familiar with it is this one over here it's um the keith speaking academy and i'm just going to show you very very briefly over here um it's there's information about the test you can get the free live lessons which are these so about four or five hours after the class you can go here to the free live lessons area and you can download the information i've just put an explanation there you can get from last time recycling you can download the information or if you're on a mobile device and you just want to read the lesson you can click in and go and study the lesson directly all about that you get these pop-ups just ignore those don't ignore them but you know they're there and it's all there and there's the stuff that you can learn so that is there there's also on the website top tips i'm expanding the blog so there's more and more information now um different blogs about how to speak fluently some sample answers how to speak english confidently lots of information basically lots of stuff there great so that is on keith speaking academy and another thing before i forget is instagram i went on instagram quite a while ago and to be honest i didn't really like it um i don't know why i just it didn't really appeal to me and i left it but instagram have just begun reels which is a bit like tik tok and these short videos and i'm very much a video guy right i like video as a way of teaching and learning especially language so i'm back on instagram you can check it out it's keith dash sorry keith underscore speaking underscore academy um so there are more videos up there as well very short ones but you know if you're onto if you're on to if you're on instagram god prepositions in english if you're on instagram and into instagram like you like it check me out i'm there great leaders come on keith let's get back into leaders so let's begin going straight in when we talk about leaders i think this is a fantastic topic and thank you very much to those who suggested it because there are lots of related topics um lots of topics in ielts that connect with leaders right and let me show you what i mean okay so for example over here um i'm gonna come over here and let me move my stuff around right let's take leaders off for the moment so when we look at decision making there are questions about decision making right that connects with leaders you know should should a leader discuss wait a moment try again mr o'hare thank you very much sir should a leader discuss decisions with team members that's a tongue twister should a leader discuss decisions with team members great decision making family questions about the head of the family you know in your country who's the head of the family that's all about leaders teamwork questions do teams need a leader the old question about cooperation versus competition which is better should children learn competition or should should they learn to be competitive or should they learn to cooperate it's all connected with leaders right you can see i hope skills as well the skills that people need in the future leadership communication team play all of that right education should we teach and can we teach children to be leaders ah can we is it possible maybe not um and games right what can children learn from playing games they can learn leadership how to lead or how to follow right so all of these topics which are very very common in ielts you know they can be some way connected to leadership so i think today will be really really interesting i think we're going to see lots of interesting stuff now yesterday i put on the facebook page some questions about different kinds of leaders and what jumped out at me is that most people talked about political leaders indeed somebody said oh i i don't like the leaders in my country so you know what can i say well what i say to you is don't only think about politics right when we talk about leaders we might we may be talking about political right political leaders but there are also religious leaders and i don't just mean the political leaders who are religious right in some countries your president may be the religious leader but religious leaders may be the priest in your community the rabbi in your community um whoever the guru whoever is your spiritual leader right that could be a religious leader maybe famous may may not be famous a leader does not have to be famous could be a business leader right could be people like i don't know who's a business leader in britain uh richard branson um in china jack ma ma yoon right you've got business leaders all over the world might be a military leader possibly or even a community leader somebody who leads in your community student leader at university in the uk we have um student leaders you know they are the head or the organizer of the student union in the school you'll have a prefect or a monitor who's kind of the head of the the students in the school and finally family right as we said maybe the father is a leader or the mother is a leader sometimes the baby is a leader in some families right so there are different types of leader so remember that when we look at this topic and i'm going to remember to come and say hello see how you're all doing see what's commenting all right so a couple of nice questions here um first of all abdu is from ethiopia great nice abdul nice to see you here but good question from rawaii does a successful person count as a leader well no not necessarily right um you can be very very successful but you don't have to lead to be a success right i could be a very very successful writer make a lot of money but i'm not actually leading anybody unless i'm leading and influencing people through my writing so it's not being successful that makes you a leader but leaders can be successful so if that makes sense so they make so the answer is maybe but not necessarily great good ideas here team leader group leader right so in your team if it's a football team maybe or a basketball team or a group of people at work a project team or a project at school the group leader project leader right great breed says in india always the mother leader in the family all the injured men now will be whoa really or maybe it's true maybe it's a matriarchal society [Music] great what else is happening greetings from greece from mapia hello right imran what is cooperation and cooperate to us so cooperation is to work together teamwork working together to get things done right sakshi nice to see you and thank you well done eng nabil from egypt who got 7.5 in his exam great haller is boss and leader lerder what's the learner a loader is when you type too fast harleen a leader is a boss and a leader the same oh well yes no right a boss yes has to lead people right the fact that you're a boss means you have subordinates below you so yes you are leading people i'm hesitating because we also have the difference between manager and leader and a manager is often a boss so a manager gets things done right but a leader is a bit different a leader is somebody with the vision somebody who takes a lot of people to a different place we're going to talk about the definition of leader in a moment right okay excellent greetings from ghana anthony hello from ghana nice to see you uh sexy how can i join your online class um go to the website and uh you will find on the home page links to the where to the online classes you can join there great ceo is a leader hello ludwong ceo is a leader that's right ceo has to be a leader the big cheese yeah sometimes colloquially we say the big cheese right okay excellent so let's move on let's get straight into a bit of useful vocabulary i mean very very basic right but lead is the verb i lead you to success or you lead me to somewhere right the past is led led i led you right so notice the pronunciation change i lead you but my boss led us to victory in the past the person is a leader right and the noun the abstract concept is leadership leadership is an important skill okay so let's get down to the nitty-gritty great ricochet word remember ricochet words nitty gritty what is leadership or let's say what is a leader exactly right what is leadership what is a leader that means write down a comment why does he do that write a comment tell me what you think what is a leader or what is leadership and let's see if we can nail this and get one or two good definitions love from bangladesh hello and love from spain fam lucian from vietnam hello good right ishmit said someone who leads from the front great so that's how they do it but what is it exactly leadership is leading oh yes but what is leading yo yo a person who takes control of the country well as we said uh not necessarily um takes control of the country not necessarily the country right they may take control of a of a group of a company or a club let me just make a couple of changes there right so not only the country but you know other things emo thank you very much else have we got pradeep says leadership is a way to reach a destination right okay great jadisola says a leader is someone who guides and directs i like it guides and directs direction that's why we say direction the leader takes you in a special direction very nice great jisoo says as well as guiding they motivate the team yes very very good great uh emmy says leader is someone okay remember it's a leader you have to put the um the article right a leader is someone who is responsible for the group yes benky says love your avatar the one who shows the path right yeah the leader the one who shows because it's leader the one right the one who shows the path and i think we're getting really close now with silpa's idea a quality of a person who can motivate and inspire a group to execute something or to do something a task if you like yeah yeah exactly brilliant and i'm going to add this one as the last one is really nice forgive me i can't read your name but someone who guides people to achieve their goals right so the idea of guiding motivating inspiring to achieve their goals right so fantastic good what did i write down i wrote down something earlier i wrote down this guides others towards a common goal right makes sense you guide others towards a common goal but we also put in there motivate others motivate and inspire we had right to reach so to do some kind of a task or to reach some kind of a goal that seems to be it now i'm going to share a website with you i'm going to share this with you this is mind tools and mind tools is going to tell us exactly what leadership is if you're into if you're into business or you're studying business or you're interested in anything around business this is a website i used to love years ago and i do still love it used to be free but now it's no longer free you get like two or three articles and then you have to start paying but what i do i just change my browser don't tell anybody just change your browser and you can keep reading it i never said that keith did not recommend that but here it is right so it's um it's this one it's it's mine tools and they've got all sorts of strategy problem solving decision making tools as you can see and i've gone into the leadership section and let's just have a quick look together what it tells us about leadership right so the the word leadership can bring to mind a variety of images not horses that's an advertisement a political leader right an explorer cutting a path through the jungle oh an executive developing her company's strategy great leaders help themselves and others to do the right things they set direction build an inspiring vision and create something new isn't that nice that is so so clear right and it says in the next paragraph yet while leaders set the direction they must also use management skills to guide their people to the right destination in a smooth and efficient way in this article we'll focus on the process of leadership well you can go and read this on your own sometime later it even has little podcast here listen what is leadership quote from professor warren g bennis leaders are people who do the right thing managers are people who do things right oh that's interesting right oh leaders are people who do the right thing managers are people who do things right yeah interesting right so anyway here you can go and have a look at this there's lots of information leadership and definition creates an inspiring vision motivates and inspires coaches and builds manages delivery of the vision that's getting the goal or the task right so there you go if you want to find out more a language here and if you're into business tools um this website is fantastic i really really do recommend it um you know go for it it's really really good that's it that's my recommendation of the day good leadership excellent let me see next i'm going to move on we've talked about leadership let's talk a bit about language right now when i was thinking about leadership to be honest quite a few idioms sprang to mind popped into my mind as we say pop a few idioms popped into my mind um let me share them and if you have some please write them down we can share them together other idioms she is a natural-born leader right natural-born leader something she's born as a leader their ability or her ability sets them apart right makes them different right makes them different or makes them better makes them different and better right your ability to to play the piano so well sets you apart from everybody else right set apart they stand out from the crowd do notice the prepositions stand out from stand out from stand out from stand out from pronunciation practice for you stand out from stand out from they stand out from the crowd nice notice the stress stand crowd they stand out from the crowd great jack ma stands out from the crowd nice notice the s right if it's he stands out from the crowd or they are a cut above the rest it's the same expression right they are different they are better better than others basically that means better than others um so maybe we would say you know um who richard branson is a cut above the rest again say with me cut above to above a cuts above a cuts above the rest a cuts above the rest he's a cut above the rest now make your own sentence put the name of somebody my father is a cut above the rest what's your sentence great good can you move your photo yes i can sorry yes i'll just disappear make it better finally she is in a different league right the league this is a bit like the premier league or the football league the top league is the best one so she's in a different league means better than the rest it's the same meaning exactly the same meaning it's nothing to do with sport right it's not just being different it's being better even though it's a different league it means better than others let's add somebody said she is second to none which means she is the best basically who was that let me share it with you is chatham prietka great excellent nice she's second to none cut above the rest in my family the grandfather is a leader he's a cut up of the rest nice lou your ideas are always ahead of the curve yeah nice let's put his ahead of the curve really it's brand new right basically brand new pioneering innovative let me write take that up his ideas are ahead of the curve nice thank you very much that was sadib thanks sarib great nice any other expressions brilliant ram says i am a cut above the rest wink nice brilliant good down to earth second to none rising stars yeah if they're if they're new and becoming better ah thank you big picture big fish call the shots all right call the shots yes let's put that in the leader calls the shots right that's a nice expression and it means that he makes the decisions right because you know everybody can give their opinion and their idea but at the end of the day somebody has to make the decision somebody has to call the shots and it's the leader who calls the shots top of the rank i'm not sure about that the bee's knees the bee's knees is not about being a leader right the bee's knees just means it's fantastic you know you can say he is the bee's knees but it doesn't mean he's a leader it just means that he's fantastic or very very good oh here's a good question maimuno does idioms increase the speaking score it depends idioms and idiomatic language is necessary to get a band 7 8 or 9. if you look at the band descriptors it says band seven uses some less common idiomatic vocabulary um so seven eight and nine yes you do need to use some less common vocabulary or idiomatic vocabulary but you know don't just learn lots of idioms like these and start using them in the test learn them today start practicing them start listening to them and when you really and if only if you really really understand them and can use them confidently then you can use them in the test if you're not sure how to use them i wouldn't use them in the test you'll do more harm than good so yes they're important but they're they're difficult to learn and you it's more important to learn them well great good good question thank you very much okay yeah similar things out of this world is is a similar thing basically it's from another planet yeah but that just means that they're not necessarily a leader okay but guys good we've got some good idioms here um let me move on tips for part two is next right so in part two right there's this question i am gonna come back into the picture just for a moment i'm gonna squeeze over here um there is a part two question describe a friend who is a good leader so just to remind you you don't have to talk about the president or the prime minister and in fact here that's probably very difficult unless they are your friend my guess is for most of us we don't we are not friends with the president of our country um well usually right maybe some of you are but describe a friend who is a good leader so how can you think about this well as we said let's look at some ideas here you can talk about family a member of your family by the way in english especially british and american english we rarely say family members i don't know why it's just a strange collocation right you can say he is a member of my family that's okay but family members we rarely say right just to let you know because i hear a lot of students saying that so you could talk about a member of your family right your father or your mother you could talk about somebody a friend who has a small business right if you know a friend who maybe has a shop as a shop owner or they have a restaurant or they've just started their online business maybe they have a blog i don't know but a small business probably you know they are leading some people maybe even one or two people in this direction of their vision their business but you could also talk about a team right it could be a project at work or a project at school if you're at university um or college normally these projects they'll have one person who is the leader right and others who are helping it may be a nominated leader or just somebody who naturally leads the others right you don't need the title i am the leader excuse me it can be just somebody who is naturally a natural-born leader right they just naturally start telling people what to do in a nice way right a leader i don't think leaders have to be bossy right some leaders are bossy now bossy if you don't know bossy is do this do that do it now why haven't you done it that's bossy right but leaders have to give orders but they don't have to be bossy where am i clubs you can talk about a club right um maybe it's a reading club and so somebody who organizes that should be a leader it may be a chess club or a wine tasting club or an english speaking club the organizer if you like is probably a leader you could talk about that a coach somebody coaching the school football team right um or somebody it could even be somebody who plans an event if you're planning a wedding right i want you to buy the flowers we've got to make sure that this is the best wedding that jack has ever had jack and jill jack and jill make sure it's the best wedding so you organize the flowers how about you organize the catering i'll look after the um the party blah blah blah blah you might be leading a few people to organize a wedding or a conference or even a holiday right so there's lots of things you can be thinking about for this question right and remember you can always stretch the truth you can always tell a white lie a little lie um right doesn't nobody's checking if it's true right okay excellent good so there are some ideas for that question right describe a friend who is a good leader excellent let's just have a look i'm just going to check in with you guys any questions so far meryl streep was bossy in devil wears prada nice example cyril very nice yes lin we yeah we don't often say family members yeah it's true it's true clara i like this my best friend is an untamed leader he's been leading since preschool right natural born leader some people they just do it right okay uh leader is someone who's a decision maker good good lots of good uh questions there okay quick question from yo-yo mr keith do idioms divide into both speaking and writing the vast majority of idioms are spoken there are some that you can use in writing but to be honest most of those that i present you are usually spoken usually so again you need to be very careful with idioms in writing possibly in the general writing part one in a letter you might use them but in academic writing by and large we tend not to use idioms right okay i'm going to move on to a question here what kinds of qualities let me get out of the way does a leader need now i actually asked this question on the facebook group the other day what kinds of qualities does a leader need i'm going to share with you directly the things that you said um and i've picked out some of my favorites over here the qualities of a leader and we got about 150 adjectives that you can use to describe a leader so if you go to the facebook group and you go to that post about the qualities of a leader you'll get lots of brilliant adjectives i've picked out some that i like i've done it alphabetically right as you can see um active brave charismatic that's a difficult word can you say that with me charismatic the stress on the ma charismatic yeah oprah is charismatic richard branson is charismatic charismatic means they have a big personality right the kind of person when they walk in the room they're just big and everybody goes whoa wow you know charismatic bubbly lively decisive of course they make decisions empathetic notice all of these are adjectives and i did notice a few people getting confused with the noun and the adjective so be really careful with your adjectives when talking about qualities here empathetic or empathic can also say fair gregarious maybe social charismatic honest influential difficult word as well influential it's a sure make sure you say well with me influential influential influential yeah good jubilant maybe happy kind l so here's my question for you i could not find any ls or q v x y z i've got optimistic persuasive you need to persuade people to follow you responsible supportive trustworthy that means that you create trust and you build trust unprejudiced is nice so any ideas anybody for these missing letters can you help me out here can anybody help out managerial managerial yes not mana let me just correct that one into i'm not sure leaders are managerial they don't have to be managerial actually that's why they have managers below them to do that organizing responsibility that's okay that's the noun so remember the adjective responsible helpful is good okay we've got from dahlia helpful uh cooperative motive so notice is not motivate it's motivational okay this is a really important part make sure you're getting your right adjectives cooperative motivational resourceful it's good can we answer with idioms in part three yes of course yes yes yes cool-minded alpha loyal thank you thank you that's a nice one loyal yes patience and practical nice shakun has compassionate nice very good uh a visionary so with uh so here you're using a noun to be a visionary okay yeah good persuasive trustworthy i'm prejudiced good so any others i can't get any cues any cues anybody x no quintessential quintessential that means the most important part i'm not sure that describes a leader shakun i'm not sure about that one i don't think so voracious oh v for voracious let's put that in that could be yep voracious absolutely that's a good one lifts the team up nice lifts the team up well done i like that lucky well that's a nice one leaders are often lucky right sometimes they plan it and they're strategic sometimes they're just lucky very very true lovely it depends on the leader my friend yeah brilliant okay x y and z i think is almost impossible right a quick question here from munstax risk taker great brave good able to set long-term goals yes yes good thank you phenomenal nice one versatile zeal oh zealous that's the word so cassia yes brilliant zeal is the noun that's enthusiasm so the adjective well done zealous they need to be zealous right which is kind of passionate about something excellent so these are the qualities of a leader there are many many more but these are some great words to be uh to be learning and to have let's move on i'm going to go straight into a part three i think this is a part three question and then i've got some tips in a moment get out of the way keith come on cave get out of the way you're always in the way mate in it do you think in the future there will be more women leaders again we talked about cheryl sandberg the other day that cfo of facebook um an amazing lady really interesting and she talks a lot about women leadership but my question to you today is do you think in the future there will be more women leaders why does he keep doing that why does he go he wants you to make a comment oh right okay there you go make a comment what do you think we've got of course this is romina hassan has a very nice answer here i think that good leaders are made not born either a woman or a man if a certain individual has the desire and self-discipline they can become a successful leader very nice sarah says sarah yeah i think so yes sure okay give me a bit more tell me a little bit more tell me why right why kamala harris is the new woman leader is the new women leader what is the new woman leader i guess that when you're saying the yes new woman leader or female leader she is a female leader or she is the the new woman leader in the white house well she will be i think she will i think once um our friend joe reaches 80 i think camara will take over probably yes absolutely without a doubt nice silpa very without a shadow of a doubt without a shadow of a doubt i can say there will be more women leaders in the future brilliant tell me why ah come in great yes i think because nowadays more and more women are getting education and have passion to do something for their self for themselves for themselves nice do something for themselves yeah rahman excellent very nice marvie i've just seen your comments thank you very much um hey interesting no our world biased men yeah right good yes indeed this is happening right now like in new zealand yes very very good example great so notice right notice and these are the things my tips right for part three um so as you've done oh let me do this down here so yeah think about your opinion of course you want to give your opinion yes or no and then say why so that was the next step i was asking you okay yes of course without a shadow of a doubt absolutely yes opinions great good but then why well because um they're getting more education and they have passion to do something for themselves right say why and finally use examples yep um as somebody said the example of new zealand the pre the prime minister of new zealand is uh not only is she female but within i don't know the first year of her um of being in power she had a baby as well so she was like a mother and a leader at the same time so opinion why examples you don't have to follow this but if you find in part three your answers are a bit short remember remember this right really important opinion why examples yeah great let's see anybody else got examples or reasons why we've got an opinion here let's see opinions any any reasons okay kin has a good one here maybe there is more opportunity for women nowadays great more opportunity and people pay more attention to equal rights that is a lovely answer kim very very nice good so you've got the reason here's another reason from afolasad yes i think so because women of these days women of these days women these days without the of right great women these days are versatile versus satire with an a are versatile visionaries and very intelligent nice very nice uh next one yes because women are good at judgment in critical conditions there's always a danger right when we talk about the men women question there's always a danger that we start generalizing well women are better at that our men are stronger at this very difficult um i mean it's fine you can generalize the point is your language that's the number one thing that's the most important thing we have the ex and then examples so examples of kamala harris any other examples let's have a look we've got reasons examples now here's a nice one from salman who's a fellow traveller yes i do as we go forward women are taking some fantastic breakthroughs in all areas marita mirza kanye was one of those women leading in mathematics yes that's great remember women right in the plural women i'm just going to tidy up your answer a little bit they're making some fantastic breakthroughs right in the plural i've completely tidied up your answer so ma'am yes as we go forward women women be careful with women and women are making making breakthroughs in all areas maritime merizak maria was one of those leading women in mathematics great opinion reason example excellent like it okay as i say you don't have to follow that but is a nice structure to follow great let me just pick out one more yep thetmon is a very nice example here definitely yes right that's the opinion nowadays it is very easy to break the glass ceiling hooray that's a lovely expression uh and no more gender discrimination the glass ceiling right is the it's the invisible block that stops some people for example women moving up it's just an it's glasswise glass right it's invisible you can't see it and it's often prejudiced basic prejudice which you sometimes cannot see take myanmar as an example who has become a state councillor yeah absolutely i mean she led the country right she became your leader very very nice tedmon that's a lovely example great okay um talking of examples i was looking through your examples on the facebook page yesterday and i'm just going to share a few of them i mean examples of leadership it was interesting right i found this interesting oh hang on a minute oh i can't change that never mind can i change that yes um we had people talked about sheikh hasina from bangladesh right apparently she's i mean very very few presidents um get the third term in office i mean she's been there for what over 12 13 years and very very few people managed a third term in office and i think she's one of the longest leading leaders in a democratic country i think donald trump great i mean he's a typical example i'm not going to talk much about that because that's so controversial and interesting these days i don't want to upset anybody why is jagan mohan red great another great example kamala harris from america again prime minister imran khan right great from pakistan of course i mean this is a fascinating story of the ex cricketer an amazing cricketer who then became the leader of the country uh in pakistan and not the only person who's got an interesting background i think hungary had a comedian right professional comedian who became the president so it's not unusual ronald reagan an actor right a cowboy actor became president of the united states angela merkel yeah from germany another impressive woman leader now i noticed all of these were political and then somebody had a business leader um who i can't remember was it mtn ghana he was the president of that company um so business leaders richard branson right your jack ma people like that great examples rodrigo duterte the philippine guy quite controversial i know internationally but he was a leader who cleaned up the corruption right in the philippines gusto another quite a well-known um indonesian leader president no more who's one of the ex-korean prime ministers and here was another interesting one kim namjoon also korean but not the country leader although some people may wish him to be um he's a pop star right k-pop so he's a famous singer um but somebody explained why he was such a powerful leader because of his not only his personality and his charisma but also his influence as an influencer um you've got sudan murthy he was great an educational leader right a famous indian teacher i think a social worker as well who's a leader in in her field in well at least in india if not worldwide and who's already been mentioned so examples the reason i bring these up are just to push home to you examples are important and don't just think of politics think wider right don't just focus on political situations remember as we mentioned earlier right you could be talking about different kinds of leader you could be talking about religious business community student family all of that there's lots of different kinds of leaders you can be talking about nice great i'm sure you'll share some more with me namjoon is the leader of bts i didn't know that and uh sudha murthy is a philanthropist as well ah that's interesting right she's a philanthropist without the k you're in such a rush you got the k no k and then you've got the ambani brothers from india i do not know but tell me more about them um of course you've got gandhi was mentioned a few times you've got of course football leaders cristiano and both messi definitely i would say they're leaders right they're captains of their team they are absolutely leaders justin trudeau yes the infosys foundation that's the one yes shakun you were the one who mentioned her the infosys foundation so she's also a philanthropist a philanthropist if you don't know is somebody who helps other people usually giving money to help other people uh yeah indra nui who was on my photos she was in one of my photos uh ceo of pepsi cola great indian leader um oh right it's always dangerous right people are going to say some silly things when you bring up politics i don't know right i will get my moderators to help sort me out excuse me guys most important right without any joking apart any kind of insults are not acceptable in this live lesson at all right so please stop great we've got prime minister mr narendra we've got elon musk another business leader we've got my father these are great fantastic examples brilliant carl panchoella first woman to the moon great female examples as well absolutely brilliant so lots of different examples i'm gonna move on he says briefly move on talked about tips for part two talked about tips for part three what's next aha next is this one model answers okay so this is your chance to ask me for you to ask me a model answer a model question any question around leaders or leadership it can be a part one although that's unusual or part two or a part three question any kind of question i'll have a look through and we'll have a look so let me give you a minute to to do that have a think think of some questions you might want to ask and i'll be with you in a moment let's have a look through steve jobs florence nightingale great philanthropist is similar to donor yes virat khali i wrote it 10 times great i'm sorry i can't see all the messages brilliant queen is elizabeth that's an interesting example of a leader right i'm looking through looking through questions okay do you want to be oh do you want to be a leader hmm right um okay let me piss okay here is let's do this i mean this is an easy one to start with what are the qualities of a good leader for you right great question makes it a bit more personal what are the qualities of a good leader for you let me just paste and copy this up here it's white i need to get black so you can see okay um oh it's it's hard to move stop moving okay i can see what the problem is bear with me i can just find out what this why it's not moving right at last what are the qualities of a good leader for you hmm hmm so for me i think a leader first and foremost is somebody who has a vision and not only has the vision of what they want in the future but has the ability to lead others and to take others with them towards that future so i think they must be influential and persuasive but to do it in such a way that people want to go with them and follow them and realize that vision so i think these are key factors that a good leader must have um on top of that i think they also need to be quite decisive and to be able to make decisions even though there's not enough information but to choose a path um in a quick time so i would think those are some of the key qualities a good leader needs right great i was trying to pull in well quite it came quite naturally pulling in some of the adjectives we've mentioned right decisive have a vision be a visionary persuasive all of those so adjectives are a key part of that very nice excellent thank you very much sandy oh let's see oh okay can children be a leader to the elderly that's interesting isn't it interesting question can children not ah but just can children can children be a leader to the elderly hmm um that's a very interesting question and i haven't thought about that before but to be honest i would say well it depends on both the child and the elderly i think children can have a great influence on elderly people you know for example they can teach them new technology um i know lots of younger teenagers are helping their grandparents learn how to get online to become silver surfers and to browse the internet and find things that they want even shopping online so i think if there's either a skills gap and there's also an element of trust between the child and the grandparent then absolutely i think certain children have a knack for leading their grandparents and to lead the the elderly so long as there is an existing relationship between them great english word cha-cha um yeah great so very nice question right some interesting expressions there um if they have a knack for doing something right it's a special or a good ability they have a knack for doing something for leading building trust trustworthy we talked about to be trustworthy build trust is important yes some nice expressions there lovely let's move on let's take another question one more ah there's quite a few this is interesting um do you have any leadership qualities and this is i'm going to pick this because it's i think it's almost a part one question right and i don't know if this exists at the moment doesn't really matter um but it's an interesting question man thank you very much for that okay remember you don't have to tell the truth um do you have any leadership qualities that's a tough question and i'm not sure i've thought about that a lot but let me see i think there are some aspects of leadership that i do possess you know i do have a knack for influencing people and getting them to follow me i think my down-to-earth approach can be quite appealing and so people sometimes come with me and will join me to try and achieve a particular goal that i want to achieve that said the kind of leadership qualities of being decisive i'm not great at i think my achilles heel is decisiveness um i tend to dilly dally and dither when it comes to making decisions um so i'm not very good at that so i think that's one aspect that maybe i'm not very good at leading and that's my answer yeah that's right i mean when you get to that you know you get to that point in your answer when you go uh uh oh god what do i say now um and you start hesitating that is terrible so when you get to that point when you think i don't know what to say next just say and that's my answer like i look at the examiner and go that's my answer boom and that will help your fluency because otherwise you start going um yeah and uh uh and it looks terrible and that's my answer great nice interesting that's a tough question actually because i haven't thought about it so i had to make that up on the spot but great so lovely three nice questions there i think about being a leader let me move this over let me take this one off let me take me off right these model answers we're gonna transcribe and uh a big big thanks to the people who helped me with this um sheila in particular thank you very much for helping with transcribing the model answers and we're going to put them on the website just to remind you right in case you forget go to the free live lessons part of the website this will be in about four or five hours um so you need to wait a little bit because it takes time to do the notes and to get them up there but you'll be able to come here and download the lesson notes here great recycling was last week what's next let me see how you're doing uh great ielts reading tips i don't have ielts reading tips who's your leadership example good some great questions great thank you very much guys it is time well yes oh yes oh yes as mary says it's kahoot time um great it is kahoot time i think it's time to finish up with a bit of revision we're going to do i'm going to revise four questions different aspects of the language we've looked at today and we'll do it with kahoot if you don't know kahoot you have to log in to www dot k a h o o t dot i t let me show you and then we're gonna play together it's quite fun actually so let me just log in and then i'll show you there is an app i don't have an app but kahoot has an app and you can play from the app as well let me show you hang on okay classic this is going to show you now get ready to join this will show you where to join so you can see the uh the address there right and the pin [Music] is 605 9633 okay so that's and the pin 605-9633 [Music] so you can all start joining and uh i'll give you a minute also to join in you have to put your name in as well i [Music] think [Music] and don't worry if you can't get in um you can always put your answer in the comments [Music] but how many people have we got in let's have a look 136 wow i'm still joining okay great i'll just give you a few more seconds if you want to join in if not you can use the comments do you play well once you're in kahoot you just wait for the questions and it's going to be multiple choice you'll see the question and you have to choose a b c or d or the colors they're blue orange red or another color [Music] right is catchy music very catchy right let's get going let's get this game going here we go leaders first question he stands blank from the crowd he stands blank from the crowd remember what's the preposition [Music] 20 seconds [Music] well done well done schmidt be careful [Music] wow excellent look at that 101 people got it right 101 people got i'm going to go out hey 100 people 101 people got out um a few people put um above you can say he stands above the crowd but not above from no and up from no no no no definitely stand out stand out from the crowd that's the one excellent well done and those of you in the comments most of you got it right there nice let's move on to the leaderboard ned is at the top well done cepha is second and victory who's mine is not quite victory yet but you're in third place next question she is a blank above the rest oh she is a blank above the rest do you remember this one 20 seconds left [Music] yeah she is a cut above the rest a few people put league i noticed the expression is she is in a different league yes but this one a cut above right she's a cut above the rest that's the answer not bridge not mountain right good where are we scoreboard victory is mine has moved up to top place for the moment seth is down in second and demo jojo is in third next question number three he is a blank leader now we've talked a lot about adjectives today people confuse nouns and adjectives let's sort it out what's the answer here [Music] and i'll give you a clue you need an adjective [Music] he is a blank leader [Music] oh i'm so pleased with that oh that makes me happy look at that charismatic and you've all got it we did a lot of work on the stress right charismatic charismatic leader brilliant that's the adjective so remember your adjectives when you're describing leaders excellent where are we is victory yours possibly still up there at the top cephas gone second mary brown has edged into third place it's now the fourth and final question her skills set her blank from the crowd her skills set her blank from the crowd careful with your prepositions [Music] well done sardo well done nice [Music] apart yeah vast majority got it her skill set her apart from the crowd again a few people put above if there is no from you can say her skill set her above the crowd that's okay but if it's from no it must be set her apart from the crowd that's the idiomatic expression right excellent let's find out then how the final leaderboard has ended up third place srikanth out of the blue hookingham number one [Music] what happened to victory is mine victory is not mine but you are so close cepha top of the pops well done you got the top place absolutely brilliant and well done to puckingham and srikanth as well uh excellent so that's it we've come to the end of our session on leaders and leadership i hope you've enjoyed being with me today do remember if you're on youtube here do remember to subscribe to this channel turn on notifications um and do check out later on the website keith speaking academy and you can get the notes in about three or four hours or if you're in bed then tomorrow morning as well okay that's it come and join the facebook group lots of exciting things happening over there as well i do look forward to seeing you over there i'm to turn off kahoot i wish you all a fantastic um a fantastic what a fantastic day and a fantastic weekend turn off my banners thank you very much for joining me take care all of you and i'll see you very very soon remember saturday recorded video mock test it's a band seven look out for it and it's from vietnam um great i'll see you there take care bye
Channel: English Speaking Success
Views: 36,534
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ielts, ielts speaking, keith speaking academy, leaders ielts lessons, ielts speaking leadership, ielts speaking leader, ielts speaking leadership and politics, leader ielts, leader ielts speaking part 2, leader ielts speaking part 3, leader ielts speaking, keith ielts
Id: bHFp80evDjQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 78min 44sec (4724 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 19 2020
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